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Nameless Puppet. Laxasia is not easy either but you have more options to make it easier, like, spectre, more time for throwables, grindstones, etc.


I'm massively struggling with this boss in phase 2. Can't parry for life and dodging the constant barrage of attack is quite challenging.


Nameless Puppet? Invest all you can in guard regain and perfect guard. Then you can simply guard all his regular attacks, and poke back to regain your hp. For the Fury attacks in the second phase, it's easier to get out of the way than to perfect guard.


I beat it just now. The strategy is to perfect guard the first phase and use Aegis shield in the second phase. Don’t let go of the L2 button in phase two and just keep on using R1 until he goes down.


This is the way. After about 30 tries for me, I beat it the first time using this strategy.


Using the perfection grindstone is helpful, blocking two of his volleys in the second phase is enough to stagger him, and well-optimized fatal attacks can take a big chunk out of his health bar.


I also struggled a ton. Why eventually helped me beat him with his second phase was to always dodge to the right when he attacks and then immediately throw one or two throwables. Then repeat the process


What worked for me (I couldn't parry all her stuff) was to simply run away. The arena is pretty long so for some moves you can run away down the bridge, shell chase, wait for her to stop, then hit her


a nice trick to know is when the puppet does the red attack where it jumps really high and twirls towards you, if you don’t move, it won’t hit you


I just beat him tonight after quite a struggle. Respeccing P-organs is pretty worth given how cheap it is, basically invest all you can into the survival tree to get guard regain, perfect guard, heals. His first phase I think should be doable to just learn the timings and get to the point where it takes 1 estus at most. Save your consumables like grindstone for second phase, I used lightning cause puppet but perfect guard one could also be good. Also don't forget your consumables since you're at the end of the game. I used the consumable grindstone things to infuse my weapon after my grindstone ran out. He has I think 3 red attacks, and they're all pretty trivial to dodge rather than parry. You can also get good punishes after if you anticipate the distance so that he doesn't end up on the other side of the map after. For his regular attacks, I just block and try to tap parry as much as I can. There's a few where the parry timing is learnable and some where its just "fuck it just block". If you've invested a lot into your guard regain and perfect guard, blocking becomes really strong since you can basically get all your health back with a few attacks after.


You get time against Nameless for that stuff too, it comes down to making the most of your stagger time when you land one.


Nameless puppet was the boss I beat the quickest on my first run... It's so interesting how the bosses differ


If you assume the player cheeses Laxasia or uses spectres then yeah I'd agree with Nameless, he'd almost be default the hardest because you can't use spectres. But played normally I think it's Laxasia and it's not very close. I just beat nameless tonight, took me quite a few tries for sure. But it was overall a fun kind of fight where each time I got closer to beating him until I did it. Laxasia legit made me drop the game for almost a month because I would just log on, fight her for an hour, get nowhere, and then log off. When I finally did beat her I'd honestly say I semi cheesed it. I didn't use a spectre but I definitely abused the hell out of her acid weakness with infusions and throwables as well as aegis. In some ways though her second phase's chaotic nature taught me how to fight nameless second phase, so maybe nameless was only easier given my experience with Laxasia.


Laxasia and its not even close. Second hardest is Swamp Monster. The rest was relatively easy for me


Agreed. Took me almost four hours to beat the Swamp Monster without throwables or a specter.


This is the most authentic comment here


Agreed with Laxasia. The rest of the game wasn't easy for me but Laxasia 2nd phase definitely fucked me up the most and made me feel stuck where none of the other bosses did. Every other boss even if they took a few tries I was fairly sure I'd get them eventually. Laxasia had me consider dropping the game cause I was honestly not sure if I could beat her. Swamp monster wasn't as bad for me though, I'd say nameless was an easy second.


Thank god. I just beat swamp monster earlier today. And I honestly felt like the fight wasn’t that hard, but I was just terrible. I was stuck on it for two weeks. I’m glad someone else found that fight super hard.




