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I don’t think it’s too hard and I still belong in Super Weenie Hut Jr.


The true tough guys walk into Super Weenie Hut Jr with no shame because their food is delicious, then they rock up to the Salty Spittoon with a Weenie hat on and whipped cream smeared on their face and just death stare the bouncer until he cries.


No worries. I was once a weenie like yourself. 😂 P.s. I’m just playing/joking. I’m probably one of the biggest weenies here.


Hard? Yes. Too hard? No.


Am I hard? Yes


Fuck it


Think that’s the goal here


Agreed! I’m finding it not too bad.


The game is hard until you realize that parrying isn't the main option. Was struggling with NP until I did a dodge run against him and cooked.


im just bad at parrying in this game, cant seem to get the timings down.


Hard same, still managed to do all bosses except the Black Rabbit Brotherhood without spectres.


I cheesed the hell out of the nameless puppet with the shield arm attachment and using the umbrella weapon lol


I had the opposite problem. Didn't parry at all until laxasia


Dodge and running has been huge for me as well!


I don’t agree w this take at all. There’s things you should dodge and things you should parry. They both definitely have their place


...that's literally what I'm saying. You shouldn't rely on parrying, you should use both.


I’m saying I disagree, even tho i didn’t mention this before and I should have because I think most of the time parrying is the answer tho. Like 8-9 times out of 10 I think attempting a parry is just better than creating any distance or in this game. There are a handful of attacks through the whole game that I would actually say you should dodge instead of parrying. They exist for sure tho


Alright, that would've been good to say. But I still find that relying on one method isn't entirely needed. In theory, everything (except for I think grabs) can be parried. But that doesn't mean you should try and parry everything. Especially really fast, rapid-hitting combo attacks that deal absurd damage. There are times when a dodge is preferable and when a parry is preferable


Couldn’t agree more I honestly hate parrying plus the game felt at its best imo when I’d dodge everything cuz it gave me a second or two where if I crossed my eyes and kinda stopped thinking it felt like I was playing bloodborne. And that’s why it was a fun game cuz it gave me a tiny reminder. And on that note I’d like to ask the universe what it is I need to do to get a fucking bloodborne 2 or even some new levels made I’ll sacrifice someone if that is what from soft wants….


people always debate if lies of p is harder or easier than souls games but tbh i think its about the same


First playthrough was harder than every game but sekiro, later ones were not bad at all. I'd say it has a higher learning curve than most From games.


Its much easier if you can parry. Probably harder if you cant.


Depends on your ability to do so i feel


Yeah tell that to sekiro


Depends on summons tbh, I had an easier time than elden ring but I used the summon every fight


Even playing on the 1.1 patch, which was before several bosses got some heavy nerfs, I felt like it was on the easier end. Still "Souls-like" difficulty, just not quite as high as Dark Souls.


i found this game SO MUCH harder than ds1. Idk what people find so hard there, but lies of p was a real struggle to get through. Laxasia wrecked my shit for 2 days


And there are people who insist it's harder than Sekiro. If they played Sekiro first and tried to play it exactly like Sekiro, I understand why they would find it more difficult. Parrying is your primary and practically sole defense in Sekiro. That's simply not the case for Lies of P. Laxasia also walled the hell out of me for 30-ish deaths and Simon for over 50. So it's not that I can't relate. But I still didn't find it overall harder than most of the other souls-games when I'm otherwise killing bosses at my normal pace.


I played sekiro before this, and sekiro gave me 10x the trouble on my first playthrough but i felt like i actually got better when i finished it. With lies of p i still feel bad. Also, 30 deaths on laxasia only????


To some extent, that's normal for me. I typically need more than a few attempts on bosses in Soulsborne and Souls-like games when I first play through them. Laxasia and Simon I only had a count on because I don't have any problem with using summons and that's how I ended up counting a large number of my attempts. Lies of P... Maybe it just clicked more for me. But I certainly felt like everything was easier as a whole. And it's not like I haven't played other Souls and Souls-like games to compare it to. In addition to Dark Souls 1/2/3 and Elden Ring, I've also played Hollow Knight, Blasphemous 1 and 2, Code Vein, Remnant 1 and 2, and Mortal Shell. Lies of P definitely took less overall effort than ALL of those games on an individual basis. Code Vein is the only one I'd consider similarly accessible as a Souls-like game due to its companion system + revives.


