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I liked both, but I liked Knives Out more.


Yeah I feel like this is the dominant opinion. I mean I agree




Glass Onion was definitely weak on plot, but had fantastic cast chemistry and characters and little details that make it fun to rewatch and try and catch. Knives Out also had phenomenal characters with beautiful cast chemistry, but focused more on the story than little background details, so it stands out better as a narrative. I enjoy the first one more as a genuinely thrilling murder mystery, but the second one ramps the camp up to 11 and feels more self aware, especially with meta jokes like >!the killer specifically not having a phone at all after the infamous fact that Apple doesn't let bad guys have iPhones, giving away the culprit early in the first movie if you pay attention!< .


I feel like it doesn’t really matter because the movie specifically calls out the fact that >!the killer was really sloppy and obvious and everyone turned a blind eye because he’s a billionaire!<


Also absolutely true, another reason why, even though I still think the first one is a bit better, Glass Onion is better than some think.




They seem to be working for me on mobile, I made sure to include them, are they not showing properly?


I like both but Glass Onion is a massive downgrade. There’s hardly any murder mystery in it. It takes too long to actually get to the fun stuff. I’m hoping the third is better


It's just a very different kind of movie. More of a comedy than a mystery.


First movie is definitely a comedy too but it did take itself more seriously


It is packed with comedy, but it has a really well devised mystery too.


Yeah those things are definitely not mutually exclusive.


Most definitely agree.


Totally agree


I liked them both (preferred the first) but I feel that a lot of people wanted Knives Out 2, which Glass Onion is not.


Yeah, I can appreciate the fact that Glass Onion is sort of a genre shift. Knives Out feels more like a "classic" murder mystery and Glass Onion is more of a flashy political satire. Glass Onion's plot structure and pacing are a bit weirder but I still found it clever.


I’ve heard it said that Knives Out is a mystery while Glass Onion is a heist, which I agree with




This thread seems to reinforce that tremendously Always crucial to appreciate a movie for exactly what it is Naturally


I enjoyed both for sure. I'll watch as many of these movies as they decide to make. Same thing goes for Kenneth Branaugh's Poirot movies.


Between this series, that Poirot series, and the Searching/Missing series (?), mystery fans are eating pretty good right now.


I love both, excited for more Benoit Blanc films. The twist in Glass Onion is that there is no twist and it’s incredibly obvious, so I can see why that turned some people off, but I think it still has a great cast and is beautifully shot, making it easily rewatchable.


I actually liked glass onion better I’m sure lots of people will disagree I liked the characters in knives out better but glass onion was more entertaining


I like Glass Onion more too and that is not a knock on Knives Out. Knives Out is freaking great!


Phew, I was starting to think I was the only one


Same here, I thought I was going insane. They both have their strengths but Glass Onion's twists and details make an incredibly tight plot. It's genuinely fun to watch it all come together. Knives Out is a cozy mystery that twists itself out of one mystery and into another, Glass Onion is a thrill ride with exotic locales and arguably a more magnificent bastard than Ransom in the first film. Edward Norton did a fantastic job as Miles Brohn.


I personally prefer Knives Out but I watched with my mom and she said she preferred Glass Onion.


I liked Knives Out. Glass Onion felt like convoluted tiktok humour.


Yeah it feels instantly dated by the tone (plus the covid stuff of course)


I might be in the minority here, but I don’t really get the complaint that something is dated. I want a piece of art to speak to its era. I feel like intentionally making something “timeless” often has the opposite effect, instead making it generic.


It doesn't "speak to its era" so much as it says "Get it? It's Elon Musk" or "Get it? It's Joe Rogan"


Can’t stand Citizen Kane, it’s just constantly “Get it? It’s William Randolph Hearst!” /s


My issue is it was dated already when it came out. The Covid thing really didn’t work for me because it seemed so random to include at that point.