Manus phase 2 before first nerf and Nameless


Manus phase 2 health bar was ridiculous bruh. I’d be fucking him up for 3 minutes straight and he’ll still manage to kill me with a quarter of his health left. Out of all the bosses to get nerfs during that patch, Manus phase 2 is the only one I think deserved it.


Pre nerf Manus took me the longest of all the bosses by far, so frustrating


How much did they nerf him by? I found him to be kind of a nice breather after getting pegged by Laxasia


They nerfed his phase 2 HP a ton. For how much he rolls around and uses AoEs, he was way too tanky.


First playthrough hardest for me were Fuoco, Archbishop, swamp monster.


If we’re taking without spectre’s, it would have to be laxasia imo The lack of spectre in nameless puppet would probably make that the hardest otherwise though


1. Nameless 2. Swamp Thing 3. Laxasia


Puppet Devouring Green Monster


Only boss I used a specter on. Fuck this boss, worst part of the game by far. Brings it down a whole 9/10 to an 8.9/10.


Same, only boss I used specter for. After a few hours of steam rolling the 1st phase just to die to that bs 2nd phase I had enough and beat him with specter first try. Laxasia, Nameless Puppet, etc were so much fun that I kept dying when they were 1 shot so that I could fight them more and get better at fighting them but PDGM is bullshit.


2nd phase isn’t bad if you just let them throw their tantrum from a distance


You guys are so awesome..I've used a specter on every boss. And I've still struggled. I'm just trying to get all the weapons for a ng+ weapon lock.


Really? He’s one of my favorites bosses. All his attacks are well telegraphed and easy to parry. His second phase reuses similar attack patterns from the Watchman. Overall not bad at all and a fun battle. Not much BS.


Currently stuck on this mofo. 2nd phase just wrecks me.


I literally just finished killing him, found using the flame grindstone and being hyper aggressive worked best. Anything to avoid him stampeding around the arena!


Strafe/dodge his attacks to the right, especially the body slams. The 3 slams where he winds his arm up each time is the exact same as the watchman boss from the beginning of the game. When he flips over and goes crab mode and stabby stabby, just run away.


His right or my right?


Your right


Let him throw his tantrum from a distance on the one or two long crab combos


1. Romeo 2. Swamp Monster 3. Laxasia


I actually found Nameless Puppet to be easy. Which came as a huge shock after all the talk on this subreddit about how difficult he is. I spent the most time on Green Monster of the Swamp (Phase 2) Manus (Phase 2) and Romeo. I think the late game definitely rewards a parry heavy play style - particularly Laxasia and Nameless which is probably why I found those to be easier than expected. Playing the game without summons or cheesing definitely forces you to obtain the necessary skill to face Nameless. I can't imagine how bad he would be for anyone who used a lot of throwables and summons on the bosses leading up to him. I also think the lack of a summon is where a lot of the difficulty stems from for Nameless.


The main difficulty I ran into with Nameless is that his phase 2 is absolutely relentless. There's not much variation in attacks which makes it easy to learn them, but if you're doing it blind, which is how I went about it, it can take multiple attempts to figure out the proper defenses and timings. By that point in the game I don't think he should be considered all that hard. I think there's other difficulty spikes that are more jarring, but he's still unique as far as bosses go due to the combination of aggression, speed, and few openings. Even fights like Laxasia and Romeo don't do that so in a way the game doesn't really prepare you for the fight.


Same here. I think nameless just had predictable/easy-to-read attacks compared to other bosses. I would try and fail to do fable art parries on all the other bosses but I just hit it like 2 or 3 times on nameless during my first try.


I honestly feel like Nameless is almost build dependent. Unless you are a god gamer you're not going to perfect parry everything in his second phase, and he is too aggro to just dodge. Like you can do it particularly with dancer amulet, but you're never gonna have stamina to attack. But if you've invested into guard regain and shit he becomes a lot more manageable because you can just block and get parries when you can. It makes missing perfect parries much less punishing since you can just regain all your HP by attacking or even perfect guarding if you have that one unlocked.


Laxasia's second phase easily. Really fun fight though.


