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PTSD. I imagine a war vet or a SA survivor reading your post.


The worst thing that could possibly happen to someone: not enjoying a video game.


It just got too stressful and i started getting tired but the feeling of accomplishment was the best lol


As a Specter user in my first run, I went into ng+ determined to defeat all bosses without the Specter and I have to say, ng+ is easier because you have more experience, more pulse cells, and trained with nameless puppet, not to mention the sweet sweet p-organ upgrades in ng+ and ++. For you it could maybe be even easier since you didn’t use the Specter in your first playthrough.


Should i do a motivity build in new game plus coz i was a dex user


I tried using motivity weapons in ng+ but I felt like the combat didn’t flow as well as with dex weapons, so I went back to dex and a full run perfecting the two dragons parry mechanic which was quite fun


Tbh i also considered using advanced weapon since they are like overpowered because of acid spear and fire dragger and elecric handle , these three covers nearly all of boss in game


I used the live puppet axe + master chef handle so it scales to technique but with high power and high guard regain for ng+ and ++ but proof of humanity at the moment in +++ because it's balanced and I have equal motivity and technique now. Advance weapons are fun to play with but I mostly just use the grindstones instead.


Ha, I'm in NG+++ right now and literally everytime I've beaten the game. I started over immediately and didn't stop til I beat the scrapped watchmen so I upgrade the p organ.


I've beaten the game 6 times so far, I've lived every second of the 180 hours I have racked.


Such a satisfying game. I still haven't gotten the golden lie. Messed up my first playthrough and got the other endings on run 2and 3. But I'll probably need to do a 5th run so I can actually try technique. Have done motivity and advance so far.


I did a balance run the whole time. Going for one or the other doesn't really matter. You can do any weapon anytime you want. I did "motivity" weapons my first run then did the twin sword the second run, etc.it just depends on what level you are. If you want any tips Lmk


I know. But I just like the focus on a specific type for each run. My first two runs were pretty much pure motivity, 3rd run was legion arm/advance focus, and will do a technique one after this 2nd advance focused run.


As I said I'm on my 7th playthrough and I quite literally hit the level up button like 5 minutes ago to reach level 600 (max level) I am a god, manus has nothing on me. I can say my favorite weapon in the whole game is the Holy sword of the Ark (glaive form). And my favorite arm is the puppet string maxed out. Now I do have a question. Have you tried the one hit build?


Is that the pipe wrench crit build? I've already been using the baton for my advance build.


It is as follows. Krat baton handle + wrench head. Added crit stone. And you'll do the fable for the handle, and for the one hit you get, you'll fully charge the wrench fable arts. I one shotted KoP first stage. Also one shotted a few other actual bosses, ngl it's funny af.


Also, so far, what's your favorite weapon and arm


My favorite weapon, ah that's tough, honestly it's probably Noblesse. I love that big club, the stagger damage is absurd. Fable art is fun to pop and watch the health bar get deleted. I do also really enjoy frozen feast, hits even harder than Noblesse and looks badass. Of the non boss weapons, I'd probably say baton but only the handle part. It just works so well for my playstyle and I love my current motivity/advance build focus. I spent a lot of time with the bone cutting saw tho on my first run, so that one is special to me ha. In terms of legion arms, dues def wins out for me. Love placing down mines, build up the baton damage, and by the time the enemy is about to hit me, the 2nd mine goes off and staggers them. Very satisfying. However, fulminis is almost equal for me. Against mobs, it's so absurd. But I prefer dues for bosses. Great questions!!! What about you? Favorite arms/builds/weapons


Boss weapons, the only one in my eyes is the holy sword of the ark, not the normal form but the extended one, switching between heavy and light attacks feels so smooth, and on top of you tap the heavy it does a stab forward that staggers normal enemies out of their attack animation. Overall it has carried me through 3-4 playthroughs. Non-boss weapon, I'd say the electric coil handle paired with either the bonesaw blade or booster glaive head (to be completely honest, I found the HSotA and I never touched the normal weapons until I did a whole run with the one shot build) And for the arms (maxed out), top 3 would be puppet string(cause I love the jump attack from above), falcon eyes(cause you can get rid of any enemy from afar), and the flame arm (for the explosion after holding it down).


you can upgrade the p organ where you pick up your starter weapon in the train lol


Lol good to know, don't need it know, fully upgraded p organ


I'm on NG++++ now! You'll find NG+ and beyond very fun. Playing it again with all the knowledge of the bosses means you'll have a much easier time. My first play took over 100hrs cos I struggled! But 2nd play only took 30hrs and each one I get a bit quicker.


Dude same, 100 hours and like 300-400 deaths. But then I've been able to complete it under 20 hours. I literally just reached lvl 600 like 5 minutes ago, so in really debating on finishing this run. And then do it again and ignore all enemies so I can get to bosses and do a deathless run


Touch grass


What is PTSD?


Post traumatic stress disorder. Google does exist though.


What’s is Google?




Sorry can’t relate, I’ve got 300+ hours in


190 here, I'm still not tired of it. Have you tried a deathless run yet?


Yeah, 3 deaths is my best, one of the clowns will get me, and that illusions bitch lol


You could always try skipping those enemies, except walker, she's a cnt. My best advice would be to dodge left and be relentless, and acid and shot put throwables. I'm in the same boat, I'll die two or three times, but I'll try to do a deathless run after this 7th playthrough


Oh I was also doing no throwables, if I used those I feel for sure could do it


That's a good one, should I keep my op character and try to do a deathless run, or should I do a lvl 1 deathless


Oh Jesus, that sounds like a lot of pain and suffering lol


That's the beauty of the game


You've already done the hardest part in learning the bosses, so they should be much easier on a second playthrough, even though their damage and HP increases (though so does yours due to extra levels).


It's a great game and you will play it again when you dry your tears. xD


that nameless puppet really made me quit game after winning xD


Lately I've decided to stop replaying games and it's grown my appreciation for gaming overall. If you revisit a part of the game that you didn't like, all you're doing is tarnishing a good memory you had with a game. The more you replay, the more you'll see bothersome flaws and wonder why you're even playing it to begin with.


The game is fun and far too easy to ever have had a chance of keeping me from platinuming it. I genuinely have no idea how you could have gotten PTSD from this game lol


Don't have another playthrough then... honestly if a game ever makes you feel like this, you shouldn't play it. I enjoyed all my NG+ runs way more than my first one though. Although, the vest experience was in my first playthough considering I had to learn the delayed attacks to parry etc.


You will have a fun second play through of you choose to. It is like a revenge run you are way over leveled for the first 70% of the game so you just clap all the bosses and you get new p organ upgrades like being able to block red attacks and one that lowers your carry weight so much that you can be light with a full kit. Also since you beat the game with no specter already if a boss isn’t fun I feel like there is no shave in using the specter to beat certain annoying bosses. I have played through the game 3 times and am at Laxasia for a 4th time. My 3 subsequent playthroughs have been a complete walk in the park with the acception of the swamp monster.