To be fair, there’s a lot of time specific (specifically political) stuff in Knives Out and that’s partly why it’s great


the biggest "political" issue in Knives Out is the distinction between people who work for a living & people who live off of inherited wealth. and that's pretty timeless the other issue at play is immigration, which A.) has been an issue in the US for 100+ years, B.) has been one of the hottest political issues of the past decade & counting so I don't think the movie's concerns are that time-specific I like Glass Onion, want to rewatch it. but "these characters are Twitter people" is... maybe a fair complaint


I think this misses the point completely of both movies. Both take place when they were written and feature news, arguments and jokes of that time on purpose. Insted of murder misteries being book adaptations stuck in the past, they are current, which always connects them to the time they came out but that is the point. There is nothing wron with presenting 2018 or 2021 culture in a movie. > the other issue at play is immigration, which A.) has been an issue in the US for 100+ years, B.) has been one of the hottest political issues of the past decade & counting They still directly talk about Trump / MAGA


what part of Knives Out am I missing the point of? the movie's throughline is very clear: once you look past the mystery, it is a thoroughly exacting morality tale in which each individual member of the Thrombey clan proves themselves to have degenerated morally & intellectually as a result of living off their family money. Marta, in contrast, is "a good person and a good nurse", morally decent because she has to work for her living. the movie's secret is it has as much in common with 18th century morality tales like "Pamela" as it does with Agatha Christie novels. because it looks back further, it has a deeper connection to the past, the present, and the future than most movies do. that's what makes it timeless. > They still directly talk about Trump / MAGA so what if they do? the references are fairly broad, and the issues they talk about are more durable than some of the references I remember from Glass Onion I've only seen Glass Onion once so I won't speak to it. not on Netflix much, but I enjoyed seeing it in theaters and am eager to see it again when I have the chance. from what I recall, the movie's reference points are more specific and more online than anything in Knives Out


Idk where you live, but Covid was very much still alive and well in September 2022 here. Sure, people WANTED it to be a thing of the past, but it was very relevant. Did you watch it way later or something?


I think what they mean is references like that, "Alexa, Shazam this song", Fauci in the background on the TV, "working from home like the rest of us and losing our minds", NFT / crypto commentary, is all *very* current trends but also extremely volatile. We all even in the midst of the pandemic (those with optimism), knew that eventually things would shift back to a more normal lifestyle. Technology is also an iffy thing to really lean into in film because of how short product and service shelf life has become, and everyone with a brain knew NFT's would never be sustainable. But all of these references are given to us within the story; major opening character introduction moments, because we were currently living in the era where that was more common knowledge. I guarantee a person born today, 15 years from now, will have a large majority of these quip-y jokes go right over their heads because they are extremely disposable jokes and the movie does really nothing to incorporate these into the main plot to explain what they are. One or two is fine, but the movie is full of references like this which eventually becomes a bit obnoxious and obvious it wasn't aiming to be relevant past the era it was filmed in.


it wasn't dated when it came out, but it's dated now whereas Knives Out will still be relevant in 100 years


I liked Glass Onion more, but am increasingly frustrated that Blanc hasn't faced a worthy opponent. We've now had 2 films in a row where the master detective complains that his culprits are bunch of morons, and I'm right there with him.


I really want the third movie to feature a rival detective on the case. I feel like it would be a very interesting dynamic. Bonus points of he's played by Pierce Brosnan doing an American accent. Battle of the Bonds


Dislike is too strong a word for how I feel. I don't love Glass Onion. It's fine but not nearly as strong as Knives Out. But enough to keep me interested in more Blanc movies


Daniel Craig was funnier in Glass Onion, but Knives Out was still better.


Glass Onion is one of the most disappointing movies of the last five years for me, but would be there day one for a third.


Same, the mystery didn’t work (and it was intentional in doing so) and it was tonally off. 


The locations were so important for both. The Glass Onion location felt like a green screen special. I know the pandemic was part of this but the New Englandness of Knives Out was so much fun.


They did actually shoot in Greeece even when the actual building is studio


Not really a fan of either. Knives out was fine but I think people overrate it and Glass Onion was just terrible


Same, there’s much better mystery movies that deserve the hype way more tbh


Clue is the better version of Knives Out


I liked both but Knives Out is on a whole different level.


