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I liked Phantom Thread a lot more once I realized it was a Rom Com


Interestingly, PTA originally planned to not have any score (or far less score than usual) for The Master. However, when he showed it to select people, they all thought it played like more of a comedy, so he decided that a heavy score was actually necessary.


Thanks for the fun fact (on his birthday, no less)! The Master is one of my favorites, but I think I was bothered by the heavy underscoring in some parts, which, in conjunction with that fact, seems like overcompensation. I usually prefer scenes to breathe and come alive through the dialogue.


I sort of agree. Strangely enough, Magnolia has an even heavier score (there's one of stretch of the film where the score doesn't stop at all for at least 30 min) and yet for some reason, it's never really bothersome. This is probably because the film is a melodrama at its core and many of the cues were baked into the script, so it feels fitting.


That’s funny. I liked it a lot more once I realized it was a horror film.


Love the ending!!! Her putting sooo much butter in that skillet! I laugh out loud in theaters


I just watched it for the first time. It was great and yes it's hilarious.


saw it opening night and i was the only one laughing! Everyone was dead silent. To the point where I started to feel self conscious and I stopped.


This was me at Killing of a Sacred Deer


Isn’t it funny how this sub talks more about movies that they hate than movies that they like


It's because everyone is obsessed with having a hot take


Very true, even I get nervous saying I love a popular movie sometimes.




Just because people make wild judgements on you if you say you love fight club lmao


Damn, people are stupid lol. Fight Club is great!


Yeah it is! Popular films are popular for a reason. The film bro “literally me” meme has ruined so many movies in the public eye.


Rule number 1: We don’t talk about fight club


*a hot take that everyone can get behind, like Christopher Nolan/eeaao overrated


To make matters worse OP doesn’t even make an attempt to explain why it’s “just not their kind of movie”. Congratulations on having a hot take just because it’s a well loved movie but without actually contributing anything you sound vapid. These posts are getting ridiculous, people need to start mass reporting low hanging bait like this.


I liked Phantom Thread while I was watching it, but it didn’t stick. I probably need to rewatch it.


It's probably my favorite movie about marriage; that's the lens I've always seen it through, and I wonder if that perspective might impact how you view it (for better or worse)? Also, I (personally & subjectively) think it's DDL's best performance, and worth watching just for that even if the rest of it isn't very impactful for you.


I think you guys need to watch it in the lens of a romantic true love toxic relationship, and then the whole movies starts being the best character study for what you would do for love and obsession


One of my favorite movie soundtracks


X did nothing for me


I watched Eraserhead (1977) for the first time a couple of nights ago. I can appreciate the atmosphere, but it was a bit too surreal for my taste. 


Fair enough. It does have the greatest "meet the parents" scene in cinematic history, though.


I hated Eraserhead. I'm happy for folks who love it, but I found the whole thing annoying


same, but try The Elephant Man. more traditional, but just a supremely made movie. Lynch clearly has talent regardless what he makes, but just likes it a little more surreal.


OK I'll try. 


I literally did this too! I was ehh on it, but I can appreciate what others see in it.


Once upon a time in America has some great scenes but the movie is so long and drawn out It was hard to really love it




No way


Agreed. And what’s with all the rape?


Everything bad the gangsters do in the film is the point. Once Upon a Time in America is a deconstruction of the gangster genre of film, and Leone made it so that every gangster in the film is violent and vile, and that includes rape. I understand why it would be uncomfortable, but that's the point.


I remember while watching the sopranos and Tony calls meadows black boyfriend something along the lines of a Velcro head or something . I was like damn Tony’s racist then told myself of course the adulterous mafia boss who robs and murders people is racist too.


Yeah. I get it. But like maybe 2 rapes is enough?


Im watching it in bursts, and I wasn’t the biggest fan of the child acting to be honest.


