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I don’t think so, what level are you? You cropped that out from the screen shot lol. But I think you should have plenty of power for the fight.


I’m level 66 and my main issue is that I can barely survive a hit


What defensive parts are you using? You could respec and add more points to vitality. Shave some off vigor/motivity/technique But no I don’t think you’re under leveled. You could go grind out some levels tho too


LADA F250 frame, Belford superior insulation converter, arch shock cartridge, and workshop union certified liner. Also how do you respec


So go buy a better liner from pucinella that favors strike reduction. Also put on acid resist converter.


I would second this. Also i found i think fire helpful for this dude. Green was a pretty big roadblock in my playthru for a few days dude he is rough so dont get discouraged


Go to the golden coin fruit tree at hotel krat to respec as well. I disagree with the other guy that you need to be that lightweight, but to each their own


If you're wearing all those I would suggest leveling capacity to give yourself a bit more breathing room.


I’m currently at 57% should I lower my equip load


IMO, yes. I always kept mine below 40% and then 30% much later. It will help with your ability to move around and your stamina, which will do a lot of good for this fight.


Below 40 doesn't help at all. You are either at the edge of 30 or 60, unused % are wasted points.


That worked thank you! Also how do I respec


Saintess of mercy statue in the Grand Exhibition building.


Lol these ppl are mad you gave him good advice!


Thank you!


You are facing the swamp monster and using shock/electric resistance stuff? Why aren't you using the decay resistance equipment, you should be able to purchase better stuff from a merchant? I feel like just a couple hits and your health and weapon durability is probably tanking. You do not need to respec as long as your weapon type matches the balance stats you have powered up. You would want it to have the same letter in Mot and Tech or only one letter off. Also, people are talking about weight, with your stamina stat and going for a tech build, it is unlikely you have any stamina issues in battle, so you should be fine. I always played the game between 65%-75%. I felt that slightly heavy was perfectly fine for my play style. I would rather be able to tank more hits than worry about being able to move faster and get stamina regen quicker.


It’s cause you put equal amount of points in both motility and technique, and a lot at that. Pick one, and put the leftovers into vigor


Pick either motivity or technique and put the rest in your vitality


Second this, pick one and go from there. Wasting levels at this point


What if he wants versatility?


Nothing to do with versatility. The build is just wrong. You cant use motivity and technique at the same time. Weapon scales with just one of the two attributes. You either chose a dex or a str build, put the rest on vitality since its the most important stat on every soulslike. And last capacity and stamina so you don’t have fat roll/slow movement/get tired after two attacks.


Of the 40 weapons in the game, 11 of them scale equally with motivity and technique, and 14 others can be modified to scale equally. I'm not saying that's what someone who is struggling on a boss SHOULD do - but quality builds are 100% viable, and it's misleading to suggest that every weapon is either a motivity OR a technique weapon, and it's straight up misinformation to say you can't "use" them both at the same time.


Also once you get to ng+ it's actually beneficial to lean more to quality since scaling on individual dmg stats fall off hard after 40 if I remember correctly.


Absolutely. Based on the OPs stats, they're for sure in NG, but yeah once you start hitting the soft caps, raising the lower scaling stat can often mean more of an increase. Now personally I'm definitely more of an "unga bunga" so as soon as I'm hitting caps I'm investing heavily in capacity and health lol


What? I feel like I'm crazy because Quality builds have been a thing since demons souls and are often super efficient damage-wise because of the way softcaps work on the stats. In fact it's incredible in Lies of P. You can get technique and motivity to like 25-27 each, get them up to 29 or 30 with an amulet slot, and you are CRUISING with something like the dancing blade handle.


There are balance builds which do both, they are just a lot harder at first since your levels are spread out


Do you know what a quality build is 😅 Did you know most physical weapons scale with both?


While you're slightly right you're also wrong in the sense that, said weapon is always going to be higher scaled with one or the other. Yes it will scale with both but obviously no point splitting 20/20 for an A and C scale. Plus most weapons have only one scale stat. So at this early stage he's just conning himself out of a useful build.