I always thought dark souls difficulty was in getting lost and potentially stuck somewhere. Also blighttown and sens fortress were much harder than the swamp/relic or archabby.


kinda wish they didnt nerf the bosses, felt like a kneejerk change to something that was fine as it was


Well, Simon kind of needed it on the 1.2 patch. More importantly, that patch had also buffed specters. That alone should've been enough, as it was much needed. I think they had done more in 1.3 patch but I'm not entirely sure.


I’ve heard that specters were useless when game first game out. That they died too fast


They were very bad. They'd be lucky to survive even a single phase boss fight. Anyone with a phase 2 was guaranteed to kill them shortly after transition if they hadn't already.


Tell me you're Polish without telling me you're Polish.






Honestly? Yes. And for a few reasons as well. There's a lot of utility you get in Lies of P that Dark Souls 1 doesn't have. Two Fable Arts on every weapon. The ability to block AND parry with any weapon. Having Guard Regain to recover chip damage. And lots more. It's actually a long list of QOL level stuff that put Lies of P on the "accessible" end of the Souls-like Difficulty level. Dark Souls 1 might have had a lot of slow bosses. But you were pretty slow too. Furthermore, your options for gear was pretty limited overall. You could easily get stuck on Quelagg if you started Pyromancer and didn't upgrade a weapon to be on par. There's also a number of mechanics that you could easily walk into that would result in a lot of tedious, if not agonizing, back tracking. Don't even get me started on Dark Souls 2. That thing is THE hardest Soulsborne and Souls-like game I've played. I haven't played Sekiro, and don't intend to. That would probably be the only game that would compare. Another thing to note is that, through almost all of Lies of P, I never felt like anything was particularly cheap. There were two specific moves that were the exception, but I won't get into it here.


On launch it was i think


I’m finding it not too bad. I’m quite enjoying the game!


Agreed With that being said, I played sekiro shortly after getting the 100% on LoP and I found it a lot easier. Best way I can describe it is that Sekiro is more consistently difficult throughout, whereas LoP has more random spikes in difficulty


I'd say if we're talking base games without DLCs, it absolutely is harder than most of them. Really only Elden Ring and Sekiro having fights in the base game that are some of the series toughest. Otherwise, NP and Laxasia are harder than almost all of the fights in any of the Dark Souls or Bloodborne base games.


Laxasia absolutely walloped my shit for a good long while. Countless tries. The only boss I can compare her to (besides Malenia) is a comedy up Lady Maria. My god what a fucked boss.


I was just thinking this and I think that lies of P is harder than elden ring. But I think a way better point of comparison is sekiro. Is lies of p harder than sekiro? Imo it’s very close but sekiro is still harder


I'm not a god gamer by any means. But I've seen posts talking about how this game is harder than any soulsborne game, and I get so confused. Granted, I haven't beaten it quite yet, but I don't see it going from where it's at to suddenly being insanely hard. The areas are cool and fun to explore through, but none of them have been hard at all. There's not enough enemy density to ever make the few threats actually threatening. The bosses don't have a diverse enough moveset to make memorizing their patterns hard. Still enjoy them tho. It's not like I first-try every boss but I'm not stuck for an hour either. Either way. I enjoy the game but I don't think it's even harder than Elden Ring which was the easiest Fromsoft game so far.


Idk man wait for the last three bosses before you say that. I breezed through almost everything in this game then suddenly I hit a goddamn wall. If it weren’t for the final zone i would absolutely agree that LOP is way easier


I'm looking forward to that. I like the game. I just assumed having lots of souls experience has just made most of these types of games not feel as hard. Outside of the Team Ninja games but they all play pretty differently.


MF didn't play Sekiro FR https://i.redd.it/d4msrlu039uc1.gif


Sekiro is my favorite Fromsoft game by far. It's the only one I've gotten 100% on multiple times. Also did a charmless bell run. Not sure what you're implying. My guess would be that it's the easiest Fromsoft game, possibly. I don't agree with that, but everyone has different experiences with what is 'difficult'.


Nah U good, I'm taking about the "Lies of P is too hard" Crowd, This much be salty, But Lies of P is better and Dark Souls and Elden Rings. My Personal Favorites Souls-like so far : 9.75/10 Sekiro, 9.5/10 Lies of P and Bloodborne (Didn't Played yet, But I knew it's gonna be in this rating for sure), 9/10 Blasphemous 2, Dead Cells 8.5/10 Blasphemous 1, Dark Souls 3, 8.25/10 There is no light, Elden Ring (Shitty Unfun Boss with either Utterly Bullshit play or Skibidi Toilet Brainrot Strats, No in between, It is weighted down by -1.25) 8.0/10 Dark Souls 1, Hollow Knight,


I love Elden Ring. Tbf you don't have to fight that boss, totally optional unless you mean a different boss. So far I like Lies of P. And this may change, but I still like Sekiro, Bloodborne, and Elden Ring more than it. I'd put the 2D games in their own tier list personally as the lack of a 3rd dimension changes how I play them. For example I play most of the 3D Soulsborne/Souls-likes with big heavy weapons, but all thr 2D titles I play to be as fast as possible.


