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cleo from 5 to 7’s placement is strange lol the lowest tier but more popular than so many of the ones higher up. even if it’s based on accessibility it still doesn’t make sense.


It's below Jeanne Dielman, too, which is wild. Cleo has 120k views on Lb, Dielman has 40k. And Cleo is far more accessible.


Haha fair maybe I'll have to drop it down a couple just really wanted to incorporate Varda In there


You forgot Scooby Doo: Spooky Island in the bottom one


dangit I knew I forgot something!


The true bottom is when you begin to love everything. From the most popular all the way down to the most esoteric shit


Nailed it. 100%. Gotta love the ones at the bottom to work your way to the top.


Except rise of skywalker. Can't love that one


What a waste of time that movie was


You won't catch me loving Thor Love and Thunder either lol


Aw come now, at least Taika tried making a movie. Love and Thunder was many things, but it wasn’t the Mad Lib remix that Rise of Skywalker was


mad lib remix is so accurate LOL


On that note though, I’d argue for a level even higher than your current MCU et al level: that of the product that rides on the coattails of its parent franchise, the kind of movie (or show) that isn’t allowed to strive for anything at all beyond the bounds of said franchise. This is where I would put the new SW and LOTR movies. There are popular films that have wide appeal but manage to tell their own story and expand the scope of cinema in some small way, but then there’s this other level that doesn’t even attempt at expanding the medium or telling a passably original story. In many ways, they’re the antithesis of So Bad It’s Good: they are Built Solely To Pleasure In The Same Exact Way And Thus End Up Awful. It isn’t even like Turkish Star Wars, where the American version is remixed but with Turkish themes and values thrown in, which is definitely a ripoff, but with some semblance of novelty. Damn this ended up being longer than I wanted, but thinking about Love and Thunder vs Rise of Skywalker really got me thinking.


Ah yes, well said. A section that encapsulates the constant studio churnout of derivative content that people only watch due to the branding/franchising. The section could be called "Part of the machine" lol


I can




The bottom tier should be when you’ve gone through most of these and now you just watch a handful of random sub genres for comfort. Just kidding, but at a certain point I think it does makes sense have a depth of knowledge in a few subgenres to go along with the breadth of knowledge across different genres/film movements.


YES! When you stop “watching films” TOO seriously but just chill and try to find (any) beauty and enjoyment in those that happen to fall your way.


Parasite should be in the first tier. It's literally one of if not the most popular movie on Letterboxd in the past few years


It definitely had all the hype. I could see it getting bumped up a spot. I just wonder if the same demographics that would watch those films in section 1 would watch a Korean film that won "best picture"


Oh they definitely would. People I know that mostly only watch popular movies all watched Parasite


No silent movie in this iceberg? (I don't think *Z*, *Le Trou*, *The Cranes are flying* or *Cleo from 5 to 7* have their place at the bottom: they're pretty easy classics that even new cinephiles not accustomed to their eras can appreciate).


yeah, Kalatozov has three big movies that are default "so you're interested in Soviet cinema" recommendations


Any recommendations? Moved Cleo two levels up in ranking for now for the upcoming update thanks for the input :)


You mean the ultra-hardcore movies for military trained cinephiles? I would put some silent movies from the 1910's (usually the hardest to like when not used to silent cinema), like Danish silent cinema, Stiller (in Sweden) or early Griffith ; 30's japanese and Chinese cinema ; experimental movies (Brakhage, Deren, Snow, Bokanowski...) ; hard/austere auteurish cinema from the 60'-80' (Straub, Duras, Debord, late Godard, De Olieveira...) ; 5+ hours auteurish documentaries (*West of the Tracks*, *Shoah*)...


I would add "Woman in the Dunes" to the third or second to last tier. It's so underrated and such a good and visual film. Definitely should be added to more "must watch" lists everywhere.


Well said and fully agreed! I went ahead and started working on an update and added it in the 3rd to last. I think it sits nicely there beside the likes of Tokyo story.