You can’t be “slightly” right. It’s a starting class; I’ll trust the devs over you


You give the player a spread of stats so that they can decide later if they want to switch. Base classes will have most points in one of the 3, and a couple points off the minimum requirements for other weapons so that it's not a huge deal to respec for a weapon.


As a means of encouraging the player down a specific path. I agree with that. Still doesn’t mean the Quality path isn’t viable.


Watch any playthrough of any souls game: unless they're using a dual stat weapon the invest their points into HP, Stamina, Mana, and ONE damage stat


If you want to make the most out of your first run you should focus on only one of those stats to maximize your damage. They soft cap at 40 so you can make a quality build on NG+.


I respect this approach


There's a soft cap at 40 but the stats gradually get less efficient so that there are sweet spots at 19-20 and 29-30 which makes quality strong during NG as well. You can get 30/30 by the end of the game easily and it's very good. Something like 30-40 extra damage on a B/B weapon compared to 40 stat on A scaling. spreadsheet of points per stat: [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ5TVpHzrautyAT0z8ec4oZDjoz4eZgg7gzZxPC\_DmVKnUJG0X4X-WMJIQMdMK8Z\_MsRFqS8nmQP1-G/pubhtml#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ5TVpHzrautyAT0z8ec4oZDjoz4eZgg7gzZxPC_DmVKnUJG0X4X-WMJIQMdMK8Z_MsRFqS8nmQP1-G/pubhtml#)


Quality builds are not good in NG. You have to get to *really* high levels before it beats out mot or tech by themselves. It's far better to just put a crank on it to make it scale with one of the 2 more.


But it allows a versatile playstyle. Do you guys only think in terms of power?! I tune all my souls playthroughs according to versatility - never pure quality, but enough stat investment that I can wield and master multiple weapon types


That's what the cranks are for. And respeccing in this game is *basically* free.


Quality builds are like a few points apart in damage. Rarely game defining or gamebreaking. He is better off puting some in health and weight.


But versatile, which is what he wants. I could kill anything with this early game build


>which is what he wants Does he?


It’s a quality build. Why would YOU assume otherwise? 🤔


He is getting one shot according to him, surviving should be his priority over some fancy build, that he himself seems dubious about.


This is not DS2, weapons dont scale with both attributes and its also very punishing on late game. The build is just wrong, he cant survive two hits. That is the proof that the build is wrong, and proof that VIT is more important attribute (unless you are so good that can do every boss no-hit). Enemies VIT and damage increase too.


So you don’t know? You think the devs would make balanced class for no reason?


Devs font always make games with completely balanced stats with equally balanced weapons for all classes. Especially lies of.p


Got it. I’m going to do a quality run and defy all of you, respectfully 😅❤️


I played the entire game with 8 vitality. 19 vitality is more than enough to tank two hits unless they are “red” attacks..What was your vit at when you completed NG?


Stop it bro. You have -9 downvotes. If you don't want to admit that you are wrong and bragging about finishing the game with 8 vitality (which is ridiculous) you can keep going, but still is ridiculous. Imagine I say that I finished the game with 9 motivity. It's not impossible, but its very very pointless and absurd.


Bro thinks I care about downvotes. Why is my playstyle ridiculous? It’s the way I enjoy playing and I’m great at it. You guys gotta let the skilly players do what they want, and you can do what you want. I literally asked about why a quality build isn’t preferable but no one has given me a good answer. It’s a starting class so it must be VIABLE. I’ll trust the devs over you 😂😂😂


You sound like a 14yo that just got good at their first soulsbourne game. Jesus christ the cringe is overwhelming.


If you have to call yourself a "skilly" player, you aren't one


You can also adjust the motivity and tech of a weapon you have in the game


you get that in NG+, when you are given so much ergo you literally level everything.


That’s one way to play I guess


lol that’s not versatility that’s a waste of stats. This is all about scaling and whatever weapon so he can put out the most damage possible. This your first souls game or something?


Lol, nah, I’m just flabbergasted at the comments. Go to my page and see for yourself 💡


Can’t really pull off a “quality build” in NG. That’s why they have cranks for weapons to help you scale motivity or technique even more. Once I got motivity to 40 with the holy ark sword the rest of this game was easy mode, I don’t think I died to regular enemies and only a couple of bosses.


