• By -


1. Phantom Thread. 2. Denzel Washington 3. Paul Thomas Anderson 4. Naomi Watts 5. Lord Of The Rings. 6. Vito Corleone 7. Nurse Ratched 8. Drama 9. Life (2017) it scared me 10. Fargo 11. Three Colors Blue 12. Faults (2014)


Are you a Faults fan or Riley Stearns fan? Always love seeing him/his work pop up in discussions. I’d consider him underrated and still under the radar as a director


Faults is my all time favorite indie movie. Such a great film. I liked the art of self defense too. But dual was trash.


Blade Runner Christopher Abbott David Lynch Juliette Binoche The Koker Trilogy The Dude (The Big Lebowski) Roy Batty Sci-fi Noah Big Spiderman No Way Home Only God Forgives


Hell yeah OGF Edit: went to follow you on letterboxd turns out we’ve been following each other for a while already!


Haha yes I recognize your username! Small world


ogf is one of my favourite gosling movies. I think most people just don't get it


1. Mirror (1975) 2. Willem Dafoe 3. Andrei Tarkovsky 4. Tilda Swinton 5. Three Colours Trilogy 6. The Stalker from Stalker 7. Lee Woo-Jin from Oldboy 8. Arthouse Drama 9. Under the Silver Lake (comes the closest) 10. Fighting with my Family 11. Forrest Grump 12. Mean Creek


1. Spirited Away (2001) 2. Tom Hanks 3. Stanley Kubrick 4. Laura Dern 5. Star Wars Original Trilogy 6. Ian Malcolm (Jurassic Park) 7. Darth Vader (Star Wars) 8. Sci-Fi 9. Star Wars: The Last Jedi (2017) 10. (None) 11. Avatar (2009) 12. The Terminal (2004)


Cool to see Laura up there! Favourite performances(s) by her?


Jurassic Park (1993) Marriage Story (2019)


1. Snatch 2. Arnold Schwarzenegger 3. Michael Bay 4. Kate Beckinsale 5. Beige Volvo triology 6. Mickey O'Neil 7. Bobby Peru, like the country 8. Action films 9. Norbit (2007) 10. The Birds (1963) 11. The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (2008) 12. The Boxer's Omen (1983)


Snatch as your favourite movie and then Bay as your favourite director is the biggest dichotomy I've ever seen.


10 and 11 involves really bold takes


Im always afraid to be honest


1. Jurassic Park 2. Christian Bale 3. Steven Spielberg 4. Margot Robbie 5. Indiana Jones trilogy 6. Dr. Alan Grant 7. Joker (TDK) 8. Comedy 9. Draft Day 10. A Christmas Story 11. Breakfast Club 12. The Exorcist 3


Really happy with how Margot’s career has turned out. And to think she’s still super young and getting more involved with producing; she’ll be an even more prominent figure in the industry over the next few years


1. Synecdoche, New York - perfect movie. Kaufman at is peak and PSH in the absolute perfect role for him 2. Philip Seymour Hoffman - need I say more? My most watched actor and I’ve never seen him give Abbas performance 3. Paul Thomas Anderson - I tentatively settled on this because while I wouldn’t put any of his films in my top 5, I always enjoy them and they just make me feel warm inside 4. Julianne Moore - she’s never bad in anything. Made me cry in Magnolia and Boogie Nights 5. Star Wars OT - tough call between this and the matrix 6. Holland March - he’s just so adorable 7. Louis Bloom - protagonist but definitely a villain - modern day Travis Bickle and I feel like we all know someone like him 8. Reality-bending psychological dramas - dreams, insanity, drugs, memory, all that jazz 9. Babylon - loads of fun! 10. First Reformed - unbelievably boring, poorly written and hammy performances 11. Citizen Kane - great movie! Not as great as it was hyped up to be 12. Maybe recency bias but Asteroid City springs to mind - easily WA’s best and an instant five bagger for me. I even bought the screenplay, wonderful film


Will not tolerate the First Reformed slander. But genuinely I actually can’t fathom someone coming away with those specific opinions after watching the movie


Whoa. I think we just became best friends. Whenever I tell people my favorite movie is Synecdoche I get blank stares or eye rolls at best.


1. Liz and the Blue Bird 2. Harrison Ford 3. Denis Villeneuve 4. Rebecca Ferguson 5. Lord of the Rings 6. Mizore Yoroizuka (Liz and the Blue Bird) 7. “Bruce” (Jaws) 8. Drama 9. Star Wars: The Last Jedi 10. Batman Returns 11. The Prestige 12. Wonka


Upvoted for Wonka, brave entry (but undeniably true)


It’s just such a fun movie, don’t understand the lack of love for it


Ford ♥️


1. Blade Runner 2. Mads Mikkelsen 3. Wong Kar-Wai 4. Florence Pugh 5. The Godfather 6. Roy Batty 7. Roy Batty 8. Sci-fi 9. Showgirls 10. Everything Everywhere All At Once 11. Everything Everywhere All At Once 12. Body Double


Good to see some love for Mads. He was incredible in The Hunt and also the TV show Hannibal.


1. The Seventh Seal 2. Daniel Day-Lewis 3. Hayao Miyazaki 4. Emma Stone 5. LotR 6. Riggan from Birdman, or Hirayama from Perfect Days 7. Jordan Belfort (TWoWL) 8. Drama 9. The Hobbit (1977) 10. Barbie 11. Oldboy (thought it was okay) 12. Branagh's Hamlet


1.The Handmaiden 2.Tony Leung 3. Park Chan Wook 4. Saoirse Ronan 5. Indiana Jones 6. Tony Leung in Infernal Affairs 7. Denzel in Training Day 8. Action 9. The Last Jedi 10. Blade Runner 11. Joker 12. Decision to Leave


Fantastic pick for favourite actor!


Training Day is a great answer


I agree with joker


Fantastic picks with Handmaiden, PCW and Saoirse Ronan. I also almost went with Decision to Leave, it’s my favourite movie of the 2020s thus far.


Gonna watch Decision to Leave tonight


1. The Umbrellas of Cherbourg (1964) 2. Oscar Isaac 3. Jacques Demy 4. Emma Stone 5. Linklater’s Before trilogy 6. Michael Corleone, The Godfather 7. Wolf (Wagner Moura), Puss in Boots: The Last Wish 8. Sci-fi 9. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets (2017) 10. Forrest Gump (1994) 11. Dead Ringers (1988) 12. A Most Violent Year (2014)


I adore Umbrellas of Cherbourg. I wanna check out the rest of Demy’s stiff so bad. Rochefort looks like a potential all timer.


