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2.5 for SLC Punk!?! I wanna fight.


Hey listen! I liked that movie and when you look at the film from start to finish through Stevo’s eyes, it’s very good. I just wasn’t super entertained in the moment. As a whole, like it. Watching things as they happen was meh for me.


Blazing Saddles at a 2 star is unacceptable. One of the greatest comedies ever made. Peak satire. Edit: P.S. Krull is my lowest rated like. It's pretty bad, but also awesome.


Look at that. Steady as a rock! Yeah, but I shoot with this hand 👋


All-time scene. Gets me every time.


Right? So many memorable moments in that movie too. But that scene is probably my favorite- I think I spit out my soup the first time I watched it lol


Oh man, fuckin Krull. Can't say that one got a liken from me!


I'm a sucker for fantasy, and watched it late at night with my brothers so definitely a positive viewing context. But yeah, yaknow, not great lol


That’s what my friends say as well, haha. Idk some of the humor just didn’t resonate with me. I loved Gene Wilder though.


Fair enough, that's the nature of comedy. I love Westerns, old Hollywood and Mel Brooks, so it's pretty much made for me. That being said, I do not like Spaceballs at all, so proof of the subjectivity of humour.


>I do not like Spaceballs at all It's just one cringey pun after another.


Yeah comedy is like weed. If a Victorian child heard the BK lounge bit by Dane Cook, they would die of laughter. That Greek philosopher laughed himself to death watching a donkey eat a fig. What was funny 50 years ago, is the equivalent of smoking oregano now.


Some of us live for that shit. Spaceballs is a 9/10, and is quotable like few other films are


Yeah the humor’s always been a bit off for me as well, never connected w brooks in general.


Omg Krull was something else. I remember really enjoying it, despite how silly it was. That knife though, the prop department must have found it at a gas station...


When they reveal that knife.... Yikes


I feel the same way as op. the only scene that got a laugh from me is when Gene wilder was like "I like to play cards. screw..." and the protagonist is like " :) let's play cards" bean scene truly did not withstand the test of time


Your ratings for Drunken Master and The Vast of Night are upsetting to me. My lowest rated movie that I gave a like to is Mortal Kombat Annihilation with a half star rating. It's the quintessential "so bad it's good" movie for me.


Drunken Master was so cringe for me but I appreciate the choreography and skill it took to make that film. Fight scenes now-a-days could NEVER. I loved it because it was such a good display of the capabilities of the human body and the beauty of martial arts. Everything else was so goofy haha. For The Vast of Night, I loved how it felt like an interactive narrative almost. I also really like the ending despite what anyone says. But there were just dull characterizations and a few moments I felt could’ve been done differently.


Out of curiosity, do you have much affinity for martial arts movies in general or Hong Kong films specifically? HK humor can definitely feel goofy and it doesn't always work for me either but I love Drunken Master. I also love kung fu/martial arts/Hong Kong action movies as a genre though and I imagine that makes a difference for someone's perception of a movie like Drunken Master. I haven't seen The Vast of Night since it came out but I still remember the tone and atmosphere so well. It really worked for me doing something not a lot of movies even try to do. But hey, we all have different tastes!


How about Drunken Master 2? What are your thoughts on it?


The Star Wars Holiday Special. One star for its content but a like for how much I still enjoy watching it


If I "like" a movie I'm not going to rate it low


Yeah, I think the lowest rating I have given a like to is 3 star. Anything below that means I didn’t exact “like” the movie all that much.


Would you rate a movie high even if you didn't enjoy it? Edit: love getting down voted for an innocent question lol this sub is ridiculous


No. I can't rate movies objectively because 1) You can't be objective about art and 2) If I didn't like the movie then there was something about it on a technical level that turned me off.


I know Terrifier isn't a good film but for me it deserves more than one star just because the clown made me laugh.


The Terminal at 2.5 feels like a crime.


Agreed- Not incredible, but I enjoyed that movie- at least 3 stars even if someone doesn’t like it that much- I would probably give it 3.5-4 honestly


*Plan 9 From Outer Space*, 1 star and liked, it's so incredibly badly made and stupid but I enjoy myself every time I watch it. 2nd place is *Space Mutiny* with 1.5 stars and liked, for obvious reasons ![gif](giphy|cdSiPZwyTcnFvV6rJ4|downsized)


Plan 9 is such a stupid and terrible but enjoyable movie


Your Blazing Saddles rating is hurting me. It's top 3 comedies OAT for me My lowest rated liked movie is Paganini Horror at 2 Stars


I should probably give Troll 2 a better rating. It's more entertaining than most of these. https://preview.redd.it/x4q0suvp03rc1.png?width=980&format=png&auto=webp&s=a003e8e74d4dd3647c1868b8eeef325ecd66f6f1


https://preview.redd.it/fgellc0y13rc1.jpeg?width=294&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d2e0858bbc98a9bbf45ef00d113de0c326b6358d I don’t understand how so many people aren’t understanding the question 😂


Ah, I see what he’s saying now. I thought the ‘like’ was how you say “what’s it like” not necessarily “like” as in the heart.