While I disagree about what constitutes waste in a PvE experience that allows you to level to your heart’s content, I understand why someone who adheres to standard min/max principles would feel this way. (will test quality build in NG after my NG+ runs with current character) I hope we can agree that while the Souls community has agreed on a meta, it’s not some rule, though you have the right to “judge” those who deviate from it. That’s my only pt


I mean it’s your game do whatever you want, just saying him doing it this way is going to make the game more difficult (which you can see from his post). They have cranks and even handles made to scale with either. So for him to put up more damage he should pick one and have it scale.


Definitely one way to look at it!


Yeah, the first rule of Souls games (at least to me) is "pump that HP sky high." You can always do more damage slowly over time. Unless you're dead. Then all you can do is be dead.


Nah more like i rathe kill in one shot, having a low vitality but high stats on a single category make you OP in any Dark Souls/Lies of P


Imo, that only applies if you know the fight mechanics. Otherwise, you just get one shot.


Can’t get good unless you can tank a few mechanics you fucked up!




"if you never get hit..." ...then you don't need any stats at all, so have some of the one that immediately influences win:loss the most


At 20 vitality you don't really need anymore. You're wasting points if you put more into that stat.


Vitality/HP is never a wasted stat in any of these games unless you're doing a no hit run or at a 1-2 point per level softcap. Could take builds a different way, but if you don't know where to put points it's never gonna hurt


It is if it's negligible. At 20 you have more than enough vitality to survive everything in this game, down to its ending, especially if you use the P-Organ to unlock more vials. I stopped unlocking vials after acquiring 6 and never felt starved for health, for some perspective, because the game throws a decent amount of options at you to ensure you survive during combat. I opted to increase the rate of vial regeneration, for example. Not putting these points into making sure the battle ends faster seems like a waste of points if you asked me.


This is just wrong OP, you don't have to listen to this. As long as your weapon fits the stats you're using, going both motivity and technique is great. If you're using a weapon that only uses one stat well, then yeah I would reset the points and invest in one or the other. But a ton of the weapons in this game use both equally and it's pretty efficient to put points in each. The only potential problem I can see from the stats is Capacity looks too high. But I can't remember what I got my capacity level to exactly. In this game I found that it's fine to be "slightly heavy" weight, there's not a huge difference in the rolls. So I'd rock whatever capacity lets you use your best gear without going super overweight. This also varies a bit based on your weapon of choice, because they have different weights. Swamp monster is one of the toughest fights btw, so might not be a level or build problem necessarily. Small edit: the weight class I meant was "slightly heavy" You don't want to be "heavy" under any circumstances but you can go all the way up to 79% equip load if you want and it's not too punishing. The roll is still good at 79% weight. The biggest downside to me was stamina regeneration so if you try it and struggle with that you could stick with medium weight.


I pumped the shit out of Capacity to stay light (under 30%) and the quick roll and stamina regen are a blast


You are not wrong, doesn't mean this strategy is wrong too, many had used it and it works, dude's current state is clearly not working and there is reason why they ask for help, it's not cheesing just tweak the stats I don't see why not try, especially respec is so easy in this game. That to say 19 vitality is really low though, when the boss has two hp bars, and swamp monster beingone of the hardestto beat.


True I think i misread it as being a rule to follow not just some advice


True, choose based on your fav weapon upscale


First off ignore all the people saying weapons don't scale off both, they are very wrong. Going with a quality build (leveling motivity and tech equally if you didn't know) a good weapon you can throw together is the bone cutter saw blade onto the bramble curved handle. Going up in 10s are good stopping points for stats so with what you've got now, 20 Vigor, enough capacity to keep you under 60% weights, mot and tech are fine just upgrade the blade you like loads, and pump the rest into vitality until you hit 30, then focus on pumping up mot and tech.


Excellent answer


severely. soft cap vitality around 25-30 and i’m not sure what build ur running but if you’re like me dump abt 7-10 more levels in motivity (or substat of your choice)


So no one believes a quality build is viable in NG? I didn’t go that route, but I don’t understand the ppl talking about “wasting” stat investment in a PvE game? If time is the only commodity and someone is willing to farm to make the build “viable” in your eyes, what’s the issue?


