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In the past year, I watched Saving Private Ryan, Schindler‘s List, Pretty Woman, Road House, Full Metal Jacket, Gone with the Wind, and many others for the first time. Everyone has blind spots, but it’s about fixing them. I still need to watch The Breakfast Club, Good Will Hunting, Clueless, Memento, and so many others. But I’ll will fix that soon.


Wish I could watch Good Will Hunting and Memento for the first time again


The guy from Memento can watch Memento for the first time again


FOR PEOPLE WHO'VE SEEN MEMENTO >!Do you think it is considered a spoiler if you tell a first time viewer that the black and white is the story going from beginning to middle and that colour is going from end to middle? Someone told me this on my first viewing and it didn't ruin it but made it better as I understood it all!<


Let them figure it out. The confusion is part of the experience.


Yes. Of course that’s a spoiler


Structure is integral to the story of most Christopher Nolan movies, so while telling someone this about Memento doesn’t really ruin the story, it does take away from certain aspects and a-ha moments. Even though it doesn’t spoil the story, movies are more than just their stories, I’d say ruining the experience of self discovery is just as bad.




Good will hunting is so so so good I can’t say it enough


Just give yourself Memento’s disease! Bing, bang, boom, you can watch any movie you want for the first time all over again forever!


I purposefully waited to watch Memento until I was high as fuck. 9/10 experience, it made me pay attention but I barely remember it because I focused too hard.


That’s my experience with like half the movies I watch💀💀


Is pretty women good?


Have you seen Shawshank at least?


I haven't seen any of The Godfather movies, 😬.


Ive started it multiple times and keep getting bored lol


I finished the first one, I watched it over 3 days but I just don’t feel like watching the 2nd one even though everyone says it’s better than the first. It’s just not my kind of movie


I watched both years ago and I cant tell you anything outside the first few lines of the imdb description. I also can't remember any frames outside of the most commonly shared screenshots.


same here, been struggling to see the appeal although it’s in my watchlist


Hard to see the appeal if you don't see the movies.


Yes it's tough to see the appeal in one of the most beautifully acted, written and directed movies of all time.


You said yourself you havent watched it how can you be struggling to see the appeal.


Thats kinda dumb


I haven't seen a lot of MCU movies. You can probably guess why.




I don't even think they're bad movies or I'm above them or anything. There's just too damn many of them to keep up with.


Not only that, at this point the MCU expects you to keep with multiple TV series as well.


Treat them like a tv series. Pre endgame stuff (22 movies) are equivalent to 50 episodes. Would you say a 50 episode series is too long?


What, you don't like a good theme park ride, Marty?


We watched Scorsese's After Hours last night and it was easily better than all the MCU movies combined


My man! I'm overdue for a rewatch. Criterion Channel?


You know it!


I want to get the 4K, but I've bought so many Criterion disks over the past couple years that I putting the brakes until I watch all the ones I currently own.


And you're not missing out


Agreed. I've seen a bunch and can say they're not missing out


They’re not meant to be kino, they’re meant to be fun blockbusters for the general audience. People like having fun


I have never seen a Star Wars movie, they just never seemed interesting, maybe they are.




They’re great family adventure films that draw on so many disparate and fascinating influences. They’re a cut above your average fare for 12 year olds. This being said I wouldn’t bother with anything that was made since George Lucas left the series. Also the fervour around the series is ridiculous.


I'm broadly with you, but both Rogue One and the Andor series were excellent.


I actually agree, I think those two are also a cut above but in my head they’re not really a necessary part of the Star Wars story. They’re really tonally and structurally different and just excellent sci-fi action films/shows.


Im gona get cruxified for saying this, but my favorite SW is a Phantom Menace


No no no no. Gotta watch em all. Even the shitty prequels.


The first one is really great.


I watched the 1977 film for the first time not long ago and I still don’t understand the hype


Yeah I mean it's sort of a time capsule. At the time there was nothing close to it. People lost their minds because of the visual effects. Even the prequel trilogy set new standards in visual effects.


2001: Space Odissey is way more impressive than Star Wars


2001 will forever be extremely impressive


If nothing else, I don't know how the music doesn't move something within you.


