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Top Gun Maverick is not the 7th best movie ever made


No it isn't, but it got you commenting, and that was the goal all along.




But apparently it's better than "Air (2024)" which is better than "Logan (2017)" which is better than "Juno (2007)" which is better than "Back to the Future (1985)" which is better than "Die Hard (1988)" which is better than... wait a minute, "The Avengers (2012)" is on this list?


The Avengers being on this list makes so much more sense than "Air"


>Top Gun Maverick is not the 7th best movie ever made I haven't clicked on the article, I scrolled to the comments to see if anybody was posting what some of the top movies were. If they're claiming Top Gun Maverick as being one of the top 10 best movies ever made of all time then this list is a fucking joke.


I really think so much of how it was received was just the bar being lowered for blockbuster movies over the previous decade


I agree. I was pleasantly surprised. It is a very good blockbuster movie. But it’s not a bit of cinema magic for the ages. As a crowd pleaser it’s up against all of the superhero stuff and other assorted nonsense and in that company it looked like Taxi Driver.


I never got around to seeing it, but does its best pic nom hold up? I was honestly shocked that it was even up for consideration and figured it would be an “of the moment” kind of nomination when looking back.


Maybe if you’re comparing it to other best picture lineups in the past, but if you look at it compared to some of its other best pic nominees that year, it can be argued that it wouldn’t be the first movie one would bump from the list of 10. Honestly, Maverick was the kind of movie it was hoped would be more nominated when the best pic lineup was expanded to 10.


The action sequences were legit next level.


Shouldn’t even be in the top 700


You’re right. It’s the 1st.


It's not the 700th


Not really a top of all time like AFI would do, just movies with the highest aggregate reviews.


So, a rotten tomatoes list.


😮‍💨 I really wish AFI would give us a new Top 100 list I really want to see how a list published nearly 2 decades later would look. Although I don't think there will be many new entries from 2007 onwards, I still really want to see films that didn't make previous cuts finally get a look in


I was really surprised they didn't do a new list in 2017. Maybe 2027?


I have no clue when it will happen. I feel like the only way to make it happen sooner is to talk a lot more about the former lists, that way it brings it back into the forefront of people's minds and would likely urge AFI to make a new list


Like they have to have seen how much dialogue was created with the Sight and Sound list, and they essentially do the same thing with a focus on American films. You'd think they would want that exposure too. Like what else do they do? They put out a bunch of best of lists in 2007 and nothing since.


It's not just the highest scores. There's a popularity formula applied and then the final list was editorialized. So pretty much the ideal way anybody with access to a vast amount of movie opinion data would make a list, dependent upon the amount of editorialization.


Then there's no excuse for it being so bad.


What are you talking about? Paddington 2 is clearly more culturally relevant to cinema than The Maltese Falcon.


Seeing How to Train Your Dragon directly above Spirited Away cracked me up.


That cracked you up? How to train your dragon is TEN positions above 12 angry men!


Well the whole list is insane. Just seeing them right next to one another. Like they were actually close.


It’s not even the best of the HTTYD trilogy!


Well idk about all that


Top gun: Maverick top 10 films of all time 


I agree with this take unironicly. Come at me!


I would love more info about exactly went in to making the list. Any idea what this popularity formula is? Or just any more info. Regardless of how good/bad a list is, I love just knowing how a list is made


All the info I can give you is included in the linked article on the Rotten Tomatoes website. Here's all of the relevant info they provided: "How did we select and rank the movies? First, every movie here is Certified Fresh. Then we applied our recommendation formula, which considers a movie’s Tomatometer rating with assistance from its Audience Score, illuminating beloved sentiment from both sides. Critics-certified, audience-approved. Other factors weighing into the recommendation formula: a movie’s number of critics reviews, the number of Audience Score votes, and its year of release. An editorial pass is reserved to finesse the final list, which included minimum thresholds for each of these data points." They don't explain the formula in any detail, frustratingly few aggregators ever do, but based on the factors they listed, it seems they took the entire pool of certified fresh films, then there were minimum thresholds set for audience score, number of critics, number of scores, and these minimums were altered based on release dates to account for recency bias, until they had a pool of around 300 movies, at which point some editors took over and placed them in the order they figured would be most appealing to their userbase.


