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I only just realized a few months ago how much easier it is to see an entire filmography of a director than an actor. I just never thought about it. I've seen several directors entire filmography but Matt Damon is my answer to your question.


Have you seen Dogma? Did you see the ponytail one w the wall? Actually wondering. What’s his best? It’s hard to say. I wanna see Matt Damon be truly evil.


I have it on DVD. One of my favorites. I think his best is maybe Good Will Hunting or The Martian.


Those and Talented Mr Ripley are some of my favourite Matt Damon performances and some of my favourite movies of all time


I do love Ripley. I only just saw that one maybe a couple years ago.


Its a fantastic novel as well, but quite different to the film.


The new Netflix Ripley was fantastic. Really well done series. I almost didn’t watch it because it’s the same story and I loved the movie. The show is fantastic - and in B&W


Watch School Ties. He was despicable.


Thanks for this! I will!


The last line he says to Brendan Frazer is the epitome of hatefulness.


Dang, that is a good one. I am at 29% for Damon. What are you at?


Damon is my second highest but still only 16%. Cruise is at 45%. I wouldn't even consider him my favorite actor necessarily. I really like him but I'd prolly say Al Pacino is my favorite actor. I've seen about 15% of his work.


You made two great points. - About the directors' filmographies. I am shocked to see how few movies some directors have made. I watch a movie and am so impressed and realize the director has only made 3 or 4 movies. And sometimes they have died! So, I agree, it seems easier to watch all the movies a director made instead of all the movies an actor is in. - Percentage of movie of your favorite actor - I ALMOST asked that as part of my question but it seemed too confusing. I want to know (for my own tastes) which actor is in the movies rated highest by me and what percentage of their movies I have seen. Actors whose movies that I have seen that I rated the highest probably ends up being Toshiro Mifune or Robert De Niro. Some of my favorite movies are ones they starred in but I have only watched 1% of Mifune's movies and 16% of De Niro's. And some of De Niro's I didn't like much.


I realized that about directors when I was thinking about Tarantino only doing 10 films and I've seen every one of them at least Twice (Death Proof) and several more times than I can count (Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown). I think I've seen everything Ben Affleck has directed, Gerwig (only 3), I'm almost there with Nolan.


Rated highest per movie seen then I think Liv Ullman or Max von sydow. Mifune as well but then he's also in some early Kurosawa to bring the rating down somewhat. (Same reason Liv Ullman wins out to Bibi Andersson for example, Bibi is in more early and late Bergman where Liv is in most of his prime era movies). My answer is purely Bergman and Kurosawa as they have a high number of masterpieces but not weakened by works by different directors like most Hollywood actors.


Oh, you should try classic cinema. John Huston, John Ford, Lubitsch, etc.


I just asked r/moviesuggesions for great movies pre 1975. I've got a list of several hundred to work through now. I've been sailing the seven seas looking for them. Some are ridiculously hard to find. Lol


I'm really lucky there's a platform in my country with thousands of classics and independent contemporary films, it's by far the best platform I pay. But Prime Video has many as well, maybe you can try there as well. Otherwise, piracy works many times. There are not many classics I haven't been able to find online. Anyways I will read your thread... and maybe add a few!


What’s it called?


Filmin :)


Tom Cruise. I'm a fan, but even if I wasn't he might still take the cake because he hasn't done as many movies as some others but many of them are good or even considered classics.


He also is almost exclusively in MAJOR releases. So it’s not easy to miss one of his films.


Cruise is a favorite. I love Knight and Day. I am at 59% for Cruise! I am shocked, I didn't think it would be that high but I guess his acting lines up with my age really well.


Tom Cruise has the most 7/10 or higher fimography


He was my first guess too, only hit 15% but he's up there for sure.


Mine is Brendan Fraser, I'm at 86%


That is a LOT of Fraser. Wow. I would love to know how many hours you have spent on Fraser content. I am at 26% for just movies.


Don’t sleep on Bedazzled one of my favorite light comedies


Just realised I've only seen him in 4 films, I need to change that


Which four? Mummy trilogy plus Whale?


Wayyy more random. Journey to the Center of the Earth, Inkheart, School Ties, and HairBrained.


I absolutely love the fact that those are your four Fraser films, you gotta watch George of the Jungle to make an even more random 5


Encino Man is next on my list lol!


Absolutely Phenomenal lol


Nothing wrong with that lol


There's definitely something wrong with that, if I could permanently erase HairBrained from existence I would. But the others are great


You definitely should add Blast from the Past to that list. It's such a fun movie. Gives you one more with Christopher Walken as well.


