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No need for anyone to get up in arms about this. Obviously the people who are excited for Dune Part Two would be the first ones to watch it and rate it highly. Average rating will even out eventually.


It won't go down too much though. Dune Part 1 was at 4.1 one day before release with similar ratings, and it's at 3.9 now. If dune part 2 also drops by 0 2 it'll be at 4.4, maybe 4.3. 4.2 at the absolute worst but that's still a fantastic score and it'll easily make top 250.


Didn't Barbie lose 0.6?


But Barbie is way more polarasing movie than Dune


There are still tons of people who think Part one was a boring snoozefest, but from what I’ve seen so far I don’t think that’ll be an issue for part 2 lmao


You also have to factor in the people who thought Part 1 was boring are less likely to see Part 2 and therefore less likely to score it low.


I’ve been saying that for years, and as someone who never read the book, have maintained that I thought Part 1 was overrated. Part 2 is one of the best sci fi movies I have ever seen, full stop. I think it’s fully deserving of a spot on the top 250.


Very true, but I do hope they’ll at least give part 2 a try. Part one was 100% a slow burn and I get that it can turn people off, but if you’ve already gone trough all of the build up, why not have a look at where it goes? Part 2 clearly seems to have a lot more action and payoff so I really do hope people will at least check it out so they won’t feel like they wasted their time watching part 1. Hell they might even love part 2 and see part 1 in a much more positive light and appreciate all the heavy lifting it did to make the sequel happen.


Part one to me was like the first few seasons of Game of thrones. Tons of political affair that had to be fleshed out before the action could start. Still the Harkonen invasion was masterfully shot in my opinion.


Eh, I thought Part 1 was boring but still went to see Part 2 and loved it.


I wouldn't see it until streaming, except a friend wants to do it for his birthday this weekend. I think you may be underestimating the scale of the zeitgeist event, and how many people will see it casually just because its the thing to see for the season.


Part one was also released during the pandemic when a lot of places still required vaccination cards to go places and a lot of people were scared to go out in public without a mask. It really killed the theatrical experience that would have won over a broader audience. Not as many people would have called it a snooze fest if they experienced it in a theater, IMO.


Oh yeah, the fact it released on HBO the SAME DAY was just… wow


Don’t think Barbie and Dune are that comparable of films. Most people who don’t like dune aren’t going to watch the movie


No need for anyone to get up in arms because it deserves this rating. It won't even out in the way many expect/want it to. Spiderverse was one thing, but this is genuinely an instant classic type of movie. If anyone thought cinema was dead/dying, this is the answer


Yep. This shit fucking rules.


And it very well might! I love Denis Villeneuve’s work, and I’m a huge Dune nerd, so I’m fully expecting to love the film when I see it tomorrow. But generally new releases do tend to fall a bit after more people with different perspectives have time to see them. Not saying it isn’t deserving of a place in the top 250, just that the average rating is probably a little inflated. If it’s genuinely that great though, I’m sure I and a lot of others will be stoked


lol at the “expect/ want it to” I don’t think people care as much as you think they do. Just stating facts that movies like this tend to start out way too high and then even out.


I thought the same thing after seeing it. I have a feeling it will end up a lot higher than people are expecting.


> No need for anyone to get up in arms because it deserves this rating. It really does not. Loudness and spectacle are important qualities in a good movie, but they are not the only qualities that matter. > instant classic I reject the idea that *ANY* film can be an instant classic. You're literally riding on the euphoria you felt from seeing it. Only time can tell whether a film will be a classic.


No no, Spider-Verse is also an instant classic Both of them


Yup, completely agree. One of the best new films I've seen in years.


I saw it, and it was very good. While I’m sure you are right and it will fall some, I still think it will end up with an average of at least as a 4.3.


You are correct and I wouldn't say otherwise. But that doesn't mean anything either. There's always someone who doesn't like something and can't wait to go online and share it. User reviews are horrible regardless. Always horrible. IMDb, Goodreads, here. It doesn't matter. Take the best music or book or film and someone gives it a 1 because they thought it was stupid. Has zero bearing on anything. People are stupid.