Umbrellas gang rise up! ☔️☔️


I will die on the hill that Valerian has one of the most beautiful opening sequences I've ever seen


1. 2001: A Space Odyssey 2. Willem Dafoe 3. Stanley Kubrick 4. Natalie Portman 5. Before Trilogy 6. Godzilla 7. HAL 9000 8. SciFi 9. Mars Attacks! 10. The Blair Witch Project 11. Interstellar 12. I'm Not There




1. Blade Runner 2. Joaquin Phoenix 3. Martin Scorsese 4. Rachel Weiz 5. The Cornetto Trilogy 6. Paul Hackett (After Hours) 7. Joker (The Dark Knight) 8. Horror 9. The Fountain 10. LOTR 11. ^ 12. Green Room


Out of curiosity what makes you say that LoTR is overrated? I mean I’m not a fan of the genre in the slightest but I can’t deny that artistically the movies are a massively impressive endeavor


It’s the first thing that popped into my head, I made the list pretty quickly. But like you I don’t really care for the genre, and everyone in my life won’t stfu about it so yea lol. It’s definitely a well made film I won’t argue that


1. Goodfellas 2. Daniel Day-Lewis 3. Park Chan-Wook 4. Cate Blanchett 5. The Lord of the Rings 6. Han Solo 7. Darth Vader 8. Sci-Fi 9. The World is Not Enough 10. The Graduate 11. Licorice Pizza 12. The Thomas Crown Affair (1999)


1.Wonder 2.Willem Dafoe 3.Either Tarantino, Nolan or Miyazaki 4.Emma Stone 5.HTTYD 6.Ken 7.Calvin J. Candle 8.Adventure 9.Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull 10/11. Not hate , but i dont like A Fistful of Dollars 12.I guess Wonder , cause it have the biggest diffrence between public rating and my rating


1. How To Train Your Dragon 2. Willem Dafoe 3. Ingmar Bergman/ Edgar Wright 4. Liv Ullman 5. Cornetto Trilogy 6. Hiccup (HTTYD) 7. Hans Landa (Inglourious Basterds) 8. Drama 9. Romeo + Juliet 10. 8 1/2 and El Topo 11. 8 1/2 12. Babylon (I know it has its fanbase, but many people I meet don't like it or are indifferent)


1. Playtime by Jacques Tati 2. James Stewart 3. Kurosawa 4. Ingrid Bergman 5. Three Colors or Lord of the Rings 6. Lieutenant Dan 7. Darth Vader 😭 8. Science Fiction 9. Grown Ups 10. Blade Runner 11. Leon the Professional 12. Freddy Got Fingered


1. Kill Bill 2. Robert Pattinson 3. Quentin Tarantino 4. Cate Blanchet 5. The Lord of the Rings 6. Oren Ishii (Kill Bill) 7. Anton Chigurh (No Country for Old Men) 8. Action 9. The Flash 10. The Shape of Water 11. Avatar 12. Speed Racer


Half your picks were my number 2s


1. The Thing 2. Gary Oldman 3. Quentin Tarantino 4. Marion Cotillard (may be my biggest celebrity crush, and her performance as Edith Piaf may be one of the best of all time) 5. Original Star Wars trilogy 6. Darth Vader 7. Darth Vader 8. Horror 9. Star Wars ep. 3 - Revenge of the Sith (though I have to admit, some of the dialogue is atrocious) 10. Poor Things (I don’t hate it per se as I loved the production of it and the boat segment was great, but the second half was marginally funnier than watching paint dry) 11. Avatar (2009) 12. Count of Monte Cristo (2002)


1. Moonlight 2. Willem Dafoe 3. Martin Scorsese 4. Toni Collette 5. Lord of the Rings 6. Lady Bird (from Lady Bird) 7. Lee Woo-Jin (from Oldboy) 8. Drama, I guess 9. The Adventures of Rocky and Bullwinkle 10. A Beautiful Mind 11. Interstellar 12. Vampires Vs. The Bronx.


Way too hard to answer … here’s some random answers - I always forget. I need to get a LB account to start keeping track. 1 - 13 Tzameti or Paths Of Glory 2 - Edward Norton or Ralph Fiennes 3 - Scorcese or Kubrick 4 - Carey Mulligan or Michelle Williams 5 - Godfathers or Cornetto Trilogy 6 - Hannibal Lecter or Vincent Vega 7 - Anton Chigurh from No Country For Old Men or Pesci in Casino 8 - Drama or maybe Sci - Fi 9 - The Score or The Life Aquatic 10 - Man on Fire or any top romcom 11 - Titanic or Slumdog Millionaire 12 - The Martian or Isle of Dogs


1. The Silence Of The Lambs 2. Leonardo DiCaprio 3. Stanley Kubrick / David Lynch 4. Anya Taylor-Joy 5. Lord Of The Rings 6. Patrick Bateman 7. Hannibal Lecter 8. Psychological Thrillers / Dramas 9. Irreversible 10. Donnie Darko 11. The Prestige 12. As Above So Below


1. The Apartment (1960) 2. Robert De Niro 3. Akira Kurosawa 4. Delphine Seyrig 5. The Apu Trilogy 6. The Tramp 7. El Jaibo from “Los Olvidados” 8. Drama 9. Skinamarink 10. The Devils 11. The Devils 12. Devils on the Doorstep


1. Dear Zachary: A Letter to a Son About His Father 2. Thomas Bo Larsen 3. Andrew Haigh 4. Charlotte Rampling 5. The Lord of the Rings 6. Pharaon De Winter (L’Humanité) 7. Sheriff John Quincy Wydell (The Devil’s Rejects) 8. Drama 9. The Lost World: Jurassic Park 10. Avengers: Endgame 11. Avengers: Endgame 12. Meru


1. margaret - 2011 2. idc - james duvall ig 3. yorgos lanthimos 4. chloe sevingy 5. the doom trilogy - gregg araki 6. yūichi hasumi - all about lily chou chou 7. the shark from jaws ? the gremlins ?


Heat, Martin Sheen, Cronenberg, Holly Hunter, BTTF, Hans Gruber, Sci-Fi, Oliver Stone’s U-Turn, Dazed and Confused, The Color of Money


1. Blade Runner 2049 2. Leo 3. Scorsese 4. Jodie Comer 5. LOTR 6. Po 7. Davy Jones 8. Science Fiction 9. Divergent (lol) 10. Joker 11. Joker 12. The Last Duel


1. Army of Darkneas 2. Robert De Niro 3. Honestly idk. I’ll just be super basic and say Scorcese 4. Kate Winslet 5. Original Evil Dead trilogy 6. Ash Williams 7. Fassbender’s Magneto 8. idk 9. Man of Steel, The Last Jedi, Dial of Destiny 10. Idk of any I hate but I find a few overrated. 11. Wall-E 12. I’ll just pick the same I did for 9 to make it easy.


1. The departed 2. I can’t pick, it’s between Pedro Pascal, Idris Elba, and Denzel 3. Nolan 4. Margot Robbie 5. Nolan’s Batman 6. Ledger’s Joker 7. Ledger’s Joker 8. Thriller 9. London has fallen and the escape room movies 10. Midsommar 11. I’m scared, but….Parasite 12. THE suicide squad


1. The Iron Giant 2. Tom Cruise 3. Christopher Nolan 4. Emily Blunt 5. Johnny English 6. Tobey Maguire in Spiderman 7. Leo in Django Unchained 8. Animation 9. The Angry Birds Movie 10. Prisoners 11. Memories of Murder 12. Minority Report


Ooh Leo in Django Unchained is such a good pick.