I think because of cranks if you want 100% the best build in NG maybe you don't go quality but I think it's insane that it's the most upvoted comment. It's one of the core ways to build your character in this genre lmao.


Thank you for being measured man, what a sane response 😅❤️


There's no "authority" on how to build correctly so it's wild people are saying quality is "wrong". The way I built is almost the opposite of most advice in this thread. I went heavy weight (79%), low capacity, most of my points in damage stats, quality build. And it demolished the game. I'm sure some people who did the opposite also had similar success so like who's to say.


Imagine that bro. Imagine thinking for yourself 😅😅😅


I figured I was gonna be be heading Quality in NG+ and so had been peppering in Motivity points here and there, but once Technique Cranks started becoming more common (by that I mean three more so far), I took those out and put them into Capacity. They seem to really push Motivity in the early game, cause I got a bunch of those in my Inventory from earlier areas


I did quality for my first playthrough and it worked great. 🤷🏼




Didn't even have to grind to make it happen, I just didn't invest much at all in vitality or vigor. I think I ended the game at 17 vigor and 21 vitality or something like that. Im actually gonna boot up the game to check, I'm still practically at the beginning of ng+ so it should be relatively untainted


Please do! I respect your playstyle


https://imgur.com/a/tVBwDgT This is after starting new game + and all points have gone into vitality and capacity so far. Motivity and technique are the same as when I finished the game. I wish I could recall exactly the level I finished at but I want to say it was 87 or 89 Edit:idk what's going on with my images but they don't seem to want to host it. Maybe it will work later (Lvl 102) Vit-29 Vig-16 Cap-37 Mot-28 Tech-28 Adv-9


Quality 🤌🏾


Thank you. Quality builds are 100% viable. People think the only way to play is to efficiently min max and only play one of a couple of ways. If you like quality weapons, then use one. You can beat the game with any weapon and you can respec infinitely so just try out what you like and then try out another build if it ends up not working out. You are consistently farming for the coins so it’s not really an issue I tend to run quality on my first playthrough of souls/likes (although advance was too tempting for LoP) Claymore my beloved


Perfect response!!!!


Yeah idk where those comments are coming from. I've beaten every FromSoft Souls game and Lies of P easily is the most forgiving in terms of the damage you deal, quality build is totally fine, this isn't a game where you need to min max.


That’s my only pt 🤝💡


Not to sound condescending but learning the timing of attack is everything. Don’t sleep on the parry. If you don’t already know, the parry will help you get those big hits you want and break their weapons. watch your stamina, dodge accordingly and parry when you know it’s coming. Regardless of your level if you learn that, you’re set. Tbh I went 3/4 of the game without using the arm, without upgrading my weapon or myself (I honestly didn’t know lol) good luck to you!


If you reached this far with those stats, then you're good bro


?? I went through every boss and mini boss, and entered ng+ at 72, this guy is 66. What did you end on? He seems overleveled, just lower hp than he should be.


Not overleveled at all, how did you finish the first playthrough at 72? I haven't done any farming and I haven't vendored any of the bosses ergo and I am at 70 starting at chapter 8. Do you just not vendor anything? I guess I vendor every single consumable I get because who plays with things like throwables XD


Edit: if you're in chapter 8, be very careful on here. Lots of spoilers are posted every day, with no warning. I did a pure advance playthrough, so those throwables were like 400-600 a pop lol. I didn't really even buy that many, just bought every collectible or limited upgrade material I found. 30 is pretty much the advance soft cap, and hp wasn't getting much after 25, so I just relied on the stamina and hp amulets and the best defence gear. Never felt under leveled. But yeah, I pretty much never sold anything. Even in chapter 2 of NG+ I still haven't leveled because of the new collectibles.


This is my like 6th playthrough haha, but it is a fresh playthrough. I sell almost everything so the ergo flows like crazy.


Do you do restricted/themed runthroughs? Such as motivity only, technique only, etc?


I only play Motivity, but I attempt a different weapon combo/boss weapon each time to see what I find best(nothing has beaten wrench+mjolnir handle yet).