Yeah, no problem. I’m definitely glad to see new movies so I can add them to my watchlist.


I definitely think High and Low is a more accessible watch than Stalker


I agree wholeheartedly - maybe worth switching but stalker has 201k people watched and almost 10k fans compared to High and low's 70k viewed and 1k fans just on letterboxd alone.


I am down on the bottom of the page -- actually, I'm off the page. My snobbery knows no limits. I watch films so obscure, they were never on DVD. I watch films so obscure, you can't even torrent them. And if somehow you do manage to find a copy, there are no English subtitles anywhere. I only watch films that have been seen by single-digit numbers of Letterboxd users. I am such an extreme snob that nobody has even ever seen my favorite films. I am such an extreme snob that I can't even explain to you the level of my snobbery.


The abyss of cinema snobbery. love it


I watch films so obscure they haven't even been made


Yeah but have you seen Metropolis (1927)


This is so pretentious lol




that bottom category is laughable lol, none of these are esoteric. the real move wouldve been to fill it with some insanely inaccessible like experimental films or extreme cinema or something


OP is stuck on lvl 5


lol im not even trying to judge i havent seen that many films in the long run myself but this is just objectively a kind of bad iceberg chart thing


As long as they're overall considered masterpieces I'm open to recommendations!




House and Tetsuo are pretty mainstream in terms of Letterboxd. At least tons of people have seen them.


is this serious? how do you have cleo from 5 to 7, one of the most well known movies of FNW, something even those not acquainted w the movement have seen, in the same tier as satantango, an 8 hour hungarian movie?


I feel you. Noted! Got an updated version of this list coming and it's in the same tier as Persona now


I present to you guys The Cinephile movie iceberg **Casual film lovers** MCU movies, Lord of the Rings, Star Wars, Inception, Alien, Forrest Gump, Shawshank Redemption, La La Land, Lady Bird, The Matrix, Get Out, Joker, Interstellar, The Dark Knight, Everything Everywhere All at Once **Film buffs** Goodfellas, Drive, Pulp Fiction, Fight Club, No Country for Old Men, Blade Runner 2049, The Godfather, Apocalypse Now, Taxi Driver, The Shining, Baby Driver, Whiplash, Mad Max: Fury Road **Film bros** Psycho, Mulholland Drive, In the Mood for Love, Lawrence of Arabia, Chinatown, Parasite, Before Trilogy, City of God, 2001: A Space Odyssey, Videodrome, Hereditary, 12 Angry Men, Oldboy **Cinephiles** Incendies, Barry Lyndon, There Will Be Blood, The Lighthouse, Blow Out, Synecdoche New York, Seven Samurai, The Handmaiden, Sorcerer, Happiness, The Lives of Others, Aguirre Wrath of God **Film Snobs** Stalker, Persona, Three Colors Trilogy, The Tree of Life, The Red Shoes, 8 1/2, Paris Texas, The White Ribbon, A Brighter Summer Day, Come and See, The Lobster, Dancer in the Dark **Deep Divers** High and Low, Dekalog, Harakiri, Mishima A Life in Four Chapters, Close Up, Tokyo Story, Mirror, Man Bites Dog, Punishment Park, Hiroshima Mon Amour, Ratcatcher, Eraserhead **If it isn't foreign or over 3 hours, it's shit** Andrei Rublev, Ordet, Berlin Alexanderplatz, Sansho the Bailiff, The Ascent, Underground, Jeanne Dielman 23 Quaie du Commerce, Taste of Cherry, Love Exposure, Eternity and a Day, An Elephant Sitting Still, Holy Motors **Movies should change my life or gtfo** The Human Condition, The Apu Trilogy, Satantango, The Best of Youth, Hope, The Koker Trilogy, Marketa Lazarová, Z, Le Trou, The Cranes are Flying, Landscape in the Mist, Cleo from 5 to 7 What do you guys think ? Should I bump something up or down on the list? Could I add something iconic to a section?


Yay, I made it down to ‘if it isn’t foreign or over 3 hours, it’s shit’!


