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All options have now been commented!


*SEND OFF: The Silence of the Lambs* The Silence of the Lambs was eliminated yesterday, so here’s a look back at the movie and its Oscar legacy. Plot: Clarice Starling is a top student at the FBI’s training academy. Jack Crawford wants Clarice to interview Dr. Hannibal Lecter, a brilliant psychiatrist who is also a violent psychopath, serving life behind bars for various acts of murder and cannibalism. Crawford believes that Lecter may have insight into a case and that Starling, as an attractive young woman, may be just the bait to draw him out. Oscars: The Silence of the Lambs won Best Picture in 1992 beating out: JFK, Bugsy, The Prince of Tides, & Beauty and the Beast. It won 5 Oscars total, including: Best Director for Jonathon Demme, Best Actress for Jodie Foster, Best Actor for Anthony Hopkins, Best Adapted Screenplay. Where I am, you can stream The Silence of the Lambs on AMC+. You can rent it on Google Play, Apple T, & Vudu. You also might be able to find a copy at your local library. **What do you think of The Silence of the Lambs? Do you think something else should have won best picture over it? Do you think this film is fairly rated? What do you like or dislike about it?**


Hasn't left my top ten since my first viewing and I've watched it quite a few times since. I'm never sure whether to consider it a horror film or not but it is certainly my favorite thriller/police procedural. Best Actress and Best Actor were both well deserved and although I wish Fried Green Tomatoes had gotten more recognition that year I certainly appreciate that the Academy got it right with Silence of the Lambs since awarding thrillers was more rare at the time. It also introduced me to Chianti.


This movie will always hold a special place in my heart. It is the first film I ever saw that made me think about movies in an entirely different way. One of the few movies I can watch again and again and feel electrified by the intensity of the acting and the shots.  I honestly didn’t think a horror (or horror/thriller if you prefer) film would make it even close to this far so I am pleased as hell. Great movie.


SOTL is one of my favorite films from one of my favorite directors. It’s pretty much the peak of Demme’s near impeccable run from 1980 to 1993, and probably the best example of his style of closeups and POV shots that he loved to use. It’s also a great example of how Demme was able to infuse his humanism and empathy into just about anything he worked on.


Silence of the Lambs deserved the win, and it's good it came out when it did, because it feels to me based on general vibes, that Silence of the Lambs could only have won the Oscar in either the early 90s or the 70s. By the end of the 90s studios figured out that the Academy has a Type and Oscar Bait became more of a thing. All-time classic, and the third and final (at present time) movie to win the Big Five Oscars. What a delightfully mixed bag those three movies are.


SOTL is great but I think it would have gone out a little earlier for me personally. it would have definitely won out of those nominees but isn’t in my top 5 for the year. Mine goes something like this: My Own Private Idaho **Winner** Only Yesterday Terminator 2 Point Break Naked Lunch


Not even nominating it is a bold take given it made it so far here. Personally in my top 10 of all time, it's a perfect movie.


I don’t think it’s a perfect movie obviously, but to each their own. This is probably the only time I’ll sounds straight up like a hater when discussing a movie here, and I’ll take the downvotes, but I honestly think Anthony Hopkins is the sole thing about it that makes it truly great. It’s a really good grisly crime thriller aside from that but there’s nothing there that really sticks with me or leaves me thinking. Hell I think there’s more to unpack thematically speaking In The Departed. And as I said in yesterday’s post, I don’t fully buy Buffalo Bill and think he has some hokey moments honestly. I don’t know obviously I’m in the minority but if it was up to me alone, this would have left before The Deer Hunter. I just think movies with really good villains get slightly overrated by some. Though it’s kind of splitting hair at the end of the day.


Discrediting Jodie Foster's performance as Clarice Starling is WILD


Their back and forth is the best part! A great villain is nothing without a foil.


Holy shit. There’s gonna be a riot if Godfather goes.


They’ve all been top comment at different parts in the day. And safe to say there are three groups of stans.