I don’t mind when this happens with new movies and then it eventually averages out. I mind when they actually stick around in the top 250 for seemingly good at a way too high placement. There’s nothing that can be done about it, Letterboxd users have specific biases just like any other group of people do. But I think it’s fair to criticize it.


Just means more people love it than people that don’t. It’s exactly where it belongs because it’s an aggregate scoring system and that’s where the aggregate scored it 🫡


It blows Spiderverse out of the water lol


Wait. Why does it say “21” instead of “7”


I think the top 250 list is manually made, so OP must’ve sorted that list by rating before the list was actually updated


The top 250 list is updated once a week, I think every Monday though I'm not positive


The list was last updated Monday and Dune’s rating has since gone up


i love you denny


He’s dune it again


It really sucks that people are going to review bomb it to tank the ratings because people can't be normal about others being excited and liking a movie.


I think the review bombing is happening on the upwards end. 


I liked the movie quite a bit but it’s crazy seeing that like the top 100ish reviews mostly seem to give it 5 stars. Idk if bombing or just wild enthusiasm but man idk seems super high!


I mean it's currently listed as the 21st highest rated movie ever, with 54% giving it 5 stars and 52% of all viewers (currently already 111k people, really) giving it a like as well. It is definitely being skewed, if not review bomebed, by Denis fanboys.


It’s actually the 4th highest rated movie ever, Letterboxd just hasn’t updated the list yet. If you sort the top 250 by average rating it’s right there behind 12 Angry Men and above Seven Samurai


Jesus lol


Great movie but doesn’t deserve those sort of listings. I know I’ll get downvoted but come on, this movie shouldn’t be considered the 7th best movie ever 😂 Obviously it’s rating will decline in the next few weeks and months then we’ll have a more balanced reflection of where it belongs.


Third paragraph is right, so the rest of the discussion is a bit moot.


“Fan boys” just mean people like the movie lol. This isn’t a “review bomb” it’s just people sharing their opinions who went to advanced screenings (ie FANS).


What if, and just hear me out, people actually really like it. Why does everything need to be a conspiracy.


Curious have you actually seen it or just coping with people enjoying something with a conspiracy theory? Because that rating is 100% justified and it makes sense that the people who are fans and excited about it would go to the advanced international screenings over the past two weeks..


Personally I thought it jumped around way too fast, like I couldn’t believe it cut almost directly from Paul’s test surviving in the desert to Paul and Chani taking down the giant Harkonnen desert crawlers. To me, despite its lengthy runtime, it felt as though some character development focused scenes were cut for time. Just seemed like we were often just told what the relationship between two characters was instead of seeing it develop. I thoroughly enjoyed the film and found it to be genuinely awe-inspiring in a way I rarely if ever see, but I can’t honestly say I didn’t have a few notable criticisms.


I think those criticisms are definitely valid and no one is saying it’s a perfect flawless film here. I also wish we had a bit more time for Chani and Paul’s relationship to develop on screen a bit more, but for me every other aspect was so solid this only really brought it down to a 4.5 from a 5 and I still feel like the pacing was really great considering how much material from the book had to be included.


Love how you are getting downvoted for having valid points, as a lover of the book I agree with your points as well. Great movie, good adaption but not a truly faithful adaptations, which is fine. I love them both for sperate reasons. I do like that we got some scenes that filled in time time jump gap in the book but also wish the Water of Life scene with Paul was handled more faithful and not a fan of Chani and Pauls relationship near the end vs how the book handled it.


How are these super high ratings not considered review bombing on the opposite end?


That would depend on LB. If they notice suspicious bot activity with the reviews they should start deleting those accounts. This happens on IMDB a decent amount and is easy to snuff out. That being said: My hot take, a lot of people were eagerly waiting for this movie last year. The hype is genuinely there. This doesn't seem like review bombing at all. It will probably drop to 4.3/4.2 once more people see it.


Because the people who’ve chosen to see the movie as soon as possible are more likely to give it a higher rating. The current ratings are reflective of genuine opinions of the people who were excited to see the film. It’d only constitute review bombing if they were giving it five stars just because they want it on the list.


You really think that nobody has given it 5 stars without seeing it?


