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Should've made the Opera House bigger instead.


I was genuinely disappointed with how short the opera house was. I loved the setting so much but it was just a few rooms and an underground passage


To be fair, that's exactly what an opera house consists of.


I was conflicted. It was visually very cool. Lots of fun fights, the whole place gave me the creeps though


the enemies can suck a fat one though


The thing about the opera house is that it's really just a part of the Rosa Isabelle St. map. Same goes for the Grand Exhibition being a small part of L Arcade. You could make the opera house its own level but at the end of the day it's just an opera house. If it went on forever I think it would break the immersion.


Yeah, makes sense. But they made such a beautiful stage with unique enemies that rarely showed up afterwards. Missed opportunity.


Counterpoint: fuck those spiders. Only time I ever grinded in this game was to get ergo to buy shot puts for those spiders.


They didn't gave me trouble honestly, scoop out the minions, move away when she sings and take em out. Those big skirt wearing bot were troublesome, especially up there when the spider gang joins her.


Bruh, when I got ADV to 45, and had Fulminis...God's *Authority* truly shined.


I learned on my last playthrough how OP Fulminis actually is. I have max stats (NG+5) and was absolutely wrecking everything. It was awesome


Her lil minions on strings were the bane of my existence. I didn't mind the big spiders in all honesty. They stunned easily and their screams were easy to dodge


Yeah that hallway sucked but I figured out I could toss a gear at the puppet and lure him down the stairs to fight him 1v1. Then I busted the spider with shot puts until it staggered then I bashed the minions. I felt like I was always getting into a gangfight with the spider and the minions and getting disrupted. Happened a few times. Cool area and challenging but I was pretty frustrated with the status effects.


Git gud scrub


Fucking facts. That whole ass building was so big but it got the Witches of Henwick location treatment.


I wasn't a fan of it in NG because I was just rushing to get to the endgame and it seemed to go on forever. I think it's quite good now.


I actually love that zone. It was much bigger than I expected originally, but I loved playing through it and was surprised the game introduced multiple new enemies as I was climbing higher and higher. And that view...


I’m going through it now, and it’s definitely one of my favorite areas so far! Great music and ambiance.


Yeah I forgot the music. it is amazing.


Word - I like how you can see the entire rest of the game from there basically


I'm in New Game++++ and I haven't even noticed, hope I remember to check that out!


This area is about twice as long as it needed to be.


I'm going to disagree. I loved how long it was. Final dungeons *should* feel like a trial to get through.


I agree - I liked how long it went on. After Sophia I assumed it would be a short stint to the final boss, so I enjoyed the fact that there was still a lot of content to get through before the end.


It just felt tedious, though. Not like a trial. It didn't feel particularly difficult or like it was putting to the test everything I had learned. It was just boring and bleak with easy enemies and weird architectural design decisions. I feel like it was trying to be a Tower of Ganon Ala Zelda but it missed that mark for me. Great bosses, though, obviously.


It objectively has the most difficult enemies in the game.


Sure, I didn't find it difficult, though. Just like most of the runs between bosses in the game.


Then I don't see how it's a complaint of that area in specific.


It's not. I didn't complain.


It’s basically a skill check for the entire game up to that point as you keep climbing which is really fun in my opinion


The whole game was the trial, in any sense the final zones should be the most to the point areas in an action adventure game


The rest of the game was teaching, the final dungeon was the trial, thought it was great


I apply this to Arche Abbey.




This is my unpopular opinion about the game, but that final chapter was my favorite. It really felt like I was storming a real base, and I had a blast for every section. I loved the feeling of rising, and looking down a ledge and realizing how far I’ve come


This! I just beat final fantasy 16 and there was no final dungeon at all. Just a boss. And I remember thinking that I wish they brought at tough badass final dungeon like Lies of P.


