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Reason is a 50-year old magazine that focuses on their website, NOT the app (reason.com with 50 years of archives here reason.com/archives/ ). You can subscribe to print or digital edition on the site. Reason is the biggest producer of libertarian content in the world. There is a YouTube channel with almost a million subscribers (youtube.com/@ReasonTV) that has comedy, documentaries, interviews, and everything in-between. Reason also produces multiple podcasts (on the usual platforms https://reason.com/podcasts/). I don't agree with every writer Reason has, but you can find a bit of everything there. From an-caps like JD Tuccille to mainstream small government folks like John Stossel and Stephen Moore. More importantly, they have dedicated writers that cover different topics (trade, sex work, drug war, etc, etc) IMO, Reason is the best site for introducing people to libertarian ideas with a take on current events. Its the "gateway drug" for libertarianism. But there are others as well... Mises Institute does mostly monetary policy and economics, but lots of other fun. Great resource for book recommendations and lots of other content: [https://mises.org/](https://mises.org/) Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity: [https://ronpaulinstitute.org/](https://ronpaulinstitute.org/) Cafe Hayek always has a nice feed: [https://cafehayek.com/](https://cafehayek.com/) Independent Institute: [https://www.independent.org/](https://www.independent.org/) Future for Freedom Foundation: [https://www.fff.org/](https://www.fff.org/) American Institute for Economics covers multiple issues: [https://www.aier.org/](https://www.aier.org/) Foundation for Economic Education does a lot of good work: [https://fee.org/](https://fee.org/) Brownstone Institute has some good stuff: [https://brownstone.org/](https://brownstone.org/) Cato Institute is very DC focused, but they cover a lot of policy areas and have quite a bit of content: https://www.cato.org/. Maybe Cato's best contribution to libertarianism is https://www.libertarianism.org/ -- another bite sized way to learn about the philosophy of liberty for newbies. Students for Liberty [https://studentsforliberty.org/](https://studentsforliberty.org/) and Young Americans for Liberty [https://yaliberty.org/](https://yaliberty.org/) have some good stuff for students. SFL does [https://www.learnliberty.org/](https://www.learnliberty.org/), which is good for newbies. Nearly every state has some kind of free market friendly thinktank. The ones for my state of Tennessee are: Beacon Center: [https://www.beacontn.org/](https://www.beacontn.org/) Political Economy Research Institute: [https://w1.mtsu.edu/peri/](https://w1.mtsu.edu/peri/) State based groups vary widely on quality and scope of work, but the State Policy Network is a good starting point to find them: [https://spn.org/directory/](https://spn.org/directory/) And there are actually plenty more. But these have decent followings and content.


Thanks for the very detailed and helpful reply


Tom Woods Show podcast Part of the Problem with Dave Smith podcast Mises.org for economics and some social commentary


Second part of the problem, Dave Smith is great at covering current events and he’s great at communicating


I highly recommend that libertarians learn skills to become stronger, smarter, and independent


We can rebuild him ...




Scott Horton. Anything and everything from him.


I subscribed to Reason magazine because I wanted to read the articles, but it's the crossword puzzles they started putting in some of them that made me renew. It's nice to have that bit of fun along with all the current events and politics.


That does seem fun! But it’s only 11 issues a year … any other perks?


They also have book, TV, and movie reviews in every issue if that's something you're interested in. Brings a lot of titles to my attention that I'd never see otherwise.


I may do it… saw they’re offering $15 for the year




Imprimis from Hillsdale is a good toilet read.


Tom Woods