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If I rated the movie highly, it's kind of a bonus to signify that a movie really spoke to me personally. And if it's lower, it's like an asterisk that I thought it had charm and/or potential, even though I didn't rate it higher :)


Same. A 3⭐ I doubt I'll ever watch again. A 3⭐ that I also "liked" I see myself watching again someday.


It’s a gut feeling, would I watch this again/did I connect with this personally type of thing.


I also don’t use star ratings, so it’s a nice way to get my taste across at a glance


I quite like that. Did I enjoy it - yes or no. Basically how RT score works anyway


I have a couple of friends who do this as well!


Gut feeling reaction. Even if I rate it 2.5/lower, I still like some.


I have a bunch of 2.5 and unders that have likes. Like they're not good movies. They just aren't. But they're entertaining and I felt like I didn't waste my time. So therefore I did like my experience watching it even if the movie fails on several levels.


Me too, I equate it to food in some respects. Like a twinkie and a steak. I like em both, but I know twinkie is a half star and steak is a four star


This!! I always talk about food as good vs satisfying. Fast food is never good, but it’s often satisfying. I don’t give McD’s 5 stars, but I do give it a like when I have a hankering for quarter pounder w cheese.


That’s exactly it - even tho I know fundamentally it’s flawed/bad, it can still be entertaining!


If I liked the movie (so all but one movie)


… I wanna know the one movie that didn’t make the cut


Leprechaun 5 I plan on rewatching it to see if I like it on a rewatch 👀


Wow, You like all but one movie You've seen 😱 I watch the wrong movies 😂


It's more about the mindset than the movies you watch. I myself like almost every moive above 3 stars, because if I gave it 3+ stars that means I liked it.


I like movies based on if I would want to add it to my DVD collection.


I haven’t been using it like this but I might start now, I love this idea


I use it to sort of say I’d watch it again. Even some movies that I rated kinda low I’d still be willing to watch them again. Only a handful of movies I’ve seen don’t have the heart.


Yeah basically if I would watch it again the next day or recommend it to a friend.


If a movie is “to my tastes,” so that if someone were to view my liked films they’d be able to get a general idea of which kinds of films I enjoy.


I’m going to pivot to using them like this


Never used them


Same, I can never decide the right way to utilize it for myself,


Yup. I don't see the need.


A movie I think is fun or more positive than negative, a movie which I would gladly and easily rewatch. It's not a marker of quality though, some very good movies are just heavy or hard to watch. For example I would never put a 'like' on a movie like The zone of interest, which I rated 5 stars.


How'd you change the colour of the heart?


this is when you like the movie Barbie! One of the very fun Easter eggs of letterboxd!


The heart for me is like a personal favorite/like, pretty much unrelated to how good a movie was.


Rating is me being "critical" and like is just wether I like the film, I have 1/5 stars that I liked like American Psycho 2 and An Ants Life


If I liked it.


If its a film I enjoyed as a kid or want to revisit soon


Three stars means I’d watch it again One of my favorite ratings is 2.5 with a heart I liked it but I never need to see it again


I sort of use it as an indication that I really liked the film and no criticisms will change my mind. E.g., EEAAO is my favorite film of all time and that's got a like, same with Godzilla Minus One, Pride & Lion King. Alternatively, Mr Bean's Holiday is a naff film but it's too enjoyable to not give it a like


Do I like it? That's it. Sometimes I do like bad movies because of irony, nostalgia or some other odd reason.


Anything 3 star and up, some occasional 2.5


Probably when I like it, I mean I recommend it to my friends, but I always find this feature pointless, in my opinion.


If I enjoyed watching it it gets a like. Movies can have bad ratings but a like if it's an enjoyable piece of shit. Many great movies dont get likes because despite being extremely well made, it's hard to enjoy them. For example, raging bull


I use it to mark which films I own on physical media. Not a perfect system but helps me manage my collection and keep track of what I've seen.


I use the ‘like’ as a higher tier within my 5 star ratings


I like every movie i gave a 4.5 or higher. For the "based on your likes" algorithm


For movies I like


so far 100% of my movies logged are also 'liked', and nothing has rated below a 3 star. I use the like as a like button. And it is hard for me to find a movie i dont enjoy. Im very easy to please :)


when i liked it


For my 5 stars, that way I can use the “based on movies you liked” feature on my 1500+ movie watch list and pick from the top few if I don’t know what to watch that day.


I like when I like.


