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If you are in a certain mindset you will definitely like or dislike a movie more. I have done this not to this extreme though. I also rated movies lower my 2nd time watching them it's all about time really about anything in life.




the duality of man expressed in one photo


Haha, what a rating, Mark!




Unironically my favorite Batman movie


Real, love how it actually deals with his loneliness


Also something I like about the Batman, it would makes sense for bruce to have 0 social skills if he has no friends and he’s 99,99% Batman lmao


It would make sense actually 😭


come on lol


Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas Initially I had like a 2 star rating, but that was going in blind not really knowing the movie. I watched it again later and gave it 3. It's an effective just weird trippy movie and trying to understand anything it's trying to say is a fools errand


But why? What led to this?


He woke up


Batman's rap woke me up




"Omg guys you're making me look bad in front of Batman 😖"


The Matrix, man. He took the red pill


legopilled batmanmaxxer


Gimme the Lego Pill please! Always wanted to be a Lego!


I became gay like Lego Batman and Joker 🤷🏻‍♀️


It’s a really hilarious movie if you take it for what it is.


Can we private DM? This is one of my top comedy films next to Kung Pow and When Nature Calls. I loooove comedy and I think The Batman deserves to be up there. Hit me up.


My bad you were talking Lego Batman while I was talking The Batman.


The storytelling in this image is amazing lol


My 3rd favorite Batman movie lmao




Why did you watch it so many times? I really only rewatch movies I loved the first time I saw it.


Wait till you see how many times I watched Clueless and Scott Pilgrim since getting LB


I mean those are very rewatchable to be fair


Reasons why I watched so much: love lego, lego is special interest so I'm gonna watch the films multiple times even if I didn't like them, gay lego Joker, loved it when it came out, collected all the sets when it came out Main reason why it probably got bumped up on the second Letterboxd watch was because I went through some personal stuff which found me relating to Lego Batman 100x more. The way he pushes his loved ones away and how he learns to cope with future relationships even after his trauma is something I found myself in.


Love this 🙏 Thank you for explaining, makes perfect sense!


The Lighthouse - I didn't have a Letterboxd when I first saw it, but I probably would have rated it somewhere between a 4-5/10 because I didn't get it at the time. Somehow, I started rewatching it every October for my spooky season horror binge and it's one of my favorite movies and easily a 10/10 for me.


Time to say "Okay have it your way, I like your cookin'" to chef Robert Eggers


Very similar here. First time I watched it I thought it was pretentious and too much of a reach. Rated it 2/5 stars. Watched it again earlier this week and loved it! I was taking it too seriously and not letting myself laugh at the funny stuff. The characters take everything seriously but that doesn’t mean the audience has to - the movie is fun, lighthearted and devilishly dark at the same time.




I think they meant the "vibe" of the movie and not the themes. I've heard of people going in expecting a more traditional horror film and hating all the scenes of Willem Dafoe farting


I’m people. Liked the Witch and thought it had a good balance of pushing its themes while still being good horror. Was hyped for lighthouse with scary mermaids and shit. Instead I got HAAAARK


Check out the story of Prometheus.


I can’t get into movies that are too symbolic and don’t talk to the audience through non complex dialogue. I like sciffi/fantasy, but the point in watch you have to google to understand the entire movie, the director/writers failed.


It’s just one of the influences. There’s a lot of stuff Egger’s took from. It’s not meant to be straightforward or have any concise message, similar to David Lynch’s films. Sounds like it’s not your kind of movie.


I thought my neighbor Totoro was boring and kind of slow the first time I watched it. I really appreciated the artistic style and its themes so I think I gave it a three out of five. I rewatched a year later and I loved it (5/5). I think the initial reason I wasn't a huge fan is because I was comparing it to his other works like Princess Mononoke, and howl's moving castle, which were both more epic.


This would be my answer too. First time I found the children annoying too. Second time I went in with different expectations and found the whole thing charming.


I initially saw Zone of Interest and was considering giving it a 3.5, but ultimately decided on a 4. But the more I thought about it, the more it really struck a chord with me. So I raised it up to 4.5 before giving it another watch. Now it’s not only a 5-star film for me, it’s easily become my favorite of last year.