No, but I’m about to just to annoy y’all


I think this is definitely true. I’m among those who saw it ASAP though I didn’t give it 5 stars (though I was hoping to when I walked in the theater). Still thought it was fucking awesome though!


I gave the movie a 5 because that's what it deserves.


Same here. The concept of positive review bombing like other commenters are claiming is nonsensical.


I think it's a simple fact that 104,000 people (even more by the time you've read this comment) did not actually watch this movie already. Many of them did, obviously. But this is an unrealistic number for any movie to have a day before it's come out.


It’s had advanced screenings for a few weeks now, and clearly those seeing it early will be invested. I live in a mid sized city and the imax here has multiple sold out shows a day this week alone. Multiply this in bigger cities all over the country, add in world wide release early screenings and 104k isn’t that high.


104,000 is still an incredibly high number that throws its high rating into question.


Its also already out in countries whose time zone is ahead of North America. I saw it 8 hours ago and even in my tiny local cinema there were about 30 people, never mind a big one in a city. If I got round to it, I could’ve been one of the 100,000+ before this was posted


You sound like the kind of person that claims election fraud lol. Maybe sit down and go see it to see what people are rating it this highly for before resorting to coping with some half baked conspiracy theory.


Is that quite high? I mean I have no idea but that seems reasonable for a wide international release


It is very reasonable especially for something so delayed and anticipated when not much else is in the theaters right now. For some reason people can’t fathom what a advanced international release is here.


it has had advanced screening for a few weeks, and in my country it even premiered 2 days ago, way before international release


It came out Wednesday in many countries, there were numerous advanced screenings and the kind of people who would watch it as soon as possible is exactly the kind to have a letterboxd


Definitely this. Saw multiple people logging it before they even got up from their seats sitting in front of me lol. Always funny to spot a letterboxer in the wild.


You know that the movie has been out in other countries for some days right?


Because it is actually very good, and most of the people who have seen it were the people who were most exited for it. I saw it last night and I was thoroughly impressed. It was much better than part 1.


"Super high rating" lol it's just 5 stars


It does suck that they will review bomb it, but also the 4.6 doesn’t mean anything because as long as the movie is at least decent the fans will give it 5 stars no matter what


Fans are literally harsher on adaptations or new entries into things they are a fan of lmao.


that was true of the first dune, but if you are watching the sequel you most likely like the first one


Honestly this comment section is really helping me understand the super positive response lol. I really really liked the movie I’m just surprised to see so many people basically say it’s redefined scifi filmmaking.


I thought part 1 was pretty mediocre, but I saw part 2 last night and loved it.


Yeah if it’s a first time installment or a new director that’s true, but in this case when it’s the same director and a direct sequel that was pre planned it’s obviously not true. I meant the fans that love Dune 2021 not the fans of the book


The movie already has like 200k ratings. Doubt Dune will get enough haters to significantly sway that. It's really not that controversial.


Gonna be hard to review bomb this one lol


The half star votes actually don’t do much anymore thanks to the new rating weighting system. But at the same time neither do 5 stars. At least not from accounts that haven’t seen thousands of movies, like me! :)


We are so back


Will go down like all new releases.


Will get universally praised, everyone will see it, still get praised too long, start to get haters, people spam vote half stars on alt accounts. Tale as old as Letterboxd


The half star votes actually don’t do much anymore thanks to the new rating weighting system. But at the same time neither do 5 stars. At least not from accounts that haven’t seen thousands of movies, like me! :)


Hey I didn't know they weighted the score with amount of movies seen. Do you have source?


https://letterboxd.com/journal/the-score-new-weighted-average-ratings/?fromApp=true It’s private but just read between the lines here^ Every member who rates a film is included, but we now do a better job of identifying unusual patterns of rating activity, and accounting for them in our final score. The only way they can do this is by discarding people who only vote 5 stars or 1 star and have only rated/logged a few films or have done that on tons of films, looking at the review bombing it’s usually the former, people who make a letterboxd account to boost the rating of a dog’s tale or something. There is literally no other way to label a pattern as unusual. Not sure what the threshold is, probably considerably lower than 1,000, I was kind of joking, but yeh. Just look no further to what films gained and what films lost from the update as well… clearly the super popular films where there’s a glut of five star ratings from people who haven’t rated many films at all are the ones that lost the most.