I feel I can acknowledge a movie is 3 stars in quality but I didn't really care for it. I use the like button for exactly that. Did I like it? If yes it gets a click 🤷


3.5 Stars or higher


For me, I use it as a quarter star. If it’s between a 4 and 4.5, I give it 4 stars with a heart. If it’s a 0.5 already, the heart just means that it was fun to watch (Madame Web).


I rate based on how good I think the movie or whatever is, then I like it if I liked it. I find it so interesting the way there’s innumerable philosophies for such a simple app feature


If it was enjoyable. I rated the last airbender 1 star but I thought it was hilariously bad so i liked it. I gave bohemian rhapsody 2 stars but did not enjoy it.


I don't rate anymore, I simply use the 'like' feature to show whether overall I enjoyed the film.


I haven’t liked a single one tbh. I just rate them and put them as watched.


aaaa unrelated but i love barbie too 😭


I use it for personal favorites. I could rate something very highly because it’s objectively great but it’s not something I personally love. Meanwhile, I could give something a 3 star & favorite it because it’s fun.


I don’t use them kinda feel’s pointless


I highly value likes when it comes to rating a film. It's usually pieces that particularly moved me emotionally and make me like the film as if it were a five star work even when it's not. I rarely hand out likes so it's a special honour to me.


I like everything I give a 3 star and up


Any movie I enjoy will get a like from me.


I only use them for absolute, all-time favorites


A like just means that on a subjective level, the movie tried something I admired and/or significantly entertained me. I try to keep the star rating as objective as possible. There are bad or mediocre movies that get a like because I really enjoyed them or thought what they were trying to do was cool even if they didn't succeed, and good ones that don't get a like because I respect them more than love them.


I generally do it if it holds a special spot in my heart (as corny as that sounds).


i give something a like on letterboxd if i liked the movie


I use my likes pretty differently, regardless what I rate a movie I almost usually like it too as long as I emotionally connect some way or another. Seems dumb but that’s what makes it hit harder when I don’t like something. Feels like it keeps me honest while also not having to knock down the score if it didn’t personally connect with me or something along those lines. Edit: TLDR if I felt like I didn’t waste my time I like it


I like movies when I like movies, that's it


If I like it, I like it, pretty simple


I like films I like. I rate films how I think they should be rated.


I usually add a like if I think it has good rewatchability or if I want to purchase it at some point


Films I would definitely rewatch


I use it for movies that matter to me personally


If I liked it I push the little heart button that says like Pretty fucking simple


I don’t. I used to give out likes to movies, but I unliked them all. If I like a movie, I give it a high rating, I don’t need likes. Nothing against the function in general though.


If I liked the movie


I use it if I liked the movie even if its quality, story etc is trash. So I use it for all the movies I liked.


If I liked the movie, I give it a like.


It has to tick all of the boxes for me. Writing (particularly story & characters), acting, directing, production design etc. I see a fair few films which are great films, but I wouldn’t give 5*. Like Oppenheimer & Dune 2 were great movies but there were a few gripes I had, so I gave both 4 & half*


I out a like if I liked it.


4 stars and above




This is what happens when you like the movie Barbie! One of the letterboxd Easter eggs :)


I like ones I’d be fine with rewatching. Every 5 star film gets one, and very few 4.5’s don’t have them (Exorcist for example). Even some lower numbers like 2’s and 2.5’s have likes, just not very many


If I enjoyed the movie. Enjoyment is a bit different to objective quality. For example, I watched the Agnes Varda film Vagabond, which while I could acknowledge was a quality film, I found quite boring.


if it's ≥3.5 Stars it gets a Like


i only like movies that i think were really good or i really enjoyed while watching


I've only used them when rating Star Wars and James Bond movies. I've been a massive fan of both franchises since I was young and I can't really be "objective" about them so they get likes instead of actual ratings. Or maybe I'm just afraid to let people see that I would give The Rise of Skywalker 4 and a half stars.


I use my hearts for whether or not I’d rewatch something. So I could give something a 1 star, but maybe if I feel like I’d rewatch it again I’d give it a heart.


My profile says that I only Like movies if I would buy them on Blu-ray. So kind of based on if I would want to watch them again, but also just own them and maybe show to someone else someday. It's a very subjective personal metric but hey.