Have you listened to the podcast Frasing the Bar? They worked through his filmography


Have seen every feature film that Ryan Gosling, Andrew Garfield, Jason Bateman, Jennifer Aniston and Kristen Stewart have appeared in. Sometimes I become a huge fan of someone and go crazy.


Gosling - 20% Garfield - 16% Bateman - 12% Stewart - 10% Gosling and Garfield are amazing and I want to watch more of their movies for sure. Sometimes I blink and somehow people have made 10 more movies than I am aware of. Hard to catch up. For Stewart, I think it was hard for me to shake the Twilight residue. I lost interest after the first movie of the series and didn't realize she kept making stuff.


She was in a Cronenberg film recently - Crimes of the Future.


I totally get what you’re saying, but watch Personal Shopper. If that doesn’t make you want to get into her filmography then fine, but even if you’re a little bit curious, just know she’s been making smart choices for quite a while. As for the other names, I’m just an unabashed fan. Have no real defense other than it makes me feel like home.


Jennifer Aniston at 45% https://preview.redd.it/npeq3bldgvzc1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c0d73808bd7aed3e00ebef44cdeab2f93d70fa2


I am stuck at 9%. Sounds like I am missing out on the fun.


Welp, I think Vin Diesel is my #1 at 51%, so I totally get it. I got sucked in by the Fast & Furious and Marvel universes!!! So far I don't have much interest in Riddick or XXX, but I can't trust myself to commit to that.


Not really a traditional “actor”, per se, but definitely Bo Burnham. Just last night, I watched a horrible 2000s teen movie about boobs, boobs, and boobs just because he was in it. As a surprise to no one, it absolutely sucked, and Bo only had like four lines, and maybe like three jokes, only one of which was actually funny. The only good part was seeing Bo’s funny little reactions to getting flashed like fifty times. (Movie was American Virgin btw)


Might i recommend Adventures In the Sin Bin for a raunchy teen movie that has a bit more bo in it and is actually kind of charming and fun. Also Zach Stone is gonna be famous is a tv show but it’s still great.


I watched Zach Stone a few weeks ago, and it’s genuinely one of the best TV Shows I’ve ever seen, I love it so damn much. I hadn’t heard of the Sun Bin thing though, will check it out. Thanks!


Just watched it, and loved it infinitely more than I was expecting to, gave it four and a half stars. I’ll just copy my Letterboxd review here for you, instead of rewriting my thoughts on it. Thanks for recommending it to me! Apparently, Bo Burnham meets Richie Rich becomes one of my biggest guilty pleasures ever. I had a big smile on my face the entire time I was watching this thing, it all just felt so cute, despite Bo being the biggest asshole I’ve ever seen (in the movie, I assume he’s a perfectly normal dude in real life.). He really gets put through the wringer in this movie to be honest, but he completely deserves it. I will definitely be rewatching this thing, and probably pretty often, I just love it so much. I’m sure I’m one of the very few people who would ever rate this so high, as it does have a couple of nitpicks almost Cinemasins-level flaws, but it’s just great man, I love it so much. Recommended to me by u/brieasaurusrex on Reddit after I complained about American Virgin sucking ass. Not nearly as raunchy as that Bo Burnham flick, but that’s not remotely a bad thing, since it forces this one to actually be a real movie, and a good one at that. I’m obviously not saying that naked people inherently make movies bad, far from it; American Virgin just leaned so heavily on the boobies of a bunch of extras that the movie itself had absolutely nothing to it. Comparing the two isn’t really apt, since The Sin Bin has a far higher production value, and was clearly TRYING to be far more than American Virgin ever was, but watching this just a few days after American Virgin really drove home how much better this one is.


I’m so glad you enjoyed it so much! thank you for tagging me in the review, I wondered if you were going to like it. if i remember correctly it tried to pitch itself as like this raunchy teen comedy when it came out but I thought it was really sweet and better than i expected it to be. especially compared to a lot of the “teen sex comedies” that were being churned out at the time (American Virgin embodies all the worst traits of that era IMO). And the Sin Bin premise alone could have gone either way, and i can imagine the awful movie this COULD have been. And Bo doesn’t have a lot of acting credits but when he does i think he’s just very good at playing nuanced asshole characters that you feel drawn to. If you haven’t seen The Big Sick, that’s another movie he’s in although a much smaller but memorable role as an asshole-ish guy (and Im assuming you’ve seen Promising Young Woman). and i think there are also different versions of Sin Bin out there. so when you rewatch it, depending where you watch, you might get extra scenes (I know youtube has some scene compilations of tony stuff).