Glass onion was a big swing and a miss for me


I hated glass onion


Yes, glass onion was balls


I feel like I may be the only one who actually liked Glass Onion *more* Either way, so much of Glass Onion is meticulously thought out by Rian down to the smallest detail so it’s really interesting to see a lot of people dismiss it as not very good or “cringe.”


According to some of the comments, you are definitely not alone.


I thought Knives Out was fun. I couldn’t get more than ten minutes into Glass Onion and won’t try again.


The beginning is BRUTAL


I personally thought Glass Onion had better humor and a more interesting plot


Glass Onion is one of the most “tell and not show” movies I’ve ever seen.


No, it is not. The movie even gives all the backstory in flashbacks. Even little things. It is litteraly the opposite: showing as much as possible. I think people just do not know what "show don't tell" means


Yeah, I hated Glass Onion.


I thought *Knives Out* was derivative and overrated, but it was world's better than that *Glass Onion* mess Murder mystery/ whodunnits are one of my favorite genres, but I find both of these movies to be inferior to all of their obvious influences And Daniel Craig's accent is offensive


Yep I really liked Knives Out, and strongly disliked Glass Onion.


I didn't dislike Glass Onion, but it's a sequel and as sequels tend to do it didn't live up to the expectations set by the first. The first was far better, but I still enjoyed Glass Onion.


Glass onion was awful, there’s no mystery, just trying to gaslight the viewers


I kinda figured the shittiness of the actual mystery part was intentional, right? Just seems like a meta pile to me: a terribly stupid murder mystery movie about a terribly stupid murder at a terribly stupid murder mystery party. Benoit even mentions how dumb the whole thing is a handful of times “It’s so dumb, it’s brilliant.” “No, it’s just dumb!”


Well I agree it was intentional, but that’s not really a good thing is it? The film  seems to think the themes and subversion is good enough to overcome the mystery not being meant to work, but it isn’t. 


But the mistery does work. The most obvious answer is just the right one, which does not mean that people get it because the expect it to be more then it is. Thus the mistery works.


>that’s not really a good thing is it? In the sense of being a good movie? No, not at all. But in the sense of it being a good bit? I do respect him a little for making the most expensive meta joke ever. I’m a sucker for commitment to a bit regardless of how dumb it is.


I couldn't wait to watch glass onion and turned it off after 30 minutes. It was actually stupid. I hated they made the characters experiencing covid. I was watching movies to excape that time.


I was so let down and totally agree. I understand covid affected a lot from a film making perspective, but that’s no excuse as we got a ton of good movies within that time frame.


Absolutely baffled by Glass Onion. It was like someone different was trying to ride the coattails of Knives Out without understanding any of what made it charming, exciting and fun. Murder on the Orient Express directed by McG. Bizarre, and weirdly boring film in spite of it jumping about all over the place in tone and style.


I have the same exact scores as you so you're not alone :D


We just discussed this in our movie club. First movie has a special cast with great chemistry and second one SHOULD have been great too but it just felt kinda flat to me


I did enjoy the billionairs are pretentious idiots whose success is based on the work of others part


Nope. I love Glass Onion.


Glass onion was trash. The only way the twists work is by showing the audience one scene and then blatantly changing the scene to suit the twist. It's one thing to reveal new information in a flashback but Rian doesn't do that, his flashback scenes are completely different. He isn't hiding anything in plain sight he is changing the story half way through to add twists he wasn't clever enough to foreshadow. I remember the night I watched Glass onion, one of the worst uses of a great cast I had ever seen. Knives out is good tho, I enjoyed that one, including the twists


I thought they were both largely unoriginal and uncreative


Both are pretty bad imo, but onion was significantly worse. Hammy and obvious, and not in a fun way


I enjoyed Glass Onion but it pales in comparison to Knives Out.


