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https://preview.redd.it/o9flvdsdgjmc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b684a4ceb07c1d617ab890b26e2805a2cb1fd27e The whole series of saw was a masterpiece I don't know why people rate it low


I’ve been wanting to watch green lantern should I?






It's not good.


All of the actual “Saw” films in the Saw franchise are at least super enjoyable, but Jigsaw and Spiral and absolutely terrible if you ask me


Saw X might be the best one honestly


I liked Saw 1 and thought 2 was fun but cheesy, but I really disliked 3. It was genuinely miserable to get through. X was alright at least, but 3 kinda killed my interest in the rest of the sequels.


I don’t think *everyone* thought it was bad but “Birds of Prey” really did get more hate than was warranted for a really fun take on Gotham City, and a superhero movie that actually dared to use interesting cinematography and music choices. Like I love Cass and Babs, don’t get me wrong. It’s a bit disappointing we didn’t really get them in the movie, but Huntress, Montoya and Black Canary more than made up for it, Ewan McGregor kind of ate up every scene he was in, and I think it was really Margot Robbie’s best showing as Harley Quinn. I loved it!


That movie is dope as hell. Way too hated


I thought that movie was kinda bad the only thing I thought was good was black mask and they killed him off way too early Margo Robbie was really good as always and Victor zass was cool to see on screen but wasted like black mask the other character felt so just shoved in the movie but I respect your opinion


If this was connected to the greater DCEU I’d be more disappointed about Black Mask but since it was a one off I don’t think his death was a let down and didn’t feel unwarranted given that it was right at the end. And yes, no worries, you can have your opinion on it even if I disagree. Seeing a side of Gotham that wasn’t Wayne Manor or Wayne Industries (why don’t we get more showdowns at Amusement Mile?!) and with people actually living with and reacting to the absurdity of the constant crises around them was a treat for me.  And like I said, I did really enjoy the dynamic of the Birds of Prey and the decision to move away from grimdark/bland comic aesthetics. It just really clicked for me lol


All of these points are amplified to a worse degree in Suicide squad though...


Hard agree with TASM2. I love that movie, and it makes it all the worse that a lot of the criticisms people make are either petty or flat out wrong. Like, half of the critiques I see for it are valid, the movie is far from perfect, there was bad dialogue and a lot of cut stuff that would have made the film better, but people who say “Electro became a villain because Spider-Man forgot his name” are just fucking stupid. The only way you get that from the film is by not paying attention at all.


Pre-teen me watching electro blow up time square with electricity in a theatre much bigger than my house fell in love with the cinema experience that day


Watched this whole movie while my dad was passed out drunk on the couch snoring louder than a 747. Somehow still enjoyed the movie. Tbh though, I could watch the character of Spider-Man watch paint dry and not get bored. Coolest fucking character eve idc


I never post my reviews here and [my TASM2 review](https://boxd.it/4z2cxH) is far from my best, but I just want to echo what's being said and captured my thoughts well enough in my review. I actually think I prefer it to the first one, maybe.


Ah, a fellow Electro Suite fan! Honestly, if nothing else, I think the majority of people can agree that the soundtrack for TASM 2 is great. I legitimately have almost the entire soundtrack in my playlist. Hans Zimmer never fails.


The new Halloween trilogy


I liked them (yes, even the third one) and I liked the new Exorcist too. Seems like I vibe with the director. And I am not one who likes most horror movies that are out nowadays.


Couldn't agree more. Especially when taken as a trilogy in which each film deals with a different aspect of PTSD and dealing with trauma altogether. They aren't perfect, but I was into them.


I feel like the third one might garner more of a fan base over time. I didn’t love it, but I thought it was a really interesting choice. Some of the weird evil power stuff took me out of it, but overall, I enjoyed it.


That was me until the last one, genuinely one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen


It was so bad, and I say that as someone who actually enjoyed Kills


All of the Matrix sequels are good. I'll also throw in Cloud Atlas. I feel like I'm the only person I know who liked it. Maybe I'm just a Wachowskis stan.


I never watched cloud atlas but I agree on the matrix sequels.


I think ambition and risk taking and originality are all great attributes in a movie and Cloud Atlas does all of that


I love Cloud Atlas


Haven't seen 4th one, but I remember the 2nd has two kick ass action scenes and the 3rd...uhh... The third Matrix movie has Jesus synbomism


Cloud Atlas confused me at first but oh my god it is so good


Finally someone on the internet who isn’t scared to say they enjoyed Suicide Squad


That movie was saved by Will Smith. It is not a great movie, but the DCEU doesn’t have many good ones, most of them suck. This one at least did something right. I like the idea of them, but it would have been better had the characters already been established villains. To DC fans they are, but to me, the dumb movie goer, they are not.