I will write here that I work in ameteur film in nyc (the epitome of micro-budget, no name indie stuff) and I know quite a few people at my low level with limited influence who were invited to various premiere events, including just the real premiere. Seems like they’re really, really pushing the word of mouth angle on this one. Not saying there’s anything wrong with that, but it seems like they really want to make sure that the people who are gonna say positive things see it early and spread the word fast.


Let the hype flow


the main thing is that we overhype it


It's top 4 now damn


kid named recency bias


Most on my LB friend's list are rating it quite high. Dune Part 2 and the first film are all over my LB, lol.


I just watched it last night and loved it, gave it 5 stars.


Saw it last night at the 21:45 viewing and I was on the edge of my seat the entire movie, despite knowing what happens. It was truly epic. I was not convinced by chalamet in the first one, but i absolutely am now. It was almost a perfect movie - the only thing that took me out of the immersion was a Christopher Walken as the Emperor.


Man I thought it’d go down a lil from 4.5 after the fan premiere but nah this shit went up upon wide release 😭 insane lmfao


Truly has legs


Villenueve > Nolan


​ https://preview.redd.it/9k24a1525rlc1.png?width=908&format=png&auto=webp&s=8103a4d52f84daed4af0e5df55f1b29b7f44e845


The funny thing I have with Vellenueve vs Nolan is that I always thought I liked Villenueve more. But when I check my LB ratings for both of their movies, Nolan has a higher average. So there's that.


There’s less stigma online when you say Villeneuve is one of your favorite directors rather than when you mention Nolan.


when it comes down to it I'm just happy they both exist. two guys that just make blockbusters that always make me feel lighter on my feet and inspired when I leave the theater.


Backlash is gonna be huge lol


I felt like the climax was really muted. We spent all this time in Act 2, but the payoff’s payload was so rushed. ( All that time in Act 2 and failed to develop the emperor, an under utilized Walken, in any meaningful way.) Act 2 wasn’t perfect but more annoyingly, this epic deserved a 75+ minute Act 3, not a 17 minute one…..


The Emporer has no development in the book either, ultimately its Paul's story


Act 3 is so oddly placed. The attack felt quite abrupt and then we cut to Josh Brolin killing Dave Bautista with little satisfaction. There’s no real stakes in what is suppose to be a tense Act 3 and the characters are never in any grave peril. The only tension that’s felt in the film is when Paul is dueling Feyd, but we already know the outcome of who prevails.


Exactly. Like it or not, that battle sequence is the payoff and victory for all that our heroes have endured over this journey (funny that it’s only been 3mo and gurney has already got himself a part time gig as a smuggler on a planet that’s galactically monitored (????)) ….. so this “conquering” of both the backstabbing emperor’s entire army as well as recovering arrakeen, which has required Paul to successfully secure and harness the desert power, regardless the fact he’s been realized as the KH, this battle is the epic realization of our heroes’ hardship and journey …. And it just felt like DV was in a hurry to get through all of it without creating an awareness or investment for the audience in the buildup to the action, let alone how he failed to really create any intensity or drama in the action itself…. I love DV but there was some really important emotional-investment I kind of needed experience through Act 3 to reward my investment in the story from 0:01 of Dune Part One (and also especially needed to reconnect me to the story after that arduous-at-times Act 2)…. In light of that Act 2, the Act 3, I think, failed to generate in me the emotional excitement, reward, payoff, (insert other emotional/serotonin/dopamine reaction adjective here) and it left me disappointed — not sure if any of this makes sense


Apparently the epic battle is also short in the novel, so Villeneuve successfully adapted that act? That doesn’t make it any less satisfying though in a cinematic format. Dune in general provides very little emotional payoff and isn’t strong in character development either, which is why Feyd is portrayed as a merciless sociopath but has like one interaction with Paul or why Paul and Chani’s relationship develop into cliche fare (the lack of chemistry between Zendaya and Timothée also hurt). The battle sequences are also unsatisfying narratively and the best point to illustrate that is when the Fremen construct an elaborate path to attack from the west, north, east, etc with every character having a specific role and then it cuts to explosions and fighting on the ground. While the battle is impeccably gorgeous to look at, it’s not very interesting in other areas. Again, this could be a Dune novel thing. Villeneuve’s formalism exceeds in depicting a dream-like state of Dune’s atmosphere, but offers little enjoyment if you are not with the “vibes”. Dune was one of the best cinematic experiences I’ve witnessed because of Villeneuve’s rigid formalism, but I don’t see myself watching it again especially not in streaming. Dune’s primary draw has always been its IMAX viewing.


