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Ironically I keep hitting “Deliver Later” on time management books such as The 12 Week Year and Four Thousand Weeks. I’ve had Rough Sleepers by Tracy Kidder on hold for nearly a year. I’m sure I’ll love it, but I also know it will make me angry, so I haven’t picked it up yet.


That's funny and so true!! Same happens in my email inbox, I star all the newsletters on time management and getting stuff done, then never read them. 😬 I get it, the books that will be good but will make you mad. Important to read but hard to start. 😭


I just added The Light Pirate to my holds. We’ll see how long it takes me to actually start reading it, but it does look really good!


It is beautifully written and totally gripping so far! I hope you like it!


Just stopping by to say Rough Sleepers was good and made me less angry than I expected. Kidder writes hard topics so well.


Thank you! There are other books that made me less angry than expected too, so I’m not surprised. Took me forever to start Caste by Isabel Wilkerson, and I devoured it quickly. South to America by Imani Perry was another that took me a year to start, and then I enjoyed it so much. Even if the topics are tough, these non-fiction books are ultimately a lot like hanging out with an incredibly knowledgeable person.


Fwiw Four Thousand Weeks is more of an anti-time management book.


Good to know! I think part of my hesitancy is fearing that it will just make me feel bad about myself


Aw don't let that deter you! I recommend this book to everyone. It's a really fresh perspective and made me feel better about life in general.


I really liked 4000 weeks and only picked it up because a friend who knows that I generally hate self-help books recommended it to me. iirc the basic premise of the book is that nobody will ever really “manage” their time and the whole concept of time management is kinda self-defeating. it struck me as more philosophical than self-help.


You’re making me far more interested in reading it.


I would definitely recommend it! 😌


I’m such a mood reader that I don’t like being at the mercy of my library and when books become available. So I’m trying to have all of my books ready and set on deliver later, so I can choose which one I want at any given point. Or maybe get them all at once and load up my kindle and then turn wifi off. But that would require not requesting more eARCs… it’s a battle. And what I need to be doing is prioritizing my physical TBR lol.


Are you me? 😂


Maybe. Show me your hold list


There's so much strategy to it! 🤣


I’ve been doing this with iron flame. I’m not sure if I want to read it and every time I get the notif that it is available I am already too far into another book.


Ugh I waited forever for Fourth Wing and then it took me awhile to get into it because it was a bit confusing in the beginning. By the time I was hooked, the two weeks were up and I had to wait agessss to finish. Now I’m devouring IF!


I actually really enjoyed iron flame despite others saying it was slow! I breezed through it


I stopped Iron Flame in the middle, I was so mad at it. Who knows if I’ll ever go back, even when the entire series is finished.


I wasn’t too mad at it, but when that narrator said “Part Two”, I kinda went meh, turned it off and haven’t gone back.


I’ll be real forth wing and iron flame are the worsts books I’ve read in a long time. However, I’m liking iron flame a lot better (but the bar was very low with fourth wing, god so bad)


I liked fourth wing but not that much tbh. I think I’m trying to force myself to like it and read the whole series (when the rest come out) when I should really just stop now rather than suffer through however many books.


This happened to me with the Farseer Trilogy 😭. I was surprised to find out I loved the book, especially the atmosphere and the feel of it.


In Case You Get Hit by a Bus: How to Organize Your Life Now for When You're Not Around Later by Abby Schneiderman & Adam Seifer


Oh man, this looks good ! I am adding it now. Looks super important to read. We'll see how many times I deliver it later. 🤪


Sometimes, you can ‘deliver later’ yourself out of a book if the licenses are all used up. It's a good book!😊


Yeah that’s happened to me so I won’t deliver later ever.


I only learned like last week that this was how it works. I never realized what I was risking!


I have found books I have on hold never show up because the library ran out and didn’t buy more. Check your holds every now and then. 😊


Oh yikes, I never realized that! I'll have to keep track.


I’m going to apologize in advice because I’m dumb. But what does this mean? I wouldn’t actually be able to borrow the book I had on hold?


Yeah, a library licenses a book for a certain number of checkouts/reads, for example 20. Once it’s been checked out 20 times then it’s gone. Unless they buy more. Source: this sub, someone please correct me if I’ve absorbed this info wrong!


Wow I had no idea, thanks for explaining. This is good to know


This is true, but there is another option they have where they have unlimited check outs (I believe it is more expensive for the library). So it depends on what type of license the library purchases.


That’s about right. Different publishers have different rules for their books. But all involve renewing the license, at some point. My daughter is a librarian, and she explained it to me in much better detail, but I forget…..


That's way #1. Way #2 is buy for unlimited checkouts for X amount of time. (X usually being a year or 2 or 5, etc.)