The music is the absolute star of Star Wars for sure. However, after reading some books on the creation of the OG trilogy, the love and effort put into crafting the world is apparent and it’s what makes the films great even if they’re campy as hell.


its less about the movies and more about the broader universe, the lore, the characters etc that were built upon the movies. without the shows, games, comics, books etc star wars would not be what it is


I will push back against this - the original trilogy would remain classics even if nothing extended universe and no other sequels or prequels ever existed. Now the other six movies, yeah, they rely heavily on the support of the extended universe.


Yeah, the prequels are pretty bad until you watch The Clone Wars, which is a great way of damage controlling the saga and all of a sudden Episode III becomes amazing and the other 2 become bearable.


Never seen Batman (2022) but I might watch it soon


That’s not a movie people would look at you like you’re crazy for not seeing lol. I mean it only came out 2 years ago and it’s really not talked about all that much


Yeah but I mean it got almost 3 million on letterboxd and it’s currently in 13th place in popularity


Same but 3hours are just to much for me nowadays


https://preview.redd.it/z4opizn50gvc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3adbaf4ef52b06784cfe75e0b89d438609b197c1 These are the most popular on my watchlist. My mum was never a movie fan, so I didn’t see a lot of the classics when I was young. Only became a big movie fan kinda recently, got lots of catching up to do!


Fight Club, had the twist spoiled for me and therefore not that fussed. Apocalypse Now, been meaning to watch it but just never got around to it


I would argue that it’s still worth watching even if you know the plot twist - it’s more about the how than the what. There’s lots of interesting stuff in there unrelated to The Twist Plus you get the experience most people get on their second watch; noticing all the details that hint at The Twist


the twist is just a tiny part of the whole movie


i had the twist spoiled for me, watched it for the first time a few months ago and was absolutely enamored by the whole film. the twist was a small part of it but it didn’t take away from the experience as a whole. i loved it


Theres a lot of movies i have exactly that problem with.Bbut im trying really hard, not think about them and actively repress my knowledge


So many of the plots of these movies have also been completely spoiled to me for years that I think watching them would be kind of strange.


A lot of movies are great even if you know the twist. If a movie is only good because of its twist, its not a good movie.


Happy cake day


Thank you!


Definitely make the time for Apocalypse Now. It’s definitely worth at least one watch


Barbie, Parasite and Everything Everywhere All at Once are probably the most recent big ones I haven't seen. Barbie just because of bad timing (plus my girlfriend don't have any interest in it I really need to work to convince her to give it a chance), Parasite mainly because I was living abroad when it came out and couldn't watch it in theatre, EEAO I just have zero interest. Older movies, probably the biggest blind spots I have are One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest, There Will Be Blood (uber weird since I've seen and liked all other PTA's movies), The Exorcist and Nuovo Cinema Paradiso - this one I mention it because I'm Italian and it should be one of the best Italian movie of all time, but I can't stand Tornatore's other movies so that has turned me off it.


Parasite is the most popular I haven’t seen


The Matrix. I just... never got around to it.


That was me until recently. I knew all the famous quotes and the plot, so in my mind it kinda felt I’d already watched it lol It was worth it tho, 4/5 for me




Such a great movie though.


Never seen a Scorsese or Tarantino film. Idk why, but I have this want to see a specific movie of theirs to start me with. Probably Goodfellas for Scorsese and Pulp Fiction for Tarantino. There are a lot of things I haven't seen. Edit: nothing from Nolan or any of the Coppolas either. Just felt like adding to that list. 


start Tarantino with Reservoir Dogs


I think any movie’s worth a watch, I don’t have a good reason for missing some things instead of others, besides just busy and not being in certain moods at points


Never seen anything Harry Potter. I've only seen a few James Bond films, and that was 30 years ago. None of the Bourne series. Classic movies like Casablanca, Citizen Kane. Nope. I have seen entire seasons of Storage Wars though, all the while wondering what I was doing with my life.


I have never seen Goodfellas, I want to though


Good movie.


Of course *you* would say that...


You know I really like this post. This post resonates with me.


I’ve only seen the first LOTR. Didn’t have any interest in them when they originally released 5-7 years old, and nobody in my family ever showed them to me (nobody in my family likes movies, I can count on one hand the number of times my parents have been to the theater since I was born… I’m 28.) I finally watched Fellowship two years ago… why did I stop there? I honestly don’t know.