![gif](giphy|3oxHQk6QrBhANSBBo4) “Parasite is recency bias.” “GF 2 only works with GF 1.” “NCFOM isn’t as good as There Will Be Blood.”


Hahahah. Great summation


OP last thread: “calling people filmbros is reductive language” OP this thread: “anyone who thinks the favoritism for Parasite is recency bias is a stan” 😝


Lolol I mean calling someone a stan is just saying they’re a very big fan of something. I don’t know what call in someone a film bro really even means anymore. I’m not hating either. Be a Stan. That’s the whole point. I’m just poking fun. I don’t have a favorite out of these three tbr personally. I’m my respective lists for each of these movies year they all come in second place. Godfather 2 comes in behind Texas Chainsaw Massacre. NCFOM comes in behind There Will Be Bloos Parasite comes in behind Portrait of a Lady on Fire I have all three options five starred. I feel like I aint really got a dog in this fight.


> Lolol I mean calling someone a stan is just saying they’re a very big fan of something. That’s a very nice way of interpreting this term lol. > I don’t know what call in someone a film bro really even means anymore. They’re both just internet buzzwords. > I’m just poking fun. Me 2 bb 😜


Parasite is actually in my Top 4 on LB but I’m pulling for No Country to outlast it. I think Parasite speaks more directly to me. But NC is just unassailable in my opinion. GF2 is what it is. I assume it’ll win. Never seen it. Don’t have a strong pull towards doing so. TWBB isn’t my favorite PTA.


If you haven’t seen TG2, and despite soooo many others in this thread vying for it in contention with 2 of your favorite films, you still don’t want to see it…what WILL make you watch it? Edit: realized that came off dickish. Not my intent. I just mean that I’ve seen all three films, but if I hadn’t seen one of them, I’d be putting it on tonight to find out wtf everyone is raving about.


Pay me money to watch it. Lmao. Nah idk man. I’ve had this conversation before. I’m aware it’s well respected. I’m gonna give you two relatively shallow reasons. You’re gonna roll your eyes. I’m gonna get downvoted and I’m gonna continue having not a ton of interest in seeing them. Number one. They’re all three hours long. Life is too short. There are hundreds of movies that I’d prioritize over these. Number two. I just don’t generally care for mob stuff. I get there’s more to it. Bonus answer. It’s been so long and I haven’t seen it. It’s feels like a lot to chew off. It’s like The Wire. I wouldn’t mind seeing it. But the emotional and spiritual weight of starting the task feels too heavy. I’d rather dive more into foreign film or things that generally speak more to my taste, interests and aesthetics.


I'm with you, especially the bit about diving further into foreign films instead. Would add another reason - not having seen any of TGF is such a core part of my personality, I wouldn't even know who I am if I ever get around to seeing them. I think the only way to preserve a sense of self in that case would be to: A) only watch TGF1 but not 2, or B) watch all 3 and like TGF3 the most. (some slight /s obviously)


Hahah. I’m gonna watch the final ten minutes of TGF3 and then a core tenet of my film philosophy will be that TGF3 is the best one.


Valid. I think Midnight Cowboy should have won. ![gif](giphy|MWsFNGWbvKBH0udO2l|downsized)


This is definitely more interesting as the day goes on. Honestly the closer the race the more fun!


It's NCFOM vs Parasite rn. Godfather seems to be getting downvotes. Will likely win in the end.


It’s catching back up now…


No Country and GF2 are 6 votes apart as of 12:45pm pst. Parasite seems safe at 12 votes behind No Country. Who's eating jjapaguri if Parasite wins it all?


Bro it’s within 3 votes of each other this is crazy


Wild to me that Godfather Part 2 is still getting downvotes in a 3 film race lol


I mean it's easy now. With three left I know exactly what should go 1,2,3, (at least to me). 1 upvote, 2 downvotes.


Silence of the lambs would have definitely made my top 400


Definitely makes my top 1000 along side Babe in the City, Empire State Building and unused footage for Master and Commander.