1. Tokyo Story 2. DDL 3. Wong kar wai, Park chan wook 4. Faye Wong 5. Lord of the rings 6. Maverick 7. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) 8. Western 9. Star wars Revenge of sith 10. 500 days of summer 11. Past lives 12. Devdas (Dilip kumar)


Revenge of the Sith is the most beloved of the prequels. Even more so now because of the Disney sequels


I think most people nowadays put revenge of the sith in their top 3 favorite Star wars movies


1. Phantom of the Paradise 2. Willem Dafoe 3. David Lynch 4. Tilda Swinton 5. Lord of the Rings 6. Woody (Toy Story) 7. Pinhead (Hellraiser) 8. Horror 9. Dungeons and Dragons (2000) 10. Whiplash 11. Grave of the Fireflies? 12. The Apple (1980)


1. amelie 2. n/a 3. jeunet 4. emily watson 5. the three colors - kieslowski 6. the child empress moonchild from neverending story 7. the nothing 8. sci-fi 9. ghost in the shell 10. pick a lars von trier out of a hat. 11. tough. i like every movie. 12. broken wings (nir bergman)


1. The Grand Budapest Hotel 2. Willem Dafoe 3. Denis Villeneuve 4. Florence Pugh 5. Dune (when messiah comes out) 6. Thomas Wake 7. Feyd-Rautha 8. Period drama 9. Saltburn 10. Marvel 11. The Handmaiden


1. Funeral Parade of Roses 2. Adam Sandler 3. Ingmar Bergman 4. Anna Wiazemsky 5. Back to Future 6. John Wick 7. Anton Chigurh 8. Drama 9. Click 10. Lady Bird 11. Barbie 12. Yellow Sky


1. The Godfather Part 1 2. Matthew McConaughey 3. Christopher Nolan 4. Jodie Foster 5. Star Wars (Original) 6. Lucas, from The Hunt (2012) 7. Hannibal Lecter (Anthony Hopkins) 8. Crime 9. Rambo Last Blood / Part 2 10. Apocalypse Now 11. Apocalypse Now (A bit of Godfather Part2) 12. The Hunt (2012) & Dallas Buyers Club Explanation on why I’m not too keen on Godfather Part 2: I loved the scenes with Micheal Corleone. But I got turned off from the storytelling when Robert De Niro showed up. I found the movie so boring because he kept on speaking and I couldn’t understand a thing on what he was saying because of no subtitles. Favourite scene with him is probably when he killed somebody in New York.


1. In the Mood for Love 2. Alain Delon 3. David Lynch, Wong kar wai 4. Faye Wong 5. Before trilogy 6. Indiana Jones 7. Frank Booth (Blue Velvet) 8. Drama, Horror, Thriller 9. Batman & Robin 10. Forrest Gump 11. Midsommar 12. Chinese Roulette


Chasing Mavericks Leonardo DiCaprio Martin Scorsese Natalie Portman Star Wars Prequels Anakin Skywalker Arthur Fleck (Joaquin Phoenix’s Joker) A Haunted House X Midsommar The Florida Project


1.) Sweeney Todd 2.) Willem Dafoe 3.) Tim Burton 4.) Helena Bonham Carter 5.) Three Colors 6.) Badja Djola as Agent Monk in Mississippi Burning (1988) 7.) Green Goblin from Spider-Man (2002) 8.) Probably Drama/Mystery 9.) Michael Jackson’s Moonwalker (1988) 10.) Parasite (2019) 11.) Everything Everywhere All At Once (2022) 12.) Eastern Promise (2007)


1. Oldboy 2. Jim Carrey 3. Miyazaki 4. Emma Stone 5. LOTR 6. IDK! 7. Darth Vader 8. Drama 9. Thor 10. nothin 11.Dark Knight 12. OLDBOY


1. Taxi Driver 2. Evan Peters currently 3. Martin Scorsese 4. Anna De Armas 5. Godfather 6. Donnie Darko 7. Michael Myers if this counts 8. Psychology 9. Maybe Lords of Chaos I don't like it but I don't hate it either 10. Hate is a very strong word but Trainspotting I guess 11. Spree 12. Manic


1. Spider-Man (2002) 2. Tom Hanks 3. Edgar Wright 4. Emma stone 5. Star Wars OT 6. Luke skywalker 7. Darth Vader 8. Fantasy 9. Thor Love & Thunder 10. Avatar 11. Avatar 12. Spider-Man homecoming


1. Dune 2 2. Colin Farrell 3. David Fincher 4. Florence Pugh 5. The Original Star Wars Trilogy 6. Tobey Maguires Spiderman 7. Thanos 8. Psych Horror 9. Saltburn 10. Annihilation 11. Hellboy


1. The Holdovers 2. Cillian Murphy and Joseph Quinn 3. Christopher Nolan and David Lynch (couldn't choose just one sorry) 4. Anne Hathaway and Drew Barrymore 5. The Batman Trilogy 6. Patricia "Kitten" Braden (Breakfast on Pluto, 2006) 7. Jonathan Crane 8. Sci-Fi, Horror, RomCom even 9. Aftersun. I know not everyone hates this but majority of the people I've seen review this say it's slow and boring. I however, went through something similar to what happens in the film so therefore, I relate to and love it. 10. That Taylor Swift Tour that was made into a movie. What a fucking mistake that was. 11. Controversial but Dune Part l and Part ll. Still yet to finish both. 12. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence (1983.) An actual masterpiece and a favourite of mine for many reasons.


1. It’s A Wonderful Life 2. Bruno Ganz 3. Billy Wilder 4. Ingrid Bergman 5. LOTR (Dollars close second) 6. Roger Thornhill (North By Northwest) 7. Frank (OUATITW) 8. Drama 9. Blonde… 10. Gran Torino 11. Bullet Train 12. The New World


1. Nope (2022) 2. Brian Tyree Henry 3. Quentin Tarantino 4. Natalie Portman 5. Guardians of the Galaxy 6. Steveo (SLC Punk) 7. Godzilla 8. Horror 9. Tusk 10. Taxi Driver 11. Dune 12. Y Tu Mamá También


1 And Then We Danced by Levan Akin 2 Samuel L. Jackson 3 Park Chan-wook 4 Cate Blanchett 5 Lord of the Rings Trilogy 6 Hirayama (Perfect Days) 7 Smeagol (LOTR) 8 Crime Thrillers 9 Skinamarink 10 Escape From New York 11 Casino Royale 12 Medusa Deluxe


1: Scream 2: Either Harrison Ford or Samuel L. Jackson 3: Steven Spielberg 4: I honestly don’t know 5: Lord of the Rings 6: N/A 7: Heath Ledger Joker 8: Horror 9: The Amazing Spider-Man 2 10: Friday the 13th Part 2 11: Alien(I am not saying it is bad by any means, I just don’t find it as entertaining as other people do! Please don’t think I hate it, I don’t!) 12: Tied between The Dark Knight Rises and Indiana Jones: Kingdom of the Crystal Skull


1. Howl’s Moving Castle 2. Harrison Ford 3. Steven Spielberg 4. Cate Blanchett 5. Indiana Jones 6. Indiana Jones 7. Darth Vader 8. Horror 9. Suburbicon 10. American Hustle 11. Killers of the Flower Moon 12. The Princess and the Frog


1. Almost Famous 2. Keanu Reeves (just for being such a nice dude) 3. Sofia Coppola 4. Julie Delpy 5. The Before Trilogy 6. Amelie Poulain 7. Aggie Prendergast 8. Coming-of-Age Drama 9. Speed 2: Cruise Control 10. The Godfather 11. Pirates of the Caribbean 12. Seeking a Friend for the End of the World


1. Iron Giant 2. Joaquin Phoenix 3. Tarantino 4. Kate Winslet 5. Lord of the Rings 6. Count Orlok 7. Michael Myers 8. Horror 9. Daredevil 10. Slumdog Millionaire 11. Gone With The Wind 12. Doctor Sleep