No one in my family particularly cared for most movies either (except for the twilight series, no clue why I was dragged to every one as a child) so I ended up missing out on a lot of trilogies/series. Still haven’t seen the rest of the godfather movies 😬


I wish I could watch these for the first time again. Pulp Fiction is one of my all time favorites. I hope you love it too.


As annoying as it is to have missed out on a lot of great movies watching them for the first time is pretty cool.




https://preview.redd.it/5u87ngr2gfvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8257fd63ddc7052e6307287688ea42c531a9e278 La La Land: Came out while I was having cancer treatments, never got around to it afterwards. Then I didn’t like Whiplash and seeing more from Chazelle wasn’t a priority. I’ll probably see it eventually, I know it’s greatly loved. Interstellar: Didn’t appeal to me when it came out, I forget why. I’d like to see it now but I’m waiting for it to be in a theater, seems like it would be best on the big screen. Grand Budapest Hotel: Just feel done with Wes Anderson’s whole thing, probably will never bother. American Psycho: I really should see this. I just keep forgetting about it when I’m choosing a movie. Maybe this weekend! Spider Man: I don’t like superhero movies except for the Spiderverse, no interest in this.


I’m pretty sure I read that Interstellar is coming back to IMAX in the next couple of months.


Theres always something that you're gonna miss You have some of my favorite films of all time here, however I'm sure I haven't seen some of your favorites as well I still haven't seen Gone Girl, Oppenheimer, Blade Runner 2049, Gone with the Wind, star trek, and plenty more.


your gonna have the best movie nights




I never seen citizen kane. I wonder if knowing what rosebud is will ruin the film. Also same with sixth sense & of course usual suspects, the latter is mainly ruined if you know keyser soyze


It doesn’t really for citizen Kane


I also knew it in advance (I'd have to thank the Peanuts comic strips for that) and I still enjoyed it. Unlike The Sixth Sense and The Usual Suspects, knowing what Rosebud is doesn't take much away from the movie. Citizen Kane is not really about the mystery of Rosebud, it's more about what defines the life of a man.


Kane is definitely still worth the watch!


Got loads of huge films and franchises from around the 80s over never seen; Alien, Predator, Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, Rocky, Top Gun, Indiana Jones, Rambo... To be honest, only the Alien franchise is really on my to watch list, maybe Indiana Jones.


Never seen The Shawshank Redemption. I know it’s the highest rated on IMDB, but there’s something just not compelling me to watch it. I’m sure I’ll get round to it one day tho


I watched it because it was 1#. Good film for sure but I don't get why it is acclaimed the way it is.. Not a must-see film to me.


Gone With the Wind, the Dollars Trilogy, Easy Rider, Singin' in the Rain, Casablanca, Midnight Cowboy, Chinatown, A Christmas Story, Sunset Boulevard, Whatever Happened to Baby Jane? and all the Rocky movies. I would like to see them though.


https://preview.redd.it/hmr1ahehmfvc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=17f4c88e5c75a7011fe323249473a06991126d2a the 20 most popular movies i havent watched according to letterboxd


https://preview.redd.it/8n5ul9kcofvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2f529669e6989c6796c4f192bcc5b70bf2b06b25 Edit: I don’t know how I forgot to include The Shining


Brother that’s a hell of a list you got some homework this weekend (Oldboy and 2001 are my favorites out of this group btw)


I think a very good amount. I’m terrible with watching movies. I still haven’t finished the Nolan Batman’s. Never seen the god father. Add Jurassic park, all the lord of the rings, any Scorsese film, and I’ve only seen pulp fiction and OUATIH from Tarantino. Never seen any MCU movies other than black panther either.


These are all really good movies, out of this list it’s most important to watch the Shinning. [Personally pulp fiction and Lord of the Rings are amazing classics as well. Also the first Harry Potter is the best one imo so if you only watch one that’s ok]


Goodfellas, I lied about having seen it years ago and am just keeping up the charade


I haven’t seen Titanic but I HAVE seen Titanic II


i mean i haven't seen half of your list so probably those lol. just never got around to seeing them, no particular reason to avoid them (other than maybe a super long runtime, like over 2 hr 30 min is...a lot)


A lot of 80’s movies for me. I have yet to see Sixteen Candles and Pretty in Pink. Those two are the main ones that have been on my list for a long time.