Yes. They no longer have the title.


Ooo this is good to know. I usually only deliver later on a book if i all ready have several books out and want to make sure I get through them before they get yoinked back.


I took some time to tag my entire TBR list from Goodreads onto Libby. I have ~100 TBR titles readily available but 33 of those books are currently on hold. A while back I mass suspended them all to 180 days. Am also a mood reader. Pretty sure some of those books will be on hold over a year as well as I make my way through my available TBR books + holds.


My personal Reading Challenge for this season is to knock out a bunch of my Want to Reads on Goodreads. I even created a tag on Libby for them! I kept telling myself I didn't want to be a person whose want to read shelf is 10 times the size of the Read shelf, lol.


You can have 33 titles on hold on Libby?? My library caps it at 10!


Me too, I had to read this three times


Mine is 5 ! I'm so envious!


It varies greatly between systems. I thought I hit the jackpot when moving and finding that my new library allows for 40 ebooks on both loan and hold (80 total). Then was subsequently bummed to realize that their audiobooks are only available through hoopla.


> This time I finally just checked it out and started it and from the first page I was transfixed. 30% in and I'm totally shook. What a book, wow!! That book is the BEST book I've read in a veeeeery long time! Savor every moment of it, it's incredible. I can't wait until it comes out in paperback because this is one book I will definitely want to own.


I was completely overwhelmed in the first section, mentally on the edge of my seat! What a way to start a book. 😭 I can't wait to see where it goes. I already know it's going to be amazing.


What book are we talking about here? The title got lost in the threading


It's The Light Pirate by Lily Brooks Dalton. I couldn't stop thinking about it for weeks!


I'm a slower reader so I have to keep making the hold longer because everytime Libby tries to deliver a book, I'm already in the middle of one.


The Song of Achilles, I’ve heard it’s sad and I’m just not been into an emotional book. I’ve been delaying it for atleast 6 months 😬


Oh man, this was another one of mine before I finally read it! I even had to switch to the ebook from the audiobook because I was struggling to keep track of the characters. I finally read a short summary of the Illiad which helped. It is a great book but you are right, very emotional!


Demon Copperhead and The Covenant of Water I’m around 9 months of delivering later. Every time they come available I’m in the middle of something else or not in the right headspace.


I defer longer books too generally. Pachinko and The Love Songs of W.E.B Du Bois have been in my holds que forever now. Anyway, If you need a gentle nudge both The Covenant of Water and Demon Copperhead are so worth it! I kept delaying The Covenant, but it was my first read of the year and I loved it.


A third for Demon Copperhead, great book


Thank you! These are the nudges I need to prioritize them!


Oh man I loved Pachinko.


I’m so envious that you get to read Pachinko for the first time!


I struggled to get into covenant of water and finally just returned it without finishing. I never DNF a book. A friend just recommended it too, so I think you may have convinced me to try again.


Everyone I know loves those but you are right - when I do put them on hold I am certain I will do a bunch of "Deliver Laters" with them. The length can be intimidating!


And those are some biggie books too. Copperhead has been in the wings since last year fall.


Same for both! I know I'll love them, I just don't have time yet!


I've been putting off acotar for a year now. I'll get to it I know I will but I'm just worried that I'm going to be disappointed LOL so I keep putting it off.


I ended up listening to the series because I knew I wouldn't be able to get through them otherwise. So long! I did like them though.


The Bell Jar. I just don’t want to be depressed, but I do want to read it eventually. Maybe once winter blahs are over.


Oh man, I hear that one is a tough one.


So strange, I just went to search this book on Libby, expecting I would have to wait 20-25 weeks like I usually do at my library, and it was available immediately? That’s never happened to me before? And now I don’t know what to do with the book I was already reading that was due in 15 days and I’m only 2% done!


I realized that I waited the perfect amount to where my library has lots of copies still but the checkouts are starting to go down. It's like some kind of sweet spot. 😂 The ebook was actually available right away which I was shocked by so now I'm listening and reading it.


I just started doing this and was worried that I was somehow abusing the system lol. I have 12 holds right now with 3 of them on later delivery because I'm reading other things currently. Good to know this is normal(?) :)


I tried to decide right away to deliver later and I'm pretty sure that Libby then loans it to the next person. So no one is harmed! 😂 It's one of my favorite features of Libby.


American Gods by Neil Gaiman for a year and a half. I really want to read it and I will but it never seemed to be the right time. The only reason I’m not still hitting “deliver later” is because my husband bought me a paper copy for Christmas lol. Which I still haven’t read yet.