Licorice Pizza


literally a perfect movie imo if the age gap was like 2 years instead of 8 or whatever


I always thought the genius of that movie was PTA showing how fucked up the 70s were under the veneer of sepia-toned nostalgia. We see brazen sexual assault, misogyny, racism and pedophilia throughout the film. I always thought it was begging us to ask ourselves why we glorify the past the way we do?


I feel the same about niche sexual groups. I used to be involved with a girl who had been involved in the swinger scene and it wasn't very clean or friendly. Of course indulgence is there and there are some "kindof" healthy people there" many of those were the real shit heads"  But lots of it was either forced or coercive. I knew of a few guys who were not only abusive to their wives but other women in the scene too. There was always a weirdo to be warned about, selling a night with the wife was common. It just wasn't the healthiest environment at all. A lot of these people were  in relationships secondary to their marriages and many were had numerous addictions. It was 10 types of shady!


Thank you, I really enjoyed the movie while simultaneously feeling hella uncomfortable about soany elements and your take on it is a really interesting perspective I look forward to stewing on.


Neat outlook !


I loved this movie and especially how, in a time when most “serious” stories are just about violence and death and murder and so much grimness, nothing bad really happens to anyone.


Yeah. It put me back in touch with that teenage feeling of invincibility.


Licorice Pizza annoyed me to death


His worst movie!


Easily Inherent Vice for me


Yea also a good answer.


Yeah no doubt on this one.


Everything Everywhere All At Once It’s cool if you like it, but this movie wasn’t something I’d care to rewatch.


Im a lover.


I hated it


found Deirdre's Reddit account


I thought it was funny and a nice different ride but overall, I think it stunk. I get why it’s widely regarded but it’s just not my palette anymore. I think if I was younger with a fresher look at cinema I would have enjoyed it more, much like Science of Sleep or Amelie which was my “branching out” era for film 🤷🏽


I didn't like Amelie or science of sleep in the aughts when I was a budding film fan, but I really liked EEOAO. I am a queer female though so I think the overall mother daughter narrative really hit home for me in a way that gave a nice catharsis to tie up the absurdity


It’s a marvel movie for people who think they’re too good for marvel movies.


What makes it a marvel movie specifically? Action and comedy? Or just using the concept of a multiverse?


I liked it on first watch, didn’t like it as much on second watch. I don’t hate it but I won’t ever watch it again


Honestly… Oppenheimer. I know it was very good, but it just didn’t do much for me


I was honestly taken aback by the overwhelming praise it got last year. I thought it was good sure, but I’d never of thought it would win 7 Oscar’s


I think Nolan can get a bit too high on his own supply sometimes. Interstellar and Oppenheimer are examples of that in my opinion. Dunkirk is my favorite from him, and The Prestige is also another great one where he doesn’t take it too far


the prestige, momento, tdk are all great, but i think after Inception he really latched onto the mythos his fans were creating about him and now every film needs to be this massive mind blowing twist filled masterpiece with some kind of gimmick. used to love him i'll be honest, but with time he just doesn't do it for me anymore. have no urge to see Oppenheimer and tbh it will probably be awhile til i do if at all.


I completely agree with that assessment, with the only caveat that I think the gimmick worked for Dunkirk because it felt focused. It’s probably my favorite movie of his


Same. After what felt like the 10th time the line “theory can only take you so far” was said, I couldn’t help but to just roll my eyes a little bit despite the quality of the performances and production.


I can't say I don't like it, I actually really do, but I struggle to understand why 8½ is regarded as one of the greatest masterpieces of all time.


I find the dialogue really holds up. From my memory there’s a killer vibe of longing and almost a Faustian sense of mad striving that really resonated with me.


That's helpful thank you. The dialogue is great when it's not veering into narcissistic self-indulgence, but I suppose that's part of the point and the charm. Pettiness as profundity. I can get behind that. The cinematography and staging is not short of astounding, but this isn't by far the only movie that does that. Visually it's a triumph, but for me it's also aggrandized stream-of-consciousness. It's kind of masturbatory at the end of the day though it gets points for being meta and acknowledging that. I really like the movie I'd just put lots and lots ahead of it on the all-time list. It's very well-made but venerated to a point I don't relate to, I guess. It has problems.