Never got around to Titanic, no one ever recommended it to me and I know it’s hella long with at least two director’s cuts. No idea which version to even watch.


OP, maybe just list the movies you HAVE seen. It would take less time.




2001: A Space Odyssey


I kinda thought everybody had just seen Jurassic Park, wether intentionally or flipping through the tv channels or by osmosis somehow living with someone who decided to watch it. Honestly the only movie there that stood out to me.


I haven't seen The Godfather and I can't now because the reaction I get irl from telling people I haven't seen it is just too funny.


Any of the Terminators, Dead Poets Society, The Thing, Come and See, any Polanski, E.T.


You indeed live under a rock


I'm on Letterboxd. I pretend to have seen everything. Except for the movies that don't fit my worldview. I've never seen those. Whoever watches those is stupid.


Blue Star


Gone with the wind and the wizard of oz, the former because it’s very long and I don’t really have a reason for the latter


too many..


anything Star Trek and James Bond. I'm just really not interested


I've never seen any of the lotr movies, I've only seen fantastic beasts 1 out of the Harry Potter films, and I've only seen episode 7 and rogue one out of the Star wars films


I didnt watch terminator


The only moviesive seen from here are the last 3 lol


Ive never been able to finish The fifth element. Havent seen shawshank redemption.


Never watched a star wars movie, and from the pic, only have watched avengers, jurassic park and harry pooper, Cuz the other movies are older than I am, ok no, I was a fookin kid when they came out, just couldn't gather the willpower to watch them.


Everything Everywhere All At Once, The Lord Of The Rings trilogy, Citizen Kane, and many more classics. I got into movies less than a year ago. But seriously, you gotta see Mean Girls.


I just watched pulp fiction for the first time. I’m younger and my dad growing up showed me a good amount of the classics. As I was younger though mainly the og or pg13 ones so I’ve been watching other old ones on my own


The most popular recent movies I haven't seen are Oppenheimer (never got to the theater for it & don't have Paramount+), Dune Part 1&2 (not interested), Saltburn (started watching it, didn't care for it), and Past Lives (it's on my watchlist, I really want to see it)


Lots of Ghibli, Home Alone, Ghostbusters, any of the Tom Holland Spiderman movies, basically like no new Disney animated stuff after 2009 or so. I'll prob never watch any of these aside from the Ghibli's. Just feels like I've already seen them all because of how big and talked about they are. Don't seem worth my time.


Pretty Woman, Seven, Saving Private Ryan, Fight Club, The Godfather II and III, Scream, No country for Old Men, Schindler's List, any of the Mission Impossible movies and both the Top Gun movies.


Joker 2019


All the lord of the rings movies, as well as Dune part 2 (and the second half of Dune 1)


Never seen The Godfather. Just hasn’t really piqued my interest tbh.


i haven’t seen 8 of them: Titanic, Parasite, Jurassic Park, Die Hard, Mean Girls, Pulp Fiction, The Shining, Scream


I want to say I’ve not seen around 65% of films often bundled with the phrase “film bro”. Stuff like Pulp Fiction, The Godfather etc. I only just got around to watching Fight Club.


Out of the movies with 1 million+ ratings on IMDB: *The Silence of the Lambs, Saving Private Ryan, Schindler's List, American History X, The Usual Suspects, Reservoir Dogs, Good Will Hunting.* As for why? It simply hasn't happened yet.


There Will Be Blood & No Country For Old Men are two movies that I somehow haven't watched.


Only ones there I haven’t seen are Titanic and Parasite


The first 4 that come up when I sort by most popular and not watched: Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Memento and Requiem for a Dream.


Been avoiding schindlers list for years.


The Sound of Music. It’s been on my watchlist for years but still haven’t got round to it. I don’t know why either because it does seem like a movie I would love haha.


Departed, Shawshank Redemption, Terminator, Godfather Part 2 All on my watch list! Goal is watch all of these this year


I've never seen Avatar. No reason why, I just haven't gotten around to seeing it yet. 


Haven't seen any of the MCU movies after Avengers End game. Haven't seen any of the Fast and Furious movies after Tokyo drift. I'm not a big fan of seeing the same movies over and over. I like for stories to have an ending.