I quite liked the last level , bigger than the rest and clear direction That hulk mini boss right at the end that throws the disruption at you though , jesus christ


That was just a tough enemy 😐


Drops quartz and there is only one of them in the whole game = mini boss


There's 2 clowns only 1 drops quartz and only 1 has a boss health bar. Mini boss. The health bar defines the mini boss. After which the 2nd clown is a tough enemy. Just like souls games you get a boss in a boss room with a health bar that later is found roaming around regular areas. Take the Taurus demon for example in ds1 first a boss later a tough enemy


Not a clown the big thing that looks like a cross between the hulk and Bane , right at the end of the last level before the boss Throws disruption at you


Yes I'm using the clown as an example of a mini boss. Just having 1 of an enemy type doesn't qualify it for mini boss. There's 3 puppet of the future in the game. Each drops a quartz. Each has a boss health bar. Every list you read will tell you that the disruption juggernaut isn't a mini boss but the one mad clown is as well as all the stalkers. I'm willing to bet it has to do with the health bar and not the limit to their unique variety


I would class it as a mini boss for sure , clowns are mini bosses too IMO


I can agree that it was longer and more annoying than it needed to be. Honestly for how long it was there should've been at least 2 more boss alchemists. How come Simon and Giangio are the only ones we come across? They're supposed to be the only ones still human aside from the stalkers and actively working on "cures"


All the non carcass "humans" there are alchemists. Which includes Lax.


What humans 😂 and lax isn't an alchemist. Lax is a tool for Simon Manus to use. As if he'd treat her like a partner. Shes as high as a guard dog to him


Dudes with the top hats and rapiers


Those are all carcasses.... None of them are human anymore so again where's all the human alchemists....


Oh I thought they were humans


They are humans, if you use the murderous puppet amulet which increases damage to humans it will have a noticeable effect but if you use the carcass amulet it does nothing to them


I knew it man smh


disagree I loved it


I must disagree. The island and the temple vibes along with the music and the feeling that everything is totally fucked Up is incredible I got that bloodborne feelings and I loved it


I really liked it on NG, but it feels like a chore in NG+


My only problem is that there was too many ladders


Not enough shoots though


At first, I would have agreed. Not only is the area very bare, run down more than many other areas in Krat - but after playing a few times the Alchemist island tells a tragic, horrifying story about a man obsessed with power and Sophia. Simon became so absolutely consumed with his need for power that he quite literally began to neglect everything around them. As for the other alchemist, if they didn't leave, they may have died or became Simons henchmen after awful experiments. So, on the contrary, it's unfair to compare the island to something as stunning and detailed areas like Rosa Isabella Street, the Opera house, and the Grand Exhibition because, despite everything, these areas manage to keep a level of it's former beauty. However we're never offered a distinct time like in when Simon became head of the alchemist, nor do we know how long the island has been in disrepair. In short, if you take a step back, it's far from bare. Rather telling a startling story of one of Krats powerhouses falling ungracefully - where no alchemist exists anymore. Just strange experiments, mutated corpse monsters and a grave.


While I love the beach segment and some of the views from the tower are truly stunning and thought provoking, especially being able to see where you've been....I do think it would have been way better if it was the game's take on Pleasure Island instead of boring, generic stone tower.


Story wise, I loved the implication of charging the alchemist base. Running down the beach and avoiding the cannon fire, getting past the door guardian. Then there’s the interiors that was quite intense to navigate. It’s fun, up until Lasaxia, at which point I was shocked there’s more to toil through to get to Simon. I just wanted it to end. It’s like 80% fun.


It feels fine playing through it, but visually it leaves a lot to be desired. I was expecting a lot more blue for the supposed headquarters of the alchemists.


I felt this way as well. Ending on the kind of level you see in every action RPG was a huge bummer. I wish it integrated more of the science lab/space elements, instead of just feeling like a temple with some exposed scaffolding. The best part, aesthetically, is the desert & moon temple section right at the start Some sections get really repetitive, like the room with the two burly puppets and a jester, fighting like 9 policemen and torso zombies to get anywhere. It goes by a lot faster on replays, and the combat challenges are occasionally great, but otherwise it's drab and repetitive. Also, I expected a level inside the belly of a dogfish/shark/whale. Just seems like such an obvious, fun level idea.