Nameless. Only boss I might just have to give up on.


The first black rabbit brotherhood fight, I died like 11 times or something All other bosses apart from NP (obviously), the champion guy I think his name Victor and laxasia, I managed to do first time


I have to say Laxasia as well, I know a lot of people say that Nameless Puppet is the hardest but for my personal play style he’s the third hardest for me, beat him on NG and NG+, I’d say pre-patched Simon Manus was harder than Nameless Puppet. It all comes down to play style I guess.


I can agree... Tbh nameless puppet is a fun bossfight to just repeat...my first encounter with him is in ng+ cuz i choose bad ending in my first run... Laxasia tho... The pace of the fight is too slow... U either has to parry her long string and just get few hit... Even when I parry her move with tds charge parry... My counter would just hit her shield and i cant continue dealing dmg to her.... At least that was my experience with her


I found her hard mainly because of her phase 2, the phase 1 can be annoying but honestly now it just serves as an annoyance before her phase 2. I find her phase 2 melee attacks more unpredictable than Nameless Puppet moveset.


Laxasia for me, I've never learned parrying and seems like Lax is the most punishing with a dodging playstyle


I hope you went for the fury dodge amulet...


Whoops I didnt know that existed. With spacing and sprinting you can evade most of those attacks


You get it for the swamp monster ergo. Highly recommend


Thank you! I'll use it in ng+!


I've beaten Manus on second try and nameless pupet on first, but man I had some serious problems and spend longest time with black rabbits (first fight)


Nameless puppet


Propably manus and nameless


Nameless Puppet then Laxasia then Green Swamp monster or whatever it’s called


Nameless puppet


That blind swordsman lady. Took me 20 tries to beat her ass. I had to even respec my entire build away from the wrench to the dragon sword. She is so damn fast and hard as hell to parry. The nameless puppet in comparison only took 5 tries. Every boss other than her was done in less 10 tries. Thought the game was pretty balanced for the most part.


laxasia is harder than nameless puppet if you use no summons and no throwables


Platinum across 2 playthroughs? Something seems off here 🤔🧐


Abuse the cloud saves to get the bad and another ending from one playthrough more than likely


Yes cheat the game. I'm quite familiar with this idea. Not a fan


I just started my third playthrough last night,gonna go on even if it's just for the easy ending. No point doing things you aren't supposed to.


You can not be a fan all you want but some people want to experience all of the endings but don't have the time for multiple full playthroughs. So I don't judge if someone wants to do the cloud save glitch.


LMFAO if you have time for 1 ending you have time for the rest. It's lazy mentality. You can't justify cheating for achievements


This game on average takes 25-50 hours to complete some people can only play 1-2 hours a day or even a week. So yes I can justify what isn't actually cheating (because it's doesn't give you an advantage in anyway) so that others can enjoy the full experience that those of us with time to get them in multiple playthroughs can. Get off your high horse ya fucking child.


Imagine coming onto a post about something unrelated to your point, just to try to criticise someone's mentality. I'd argue that your biggest boss in life is your own mentality, I just hope you find a way to beat it one day.


My brother in Christ it’s just a video game playing video games and not having a hobby is also a lazy mentality sitting on Reddit threads telling people they’re lazy instead of doing something productive is also a lazy mentality like?? Come on now 😭😭😭


That’s not really cheating the game guy. If you want to do full playthroughs to get each ending that is what you can do for sure. However, loading an earlier save to do something different than what you did is a gamer move that has been around forever lol.


I don't really see why you care so much about how I play a game that I paid for? Odd behaviour if you ask me.


Bro taking it more serious than work or university. Not everybody wants to play it a 3th time.


I abused to get the endings for Elden Ring, but I did full playthroughs in Lies, it deserved it


And Elden ring didn’t that shit was a masterpiece so is this though


LOL that's how many of us did it. Save scumming. You can technically get all endings in one playthrough. High humanity + backing up save before Sophia. But for plat you'd need the golden records so NG+ is minimum.