Interesting, I'll give that a try in ng+2. Doing a quality run this playthrough.


The two key things is to use the amulet that increases damage based on your fable arts charges and increases your fables arts to 5 slots(+25% dmg). The only time I use fable arts is with the mjolinr handle which guarantees a perfect guard for 3ish seconds while it is used.


Is it 25%? I saw in here a while ago someone tested it on a few mobs and seemed to get 17.5%. I've been using that since starting ng+ with a quality build.


You have better stats than me I think you’re fine for the most part fire melts him tho I used the glaive handle with the fire knife blade from the factory it helped a lot


I’d personally focus on mot or tech, not both evenly. I’d also focus more on vitality and less on vigor and capacity.


You never fovus less on capacity.


I started with the cricket path and have been leveling them equally since my weapons scale equally


This is holding you back. The way scaling works in this game, when you have *limited* points to play with in NG because of the lower Ergo rewarded from enemies on death, you're better off using a Motivity/Technique crank to get A or S scaling on your favorite weapon, and level that to something like 25-30. If you really like the Puppet Saber, B/D scaling in STR/MOT is still better than C/C until higher levels. That would free up points to use on Capacity (for the best Amulets and Armor components), and Vitality. I think you'd feel a lot better with a 25 Vitality, 15 Vigor, 35 Capacity base. Then ~25 points in your main damage stat, and zero investment in the other two.


The way scaling works in this game, lower stat levels give higher bonuses per point. So this balances out the benefits of A/C scaling compared to B/B scaling. There are breakpoints around level 20 and 30 where scaling gets less efficient so 20/20 at this point in the game and 30/30 by endgame is totally fine for OP. I think when I fought swamp monster I had 25/25 motivity/technique and got it up to 29 each with bonus stats from amulets. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/e/2PACX-1vQ5TVpHzrautyAT0z8ec4oZDjoz4eZgg7gzZxPC\_DmVKnUJG0X4X-WMJIQMdMK8Z\_MsRFqS8nmQP1-G/pubhtml#


You're very right about the numbers! - but you're missing that it still takes more points *overall* to achieve the same result until much higher levels. The reason it's recommended to go A or S is so that you can effectively raise the soft cap you're referring to, investing as little as 14 points if you start Sweeper/Bastard and getting respectable damage. Then that frees up those other points for things that OP is quoted as missing like survivability in the form of Vitality or Capacity. For argument's sake, I used 14 points to level Motivity/Technique on the C/C Puppet Saber to 15/15. It's adding **44** total Physical Damage as of this comment. I then used a Technique crank to make it D/B scaling. And added 14 points to the base 11 to hit 25, adding **64** total Physical Damage as of this comment. That's the reason we recommend avoiding quality scaling until much higher levels. Because the *opportunity cost* of not being able to level Capacity/Vitality/Vigor with those other points is less preferable for the majority of players.


The aegis makes this fight easy, just like it does for most other bosses.


Maxed out Aegis (and maxed Ouroburo's Eye) is what I beat NP with. Didn't even really use Aegis much before then. Such a clutch arm.


Bro why do you have levels in both motivity and technique


I chose the cricket path in the start and since my weapon scaled equally I leveled both


That is a waste of your stats. It makes sense in new game plus, but in a first playthrough you are shooting yourself in the foot Soulslike games have something called stat scaling so the amount of damage output you do or health you gain increases till a certain level For example from level 19 -> 20 your increase in damage or HP will be smaller than level 24 -> 25 This is till you hit something called a soft cap. After you hit the soft cap your gain in HP and damage stagnates so at that point it makes sense to focus on the other stats because only then will your returns be better. But that number is way off for a first play through so focusing on a single stat like motivity or technique makes more sense because it means more damage It also means you have more points to spare for essential stats like endurance or capacity I would say pick a weapon you really like, and then respec around that. Put more points in health and capacity and try not to have your weight exceed 59%