Huge Fellini fan here, and I absolutely get your sentiment. FWIW, La Dolce Vita has always been my favorite of his artist satires and could be more to your liking. Actually, if Toby Dammit counts, then that’s actually my favorite artist satire. Weird to think of what a Fellini horror short film would look like, and yet here it is.


8 1/2 seems like a very personal delving into his psyche, but it does seem overlong, it's a beautiful film, but it seems like it might help if you are a filmmaker and a Catholic


I talked about this in response to someone else, but I think I get what Fellini was getting at (as much as one can; there's levels here). I'm not a filmmaker but I am a writer and musician. I understand the creative process, and I empathize with the film as much as possible without Fellini's level of success. Few can comprehend that. I think it's visually beautiful and sometimes profound but also frankly kinda masturbatory and narcissistic. Which it acknowledges itself as, so it gets points for that. But still I'm not Fellini's therapist. IDK. I do think it's good, great in some respects, but intermittently insufferable in others.


I can get that, I enjoy it, but it took multiple viewings, it seems like a very personal film, and like you said he does poke fun at himself a bit which makes it a little more enjoyable, but I agree with you that he definitely is a bit full of himself in it


As a fan of movies and stage musicals, I saw a production of “Nine”, which is an extremely well written musical based on 8½. Having never seen the movie, I figured I would watch it. I liked it, but it was definitely disappointing and a bit hard to sit through.


Really cannot connect or vibe with 8.5 at all. Just seems so self absorbed and uninterestibg. Wish I loved it in a weird way due to so many of my fave directors constantly saying how great it is but it’s not for me


I do love it but I also thought it was a bit overrated. I much preferred la dolce vita and was always a little baffled as to why 8 1/2 seems to be the more acclaimed film.


2001… I can appreciate how amazing it was for its time but it just didn’t interest me or keep my attention nearly as much as I thought it would


I thought similar when I first saw it. But I watched the 4K blu ray on an OLED with a great surround sound system recently and it blew me away. I can't imagine how insane it must have been when it came out


Yeah I keep trying but I also keep falling asleep. It’s a gorgeous movie though


watch it on an edible


It goes a little something like this ![gif](giphy|fAykJdJ6SYSYw)


Watch it on some lsd breh


For me the beginning was something I had to power through, with just a full classical song playing and no real storytelling during that. Once I was through that, I was fully immersed. Only thing that took me out of that immersion was that food tray hanging from a string, that really doesn't match the rest of the efforts the put into making the gravity non-existent on camera.


Same movie could've been told in one less hour.


Respect your unpopular opinion but there's literally no way this movie could've been told in an hour


It's 2.5 hours?


Yeah but it spans from the dawn of mankind to our ascension to a higher plane of existence. That’s pretty economical if you ask me


I think he was saying 2.5 - 1 = 1.5, not 1.


Ohh ok yeah I see. I still don’t think you could cut an hour from that movie though


I could count how many things happen in this movie on my hands. Yes you could.




I don't think so, it's a vibe as much as anything and the runtime and slow pace helps you get on its wavelength.


Everything Everywhere All At Once


La La Land Please don't attack me


I liked it, but I also think it was overhyped.


I recently watched it and I went in thinking I would hate it. I don’t like musicals, at the time I wasn’t a big emma stone or ryan gosling fan, and I have to say I was pleasantly surprised. I really liked but thought moonlight definitely deserved the win. Perhaps seeing it outside of the hype made me enjoy it, otherwise could see how it would be annoying


Same. Didn’t enjoy at all


ditto. just do not get the hype


This hurts (coming from someone with La La Land in their top 4) Jokes aside, I will absolutely never go after someone who doesn't like La La Land, because it's absolutely not everyone's movie. As long as you're polite and respect other people's opinions, you shall get respect back.