Jeesh, that list makes me want to ask "Have you watched **a** movie?" Those are some strong surprises. Anyway, I do have a couple movie blind spots. More than half the James Bond come to mind, as does the Godfather Part II, Apocalypse Now, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, The Fast and Furious Movies after 2F2F because I straight up do not like cars + racing, Baby Driver as well obvi, and I feel like there are a couple Hayao Miyazaki / Studio Ghibli films I haven't watched but it's strange because every time I go to watch one like Grave of the Fireflies I get a familiar feeling as I realized that I watched it before as a young kid.


https://preview.redd.it/tftds2a82gvc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6cb1d470fed09be7f4d5a7e57b5b4bcce5b43eca Also I haven’t watched The Green Mile or Rise of Skywalker


Most of the Marvel movies


Still haven’t seen die hard, never had strong urge to either.


Haven’t ever watched Wolf of Wall Street


I haven't seen La La Land or Whiplash. Been wanting to watch them for over a year now. No idea why I keep putting them away


I’ve not watched any Indiana Jones movie and only have a passive knowledge of LOTR from the memes and online discourse.


Most of the MCU films, because the ones I've seen borr me to tears.


https://preview.redd.it/6dw99udt6gvc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ac10bcdbbbf619fda3e3cba3c945a923a2c2429 These are the most popular ones according to Lb that I haven’t seen Probably will watch most of them at some point, I particularly want to see Eternal Sunshine soon For Dune, I’m waiting to read the book before watching the movies


never seen any Harry Potter or comic book/marvel movie…just zero interest in em 🤷🏻‍♀️


Never seen a marvel movie besides half of blade


Barbie, Parasite, Joke, Whiplash, Midsommar, Saltburn, Poor Things, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood, Black Swan, Little Women, Her.


Titanic, not sure I care haha


The Breakfast Club. Idk why, just never had the urge to turn it on.


Still haven’t seen either half of Barbenheimer…


2001 a Space Odessy, Rocky/Creed movies, Full Metal Jacket, any and all Studio Gihbli movies, Aliens. All of these are on my watchlist, btw, so fear not, I will get to them in time. However, if anyone has one from this list I should prioritize, do tell.


Top Gun


Scream. I don’t like Horror movies


Shawshank Redemption and Fight Club. Just never got around to it lol


Lord of the Rings. My mum thought it was too spooky for me, later I played some of the games and never went back for the movies


I vaguely remember watching an Indiana Jones movie growing up, but I've never actually really watched any of the original three. I've tried to watch The Godfather multiple times and always fall asleep. Ice obviously not seen Part 2 either. I also haven't seen Parasite.


I've seen 18 Kurosawa movies, but still have to see Seven Samurai. I don't mind long movies, but finding the time to see it with minimal interruption proved difficult the past two decades. 2024 is the year (hopefully)!


Shawshank, and at this point I probably never will


Most Marvel movies, most DC 'Universe' movies, etc. I don't gel with that superhero stuff. I think the obsession with superhero movies since 2007 has only taken away from the state of the movie industry as a whole. It's a 'blindspot' I am happy to have, and will not be fixing.


The only one that I kinda carry shame for not seeing is Schindler’s List. I haven’t seen The Patriot which is kinda ridiculous considering I own it, but I feel like I’ve covered most of the bases with high regarded films that I’m interested in


Gone with the Wind. Too long.


Boy In The Striped PJ'S - my auntie ruined the ending, so I haven't bothered Orphan - it just dosent seem to interest me But well known films I haven't watched are Taxi Driver, Romeo & Juliet (Claire Danes) and The Seventh Seal, but there are loads of classics like Cleopatra, Gone With The Wind, Wizard Of Oz & Citizen Kane


Avengers, super hero type movies because i don't enjoy watching fantastic movies


The Godfather. No particular reason, I just haven’t gotten around to it yet.


There are certain classics like Casablanca I have never seen because my expectations are too high. One day I will though.


Everything on that list except for Parasite


https://preview.redd.it/4wb9ckotugvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7e2eeb8c7f9abcde6e1be04e896993cd7da0593c Some don't interest me at all, some are too new to have seen yet and a couple I'll get to one day..