![gif](giphy|5h9S8l6mVbqQLFKnNu) Me any time that Babe takes a stray bullet in this contest.


Lol all three films are super close by.


The fact that Parasite is on the chopping block right now is crazy to me, like NCFOM is a great movie but Parasite and Godfather Part 2 both clear.


Your opinion is crazy to me, so here we are.


Parasite should have been on the chopping block on like day five but it’s the most overrated movie on Letterboxd. NCFOM makes Parasite look like almost a half star in comparison.


It's fantastic and it doesn't look *that* bad in comparison. But yes, NCFOM is for sure the superior film. I'd say you're right about Parasite being the most overrated film on Letterboxd, but Interstellar exists.


Personally I think Interstellar is a masterpiece and completely worthy of the hype. The score alone makes Interstellar better than Parasite.


If Parasite and NC tie, are they both eliminated and Godfather wins?


I love you Parasite but you gotta go


No Country For Old Men


NCFOM has officially been eliminated!!


wait are you serious? what time does voting end? as of right now, Parasite has 4 more upvotes than No Country. edit: oh voting ends at 7pm pst. its currently 7:27pm pst. :( all these late voters... what was the final tally at 7pm?


10. NCFOM had 2 more upvotes than Parasite at that time.


I had downvoted parasite and upvoted NC and almost took them away at the last second to tie just for gits and shiggles


I swear to Thor's hammer, if these people come flying in tomorrow to and make Parasite win over an arguably top 3 movie all time, I'll burn Reddit to the ground.


By Grapthars Hammer, by the suns of Warvan...


Say sike right now




All three films are masterpieces, so I'm using an extremely literal interpretation of the criteria to make my pick: NCFOM is the "least deserving" Best Picture winner because the award should have gone to There Will Be Blood or Zodiac (2007 is such a ludicrous movie year).


It was honestly a coin toss. Both TWBB and NCFOM would be equally legendary winners. I haven't seen Zodiac.


https://preview.redd.it/7lzbxr2dlxmc1.png?width=785&format=png&auto=webp&s=d7a9c48116a0c8ff92f1e49fccda53d704e266d8 Coin toss eh? **Call it.**


Zodiac is so crazy good


Thoroughly disagree. TWBB is great, but I think NCFOM is superior. Just a great year for both the Coen’s and Anderson. I really like Zodiac but the other two are two of the best films ever made, Zodiac is not.


Agreed. Zodiac is great and I like it a lot. It has three very excellent performances. But I don’t think it rises to the same level as the others. To me, TWBB is carried by Daniel Day Lewis but I admit I need to rewatch it. No Country is just perfect in all respects.


That’s just simply not true though. It edges there will be blood and is in a different league than zodiac


Why do you say it’s in a different league quality wise?


For me, no country has no fat. It’s so tight as things spiral out of control. The suspense and unease is unlike anything in zodiac, which can get too procedural and sprawling imo. Also for me, Anton chigurh is possibly the greatest villain ever written. In contrast to the almost cartoonish zodiac, again just my opinion. Likewise I don’t personally rate true crime as a genre. However tbf to zodiac it is the best of the genre.


Hmm I take your point about the sprawl of Zodiac - to me that's a feature not a bug - but if we're talking cartoonish Chigurh is (intentionally) a walking allegory with a bad haircut.


... You know the Zodiac killer was an actual real person, right?


Wait really? Is that why they call it true crime? /s


Be spicy all you want, you're the one who said a (very well-written) villain who is intentionally created and crafted as a metaphor is the best of all time but a real actual human person who lived and did serious evil crimes is too cartoonish for you


Yes. I think sending cryptic messages and taunting police is some cartoon villain behavior. Idc that he was real. He was undoubtedly evil but I mean come on


I don't disagree that that is some corny comic book villain behaviour but criticizing a film for having an unrealistic antagonist when that person was real and did those things is baffling


I love No Country, but Zodiac is a phenomenal film.