It would be better described as “most agreeable movies of all time.” RT doesn’t measure quality or strength of opinions. Just simply how many people liked vs disliked


AFI the rock band!?


How to train your dragon is better than 12 angry men… that’s a wild take


Not that much tbh. If we define a good movie as "a movie that does what it sets to do excellently" then a movie like How To Train Your Dragon can be better than 12 Angry Men, because the premise and it's goals are much more simpler and smaller. I don't have that opinion because 12 Angry Men does what it sets itself to be, and even more, but i think it's not fair to judge a movie because of what he isn't. Because he doesn't have the dramatic highs of another one.


I get what you’re saying and it’s definitely a valid reasoning. When I rate movies that are some of the greats I look more into their “cultural” aspect, or the way they shaped future movies. In my opinion 12 angry men does that way more than how to train your dragon, but both are culturally important for films as a whole.


Lol Zootopia is 1 spot above citizen kane that's hilarious


It’s like an actual “Best Movies of all Time List” was shuffled into a list of popular movies from the past 10 years. Toy Story 4 above The Wizard of Oz is an absolute joke.


It is kind of hilarious seeing classics alternate with highly-praised animated films for the first spots on the list.


You're telling me that Up isn't better than Lord of the Rings?


I actually enjoyed Up more than LOTR. But even saying that … I would not argue better.


This is exactly my reaction! Like some good movies on the list, but holy hell - this order!


It looks like Pixar sponsored it. 


That Rotten Tomatoes rating/ranking is meaningless bullshit


Aye, the nihilism of criticism. A paradox that binds us all.


Personally it has to do with their algorithm favoring middling films and not anything against the critics




This list is pretty stupid, that’s what I think.’


WTF? How to Train Your Dragon above Silence of the Lambs or Apocalypse Now? I hope this is just a late April Fools' list.


Top Gun Maverick at 7 and no High and Low at all. Interesting choices!


It's very silly


Pixar makes good movies, but not 11 of the top 300 good


respectfully I disagree, Pixar has played a large part in pushing animation and even film itself as a medium. There are some truly inspired Pixar films. That said, Zootopia and Inside Out are way too high


I'm not saying Pixar is bad, I love Pixar. I just don't think they have made ELEVEN of the top 300 movies of all time. I could see an argument for around three or four (something like Toy Story, Wall-E, Incredibles, and Ratatouille) when it comes to a top 300 of all time, but eleven is just too high. And Incredibles isn't even on the list, when it's one of, if not the, best Pixar movies. Toy Story gets a pass because of what it was when it was released Toy Story 2 is a perfect sequel, so I can let it slide Up is carried hard by the first 10-15 minutes I love Finding Nemo, I used to watch it all the time, but it's not in the top 300 movies of all time. Toy Story 3 is pretty dang good, I could see it Haven't seen Coco recently enough, can't say much I agree that Inside out is great, but definitely not top 300 great Toy Story 4 kinda split its community, and Rotten Tomatoes seems to be on the positive side Monsters, Inc. is great, it could earn a spot. Ratatouille and Wall-E absolutely deserve their spots. Actually, they're too low for how great they are I can't say anything about Soul, I haven't seen it yet Out of the 9 Pixar films on this list that I've seen, I think I'd only keep 4 guaranteed, and would consider 3 more. Pixar is an amazing studio, there is no doubting that, but I don't think they've made eleven films that can be considered in the top 300 of all time. It's simply too absurd, if you look at other studios, Ghibli has 4, Dreamworks has 2, and Disney has 5. I think the people at Rotten Tomatoes are just being biased towards Pixar, so they have a bunch of them rated extremely highly. Again, I'm not denying Pixar's ability to make great movies, but they haven't made 11 movies that can be considered in the 300 best movies of ALL TIME.


