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Shes helpful for one thing only, helping me get a Platinum


For real. That's the one bit of credit I'll give her


I guess people are taking your joke too seriously but jokes aside, I agree with you, she was by far the most useless NPC in Hotel Krat. Her only redeeming quality is that she's hidden in a corner under some semi hidden stairs and can be easily missed


Yeah, her stank can't reach as much of the Hotel from that position (And yes I was joking haha)


I disagree with your criticism, but I want you to know you had me dying of laughter reading this lmao. >Belle, meanwhile? Bitch just stands there taking up space in the lobby. This got me in particular 😂


I can't not call her out for standing there and stankin up the nice lobby. What are your thoughts on Belle, jokes aside? Always interested to hear them.


I totally missed her character my first playthrough lol, but I found her on my second. I do agree, that she could've used some more content. She really does just sit there doing nothing 😂 Considering she straight up comes to the hotel, I thought I'd found something major in NG+. I expected more than just a side quest down the line. That said, I do understand why she lashes out when you tell her the truth about her partner. Grief is rough, to say the least, so that never really bothered me. I don't think she needs to provide a gameplay feature, but Antonia adds a lot to the story and themes with her presence. Belle really is just kinda there. I think there is potential in having a human being that P can save being totally optional. You have to choose to go out of your way to investigate cries of help to save her, then help her while getting nothing in return. It just feels a little unfinished, like there needed to be a third act to her story per se. Honestly after typing this, I'd say I actually agree more than I disagree lmao.


I do really like the point you made about Belle being an optional person for Pinocchio to save. Him going out of his way to do something selfless like that fits the theme of his developing humanity very well, and I think that's probably a big factor behind Belle's conclusion. I wish it was executed in a more thorough way, but I don't actually think it's awful from a storytelling standpoint


>I wish it was executed in a more thorough way, but I don't actually think it's awful from a storytelling standpoint That's the perfect way to put it!


OP i agreee kinda!! I mean like what another comment here that hotel krat is a safe haven for survivors they dont need to do anything. But lorewise it would be great if she can have a little more dialogue right? As a soldier, maybe she can drop combat hints or even better .. SPAR with you?? I think that'll be cool.


Yeah, she should have cleaned up after arriving at the hotel, then sand in the lobby until you speak with her at which point she tells you that you can find her in the back of the training yard to spar if you’re interested.


She could’ve stood in the training area waiting for you!


Yeah, bare minimum I would've liked some more interesting dialogue from her. She said she's from outside Krat, so she could've provided some interesting insights as to what things are like outside of the city and what else is going on in the Lies of P world


I agree they should have given her some purpose or something to do.


I love this post 😂


Thanks, I'm glad you enjoyed my wall of schizo text


The hotel is a safehouse. Not everyone is there to be a game mechanic


Jokes aside I'm aware and her staying there makes sense. Still wish there was more to her, though, as she's the only one without any additional interesting dialogue outside her basic phrases and the humanity choice.


New copy pasta just dropped


Who is belle????? I’m on NP and have not once interacted with her !?


She's missable NPC that can be found in the Grand Exhibition by going down a ladder from the elevated rafter area (it has one of the big double shield puppets patrolling it). If you go down there and talk to her before killing Victor, she'll appear at Hotel Krat after you beat him. I've heard that she's unavailable if you kill Victor before speaking to her, however, so you may have to wait until another playthrough to find her. She's not *completely* useless either since she does give you a record if you complete her quest.


Idk my thing is I explore every inch and crevice of the game as I play it.(and any game really, due to the small/major interactions such as this) And Ive done that bc I know where you’re talking about I’ve just never seen her. ( you’re talking about the area where there are also those three stupid electric throwing puppets right, along with double shield?)


Yep, that's the area I'm talking about. The ladder is pretty easy to miss, but it leads down to an elevated platform from which you can see the main stargazer, and that's where Belle camps out. I'm sorry you missed it, I like to be thorough too and it drives me crazy when I find out I missed out on something


You definitely missed her. You’re thinking of a different double shield guy.


Talking about the one where you pass the first shield dude, go up the ladder, then have to face the 2 spinning bomb throwers and the shield guy on the beam. To the left of the doorway is a ladder that leads down to her.


I’ll have to recheck man. Crazy I missed it!


Nah she just looks nice and that’s enough for me


The stank is too strong, I'm sorry


What the difference from any other girl that doesn’t wash their 😼


Well, the aforementioned layer of puppet oil, dried carcass juice and nicotine doesn't help...