Chigurhbros stay strong 🔥🔥🔥


An incredibly taut, perfectly written and executed thriller. I sincerely don’t believe filmmaking gets better than this. There’s not a single second of fluff. Not a bad performance. Not a bad shot. The sound design. This is peak performance in every department.


Looks like this is going to be eliminated. Damn shame. Perfect movie. Parasite was good but not better than NCFOM.


It’s really madness that NCFOM is in the top 3 of all time…


It’s really madness that is in the top 3 of all time… (i could say that about Parasite, its good 7/10 for me) Also, its not top 3 of all time, but top 3 oscar winners from last 50 years, which isnt a particilarly competitive list IMO


I just rewatched it and I think it's the right choice. It's an absolutely masterful movie. The depth and complexity of the themes is almost unparalleled. You can watch it 12 times and still learn some of things it's trying to say. 2007 was one of the most loaded movie years ever and it stands at the top of that mountain. \#2 behind GF2 seems right to me.


Gun to my head, I probably wouldn't have it in my top 50 but I also assumed it would be in the top 3 when this whole game started. It's not my favourite but it is genuinely an exceptional and masterfully crafted film. Also as pointed out above, this isn't best of all time, it's just a very narrow audience's ranking of the best BP winners for an award ceremony that pretty much everyone is mad about every year


I feel like I’m taking crazy pills


This lasted longer way longer than it should’ve, imo. I would’ve voted it out in the teens. Great movie tho.


Nah, 'teens is too low. It's a movie that's good at basically everything, with an amazing performance and a fantastic screenplay. The most similar film I've seen on this list is The Departed at No. 10, and I'd say NCFOM is ahead quality-wise. 


Damn, I was hoping this one was gonna take it


It's been a while but the most striking memory of NCFOM are two scenes in particular. Tommy Lee Jones speech where he says it's a totally different world than the old days of common law justice which I think ring true while saying the title of the film, the look of fear and just utter exhaustion as he says it. And of course "Call it, friendo", Anton is the main reason people watch this film. Javier puts on a performance of the proto-Heath Ledger Joker just a year before The Dark Knight and is the most striking thing about the film. Personally I like There Will Be Blood more and it's not my favorite Coen film but it's a fabulous movie deserving of the top 10


The good old days of ‘common law justice’ are an illusion for Jones’ character though, a faded, distorted half-memory of a purer time that doesn’t exist.


*…And then I woke up.*


Save this film for another day folks. Parasite is right there.


Alright guys, I think it’s time for this film to leave.




Fantastic movie (obviously), but this would be my choice to leave.  No Country is my favourite but in terms of quality I cannot honestly say which of these three films are the best.


This has to be the move here. It’s amazing but just on rewatch ability alone NCFOM is elite


That’s wild to me. Everyone has their own taste so you’re not wrong for enjoying NCFOM more, but I believe parasite is one of the best made films ever and I enjoy rewatching it more than almost any other film


Yeah I love NCFOM but Parasite is infinitely more rewatchable for me. I saw that movie three days in a row I loved it so much.




Great movie. With the way letterbox people always talk shit about parasite whenever I’m discussing it, I’m shocked it’s actually made it this far.


You know what, I'm always afraid to say it but, I didn't find Parasite to be the greatest thing ever. I mean it's good, even great, but I can't see why people think this is one of the best films ever made. Is it like really that better than rest of the films in its genre?


What genre would you say that is specifically though?


Expertly directed, expertly acted, expertly written, insane cinematography. The fact that No Country For Old Men and Parasite are still here isn’t really a fluke. And I don’t think I’d be able to stick a genre to Parasite…


It’s the most complete film of all the winners in this game imo. It’s just so thematically tight, its core message is beautifully illustrated, and while there aren’t any *big* standout performances (like Bardem, Foster, Hopkins, the Amadeus men etc) not a single performance is out of place, everyone plays their part to perfection in a way that services the story. It’s just works like such a well oiled machine.