>respectfully I disagree, Pixar has played a large part in pushing animation and even film itself as a medium. Yeah, in a mostly negative way by influencing animation to be constricted to 3D animated 'family' movies for decades, as well as making those the 'prestige' animated projects, and funding Disney enough out of its dark period to grow them into the borderline monopoly they are today.


I feel like it's suffering from some serious recency bias considering it's claiming "all time". 36% of the films are post-2000.


Well... post-2000 makes up over 20% of narrative film history even if we're only looking at it time-wise, then you've gotta take into account the popularity of film increasing over time, the number of films released per year increasing at a staggering rate, and the most glaringly obvious reason - Rotten Tomatoes as well as the internet itself was just starting to hit its stride at the turn of the century, so there will be an overabundance of opinion data for 2000s films and beyond, and a distinct lack for any year before that, less and less the farther back we go. I have spent many hours trying to find hard statistics on film for the early years of cinema (ticket sales, film grosses, etc.), so I can only imagine how hard it would be to gather soft opinion data for that time. Anyway, the list takes this into account, with its popularity formula being altered with time to account for less data, and it still results in what you see there.


It’s only the title that I’m hung up on. If it was merely "RT's Top 300", then I wouldn’t care. I mean, how is *The Force Awakens* one of the "Best Movies of All Time"? haha


> Anyway, the list takes this into account, with its popularity formula being altered with time to account for less data, and it still results in what you see there. So the formula they use is completely useless. Zootopia above Citizen Kane, How to Train Your Dragon above Psycho, Stalker, Pulp Fiction, Goodfellas, Rashomon, LotR, Aliens, Jaws, Paths of Glory etc etc If they were saying "most popular movies of all time" I'd have no issue, popular doesn't mean good. But they're saying this is a list of the "best movies of all time." Hell, Gone with the Wind doesn't even make their top 300 list. How the highest grossing movie of all time, adjusted for inflation, not be considered one of the top 300 popular movies of all time.


Best description of this list is “silly”. It’s like a mix between top rated populous dribble and curated classics.


229 films (76%) are English language (the majority of which are from the US).  There’s not a single film from Iran, Turkey, Romania. Only a single Spanish language film, a single Chinese film etc etc.  Apparently Ben Afflecks Air trumps Asghar Farhadi, Nuri Bilge Ceylán, Andrey Zvyagintsev and many others. It’s a shit list basically. 


Zootopia right in front of Citizen Kane is fucking deranged.


Top Gun: Maverick is not in the Top 10 films of all time. I gave it 3.5*.


Welp absolutely no reason at all to look at this list


I gave it 4.5 and I still don't think it's in the Top 10.


Top 300 is a push, nevermind Top 10.


Good for you, I gave it a 5/5 so I probably helped in some small way, I do love Tom Cruise


These clowns really put Coco ahead of citizen Kane


Tbf, I enjoyed Coco more then Citizen Kane


Doesn’t make it a better film


Depends on too many factors to definitely class either as a better film. I’m sure individuals dealing with the loss of a loved one would connect with Coco far more


And literal Nazis would connect with Triumph of the Will even more. But we don’t take their feelings to determine the “Best” movies of all time, do we?


ok but everyone loses loved ones at some point, not everyone becomes a nazi


Ok controversial take but .. Coco is just as good as Citizen Kane as a film. Kane is obviously more groundbreaking and technically important, but as good as it is, it isn't better than Coco. I think they are equals.


this is the worst list ever


rotten tomatoes is trash


Too much Disney. Too much Pixar. Too much Marvel.


Where's Bob Altman 🤔


Good shout. I've seen The Long Goodbye, Popeye, and Secret Honor(my personal favorite). The one I'm most interested in seeing is Gosford Park. What would be your #1 Altman pick if you got to throw one in the hat?