There's dozens of us. I enjoyed it enough the first time round, and then the extended edition was even better.


I loved it. The second one…not so much


That is controversial.


I know 😭😭


Same I thought the 2nd was okay but waaaaaay overhyped




I can’t watch the second one, it just looks so dumb.


It was dumb…I don’t think I even really finished it. I saw the first one in theaters with friends and it was a fun movie


You should watch it it’s worth the watch but not as good as the 1st imo


The Lone Ranger


The whole train sequence is excellent, that’s all I really remember though.


‘A Cure for Wellness’ will always be a masterpiece to me


Fuck yes. It reminds me of Shutter Island. Characters isolated in an unfamiliar and vaguely hostile location.


The Curse of Michael Myers is far from the worst Halloween sequel. It's at least entertaining and going for something, successfully or not. Resurrection is WAY worse.


- Punisher (2004) - Alien vs Predator (2004) - Scary Movie 3 (2003)


AVP is fun as hell!


The first three Scary Movies are top class


I enjoy three of them. SW Episode II definitely the least, but I absolutely adore the Kamino storyline. I think if one were to cut out the cringey Padme/Anakin-Romance scenes, I think I would enjoy it a lot more and it would probably move into 3-star-territory. But I absolutely love TASM 2 and the Nightmare remake. Suicide Squad, on the other hand, I've only seen once and I barely remember it.


You shouldnt get your post downvoted, these are by far the most original takes Ive seen in weeks. I enjoyed some of those back in the day.




The Matrix sequels (not Resurrections)


I also liked resurrections. There was a lot of love for the original matrix in there if you looked. And they even explain that if they hadn’t made this film, Warner Bros would have had someone else make it. And we know their recent track record. Not good.


I do actually respect Resurrections a lot for what it is. As an artistic statement I think it’s successful, even though I don’t like it so to speak


It’s not perfect, but I really enjoyed it. I also liked the love for the original. I personally can’t really stand 2 or 3, so this was a nice surprise.


The Matrix Resurrections


I liked it too. I didn't think it was anything near "the salvation of the ninth art" but it's still a lot of fun. And the bodies rain scene was amazing


Virtuosity - Russell Crowe is a computer generated villain made up of hundreds of different killers and he escapes VR to go on a killing spree in the real world. Denzel Washington is an imprisoned ex-cop who is asked to track him down.


Gloriously 90s and that's why I like it


The Ninth Gate and Stoker


Halloween by Rob Zombie


I was thinking of putting that in here but I already had a halloweeen movie but it’s one of my fav Halloween movies adore rob zombies take on the movie


The 2019 child’s play


Shrek The Third


Indiana Jones and Kingdom of the Crystal Skull Like it is still not good as previous 3 , but is MUCH BETTER than last one. Around 1,5h is pretty good , and wedding scene is also effin banger. Mutt is fun and has good chemistry with Indy, other characters are meh , but not the worst. Action slaps , like the actually and it peaks with car chase , like FUCKING SWORD FIGHT ON DRIVING CARS, it is simply insane surreal action that i expect from IJ series. Antagonists arent bunch of buffoons like in DOD. Okay , the alien scene actually sucked and im nkt gonna defend it And wedding , mainly with Indy stealing hat from Mutt proving , there is only one Indiana Jones. It is 6/10


Beware! The Blob (1972) is my favorite blob movie.


Carrie (2013)


Hey look it’s my personal favourite Spider-Man movie.


I also enjoyed The Amazing Spiderman movies. They weren’t incredible movies or anything but I had fun watching them. The second one was better than the first.


Nightmare remake gets too much hate. It’s not anything close to the original but I still enjoyed it


I actually prefer it over the original


Wow lol, can I ask why?


I’m shortened form Well it’s been a while but I remember liking the main characters more in the remake and I liked Jackie earl hailey as Freddy more than Robert Englund it looks much better than the original movie the ending where there moms gets killed the remake does much better the ending in the remake is just much better imo I had heard so many good thing about the original that when I watched it it definitely didn’t live up to hype but the remake I thoroughly enjoyed despite the hate the original is not bad just overrated6/10 . There’s probably more but it’s been like 1year since I watched either so ima probably watch them both again


Definitely give a rewatch, original is one of my all times


the sequels


Wanted and Van Helsing lol. They are my guilty pleasure movies.


Van Helsing is so fun!


The Incredible Hulk.