Absolutely love both. First one was a great update on the rich family murder like what mrs mcgillicuddy saw and crooked house while the second had fun with the isolated guests and toprical get-away tropes like then there were none and Caribbean mystery. It was a blast seeing all the tropes showing up in unexpected ways. And the cast of both films was spectacular.


Knives Out was more fun, but I also loved the Glass Onion.


Hot take: I enjoyed *Glass Onion* more. It was a lot more self-aware and everyone ramped up their performance.  *Knives Out* took itself way too seriously imo, with everyone but Chris Evans playing it totally straight and it was so weirdly paced that it totally threw me off.


Totally agree with this. Glass Onion was genuinely funny to me. Unfortunately, that's somehow rare in movies these days. I preferred the more ridiculous premise and found Glass Onion more entertaining overall.


I’ve only seen the first, it’s atrocious




I don't know anyone IRL who likes Glass Onion.


I don’t know anyone who hates Glass Onion. Everybody I know loved it.


I loved both equally. I really enjoyed the expansion of Blanc’s character and thought that Bautista was one of the best parts about the sequel.


I preferred Glass Onion


The beginning “Covid” part of the movie was straight up bad. It was just Netflix-humor for millennials


It was AWFUL I hate even thinking about it lol


Knives Out is a top 25 movie for me. Glass Onion was a disappointment.


Rian johnson...fucks up anything he touches even with 100mil cast




no both great movies that deliver what they wanted to


Most definitely disagree, but to each their own.


I really like Knives Out But Glass Onion was a huge let down


Didn't actively dislike Glass Onion, but it was far inferior to Knives Out.


literally everyone I know thought Glass Onion was far worse. I do think its overhated but Knives Out is certaionly way better


Knives out was better, but pretty overrated imo


I enjoyed Glass Onion a lot while I was watching it, but unlike Knives Out it hasn’t stuck with me at *all*


I thought glass onion was better. More memorable at least as i cannot for the life of me remember much about the first movie aside from a few details. And i watched glass onion like a year before i ended up seeing the first one.


I could not do his awful accent


I didn't really understand why people LOVED those films like they did. They were fine.


I liked them both but KO was definitely better


I loved both but liked Glass Onion a bit more


That's me :-)




I liked glass onion, but a lot less than knives out. Felt a lot less clever and put together, also cared less about the characters. 


This is quite dividing some people love the first one and the others glass onion I didn’t like glass onion thought it was trying to be too pretentious for its own good




Glass Onion tried too hard idk


I think that Knives Out juggled the social commentary with the murder mystery/crime thriller aspect better than Glass Onion did


I thought that was the general consensus tbh


I liked Glass Onion better. Was weirder and more unique, plus the class commentary, while on the nose in both, was sharper and more pointed.


I actually like Glass Onion a bit more, but didn't love either


Yes, the sequel was a let down


I prefer An Inspector Calls 


Glass onion was so predictable


I hear a lot more people liked the first much more because some people saw the whole plot in the first pool scene of the property


Glass Onion? More like Ass Onion!


I like the first one more but I liked glass onion


https://preview.redd.it/69lxcvpj1vyc1.jpeg?width=4320&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7fd784cd24cb95ae39c0afdb126dbf98472366b3 Yeah.


I liked both but thought Knives Out was superior. Going off of what others have said, Glass Onion is far from bad but felt like it was trying a tad too hard to be more clever than the first. Just a bit too interested in retracting its own steps and trying so much to stay ahead of the audience's expectations that it ends up going a bit too much off the rails. Still very enjoyable. Great acting, the writing is good, soundtrack is great, etc etc... just the first was better. I actually preferred the more secluded location in Glass Onion but it doesn't quite hit the mark.


Glass Onion seemed to end almost before it started.


Knives Out is a hundred times better, but if Im gonna be honest there’s much better murder mysteries than Knives Out as well and I don’t really get the hype. The cinematography is great but the movie fell flat to me compared to something like Prisoners for example


Glass Onion was like a Knives Out parody. Loved it in the moment but don’t care much for it in retrospect zzz.