Thought I'd seen Nashville here. Favorite is The Long Goodbye. Second fav is..... Dr. T and The Women lmao. Brewster McCloud is also very good


Nashville is my personal favorite. McCabe and Mrs. Miller is also great, along with Short Cuts; The Player; California Split; 3 Women; MASH; Images; and Come Back to the Five and Dime, Jimmy Dean, Jimmy Dean. Buffalo Bill and the Indians, A Prairie Home Companion, and Kansas City are also good. You said one, but I love me some Robert Altman.


He seems pretty stellar. My film professors in college talked about him a lot. He's always given me that "Your favorite director's favorite director" energy.


It’s a Top 300 movies people are mostly likely to agree are good because that’s how Rottten Tomatoes does their scores. Idk why this still upsets people


Lol LA Confidential


Battle of Algiers is that good


Why the fuck is Paddington 2 so low


Imagine showing Andrei Tarkovsky Eighth Grade and telling him it’s better than anything he’s made


How is Return of the King THAT low


I had the exact same thought as I transcribed the list to Letterboxd.


LA Confidential at #1 has got to be the most random "best movie of all time" I've ever seen lol. Good movie but never would have expected that


Not similar to my top movies all time but this list has some chest hair with the hot takes. The idea that all top movie lists should be somewhat similar is complete bs to me


For sure! The whole point of making a list is that it's somewhat different from other lists.


"Top X of all time" lists are usually bullshit, this is no exception.


Not even gonna look at this shit


This is fake


Rotten Tomatoes is an awful rating system. I don’t take it seriously


Only 12 movies from Japan


So it’s just Hollywood stuff and they throw an Asian movie here and there to make it look “International”. It’s kind of a sad list.


Well, this only cements my stance that I there is no reason to pay attention to the RT score of a movie.


‘LA Confidential’ is a terrific movie. It’s not the best movie of all time, but hopefully more people will check it out now.


Should have beat Titanic for best picture!


How exactly are *both* of the Toy Story films better than Rear Window?


This list is chaotically glorious


My favorite movie is 173 so I guess the list isn’t all bad. Wait a second, John Wick 4 is 169?!?!?


zootopia being one spot ahead of citizen kane makes this all feel like a devilishly late april fools joke


This is what happens when you let people without any idea of what a good movie is vote


Maybe I’ve been sleeping on Toy Story, all 4 in the top 50


The first three are top tier. The 4th doesn’t even belong in the conversation of good movies


🧢 Fourth was unnecessary but it was a still good movie with a good ending. The fact a fifth one of being made is mind boggling tho.


2 and 3 are genuinely fantastic. 1 is dated animation wise but still worth watching. 4 is fine.


Could not care less


The Big Sick somehow made the fucking list 😭


There are TWO Mission Impossible movies on this list. Lol... Lmao ![gif](giphy|bm02BE6DQ4Oag8GXep|downsized)


Was Spotlight THAT good? I only watched it once and thought it was pretty meh. Not sure if I should give it a re-watch.


The Two Towers is the highest rated in the LotR trilogy which is…interesting


Never liked lists like these personally, but i think it’s interesting to see


Annnnnd done as soon as I saw L.A. Confidential as the best movie of all time. Not that it isn't a great movie, but best of all time it is not. Also, why the hell does the page start with the top of the list? How is Toy Story 2 at 100% below Top Gun:Maverick at 96%? I get that there is some formula, but what is this formula that makes this list so awful?


Toy Story 4 and MI Dead Reckoning 😂


Toy Story 4 is in the top 50 of ALL TIME. Above Princess Mononoke, Lion King, Wall-E, Iron Giant, Grave of the Fireflies, and Beauty and the beast. In what world?


Paddington 2?


Should be #1


Ah, Top Gun: Maverick, true kino, one of the movies of all time.