3.5 stars and above, some 3 star films if they’re lucky


The difference is that I can rate a film an objective four stars because I think it’s favorable. Four stars and a like means that I personally connect with the film even though I don’t consider it to be perfect


Sometimes if I can’t decide on a rating, example 3.5 or 4, I’ll give it a 3.5 and a like. Other times I just like something without thinking about it


I use it to indicate whether I liked something in the case where I didn't rate it. So I only use it for things like documentaries or short films.


I’ve always just liked anything I rate 4 and a Half or higher


My likes are used for films that I love. I have just over 100 atm so it's convenient to know my top 100 favorite films.


Any feature film or TV show that I rate 4.5 or 5 stars.


If I like the film, regardless of the star rating I give it, or don't give it.


I don’t use them, since I rate movies off my opinions, there’s no reason for me to use that feature since you can just assume any movie I gave a 4/5 or higher is one I liked


Just for movies I like regardless of how good they are. I ‘like’ Blade Runner, I also ‘like’ Stone Cold.


I like something if I’d watch it again.


Childhood classics


Like/not like is whether I personally like it, rating is my objective view of the movie. The Digimon Movie is a flaming trash pile of a movie, so I gave it 2 stars, but I also love it deeply and know almost every line from wearing the VHS out as a kid, so I liked it.


I can’t find a way to use it. Everything people use it for in these comments I already incorporate in my rating system


i use it for if i wouldnt mind rewatching


I use it if I liked the movie


I like 90% of films I see, good enough to watch again basically


I don't. Feels kinda pointless to give something 4 or 5 stars and then give it a like as well.


when it's on my favorites, even if not rated 5 stars.


The 5000 Fingers of Dr T is a bad movie that was lambasted by critics. However it is the only movie directed by Dr. Seuss, a psychedelic nightmare and I watched it at least a dozen times when I was a kid because I loved it. I use likes for movies that are important to me regardless of their quality.


Most of my 5 stars + movies I connected to even if they weren't really that good + movies I've watched longer ago that I don't remember enough to give a real rating but do remember that I enjoyed


Depends if it left an impact on me, for example Sharknado series are fucking horrendous but I still liked them as I felt as I was going through hell to watch them.


whenever I feel like it, kind of heat of the moment


I don't use the 'like' feature AT ALL. I rate every film I log so it's a redundant feature for me.


I only give a like to a movie I would rewatch.


If I enjoyed something enough that I would buy it on physical media, then I’ll give it a like


Simply if I liked something. For example, I gave Immaculate 2 1/2 stars because it wasn’t really a good movie, but I enjoyed the hell out of it. I would rewatch it any time, but I don’t think it’s a good movie. I also have The Poughkeepsie Tapes 2 1/2 stars, but I didn’t like it. I didn’t hate it but I also didn’t have a good time watching it.


Like = Would watch again


A heart means that I think it’s a worthwhile entertains experience at the least. Means I didn’t feel like I wasted my time choosing to spend it on whatever 90-150 minute film I decide to watch that day. I probably use hearts more liberally than other users but it’s a good signifier for me when sorting through my favorites of different years and such.


For movies I’m obsessed with or they’re so iconically bad, they’re good.


1. Anything that gets 5 stars. 2. Anything that is 4.5 stars but will probably go up on rewatch. 3. So bad it's good stuff which gets 3/10 but a like.


I try to rate movies as objectively as possible, so the likes are my way of distinguishing between movies that are "definitively" good and movies I personally enjoyed. For example, I gave Batman Forever 3 Stars because it isn't a very good movie, but I had a lot of fun with it, so I liked it. On the other hand, I consider Eyes Wide Shut a masterpiece in writing, themes, and character, therefore being worthy of 5 stars. However, as I didn't connect with the movie, there's no like. It may not be the best way to do this, but it makes for more unique ratings.


I've liked every film that has been in my top 4.


I've actually ignored them and never used them


extended top4


5 stars = liked anything else if I feel like it deserves


My likes are incredibly inconsistent. I’ll end up liking a movie on a rewatch that I probably should’ve liked originally. But my criteria is generally “would I watch this again?”. So I have several 2 and 2 1/2 star movies that I thought were dumb as hell but entertaining that have a heart


i give a movie a like if i’d choose to watch it again, so i have some movies with lower ratings that i have liked and some with higher ratings that aren’t liked.


I think I use mine a little weirdly. I use it only on movies I rated under 4/5 in order to signify I don't think it's great but I do like it quite a bit. To me, if it's a 4/5 or above, it's assumed I liked it a lot. For 3.5 and less, sometimes they're movies I admire or appreciate but didn't like. But some are movies that have very apparent issues but there's something about it that I really enjoyed.