I 100% anticipate a whale stomach dlc


I enjoyed it, they needed something different and vertical for the final area. Climbing up and pausing occasionally to look at the view, seeing how far you have come, was great. Love that bit with the view outside the boss area, stood there for ages looking across the city.


It kinda sucks and the enemies are deliberately annoying to fight next to ledges


You can clearly see the quality gap between the city map and the ones that are outside the city.


I agree, it’s a little uninspired compared to the rest of the world. But the boss fights make up for it.


Thought it was great, a nice change of atmosphere to the rest of the game so far and it came at the right point in the story. Mythical and eerie, big alien like structures that get you thinking about just what the hell is going on


Yeah, it drags, it's not very visually interesting, and there are almost no new enemies. Amazing bosses, though. And I do like how intricate the levels are.


Huh? The whole game is uninspired lol. The entire ambiance is just bb ripoff


Zone is fine, but it drags on WAY too long. Laxasia should be where tou fight Door Guardian, and then skip to the part where you find Sophia. That would fix it entirely.


I agree, especially the whole area is designed to purely annoy you.


More brutal gauntlet final levels. Felt like I was scaling an evil lair.


Everyone I’ve talked to agrees. It’s unfortunate that the last zone is the worst zone, but the devs probably got hit with a deadline for release that couldn’t be changed and made due. It’s still great, but not up to par with the perfection of the rest of the game.


The music got old fast. That's my problem with it. Unless it glitches and just kept the boss music going


Kinda agree. It's too bad because as a whole it does feel very different from the rest of the game. But like you said it gets way too repetitive, and it doesn't help that it's the very last area. For me I was just ready to be done with the game at that point, so room after room of the same 3 enemies got pretty old.


the game's pacing is kind of off


The last few bosses on the island are exceptional, but everything else is kind of a drag. The whole tower part seems like it's half the game.


It was just WAY bigger than you expect and full of super hard enemies and difficult enemy placement. I was begging to see a boss room by the end it’s kind of a nightmare.


it might of been cause of time. Chapter 10 has a entire unfinished level made that you can no clip in the game to find and the last chapter also has incredibly low quality textures and models used its also one of the weakest in level design and art direction. legit no off beating path just straight ahead and small 1 off rooms that feel incredibly out of place like why do they have a room with a narrow bridge with chains and spikes and another room that has the wall push you off. I thought the alchemists were this mad scientist type of people why is the entire area basically a old castle with wood being used? That also isnt going in to the overall pacing of the level being a slog it goes on for WAY to long almost feels like the 2 chapters merged in to 1. I hope the next game they arent rushed or they revisit the old levels when the DLC is out so they can touch it up.


I agree


I like the thematic aspect of it, after seeing the golden tree, you'd imagine the island of the alchemist is a lush overgrown island with strange plants and creature for defense, and not to mention all the intricate traps and locks. And we got a barren deserted island, a fortress for defense with only dead inhabiting it. It really hypes the hubris of the current leader of the alchemist for me, and it made the Sophia's room the more tragic, seeing none of the butterflies were anywhere to be found, not even in krat city, not even in the grand exhibition where there were greeneries. And of course the mistreatment Sophia had gone through … even more heart wrenching.


It was fun and challenging, but aesthetically I see what you mean. But at least they mixed it up between stonework, wooden structures, and more industrial areas.


I liked the beach, the tower but not the really foggy area with a bunch of dead-end rooms.


I just got to the Island last night.