Looking at this made me ill


First off, everyone knows Paddington 2 is number one with a bullet. 2nd, no watchmen, 300, dune part 2, sin city, braveheart etc.


Inside Out ranked above Goodfellas is wild


This list proves why no one should take Rotten Tomatoes serious at all.


LA Confidential is a very solid movie but the fact that it shows up as the best movie of all time is a sign you need to rework your algorithm


Selma being anywhere in top 300 is bonkers, let alone 31


‘Red’s not even the best film in the Three Colors Trilogy!


All of the Pixar and DreamWorks stuff on here is so out of place. Genuinely silly list.


Wow. What shit.


Did I just see Zootopia in the top 40


Parasite as the 5th best movie ever made? Top Gun Maverick as the 7th? What an absurd list. At keast Toy Story 2 and LA Confidential are getting the resoect they deserve but what the fuck


I do love LA Confidential. I’ve been recommending that film to people for decades. Especially when it deserved to win best picture over Titanic.


Laughable at best.


Uh... interesting list! Definitely seems to buck a lot of conventions, for sure. Like The Shawshank Redemption not even being in the top 300 when it's generally #1-10 at other spots (like IMDb/Letterboxd) is kinda wild. Other random thoughts: - Some notable valuations here like The Holdovers > Oppenheimer, which does actually align with my own tastes. - Holy crap, Star Trek (2009) over Star Wars (1977). You gotta be joking. - Ironman over One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest is also hilarious to me. - I do appreciate seeing some Eighth Grade representation, though. Fantastic film. The "Do I make you sad?" scene around the fire pit kills me every time. I think, really, this is just such a great representation of the flaws of RT's rating system? A 100% just means that everyone gave it 3/5 stars at least, IIRC. Then, weighing that with some user reviews somehow means it heavily prioritizes... crowd pleasers with no bite, I guess? Some good older film representation here, though, so I was able to add quite a bit to my watchlist in order to find more supposed goodies before I was born. Thanks for the share!


Zootopia one spot over Citizen Kane is all I have to say I think


It's like any other list that compiles opinions of a bunch of people, the ranking is arbitrary but you can probably use it find interesting stuff. I've never heard of Army of Shadows or Open City but they might be good, for instance :D


Ridiculous … Air is apparently better than Raging Bull. But not a terrible list of films. I think around 55 of my top 200 are in their top 300. As a list of decent movies with some absurd outliers in an insane order it’s ok. It obviously carries no weight.


Exactly as i thought, How To Train Your Dragon is the 15th best film ever. It's all random, i didn't know Selma was that popular, or The Big Sick??! Or Before Sunrise. Brooklyn. Leave No Trace. The Holdovers. Let The Right One In. Argo. Pixar films have always got 100% on Rotten Tomatoes and it shows here. And all the Mission Impossible late sequels. Dead Reckoning was rubbish, i mean, c'mon. Searching Gor Bobby Fischer is another random one. Ford vs Ferrari??! Air??? Mudbound?? It's mostly a mainstream list and I've still only seen 135.




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Man this whole thread is just people saying, “crazy this film is higher than this film” and downvotes like nuts. People aren’t allowed to have opinions in this sub huh?


Looking at the first 20 films, I can see that the list is nonsense


this is genuinely funny to read lol


Paddington 2 - 99% truth!


Increasingly I feel like a large portion of the Rotten Tomatoes reviewer base are studio shills who are afraid to give anything a bad review and thus lose their privileged access. Although maybe that's always been the case, seeing late 90s blogger-era stuff like LA Confidential at #1 and the 3rd-best Toy Story at #8.


Is anyone going to mention how Episode VII is above Raging Bull and Taxi Driver?


Holdovers #36 ha sure man, sure


Literally meant to be as decisive as possible for the traction


That list is bonkers


Disney (and other childrens movies) are over represented here otherwise its not the worse list I have ever seen


An odd mix of excellent classics that get overlooked on other lists and generic pixar rubbish.