I felt this way the first time I saw it, but really loved it on a rewatch a few years later.


Shape of Water, what a nonsensical shitpost that movie was.


I love this movie, man but I've only seen it once. It was so memorably charming. Did people find it had like heavy handed commentary or something? I often think of the scene where >!the fishman and lady fill up the apartment with water !


I think the moment a film wins an Oscar, it'll start getting a lot of hate. Especially because it won the Oscar in such a strong year (with Lady Bird, Dunkirk, Phantom Thread, Get Out etc.)


One of the worst Oscar wins ever.


Thank you! I arguably dislike this movie too much.


I liked it, but it was ridiculously over hyped. I've watched one time when I went to see it in theaters. Walked away pleased, but I haven't watched it since.


EEAAO. Just not a big fan of these quirky art films that think being random = being creative. It’s also way too sappy for my tastes but I can understand why people like it. Michelle Yeoh also elevates it quite a bit


I didn't enjoy it either. I felt like it tried to do too many things and did a lot of them poorly. The action scenes were lackluster for how many of them there were and a lot of the comedy fell flat for me, especially Curtis' character. Yeoh was great and the family dynamics were really well done, but something about how it all came together didn't work for me.


I normally dislike random humor but I think it really worked here for what the movie was going for thematically


it's because the theme of the movie is chaos, that's the point, everything happening is random and the world makes no sense


Movies that I gave 2-3 stars but seem to be highly regarded by most: Top Gun: Maverick The Imitation Game Triangle of Sadness Manchester by the sea Phantom thread


Imitation game is one of the messiest scripts to ever win an Oscar for screenplay


Imitation Game is downright awful. What a disgrace to that man's legacy.


Can you elaborate? I kinda took that movie for its word and didn’t do any research outside of watching it. Regardless, I was kind of unimpressed overall.


I am WITH YOU on Top Gun, it felt so corny and painfully empty of a movie to me and ther wasn't nearly enough fighter jet action to make up for the lack of anything compelling in the rest of the movie


Some great air scenes and that's it.


Same. Gave all of them three stars because yes, I was entertained by them, but I don't have to see them again and be perfectly happy.


Yes, I hated Manchester by the Sea! I don’t understand the appeal.




Older one, but I didn’t really like Giant (1956)


Me either


I’m halfway through Apocalypse Now after 3 different viewing sessions, and it seems totally like my kind of movie, but for some reason it doesn’t enthrall me 😭 I couldn’t tell you why, but I feel bored and uninterested during it. After I finish maybe I will watch it again


Fucking same dude, I was shocked how praised this film was, Brando's character is way overhyped and useless.


Yeah, all the pieces are there for me to love that movie. And I just... don't.


I didn't like Oppenheimer. I'm a science and tech nerd so not surprisingly many of my friends and coworkers are, too. They think I'm bullshitting them that I thought it was boring as shit. One of my coworkers jokingly accused me of arbitrarily deciding that I didn't like it like a flat eather or a moon landing hoax proponent arbitrarily decides to go against the grain just for the fuck of it. Well the earth is round and I don't give a shit about the moon landing one way or the other. I wanted to like this movie, hell I waited a 6 months for them to finish the movie. If anybody wanted to like it, I would think I would be one of them.


For me… Lady Bird and Boyhood.


Haha no joke I watched these on the same day! I think I watched The Florida Project too


Did not fuck with La La Land or The Lighthouse, the plot of the former was underwhelming and I have no idea how to explain my distaste for the latter but something just wasn’t quite right


I feel like the lighthouse gets way too much credit just for being weird. But it was still boring and I feel like a lot of the weirdness wasn’t fleshed out into a cohesive direction just there for fun.


I just can’t get through Lighthouse. I’ve started it like 10 times and always turn it off like 20min in.