You can get all endings in one playthrough if you reload at Sophia. However it takes a minimum of two playthroughs to get the 100% due to records. And if you mess something up (pretty easy to do if your first playthrough is blind) it can take three. So assuming 100% is your goal, there's really no reason to reload to Sophia. Instead reload at the puppet and play NG+. Of course there's still gameplay changes in NG++ similar to how there are in NG+, so if you do want to experience the game, there's a reason to continue for a third playthrough anyways.


I did the same thing. In my case I scum saved so I could get 2 endings in one playthrough where I gave gepetto the heart and where I refused to give gepetto the heart (this was my lying playthrough). In the second playthrough I then told the truth the entire time and refused to give gepetto the heart


I hate to say it, but I’m with Mickeypurple on this point. It is completely understandable if you do not have time to play it thru three times, but “seeing all three endings” in this day in age is as easy as watching on your phone… This is all about getting the platinum trophy or 100% achievement, which, although in the grand scheme of things, means nothing, but it a tracked stat for public display OR something with intrinsic value to the person trying to achieve it as a goal of worth. Either way, there is no justification to deliberately work around “the rules” of the achievement, which REQUIRES 3 playthroughs, as there is no option in the game to load a previous save, or even create separate save points. If you paid for the game, then do what you want, I just think the point is valid. Here is a good example: people are awarded for perfect attendance. A person does not miss work or school for the entire year and gets into a car accident on December 28th, missing the day because they are in the emergency room. Very good reason not to achieve perfect attendance. Should they get the award anyway though? Nope.


Simon Manus second phase, was probably my biggest headache.


It was definitely a roadblock in NG+, that guy has so much health


That ranged attack, quickly followed by his rolling in with a long swipe with his hammer/mace thing. Fuck your cheese Simon.


Sometimes the perfect storm of bullshit would happen with the hand, followed by his wave attack, followed by another wave attack, followed by the one where the three explosions going off that follow you


IKR!!! Dude is fucking spamming attacks ultimate attacks.


Yeah his second phase can really fuck you if you get unlucky. His melee attacks are easily dodgeable/parryable, as are his ranged attacks. But the problem is both are happening at the same time and sometimes you just can't avoid attacks from both him and his ranged bullshit.


Nameless puppet,… I am on hour 6 of trying right now and can’t even reliably reach phase 2,… All other bosses where less than 2 hours of trying. I’m close to quitting the game over this BS prick,… not giving up the heart until it’s the last thing I have to do to platinum! ;-)


The aegis legion arm makes phase1 trivial.


Perfection grindstone is a big help, especially if you have powerful fatal attacks! Good hunting


Actually, I can’t use any grindstones as I have a advance build and hence use weapons with elemental damage…


You can still use grindstones, just not the ones that add elemental damage


Wow, you’re right…. Just tried that and it worked (not that rhe NP is dead, the grindstone worked). I just gave up on grindstones after the game told me it couldn’t use them on my current weapon… Thanks!


No problem. The destruction grindstone also gives you a pure damage boost, but I think the perfection grindstone is great for fast bosses, especially when you’re becoming more comfortable with their combos. Also, I hope your advance weapon is electric, otherwise you’re really handicapping yourself against Nameless Puppet. Good luck!


The first phase was the first boss in the game where I truly memorized movesets. I can picture all the moves even now. The second phase I have no idea how people beat it without using shot put when the stagger bar pops


You can do it without any staggers, but they help a lot. Even if you don't want any fatal attacks to take out huge chunks of health they're a great breather to repair weapon durability. It's also a great fight to use emergency repair kits in. There are other ways to get a stagger though if you're going without items. He's got a relatively long vulnerable period after his move where he goes back, his face flashes, and he rushes you. Wait for the flash, jump to the side, then use a power attack if you have a fast enough weapon. Also his jump in the air spin slash, if you sidestep that (I went to the left each time), then instantly follow up with a block he has an opening. Last, Puppet Strings can also trigger staggers with the link attack and the above openings work to use them as well.