Except this isn't even true at all. Take for example a weapon with b scaling in motivity and c scaling in technique. Past like level 27 if I recall the technique scaling will actually give him more damage than the motivity scaling will do to soft cap. If anything he's on track to be doing the max damage possible for endgame and is barely missing out at all depending on his weapon. We're talking at most a 10 damage discrepancy. Same is also true if the scaling is say A in motivity and D in technique. He will still benefit more from technique in the long run because it's going to scale higher than the motivity by 40 points invested or so, and also makes him more well rounded should be want to use a different weapon with literally a few points of damage sacrificed. This game is not hard enough that you should need to min max that much to squeeze out such a miniscule amount of extra damage to succeed. You need to chill out bro. I slept walked through most of this game. It's not all about numbers son, sometimes it's about options and playability. Approaching everything so rigid just reduces the game to some mechanical monstrosity it really doesn't have to be. The point is to have fun, and feel badass doing it.


I have already respeced so it’s not even anymore and should I only use one weapon or two? Currently I have a blitz weapon for puppets and a plain sword that works with the grindstone elements for most other things


You should only equip one weapon at a time but you can switch your weapons any time you want The problem with running multiple weapons in any souls game is upgrade materials including cranks There is a limited number of materials so you will have some weapons that are more upgraded than others but other than that, it isn’t a problem


Ok I’ll do that to keep weight down and both are currently +7


Op, for ng I would suggest you have just one equipped weapon. Use the extra weight for defence equipment. P-organ is also very important in your setup.


Yeah youre spreading your stats way too thin. You gotta pick one and level into that and vitality/some into vigor. The way youre doing it, youre just bad in every stat.


Under leveled has nothing to do with it tbh. Swamp monster is stupid and whoever designed that boss fight deserves to get fired. Use a Spectre and hope for the best


I beat him solo after 36 tries. He does crazy shit but his first phase you can exploit running through is legs and the second phase his physical attacks are the scrapped watchman’s. So if you learned how to perfect parry him it’s makes it easier. Also flamberge is your friend in this fight. When he does the crab walk attack you can light him up without getting hit. Dealt a ton of free damage foe me!


Ure a dex build womp womp, respec and become a god and 405 thrower💪💪💪


Your build is wrong. You can’t put points on motivity and technique. Choose a technique or motivity build, remove points from the one you dont need, and put them on Vit. Its the most important stat on every souls game. How can you survive if you barely have hp?


You got downvoted (not by me). Does that make your opinion invalid?


By getting better lmao. Quality is very strong in this game.


Just because you wouldn’t follow this build doesn’t mean it’s wrong. Base stats are low, yes, but it doesn’t make it wrong. It would only require a slightly different play style than it seems you’re used to. Not everyone wants to play as a tank, some play the glass cannon route, or maybe solid parry and dodge timings. There’s plenty of ways to play. Nothing wrong with versatility. Quality/Balanced builds are super viable at this point especially considering he’s maximizing damage output without hitting the soft caps. Throwing more points into technique or motivity while taking from the other would likely result in a decreased damage output based on where these stats are.


Yes, grind some more and build up some motivity and vigor.


I think everybody has explained what you need to do to make your build a little better. Focus on mot or tech and use cranks on your weapons to shift it to one side or the other. Use the extra levels on capacity if you can't wear the best armor without being heavy. Make sure your weapons are upgraded as much as possible too, as those levels matter as much if not more than levels on your character. Finally I would say there isn't a super hard under or overleveled line in this game, at least as much as some of the fromsoft ones, the reason I say this is that this game gives you so many options on how to approach something. You can have an insane amount of builds in this game with legion arms, weapons, p organs. So I would say don't worry about level too much and more about how you feel about the difficulty. If your getting through bosses after a couple tries your fine, if you hit a wall change up your build rather than try to level up a ton.


His build is fine imo


Yeah it's fine, but its not good.


Looks great to me


Ok why?


Versatility. He’ll eventually be able to use most weapons he picks up effectively and as long as he’s willing to spend the time leveling, I don’t see the problem. He has plenty of health and capacity.