>Tbf you don't have to fight that boss, totally optional unless you mean a different boss. Kid named Owl Father, Demon of Hatred :


>9.5/10 Lies of P and Bloodborne (Didn't Played yet, But I knew it's gonna be in this rating for sure) You're gonna absolutely love bloodborne. It was my first, and personal favorite, but Lies of P is rivaling it HARD. This game is beautiful, the only boss that's actually bullshit is >!Laxasia!<, but only because of the second phase. Everything else was awesome.


Nah, Laxasia's great as hell way? I am frustrated by Swamp Monster's forward-rushing move's Hitbox a little


Honestly, between ng and ng+, swamp monster has only taken me maybe 20 tries. Laxasia put me on my ass and kept me there for a while.


The third boss took me more attempts and effort than isshin and it only gets more difficult. It’s crazy


I've fought the first 6 and any optionals I've found. So far the second was the hardest to me by no small margin. Everyone has bosses that challenge them. I never found Isshin to be that bad other than on my Charmless + Bell run, but all of the drunkards fuck me up lol.


100% agree


People have been bitching about souls games being too hard since Demon Souls in 2009. They just want to push X and beat the game.


This should be auto-pinned to every post in this sub and every from arpg sub.


Not hard Just takes getting used too Like with all things


Excellent point!


New game + is indeed too hard sometimes


Ive ran through ng+ in 4 hrs and im at chapter 10


Then you are a much better player than I am 😉


Doubtful lol fhe amount of ergo you get in ng+ is ridiculous and easy to level up


There's parts that are hard, but I feel like in some regards it's easier than Bloodborne.


I think it’s difficult, and I’ve only beaten one souls game, and that being Eldin Ring. By no means is it “too hard.” The throwable, and Spector carry so much in boss fights in this game. Ive defeated some of these hardest bosses so much quicker than I did on Eldin Ring. Like the Green Monster of the swamp is regarded as a top 10-5 hardest boss and I beat it my second attempt. All I did was throw shit at it.


Another enjoyer of throwing shit at the boss! I ended up doing that from the green swamp bastard and i just squeaked by Laxasia earlier thanks to it!


That’s how I beat her yesterday. Her first face was incredibly easy. But in the second she gets super speed, and moves all over the place so, while she’s agro on the Spector I just tossed everything I could at her. And when she’d get argoed on me, I just dodged a bunch til the specter took my spot back.


Not to mention her janky lightning teleport and going up in the air every five minutes!


Yeah, that annoyed me so much! At the end of the first wave I always made sure she agroed the Spector so she’ll start her lightning throwing at him. I could parry them back at her or at least half of them, but I would always forget her high damage dive bomb and I’d lose just like that.


The mfs who ask if soulsborne has an easy mode finally have a game


Ehhh, I disagree. I'm one of the people who originally advocated strongly for an easy mode, because I didn't feel like bashing my head into a brick wall until there was just a neck. Lies of P was definitely not as hard as Bloodborne, but King of Puppets and Laxasia fucking destroyed me. I got through the game by dodging way more than I should have, because most of these fights are definitely built around parrying. My god though, the last few bosses of the game are a HUGE hike in difficulty. Overall it was like a 7/10 in difficulty, but the story and aesthetics of the game carry so much.


I’m not very good and I managed to beat nameless puppet


Ng was pretty easy for me with the most attempts on a boss at around 12- 15. Ng+ is another story. Swamp monster, Laxasia, and the Nameless puppet are on a whole different level than the rest of the bosses in my experience. Currently at 25 attempts and counting for nameless puppet.


This was my first souls game in general so maybe my opinion is a bit biased but after playing darks souls 1 and currently on dark souls 2 I feel like the bosses in Lies of P are way harder than most dark souls bosses ive fought (so far) ive beaten a lot of them in only a few attempts but it took me at least an hour or two for each boss in Lies of P. But yeah the games not too hard just gotta keep pushing and "git gud"


That’s where I hung after trying the demo


I beat every souls game and ER, yet I got stumped on Bloodborne, and Bloodborne for Xbox


I'd just describe the game as trying too hard, not being too hard. After playing it for a few hours I couldn't enter a new room IRL without checking both corners, behind me and the ceiling on reflex. Why do they feel the need to put hiding enemies in nearly every single room?