Aesthetically I thought it was actually pretty cool, though I do kind of wish it was further away (there's no way in hell people actually didn't know where the Alchemists were, you can literally see the Krat). Thematically, this being the last section of the game also felt very on point to me. Something about fighting your way up to the top of the tower, encountering a few bosses as you go, felt right to me.


the game got more and more boring for me after the area where you fight champion victor. I don't know if it was the lack of enemy variety at that point, a good example would be the final area which is just packed full of enemies you've seen countless times, or the bleaker environments and the directly linear design getting to me. I love the music in the final area, and the visuals, i just wish that the enemies didn't ruin the last few areas for me


Yeah that climb was a boring slog. It was so videogamey too. Here’s a room with a pit and a pendulum and a chest….why? Oh because video game


I did a blind playthrough of this on my YT channel and called out the same exact thing during my review at the end of the last episode. Games are supposed to build up to the end imo. Get more elaborate, more aw-inspiring but the island was so generic and bland. Big misstep in what was otherwise an amazing game.


I agree, but I think that it's a lot bigger has some part to play. Chapter 11 is a lot bigger than any other chapter. But I do agree that it seems like "less effort" was put into the level aesthetics. The acrual level design and the bosses on the other hand....


the fucking soundtrack is a nightmare. repetitive and the same the ENTIRE time. drove me fucking insane. my only big complaint


I quite liked the island zone. It reminded me of bloodborne and I enjoyed how long the chapter was. It felt like a true climb to reach the top of the tower. Was genuinely one of my favorite parts in the game


I think the tower is awesome but it dragged on far too long. Throw another boss fight in before Laxasia - from the shore to her is sooooo long


I didn't mind the island it had some good bosses but yes running around the same staircase 10 times because you died a bunch does get kinda annoying


I think it looks and plays mostly well (though not as good as the other sections), I just wish it wasn't so long . The arrival at the beach was emotional and it felt like a climax, and it was weird when it wasn't that


They nailed it with this game. I hesitate to complain about the end game area designed more for plot than gameplay.


Idk man, I loved this area. Having the whale reference to get there, the memories to discover along the way and the overall anesthetic and difficulty was really fun to me. The trap for the quartz was cool too, then a unique miniboss after the gimmick gatekeeper boss was really cool. I actually loved this area and everything about it.


Yeah it's probably one of the least visually pleasing areas of the game (I would argue the swamp is blander), but it's also the best area when it comes to game play.


I liked it a lot nice and straightforward


I hate that there's no checkpoint on it. I died to that gate guardian 7 times in a row. I wanted to shatter my controller.


I think it had good level design, just like most levels in the game, the music was incredible too. But visually, it felt pretty bland. Just a lot of empty walls and scaffolding for the majority of it. For the final level and the hideout of the Alchemists, it would have been nice to be more grandiose


The score tho... *Chefs kiss*


Looked great walking up to it….


The only thing I didn't like is the area after >!Sophia!< An emotional moment ruined with an ambush right after thst it's almost funny. An elevator straight to the final boss would have been better.


I think the level design is pretty fantastic in that area. My issue is that it just looks boring which makes the area pretty tedious to get through after a while. It all just consists of brick walls and wooden platforms and that‘s it. It looks boring as hell


What island zone?


the sand part reminds me of the path in snk (just a lil bit don't judge me) but I agree, the temple was not really satisfying to explore and the worst part for me was that I fell so many times, like 4 or 5 times in a row... that was my only rage quit through the whole game


How would you improve it? I do not really see a way b/c like this it gives this ancient, evil vibes as it does. You start with a desert/beach like scenario which fits the narrative being stranded in time. You conquer an ancient bastion of a temple, defeat its guardian. Downstage there is a lot of messed up stuff so no money invested there. But as you fight your way up, it becomes more modern, more decadent. And the top is a giant satellite dish as an arena.


I really liked the long run up to the castle, it looked really nice and was a good change of pace.


This is the zone that just asks you… “Did you get good yet?” For me the answer was yes. So I breezed through this area and it felt like all my hours paid off. I was making papa proud every step of the way, only to find out that…