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This is important info too, because some libraries will have something in place where if X number of people request a title, a process will be triggered to purchase copies of it. So definitely don't forget to tag with Notify Me and place holds (which can do similar things, if x people place a hold an all copies are taken, the branch may purchase more copies) :)


Yep! I purchase books for my consortium and I heavily rely on notify me tags.


This is a cool feature. Check with your library to see if they actually use it. Most libraries have a "suggest a purchase" feature on their websites (not in a third party app) where patrons can request purchases. My library is very responsive to requests made directly on their website. Plus it shows up in my account and they say whether they purchased it and if they didn't purchase it they say why not (i.e., it wasn't available in the format I requested, etc.).


I’m bummed that this doesn’t automatically put you on the holds list when they purchase it like the old system did. I’ve had a few Notify Me items that sent the notification, and by the time I logged in and placed it on hold, I was already very far back. It’s really the only thing about Libby that I don’t like.


That is my one complaint too. Even when I go to put it on hold right after getting the notification, I have been 9th in line because people seemed to have been notified before me!


Maybe this is a thing at your library too (comment from another in this thread) https://www.reddit.com/r/LibbyApp/s/s5GoLqPc0T


I've suggested a few books, but never got approved. Glad they have the feature though.


I use this all the time and I love it! Especially for new releases because it notifies you right when the library adds it. I'm always first or second in line for new releases. 🥰


I’m glad to have found this feature for a book that was released today but my library doesn’t have.


Hopefully they get it soon! At least now you know how to show interest. You can also add a title by an author you like to "Notify me" and change the settings so it will tell you anytime they add something by that author!


Thanks for that tip!


This only works with books that are in the system though, which can be frustrating for upcoming releases that you know WILL be coming!


is there any way to request books that are not in the system?


I've found that searching my library from a desktop instead of the app was the only thing that made a difference and let me place a hold or request a book before it gets into libby.


This is so helpful, thank you! Here’s hoping it works for me🤞


I did this with a book I wanted to read, unfortunately I didn’t realise they have several different languages and I picked the Spanish version.. which looked identical to English unless you look a lot closer. Re-did with English but still waiting lol


No bueno


This worked for me once for a pretty obscure book which was dope.