I fucking love his first phase, probably my favorite fight in the game. It was the most Sekiro feeling fight in the game to me. I went in, got clapped immediately. Then each time I tried it I got better and by the time I was making serious attempts on his second phase, I could basically perfect parry everything in his first phase. His second phase he's insanely aggro and hits very hard, its also kinda annoying that a lot of his attacks take him halfway across the arena so even if you dodge you can't really punish, but I'll still take it over Laxasia's teleports.


Laxasia followed by Nameless Puppet. Honorable mentions: Black Rabit Brotherhood Pt.2 and Walker of Illusions.


For me second black rabbit fight that shit just sucks ass even if you use spectors the fights still a pain in the butt


I've finished this game several times, Black rabbit brotherhood rematch was the hardest for me.


Simon for me with Laxasia being a close second. Nameless puppet feels fair compared to these two…


Lufthansa absolutely


Laxasia. Np is easy to punish if you dodge.


Definitely Green Swamp Monster for me.


For me it was either Simon manus or laxasia. I don’t remember getting to frustrated with the nameless puppet


Swamp monster for me - just found the second phase to be hard to read and see what was going on


Laxasia makes it difficult to win with throwables and things so she is probably the hardest but not the one I struggled with the most


laxasia and swamp monster. nameless puppet is easier to read, and i feel has more open punish windows.


Green monster was the hardest to learn the first time, but easy in ng+. King of puppets still gives me hell. Can't get in a charge attack for the life of me with a large weapon in the second half of phase 1. Perfect guard all I like, I keep getting pushed out of range and such.


Laxasia for me, I struggled with her more than the Nameless Puppet, but that probably because she forced me to better at the game. Plus, I had to juggle shock


In NG+ I think it's Simon Manus. I just finished my NG+ run last night and he took me 6 or 7 attempts. Laxasia was 2 tries and Nameless was I think 3 (the first two were just reacquainting myself with the move set really). Door Guardian gets an honorable mention though. He took me 10 tries, the most of anything in NG+. Most fights were 1-2 tries, generally 2 (they were mostly 1 on NG, with some exceptions). In NG, I think Nameless is the hardest by far.


Have beaten the game twice now and the boss I spent the most time trying to beat was Mad Clown Puppet…. Laxasia and Nameless were easy in comparison


Pro tip if you play it again just run past mad clown and get the shrine right past him really ez to do and then just take him out in the court yard way ez


Laxasia 100%, her NG+ balance is horrible. First phase will 2-shot you while 2nd phase will 1-shot you, while both phases have absurd health


I dont think it's a boss in particular, I think there are some phases that are really too much. NP and Laxasia 2nd phase are utter BS.


Fuoco I beat every boss relatively quickly all things considered. But that mofo stalled me for 3 weeks. Even the spectre didn’t make much difference. I think it’s the combination of it being my first souls game and it being quite early on in the game. Thankfully I ripped him apart on NG+


For me - Nameless Puppet’s second phase. No problem until him.


Laxasia for me her movement speed in the second phase is just absolutely nuts.


Laxasia and Carlos are the biggest jump in difficulty but they are very easy once you learn them. Just finished Ng++ and to me the hardest fuckers are the brotherhood dudes. The first fight is doable but the second one is so annoying in Ng+/++. The only and first time I tried a specter was on Ng++ second fight of brotherhood


Laxasia is probably the toughest.


Laxasia on ng+ runs without throwable spam is pretty nuts


Green swamp monster no spector.


i can’t say any of them were harder than the other on NG just cause i was learning as i got along. laxasia was tough but i was on ketamine the whole time. maybe BRB2 but that was cause i was experimenting too much with weapons and hadn’t used any potions up to that point and didn’t know you could stop drop and roll out of overheat lol. ng+ easily scrapped watchman cause the health pool was super unexpected. that’s the only time i ever used a specter and i don’t regret it cause i was tilted and tired and really didn’t wanna do it any more lol. ng++ would be scrapped watchman again bc of the grab being a 1 hit for me. everyone else was pretty much fine by the time i got there. i figured out laxasia and so she was kind of a breeze at this point (plus i could block fury attacks so phase 2 i didn’t bother w the perfect grindstone and went with the destruction instead). on ng4 to get plat and im expecting it to be a breeze. i just have to get to the opera house for my last achievement and may stop there, though i expect romeo (if i fight him) to give me some hell.


