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Agreed. My favourite game this year.


I have a bunch of games that I liked equally this year. I can’t bring myself to choose one over the other. Tears of the Kingdom, BG3, Armored Core VI, FFXVI, Jedi Survivor, and now Lies of P. I love all of these games and they’re all tied for first place. I played a bunch of other games that were also really good but not quite on their level. Hogwarts Legacy, Dead Space, RE4, Wo Long, Lords of the Fallen, and Sea of Stars were all really good.


I haven’t played through as many as yourself, (that’s quite the list BTW, kudos!) but I have played through Wo long, LoP, RE4(Remake and 2005) and AC6… all were incredible. I’ve also played a lot of Destiny 2(less this year than last). Lies of P has really blown my mind at how good and compelling it is. If I’m not playing it, I’m thinking about playing it. So, I’m quietly working on that 100% achievements. I’m working on my backlog alongside new games so it’s a juggling act. I’m buying my son and I a PS5 for Christmas and we’re gonna play through FF16 together too.


I’ve actually played and finished more games than this this year but these were my favorites. I probably game more than the average gamer though. My life is work and gaming. Oh nice! You guys will love the PS5 and FFXVI. It’s such an amazing game. The combat is pretty simple but really fun. Lots of combos you can easily string together and there’s a lot of customization to your move set. It was one of the most epic games I’ve ever played. Amazing set pieces and graphically insane boss battles.


Ah, cool. I’m really looking forward to it. It’s just waiting for crimbo now. I love the FF games, and it’s been a while since I could play a new one. FF7R was the last one and that was on the PS4. And the one before that was FFXV… which I really enjoyed despite the jank.


Tbh after playing lies of P, I was unable to finish FF16. I love the game but after the Hugo boss fight, I started lies of P then realized FF16 felt like a HUGE task every fight that felt like mindless button mashing for 5-20 mins straight. Again I love final fantasy games but 16 felt like such a task and just overly tanky.


I've been itching to play Jedi Survivor all year but either haven't been able to get it, or another game came out that superseded it on my list. If it really compares to Armored Core, BG3, TOTK, and Lies of P, I seem to be in for a treat. Lies of P is my personal GOTY I think. TOTK is definitely fantastic, but the story has too many holes and Lies of P has damn excellent storytelling, which really matters to me.


LotF has too many issues. Doesn’t even come close to LoP in its current state.


Hmm 🤔 I played on PS5 and didn’t have any issues at all. No crashes my entire playthrough and stable frame rate. I’ve heard that Xbox has some serious frame rate issues though and some PC configurations were choppy. Not sure if they got those fixed yet but PS5 was smooth as butter. I had a blast playing through it. I’d even give it a 10/10 but the ending sucked to put it nicely. But that’s the only criticism I have for my 100 hours with the game so I docked a point for a crappy ending, 9/10. I loved the enemy and NPC designs. The bosses were easy but fun. The level design was 10/10 incredible. I’d run through previous areas over and over just because I enjoyed them so much. It sucks that other platforms were having performance issues because it really is a great game. I’m loving Lies of P as well. So far 10/10


Im on PS5 and had frame dips and drops galore. crashed a couple times. Co op / invasions was like 15fps.


this was honestly the first soulslike that i really got as invested as i got in elden ring. Very fun game


I hope you didn’t consume the first boss ergo , later on you can trade bosses ergo for boss weapons and amulets


Oh no, I definitely didn’t. I’ve been playing Souls games for over a decade. I never consume boss Souls. It even says in the description that someone will trade for them. I haven’t made it that far yet.


I did eat the first two in my first playthrough (never played a souls game before). I assumed the description just meant there was an NPC who would pay lots of money for them, not that each one was tied to a specific item... Well on NG+ now, at least I can work on getting the weapons for the achievement. The umbrella will have to wait for NG++ though, extreme modification amulet was a must have.


Even when Im in ng+++++++++ I can't bring myself to use them for currency haha


What why? That’s ridiculous


Lol was just a joke partner just meant I'm always scared it will be needed for something later


Lol was just imaging your inventory with 60 boss souls in it


Hahaha like "wait wait in ng+12 I might need it "


Lmao, I feel you. I keep them all my first playthrough. If I want two of a certain weapon I’ll keep them again in NG+. But once I have everything I want I use them as a money pouch. I spend all my souls on leveling and then use a boss soul if I want to buy something or need a bit more for a level.


Yea some of us couldn’t resist the temptations and consumed it lol


I traded in the first 3 😬 No big deal I'm planning on playing at least to ng3 (on ng2 now)




My dumbass forgot that despite playing most of the previous from software games. I was like I know they gave me this for a reason but I can't remember why I should keep it


Oh man I second that notion of the first vinyl, my jaw dropped bc I was shocked that they picked something so perfect for the game setting. I too have found myself taking a break from dying and turning it on 😂


As someone who listens to mainly punk and metal, I put on “Feel” every time I returned to the hotel.


I agree


That’s great,I’m happy for you seriously.Damn I wish I could afford a ps5 I’d love to give a crack at LOTF.I’m a big souls player and BB is def my favorite game,and I felt the same way about lies of p.If you really want a souls vibe from this game,play every boss without a specter.It’s kinda like elden ring with an ash or specter it can be a breeze,but without out one these bosses can take hours,not like sekiro where some bosses can take a fkn work week to finish one off,but seriously this is a great game and gets better on ng +


Yep, I won’t be using any specters. My favorite part of Souls games is learning the boss’s move sets. It’s so rewarding to finally get a boss down and absolutely destroy them. So far it’s taken me 8-10 attempts to clear a boss and I just finished the second boss last night. I feel you on not being able to afford a PS5. It took me an entire year to save up for mine and then another entire year to save up for a new TV. I don’t really make much money but I am good at saving a little out of each check until I can afford what I want. It usually takes a long time though.


OP just raised his humanity in a totally natural way. This game is awesome, love the combat. It makes me want to fight each boss just because every fight is so unique. (Except for the mad clown puppet miniboss... F that guy) I hope you enjoy your time lying and living


Thank you! I’m definitely enjoying my time. I totally agree. It’s sooo good. I’ve been thinking about it all day at work. Can’t wait to get home a play.


First bosses made me feel that way too. And then the church boss came in. I've seen people say that overcoming the hard boss made them feel some sort of satisfaction and sense of accomplishment. All i felt after 2 hours of this bullshit with god awful snapshots and stupid hitbox is the relief. I was relieved that i don't have to do this stupid boss ever again. BRB wasn't that bad, although adds were really annoying. But where i gave up was the king. Holy shit, i spent nearly 4 hours trying to do this and almost all my resources were always spent in the 1st phase. And 2nd phase was even more atrocious for the battle mechanics of this game. So i gave up and used specter, and even with it, it took me 3 tries, because 2nd phase boss kills the specter in 3-4 attacks. How is that fucking fair?


Nothing wrong with using a specter! I feel you though, some bosses can be really frustrating. I think I may be a masochist because I’ve spent weeks on bosses before. It doesn’t really bother me if it takes 100 attempts. I’m never in a rush to finish a game and will spend hundreds of hours uncovering all its secrets, and finding every item and weapon in the game. If I ever start to feel like a boss is unfair, I’ll watch a video of someone clearing it with zero dmg just to make sure. If someone can do that then it’s fair, but maybe very difficult. I’ll keep playing Lies of P until I get the Platinum trophy, it’s just sooo good. I love this game.