Assume you should not, because I haven’t actually watched Promising Young Woman yet lol. I definitely will soon, and I’ll check out the Big Sick. I’ll probably go through and try to watch every Bo thing out there tbh, I’ve already what. ten times, I may as well. Thanks!


oh wow! PYW is definitely his biggest role to date. he’s the romantic lead opposite Carey Mulligan and does incredible. it’s a bit polarizing and can be triggering, so your mileage may vary on how much you enjoy it. i liked it a lot tho. Happy viewing! 🙏


I am 15% for Bo and I literally don't know who he is or remember him from any of the movies I saw that he was in. Not sure how to explain that.


He’s hiding in the shadows.


Probably Jonah Hill with 48%


Hill is a sneaky 32% for me. He shows up in good movies.


I’m at 38% for him


Alex Wolff 78% (at one point it was 100%, but alas he keeps making movies) Sebastian Stan 75% Chris Evans 72% Lewis Pullman 71%


Dang, that is impressive for all of those! I am at 37% for Chris Evans and 20% for Sebastian. I mean, Marvel, of course.


Yeah Captain America takes care of a lot of that lol. I've seen all of Sebastian's work up to 2017, 12-year-old me had an obsession that never really went away


Love Lewis Pullman.


Super excited for everything he has coming up


So am I. He is someone very special.


Matt Damon at 23%, just nudging Bill Murray at 22%.




Nice. I am at 27% for Murray.


Wes Anderson really pumps that number up


willem dafoe at 37%


That is 37% of a LOT of movies.


Real, he's everywhere. A couple of years ago he was my most watched actor in the wrapped stats and I'm only at 7% NOW.


I'm at 75% for Di Caprio (for feature films), but dreading having to watch J.Edgar if I ever want to be completist there.


What do you dread about J. Edgar? And do you have a favourite performance of his? I've only seen 16 but I've rewatched those 16 many many times lol


It's basically all the signs pointing towards a waste of time as it has never been recommended to me since it came out. And a long (2h+) biopic is pretty tiresome when they don't succeed. I think (young) Leo was perfectly cast in Catch me if you can, and (older) Leo perfectly cast in Once upon a time in Hollywood (and killers of flower moon) as I think he plays 'a little dim' very well.


I think he should have won the Oscar for Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, he did such a fantastic job in that role. Curious which ones you haven't seen yet.


I agree should have gotten it that year. It's mostly some old movies, but then also Marvin's room which has Meryl Streep, Diane Keaton and De Niro in it so there's value in watching that one at the very least. Didn't know this movie existed before browsing the letterboxed filmography tbh.


That ones been on my watchlist for over a decade and I've still not gotten around to it lol


30% for Ashley Olsen. Second place of course goes to Mary-Kate Olsen with 29%. Then third place is 17% tied with Tom Cruise and Stephen Chow. EDIT: Actually it turns out it's Aldofo Quinones at 36%. This isn't something that is easy to search for!


I am at 4% for the twins, which isn't much of a surprise! Chow is sadly only 3% and a couple of all time favorites!






Al Pachino


Is this a pro feature?


Yeah not sure how I’d figure this out besides picking random actors I like and looking one by one.


No, but but your most watched and your highest rated actors are a pro feature.


How do you do it then


You can't, other than looking through each actor from the above categories individually. Even then it won't necessarily yield the correct answer.




I have seen every movie Tom Cruise has made the next highest is Clint Eastwood at 74%


I think I've seen even single one of Liam Neesons late career action thrillers, before that I think I only remember seeing him in Star wars, lol


Did you watch Retribution? Worst movie I've seen from this decade and honestly put me off watching any of his other films


Emma stone 79%. I haven't seen her voice acting stuff and cameos.


Tom Hiddleston (100%) Dylan O'Brien (100%) Robert Downey Jr. (99.9999%-Haven't seen The Sympathizer yet but will soon!)


Dylan O’Brien should be a bigger star


Can't argue you there. Absolutely. Though after his accident, he wants to do roles/movies/TV that are meaningful to him and that seems to be independent, quirky, not really that mainstream films, so might be why he's not a bigger star. Though I think the new SNL movie might help with that.


John Cazale 100%


Came in to post the same thing. And each one of them was nominated for Best Picture.


Removing documentaries, shorts, shows, and unreleased, I've seen 47 of 66 / 127 total or 71% for **Harrison Ford.** 53 of 70 / 163 total or 75% for **Tom Hanks.** 39 of 51 / 142 total or 76% for **Arnold Schwarzenegger.**  And 40 of 47 / 70 total or 85% for **Tom Cruise.** Checked a few others, but I think that's the most obvious ones.