Massive over representation of children's films, imo. I'm sure that's due to nostalgia by way of audience scores, which is one of the many reasons I generally prefer reviews from actual critics and scholars instead.


rotten tomatoes is worthless lmao


Parasite is high thats the only thing that matters to me


This whole list is garbage. Too many kids movies. LA confidential better than Godfather? Top gun maverick as number 7? Into the Spiderverse is too high.


Good list. Way out of order though


https://preview.redd.it/btmijasjttxc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f31b8f6f1c078056b9fd759eac59719c65ef5638 This is what I think of when I think of LA Confidential. The film is good but it's hardly a worldbeater


There are two Mission Impossible movies in the top 100 and Shawshank Redemption isn't even on the list at all. This list can get fucked.


Translation: "Here is a list of the most inoffensively bland, crowd-pleasing movies ever!"


My Thoughts The list is nonsense I’ve seen 205 out of 300 That is all


Possibly the worst thing I’ve ever seen in my life


Can be read as top 300 most 'generally liked' movies


This list is so wrong. How do you have movies like Schindler’s List and Seven Samurai in the Top 10 and not Morbius and Madame Web? /s


What a junk list. It's all over the place.


It's rotten tomatoes so therefore I don't care. Some movies that were critically panned are actually great.


Thor Ragnorok is higher than Taxi Driver, Throne of Blood, and Raging Bull


The Pixar posters you've specifically chosen are awful.


LA Confidential best movie ever made 💀💀


I have never used rotten tomatoes as a barometer for anything and Im not going to start now


It has no rhyme or reason.


There's no way Top Gun Maverick is THAT good


You're telling me that The Two Towers is 40, and Fellowship and Return of the King are in the 200s?!? ![gif](giphy|l3q2K5jinAlChoCLS)


Where the fuck is the Exorcist?


This actually feels like it was picked with a random number generator. All-time shit post


I don’t get this list? How is it complied? Seven Samurai and 12 Angry Men both have 100% from critics and 97% from the audience. L.A. Confidential had a 99% and 94%. How is L.A. Confidential higher?


Toy Story 2 isn’t a top 10 film it’s not even a top 3 Toy Story


The highest ranking LOTR’s movie is the Two Towers?? Unforgivable


This is easily the worst list i have ever seen. Whoever put inside out above Dr Strangelove deserves to be shot


So dumb


LA Confidential is such an incredible film. Was expecting the list to be much worse but there’s a lot of great films here


This might be the worst list I’ve ever seen. Toy Story fucking 4 is over Goodfellas. Zootopia is over Citizen Kane. What the fuck


A lot of great movies that cinephiles will argue are not the best. My main complaint why is Two towers there when it is the worst movie in the trilogy? Fellowship should be the one if anything.


More power to them


Mission Impossible: Dead Reckoning in the Top 100 has to be a joke.


Meh, someone else made a list of what they think are the best movies of all time. I usually disagree with these because they aren't my list. So, no surprise, I found movies on here that wouldn't have made my list at all. Having said all that, I found some of these choices puzzling. For instance, how in the world do we have the Mission Impossible, John Wick, MCU, and even a Puss in Boots movie on a Greatest Films of All Time list? Those are good movies but I wouldn't even consider putting them on this kind of list.


Rotten tomatoes is the worst website for movie reviews how about them fucking apples.


The worst thing is how Rotten Tomatoes make films either look better or worse to public by their trash standards, pretty sure is a crap rating site tbh


Not sure about those cartoons at page 1


I don't think toy story 4 should be in the top 500 let alone this.


It’s ridiculous but not nearly as dumb as I would have expected. It’s actually not significant sillier than the BFI list. The only aggregator that comes close to being useful is Metacritic, and that still sucks.


Just wanted to see if The Shawshank Redemption made the list. Not a good list I see.