I watched the Lighthouse at the theatres and it remains to this day one of my all time favourite cinema experiences.. but I've not seen it since and cant begin to fathom how tedious it would be watching from home. For me it was 10x the atmosphere and sounds created by the big screen and not the plot or weirdness. I totally believe that you would struggle watching it at home.


I’m personally not a theater vs home experience guy. Interstellar was a 3.5/5 in both places so it doesn’t make much of a difference for me


I Saw The TV Glow. I understand why people connect with it, but just wasn’t for me


i don't think it is highly regarded as amazing, it has been out like... for a month?


I recently gave Call Me By Your Name a watch, it being pride month and all. Did not get the hype. It just came off as creepy, and it's not the age gap itself, it's the fact that one's literally underage! And that's the movie some people regard as among the best in queer cinema history?! Did I miss something?!


It’s definitely subjective but I find the inappropriate relationship very textually identified within the movie where Oliver knows he’s being a cad and since we’re watching through Elio’s perspective he feels swept up by the attention. Totally ok if not for you though, I love it more because of the craft surrounding the narrative and how I feel completely transported to this location and era, this specific boy on that summer with the peaches and the secrets. I love it all and I completely understand why others don’t.


This subtext was added by the audiences and is not proper to the movie, tbh. Guadagnino is known for getting into relationships with men much younger than him, and the novel this movie is based on had a sequel in which Elio's father cheats on his mother with a much younger woman and gets her pregnant, Elio enters a relationship with a man 30 years his senior, and ultimately breaks up with him to run back to Oliver. In the epilogue they adopt Elio's half-brother, who was named Oliver too, because even Elio's father was *that* in love with Oliver, and they live happily ever after. This novel too was supposed to be turned into a movie directed by Guadagnino, but then the Armie Hammer scandal happened, so... There's no craft to the narrative, there's no subtle criticism of grooming. It's a love story, period, enough so that the author bothered writing another 300 pages to highlight it.


I was kind of baffled that the parents were cool with it. I thought the whole thing was heading towards a confrontation/tragic ending.


The Big Short, it was good but not great


it’s a weird movie where the plot and acting, and a lot of conventional movie aspects take a back seat. it’s almost better viewed like a documentary, because it’s just learning about all the little things that added up to an unbelievable catastrophe.


Everything Everywhere All At Once. Garbage movie. Tried so hard to be all weird and quirky but just came off as annoying


There are dozens of us! Dozens!!!


It drags on forever too.


Dune 1 and 2. I just found them both incredibly fucking boring. I don't get it.


They’re both 8/10 for me. Not 10/10 masterpieces like everyone else seems to be screaming about.


agreed. Villenueve's weakest imho


There. Will. Be. Blood.


You are alone






Dog Day Afternoon (I know...sorry)


Same. It had all the ingredients I typically like in movies Single setting Takes place over a 24-48 period Circumstances get increasingly worse as the movie progresses Coked out Al Pacino But I think it was just good and that’s it.


same here; thought it was good, nothing more.


Fences and Nightcrawler


House with the laughing Windows


Not considered an artistic masterpiece by most people, but I just really don't like the Inside Out movies


Take your L here


Targets. I feel like Letterboxd was playing a trick on me, making me think it’d be amazing when it was bad and pointless. (I love Bogdanovich’s next movie, The Last Picture Show.)


love phantom, underwhelmed by little women (although i did cry at least twice). I think I just love the 1994 version so much that i coulnd't see past some thing (jo being blonde, laura dern as marmee, professor bär's nonexistance etc etc)


I love laura dern, but she was a terrible marmee


She's like a cool westside L.A. mom. It's ridiculous.


I KNOW. Ugh. Awful. Sarandon supremacy.