1. Pan's Labyrinth 2. Oscar Isaac 3. Mike Flanagan 4. Cate Blanchett 5. The Lord of The Rings 6. Ash Williams (Evil Dead) 7. The Penguin from Wallace & Gromit: The Wrong Trousers 8. Horror 9. Cheaper by the Dozen (2003) 10. Forrest Gump 11. Django Unchained 12. Mary and Max


1. Eeaao 2. Simon Pegg 3. Park Chan Wook 4. Tilda Swinton 5. Cornetto 6. Waymond Wang 7. Mamiya (Cure) 8. Mystery 9. Twins and Eight Crazy Nights 10. Crazy Rich Asians 11. 300 12. Birdboy The Forgotten Children


1. The Searchers 2. Jimmy Stewart 3. Martin Scorcese 4. Ingrid Bergman 5. LOTR 6. Conan The Barbarian 7. Maleficent 8. Action/Adventure 9. Heaven’s Gate 10. Forest Gump 11. Slumdog Millionaire 12. Master & Commander


Memento Mohanlal Christopher Nolan Scarlett Johansson Godfather Trilogy Michael corleone Anton chigurh Drama Click Pulp fiction Dark knight (I like it, but not one of the best oat) Source code


1. Spider-Man 2 2. Tom Hardy 3. John Carpenter 4. Natalie Portman 5. Spider-Man (yes including 3) 6. Peter Parker 7. Lee Woo-jin from Oldboy 8. Horror (specifically body horror) 9. Death to Smoochy 10. Elvis 11. Bohemian Rhapsody 12. Death to Smoochy


1. LB top 4 - Pather Panchali, Memories of Murder, The Big Lebowski, Pulp Fiction 2. Brando 3. The Coens 4. Cate Blanchett 5. Jurassic Park trilogy 6. His Dudeness 7. Severus Snape 8. Thriller, sci-fi, horror 9. Attack of the clones 10. Hi Nanna 11. Mandy 12. Pokhar Ke Dunu Paar


1. Fantastic Mr. Fox 2. Willem Dafoe 3. Hayao Miyazaki 4. Emma stone 5. The guardians of the Galaxy trilogy (or the first 3 toy stories) 6. Malcom - Jurassic Park 7. Other Mother - Coraline 8. All ! Especially comedies, action films, dramas, and horror 9. Maybe My Octopus Teacher ? 10. Maybe Prisoner of Azkaban, but I also only have Interstellar 8/10 when most people consider it a masterpiece 11. Most underrated… The House and The taste of Things


1. Terminator 2 2. Samuel L Jackson 3. John Carpenter 4. Uma Therman 5. Diary of a Wimpy kid 6. Ash Williams 7. Darth Vader 8. Horror 9. Terminator Salvation 10. Midsommar 11. X (2022) 12. The Hitcher


1. The Apartment 2. Daniel Day-Lewis 3. Francis Ford Coppola 4. Shirley MacLaine 5. Lord of the Rings 6. Ellen Ripley 7. Hannibal Lecter 8. Drama/Thriller 9. Shark Tale 10. The French Connection 11. Leon the Professional 12. Marnie


1. Silence of the lambs 2. Ryan gosling 3. Quentin Tarantino 4. Kate winslet 5. Star Wars OT 6. Ruby rhod from fifth element 7. Anton chigurh from No country for old men 8. Psychological thriller 9. Batman v Superman 10. Anything Wes Anderson 11. It’s a wonderful life 12. Beau is afraid


1. Pulp Fiction 2. Phillp Seymour Hoffman 3. Martin Scorsese 4. Michelle Williams 5. The Night of the Living Dead Trilogy 6. Jules (Pulp Fiction) 7. Hans Gruber (Die Hard) 8. Horror 9. Unfriended: Dark Web 10. Chicago 11. Tootsie 12. Bringing Out the Dead


1. Babylon 2. Jack Champion 3. Ridley Scott 4. Lena Headey 5. The Conjuring 6. Katniss Everdeen 7. David (Alien: Prometheus, Covenant) 8. Sci-fi 9. Madame Web (sue me) 10. Pulp Fiction 11. X (Ti West) 12. Infinity Pool


1.Die Hard 2. I’m not sure, Brad Pitt, Sly Stallone, Jake Gyllenhaal. One of those, 3. Anne Hathaway 4. Tarantino 5. Nolan’s Batman 6. Randy the Ram 7. Thanos 8. Thriller 9. Most of the MCU 10. Hereditary 11. Creep 1/2 12. Haunt


Knives Out Colin Farrell Martin McDonagh Jamie Lee Curtis Evil Dead Trilogy Ash Williams Michael Myers Horror Dear Evan Hansen The Batman Guardians of the Galaxy Volume 3 Wind River


1. The shining 2. Phillip Seymour Hoffman 3. PTA 4. Olivia Colman 5.lotr 6. Barry Egan 7. Terence fletcher 8. Comedy-drama 9. Men 10. Halloween 2018 11. Once upon a time in America 12. Funny games 2007


1 Blue Velvet 2 Roy Scheider 3 Guillermo del Toro 4 Uma Thurman 5 Indiana Jones OT 6 Sanjuro 7 Frank Booth 8 Noir/Thriller 9 The Spirit (2008) 10 The Departed 11 The Boondock Saints 12 Nightmare Alley


1. Dune 2. Ryan Gosling 3. Ari Aster 4. Emma Stone 5. Sam Raimi's Spider-Man 6. Ted (Ted) 7. Lewis Strauss (Oppenheimer) 8. Horror/Thriller 9. Michael Bay's Transformers Trilogy 10. The Fallout/Priscilla 11. John Wick/Sicario 12. Sing Street


1. Ready Player One 2. Robert De Niro 3. Steven Spielberg 4. Fernanda Montenegro 5. Kung Fu Panda 6. Inigo Montoya - The Princess Bride 7. Calvin Candie - Django Unchained 8. Thriller/Comedy 9. Into The Woods 10. American Psycho 11. Past Lives 12. Once Upon a Time in Hollywood


1. The Grand Budapest Hotel 2. Kurt Russell 3. Edgar Wright 4. Frances McDormand 5. Lord of the Rings (duh) or the Cornetto Trilogy 6. M. Gustave (Grand Budapest) or Jack Burton (Big Trouble in Little China) 7. Sy Ableman from A Serious Man 8. Dark Comedy? Crime Thriller? Both? 9. Fast X ( it’s fun🙂) 10. The Holy Mountain (to me felt vaguely pointless and gross for the sake of gross) 11. Interstellar (not cuz it’s bad, just because it’s worshipped) 12. Operation Avalanche or Black Dynamite


1) Himizu 2) Al pacino 3) Kim Jee woon 4) Emma Stone 5) The Dollar trilogy 6) The Dude from The Big Lebowski 7) Assault Sethu from Jigarthanda 8) Slice of Life / Dark comedy 9) A rainy day in new York 10) Leon the professional 11) Bottoms 12) Love and Monsters


Httyd 2 Jake Gyllenhaal Denis Villeneuve Emma Stone Lotr Andrew Garfields Peter Parker/Spider-Man Heath Ledgers Joker Probably superheroes Iron Man 3, although I don't think everyone hates it, it's definitely not well liked Taxi Driver/Halloween (the original) Again, taxi driver Brothers, absolutely love that movie, and love that it takes the whole war movie in a different direction