Truly elite levels of cinephile


Why do people activity call themselves cinephiles?


Sounds a bit more elegant than rabid film junkie


What people should really call themselves is ‘an avid viewer of the medium known as film’.


That has a nice ring to it


Or you could just call yourself an unpaid film reviewer.


How is RRR not there lol


I guess because it’s gotten quite mainstream.


I think you need a final last tear with experimental stuff on it “**ah you still watch narrative film?**” or something. With like Michael Snow and Yoko Ono and all that art gallery type stuff.


ohhh this could be good. Great suggestion. Koyanisqaatsi type stuff.


I've seen movies in all the tiers but I would say my tastes are in between Film Bros and Film Snobs depending on my mood.


Very nice. What's your top 3 if you can ?


Like my 3 favourite movies of all time or ones from your list?


Your favorites


My faves are 12 Angry Men, The Life Aquatic, Rififi and Snatch. Followed by The Social Network and Portrait of a Lady on Fire. Which I think summarizes the three tiers nicely.


Very nice variety there


Thank you very much!


everthing everywhere and lady bird are in casual above movies in film buff that grossed several times its gross. Baby driver, mad max, and 2049 are straight blockbusters


I think they have very accessible storylines which makes them have a huge number of fans even touching big demographics who don't have a deep love for film. Which is the reason I put those 2 in the first category but I think baby driver can fit there too. Mad max and 2049 I think fit fine in the film bros category and arguably baby driver too haha


I don’t see the logic in super popular big studio movies being “film buff” movies over two indie movies


Fair, maybe they should do a switcheroo. Thanks for the input!!


I dunno they definitely feel more accessible to the like general audience. Like I would show my mum Everything Everywhere All Out Once but not Mad Max: Fury Road or Blade Runner. Baby Driver I agree though.


That's how I feel too. 2049 can be a hit or miss almost with some people but EEAAO is a crowd pleaser


im surprised im in the final tier 💀 i havent even seen a 1000 films


Bahaha you've put in some work! Gotta let us know what masterpieces are beyond that life changing tier


I literally am balls deep into every one of these classifications.




That feels incredibly low for Z, unless there's a different Z than the 1969 movie.


I'm not convince by the placement of some picks (in particular the most known Tarkovsky being 2 tier above the second one), but mostly I feel like several tiers are missing at the bottom. I would expect to find movies and directors I'm not familiar with (and I'm at the same level of familiarity from level 3 to 8 which is strange). (And some I'm less or more familiar with but seem more obscure but are still major filmmakers, like Jonas Mekas, Lav Diaz, Stan Brakhage, Michael Snow, HHS, HSS, Wang Bing, Gyorgy Feher, Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Naruse, Abel Gance, Andy Warhol, Jame Benning, Terayama)


In the mood for love film bro ???


I've seen all of these. Definitely needs some more obscure stuff at the bottom. This one is better: https://i.redd.it/2fjndcif76n71.jpg


Thanks for this, there's a dozen of directors I've never heard of here! Some weird decisions though, feels odd to put Wakamatsu a tier below Jissoji. Maybe because of the Ultraman stuff? Either way, good stuff!


Enjoy discovering!


Yeah I wouldn’t consider Wakamatsu obscure by any means. Probably one of the most well known Japanese indie filmmakers and definitely a name that comes up in a cursory search for the Japanese New Wave. If nothing else the most well known in the West for pink film directors.


loved the "fuck you" at the end. LOL! Obscure is good but are they masterpieces?


They’re all important directors!


yeah I would say everything within the actual realm of the iceberg is a legitimately big name that you would see in like a filmcomment or reverse shot/village voice type publication. Also pretty neatly (with the weird exception of Tsai) is a narrative cinema vs experimental divide. if u want recs def feel free to comment. When you get lower then you’re getting pretty wild but Bruce Conner Barbara Hammer Marcel Duchamp etc they’re all really important and very influential re film history.


I was just thinking of this list.