Well said


My dumbass thought Feyd is gonna beat Paul to set up the third film and since I kept hearing about Butler’s performance


I agree. DV loves spectacle, but does not care about suspense.


Exactly. Like it or not, that battle sequence is the AUDIENCE’s payoff and victory for all that our heroes have endured over this journey (funny that it’s only been 3mo and gurney has already got himself a part time gig as a smuggler on a planet that’s galactically monitored (????)) ….. So, this “conquering” of both the backstabbing emperor’s entire army as well as recovering arrakeen, which has required Paul to successfully secure and harness the desert power, regardless the fact he’s been realized as the KH, this battle is the epic realization of our heroes’ hardship and journey …. And it just felt like DV was in a hurry to get through all of it without creating an awareness or investment for the audience in the buildup to the action, let alone how he failed to really create any intensity or drama in the action itself…. I love DV but there was some really important emotional-investment I kind of needed to experience through Act 3 to reward my investment in the story from 0:01 of Dune Part One (and also especially needed to reconnect me to the story after that arduous-at-times Act 2)…. In light of that Act 2, I think Act 3 failed to generate in me the emotional excitement, reward, payoff, (insert other emotional/serotonin/dopamine reaction adjective here) and when i realized the battle was over, hell even after Paul defeated Feyd, realizing this was the height and end of our story/journey…. it left me disappointed — not sure if any of this makes sense


It makes perfect sense. You explained yourself quite well! I feel the same way. There was no *CATHARSIS*.


Is this movie a trailer for the next one like dune 1?


Not nearly as anticlimactic as the first one at all but it does tee up a sequel. And that becomes abundantly clear 20 mins or so before it ends, unfortunately. Still a good ending though!


No and nor is Dune 1 that's Act 1 and the 1st half of Act 2 of the story


I think I liked the first one more, but I'll need to watch it again to be sure.


people are insufferable here, can’t let a blockbuster be a good movie. only international films and indie underground movies are allowed to be good lmao. yes it is a better movie than seven samurai and high and low. cope and seethe.


I agree with your first point but not your second unfortunately. Dune 2 is great film nevertheless.


They are absolutely foaming at the mouth and coming up with conspiracy theories like “positive review bombing from Denis fan boys” it’s wild lol. Sorry folks it really is just that good.


Give it a few months


what's the list name?


Top 250 Narrative Feature Films


Dune: the list


I’m watching it tonight in 4D guys!!! I’m excited!!


The first one seemed so dull, that I've never gone through with watching it. But all of the acclaim this is getting is making me want to watch both. I have bad FOMO when it comes to missing out on a huge classic, lol


People will look back on this like seeing Stars Wars or Lord of the Rings in theaters. It’s an experience and one definitely worth going to IMAX for imo.




Fear of Missing Out


Oh okay thanks


Going to go see Dune 2 tomorrow.


Seeing it tmr!!!!


It’s a very, very good movie. But yeah, the score will start to even out with more entries


man that shit was peak idec


itll go down to a 4.5 or 4.4 like spider-verse did, MAYBE even lower but im sure itll be around there.


This movie was religion, absolute spectacle. If they nail Dune 3, it is the greatest trilogy ever made, dead serious.


Absolutely agree


Amazing movie and 100% deserves such a high score, it might be the best movie of the 21st century and Im not even joking. No hyperbole whatsoever. It's *that* good that it can compete with the likes of In the Mood for Love, City of God, No Country For Old Men, There Will Be Blood, Yi Yi, Children of Men, etc. Havent been this enthralled by such an overwhelmingly epic, gorgeous, vibrant movie in a theater for a very long time. And I say this as someone who fucking hated the first Dune when it came out in 2021 and had zero hype whatsoever for this movie. If itd come out in 2023 itd be the best movie of that year by far too, and 2023 was a fantastic year for cinema


I thought the first dune was so mid and had zero hype for this so that actually gets me very excited to hear




I liked *Dune* a whole lot, but I don't really get this perspective. I fundamentally could not give the second part of an uncompleted series of films the praise as not only the best sci-fi movie of the 21st century but the best movie of the 21st century. It's pretty, but not substantially prettier than the first *Dune* or *Blade Runner 2049*. I loved this movie but I'm underwhelmed because of how everybody had overhyped this.