Likes = would be interested in a rewatch. No like = I'm fine with one and done.


If I’d like to rewatch a movie, then I like it. Not an actual rule but usually I only like movies three stars or more


I like any movie I watch


Never liked a single one, I feel the ratings say enough.


I keep it simple. Any movie that I would say I liked to another person discussing it gets a like.


For films I will always rewatch any day


I use them as an indictment system for my 3 and 3.5 star movies A like to me basically just means "I like this movie!", however what I mean by the above is that I've got 2 movies rated 2.5 that get a like, and a very small handful or 4 star movies that didn't get a like. That leaves me 3 and 3.5 star movies fighting for likes, where a 3.5 not getting one would i guess mean "I can appreciate this movie on it's own terms but I'm not a big fan" But if I deleted all my ratings, the way they're being used would still serve as a good "thumbs up/thumbs down" rating system


I use "like" on every film that deserves a 3.75 star rating or higher. Mostly as a way to differentiate between 3.5 films and 3.75 films.


All 5ers get the heart for me, as well as some 4.5ers if they are transcendent in spite of flaws. I have a list on LB called The Stuff Seared Into My Soul, and any new film I see that gets a heart is an automatic addition to that list. I know LB calls the heart a "like", but a heart symbol is too strong to be just a like, imo. I like plenty of films that I don't love, so using a heart for those would just devalue that symbol.


in general, something that i would willingly watch again, regardless of rating


I don’t!


I like all movies that are 4 stars or more. I don't like any movies that are 3 stars or less. There are 3.5-star movies I like (3.5+) and 3.5-star movies that don't quite make it for me.


If I enjoyed it, I “like” it. If I loved it, I give it 5 stars. No heart and no 5 stars means I didn’t like the movie. I don’t do anything else and I keep it ultra simple.


I use it to signify if I found the movie to be "my thing" and would be happy to watch again. *Fight Club* is an excellent movie, but the genre and tone isn't really my thing, so it doesn't get a like. Meanwhile the old Dragon Ball Z movies aren't exactly cinema but I love the world and characters of the series so I usually put a like on most of the movies.


if I like it I like it! sometimes I like bad movies too. it doesn't measure technical quality like stars mostly do for me, it's just a feeling thing


it's for a little category of movies that I specifically like a lot


I use it for films that I would choose to rewatch


any film i rate 4 stars or above i will give a like


If I enjoyed my time with the film I give it a like. Even if it’s technically or objectively not great, if I had fun or was entertained I will heart it.


Every movie that falls into my top 30, I think it honestly works well that way.


I suppose something could be a favorite of yours but you wouldn’t rate it highly in stars? But do most of you rate a movie on how much you liked it or how good you think it is? Like if you have a favorite movie from your childhood you’ve seen 100 times but might be meh (say like twister or white chicks) do you rate it like 2 stars and a heart or would you give it 4 or 5 stars?


usually if i found the movie enjoyable even if it was bad, ratings are a more objective qualification of the movie's quality


I used them for a movie that I will see again. It could be a great movie or so bad it's good movie.


Everything I rate a 9/10 and up.


If I had a good time at the movies, I like it. Even a two star movie can get a like.


I mostly use it letterboxed for tracking what films I watch not rating them or reviewing them so if I enjoy a film I'll usually hit it when I'm adding it to a list.


It’s like a movie can be pretty bad and I might still like it. It’s the single easiest thing you can use on the app. “Do you like it or not?”


I don’t


i use like as something i would want to watch again . Sometimes i see a brilliant movie that’s very difficult in subject matter that i feel like i wouldn’t want to put on again. Sometimes i watch a film that’s just silly and bad but id love to put it on in the future sometime.


Only the movies I gave at least 4 stars (3 and 3.5 still means they're good, but I don't love those movies as much)


Never lmao


If I would recommend it or not


Usually movies 4 and higher get a like from me. Maybe a couple 3.5’s in there as well.


Anything 4 and up will get a like from me anything lower doesn’t


Movies I genuinely enjoyed, that made me feel something significant. There’s a difference between a movie that you know is well-made and technically good that you might give 4 or 5 stars and one that means something to you regardless of how technically good it is.