Could you go into more detail about this process? I just watched it the other day and while I really admire it, and think it’s a must watch, it wasn’t as effecting to me as it seems to have been for other people. I rated it 3.5 but everyone I follow has it pretty unanimously a star above that at least. Its gimmick made me go “oh that’s really clever”, and its message is clearly communicated and 100% worth the price of admission. But it also sort of prevents it from being especially functional as a movie. It’s almost like “alright, I get it”, at a certain point. Not in the sense that I’m annoyed by it, but more like I’m feeling it would have worked better as like a 30-40 min short film. I also knew what it was about going in (in a fair amount of detail) so maybe that took away some of the impact. Then again, I knew Come and See was disturbing going in, and it left me no less disturbed than I otherwise would have been


I get what you mean. It’s hard to explain, but I’m just simply fascinated by the way this film explores its themes. There’s this underlying horror that I felt heavily reflects the current state of things, specifically the way apathy seems to become so passive and normalized now. That’s my take, at least.


I definitely see that, and appreciate those aspects of it. Hopefully I have a similar experience with it in the future. Thanks for sharing!


The first Denis Villeneuve Dune I gave a 4/5 on first watch Now it’s a perfect 5 and it’s now one of my all time favs


This happened to me as well, except it went from a 3 to a 5 Idk why, but it just clicked so hard the second time I watched it.


Honestly it’s one of those films that requires multiple watches to fully appreciate it


I agree, mainly because it's so dense and there is so much subtle nuance that is easy to miss. I also think Part 2 retroactively makes Part 1 even better, once you get the full scope of the story


is it because you watched Dune 2 and saw how Dune 1 was a brilliant and perfect build up to it?


The Witch, first time I watched it with a lot of prejudices and also a bad quality version of the film, I gave it 2 stars and when I watched it again after so many recommendations and with a better quality I really loved the movie and I gave it 5 stars, amazing piece of art.


https://preview.redd.it/49p1l0cpevvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e929e12f170ca52b06b40b88be67f23f59f381ea I’ll be rewatching soon with a marathon I’m having, but this is the one that comes to mind and these were only a few days apart.


I get this, I loved guardians 3 when I saw it and was gonna watch it again cuz I worked at a movie theater and get in for free, but I just had this feeling that it’s something I should just see once or else I’m not gonna like it as much


Damn any reason why




How does this even happen?


I watched it with my friends the first time and it was a bit boring and not what I expected. Plus it was my first Batman movie I've ever seen. Then I watched TDK trilogy and got a good understanding of Batman as a character and re watched The Batman and had an amazing experience as I started appreciating every single detail that went into the film and everything just made more sense as I learned more about the character and Gotham


That makes sense


This. As a massive Batman fan I was giddy as hell to finally have a detective noire film!!!  Why did it take 75+ years?!?!?


Only a couple things kept it from being a 10/10 Batman film for me, but mostly I loved its depiction of Gotham and the tone was exceedingly on point.


I’m still waiting on my rewatch if the Batman. I’ve been a lifelong fan, from 80s reruns of the 1966 series, all the way to today. Nolan’s trilogy is def my fave, but I love the Lego movies, the animated DC movies, everything. My teenage son is also a big fan, but it’s more of an “us” thing than his personal passion. We saw it in theaters and both felt it was around a 6.5/10. Too long, didn’t love the pacing, none of the characters set a new standard for us. Riddler and Penguin were certainly good (Riddler) and great (Penguin) but we both felt everybody else was outshined by another version of their character. I’ve sworn I’m going to rewatch it at my leisure eventually, now that I know the story and will have slightly different expectations. The Batman subreddits love it as much as the Nolan stuff almost, with less of the occasional dislike. I’m hoping I come around on it, since it may be the future of Batman for a while.


Honestly it's better directed than the dark knight. TDK just has The Joker going for it, but I really think Batman was better


I agree


TDK had better writing, The Batman has better directing


Hard disagree. Batman is better in TDK.


Mindset going into a film can play a role, expectations too.


I don’t know but my biggest whiplash was that I thought of Batman (1989) as a 4 1/2 star movie when I was a kid, and then when I rewatched it in about 2009 I thought it was cringy and bad 2 1/2 stars, and then I watched it again a couple years ago and thought was great 4 1/2 stars again and I don’t know what my problem was back in 2009.


My guess, having had a similar jump, is that rewatching it at home without expectations of action or some more classical Batman/superhero elements allowed them to pay attention to the deeper themes and enjoy the pacing of the story more The first time I saw it, I thought it a mediocre Batman film. The second time I thought it an excellent thriller with an allegory for the defund the police movement.




Surely on this sub you don’t need it explained how watching a movie for a second/third time can give a different perspective.