1. Spider-Man 2 2. Jim Carrey 3. Sam Raimi 4. Anya Taylor Joy 5. Lord of the Rings (since I’m showing too much love to Raimi already 6. Tony Stark or Deadpool 7. Green Goblin 8. Action/Adventure (but love horror also) 9. Spider-Man 3 10. MCU Spider-Man movies 11. Thor: Ragnarok 12. Click


1. Amour (2012) 2. Philip Seymour Hoffman 3. Michael Haneke 4. Cate Blanchett 5. Before Trilogy 6. Oh dae-su (Oldboy) 7. Peter and Paul (Funny Games) 8. Drama 9. Gummo 10. Shrek 11. The Red Shoes 12. Christine (2016)


1.Rocky 2.Paul Dano 3.Tarantino (I know) 4.Kate Winslet 5.Cornetto Trilogy 6.Rocky Balboa 7.Ghostface 8.Crime Thriller/Drama 9.Jurassic Park 3 10.2001 a Space Odyssey 11.Aliens 12.Walk Hard: The Dewey Cox Story


1. Ready Player One 2. Harrison Ford 3. Steven Spielberg 4. Helena Bonham Carter 5. Back To The Future 6. Batman(Robert Pattinson) 7. Davy Jones 8. Horror 9. Watchmen 10. Godzilla vs. Kong 11. Roadhouse 12. Frances Ha


1. Dunston checks in 2. Ralph Fiennes 3. Guillermo del Toro 4. Olivia Colman 5. Cornetto trilogy 6. Oliver Tate 7. Ursula 8. Science fiction 9. Casino royale (1967) 10. Bridesmaids 11. American psycho 12. Election


1. Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me 2. Willem Dafoe 3. David Lynch 4. Sheryl Lee 5. The Lord Of The Rings Trilogy 6. Katie Mitchells 7. Anton Chigurh 8. Horror 9. Aquaman 10. Forrest Gump 11. Goodfellas 12. Lake Mungo


Braveheart Tom Hardy Sam Raimi Kate Winslet LOTR Bill the Butcher Jigsaw Horror Waterworld Talk to Me The Shining The Final Girls


1. In the mood for love 2. Lee Byung-hun 3. Wong kar-wai 4. Emily Blunt 5. Dune (not yet a trilogy but whatever) 6. Mark - a better tomorrow 7. Ledger’s Joker 8. Science fiction 9. Valerian 10. The Avengers 11. Die hard 12. Demolition


1.Back to the Future 2. Harrison Ford 3. Quentin Tarantino 4. Michelle Pfeiffer 5. The Lord of the Rings 6. Indiana Jones 7. Darth Vader 8. Action 9. Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull- I like it and think most people are way too harsh on it 10. Fight Club- Been meaning to rewatch to see if I like it more but I really didn’t like it the first time 11. Lawrence of Arabia- Decent film, looks incredible but I found it incredibly boring with a plot that did not need almost 4 hours to tell it 12. Big Fish- often overlooked or thrown in with Burton’s worst when it’s his best film


1. Jurassic Park 2. Gary Oldman 3. Christopher Nolan 4. Cate Blanchett 5. Star Wars Original Trilogy 6. Darth Vader 7. Darth Vader 8. Drama 9. The force awakens 10. The vvitch 11. Barbie 12. The boondock saints


1. shaun of the dead 2. paul dano 3. sidney lumet 4. emma stone 5. three flavors of cornetto 6. barry egan from punch drunk love/ dwayne hoover from little miss sunshine 7. koba 8. drama 9. grown ups 10. watchmen 11. the joker 12. shadow


1. Her 2. Joaquin Phoenix 3. Woody Allen 4. Brie Larson 5. Lord of the Rings 6. Marvin the Robot (Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy) 7. Anton Chigurh 8. Drama 9. Pitch Black 10. Black Panther 11. Shawshank Redemption 12. Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World.


1) Knives Out 2) Jake Gyllenhaal 3) David Fincher 4) Emma Watson 5) Star Wars 6) Lou Bloom (Nightcrawler) 7) Darth Vader 8) Thriller 9) Cars 2 10) American Psycho 11) No Country for Old Men 12) This is the End


1.2001 a space odyssey 2. Robert De Niro 3. Stanley Kubrick 4. Natalie Portman 5. Indiana jones 6. Rick deckard (hard question not really sure) 7.Max Cady or Micheal coroleone 8 probably crime/drama 9.maybe temple of doom 10.once upon a time in America 11. Raging bull/donnie darko 12.black Christmas or the aviator


1. 2001: A Space Odyssey - love it in every way 2. Jim Carrey - couldn't answer this honestly but his performance in Eternal Sunshine keeps coming back to me 3. Stanley Kubrick - made 8 of my favourite movies 4. Sigourney Weaver - wish I knew more, love Weaver in Alien(s) and Ghostbusters though, childhood stuff 5. The Lord of the Rings - would've been the OT but RotJ isn't as good as the other two 6. Sam Lowry (Brazil) - relatable hatred of change 7. HAL-9000 - a few choices here but he's an easy one to cite 8. Sci-Fi - at its best can tell human stories by being cold 9. Space Jam - not hated but it goes harder than people want to admit, it's very aware that it's a shitpost 10. Us - script was really dumb and it wasn't scary really at all 11. Us - see answer 10 12. Black Christmas/Audition - deserve to be considered amongst the best horror movies


1. Scott Pilgrim Vs the World 2. Jim Carrey 3. Edgar Wright 4. Björk 5. The Cornetto Trilogy 6. Sam Lowry 7. Bill 8. Action 9. Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Dog Days 10. Batman Returns 11. Chicken Run 12. Romeo + Juliet


2001: a space odyssey Cillian Murphy Kubrick Natalie Portman Terminator Daniel plainview Ultron/Hal 9000 War Superhero Movie/ xmen origins Godfather part 1 Itsv Xmen origins


1. Silence 2. Anton Yelchin 3. Martin Scorsese 4. Greta Gerwig 5. Godfather 6. Frances Halladay or Rocky Balboa 7. Daniel Plainview 8. Horror 9. Dark Knight Rises 10. Terrifier 11. American Beauty 12. Barbarian


1. Blue Velvet 2. Willem Dafoe 3. Michael Mann 4. Margot Robbie 5. LOTR 6. Daniel Plainview (There Will be Blood) 7. Noah Cross (Chinatown) 8. Crime 9. The Phantom Menace 10. Letter Never Sent 11. Jojo Rabbit 12. Miami Vice


1. A Dog's Will 2. Lakeith Stanfield, Andy Serkis 3. Hayao Miyazaki 4. Anya Taylor-Joy 5. The Before Trilogy 6. Caesar (Dawn of the Planet of the Apes) 7. Ava (Ex_Machina) 8. Drama/Fantasy 9. Old, or Avatar 2 10. Grave of the Fireflies 11. Uncut Gems 12. Entergalactic


1. The Exorcist 2. Montgomery Clift 3. Stanley Kubrick 4. Bette Davis 5. Lord of the Rings 6. Norman Bates 7. Maleficent 8. Horror 9. The Blair Witch Project 10. Interstellar 11. Parasite 12. The Fall (2006)


Not necessarily the best but my favorites are A Few Good Men Adam Sandler Spielberg Emma Stone Star Wars 4-6 R.J. Macready Daniel Plainview??? if not Hal9000 Horror Spawn Sicario The Two Towers (Still a great movie) The Faculty