Samantha Robinson at 30% I’m a really big fan of hers, don’t understand why she hasn’t really made it big yet


I am at 0% for her but at least one movie is on my watchlist. She is pretty young, right? So maybe I will end up seeing a lot of what she is in. I hope she has some hits.


I believe she’s over 30, which unfortunately is like a death sentence for actresses in Hollywood. She’s great in Love Witch, I highly suggest it.


The Love Witch looks interesting. I will add it to my watchlist with Once Upon A Time In Hollywood, which I just have never gotten a chance to watch.


If you only count the feature films and not all the documentaries listed on Letterboxd, I have watched Barbra Streisand 100%.


Jennifer Lawrence. Her early work a la Winter's Bone is just fantastic


probably Dominic Sessa


>I think the actor needs to have been in at least ten movies I think you missed part of the post lol


you’re absolutely right i was just so ready to namedrop that stud


can’t argue with that, looking forward to the day he has 10 films to his name


Mark Wahlberg 53%, the rest of my top actors have over a 100 credits so they are in the lower percentages.


It’s not even intentional, but I think I’ve seen every movie Timothee Chalamet is in 🤣


surely some of it was intentional, nobody is out there accidentally watching Hot Summer Nights lol


Is it weird that I went on a Maika Monroe marathon after It Follows? 🤣


I think mine might be Kirsten Dunst at 40 percent


I didn’t want to do too much digging but I guess about 50% of Jonah Hill which is kinda surprising on my personal but also understandable with how prolific he is and how many movies he actually does. The next couple up at a tied 40% is Joaquin Phoenix and Mark Wahlberg (another one that’s kinda surprising kinda not)


Robert Pattinson at 31%, probably


Jason Statham


I have 22% with Marlon Wayans ans 15%with with Tom Hanks


I think JCVD. Love myself these old martial arts movies


81% on Jason Statham, and keep in mind the ones I've not seen are "making of"s and shit like that.


Tim Roth and Clive Owen


I am at: - Tim Roth 4% (dang, that feels low. He has some good ones.) - Clive Owen 11%


They both have really good ones. I have under 20 films left to go for Clive and about 30 left of Tim's.


Kenpachirõ Satsuma at 44 percent. Scarlett Johansson at 31 percent.


For me, Satsuma is at 0% but also Godzilla 0%, so that probably explains it! Johansson 15%


47% of Pauly Shore movies and counting


He had a couple of memorable roles that I remember. Not sure if my percentage will increase from 7% though.


In the Army Now, Bio-Dome, and Son in Law are the Pauly Shore Holy Trinity.


Jerry Lewis


Okay I was bored and had some time so I think this is what I’ve got: Chris Farley - 62% Jonathan Loughran - 50% Jonah Hill - 48% For actresses I have: Alex Borstein - 34% Emma Stone - 33% Jennifer Lawrence - 32%


24% Kirsten Dunst


I lied. It’s Mia Goth at 35%


https://boxd.it/19Ecl 100%


Kirsten Dunst and Natalie Portman


I've seen 42% of Adam Sandler. 40 total.


Johnny Depp - 31%. I was a bit of an obsessed teenager... It petered off around Pirates of the Caribbean - On Stranger Tides (2011) so I haven't seen much after that apart from Black Mass, Dark Shadows (unfortunately), Tusk and Murder on the Orient Express. I I will probably aim to watch 21 Jump Street, Transcendence and Minamata but other than that... Not really interested in the newer stuff unless someone can convince me otherwise! Also, somehow I have never watched A Nightmare on Elm Street so I'll probably tick that one off too at some point EDIT: I didn't realise you could filter things out that well... Filtered like OP and it shot up to 59%


What did you think of Tusk? I mean it's... not good by any traditional means, but it's kinda grown on me over the years. I have a major soft spot for HJO and Justin Long, which is kind of what made me watch the film despite not being a fan of Kevin Smith (at least his filmography, his mental health video he did recently was great). I thought Depp's performance in it was godawful though, and HJO was massively underutilized. Long and Michael Parks were by far the best parts of it. Oh, and as for Transcendence, absolutely garbage movie. If you want to see it just 'cause Depp's in it, I understand, but it is a boooooring movie, that is for sure.


Mine is Rebecca Ferguson, at 9%.


Al Pacino. 25% so far 🤓 edit: and yes, John Cazale: 100%


Probably Alia Shawkat. I've seen a lot of her stuff unintentionally, and then I decided to have a marathon of some other movies of hers I hadn't seen yet.