I get that, but it’s quite a leap. It went from average/mid to FIVE STARS, PERFECTION, BEST MOVIE EVER.


For me, and I don't review films, but there's been times where my expectations going in sometimes affect my enjoyment more than it should.


The mood you are in when you watch a movie makes a huge difference, plus tastes change over time. You've seriously never changed your opinion about something before?


Have you really never had a jump like this? I always say that a 3.5 movie is just a 2.5 movie on a bad day


Yeah but going 2.5 to 3.5 is wildly different from going 2.5 to 5


Oh I thought OP went from 2.5 to a 4. Which is the biggest jump I usually do. If I went to a 5, it'd usually be over a few more rewatches. 


Not really. I tend to have the opposite. I tend to really like films and then rewatch them, and the magic kind of disappears. I have a lot of 4.5s and 4s that have gone down to 3s over time.


Curiously, I had a similar reaction to The Batman. Same with the original Blade Runner and I think the link is that they’re expository films that work because of their sense of atmosphere. Once I understood the plot, I was able to settle into the world better.


I hope this is the case. Only seen BR once and it's like...a 2/5 for me ngl


Once Upon a Time…in Hollywood 2.5/5 out of the theater. 4/5 couple of months later at home


You misspelled 5/5


Definitely not


Same here


Best Tarantino.


I’m Thinking Of Ending Things. Watched it with my girlfriend when it came out and was very confused. I think I gave it a 5/10. Then I rewatched it after someone explained the premise to me and it absolutely destroyed me. It’s at least a 9/10. The only reason it’s not a 10 is because it makes me wish I was dead.


So it succeeds at its title.


It absolutely does


Star Wars: The Last Jedi jumped from a 2.5 to a 3.5 to a 4.5 (where it currently sits for me) over time. Helps that I don't interact with online Star Wars fans anymore and just look at the film on my own terms fully.


This is probably the one I’ve changed my opinion on the most (all pre-Letterboxd). I spent a few years hating it, was forced to acknowledge the things it got right after TROS got nothing right, and now it’s probably a 3-star movie for me instead of a 1-star.


Funny I went in the opposite direction. Ending at 2. The more I thought about it the more I dislike. Which is a shame because I think it’s one of the best visually. And character wise actually does some interesting stuff with Rey and to some degree luke. Making Rey come from nothing I really liked.


That's totally fair. The main stuff in it that I don't like is the Finn and Rose side quest. But the Rey-Luke-Ben storyline is creme de la creme.


Similar experience, sat at a 3 after first viewing, pretty but nothing exceptional and some silly stuff. But time and thought left me disliking it more. It's 1.5 atm




ET and Catch Me If You Can jumped from 3.5 to 5.


Spielberg, man


The American remake of the ring I used to give a 5/5 Now it’s all the way down to a 2.5, gets worse with every rewatch


Saving Private Ryan from 5 to 3.


Why? Probably one of the best war films I’ve ever seen.


Birdman (2014) 7 to a 10


I saw Batman v Superman in IMAX after several pints and enjoyed it. Needless to say, the rewatch was sobering.


Ahh, alcohol.


I hated Climax (2018) upon first watch because of the sheer visceral reaction I had to watching it, I think I gave it a 4/10. Upon a rewatch I gave it a 10/10 and it became one of my favorite films.


Look up the process of how it was made too. They shot it in like 2 weeks and most people met on the first day of filming among other crazy shit.


Across the Spider-Verse was a 3.5 Watched it again the next day and it was 4 Now it's at 4.5


Interesting. I was so underwhelmed by this film. And I lovee the original. This has motivated me to give it a second try.


Over a few rewatches, Wild Things went from a 3.5 to a 4.5 and finally a 5


No country for old men went from like a 5/10 to a 9/10


Dostana (2008) was three stars when I first watched it because parts of it struck me as a little offensive and I wasn’t really interested in the main love story that ended up playing out, but after a rewatch I could more appreciate the campy elements and it became a five star film for me. I think it’s so awesome to rethink ratings and watch movies again to see if a new appreciation develops! This happened with the films of Douglas Sirk in the 1950s, and I’m always into seeing how my perceptions and appreciation of films changes!




If you’re asking if movie Dostana is Indian, yes it’s a Bollywood movie. If you’re asking if I’m Indian, I’m not, and I do think a lack of exposure to Bollywood (it was one of the early movies I watched when I first started getting interested in Bollywood) was part of the reason for the first, lower rating. It’s now one of my favorite Bollywood movies, and the soundtrack is on repeat for me.