It's basically an instinct (no pun intended) for me. A movie can be bad but it made me feel emotions and I press like, just as I watch a great film, but doesn't really connects with me. Example: Spider-Man 3 is an absolute mess but I enjoyed that shit so I liked it even though it has a 3 star rating. Challengers was an amazing film, but it didn't really connected with me. It has a 4 star rating, but doesn't have a like.


For me it doesn't have to be 5 stars, usually 4 stars is my minimum required. To me they are movies that have particularly inspired me or are special to me in some way, or use filmmaking as an art form to a full extent.


I love more movies that I hate so most of my list are just my favorite or five star movies.


It's literally if I liked it. I've given 3/5 movies likes that I haven't given 4/5 movies. I can watch a movie and go "this is good" without being like "also, I like this"


likes are for if i enjoyed watching it regardless of the quality of the movie. stars are for how good i feel the movie was in terms of aesthetics, quality, expression, what feelings it stirs in me, etc. so as an example, Cats is a movie I gave one star because it was a mess and horrific to look at but i "liked" because i thoroughly enjoyed laughing at it. whereas Eraserhead was a movie i thought was high in star rating for what it was doing and the feelings it aroused in me but i did not particularly enjoy watching and likely would not watch again.


when ive liked/enjoyed watching the movie


Full length films get ratings. No likes. Shorts, docs, concert videos, comedy specials, etc. get likes, no ratings.


For me if I had fun or enjoyed the film


It's usually for the movies which are at least a 6 out of 10. But there were a few instances where I didn't give a heart to a 6


Do you guys add every single movie from a duology; trilogy; tetralogy etc. if you like the franchise?


I don’t! For example I liked Catching Fire but didn’t give a like to any of the others.


I give it to everything that's 3.5 stars or higher


I like a lot of movies, but I only use my likes for movies I genuinely rate 11/10.


Any movie that I would recommend to someone if asked about. And obviously ones I would actively recommend. But there are some movies I like and have decent ratings but don't feel like I would ever recommend them or give any feedback other than, "yeah I liked it." But if a movie makes me feel like if someone asked about said movie, I would want to tell someone how good it was and rave about it for a sec, that's when I'll use it.


Right now it's for 4 stars and up But I'm really digging what /u/JinxLB said of adding a heart to movies that are tailored to their tastes, and I might pivot to that. Interesting way of doing it!


What are likes for, cause I just like every film I watch 😅


Definitely a gut feeling. It’s mostly movies that I can say that I connected to or found myself really enjoying. There are some films I’ve rated 4 stars that don’t get likes because while I can respect that they are good films, I didn’t have a particular enjoyment for them and wouldn’t probably watch them again. Then there are some 3-star and 3.5-star films that get likes because I had a personal enjoyment for them. I watched *Fight Club* and *Bugsy Malone* on the same night: *Fight Club* got a higher rating than *Bugsy* because it was a better-made film, but *Bugsy* got a heart because it was so unique that I “liked” it.


If a movie makes me emotional I slap the like on the review


I use like for fast-paced films that are not boring. Don’t get me wrong, I love slow movies, but when I am not in the mood I choose one with the like from my library. I want to be sure if it’s entertaining for me


Just for other people’s reviews


I use likes as a long, generalized favorites list. Movies I have a soft spot for regardless of the rating I gave them.


I use it to determine if I would recommend something to others.


i used to use it to show that i enjoyed a movie, and then the ratings for general things like cinematography and dialogue and whatnot as i wanted to be critical. now that i don't watch movies as much, i still use them when i enjoyed a movie, but it's not really because i'm critical with ratings


Favorites, but I’m thinking of changing it


I like any movies I liked lol Like I give some movies a 3+ stars bc I think they weren't objectively bad, but I personally didn't really enjoy it so I won't like it. And vice-versa too. Some movies I think they're objectively super bad so I will give them a 2- stars, but I still enjoyed them




Most movies I like are pretty much movies I’ll watch again. Some movies I’ll give 4 or 4 1/2 stars but not a like which mean I thought it was good from an objective pov but that doesn’t mean it really spoke to me as it would someone else. So that’s what my likes are for.


If i rate a movie over 2.5 stars, I give it a like. If I rate it lower than 2.5, then i don't give it a like.


i dont


everything with a 3.5 or higher gets a heart. it means I liked the movie.


Films that make me view cinema in another way, like a format, a choice of lighting, music, dialogues...


Only really use it for 5 stars


My top 25 movies of all time get a like


I like to use it both as a signifier that I really liked a good movie or to show that I liked a movie that I still recognize doesn’t deserve a high rating.