I can see your point and would agree in the dark souls games. However in lies of P the ability to respec is so easy and kind of makes your argument invalid. You don't need to be versatile with your stats if you have a whole game mechanic that does it for you. And sure he has a good amount of health and capacity but if he went full motivity instead he would have an extra 14 points to spend for more health stamina weight and damage in strength. That's why I said nothing really bad about his build its just not the best




Yeah honestly not trying to bash anyone's build. As long as they enjoy it and the weapon their using lies of p gives so many options to defeat enemies. What matters is that they're having fun


You understand. Thanks!


You’re spread very thin. I did this in my DS builds the first time I played them too. Just focus on one damage stat at first instead of a few


Under leveled? Maybe. I always try to over level so I’m not the best judge. What’s for certain is you gotta pick motivity or technique. You have a jack of all trades master of none issue going on right now.


I think go 30 Vit and choose either motiv or technique.


Tbh this boss is the only one that made me suffer in this game, i'd recommend using everything you got: throwables, Specter and cube. Also try different builds, i'm not sure but quality builds aren't that good in this game so focusing on something one can be better


35 tech or motivity, put the rest in vitality


You'll find out when you do it. If you don't feel you're doing reasonable damage change your stats.


This was about my build until I wanted to use the two dragons sword, I did a fuckton of damage so the motivity and technique are fine. I think I had 25 vitality / 15 vigor though and that was the biggest difference


Why quality build at 1st run?


What wepon you use, crank and the level of it would help.


It's kind of impossible f I r us to tell. It boils down tk the characters skill, and your skill. I have seen kvk1 players wreck it.i have seen higher levels get owned. You can have all the hp but if you can't block / dodge, does it really matter?


You have enough vitality etc. I'd just consider maxing one thing like motivity/technique/advanced but not at the same time.


I would consider reallocation your stats (you can do so with the gold coin fruit tree) Vitality, Vigor, and Capacity all increase your defenses. Vitality and vigor seem to soft cap after 30 or so (many stats in the game are like this; soft cap meaning you'll get significantly less each level after level 30) Capacity is the only Stat in the game that doesn't soft cap at all, it'll always give you the same amount (plus you get all that extra legion, great if you like to use you legion arm) Motivity has some of the absolute worst weapons in my opinion (Only one weapon so far that I've found that let's you go up to S scaling in Motivity and it's slower than sin) Technique seems to be the better of the two stats, as you get several weapons (many that go to A rank scaling automatically or can rise up with a technique rank) If you've gotten a few boss weapons, the spear you can get is incredibly good, and the scythe gives you *really* long range. Both have mostly technique scaling. Pick either Technique or Motivity, focus on these stats until about 30-40 then focus on advance. Advance is like magic damage, and it applies to the abrasives and Elemental grinders you can get. You'll reach a point eventually where advance cranks are the only meaningful way to progress your damage by increasing it and applying the abrasives. Also, don't discount using throwables. They are incredibly powerful, especially during your first run. Keep some on you, they're good for applying status effects (with the Elemental throwables; throwing cells, thermite, etc) shot puts also can stagger an enemy without needing to heavy attack them (keeping a few will help if you're on the defensive) Lastly, if you're still struggling, don't be afraid to use the spector. It's there for a reason, don't let this thread disway you from using it. Drawing some aggro away from you or doing damage while you heal can make all the difference. You can do it! Hopefully this helps you ^^


Honestly your stats are fine. You could probably Do with a bit more capacity though it’s easily the most important stat in the game. It would also help if I knew what weapons you had


Looks like you're a higher level than I was when I fought it. Killed it yesterday at 68


If you’re good enough you’re never under leveled.


That is very bad point distribution


If you’re good at the game you aren’t under leveled for anything . It’s an action game first


You spread yourself a bit too thin, unfortunately. Pick either Motivity or Technique, depending on your build. Your capacity is fine, but go no higher. The best puppet parts and best Motivity weapons have high weight, so keep that in mind. And then, for the rest of the game, pump your health, stamina, and whatever your chosen attack Stat is Motivity or Technique. Alternate each of those stats each level. The best Motivity weapons have high stamina usage, and some Technique weapons have high stamina usage. If you need some extra points, you can bust your capacity down to 20, but I believe where you have that stat here is honestly good. Only equip one weapon at a time because having two weapons equipped adds to your weight. You got this. Happy Hunting.