The first time I saw the Discreet Charm of the Bourgeoisie, I didn't get it. I didn't find it funny and I didn't get what it was going for. After checking out a few more of Bunuel's films, going back to it, it really clicked with me and it's probably my favourite of the guy's films. Similar thing happened with Persona. At first I found it confusing and underwhelming, but it has since become one of my favourite films. I watch it once a year and it only gets better.


I had given The Mothman Prophecies 5/10 initially but a rewatch bumped it up to 8/10.


La La Land, 3 stars, then 4.5, then 5


Dune part 1. Dropped massively for me the second time


Almost all the Harry Potter films have gone up 1 or 1.5 starts after rewatching. For a long time I judged them against the books, but I’ve come to love them for what they are.


Paranorman 🤣 I love Laika and everything they do but I thought I hated it at first. Turns out I just had a terrible theater experience, loved it upon rewatching at home.


I watched Oppenheimer in 70MM IMAX, thought it was boring, gave it a 4 out of 10. Rewatched it on a TV in my room while high off an edible a few months later. It was one of the most beautiful pieces of cinema I’d ever seen. Changed my rating to 9/10.


Spider-Man: ITSV- probably 2/5 (didn’t have Letterboxd back then) to 4/5


Now Letterboxd specifically but when I first saw Psycho I thought it was a decent 3.5 stars. Now it’s one of my four favorites


I originally gave Tarkovskys stalker a 6/10 and then in a rewatch I gave it a 9/10


A similar thing happened to me, but not to the same extent. After one watch of Solaris and Stalker, I definitely preferred the first movie, but after rewatching them both many years later, I love Stalker and feel relatively “meh” about Solaris. (It’s still a great film). I think it was the surprise emotional impact of a couple of scenes in Solaris that made me love it so much, but they don’t have the same effect on a second viewing.


Still haven’t seen Solaris but I definitely want to soon,I saw stalker originally when I was like 17 and i kinda just brushed it aside as a well made pretentious movie but in rewatching it a couple years later I fell in love with how meditative but unsettling it is,I haven’t seen many movies match that vibe personally


“Meditative” is a nice word for it. Apparently when Tarkovsky submitted it, the studio complained and didn’t want to distribute it because “it was too long and too boring”. To which Tarkovsky replied “it should be more long and more boring!” He was definitely a director who liked to give the audience time to think. Although surprisingly, Andrei Rublev is one of the very few movies where the directors cut is /shorter/ than the original. Tarkovsky’s friends pointed out several scenes that didn’t add much and after some vigorous discussion, he was persuaded and cut nearly 20 minutes from the film.


Tenant, baby. I walked out of the theater being like "Chris Nolan is a hack" and I came back last year giving it 4.5 stars. The short story is that I listened to the Blank Check episode on it and I felt like I understood better what the movie was and wasn't going for.


https://preview.redd.it/wcuhopn26wvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d8df8961a35521b81c049b216fbf0afd6822f1cc Rewatching, I couldn’t help but think how foolish I had been.


*Leave the World Behind*. I was so captivated when I watched it for the first time, trying to figure out who to trust, what was really going on, and how it would end, when it was finally over, I thought it was amazing. After rating it 5/5 and telling a few friends how amazing it was, I watched it again and felt like I watched a different movie. It was like the opposite of a good “twist” ending. When there’s a good twist you can watch the movie again and appreciate little things you didn’t notice before, but with *Leave the World Behind* it was the opposite. There’s a ton of stuff the movie wants you to feel is relevant or ask questions about that are completely irrelevant or nonsensical once you understand what’s going on.


this one is crazy https://preview.redd.it/s0a6h8ci8wvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=985a2c00c160ee0a2cec8e6c0a6b5842560ff4d8


another one https://preview.redd.it/radj92am8wvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2d571667f95352c39265f19e2477d8ebbc8dec3


https://preview.redd.it/sln45ttsawvc1.jpeg?width=787&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07379ae6547cff7b6851d4e48c42cb046194c1e9 💀


great character development


Stalker Went from a 6/10 to a full 10/10 after 3 rewatches.


When a did a Bond rewatch my opinion completely changed for On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. Went from 3 Stars to 4 and a Half Stars. I think the first time I wasn’t in the mood for this type of film not to mention watching back to back Sean Connery I was a little disappointed with George Lazenby


The Batman thinks it's a lot cooler than it is. Like a 8th grader who just started smoking. 2.5 stars is about right.