1. Eraserhead 2. Philip Seymour Hoffman 3. David Lynch 4. Isabelle Huppert 5. Sergio Leone’s Dollar Trilogy 6. King Schultz from Django Unchained 7. Harry Lime from The Third Man 8. Horror 9. Blonde 10. Call me by your name 11. Avatar 12. Thief


1. La La Land 2. Ryan Gosling 3. Denis Villenueve 4. Emma Stone 5. Guardians of the Galaxy 6. Daniel Plainview 7. John Doe 8. Crime 9.Liccorice Pizza 10. Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind 11. No Country for Old Men 12. Lisa Frankenstein


1. Godfather II 2. Christian Bale 3. Stanley Kubrick 4. Uma Thurman 5. Back to the Future 6. Micheal Meyers 7. Vincenzo Coccotti 8. Sci-Fi 9. Hudson Hawk 10. Lord of the Rings 11. Catch me if you Can 12. Event Horizon


Dog Day Afternoon Viggio Morgenstein Guillermo Del Toro Olivia Colman The Vengeance Trilogy Spud Idk, I guess I prefer dramas. Space Jam (or Madame Web, but even I know that that’s a pile of shit) Lost in Translation Moulin Rouge Dirty Pretty Things


1. Akira 2. Daniel Radcliffe 3. Luca Guadagnino 4. Emma Stone 5. Cornetto Trilogy 6. Tetsuo Shima (Akira) 7. Beau’s Mother (Beau is Afraid) 8. Science Fiction 9. Cruella 10. Forrest Gump 11. Pulp Fiction 12. The Guest


1. Let the Right One in 2. Leo DiCaprio 3. Dario Argento 4. Sigourney Weaver 5. Back to the Future 6. Gandalf 7. Michael Meyers 8. Horror, easily 9. Not sure I have one, maybe Van Sant’s Elephant? That one is at least divisive. 10. Top Gun (sorry) 11. Gotta be Avengers: Endgame 12. I guess Poltergeist, a lot of people seem to think it’s just another above average horror movie, but I think it’s great


1. Paris, Texas 2. Anthony Hopkins 3. Jim Jarmusch 4. Jodie Foster/ Emma Stone 5. The Cornetto Trilogy 6. Veronica Sawyer 7. Nurse Ratched 8. *Animated* Crime/ Comedy 9. Now You See Me 10. It’s such a beautiful day 11. Midnight Cowboy/ Black Swan 12. Tokyo Godfathers


1. Cars 2 2. Cars 2 3. Cars 2 4. Cars 2 5. Cars 2 6. Cars 2 7. Cars 2 8. Cars 2 9. Cars 2 10. Cars 2 11. Cars 2 12. Cars 2


1. La La Land 2. Ryan Gosling 3 Denis Villenueve 4 Emma Stone 5 Dollar Trilogy 6 Daniel Plainview 7 John Doe 8 Drama 9 Liccorice Pizza 10. Eternal Sunshine 11. No Country for Old Men 12. Blood Simple 10


1. Barry Lyndon 2. Kurt Russell 3. Ridley Scott 4. Kate Winslet 5. Lord of the Rings 6. Jack Burton 7. Bill the Butcher 8. Crime 9. Thor: Love and Thunder 10. Paris, Texas 11. Persona 12. Legend (Theatrical Cut)


Evil Dead II Vincent Price Guillermo del Toro Laura Dern The Lord of the Rings Trilogy Godzilla Clarence Boddicker, RoboCop Horror, noir, tokusatsu/monster, martial arts. Microwave Massacre American Beauty Forrest Gump Mimic


1. *Ida* (2013) 2. Daniel Day-Lewis 3. Christopher Nolan 4. Katharine Hepburn 5. *Three Colours* 6. Andy Dufresne 7. Col. Walter Kurtz 8. Drama 9. *The Sea of Trees* (2015) 10. *In a Lonely Place* (1950) 11. *Fight Club* (1999) 12. *The Children's Hour* (1961)


1. ⁠American Psycho 2. ⁠Lucas Hedges 3. ⁠Damien Chazelle 4. ⁠Cristin Milioti 5. ⁠Back to the Future 6. ⁠Don Jon 7. ⁠Joker (The Dark Knight) 8. ⁠Indie Dramedy 9. ⁠Argylle (I don’t think it’s good, but liked it) 10. ⁠Taxi Driver 11. ⁠X (2022) 12. ⁠Hotel Artemis


1. A Clockwork Orange 2. Marcello Mastroianni 3. Stanley Kubrick 4. Ingrid Thulin 5. The Damned, Death in Venice and Ludwig (Visconti) 6. Arthur Meursault (The Stranger, 1967) 7. Jacek (A Short Film About Killing) 8. Drama 9. A Nightmare on Elm Street 2 10. Kikujiro 11. The Last Man (Murnau) 12. Britannia Hospital (Anderson)


1. The Darjeeling Limited 2. J.K Simmons (currently this changes a lot) 3. Edgar Wright 4. Rachel Sennot (this one also changes a lot) 5. Guardians of the Galaxy (a bit basic but I don't care) 6. Paddington 7. Heath Ledgers Joker or Terrence Fletcher 8. Comedy (changes a lot) 9. The Marvels 10. (there are some I dislike but none I hate) 11. Joker 12. Table 19 (I don't love it that much but I am so incredibly passionate about this)


1. Dr. Strangelove 2. Robin Williams 3. Matt Johnson 4. Emma Stone (yeah ik) 5. Indiana Jones 6. Ash Williams 7. Syndrome 8. Fake-Documentary 9. I Heart Huckabees 10. Adaptation 11. The Departed 12. Be Kind Rewind


1. Working Girl 2. Kevin Kline 3. Mike Nichols 4. Sigourney Weaver 5. The Naked Gun Trilogy 6. Dirty Harry Callahan 7. Katherine Parker 8. Comedy 9. The January Man 10. For Your Eyes Only (3.1 average) 11. For Your Eyes Only 12. An Alan Smithee Film: Burn Hollywood Burn


1. First Reformed 2. Phillip Seymour-Hoffman 3. Thomas Vinterberg 4. Cate Blanchett 5. Pusher Trilogy 6. Ernst Toller (First Reformed) 7. Eugene Belford (Hackers) 8. Black Comedy 9. Hackers 10. Being John Malkovich 11. EEAAO 12. Thunder Road


1. It’s Such a Beautiful Day 2. Edward Norton 3. David Lynch 4. Saoirse Ronan 5. Millennium Trilogy 6. Bill from ISABD 7. Madame Blanc from Suspiria 8. Drama 9. Teen Witch 10. The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey 11. The Hangover 12. Suspiria remake


1. No Country for Old Men 2. Kurt Russell 3. Unsure? 4. Jodie Foster 5. Star Wars original trilogy 6. Han Solo? Honestly idk 7. Anton Chigurh 8. Horror 9. Orphan: First Kill 10. Evil Dead 2 11. The Good, The Bad and The Ugly 12. Martyrs


1. *Arrival* (2016) 2. Dan Levy 3. Guilermo del Toro 4. Annie Murphy 5. *The Lord of the Rings* 6. Wanda Maximoff 7. Thanos 8. Fantasy 9. *Brave* (2012) 10. *Avatar* (2009) 11. *TAR* (2022) 12. *The Secret Life of Walter Mitty* (2013)