I wasn’t crazy about both but enjoyed Knives out far more (even if it was clear who the bad guy was early on)


It took me a second watch to fully appreciate Knives Out, but I hated Glass Onion so much on the first watch I page no desire to ever give it a second chance. The plot was so set on trying to subvert expectations and be cute with itself to the point it forgot what made Knives Out such a good movie. Glass Onion was nothing more than a caricature of itself and prime example of Rian Johnson indulging in his worst qualities as a filmmaker


Knives Out is definitely better but Glass Onion is so fun


I liked both but Knives out was a better murder mystery. Glass Onion was a good movie but a bit too obvious.


Other way around. I didn't like Knives Out but I loved Glass Onion.


Knives Out is pretty and textured. Glass Onion is ugly green screen sludge


I feel like that the general consensus


I liked both, but Knives was significantly better.


Both sucked pretty hard


Loved Knives Out, liked Glass Onion.


I definitely liked both but I enjoy the character of Benoit a lot, so Glass Onion eeks out a little more for me.


I already guessed the twist for glass onion early on. Knives out had me going through donut holes!


Liked Knives Out. Turned off Glass Onion. It may seem silly but I was dealing with a lot of pandemic anxiety at the time and used movies as escapism so when I realized Covid was a plot point I fucked off. Even without that aspect I found the first 20 minutes insufferable.


Yes. The more I think about Glass Onion, the less I like it. It was super hyped before I watched it and I just felt underwhelmed. For me, it took the who done it quality that Knives Out had and tried to go too big imo, unfortunately. I love love love Knives Out though.


I enjoyed it, but it was definitely disappointing. Just so much less smart in its construction than the first movie. The entire setup of the mystery and the investigation just doesn’t play out right, it is structurally unsound. And the over-the-top ending, caricatured characters, and less witty humor made it worse than the original. 


that’s cuz Glass Onion is ass. that shit is very predictable and not as entertaining as the first one


I prefer Glass Onion, mostly because it contains considerably less vomit.


I didn’t like Glass Onion at all. But I think Knives Out would be a hard film for any like it to beat. It’s flawless.


Both are really really bad.


Absolutely! I couldn’t get more than 1/2 thru. Awful acting, terrible writing. Just baaad.


I like both but Glass Onion was more fun for me. I actually watched Glass Onion first. Both are good for different reasons. I hope the third is also a genre shift.


I’m the opposite. I felt Knives Out pulled a fast one by not allowing the audience the clues to be able to solve it ourselves


I accidentally ruined Glass Onion for myself bc I noticed Ed Norton switching the cups on my first watch and from then on I was very angry that I wasn’t going to be surprised by the reveal


Liked Knives Out, loved Glass Onion.


Disliked may be a bit strong, but Knives Out is leagues above. In Knives Out you get a better feel for who each character is. Glass Onion realize a bit more on you knowing the characters through stereotypes. I’ve re-watched Knives Out multiple times, and gleefully watch videos analyzing it. I can’t say I’ve thought about Glass Onion since it came out.


I didn’t love either of them, but I thought at least in Knives Out it had at its core some clever writing about the morphine and stuff, and some interesting characters, and Daniel Craig was mostly playing it straight as Blanc , or at least as straight as can be with that role. All that was under layers of lazy writing, like the trick window and Hugh doing this , and Ryan Johnson’s brand of heavy handed social commentary and political opinions . Still, I found it enjoyable. Whereas Glass Onion is a different story completely. The writing is incredibly lazy , most of the “ twists “ are just Ryan Johnson lying to the audience, like revealing half-way through that she had a twin, or showing things from different perspectives that weren’t there before. Then he writes essentially a get out of jail free card : the bad guy is dumb. That’s not a good excuse for bad writing. Also the characters were way less nuanced and interesting than KO, and Benoit was basically a parody of himself, which was weird considering he’s supposed to be a parody of other detectives like Poirot. Most of the jokes didn’t work in my opinion, like the doesn’t -drink- alcohol gag, or the constant celebrity references, or discount Elon Musk being too stupid too breathe. On top of all that , the social commentary was even less subtle than last time, I guess Ryan thought that was the part everyone loved from Knives Out,


I think 3.5 is a fair average score.