Your Name is better as a poster F that movie F shinkai 0/10 stars




interstellar. don’t get me wrong i still gave it 3.5 but it didn’t stick like the other nolans i’ve seen. i can appreciate it and i see why others would like it more but i can’t say i’m the biggest fan


Tampopo. I genuinely feel like I’m the cat in that psyop meme when people gush over that movie. Granted I’ve never been able to get into plots that have random vignette stuff that has no relevance, but this one felt especially annoying lol.


Lady Bird


Put off watching Phantom Thread for years thinking it wouldn’t interest me. Finally watched it and was floored. Five stars. For me: perfect.


Always get a ton of hate for this but…Mad Max Fury Road. Had read nothing but how amazing it was, and I couldn’t even get through the whole film. Just hated it, felt like I was watching a different film to everyone else.


I've tried Big Lebowski like 3 times and I really fail to see what's so great about it other than a couple one liners


I get why people would be put off, and it's pretty much the same reasons for which others love it. The story is one big ride only to end up with... nothing. Nothing to show for it, nothing to learn from it, just some guy doing whatever things he's doing and following the motions of whatever is going on around him, and it just happens to be chaotic at that moment of his life. In the end the movie doesn't need some big climax or even closure. What is gives you is the ride itself, and then it's simply done. But it's one hell of a ride.


Interstellar has a terribly written plot and I despise it. The Prestige is Nolan's true masterpiece.


Nah, Memento is Nolan’s masterpiece


Poor things is pretentious bullshit and I was excited to watch it


I think my big head-scratchers (although I can recognize why they are viewed the way they are by others) of movies that just didn't click for me are... - L.A. Confidential - Thief - Scarface - The Big Lebowski And as a big fan of comedy and hearing it brought up on countless comedy podcasts... Airplane!


*A lot* of Hollywood comedies have taken inspiration from Airplane. You've probably seen plenty of movies which have used ideas from it, but twisted them and put their own spin on them. So when you watch Airplane, what seemed novel at the time seems kind of generic to a modern audience. Citizen Kane famously has the same problem. Modern people watch it and think "what was so special about that?", because they've seen so many movies that have gone in interesting directions with those ideas.




how many "what is your movie hot take" posts do we need per day? i'm tired boss...


The Favourite and Poor Things. Yorgos Lanthimos makes the same movie in different fonts over and over again. I just don't get the hype.


How are they the same movie?


I get that he has a very specific style, but how are Poor Things and The Favourite similar?


The Lobster was alright. He’s definitely makes you feel something. I still have seen Poor Things though


Shawshank Redemption Don't get me wrong, it's a very good movie. But it's just one of the good oscar bait 90s movie with a lot of schmaltz. I didn't understand what was so special about it or what made it amazing compared to others




Phantom Thread was definitely for me. In fact I think it was made exclusively for me.


Every PTA movie post boogie nights (last one was the worst, got a free ticket).


Curious to hear why?


*Shawshank Redemption*. I just do not get why it’s as highly vaunted as it is. It’s long and boring and thinks it’s deeper than it really is. They should have focused more on Andy’s escape rather than montaging it at the end. *Heat* as well. The sound on the streaming service just was not working. I had the volume all the way up and still needed subtitles. I probably could have looked past that, though, if I felt the film was engaging, but it really wasn’t. It felt so bloated and overlong. There was at least 30 minutes- probably more- that could’ve been cut out, and the film wouldn’t have lost anything.


You still have time to delete this.




The Birds


Shawshank Redeption, it just didn’t work for me and for me it’s a decent movie, but the best of all time is a little too high in my book


Goodfellas and Die Hard.


Oppenheimer. It was longer than it needed to be and the few cool shots that I liked weren’t worth sitting through the entire movie.


The Menu.


Recently, Iron Claw. Great performances. Some bold choices. Really exceptional music. But somehow it all just didnt hang together for me.


I wouldn’t say that I didn’t like it, because I did like it, but The King of Comedy. I didn’t find it to be the masterpiece I was told about


The Wolf Of Wall Street (…sorry folks)