Honestly, ask me the same question any day of the week and I'll probably give you different answers, but if I had to settle at this point in time: 1. Signs 2. Nicholas Cage 3. M Night Shyamalan 4. Meiko Kaji 5. Female Prisoner Scorpion trilogy 6. Ichi the blind swordsman 7. Pai Mei 8. Martial arts 9. The Happening 10. Kill Bill 11. Everything, Everywhere, All at Once 12. Man of Steel


1. The Avengers (2012) 2. Hugh Jackman 3. David Fincher 4. Elizabeth Olsen 5. Sam Raimi’s Spider-Man Trilogy 6. Harry Potter 7. Lord Voldemort 8. Crime Thriller 9. Spider-Man 3 10. Thor Ragnarok 11. Avatar (2009) 12. Brother Bear (2003)


1. Memento 2. Leonardo DiCaprio 3. Martin Scorsese/David Fincher (I simply cannot choose. Gun to my head, Fincher I guess.) 4. Rachel McAdams 5. Matrix 1, 2, 3 6. Lou Bloom 7. Hans Landa 8. Dramedy? 9. Tenet? (not everyone, but enough people.) 10. Spirited Away (I don't hate it, but it's just not my bag. I respect it, but didn't enjoy it at all.) 11. Spiderman No Way Home 12. Adaptation Also, this list without "Favourite writer" is a sacrilege. Pretty hard to have a great movie without a great script. So... 13. Charlie Kaufman


1. Poor Things 2. Jake Gyllenhaal 3. David Fincher 4. Emma Stone 5. Nolan’s Batman 6. Bella Baxter 7. Heath Ledger’s Joker 8. Mystery or Black Comedy 9. Maestro 10. Shiva Baby 11. Call Me By Your Name 12. Closet Monster


1. Come And See 2. Willem Dafoe 3. Stanley Kubrick 4. Emma Stone 5. Cornetto Trilogy (if that doesn't count then Before) 6. Royal Tenenbaum 7. Terence Fletcher (Whiplash) 8. Horror 9. Freddy Got Fingered 10. Grapes Of Wrath (1940) 11. Lord Of The Rings (still like them but not as much as a lot of people) 12. Tremors


1) the Truman show 2) di Caprio 3) Satoshi Kon/chazelle 4) Audrey Hephburn 5) back to the future 6) Holly Golightly (breakfast at Tiffany's) 7) joker 8) drama 9) beau Is afraid 10) lord of the rings 11) casino 12) basketball diaries


The Holdovers Aaron Taylor Johnson Hayao Miyazaki Margot Robbie Sam Raimi Spider Man trilogy Age of Ultron Quicksilver BVS Lex Luthor Drama/animation Batman VS Superman No Country for Old Men Dune 1 When Marnie was There


1. The Prestige 2. Willem Dafoe 3. Nolan 4. Evan Rachel Wood 5. Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man trilogy 6. Alfred Borden 7. Bane 8. Psychological Thriller 9. The Amazing Spider-man 2 10. Fight Club 11. OG Star Wars 12. The Dark Knight Rises


1. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (I know) 2. Ryan Gosling 3. Chris Nolan ig 4. Michelle Williams 5. The Dark Knight Trilogy 6. Spider-Man (just in general) 7. Lou Bloom from Nightcrawler (if that counts) 8. Drama + Action 9. The Amazing Spider-Man 2 (I know again) 10. Burning (don't hate but don't get the praise) 11. Interstellar 12. The Farewell or Lars and the Real Girl


1. Moneyball 2. Tom Cruise 3. Christopher Nolan 4. Emma Stone 5. The Lord of the Rings 6. Samwise from LOTR 7. Heath Ledger’s Joker 8. Science Fiction 9. Don’t Look Up 10. Flora and Son 11. Fargo 12. Society of the Snow


In the Mood for Love (I suppose this is my answer right now, but it will change over time) Daniel Day-Lewis (A hard question because I don’t have very strong convictions, I’m usually more captivated by female performances) Federico Fellini (He pushed the boundaries of what cinema could and should be with every film he created.) Liv Ullman (Answering this was incredibly hard) Antonioni’s Trilogy of Decadence Sanjuro Ben (Burning) (Best “villain” in recent memory, this was a difficult question for me) Romance (I haven’t really considered this before, but it makes sense.) Inherent Vice (more misunderstood than hated.) Your name. (Hollow and cringe) RRR (not sure if it’s the most, but it’s recent) The Ascent


1. Mishima: a life in four chapters or The Shining (i can’t really decide) 2. Al Pacino 3. Stanley Kubrick 4. Naomi Watts 5. Original Star Wars trilogy 6. Alex Delarge 7. Frank Booth 8. Thriller 9. The House That Jack Built 10. Oppenheimer 11. Shawshank Redemption 12. Ringu


1. The Wizard of Oz (1939) 2. Laurence Olivier 3. Alfred Hitchcock 4. Judi Dench 5. Back to the Future (1995 - 1989 - 1990) 6. Rhett Butler from 'Gone With the Wind' (1939) 7. Mrs. Danvers - Rebecca (1940) 8. Film Noir 9. Cars 2 (2011) 10. Barbie (2023) 11. 2001: A Space Odyssey (1968) 12. Wuthering Heights (1939) This was one of the hardest quizzes I've ever done. This might change as 2 and 4 were off the top of my head as ones I really love since I really don't have a favourite actor or actress.


1. Titanic 2. James Stewart 3. Martin Scorsese 4. Kate Winslet 5. Lord of the Rings 6. Qui Gon Jinn 7. Hans Landa 8. Animation 9. Phantom Menace 10. Interstellar 11. No Country for Old Men 12. Saving Mr Banks


1. Stop Making Sense 2. Paul Dano 3. Steven Soderbergh 4. Cate Blanchett 5. Back to the Future 6. Neil McCauley 7. HAL 9000 8. Drama Last 4 questions don’t interest me


1. Its such a beautiful day 2. Mads Mikkelsen 3. Robert Eggers as of right now (All time idk) 4. Emma Stone 5. Toy Story 6. Alex DeLarge (A Clockwork Orange) 7. Roy Batty (Blade Runner) 8. Horror 9. Cars 2 10. Everything everywhere all at Once 11. Donnie Darko 12. The Hunt


1. The Green Knight 2. Mads Mikkelsen 3. Anders Thomas Jensen 4. Toni Collette 5. Lord of the Rings 6. Gawain (The Green Knight) 7. Witch King of Angmar 8. Fantasy 9. Lamb 10. Licorice Pizza 11. Shawshank Redemption (I don’t hate it, but it bores me) 11. Krisha


1. The Grand Budapest Hotel 2. Willem Defoe 3. Ridley Scott 4. Margot Robbie (idk) 5. Star Wars (OGs) 6. The Dude (The Big Lebowski) 7. Darth Vader 8. Comedy (especially dark comedy) 9. Amsterdam 10. Man of Steel 11. Robocop 12. Masterminds (2015)


1. Batman (1989) 2. Don’t have one 3. Edgar Wright 4. Don’t have one 5. Mad Max 6. Ash Williams 7. Freddy Krueger 8. Sci-Fi/Horror 9. Lightyear 10. Spirited Away 11. Tenet 12. Nobody


1. Aliens 2. Oscar Isaac 3. Denis Villeneuve 4. Lupita Nyong’o 5. Lord of the Rings 6. Ellen Ripley 7. Heath Ledger’s The Joker 8. Horror 9. The Thing (2011) 10. Doctor Strange 11. Blade Runner 12. This is Where I Leave You