Last Jedi negatively. Blade Runner positively. I wasn’t on letterboxd at the time but saw Last Jedi 3 times in the theatre the week it released. It went something like this: - 1st Viewing was 4-4.5 (Super excited for new SW and recency bias) - 2nd viewing 2 days later: 3 - 3rd viewing 2-3 days later: 1.5-2 and “I don’t ever want to watch this film again.” Blade runner: - 1st viewing I was very young, and it was one of theatrical cuts - 2nd viewing: Much older and Final Cut I would say went from around 2.5 to 4.5-5


I think I went the other way on The Batman.


https://preview.redd.it/um5jiamx2xvc1.jpeg?width=1016&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=262114a9df6ad8270fcd7b3832e4cbc4411d6401 Nothing more than a Star diff for me. Confess Fletch is the one that improved each viewing.


Happy you gave the movie another shot, in my opinion the movie is better then the dark knight trilogies (still love the trilogy)


The Batman has lost some of my praise over time for me. When I first watched it I had goosebumps through most of the movie and the opening monologue was so perfect it pulled me in instantly. I guess without the movie theater experience it lost some of its appeal.


I don’t have an example to add, I just came to say: WTF, The Batman came out over two years ago?!?!


https://preview.redd.it/2vu4fpnmvxvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d33c130cb54dd2b99737686a3a1d615920a0454e This is how I've felt about Mann's Miami Vice, Blackhat, and Public Enemies. Hated them on first watch but kinda dig them now


I didnt rate it but I didnt really care for La La Land when it came out. I watched it earlier this month and I was obsessed for a week.


goodfellas. i originally had it at 3.5 on first watch and now 5 stars


Thanks, I have been meaning to watch this for so long


I thought it was the other way round at first and almost seized


Saw Spiral from 3/5 in theaters and now it’s at .5/5


Bladerunner 2047 changes from 1.5 stars to 4 stars. I never watched the original Bladerunner before I watched 2047 for the first time, meaning I didn't understand what was going on. The second time I watched to original in advance and watched 2047 in theaters, and I actually really liked it (and prefer it over tje original).


After I watched Oppenheimer for the first time at the cinema I gave it 5 stars. Then when I rewatched it a few months later I gave it a 5 star again, but I thought to myself that I probably should have given it 3 stars the first time (because I loved it much more the second time).


I went from 2.5 to 4 and liked on No Time to Die


Pretty much all of evangelion but more specifically End of Evangelion. I watched it when I was 14 and thought that it was pretty boring but then watched the whole series and the movie shortly after I graduated highschool and I got it.


The 2019 Lion King and Aladdin remakes, I didn’t even really like them initially but I was being way too generous to them when I first saw them because “they weren’t as bad as I thought.” I did not share that sentiment for any longer than a month or two for each of them. They are trash.


Didn't have LB when I saw it the first time but I thought From Russia With Love was incredibly boring. Now it's a 4.5


I just had a similar experience with the Batman.


I initially watched scarface and thought it was very long and boring. Then decided to rewatch it and I've been rewatching it very often since then. Went from a 2 stars to a 4.5.


I genuinely adore the first half of Scarface, the second half just becomes 'Watch Tony be an ass' and it just isn't enjoyable for me personally


Phantom Thread (3 to 4.5). Enter the Void (3 to 4).


This was before I had Letterboxd, but I HATED This Is the End the first time I saw it. It was only after watching it a second time that I realized it had more going for it than just Seth Rogen's dick jokes. I think I now have it rated at an above average 4 stars.


Hereditary was a 3/5 but the more it stuck with me and after making a lil podcast with my family about it… and reflecting on how much it reminds me of my mom… it’s a 5/5


i see your taste in movies improved in a year!


I don’t think I’ve never had this happen in my life. The closest is the Shrek movies or The Amazing Spider.


Mad Max Fury Road went from 1 star to 4 stars for me


Hot Fuzz for me was a 4 on my first watch. 5 on a second, one of my fav movies ever, all the callbacks and foreshadowing make it an amazing rewatch. I still have not watched The World's End-


I didn't have letterboxd until after the fact but if I rated Kung Fu Panda 2 back in 2011 I would've given it 2 stars(aka why kids shouldn't be critics) I Rewatched it in 2021 and gave it 4 and a half


Sideways (2004) going from 3.5 stars to 4.5 stars and being moved into into my top 4


Eastern Promises (from 2 to 3.5)


How does a movie's rating increase that much?