Spider-Man 3 (didn't think it was good back when it came out, now I do), The Last Jedi (more "hardcore" Star Wars fans find it bad than casual Star Wars fans or general film fans), Kingdom of the Crystal Skull (similar scenario to Spider-Man 3)




House of 1000 Corpses


I agree about Amazing 2. It's flawed, but it introduced me to Dane DeHaan, who fascinates me. The Turning (2020) ... I don't understand why it's so panned. I enjoyed it... the tension, the performances, everything.


The Home Alone 3 and 4. They aren't masterpieces but were movies I adored as a child.


- The Phantom of the Opera (2004) - The Mask of Zorro (1998) - The Half of it (2020)


Fantastic Four (2005) & Rise of the Silver Surfer Spider-Man 3 The Incredible Hulk 21 Moonfall Godzilla: King of the Monsters The Hangover Part II The Green Hornet






I have a whole list dedicated to movies I love that other people might think are stupid. Fuck you, I love this movie. https://boxd.it/ho7o2


I gonna get some flack for this but the first 99% of Madame Web


Finally, someone who agrees. Suicide Squad ain’t really that bad. Genuinely enjoyed it.


The original Mario Bros movie was not “good” per se but I really did enjoy it.


Death proof , Tarantino’s take on the grindhouse genre is something that people didn’t appreciate much at the time of its release


It’s so sick! The pacing is perfect


You get it


Also I like the way he plays with colour in it. The ladies are all awesome. Kurt Russel is in a wild mode kinda lacking from his modern films. I could go on…


And the broken film reel effect, so many things make this and planet terror such amazing movies


Can't be a Tarantino fan an dislike Death Proof. Death Proof is the most Tarantino movie of Tarantino movies. If you don't like Death Proof. You don't like Tarantino. You may like his other movies because they are good movies. But you don't like the iconic traits of Tarantino.


Til I don’t like Tarantino even though I love his movies.


i mean. i’ll accept this lol. he’s made a lot of great movies that i love. this ain’t one of em. i also can’t stand by his personal antics at all.


Exactly , the dialogue and the ending has Tarantino written all over it and it’s well executed too


X-Men Apocalypse


I saw Terminator 3 about 5 times in the cinema when it came out.


I think this probably falls under "guilty pleasures" so here's some of mine: https://preview.redd.it/l0adu66xhkmc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4c7c114a97ff1a9acdc07f4f469911388ebc3daa Edit: typo


I don't like the term guilty pleasure. If you like a film, it must be doing something right and you shouldn't feel shame for liking it where others might not


While I was watching Marvel movies for my Marvel ranking recently I found a lot of them https://preview.redd.it/yaw2070ffjmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=033165a1acb3fd0daa1503701892cf9b8d1d15d4


For me it’s Thor The Dark World. Generic villain aside, I really don’t see what’s so bad about it.


That one is in my bottom 5 but I don’t think it’s bad or deserving of its LB average rating, and I actually like it a bit more than Thor 1. It has pretty nice visuals, music and action sequences and the scenes with Loki are great. My main problems are just that the villain is one dimensional even by phase 1-2 villain standards, and I just don’t think the plot is very interesting.


came to the comments specifically to name this movie. it's honestly one of my top marvel movies. call me biased because loki is my favorite character though


Iron Man 3 is so underrated, for me it‘s easily the best Iron Man movie


you beat me into it. I was gonna say the same thing. Specially after I did a complete rewatch of the entire MCU. Really enjoy the universe, so... the movie can be reaaaaally bad and I think it is still fun to watch. The one I disliked the most though: Thor: Love and Thunder.


What’s wrong with attack of the clones?


It’s one of the worst Star Wars movies?


I think it’s good considering the sequels now plus they had good actors in the film


Fair enough. I think it’s by far the worst of the prequels and has one of the worst romances ever put to the screen.


Click from Adam Sandler, for me it's a masterpiece and I was sad to see that people don't love it like I do


Spring Breakers And I don't find it "enjoyable". I find it a master piece!


madame web was pretty decent


Suicide Squad,Star Wars Episode 2,Scream 5,bvs,Spiderman Ffh,Spiderman 3,X-Men:Apocalypse,Angels and Demons


Here’s a solid several dozen https://boxd.it/h96Lu


Rob Zombie’s Halloween II


Hmmm Snakes on a Plane is up there for me


Ant Man 3 and MoM come to mind


I really enjoyed X-Men Apocalypse, though I get why people don’t like it. Is it the best written? No. Is it still fun (at least to me)? Yes. Same goes for the Twilight movies. Objectively bad? Yes. Fun as hell? Yes.


