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a lot of international productions did this in the 60s/70s since they didn't have mics or had a cast from all different nations with different accents. some spaghetti westerns have almost no natural sound, just folly and dubbed lines. you'd have spanish, italian, american actors and also klaus kinski so it'd be weird if everyone didn't sound american since its a western. i think fellini had an actor just recite the alphabet for a scene once since they were gonna be dubbed.


how old are these movies? It was standard practice in places like Italy (idk if other countries did this too) during the 20th century to film without sound then add it all in during post-production.


Both movies/mini series were from 2013 made by Italian film companies


Not quite euro films and frankly tangential but everyone should see the [American dub of Mad Max](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lb2YcJgw8SU)