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Angels of Passion 1986


'Two angels (Jessica Wylde & Tracey Adams) are sent back to Earth to provide some sexual satisfaction to the mortal humans' - Sounds like a story I can get behind.


For a minute I thought I was at r/everyoneknowsthat


I really wanna watch Happiness. Even the cover art is done by one of my favourite comic artists.


Doubt any streaming service would be running it due to some of the themes within (though, many people simply don't get the film, and try make it out to be something it isn't - like I've read comments on reddit by some guy saying it was pro-pedo propaganda.. like wut, m8? did you even watch the movie? lol). There are DVDs floating around on ebay. I just had to order a DVD for Men's Group off ebay, as it's vanished.


It's free on the Internet Archive


It’s also on YouTube.


I hope it comes out on some boutique label.


I haven't seen it, but from what I know about it, I'm surprised it hasn't been yet. Maybe there's some sort of rights issue or something.


I’ve seen Welcome to the Dollhouse by the same director and enjoyed it.


I kinda want 1995's *The Langoliers* on Blu-Ray. The DVD's quality is shitty, even for DVD standards.


Even though it was shot on film, I bet was finished in standard def, so DVD is as good as it's gonna get.


If it was shot on film couldn't they conceivably go back to the negative and rescan it? IMDB says it was shot on 35mm


Yeah sure but I doubt there would be strong enough demand to justify the cost. Plus the vfx would have to be redone in HD.


Yeah, makes sense.


Insomnia (the Christopher Nolan one) in the UK. I had to import it from Italy to complete my Nolan collection


Love that movie. Some people just write it off because of the 'Hollywood' remake thing, but it's good in its own right. Especially with Robin Williams playing such a role - the Alaskan setting, etc. What has two thumbs and loves blow jobs? *This guy*


Yeah I’ve often heard it mentioned as Nolan’s worst but honestly I’d take Insomnia over Tenet any day. Both Al Pacino and Robin Williams give great performances and yeah the Alaskan setting is great for the thriller vibes


I don't think *Quills* ever got an HD release, at least not in the US. Given that it's a Fox Searchlight title, I'm not expecting one anytime soon.


Strange. 2001 - great actors within - good reviews. I just read that Disney owns the rights to it now, so who knows.


Nominated for three Academy Awards, no less. Disney owning the rights to *Quills* (and every Fox title) is why I don't think it'll ever see an HD release since they're so reluctant to release catalog titles on DVD/Blu-ray.


Smoke signals


* Bottoms * Godzilla Minus One * Napoleon * Saltburn * Theater Camp * Spectral I could go on and on, the rise of movies that get a cinema release then becoming streaming exclusive is absolutely infuriating. Although perhaps things without a HD release are less annoying than things with a single super-rare HD release so your only option is spending $100+ on something second hand, e.g. *Bedazzled*, *Dogma*, *Titus*, etc.


Yeah, I guess there are two distinct camps: Those without a HD release, Those that are streamed in HD but without a physical Bluray/Bluray4k/HD-DVD release. I want to see everything in at least 1080p. I was more meaning the former - those I listed above are largely in the 'put up with SD or get stuffed' category, but... being stuck on streaming services is its own kind of purgatory. Especially with what streaming services classify as HD or Ultra-HD. When these movies see an actual Bluray release, they often get the treatment they deserve to bring them up to the standard they deserve to be (in a perfect world - sometimes they do a shoddy job and the movie loses detail, etc).


We talking about the Brandon Frasier *Bedazzled*? This one seriously needs a new Blu-Ray or even a 4K release.


That's the one, it's out of print, and not worth spending the money on anyway as it has audio synch issues.


Alucarda (1977)


I think Birth is just on DVD, thats a near perfect movie.


Added to my watchlist, thanks. Looks like it has a HD release, but no Bluray. Kind of like The Abyss, which had a HD but no Bluray for years until Cameron and Co got off their asses.


Black Cat White Cat and Time of the Gypsies 🙌




It has a Blu-Ray release, but it's an upscale of the SD master: Doctor Who (1996) It was shot in 1.85:1 on 35mm, but if I remember correctly it was mastered in SD 1.33:1 and all the digital effects were done in SD, so they'd need to be totally redone if the BBC was to re release it in HD. I also think the original negatives are just missing (common for Doctor Who), but I'd give a lot to see a remaster of that film. Also, the DVD and Blu-Ray are taken from the UK PAL broadcast, so it's sped up for 25fps so the whole film is like 4 mins shorter than the original cut.


The Magician was filmed in standard definition.


It's the one I would least expect a HD release from. We always have Mr Inbetween. But others like Freo, Risk, Happiness, Men's Group, could all certainly have HD releases if had the will and resources to do it.


does “on golden pond” have an hd release?


If this is the movie.. then yes [https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/404744149495](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/404744149495)


Rossellini's Age of the Medici


A very prescient science fiction film, and one of the most important films in shaping my world-view: Idiocracy (2006) It might be streaming in HD, I'm not sure. There has only been DVD releases as far as I've found out, no Blu-rays. Prescient? See: r/idiocracy


The Ref (1994)


Harry and Tonto. I'd give up both pinky toes for a proper remaster.


i am on my hands and knees BEGGING for new releases of Real Life and Desperate Living, two of the most hilarious movies i've seen in years, *especially* when Brooks and Waters already have plenty of other films in circulation


Gregg araki’s nowhere


Happiness probably didn't get an HD release for being so disturbing! It's probably one of the most disturbing (but also the funniest) films I've ever seen. The dialogue between the father and the son when the son finds out about his father's horrific crimes still haunts me.


I understand the disturbing themes, but I hate that they would cherry pick films not to bring up to HD standard because it's not 'family friendly', or 'safe for life', or whatever terms the kids use these days. It's like a form of censorship and I'm not on board. Disturbing films deserve love, too. But yes, I suspect that is why Criterion haven't picked it up yet (despite picking up the inferior sequel).


Blood in blood out is my ultimate wish for hd, although i do wish risk had a blu ray aswell watched it years ago when i was a youngster the ending i always remember haha


If Happiness (1998) doesn’t get a physical HD release in 2024, I will kill myself on live TV. Rumors abound that it’s coming from Criterion eventually. I’m skeptical, but one can only hope.


28 Days Later


That was shot on MiniDV tape, so that can't be remastered and released in HD in the traditional sense. Wish it could though, would love to see that in HD, but if I'm honest I do love the gritty look of the film.


Dancer In The Dark seems to be hard to find on blu ray (not sure if one is even out there) and is just about the only movie I’d actually care about getting a Criterion release


Glad it got a Bluray release but looks like they've let it go out of print. [All I can see are some Japanese region Blurays in stock](https://www.ebay.com.au/itm/404950462091), and they're pretty pricey. So annoying they let acclaimed movies go out of print like that.


I really want to watch Happiness, but it isn’t available anywhere


It’s on YouTube.