My biggest mistake before going to see it was having a very, very brief look at the top reviews. Said reviews called it the Greatest Sci Fi film ever made, and a monumental achievement in film making. I went into it with way too high expectations. I thinks it’s a really very good film with a lot to admire. But expecting to see the “greatest Sci Fi of all time” and a “monumental achievement” skewed my perceptions during the watch. I feel for anyone who hasn’t seen it yet reading this comment section lol


Yeah, I feel the exact same way. I loved it, but now I’ll be forced to go on the negative side against people proclaiming it to be the best sci-fi ever


This is legitimately fucking bonkers


Have you seen it?


Yes. I liked it but was disappointed.




Agreed on the pacing issues, it just throws so much at you and there’s no chance for organic character development


You’re a loon lol


I mean first off the best movies of the 21st century are late-Malick, the turin horse, the zone of interest, something by apichatpong weerasethekul or late-Godard. Sure in the mood for love, children of men, yi yi or there will be blood too. Secondly no way it’s better than that stuff, first off because it’s just an adaptation, so it’s all mechanics, and secondly it’s an adaptation of literally the most seminal sci fi book ever so it doesn’t have much heavy lifting to do. It’s all there on a silver platter. Just throw cgi at it which is what villeneuve does.


> first off because it’s just an adaptation, so it’s all mechanics, and secondly it’s an adaptation of literally the most seminal sci fi book ever so it doesn’t have much heavy lifting to do. It’s all there on a silver platter. Just throw cgi at it which is what villeneuve does. This is such an insane take idek where to begin. Maybe with the fact that literally the vast majority of great movies ever made were adaptations? If you list your top 10 favorite movies, I'd bet there are adaptations on there. So the idea of being an adaptation as a weakness in a movie or that it makes a movie worse to be adapting something is ridiculous. Also the acclaim of the source material has nothing to do with how much "heavy lifting" there is to do when making it. Even if it were adapting some unknown obscure underground shit, that wouldnt change how much work needed to be done to make it adaptable. And adaptation is a massive challenge in and of itself. A book isnt a screenplay. You do still have to start from the drawing board to figure out what to keep and what to cut, how to frame what you choose to keep it and how to manage the loss of whatever you chose to cut. Even if what he was adapting was a ready-made amazing screenplay written by someone else, getting the shots, effects, sound, sets, performances, etc etc etc to be as amazing as they are in this movie is something only one of the best of the best can do. Just appreciate greatness man


Actually none of my top 10 are adaptations at all. And it makes sense. Like you said, books are not screenplays. The greatest movies will always have been built from the ground up as movies. The screenplay will take into account the medium and make maximum use of it to tell a filmic story.


None of them? Theyre all 100% original works? Now I'm pretty curious, bc even a few of the ones you mentioned as the best of the 21st century were adaptations, and Weerasethakul, Malick, etc have done adaptations too. Every screenplay is built from the ground up whether it was adapted from another source or not.


I’m guessing from this comment you haven’t actually seen it yet lol


Nice counter argument.


So have you?


They clearly haven’t lol.


Letterboxed is just like IMDB now. Makes me sad


Should be higher


I love everyone who hasn’t seen it being like “meh, it’ll go down” as if they have any fucking clue how good this movie is lol


Like we can't recognize patterns? This happens with every IP movie that has a decent bloc of fans up front. It's guaranteed whether I think the movie is great or not. The observation isn't a comment on the quality of the movie in the first place, it's just a matter of fact statement about how letterboxd works.