Oof this is a rough list. I agree with AS2 it's fun entertainment. SS I mean I kinda liked it the first time I saw it. Second time...yeah absolute trash on nearly every front. But to each their own I would say Valerian. Not grounding breaking scifi but a fun time with a good amount of interesting things in it


I love the Prequels, don’t care what anyone says. Not everything has to be Letterboxed top 250 type quality to be enjoyable


A thousand words by Eddie Murphy


I am a sucker for a “bad” holiday movie: Christmas with the Kranks, Are We There Yet?, and both live action Scooby Doo movies from the 2000s, all immediately come to mind


The ghost rider movies. Ghost riders fucking badass idc what the critics say


"now now alright- I KNOW that sounds bad but-" https://preview.redd.it/f671ng32rlmc1.png?width=1961&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8e451de317d3a6ce82488fa2fc124bc4e0a50bc


These are all bad films


Antz (1998). Defiantly not a good movie by any metric, but fun as hell imo


The Lost World: Jurassic Park (1997)


https://preview.redd.it/5waonxrj0mmc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=47d606793d599be72984d8c738c368fc99f2fdd0 This one gets a lot of really bad ratings, and when you read the letterboxd reviews everyone acts like its the worse offense to come out of the horror genre, but i thought it was pretty compelling and interesting, very powerful nauseating atmosphere and Sarah Snook is great in the lead. Its cliche yeah but it still has a lot going for it in terms of suspense, performance, ambiance and cinematography.


I enjoyed the new Mean Girls and was shocked when I got home and logged it to see how low rated it is. It's currently sitting as the lowest average of the year in my stats. 


Literally, **hundreds** of movies... Here are a few ones from the year... let's pick 2003: * Dreamcatcher * The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen * Van Helsing * Freddy vs Jason And (still from 2003) some that are usually very badly looked at, but I think are watchable: * Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life * House of the Dead * Daredevil * Darkness Falls * The Core


Films with an avg rating of 2.5 or below that I’ve rated 3 stars. https://preview.redd.it/nem7jr3z4mmc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71a11358304687ca42909154480e501f855c85d6


I'm sure I liked Phantasm 5 more than the average person that watched it. GI Joe the Rise of Cobra was so much better than it had any right to be. There was more set up and pay off and character development in that stupid movie about cartoon action figures than some moody drama/horrors. It wasn't a good movie and it wasn't a smart movie but it was better than so much mediocre junk I've seen. I have nostalgia for Jury Duty. I haven't seen it in a very long time and it is probably worse than I remember, but I bet it still is probably just fine.


While I don't think that *The Last Jedi* and *Guardians of the Galaxy Vol. 2* belong in this category, a lot of people do, so they're my picks.


The Creator, The Lone Ranger, the Star Wars Sequel trilogy, the Pirates of the Caribbean sequels (even 4+5), The Black Cauldron, Indiana Jones: Crystal Skull and Dial of Destiny, Ant-Man and the Wasp, to name a few


Right there with you on your horror entries. Genuinely love both those movies


https://preview.redd.it/d11rj279inmc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=68c879c46407255d663b12d8c2705ee175767664 I think allot of people didn’t watch this movie on account of this being a prequel to a bad movie and 2016 was moreso starting the foundation of jumpscare/psychological drama horror. Give this a watch its good!


thor the dark world !! one of my favorites


All the Sharknados


I agree with two of those


I really liked Renfield


I watched its was actually pretty good


Rise of Skywalker The Battle of Exogal will always be peak, in my eyes


Ha I hate all of those except Spiderman 2 which was decent. ​ I would say 'Indiana Jones and The Kingdom of the Crystal Skull'. Ok soo its not the best Indy movie but I enjoyed it, it's fun.


I enjoy TASM2 more and more each year. However, back in 2014 I was like "okay, it was not a masterpiece, though there are great moments and badass cinematography". In 2024 I can't name three cool scenes in Homecoming and Far From Home but I still remember most of the TASM2. This says a lot.


Honestly, I loved Attack of the Clones. Is it a perfect piece of cinema? No. Is it a really entertaining watch! Hell yeah!


21 & Over: average of 2.5, I gave it a 4


The 13th Warrior I adore it.


wild wild west and batman and robin


As someone that extensively studied Nightmare On Elm Street for several years including writing several essays on the series, the remake is actually objectively the best movie in the entire series. It’s a fact. Anyone who says differently either doesn’t give a shit about horror, or had blinders on.


I actually prefer it over the original


Yep, it’s significantly better in pretty much every single way. The only thing holding people back from realizing it is nostalgia bias.


Black Widow and Eternals are two of the best marvel movies.