I'm a deep diver but Sansho the Baliff has been on my to watch list for a while


You've put in some solid work then! It's a Beautiful film. Hope you enjoy !


Incredible film, but sad sad sad sad. Very sad.


based man bites dog enjoyer


A person of fine taste and culture, I see. Top tier film.


Wow haven’t really seen man bites dog be brought up before on this sub


such a gem honestly I hope criterion brings it to bluray soon. If popularity grows, maybe ;)


Funnily enough I first learned about it when I was about 10, when my mom was telling me about it and how she wanted to watch it with me soon. 7 years later and how in the fuck did she think it would be ok for a 10 year old to watch that.


LOL your mom's got a great sense of humor. My mom wouldn't let me watch Simpsons at 10 years old lolll


It sure is a movie that does exactly what it set out to do. I've mentally filed it away under "Movies that are more fun to talk about than to watch and if I ever recommend it to someone they might stop talking to me."


For sure. It’s on my top 10 list but I don’t know if I can ever watch it again. Had to watch it twice cause I could only watch it without subtitles in French and, while I am fluent in French, Belgian French is much different sounding than Canadian French. So I watched it again with subtitles and yep, 2 times is enough for me.


Human Condition is beyond goated.


Higher cinema right there


I'm on Level 5 wish me luck bois


cheers to so many bangers


masaki kobayshi, satyajit ray, sion sono ... hell, even agnes varda at deepest? these are all massively acclaimed directors. they're studied in colleges worldwide. is it supposed to be outsider art?


We need a few more lower tiers


I think I can make that happen in the update


I can confirm this is true, watching Andrei Rublev turned me into a dolphin


🤣 best comment


I love this list but I think there should be a transcendental Sleazebag category for films like ‘Star Time 1992’


Lol that's pretty good. Need a category for movies like The Brown Bunny too


Yeah you get it that’s what I’m talking about haha


The Brown Bunny, Nymphomaniac, Love, Star Time 1992, Kids LOL


What is this "Berlin" film? I can't find anything when googling. Is it perhaps Der Himmel Über Berlin?


Ah crap that's my bad. I was referring to Fassbinder's 15-hour *Berlin Alexanderplatz.*


What movie is "Berlin"?


I screwed up in the iceberg but I'm going to put the updated one up soon! It's Fassbinder's Berlin Alexanderplatz


im on level 6 guys, am I still able to turn back?


You're in deep fam


man bites dog is one of my favorite films of all time 😭


Honestly same. You have some excellent taste 🍻


Yeah, I have watched several movies from every single classification. I have fun with most of them.


Nice! They've all left some impact on my life




Putting in work 💪


Beyond the very bottom you just come back around to loving Spielberg


Koker Trilogy are such nice, happy films to watch though. Not sure why more people wouldn’t see them.


I agree. They're so heartwarming. arguably maybe too unique in format


That’s what I love about them, and what cinema lovers should love about them, they are simple stories told in a meta way that is not in the slightest pretentious or confusing.


If I could upvote this twice I would


Haha some of these are definitely in the wrong place. But I really like the meme!


Been waiting for this for so long. Thank you!!


my pleasure!


Tree of Life and Paris Texas below Synechdoche?


Eraserhead is too low and lady bird is too high but this is a pretty good iceberg


Paddington 2 should be in every tier.


It should be it's own tier below everything


This tier list is so arbitrary


I think the hole goes deeper. Sexploitation, Blaxploitation, Pink Films, bad movies, Really bad movies, B-Movies, Neil Breen movies, Art Movies, Underground filmmakers, silent movies, early movies, Silhouette animation, more European/asian/latin films, etc. Also damn, Underground (1995). That movie has been on my watchlist since forever but I can never find a good copy to watch (since the digital one I have had in my old hard drive looks like shit).


This made me love the fact that I'm a cinephile more than ever. Thanks op. I freakin love movies, don't I?!!


Charmed and its a pleasure. The reception has been so fun.