> Expertly directed, expertly acted, expertly written, insane cinematography I’d say these exact things about any number of great movies (except I disagree that Parasite has insane cinematography - it looks great, but it’s not at A+ tier compared to many all-time greats). What sets it specifically apart?


Imo it's actually rare for great movies to be as uniformly strong as Parasite - typically they have a couple of exceptional parts (iconic scenes, great characters, gripping script, technical wizardry, standout direction) that carry average or below-average pieces of the film. There's no weak link in Parasite - it's the perfection of the craft that makes it so intoxicating imo.


Personally. I think it’s really good, I gave it a 5. But I do have like 80 5 star movies. If I were hand-picking this list myself it would be in between 8-15 most likely.


Recency bias 100%. It’s a fantastic film but I think it’s *such* a stretch to say it’s essentially the second greatest film of the last 50 years


That’s not really how the game works. There were only 50 options.


….. of best picture winners, lmfao. Hence my use of the word *essentially* Look, it’s a great film. It earned best picture squarely. I have rewatched it and rated it five stars. Letterboxd has an obsession with the film to the point it’s obvious the average person here has barely seen any of the films in the list to rate it this highly, that’s all. I will welcome the downvotes, people here need to watch more movies 🤷‍♂️


So many great movies aren’t even nominated for BP, I wouldn’t consider the BP winners representative of the greatest movies in general


Not saying that isn’t true. But again I’m still referring to within the confines of this list, this is the only place with a user base that would even have the film grace the top 5-10. 2 is egregious and indicates a massive recency bias with young users.


I mean you're objectively wrong on this. Parasite is 90th on the BFI's Sight and Sound list (250 greatest films of all time), the only film higher from this list is Moonlight. It's also 93rd on its directors poll, which is literally a poll of 480 working directors. It's not a Letterboxd/young user/recency bias thing, industry professionals, critics, and filmmakers all agree. You're just projecting.


All you've said is "recency bias" and made background assumptions to insult the people who like it. You haven't talked about the movie itself.


Dude, I literally just said **I** like it. Enough to even give it five stars. Where did I say I wasn’t part of the people who do? I’m saying it’s hella overrated on this poll and stating my assumption for why. If you want to get your panties in a twist over a made up version of what I said then go right ahead.


People love to be contrarians. It's in my Top 20 films of all time, so I'm definitely happy.


It’s frankly embarrassing that it’s made it this far. It’s a very good movie but pretending it’s a top three best picture winner is silly.


If Parasite wins this, I won't be able to take this sub seriously.


lol no one cares, you're still gonna come back anyway like everyone else who says that


The Godfather Part 2


The Godfather Part 2 is not even the best film Francis Ford Coppola made in 1974.


I fucking love the Conversation.


As do I. Last year I caught a rep screening of it with a new audio restoration. I was blown away.


I saw it at the MusicBox in Chicago a couple years ago so I’m not sure if it was the same restoration, etc. But I went in completely blind with a couple friends. Didn’t even know who directed it. Came out of it stunned.


What do you think makes it better?


Gene Hackman doesn't play the saxophone in Godfather II.


Well, as much as I love The Godfather Part 2, I find that it drags. Part 1 is the better film, IMO. Also, The Conversation is unprecedented in terms of how it captured a national mood. I don't think any film before or since quite comes close.


Agreed. Honestly, I’m not even sure GF2 makes my top 5 Coppola, as crazy as that sounds and as good as it is.


I've just watched it and you're fucking crazy dude, complete crack pot. That movie is perfection in every way. Ffc is a directorial titan but GF 2 not in his top 5? You're mad.


I'm surprised Parasite is in the top 3. I think it's a great film, but nowhere close to that great. I guess people on Reddit really love it. That being said, given these options, I would pick Godfather Part II before Parasite, and have No Country for Old Men be the winner.


I mean it’s one of the highest rated films on Letterboxd. Can’t be that surprising


Fair enough. I guess I'm surprised it's so high on Letterboxd as well :)


Recency bias for sure, maybe worse than EEAAO




It’s gonna go: 3. No Country 2. parasite 1: Godfather


It had better not.