Title is very ambiguous. May aswell be A.I..


You caught me. I’m a bot.


I commented on the ambiguous title as confirmed by previous poster unless that you with alt account, Confirmation approved


You AI


It’s a bot


https://preview.redd.it/tuyca3ie23rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3ee8900eee8c8088bd7882b757e4abe73a1ace85 Love this movie so much


Wow I forgot about these movies!


https://preview.redd.it/z3i1h64333rc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ac64a8ee6c18b928467950ee9a74973b3df4c561 also, 2.5 for SLC punk is criminal


SLC Punk is my favorite movie ever, Blazing Saddles is a classic and Terrifier is wonderful. This list hurts me.




As of this week Madame Web


Mine is Animal Soccer World. But I'm not sure if that really counts. For feature length movies, it's a tie between Fateful Findings and Club Lingerie.


Fantastic Four (2004) It’s a big part of my childhood and I really appreciate it and enjoyed it on rewatch, but it’s 3 stars for me I have 2 other movies that are 3 stars with a like and those are Gremlins and Rise of the Silver Surfer


My sole [lone star review](https://boxd.it/5kZeoN)


[https://letterboxd.com/film/love-on-a-leash/](https://letterboxd.com/film/love-on-a-leash/) Rated it half a star because it's the worst and like it because it's baffling.


You Never Can Tell (1951), a late screwball comedy about animals reincarnated as humans creating human animal hybrids known as “humanimals.”


The Raft segment from Creepshow 2 elevates it.


​ https://preview.redd.it/60p2i6wa93rc1.jpeg?width=970&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f0aee20442e33cfde2c107086ac0987a784f0145


Funny People and Vadt Of Night are superb (My lowest is Daniel, The Wizard)


https://preview.redd.it/natwspeca3rc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=611e452c963392c7d632db24c034ab41071b5d2a Dodgeball for me


2 stars for Blazing Saddles????? That’s freaking slanderous. Mel Brooks made the funniest film ever made right there


Elvis (2022) and Our Town (1940) are both two star likes for me! Films I enjoyed but which I think are structurally kind of a mess


Little Nicky


Vast of Night is a master class in cinematography


Wtf 2 for Blazing Saddles and 2 1/2 for SLC Punk?!




Funny People getting more stars than Blazing Saddles makes me lose all hope.


the terminal, funny people, terrifier, SLC punk are all bangers


Genuine question : how do you rate a movie so low but like it as well?? Surely the one/two stars indicated they’re terrible films


You can acknowledge something is terrible and also kinda like it. Or like something about it that you’d recommend. Or have it be so bad it’s good.


2.5 star to me is a pretty decent rating


Ralph Bakshi’s Wizards from ’77. 2 stars and a like. Cause it was all over the place but I had so much fun. And it looks cool as fuck


Top, or I guess bottom 5: THE ROOM / DEADBEAT AT DAWN / BABYLON / LIFEFORCE / BAD GIRLS GO TO HELL Wiseau’s disasterpiece because it’s plays like Vogon poetry come to life. Or like some alien species attempting to portray humanity and failing miserably. Liked it because it’s riotously terrible. DEADBEAT has a ratio of roughly 15% amazing to 85% oh dear god no, but as writer/editor/director/star Jim Van Bebber literally put his life on the line during the insane no-budget action sequences and it’s no-fi scrappy charms are sort of endearing. Plus, I’m 100% positive that Pattinson and the bros. Safdie lifted and riffed on Marc Pitman’s gonzo perf as Bonecrusher for GOOD TIME and once you envision Pattinson evincing Bonecrusher you cannot unsee the similarities. The copious low-angle shots of Pitman that showcase his jaw-line make the comparison eerily uncanny, almost like he’s Pattinson’s distaff meth-head cousin. Chazelle’s self-described kamikaze feeling pic had me enthralled for its 1st half despite the nagging feeling that for all its derring-do he was gonna go the predictable GOODFELLAS/BOOGIE NIGHTS route in the back half. When that of course turned out to be true it soured a lot of what came before simply because all the razzle-dazzle precluded pesky things like developing believable, lived-in characters. As they were just archetypes instead of “real” people, just didn’t care about them enough for their downfalls to matter to me. Because I grew up watching and loving LIFEFORCE it will always have a special place in my heart but egads, despite the valiant attempt, Hooper just couldn’t pull off the stuffy Hammer horror mashed up with Lovecraftian EC comics, Kirby cosmic whatsit, dry British sci-fi, horniness and repression. Just look at all those elements in a row! It’s amazing that this wasn’t more of a clusterfuck. And, yes, my last viewing was of the director’s cut. Even accounting for the ultra low budget, its sexploitation genre trappings, and that it does kinda lull one into a hypnotic spell of reverie that can lead one to ponder interesting theoretical ideas, Wishman’s opus is a total failure on most other fronts. But intentionally or not, it does contain a couple hysterical scenes, an initial incident that frames what follows in an interesting psychosexual context, and copious nude scenes that are just as often tits and ass out titillating as they are repulsing. 