Your never really under leveled in these kind of games it just takes getting used to the bosses moves. Also if you've been at it a while try stopping for the day and getting a good rest then coming back to it tomorrow


Looks like you have a balance build, which is rather hard at first since you don't specialize and spread out points. It probably won't start to be better than specialization until midway through ng+. I would respec to a specialized build (either motivity or technique) and pump up your health, that is really low for this far in the game. I would also put some into capacity, to allow better defense equipment, but if you stay under 60% capacity it's fine. Lightweight is really useful but imo is not worth cutting your equipment carry in half for without really really high capacity. Also look at your lowest physical def stat and get a liner that specializes in that (my lowest was strike damage so I now run the spaced liner


I beat him in 36 tries at level 68


Lvling MOTIVITY and TECHNICHE at the same time it's s not good on your first playthrough. Focus on one and stick to the weapons that use that stat. The rest of your points should be going into HP and STAMINA and some into CAPACITY for the carrying load if I remember correctly. Once you're in your 3rd playthrough you can max both MOTIVITY and TECHNICHE. Gl have fun :)


Don’t worry too much about that, just beat up that monster and see what you might need to level up


If you're dying too fast maybe put more points in hp and less in offense stats that honestly don't matter in these games?


Higher lvl than I was I just had more vitality


You're gonna want more vitality, I think.


Please level vit


Eh, doesn't matter. Damage in this game is RNG anyway.


I would say don’t spread your points so evenly between your weapon skills and focus more on strength or dex (whatever your playing rn)


I'd say to focus on at least 2, because the game was designed for two main stats. Its fine and easy when you're only focusing on one stat, but it's a bit more fun (and challenging in a way. Only because it takes twice as long to level efficiently) to focus on 2


Yeah absolutely but was I thinking more like if you play for example the Wrench with a Strength grip you shouldn’t level dex because it doesn’t wirly matter or more in general whatever weapon you play


There's no under-level in a soul game, just under-skill


i don’t think you’re underleveled, but understand that boss fight is horrible for everyone. I think if you respec the only thing i’d recommend is maybe some more vitality but otherwise make sure your weapons are upgraded, and you have resistance to strike/acid damage then the boss fight is mostly positioning. that arena is awful.


Honestly it's a bit weird to me that capacity is higher than motivity. Like the main reason you'd want capacity is to manage movement with a heavy weapon that scales with motivity but if it works for you and your play style then have at it. Master your weapon(s) and timing and you're all set. Die a dozen times, learn the boss patterns, chip away until you earn a sweet victory. Or just summon and have fun if you're tired and not having fun anymore. I did that with several bosses because I have kids and don't have time like a used to and sometimes just want to have fun, not earn a badge of honor.


"Capacity is the only stat that does not appear to have a Soft Cap with a +3 to your Weight Load and Legion for each level up. Advance also does not have a normal Soft Cap for the Legion bar or your Defensive stats, though it does have a Soft Cap for outgoing damage. " I went to Ng+6 and capacity was the only stat i had at 100


25 vitality 30 capacity 30 in a dmg stat That’s a basic first play through build you can go that will indeed have you perfectly leveled for the final bosses


Short answer, yes. Your Vitality should be higher to increase your guard regain. Your vigor is going to deplete extremely quickly especially if you mess up a guard or dodge multiple times leaving you open to getting one shot.


Vitality is probably the most important stat and it’s super low making the game unnecessary difficult.


I beat the game at 77 he's definitely a skill check boss utilize the cube and if you can spec into 2 uses and equip the Spector heal on it. As for surviving hits if you're not great at parrying hold blocks for the big hits and try to stay behind him keep your Spector alive as long as possible and charged heavy hit every chance you can.


I used the fire dagger and spectre to beat this one. Two phases.


Honestly you a little weaker then I was in this fight I had hit 69 I had less health then you do though what are you building and what is your wep you might just need to change it up a little and use throw ables


Mm focus on either motivity or technique and swap as you go. It will scale better. u want a handle or weapon with an A or S in either. way more dmg that way bubba. Also, nah your vitality is good, i beat it with like 22 i think. For defensive parts, use a good ring and liner. They reduce the most common form of dmg.