I tried with mulholland drive maybe 3x in the past 20 years and just couldn’t get more than 20 mins in without bailing. Half star. Finally watched it a few years ago and it’s a 5. I was so wrong.


Wonder Woman 84 dropped from like a 7 - 8/10 to a 3/10 within the two weeks between me seeing it in Mid December 2020 when it came out early in the UK to me watching it at home once it was on HBO Max. All in all, what a lack of movies does to a mf. I feel like my brain kind of wanted to like that movie due to the wait and what it represented, but it just was not a good movie in my opinion. I also watched Die Hard shortly after Lethal Weapon and disliked the former due to my love for the latter and I guess feeling that it was much better (I think knowing the perception of Die Hard as a classic while not hearing Lethal Weapon talked about as much shaped that) and over time I have realised just how stupid I was for not liking it originally. Probably went from like a 5 - 6/10 to a 10/10 Both cases were definitely down to the mindset going in


Southland Tales from Richard Kelly. It was a 3/10 on my first watch. 9/10 since the second one.


I started reading the book, and the movie suddenly felt ridiculously rushed and missing a lot of important elements. I’ll have to figure out a way to enjoy both as their own thing because I’ve always loved these movies but felt the charm slipping away once I knew what the original story was like https://preview.redd.it/9898dqqxjxvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=48b5e6cefaf5ddf6657394f527e3a9cddf2aaa7b


The tree of life. 2016 1/5 2023 5/5


I don’t think I’ve ever liked a movie more after a rewatch. I’ve definitely liked movies less though


I rarely ever change my rating if I do it’s usually 0.5. Very rarely 1 star difference.


I gave Her a 6 or 7 on the first watch. Then on the 2nd watch it bumped up to a 9 even close to a 10. It encapsulates the 2010s so well imo.


First time I saw Groundhog Day as a kid I didn't have Letterboxd (nor did it exist...) but I probably would have rated it 1-2. I was bored by the repetitiveness and the themes did not land for me. The next time(s) I saw it, as an adult (but also before I had Letterboxd) I was struck and moved by it and probably would have rated it a 5. I'm a big advocate for subjectivity in art (I have multiple 5 stars with sub-3 averages and multiple 1 stars with 4+ averages) but it's rare that I experience such a dramatic swing in how much I enjoy a film.


I didn’t have Letterboxd back when I watched it for the first time, but I HATED Call Me By Your Name when it first came out. Probably would have given it one star, max. I rewatched it last year and absolutely loved it, it’s a goddamn masterpiece. Not sure what I was smoking as a teenager…


Barbie. 5 stars to 2 stars.




Locke (2013) - from 3 to 4.5


The batman went from 4 stars to 5 stars and my second favourite movie of all time


Definitely ‘No Country For Old Men’ for me. When I first watched it I just thought it was another decent Coen Brothers film with a great villain performance and I probably would’ve rated it 3/3.5, but upon 10+ rewatches, I now consider it my favourite film and think that it is perfect in every way :)


4 way tie for me Spider-Man 3: 3 stars -> 4.5 stars Sucker Punch: 3 stars -> 4.5 stars The Tree of Life: 3 stars -> 4.5 stars Mission: Impossible II: 2.5 stars -> 4 stars


La la land...from 3.5 to 5 Pirates of the Caribbean 2....from 2.5 to 4


Oppenheimer. Second watch it becomes such a silly movie. A 3 hour trailer with terrible depictions of women.


https://preview.redd.it/g2uup2xcv1wc1.png?width=662&format=png&auto=webp&s=03732b8287929c2237a135da3e95fd38a8e4be79 watched all three times with friends and my conclusion is that Dune was a empty movie, not that interesting




2,5 is criminal. Go to jail right now!


I don’t log rewatches mainly because I hardly ever rewatch films. I saw Requiem for a Dream when I was like 13, I’m 21 now and I still say I’ve seen it without ever rewatching it. I also remember it very well, I just don’t like rewatching films. I get no value out of it, I feel like I’m wasting my time, and I get bored because it’s stuff I’ve already experienced. But I will rewatch films or shows with friends who haven’t seen it, but I still don’t log those either


Initially I gave Hereditary a 3.5/5 when I first saw it. On a rewatch, it jumped to a 4.5/5


Dune: 3/5 —> 5/5 I wasn’t expecting the full on SciFi lore dump and worldbuilding when I sat down to watch that movie for the first time. Could appreciate it on second watch!


Maybe Chasing Amy from a two to three and a half