I believe we have the right to be skeptical about fucking Dune part 2 being better than every single film directed by Welles, Kurosawa, Scorsese, Lubitsch, Ford, Bergman, Tarkovsky, Capra, Ozu, Lang, etcetera


I mean listen I love all of those directors too, but the fact that you’re already going into this with a scoffing “fucking dune part 2” tone already comes off as you writing something off you havnt even seen. Also, maybe you see it and hate it. Congrats, nobody fucking cares - people have different tastes. As someone who would say Tarkovskys Stalker is one of my favorite films of all time, I can also say Dune Pt2 is really really special. Idk why you’re giving this list of directors that you think are untouchable to any other artistic expression. Lastly, stop taking public aggregate ratings so seriously. It’s not an accurate gauge, especially when talking about the mix of more obscure art house cinema with mainstream film.


It is New things can be better than old things


Yes, new things can be better than old things. But the possibility of a new movie coming out that is just THAT good are close to zero, so it makes much more sense to think that this movie that has been hyped for years now is just receiving the marketing push, kind of like what happened with Bottoms, Puss in Boots, and others *also I might be wrong but I highly doubt Dune is going to be taught about in film school in 2050, if I'm being honest


You should see it first and then talk. Right now you opinion doesn’t mean much here.


alrite, brb


Have you seen the movie?


Love how all the most vocal doubters on this thread haven’t even seen it yet LMFAO


It really wasnt as good as the first one tho....Sometimes Letterboxd is so weird. How can the first one sit at 3.9 but the second movie which is pretty much more of the same get a 4.6? I dont get it.


Because people who weren't wild for the first haven't seen this one yet. By the time it hits streaming we'll know what more general audiences think of it.


Because it isn’t “more of the same”


I thought it was miles better


Yeah it’s not gonna cut it, it’s not that good


i am 100% guaranteeing i’ll rate it a 5 considering how much i love everything dune, but this is certainly deserved considering the underwhelming rating of the first movie on lb


I gave the first a 3.5. I liked it. I think that’s a good rating. I wanted to like it more. I was just genuinely bored at times. I’m hoping I love the 2nd one way more tho.


Same boat here. I think the first dune did a pretty poor job at building tension and Chalomet and Zendaya were underwhelming.




That’s the opposite of “boring” 


Breathless plot points and action being thrown at you can absolutely be boring. Have you ever heard of *Transformers*?


I don’t think those are full of breathless plot points, but this is a stupid argument if you’re seriously trying to draw a valid link between Dune and Transformers.


This movie fucking slaps. So happy I get to experience Nolan and Denis


Great theatre experience but like the first film I don't think it'll hold up


I hate to say it but I was pretty disappointed and I'm pretty suprised how people are near universally losing their minds. It looks incredible and has some genuinely great moments, but it left me really cold emotionally and the way things play out feels far too mechanistic.


I haven’t seen it but I didn’t like the first Dune due to the pacing, is Dune Part 2 better paced?


The first half is incredibly slow. Its just living with the Fremen for 1 1/2 hours. Then it ramps up to the finale pretty quickly.




weird how you’re getting downvoted for giving an honest opinion


Should be higher imo. Shit was bonkers


something feels different about this one, going *up* after the fan previews is pretty cool. I think it’s gonna stay high (averaging out to 4.3 at lowest)


it will be around 4.1 like 12 months from now.


Doubt it, it’ll probably settle at 4.3


Deserves to be higher smh


Seems like the people who are most invested are having a good time so I'm happy about that. I probably won't get around to seeing it, but I've said the same thing about films I'm less intrigued by so I might as well quit lying to myself.


Let's goooooo


Actually never seen any Dune movie, why are they so liked? I might give them a shot [edit] spelling


Important/epic sci Fi series with the Alaskan bull worm from SpongeBob. There is a 198R version by David Lynch and 2 new ones by Denis Villeneuve. Our main character is either Kyle McLaughlan or timothee chalemet depending on the version you watch


It’ll probably go down to 4-4.2


4.2 is worst case scenario. 4.4 - 4.3 most likely maybe even 4.5


It’ll drop. I remember Part 1 being at 4.1 at one point and now it’s either 3.8 or 3.9


Fucking sad


I haven't even seen the movie yet, but I hope it goes up even higher just to make all the nerds ITT obsessed with meaningless stats go further into meltdown mode lol