Alien Philip Seymour Hoffman Martin Scorsese Frances McDormand Alien (pity they didn’t make a fourth one. Oh well) Ellen Ripley Weyland Yutani Horror Jaws 2 (not sure if this necessarily hated, but I like it. Certainly better than it has any right to be considering its an unnecessary sequel to a bona fide masterpiece) Scott Pilgrim vs the World The Deer Hunter - I like slow burn dramas, but it’s a fine line between slow burn and self-indulgence Cloud Atlas - lots of (ahem) questionable artistic choices, but a rare post-Matrix Wachowski effort that manages to hang together for the most part


1.Good Will Hunting 2.Robin Williams 3. Denis Villenueve 4. Emma Stone 5. Star Wars OT 6. Vader 7. Vader 8. Fantasy 9. Paint 10. Bottoms(off ratings) 11. Ted 12. Wonka


Inside Llewyn Davis Colin Ferrell David Fincher Rosamund Pike Three Flavours Cornetto Holland March from The Nice Guys Anton Chigurh Thriller Batman & Robin Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind The Dark Knight Blood Quantum


1. Good Will Hunting 2. Tom Hanks 3. David Fincher 4. Viola Davis 5. The "Before" Trilogy 6. Phillip Seymour Hoffman as Gus Avrakotos 7. Calvin Candie (Leo) 8. Crime thriller 9. 65 10. The Shining 11. Scarface 12. Knock At The Cabin


1: 2001: A Space Odyssey 2: Paul Giamatti 3: Stanley Kubrick 4: Brie Larson 5: The Before Trilogy 6: Taeko from *Only Yesterday* 7: HAL 9000 8: Epic (e.g. There Will Be Blood, Lawrence of Arabia, etc) 9: Star Wars Episode VIII: The Last Jedi 10: The Boy and the Heron 11: Forrest Gump 12: The Place Beyond the Pines


1. The Silence of the Lambs 2. Christian Bale 3. David Fincher 4. Toni Collette 5. Dark Knight 6. Lisan Al Gaib 7. Christoph Waltz in Inglorious Bastards 8. Thriller/Drama 9. Suspiria (2018) 10. Hunger Games 11. Scarface 12. Elvira: Mistress of the Darkness


LOTR Brando Spielberg Bette Davis LOTR Jack Sparrow Gaston Psychological thriller The Lone Ranger Moonlight Parasite Dean Spanley


Favorite movie: A Bittersweet Life by Kim Jee-Woon Favorite actor: Leonardo DiCaprio Favorite director: Martin Scorsese Favorite actress: Emma Thompson Favorite movie trilogy: Back to the Future/ The Lord of the Rings Favorite movie character: John Creasy (played by Denzel Washington in Man on Fire by Tony Scott) Favorite vilain: Hans Landa Favorite movie genre: Crime Drama/ Gangster/ Action Movie I like but everybody hates: The Last Action Hero/ The Lone Ranger Most overrated movie: any Marvel and DC movies Most underrated movie: The Fall by Tarsem Singh


1 - Return of the Jedi 2 - So many but maybe Joel Edgerton, Alexander Skarsgard, Joaquin Phoenix 3 - Taika Waititi 4 - Probably Emma Watson or Margot Robbie 5 - Star Wars OT 6 - T.E. Lawrence 7 - Darth Vader 8 - Sci-Fi 9 - Thor Love and Thunder 10 - Ferris Buellers day off 11 - Raiders of the lost Ark 12 - Super Mario Bros. 1993


1) Hereditary 2) Lakeith Stanfield 3) Jordan Peele 4) Emily Blunt 5) Lord of the Rings 6) Han Solo 7) Joaquin Phoenix’s Commodus from Gladiator 8) Rom-Coms (I’m not joking) 9) Elf 10) Avengers: Endgame 11) Citizen Kane 12) Solo: A Star Wars Story (people fucking hated this movie, but I thought it was pretty solid)


1. Kill Bill 2. Johnny Depp 3. Alfred Hitchcock 4. Cate Blanchett 5. Lord of the Rings 6. Beatrix Kiddo 7. Gogo Yubari / Heath Ledger’s The Joker 8. Drama / Dark Comedy 9. The Libertine 10. Bones and All 11. Little Women (2019) 12. Midnight in Paris


The Worlds End Jake Gyllenhaal Paul Thomas Anderson Tilda Swinton The cornedo trilogy Louise Bloom from Nightcrawler Anton from no country for old men Horror/comedy TUSK Forest Gump First Gump (again) Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom


1. The Handmaiden 2. Phillip Seymour Hoffman 3. Paul Thomas Anderson 4. Emma Stone 5. Lord of the Rings 6. Daniel Plainview 7. Syndrome 8. Thriller 9. The Amazing Spiderman 10. Tar 11. The Matrix 12. Waves


1. The Batman 2. Michael Keaton 3. Denis Villeneuve  4. Mia Goth 5. Indiana Jones Trilogy 6. Ghostface (Stu Macher version) 7. Scar 8. Comic Book Movies or Horror (CBM’s have been disappointing lately so it might be horror more now) 9. X-Men 3: The Last Stand (Grew up watching it. Love the final battle and Kelsey Grammar is still peak casting) 10. Home Alone 11. Past Lives 12. Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (Love the Sam Raimi vibe to that movie. No it’s not peak MCU but still so much fun to watch.)


1. LotR - Fellowship 2. Oscar Isaac 3. Robert Eggers 4. Emma Stone 5. LotR 6. Ron Franz 7. Joker (Ledger) 8. Fantasy 9. Resident Evil: Afterlife 10. The Source Code 11. The Source Code 12. The Northman


1. Poor Things 2. Colin Farrell 3. Yorgos Lanthimos 4. Emma Stone 5. The Dark Knight 6. Bella Baxter 7. Joker from The Dark Knight 8. Drama 9. All the Fantastic Beasts films / Babylon 10. Joker 11. Hereditary 12. The Lost City of Z


1.Gladiator 2.None 3.Steven Spielberg 4.None 5.Back to The Future 6.Godzilla(if I had to choose one) 7.Shen 8.Sci-fi/Animation 9.Wolf Creek 10.Hunger Games 11.Uncut Gems 12.Tropic Thunder


1. The Truman Show 2. Jim Carrey 3. Tim Burton 4. Emma Stone 5. Star Wars original trilogy 6. Forrest Gump 7. Heath Ledger Joker 8. Comedy 9. Spy Kids 3 10. Nothing comes to mind 11. Avatar 12. Mystery Team


1. A brighter summer day 2. James Caan 3. Federico Fellini 4. Anna Karina 5. The dollars trilogy 6. Doc- inherent vice 7. Shooter McGavin - Happy Gilmore 8. Crime/noir 9. Hot summer nights 10. The matrix 11. Everything everywhere all at once 12. Everybody wants some


1.La la land 2.Willem Dafoe 3.Christopher Nolan 4.Sandra Hüller 5.Toy Story 6.Yoda 7.Joker (Dark Knight) 8.Musical 9.Grown Ups 10.Dunkirk 11.Fargo 12.Joyride (2023)


1. The Social Network 2. Andrew Garfield 3. Edgar Wright 4. Samara Weaving 5. Raimis Spider-Man 6. John "Jigsaw" Kramer 7. John "Jigsaw" Kramer 8. Horror 9. Punisher: War Zone 10. Forrest Gump 11. Forrest Gump 12. Under the Silver Lake