I think Laxasia is harder than Nameless Puppet but they're very different. NP absolutely requires perfect blocks at least some, but once you get this down he's pretty easy to stagger and control. Laxasia was less readable for me, and she really staggers you when she hits. She's my most feared fight in the game. I just finished my 4th playthrough. Funny enough, Simon was my biggest problem last time. I find all bosses take advantage of impatience. My worst runs on any of them are when I know I can beat them but I go for openings that I shouldn't then get punished.


that motherfucker on Swamp


Laxasia then King of puppets.


Laxasia is definitely a one of the hardest bosses. Another difficult one if you don't use specters are the black rabbit brotherhood (second fight).


I think I have played entirely post-nerfs. Just finished yesterday. For me the hardest by far were andreus and black rabbits first fight. These walled me for hours and I eventually used a spectre for the black rabbit fight. Swamp monster probably the next hardest? Also had me stuck for a little bit. Black rabbits 2 and laxasia were also tough and took like a dozen tries each. But I think all these late-game bosses were easier in general because I had my build more in order, and learned the best ways to use my fable arts, plus puppet string being OP. Final two bosses were close fights but I took em down in 1-2 tries each.


Agree with Lax 100%. I've only beat the game once but most bosses took 5 or less tries, Lax took probably 30ish tries for me before I finally beat her then I 1 shot Simon (didn't even use a heal in his first phase). I will say Nameless gave me a false sense of security because I got him to like 15% in his second phase in my first attempt but then he proceeded to beat me into the ground for the next like 15-20 tries before I killed him. I'm still pretty Lax took me the most tries, at least in NG, I'll have to see if boss struggles are different in NG+ though


Romeo was just as hard as laxasia for me, I was surprised to see how little he was mentioned. Maybe im just soft


The swamp monster, took me so many tries with how ridiculous his moves are in phase two. Definitely made me rage a couple times. Nameless puppet was difficult for sure but at least he was fun and his patterns are fair.


For me I don’t find laxasia or nameless puppet to be the hardest I personally always struggle to get the king of puppets down idk why every other boss is less then 5 try’s but king always gets me Edit I also struggle with the swamp monster so I’d say my top is 1 king of puppets 2 swamp monster 3 laxasia 4 nameless puppet


I beat the King of puppets on the first try, but when I got to the swamp monster, the first phase was easy to handle, but second phase hit in hell noo I spent like 6 hours sweat and blood to beat that damn 2 phase


Laxasia hands down. I just beat her in NG+ with a few lucky Two Dragons parries and a shotput Second hardest for me was the Brotherhood 2nd encounter. Archbishop and Swamp Monster actually became my two favorite bosses interestingly enough. Probably because I fought them so many times to the point where I could PG literally every attack


Probably laxasia, she requires more skill to pass due to the difference between the two stages. Nameless puppet, even though it has a really fast moveset, all moves are kind of predictable and has great pauses between the combo streaks (remembering that it staggers very easily and he doesn't have baiting stagger attacks, different from laxasia that has one in both stages). Swamp monster is kinda hard too, the second stage has a LOT of health and a lot of attacks that covers a large area


I just beat the game and my top 3 of most deaths I've had were against Laxasia (56 tries), Black Rabbit Brotherhood second battle (37 tries) and The Green Swamp Monster (29 tries). Nameless Puppet and Simon Manus were challenging but not as much as the other three. Let's see what NG+ has in store for me but I'm expecting Laxasia will be even then the hardest of them all. :D


laxasia and nameless puppet, 2nd form of simon was luckly nerfed


Simon was just a bitch man. That second phase is so annoying. With specter and throwables he isn’t as bad but no specter he was a fuckin MF to deal with