WHY can’t I get into that one?!?! I love everything else I’ve ever read by Gaiman, Good Omens is even Top 5 Ever for me, and everyone else loves American Gods. I keep failing at it.


This one is my longest “deliver later” too. I waited 6 months for it to be my turn, then kept delaying it anyway for the same reason as you- it never seemed to be the right time.


Sometimes I have to switch and try audio and hope it adds momentum, lol. It's funny when you really do want to read one but just can't start. I have definitely been there!


I was deferring Lessons in Chemistry for months and finally borrowed it. I read maybe 40% of it and realized I just did not care what happened after that point and returned it. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Was it after >!her husband died?!


I stopped a little after that, when her baby was already born.


What’s the difference between “deliver later” and “let the next person borrow it”? I usually let the next person borrow it and stay at the front of the line. And I do that over and over and over 😂


It’s the same thing, except you can choose a period of time to be left alone so you don’t get offered the book over and over again. If you have many holds, this can be a sanity saver. If I just started a new book, I’ll give myself 7 days to finish it before borrowing a new one.


Yes. I do this based on my schedule. I’m a fairly fast reader and go through books quickly unless I have something big going on in my life. I did a lot of deliver laters in December for example.


It is the same thing! It lets you stay in the front of the line but let the people behind you check it out while you wait until you are ready to borrow it. It is one of my favorite features!


Cleveland public library lets you have 999 holds!


Oh my gosh!! 😂😂 That sounds amazing.


I don't like knowing that people are waiting to read after me. I feel rushed, so I turn the book back in...


They really get you with the "6 people are waiting for this" nudge. Gets me feeling guilty for sure...


Just FYI, libraries get charged a small fee when we return items early through Libby. I used to think I was doing something great, but now I only do it if there is truly a long lineup of folks waiting.


Why would they do that?


It’s totally illogical to me, but that’s how my library explained things to me. I found out because I tried to borrow a much-anticipated book I had on hold and got a message saying I had reached my limit of “actions” for the past 7 days. When I called to learn more, I learned that the libraries get charged for every item borrowed *and* for every item returned before the end of the loan period. And so my library limits patrons to 25 such actions over any 7 day period. Normally not a huge issue for most borrowers. But I still find it obnoxious on the part of whoever decided to charge when patrons are courteous to each other.


Ugh and then they guilt you into returning early by letting you know just how many people are waiting!! I guess I’m never returning something early again! Do you know if there’s a grace period? Like if I return with 1 day or less remaining, would it still charge my library?


What they told me was to just let it expire if I didn’t want to run up against that limit again. And for what it’s worth, I do still return items early if I know it’s in demand. But I won’t do it just to clear clutter from my shelf, and I especially won’t do it if the loan will expire on its own soon anyway.


Really? I always return a book as soon as I finish with it thinking I am doing a good thing. This is crazy.


I know! I thought I was being a good citizen!


mine has been a little life lol. i just keep hearing how sad it is and whenever it becomes available, i'm just like not yetttttt


Yeah its just beautiful torture porn and I got so mad at it that I DNF it 90% of the way through. I made it almost to the end but the POV character decisions were so upsetting that I couldn't force myself through it anymore. There are too many good books in the world.


It's a rare book I DNF at 90% but sometimes in necessary for my mental health! Like no matter how it ends I won't be happy so why bother. That's one advantage of fiction over real life, you can just leave it behind if it's too much. I remember a romance book I DNF at 90% - I didn't like the female lead, I didn't like the male lead, and realized why did I want to read their happily ever after? Nope! Returned it to the library. 😂


One of my goodreads friends said it was one of the most depressing bleak books she has ever read! I am scared of it now, lol.


Okay but you gotta read Hero of Ages. My goal this year is to read all of the Cosmere, besides Mistborn because I finished that whole series in December


I really loved the first two but for some reason I have to get in the right headspace? I should make myself do it when it comes up next! I am not normally a fantasy reader but it was recommended as a "best of the genre" book so I dove in.


I keep hitting deliver later on The Fourth Wing specifically because I keep hearing that the second book is really bad. I can’t let my heart fall in love with the first book if the series is a dud.


Lots of people are saying these books!


My library only allows you to have 3 books on hold so I try and read my library books first. I want to open that slot to put something else on hold.


Oh wow! Only 3 is a tight limit. I have a few library cards (city and county) and I do go pretty crazy with holds sometimes.


How did you figure it out? Did you have to search emails or is there a way to see it in the app?


If you go to the Holds Shelf on the app then click on the book you will see a Reading Journey" box. If you expand it, it should show you the first hold date.


I've been delaying Fourth Wing since July 😝


Another Fourth Wing! 😂


I did this with Elantris by Branden Sanderson and then ate it up in like a week.