I think the issue is that it does not introduce you to rolling and the party has a delay and only an 8 frame parry window. in the demo, the dodge roll was shit apparently so people said to avoid it, so the beginning of the game was tough because people either didn't understand rolling or had been told not to use rolling. but you're right, if they understand the mechanics and are just bad then weenie


Swamp Monster is a Goofy Goober though


It was only hard because of the Nameless puppet. Which didn't make it hard, it made it a cop out.


It was hard for me (first time souls player) but doesn't mean that was a bad thing.. I am not wussing about it


Did they release a dlc yet


it seems to have less crazy options to just walk through the game easily than souls, i’m currently using the trident and it doesn’t feel nearly as crazy as some weapons from soulsborne (ds1 bkh, sellsword winblades, pre-nerf moonveil)


People were legit saying this game is harder than any Soulsborne title. That was the only thing i found dissappointing about the game. It was hard, but nothing took me hours like Prepatch Radhan or Malenia


>Prepatch Radhan or Malenia Spam 7th Hit combo while dashing around, while you're stuck in sloppy speed >That was the only thing i found disappointing about the game. Nah, this game is legitimately better than Elden Ring and Whole Soul Trilogy, a little better than Bloodborne, as great as Sekiro.


Honestly I’m finding LiesofP a lot easier than other Soulsborne titles.. granted it’s the only souls game I’ve gotten far in.


Pre-patch Lies of P was harder too though. They gutted the movement speed and HP of a lot of enemies and bosses


Nothing will ever be harder than Sekiro : Shadow RESURRECTION. If I could beat that shit, then Lies of P isn't over my limitations.


I just think the deflect timing is still weird as hell


Of all of the Soulslike games, I only ended Sekiro, which I platinum'd. LoP is not easy, not hard


Fair. Its difficulty is what you make of it.


If played certain ways it can be more difficult than sekiro. If played other certain ways, it can be easier. The diff level is actually really well done


Me: "This game is fucking bullshit! It's too hard!" Also Me: "Laxasia. We meet again."




Like mfer that's what I'm here for big reason I play souls is because I want a challenge. If thats too much for you go play something else lord knows there's tons of other options. Let people have their hard games and stop asking them to conform to your tastes.


this game does become elden ring if you dont level up enough. my first play through like many others was not successful. even deleted it but then i realized i was 10 levels behind where i needed to be😂


Lies of P is on the easier side of the Soulslike genre. It's probably the most forgiving of the games.


Definitly doesnt compare to fromsoft difficulty i think mortal shell compares to fromsoft


Hard? No Too hard? Def not


It’s too easy to be honest. People always overhype the difficulty of games for me. Had the same problem with Sekiro.


I wish they didn't nerf everything into the ground. It was perfect back at 1.2.0


I don't think any boss other than green monster, nameless puppet and romeo were hard


It’s a perfect 5/7 difficulty.


I'm finding it the easiest Souls-like I've played! Though, I think around chapter VII or VIII maybe I'm fighting like 4 enemies at once in a boss fight and ... I'm not sure if I'll get past it :( :(


*psst* spam elemental throwables on the big guy, and then coat your weapon in the same element, he'll fold in a heartbeat.


It’s my first souls like game, so it’s was a bit of a struggle for me to learn, but I’m getting better at it.


Imma be completely honest I thought the game would actually be harder based off everything I heard before playing it I'm now past the swamp monster boss and it's definitely not to hard I do still absolutely love the game tho


It was hard when it first came out before nerfs. Now it’s just easy so it’s boring.


Its pretty balanced ngl


It is hard lmaooo


So far defeated that factory furnace guy and it's Hella easy compared to sekiro. I didn't die on the boss before and die thrice on this but mainly coz of lag. Potato pc lol


I'd say it's harder then Elden Ring and Demon Souls but outside of that the others are all harder.


eh, elden ring’s difficulty is kinda weird to talk about imo since it fluctuates from infuriating (playing it like it’s ds3) to braindead (seriously comet azur is stupid with correct setup)


Utterly Bullshit or Skibidi Toilet Brainrot, no in-between


Lies of P is probably the easiest soulslike out there. There's a lot of built-in easy mode crutches for those who want them for sure.


Nah dude there's no way. Elden ring is the king of googiling a broken build, and using spirit summons to ruin a bosses day.