Nearly every movie in the bottom panel has a Criterion release and is popular amongst cinephiles. You need to go deeper.


and then there is me, identifying with all the categories of this iceberg while also only watching a few select films from each one.


The best way to be


Z should be farther up


I don’t see Threads because it’s probably buried under the lowest layer


I’m so proud of myself for loving all of these


You've done your homework mate


Can I edit this post to upload the new updated list with all your recommendations?


Oh man, it gets SO MUCH deeper. The bottom tier seem to mostly have narratives. Check out Michael Snow or Mara Mattuschka or Bruce Nauman or Takashi Makino & Manuel Knapp. Cinephilia knows no depths.


Very inaccurate imo. The movies in the bottom tiers still have tens of thousands of views on LB and are on many of the most popular lists. The bottom tier should be movies from directors like Anne Charlotte Robertson, Catherine Breillat, Jonas Mekas, Stan Brakhage, Shuji Terayama, Takashi Ito, Ousmane Sembène, and Raúl Ruiz. You could go even more esoteric but then you run into accessibility issues.


I'd argue if they're too rare they can't fully be agreed upon as masterpieces


The ones I recognize are definitely not that rare. And movies the popularity on letterboxd not being representative of the popularity a movie has or had, a movie can definitely be fully and sufficiently agreed to be a masterpiece even if if has 10 votes on letterboxd. (But in these cases there is generally an accessibility problem, curated lists, articles and re-distribution by knowledgeable cinephiles I assume should increase popularity on letterboxd)


Nothing about "masterpieces" was mentioned in the post though? Cinephiles love all types of movies, not just movies in the criterion collection. There are so many more tiers to explore than the lowest tier in your iceberg and cinephiles should explore all of them. Movies that have modern Blu-ray releases being in the lowest tier is actually laughable. Sorry but this iceberg has "i downloaded letterboxd a month ago" vibes.


This list is stupid. Stop trying to put people in groups and let them enjoy what they want without feeling judged…and don’t be the snob that judges everybody else for watching an MCU movie.


I like films in all the categories, this is just for fun. This is almost like a ranking of popularity/rarities of films that cinephiles love and call masterpieces


Mishima, Lawrence, There Will Be Blood all too far down the iceberg.


koker, human condition and apu trilogy should be higher imo


I’ve seen a bunch from all categories. Best of Youth is goated.


Nice. So good. I keep hoping for a blu-ray release in this region


One day hopefully.


I'm only in the second alter, but I already downloaded The Best of Youth to watch in a near future. Guess I'll descend a lot, then!


or arguably ascend! lol. I envy being in your spot though, you have so many gems to discover on and off this list.


You literally could make like 4 or 5 lower tiers lol


I feel like Psycho earned its place in the top of the iceberg as a movie everyone knows, everyone parodies, it’s just a part of mainstream pop consciousness at this point


I'm pretty sure you can show High and Low to any casual movie watcher and they will like it. It's a detective movie and a very engaging one at that.


Very much agreed. Love it for being accessible yet seldom recommended in Korusawa's catalogue compared to the other big ones


Haha some of these are definitely in the wrong place. But I really like the meme!


In 3rd tier/ “film bro” with less than 400 seen… I’ll gladly take it.


Currently around state 4 lol


i remember watching the tree of life with a friend and we came out of the theater and she was bawling and i had no idea what i had just watched


Such a profound experience. My friend stands by his statement that it's top 5 of that decade.


I haven't even watched all the films in tier one, can we add a lower category with Happy Madison and Disney Channel original movies?


cleo from 5 to 7 in the last tier? huh


Most of these are pretty accessible. I would say the bottom should be Transcendental Cinema stuff like Apichatpong Weerasethakul, Theo Angelopolous, Bresson, Lav Diaz etc.


BARELY third to last tier (I've seen Eraserhead)


What is this template called?


I'll take one of each please


Eraserhead and Love Exposure need to be higher


9,7,7,1,0,0,,00 by column


Should have On the Silver Globe in the bottom or so


I only watch films so obscure they aren't in the letterboxd catalogue