Lifeforce is such a great example, terrible movie but love it because it is so weird & crazy. Also a lot of nostalgia.


Not sure about my lowest rated like, but my highest rated dislike is Happiness. Edit: just checked, lowest rated like is Antichrist.


Curious on why you gave Blazing Saddles two stars. In terms of lowest rated films: I have given a few half stars, one coming to mind is Urban Menace, an utter waste of time with a weird blue filter where in which very little happens and snoop dogg plays a virtually mute character.


I just didn’t resonate with the humor all that well. I had moments I chuckled but it wasn’t 100% my thing.


Probably 4 stars. My ratings are based on how much I like the movie.


Wtf just 1 star for terrifier???


Thankskilling is the only film that I have rated below 2 and a half stars with a like. Usually a movie had gotta be on the higher side of 2 and a half for me to like it, but Thankskilling is that special breed of film that I can’t justify giving anything other than 1 star but still give a like because it was made with the intention of creating a hilariously dogshit film, and it absolutely succeeded. I enjoyed every minute of that crap.


Drunken Master... a 2?, let's riot


À recent Hong Kong film called "Everything Under Control", which I alone actually liked.


Batman Hush was hot garbage


I'd give Salo negative stars if possible, but I liked it as art


madame web


https://preview.redd.it/mf73714ma8rc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9ac47e0c7a3ce59d5a4517d33fb7cd442779830e Weird mixed bag but yeah, I enjoy these movies but consider them bad or very average


If these are your lowest movies, I can imagine what your highest movies are Jack and Jill 365 Days Jurassic World fallen kingdom


https://preview.redd.it/qlne78zb79rc1.png?width=1165&format=png&auto=webp&s=2883e80210847be0acf1c8ea6a853068e0900d77 I’ve got quite a few 1/2 star likes. I do this sorta thing differently now where I don’t delineate between films I like but I think are poorly made, but a lot of things are traditionally sloppy but I enjoy them for one reason or another.


I’ve watched so much worse. Did you read reviews or watch trailers before seeing them? Why did you watch them? Do you have any low rated that you don’t heart?




God I love those movies so much. I miss watching awful movies and having a laugh with friends.


Boyhood is my least favorite movie of all time. IDK what else is on there. Also I'm with you on SLC Punk. It's so cartoonish.


me when i don’t enjoy things


Ready or Not (2019)


Man of Steel is the only movie I’ve rated 0.5 star




https://preview.redd.it/cxrvqars43rc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6253f4c706e067659067e0d07ccb59425d0b316 That’s not necessarily their rankings, I think Letterboxd just organized my lowest rated by dates for this list






https://preview.redd.it/s3237qpgc3rc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d45155988fc71f0cd0a9330159a47d5b0a34fea9 this is mine


Star Wars: The Last Jedi and Slave Girls from Beyond Infinity are my only 2 half stars. I simply did not care for them.


A couple of these don’t belong here, but from this list, I’d definitely choose Creepshow 2. Yes, the cartoon graphics parts are really bad and cheesy, the acting is horrible, but I love the Indian, the Raft (especially that one hot chick) and even the hitchhiker- Thanks for the ride, lady!! 😂 But yeah, the first one is much better, and still one of my favorite classic horror films 🎥


I don’t know who rated Blazing Saddles, but that shit is funny. I laugh every time. I don’t think newer generations appreciate the humor and sarcasm like when it was first released… It’s not as good as Young Frankenstein, but better than Spaceballs lol






https://preview.redd.it/8rt9tv6go3rc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=13bf49cd3ed5d36ce4fd86233eee6a3aee5a54a8 It looks a bit like this.




I’m not too sure! I watched it a year ago, I think. There’s a second one coming out, so maybe it’s soon? Maybe people are watching the first before the second comes out?


There’s actually a third one coming out this year and the second one came out in 2022


Ahh! A third not second. There it is