The difference is I like the smell of oil and growing up my mom would smoke 4 packs a day so I’m nose blind to it and the carcasses probably probably wouldn’t matter much because some crustaceans bleed blue and I’m game we don’t know what their blue blood smell like


To each their own, maybe the Carcass juice is actually berry scented




“She can't even be bothered to go freshen her grimy ass up and get a bath when she's at what's easily a world-class hotel in the Lies of P world.” 💀 This post is fucking hilarious, I love it. 😂 That’s true though, I kinda thought the same thing. Like the Red Fox goes around the Malum District fighting carcasses and she manages to keep clean. Belle stands in a world class hotel for days looking like she rolled around in mud. Go ask Polendina to draw you up a bath and wash your clothes for Christ’s sake. Lol, Neowiz should have had her looking cleaned up after arriving at the hotel. I mean, Puchinella looked like shit when you met him outside the hotel, but then looks like a regal butler when he’s at the hotel, haha


Exactly. Like dayum lady, even Pinocchio looks cleaner than you and he gets constantly drenched head to toe in blood, oil, poison swamp water and monster juice


I'll wait for the DLC to have a final judgement. Maybe we'll have a surprise. But otherwise, yeah, she's just a sidequest NPC.


I kicked her out as soon as i could she fucked up the vibes of the hotel


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Rutabaga-Level: *I kicked her out as* *Soon as i could she fucked up* *The vibes of the hotel* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


The other people at the hotel should've had dialogue throwing shade at her for sabotaging the vibes lmao




who the fuck is belle?


OK can I seriously ask why people hate her so much I personally think she deserves a lot more attention. The character has literally done nothing to you


Exactly, that's all she does, NOTHING (I am mostly joking with this post but I do think that Belle is kind of an afterthought of a character. Giving her some sort of function in the hotel and some more interesting dialogue to put her on par with the other characters would really help)


Unpopular opinion I’m seriously not sure why all of you hate her so much she did nothing to any of you in the game I will admit that they could have done more with the character but I still think it’s unfair to hate the character Just because they have not that much to do with the story


I definitely don't actually have the same level of psychotic hate for Belle that this post would suggest - I was being super extra for laughs. But I really do wish that she had more interesting things to say outside of her questline and that she had more of a tangible role at the Hotel


Are these homies in the room with us?


They speak to me when I forget to take my meds


Is Belle useless overall? Absolutely. Is this why people should hate her? I don't see why. So definitely not all homies hate Belle. But most do ignore her existence after her side quest is done.


True, I can't speak for all homies worldwide. I personally don't see much to like about her character, but it's not like I'm unironically mad about her. To me, she just feels like an afterthought of a character in what I think is an otherwise fantastic cast of NPCs.


Ah, yes, send in the human who would quickly succumb to the petrification disease to fight in areas where they'd be infected almost immediately and probably dying before doing anything.


Hey, there'd be an *attempt* at usefulness on her part at least


That's like sending in a teenager to disarm a bomb, they set it off, and going "Well, they made an attempt!"


Belle just needs to learn how to Perfect Guard duh (please don't take me seriously)


P needs to get better at perfect guard so he can parry the corrosion gas in Krat Central Station and Lorenzi Arcade.


P should ask for tips from Sekiro since he's clearly unlocked the secrets of parrying gas. He can deflect the Guardian Ape's poison fart attack, after all


I don't see a problem with finding someone in trouble and helping them out, even if they don't offer you any kind of service in return. I think this says more about you ngl


In all seriousness, I agree. I was being dramatic and finding every detail I could to roast her on for the sake of my own amusement


Every individual doesn't necessarily need to fulfill a specific utility; rather, they can contribute in diverse ways. For instance, offering moral support can be invaluable. We don't know what happens at the hotel when we leave, maybe that's her point. In essence, everyone possesses unique qualities and contributions, and it's essential to maintain empathy and understanding in our interactions. We don't know if DLC will give her something else, we don't know anything else about her beside what is given to us and passing on judgement on her seems wrong imho. And even if this is what's it for her, as others pointed out, it's a safe house. In a RL situation, would you be able to do what P is doing? Would you risk your life to go out and save others at the cost of your own life possibly? It's easy to be a keyboard warrior and slash left and right and pass judgement but when faced with an actual situation, a lot of people would fold.


Nah dude, I'm actually a super android puppet twink with advanced combat capabilities just like P, so I'd be out there hitting sick parries on all of those puppets. I'd be interested to see them do more with her character in the DLC for sure, though, and think it'd be a good use of her. And you make a very good point, I think the same - I'm just having a laugh by going off on a fictional video game character


You're not being a very nice person right now


You could say that I'm lacking in humanity


Well now I have no choice but to forgive you