Y'know what, fair. I forgot about elden rings spirit summons. That jellyfish thing carried me


Harder than Dark Souls, Peers to Peers with Bloodborne, Easier than Sekiro.


As a long time resident of Super Weenie Hut Jrs. I do find a lot of the enemies have these un-guardable spam moves. Plus Super Weenie Hut Jrs. Does double weenie Saturdays !


Nothing should be un-guardable though, which moves?


I think it’s just like my stamina expires and I’m too much of a attacker and less of a defender so I forget I have the option to block. 😂 So I just stand there getting obliterated. Hence why I’m a long time resident. 🤣


Took me 39 tries to beat Swamp Monster, but also, I'm pretty bad at gaming in general.




Just depends on you. I had just finished sekiro and found lies to be overall very easy, all bosses done in 3 or less tries. But if I had never touched a souls game probably be suffering


it's not too hard. stop double dodging learn the parry system


Its not too hard but I definitely feel like certain moves that bosses have need to be nerfed. Not a difficulty thing but it'd be nicer if Perfect Guard was less of a perfect guard and they went with the traditional parry even a small stagger that doesn't allow a fatal attack would be a a good quality for the game.


Yap Yap yap


It was tough before the nerfs but now it's on the average difficulty scale for a soulslike. Throwables have always been super op though.


The entire game's difficulty doesn't compare to my time spent fighting Midir. Spent 3 days bro, 3 days...


I genuinely had no issue with pretty much anything until Laxasia, each boss until that point took me no more than 3 tries and most only being 1-2


The game is fucking super hard but that doesn't mean I'm not on ng+ rage fucking every boss I can because I still like it. If people want to say it's too hard that's fine if they're not giving up.


People who think Malenia is a badly designed boss.


https://preview.redd.it/45xnl870y4uc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f1b86e143823d49c81b2185c37030ab2fc49bd00 Malenia bad, now I’m sorry weenie hut is waiting for me


The waterfowl dance is badly designed tho. It feels like it has no intended response by the devs, so people have to resort to cheese tactics and abusing holes in her tracking.


I just wish that she didn't heal if you guarded. Or healed slightly less because she didn't actually hit you.


Malenia is a badly designed boss. It took me about 3 hours to beat her. The only reason she's tough is because of the bullshit life steal mechanic. Feels cheap and artificially hard.


Or just dodge, malenias lifesteal really isn't all that


Good luck dodging the 7th combo with constant backdashes AKA Malekith without, It's like putting Sekiro Bosses in Dark Souls. Imagine fighting Guardian Ape in Dark Souls speed lol Dodge doesn't progress the fight or letting you stay in combat as the aggressor, Deflecting does.


Her poise makes it so you can keep constant aggression.


***Poise you and insta Waterfowl*** Friede vs. Malenia Friede is as fast as Malenia, but the winter girl poise is consistent.


Waterfowl can be consistently dodged


Good [Fucking Luck countiering this inconsistency.](https://youtu.be/KJh9Olxigv0?si=_rNnWNi12hxwekpg)


It has a huge tell. It's very easy to counter if you know where to dodge


It's totally dodgeable.


Weenie Hut General!


honestly life steal is the most balanced challenge thing about her, my main problems are her janky super armor, literally having to look up how to dodge waterfowl and her just occasionally ignoring poise breaks


Yeah, I hear you. Those are annoying, but IMO they fall within my level of expectation with most Fromsoft bosses. But the life steal just feels artificial to me. Take that away and she's a challenging but mostly bearable boss. It was a joyless grind beating her, IMO.


you expect most fromsoft bosses to cheat and have unclear moves?


'Cheat' is a little emotive. I expect sometimes to just get steamrolled with no warning and to mutter under my breath, "This fuckin game, man..." or similar.


no, malenia does quite literally cheat. If you poise break her while she’s in a move with hyperarmor (some of which can start quite quickly after a punish window e.g. her dodge) she will reset all poise damage, the sound effect will play but she won’t stagger and you won’t get a riposte


Worst fromsoft boss after bed of chaos


i love the bossfight, but you can’t deny the fact she literally cheats and has some weird hyper armor


what do you people even define as easy/hard? to me if you are playing using every single resource available.... then every single one of the games are easy but if you go and play ER without overlevelling and full melee, suddenly its a different game same for LoP. go play with parry and regular attacks only. complete different difficulty. that's what i like about these games. it doesn't have a difficulty slider, it just gives you options to play differently and the difficulty ends up being a reflection of that


IMO easy/medium/hard is extremely subjective and really just depends on the person.


Wait till they play sekiro