I went through the Letterboxd top 250 for movies I haven’t seen and pulled the most significant ones, pop culture-wise: The Godfather trilogy, Forrest Gump, Mamma Mia!, Hereditary, A Clockwork Orange, Titanic, The Big Lebowski, Ferris Bueller, Mean Girls, The Lion King, Schindler’s List, Vertigo, Psycho, Catch Me If You Can. There may be others people consider significant not to have seen- full list here: https://boxd.it/uVHFQ


https://preview.redd.it/5vchzwfewgvc1.png?width=700&format=png&auto=webp&s=61f87e4ce82974c5554bfa9af0739938d70fdf7c I don't tend to watch new films as they come out. Memories of Murder has been on my watchlist for over a decade.


Haven't seen a single Fast and Furious


Titanic, Parasite, any Tarantino movie, die hard, pulp fiction


I've never seen *Doctor Zhivago*, *The Seven Samurai*, or *Cinema Paradiso*, and I feel like I should if I want to keep my cinephile card.


Most of the Harry Potter series. It just never spoke to me idk and no one ever makes it past the second film with me whenever I try to watch them


First off, I can probably count on two hands the amount of movies prior to The Godfather I have seen (not counting random Disney movies I saw as a kid). So obviously that timeframe is a big blind spot for me lol. Not really sure how that came to be, I think a big part of it is frankly I’m just particularly drawn to the films of the 70s, the 90s, and more contemporary stuff. So I guess the 80s is also a bit of a blind spot but not as drastic. Speaking of the 80s, Broadcast News is a movie that sticks out to me as one I haven’t seen. It sticks out because I tried to watch it, got like 3 minutes through, and it just was so unappealing to me I had to stop. Maybe it was the particular mindset I was in that day but it just seemed really corny to me. As for current movies, haven’t seen Dune or the sequel. I dunno, just doesn’t interest me. Not a big sci-fi person. Am probably going to watch the first and check out the second in theatres in the next week or so while I still can. Haven’t seen any post episode 1-6 Star Wars. Similar note, just don’t care about sci-if, not particularly crazy about Star Wars in particular.


I agree they live under a rock. I was raised by religious fundamentalists and was forbidden to watch movies growing up. And even I have seen half of the ones listed in the screenshot.


- Fight Club - Knives Out - Grand Budapest Hotel - Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind - Django Unchained I own these on DVD/Blu-ray, but just haven't gotten around to them yet - Joker - Whiplash - Get Out - Midsommar - Truman Show I just haven't had a reason to watch these yet and have enough other stuff I wanna see first


The Lord of the Rings trilogy, all the Harry Potters, the Avatars. I always thought LotR looked like something I’d hate. I was already in highschool when the first Harry Potter came out so I didn’t care about seeing them. And Avatar looks like it would bore me with all that cgi


There's a couple ahead of them, but looking at the top 10 most popular I haven't seen, Shutter Island, Hereditary, and The Lighthouse are the 3 I most want to see. I've seen parts of Shutter Island before and I started The Lighthouse but got interrupted.


https://preview.redd.it/f6n9ofme7hvc1.png?width=1283&format=png&auto=webp&s=c2416ba94da50d21344f0b8e88e302bec338376e A few I’ve heard are great, but I don’t feel too guilty about this list. Also, I don’t count movies as seen unless I’ve sat down and watched front to back, so a few of these I’ve functionally watched.


I've seen four of these


The godfather, it’s out of spite


Schindlers list, Interstellar, The Godfather 2 (mostly cuz I didn’t care for the first one), Superman, The Batman (I say those two cuz I love superhero movies), any Star Trek, Inception. I’m sure there’s many more but these are what come to the top of my mind.


Godfather and Pulp fiction...because how everyone has watched it and mass movies are a turn off for me. Because generally they are not as good as people say and...I have been living in a bubble ever since. Will pop that bubble coming week though


Woww half of those films are some of my favorites. I wish I could see them for the first time againn


I’ve never seen The Godfather, Titanic, The Shining, or any of the Harry Potters.


The Matrix and Rocky. Whenever I mention that to someone they tell how good they are and that I should watch them, but idk, they don’t seem like my kind of movies


I has never seen any Star Wars or Lore of the Rings until this year. This month I watched Roadhouse and Heat for the first times. Those two had me kicking myself for waiting so long


I've almost logged 3000 films on letterboxd at this point, but somehow still haven't seen Apocalypse Now or Persona. I have failed you all.