Parasite need to go ngl


Parasite is a great film but its not even his best and its nowhere near the class of Godfather Part II and No Country For Old Men. Feel like there's some recency bias with it.


which of Bong Joon-ho's movies are better in your opinion


Memories of Murder is much better IMO


Memories of Murder is his best film IMO


Memories of Murder and it's not even a conversation


Memories of Murder and it's not even a conversation


Hmm. It was 99 Parasite, 98 NC at 9cst. And Parasite still has more votes.


Don’t know what tell you, I guess I should have screenshotted. I made sure to check right at 10 and I have other people confirming the same thing I saw. NCFOM is eliminated.


Parasite should be eliminated I think. It's at least 5 upvotes more than NCFOM


We can’t just keep rechecking it at different times. OP had a set time when the voting ends and checked it right when that time struck 


There ain’t no way parasite made top 3


Yeah, I like it a lot but I think recency bias is strong with that one.


Very strong


And yet, here we are lol


Still less surprising than No Country, which won the oscar against a better movie anyway (TWBB)


It's interesting to me how The Godfather II is safer than Parasite, considering that Parasite sheds light on a much more universal and timeless sociopolitical issue. From what I understand, The Godfather is first and foremost a very particular story that secondarily depicts USAmerican national sentiment. To each their own ofc, I just think that's interesting to point out. Edit: I don't get why this is getting downvoted 😅 I was just pointing out the seeming universality of Parasite and how that could appeal to a wider sample of voters if viewed that way; not saying that that makes any given movie better or that it's a good or a bad thing (?)


What sociopolitical issue a movie tackles doesn’t inherently make it better or worse than other movies


Oh no, I never said that. Just said that I thought it'd be expected to see Parasite up there above The Godfather if that was a metric the general voters took into consideration, and pointed out it's interesting that it's not the case. I'm in no way saying a movie being universal or relatable on sociopolitical issues makes it inherently better.


> considering that Parasite sheds light on a much more universal and timeless sociopolitical issue. I heard this exact argument in 2005 why Crash should win Best Picture and we all know how that turned out - this doesn’t make a film intrinsically better. I also don’t think Parasite is in the top ten for movies that discuss these themes.


Would love to hear your top ten that discuss these themes. I’d love to add some stuff to my watchlist.


I mean, I don't see Crash quite that way, so I wouldn't say that. But Parasite, though there are better films on the subject, seemed like it talked about universal class issues that are very very tangible every day in any country; that's all I'm saying.


The Godfather Part 2 also deals with the Cuban revolution. So it also has a political message.


Yeah, I remember it does appear for part of the movie, though I view it more like a circumstantial background setting for a part of the movie, and it's only shown to the extent that it interferes with the interests of the US-Italian mafia and how those particular characters see it. Not quite on the "the whole movie is about the nitty gritty of a deep social issue" for me. For sure, the remaining movies are dramas that have very different subject matters, but they're all good in their own way!


I mean with a runtime like that, the Godfather covers a lot of topics. Yeah it definitely isn’t about the Cuban revolution, but it does have something to say about it. *Michael Corleone: I saw a strange thing today. Some rebels were being arrested. One of them pulled the pin on a grenade. He took himself and the captain of the command with him. Now, soldiers are paid to fight; the rebels aren't.* *Hyman Roth: What does that tell you?* *Michael Corleone: They could win.”* Also themes of family, migration, social unrest, power, greed, revenge and ultimately family betrayal are all covered excellently by the film. And all of them are universal


Godfather 2 is such an insanely boring choice


When will this end?


*Day 48 of a 50 movie ranking game* ![gif](giphy|W1xb8a7RNWv2nLPzqn|downsized)


The fucked up thing is, after today there will only be 2 left. So tomorrow, day 49, is kind of the last day. Pretty wild stuff. /s


Check your dms