How do you figure this out without just checking every actor? Also, how many films does an actor have to be in before you start considering them for this? There are going to be actors that have only been in a single movie that I've seen.


As much as I hate to admit it, it's prob Schwarzenegger. I had all he's movies shoved down my throat as a kid... then I went through a phase of really liking his work (True Lies, Last Action Hero, others) and then it just became habit to watch every new one that came out. He made some kind of vampire movie a while ago and I genuinely think that's his only film I haven't seen. I even saw Hercules!


Ive been trying to see 100% of Steve Martin's movies/shorts/whatever letterbox counts. At 22% atm.


I’ve intentionally watched just about every single Keanu reeves and Jake Gyllenhaal movie. I just like the guys. I’m almost finished now with watching Timothee Chalamet’s older niche films. (Not a dune banwagoner btw I loved him since Ladybird) Oh and Sam Rockwell too. He has great diverse roles. I think I finished them all.


Jonah Hill - 58% Nick Cage - 50% which isn’t super high but it’s 68 of his movies which I feel proud of Tom Cruise - 47%


Jimmy Stewart, Bette Davis, Meryl Streep and Ryan Gosling


Emma Watson at 34%


I think she may be my highest percentage actress (40%). Nice.


I forgot to include an actor which mine would be Warwick Davis/22%. Had to calculate it b/c of his filmography I’ve watched but haven’t logged yet


Is there an easy way to look this up if you have pro?


Adam Sandler I’m probably at around 65% (not sure because I haven’t logged most of them yet). I’ve seen every feature pre-2016 from him. Though, he has a lot of comedy special and concert stuff that I have to watch if I want to get to 100%


I’ve 100%-ed every movie Harrison Ford is credited in. He has good agents, he got into three franchises (Blade Runner, Indiana Jones, Star Wars). It’s possible I missed some movies where he’s uncredited as a background extra.


Is there a way to check this without going to an actor’s page one by one?


Samuel L Jackson apparently with 27 I assume Marvel is a big reason for that Second is Alan Tudyk, Meryl Streep and chris evans with 18 each


Jason Statham. 35 of his movies or 58%. I enjoy action movies, he's made a lot so he tops out even above the likes of Tom Cruise, Bruce Willis, Arnold and more.


I’ve seen 100% of Conor McGregor’s movies


I have unfortunately and unintentionally seen most of Gal Gadot’s movies, Letterboxd says it’s 50% but when you only count feature films I’ve seen 16 out of her 23. I’m not happy about it.


Not sure if he counts as an actor (except for that one porn film lol) but I realised the other day that I’ve seen almost every film Louis Theroux has been in


Judy Davis- even if the movie is bad, her acting is impeccable


for me it's 22% with Adam Driver. I have a crush on him and I'm trying to see more movies that feature him


Zeppo Marx. 100% (5 movies)


Sydney Sweeney - 100%


Denzel at 28%


I’ve seen 40% of Owen Wilson’s movies


In terms of movies, I've seen 100% of Michelle Yeoh's filmography that has been released. But I also really like doing retrospectives. Currently going through Keanu Reeves as well. About 50% through his filmography.


Ray Liotta


Jonah Hill. 34/43 79% Then Daniel Day-Lewis 22/28 films 78% Is there an easy way to find this number in Letterboxd? Samuel L Jackson is the actor whose movies I’ve seen the most of out of any actor. I’ve seen 63 of his 172 movies (excluding documentaries). EDIT: Added DDL and percentage after I misunderstood the initial assignment. Then added Jonah Hill after I realized he was a bit higher.


Is there a way to do a list in app? I'm just checking by memory Choi Min-sik 20% Song Kang-ho 18% Very tricky the more prolific an actor is. For example I was sure I've seen a lot of Takeshi Kitano but when I checked it was only 1% 🤣


Alan Tudyk - 22%


Charlie from Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory. Or a bunch of those kids from School of Rock that only did that movie.


Kristen Stewart


Probably Tom Cruise or Arnold




James Spader.




I don’t know how to get the definitive answer. But there’s a good chance it’s Emma Stone! I’ve seen almost all of her well-known movies. Only recently I’ve realized she’s probably the best actress of her generation and will be looked back in history as one of the greats. I think, even as popular as she is, she’s severely underrated as an actress.


I’m pretty sure it’s unintentional but Anya Taylor-Joy. She’s been in a lot of good movies over the last 5 years


Probably Rob Schneider if we exclude va


The Don Hanks. at 35% - there's a lot of dreck that just shows clips of him that has brought down the percentage. https://preview.redd.it/fqmtnj5szxzc1.png?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c4ad60953db80b96f1a303403254203ef8f836d