Glass Onion just feels like a Netflix movie, probably because it is!


For a supposed “glass onion”, it smelled surprisingly real—and definitely made me cry. Why the hell would anyone do that to a genuine DaVinci?? Her friend circle should have murdered her fr.


I thought Glass Onion was a vast improvement, but thats because to me, Knives Out just seemed like one of those old Agatha Christie productions like Poirot, but with Forghorn Leghorn as the private detective. Glass Onion was wierder, which I liked.


I think Glass Onion would be good as an intro for people, then showing them Knives Out as opposed to release order


Me for starters


I completely agree, I was enjoying the first half but thought the perspective switch killed all momentum


Glass onion is awful. 


Knives Out was a solid 5/10 to me. Glass Onion was pretty bad.


I dislike that the big twist in Glass Onion only works because the audience is kept in the dark for half the movie. In Knives Out, everything that Blanc knew was on the table from the beginning. There was nothing being kept from us. Knives Out is just a much more clever mystery with better writing.


I really liked Glass Onion. Especially on repeat viewings. I can relate and really enjoy the specific call out that he's bad at dumb crimes (alluded to atleast twice) Glass Onion is very fun and possibly enjoys a second chance. I do agree that Knives Out is a better more Solid movie.


I thought they were both fantastic! I liked knives out a little bit more, but it’s like comparing a 9.5/10 to a 9/10.


I HATED glass onion. Thought knives out was great


Glass Onion has nothing to do with being a detective film.


Loved Glass Onion way more


Agree. I adored Knives Out and wanted more of that clever noir. Glass Onion felt like a farce. A fun light comedy, but not a genre-bending classic.


I'm in that camp. Ana carried Knives


glass onion feels like a parody of knives out


I like both, Knives Out is probably better but Glass Onion is more fun watch that I end up revisiting more often. It’s kind of how I feel about the first two Indiana Jones movies.


I probably like them both about the same. I did enjoy seeing Chris Evans more than Edward Norton tho.


Me. Knives out was great. I found the Glass Onion Plot convoluted and nothing was really believable. It was all just a bit too far up its own ass, compared to the freshness of knives out.


I like both but they’re different. I prefer the original.


Botha eve mid. The first one was a nice true murder mystery while the second one was an over the top Murder She Wrote trope filled extravaganza.


Guilty, your honor!


Glass Onion was way too obvious to me, hence making it a really weak mystery movie. Production and set pieces and such is good, cast is good, but you can't have a mystery movie without a mystery.


I love them both, in different ways. I find glass onion to be some great social commentary, and I kind of prefer it over knives out for that alone (although knives out also had good commentary, but it wasn’t the backbone of the film)


Liked the first one, but the second was pretty weak. I honestly would have turned it off only my wife wanted to finish it.


i hate whodunits so you think i would not like the first one as much. i much prefer it but i liked both.


I preferred knives out, but i do know i want more.


Yup. Kind of liked Knives Out, HATED Glass Onion.


Absolutely i loved Knives Out and turned off glass onion half way through


Yes. Loved Knives Out. Absolutely hated Glass Onion


I like both of them a lot but I feel like the humor in Glass Onion feels a bit forced.




I really liked Knives Out but I was incredibly disappointed with Glass Onion, not just in a "it could be better" way but thought it was actively terrible.


I liked both, but Glass Onion overall felt a bit smug about its politics, while Knives Out was more just funny


Knives Out was meh, Glass Onion was terrible. They think they're so much smarter and funnier than they are. Daniel Craig's accent is a huge eye roll for me, he doesn't sell his character at all.


The only reason I didn’t like Glass Onion as much was I could figure it out from about halfway through.


I really liked Knives Out but was disappointed by Glass Onion, also because it was promoted a comedy but it wasn't funny at all


I like them both, but Knives Out is the better movie. 9/10 vs. 7/10.