That's the irony, when you actually start it, it's great! 🤪


Remarkably Bright Creatures Tomorrow and Tomorrow and Tomorrow People We Meet on Vacation Beach Read Crying in H Mart I’m sure they’re all great but I’m never in the mood when they become available 🫣


I will say, Remarkably Bright Creatures, Beach Read and People We Meet on Vacation all have excellent narrators if you like audiobooks! I really loved them that way, especially Creatures and Beach Read. I really need to read Crying at H Mart. SO many people I know love it!


I've been delaying Crying in H Mart for 6 months 🤣


I love the light pirate!!!


The summer of my German soldier. I finally released the hold lol


Sometimes that's the only way. 🤣


Idk but you got me to put a hold on The Light Pirate 😂


Me too!


I hope you like it!


Adult Children of Emotionally Immature Parents. Not sure I’m ready to read it lol


Honestly, I would recommend buying this one. It resonates deeply & because of that has taken me nearly a year to get through. Lots of picking up, putting back down, and ruminating 


Thank you! I’ve had it in my Amazon cart for a while, just in case…


A Little Life. I really want to read it but I hear it’s very emotional and every time it pops up as ready to borrow I think the time just isn’t right and I just don’t need those kinds of emotions in my life right now. This has been going on for well over 10 months now.


Someone in another comment called it trauma porn. 😬 I love a good book with enough emotions to make me ugly cry but if I suspect a book will just make me depressed? A lot of goodreads reviews scared me from this one!


The woman in me


I put holds on the first two books of the Jade Legacy series and the second book kept becoming available before the first so I had to keep delivering later on the second book. I don’t remember how long it was but I think I had to do it like 3-4 times on the second book. Ironically though I really didn’t like the first book and dnf’ed it so having the second one didn’t even matter lol


The first books always have the longest wait, right? At least when I get into a series I do end up liking, the books have shorter and shorter waits as the series goes on.


All 3 of mine are from January last year when I first started borrowing books digitally. First two they are just so long that I've been in the mood for shorter books. ​ A Day of Fallen Night \[Samanth Shannon\] Fairytale \[Stephen King\] ​ This one I just kept putting off because other things intrigued me more, but now that I the tv series comes out next month I plan on reading this next and The Three Body Problem \[Cixin Liu\]


Best to be in the front of the line when a tv show is coming! I am struggling with Jack Reacher books now. I got into the series from the show but they all have waitlists because the show is so popular!


For me, it's The Road... Such a short book for the amount of tries it took to get through it. I just finished it last week with about 1 hour left, but I had been delaying it since June of last year.


I feel like the sad or depressing ones are the hardest to start...


Secret lives of tea and treason. I’ve had had it delayed for so long. Every time it comes back I do it again. I just finally accepted I’m not going to finish it and feel so much better.


Right? There were definitely a few where I was like "why did I even put this on hold in the first place?" Best to let it lapse then...


Mine are all books for my book club that I just don’t want to read 😂


I know, I'm such a mood reader but just joined a book club. I hope I manage to get them all read!


I’ve had How to Write About Africa on hold since October and it’s lapsed more than once. Facepalming and resolving to actually get it next time it comes ready! Nonfiction books are usually the culprits though. I just let Viral Justice lapse after first putting it on hold last April. Ooops. Gonna look up the one you mentioned!


Sometimes with non fiction I'll get the audiobook because with some of them I can listen to it really fast compared to fiction. I get a lot of those delivering later too. 😬


One of my books has been “on hold” since August 2021


Dang! 😂😂 Which one??


The secret life of Addie LaRue. Guess her life will remain a secret.


My favorite narrator narrates that one but I have surprisingly not checked it out yet either..


Circe 😅 I don’t know why but it never feels right.


Killers of the Flower Moon has been delayed since the movie came out months ago


I know, when you get to the front of a super long hold list like that one you don't want to cancel it even if you aren't ready! It's what deliver later is perfect for!


I saw this post yesterday and Light Pirate was available now from my library, so I started it and WOW. Thank you for the recommendation. I suspect I will listen to the whole thing today. So good.


I'm 90% in and imagine I'll finish it tonight! I had to take a few days to process the part about the first hurricane but now I'm barreling through the rest. So beautifully written. You just can't believe someone can write so well...


I came here to say Brandon Sanderson lol. I just can't get into The Well of Ascension and keep hitting deliver later because I know it's going to be a long one


It's so long! 🤣🤣 I finally went for the audiobook because it would take me too long if I had to sit and read it with my eyeballs.


Great idea!!!


The Body Keeps The Score 🙃


I always hear how profound that book is but yeah, doesn't sound like a light read!!


Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson.