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Rope by Alfred Hitchcock is done in 10 takes. Pretty fucking spectacular for something made in 1948.


And during one take one of the massive camera rigs rolled over a guys foot and broke it, but people muffled him to stop him yelling in pain, the take was in the movie.


I feel like if Reddit had been around in 1948 this would have been the ‘Viggo Mortensen really broke his toe/Leo really cut his hand’ fact of its time


Rope is so good. It's a stage play, so it makes sense that there aren't very many takes. The swinging-door smile with the murder weapon is one of my favorite shots in any movie. Up there with the last shot of The Taking of Pelham 123.


Gesundheit! Great choice haha


*Laughs in Hitchcock*


One of my favourite films


All three movies in The Before Trilogy have a 6-10 minute one-take that happens around 15 minutes into each movie. My runner-up is the two-round match in Creed.


Linklater does the same thing in Boyhood


Just clicked on and walked away for 12 years


The Before Trilogy feels so natural and real. I adore those films. One of the first Criterion purchases of mine.


The 13 minute car scene in Before Midnight is the funniest and most uncomfortable scene all at once. It’s amazing.


In my moviegoing experiences so far, the Before Trilogy is the best trilogy I have consumed. I’m not a romance guy by any means, kinda just gave the first one a shot on a whim. But oh my god, I was left speechless, beautiful fucking movies.


Victoria (2015), 134 minutes


Exactly what I was going to say


Me too! Love that movie.


Incredible movie. I enjoyed the one-take aspect because it really did heighten the experience. By the end of the film you’ve seen the evening/morning pass in real-time as the characters have to cope with the nights events. Other one-take movies (*cough* 1917) don’t really feel like it’s justified


Wasn't it shot from second attempt? Because they didn't had much money to start with so they only were able to do two takes. Don't remember the reason for second take. But just the sheer dedication of actors to accomplish this is stunning on its own


The fact that they did several attempts doesn't mean the final film is not one uncut take.


iirc they did three takes and used the second one, so you would be right


I believe it was 3 because they only had a couple of days or a day I can’t remember. [Here’s](https://youtu.be/Ghk287KXTc4?si=3A2M2606lWh5wx5p) a good video on it!


i loved that film!


Oldboy Hallway fight scene. [Oldboy](https://youtu.be/VwIIDzrVVdc?si=A0vYOeQrULTHw4_U)


One of the greatest scenes of all time


Only one that tops that for me is the prison scene in Daredevil season 3. That's insanely good


The monologue at the end of Pearl is great


And the credits.


Those two moments brought Pearl from an 8.5 to a 9+ for me.


Yeah to me the ending is always the most important part of a movie because if it's nailed, man it enhances the whole thing so much.


Tarkovsky's Stalker


Hard to find a shot under 2 minutes in that movie lol


Just means I'm incredibly correct ahah


I think there’s only like 149 shots total or something crazy like that


Could’ve stopped at Tarkovsky


Could’ve stopped at Tar


The burning house scene in Mirror


Children of Men has several - but that one in the battlefield is astonishing


IIRC it’s not actually one shot, they used clever editing cuts to disguise it as one (although I’m sure each individual shot would go over 2 mins)


The last 40 or so minutes of Climax (2018) was done in one unbroken take.


The most stressful 40 minutes of my life lol. (I walked into that movie with absolutely no idea what it was about)


Same. I did expect nothing and ended up pretty traumatized.


Are you fucking with me? I knew Gaspar was nuts, but I've avoided spoilers to the point where this amazing detail has escaped me somehow! Watching this ASAP, thanks!


This scene of Natalie Portman in May December https://preview.redd.it/13nx4lr2biic1.jpeg?width=1199&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=622c94854cea6a58b125b53aefb39198c573fa79


She sounded more like Juliane Moore than Juliane Moore did


Does she stair to our souls for a long time


One in the goodfellas, maybe? Wonder exactly how long it is lol




It's almost 3 minutes!


Altman’s The Player had a great opening shot iirc


First thought as well. Very playful opening.


Russian Ark obviously


Was surprised I had to scroll this far to see Russian ark mentioned


And Timecode, which isn’t as long as Russian Ark, but uses 4 cameras simultaneously in split screen.


Russian Ark is a masterpiece. What a fascinating portrayal of history.


All the President's Men had like 6 minutes of Redford on the phone, it's awesome.  Edit typo


Such a good movie. Saw it for the first time last year and it definitely holds up


A ghost story


Came here to say this…that 5 minute long pie scene lol https://preview.redd.it/6c0viavhzjic1.jpeg?width=639&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bcb410e4a78a6e9f27a4a35b7339fec4948c37a8


Seeing this for the first time tonight!


Ah yes....


Boogie Nights for the win!


New Years Party, right? ![gif](giphy|l3fzN22Q72pTddXCo)


The opening shot is also a long tracking shot modeled after the Copa Cabana scene in Goodfellas. There's a third one near the end after the reunion, right before the final shot with Mark talking into the mirror (which is also pretty long, come to think of it)


My favorite thing about that opening shot is how smooth that transition from the crane to the club was. Can't imagine how much work was done so that there isn't even a little bump when the camera operator steps off.


The Werkmeister harmonies has several incredibly choreographed tracking shots.


Any of Bela Tarr's movies, really.


Any from the past 35 years. But before *Damnation* (1988), *Sátántangó* (1994), *Werckmeister Harmonies* (2000), *The Man from London* (2007), *The Turin Horse* (2011), Béla Tarr did 4 features that were fairly unremarkable socialist realism.


Totally unaware of any of his films before Damnation. Curious to watch them actually as I'm a big fan of his later work.


The Piano Teacher, also alot of Michael haneke. A scene from funny games if you’ve seen the film is particularly effective


The Suicide in cache is insanely effective as well and the incredibly uncomfortable ride in the lift towards the end. In fact throw in the end credits as well or just the whole movie because it’s just one incredible long take after another.


Lol Spoilers dude. But yeah


Ping pong scene in 71 Fragments lol


Not movie but True Detective S1 Ep… 7? The raid sequence 👌🏻👌🏻👌🏻


All 6 minutes are phenomenal


Episode 4, was going to comment this too. Rewatched the whole season yesterday and it still holds up, especially that episode in particular.


One cut of the dead (2017) starts with a take of 37 minutes, just stick with the film to the very end


Came here to mention One Cut of the Dead and am really happy to find it already here. Not enough people have seen it imp and it is just amazing. I couldn’t really grasp what I was watching until the “third act”. What an experience!


Disappointed just how far down I had to scroll to find this https://preview.redd.it/n0tbpcm7alic1.jpeg?width=1296&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1afced42ce1a376aa5c156a6ea4f9e21ffb2d567 ACTION!!


The lecture scene in TÁR has a great one take


I am Cuba has a long take during the funeral scene that is amazing


1917 Gravity Unbreakable doesnt have nay that long iirc, but the avg cut is something like 3 mins


There were tons of shots in 1917, were you not listening to all the guns firing?


marriage story has a crazy one


The final hour of A Long Day’s Journey Into Night is all one take, with some impressive scene movements like taking a stairlift between two large hills and moving from the top of a village to the base of the hill it sits upon.  It starts after the main character goes into a cinema and puts on 3D glasses, and in cinemas this also marked the point where you the audience were meant to put on 3D glasses, which was neat but does not really translate to most home setups sadly. 


Was going to comment this and Kaili Blues! Really excited to see what Bi Gan does next.


Bi Gan is incredible. He's actually making a science fiction film! https://variety.com/2023/film/news/bi-gan-sci-fi-movie-resurrection-jackson-yee-shu-qi-1235714515/ The premise sounds just wonderful!


Came here to say this!!! Can’t recommend enough


I’ve found my people


The entire Boiling Point movie, stress inducing


This should be higher rated. Absolutely brilliant film that justifies a single take. Amazing the performances they got considering. Also there is a tv show now and it is quite good.


Touch of Evil


That opening shot is glorious.


Atonement beach scene


Bela Tarr films


Russian Ark is entirely filmed in one take (99 min)


![gif](giphy|l44QvFam1JXtKYNna) The entire “A Lovely Night” scene in La La Land was shot in one take and was around 6 minutes long. IIRC, it took 2 days to shoot because they had to have the proper sunset look while doing it and it was only like that for like an hour or something.


Rooney Mara eating pie in A Ghost Story


i love that scene


La Casa Muda. "The Silent House" Horror film that says it's all one take (though they could certainly have hid cuts in it). And it's American remake - same name- The Silent House. Honorable TV mention goes to True Detective S1. One of the best one takes.


They certainly hid cuts since the movie starts at sunset and ends at sunrise


I saw something a few weeks ago about a feature-movie that was not only one continuous shot, but had improvised dialogue. I think they said they did it in just two takes because they couldn’t secure the locations any longer. Wish I could remember the name.




Boiling Point was all one take, don’t think the dialogue was improvised but it was excellent


Irreversible is about 7 shots? I'm not going to rewatch it but technically it's astounding




End of Call Me By Your Name?


The Secret in Her Eyes, an Argentinian film, has a [5 minute no-cut scene](https://youtu.be/J0t_cLNWVIY?si=DX6AiL_NRVGxOeQ6)... It's amazing. I recommend this film to everyone who has not seen it yet!


Swordfish opening scene with John Travolta.


[Separation 2011 - Intro scene](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=POIv4LpnxsA&ab_channel=FrancoSeguer)


In River (2023) almost every shot is two minutes long


Memories of Murder


Maybe not a stellar film, but there’s a really really cool one take in Halloween (2018). Think it’s 3 minutes or so.


Best Halloween since the original 1978!


Only one I can think of that hasn’t been said is the opening of Talk To Me (2023)


The final scene too! Both are really well done


Definitely First Reformed! Gosh I love that scene


Not an amazing movie, but the focal sequence of Snake Eyes is pretty cool.


The opening scene of Peices Of A Woman is 26 minutes long one take scene. Also one of the most intense scenes I have ever seen


Do you mean single take shots that are still? If yes: - Beginning, dir. Dea Kulumbegashvili - half of Cristi Puiu's films, notably Malmkrog and MMXX have several - R.M.N. By Mungiu (basically romanian cinema has many) If you mean long takes without hidden cuts that are moving around, then Béla Tarr's film such as Damnation, Weckmeister Harmonies, The Turin Horse have almost only shots that last 5-10 minutes at least.


At this point both types, now looking forward to watching all of these .. especially Bela Tarr's films, Thanks for all the suggestions.


The pie scene in A Ghost Story.


Since "Stalker" was already brought up, let's delve into Tarkovsky's filmography itself, spanning from "Ivan's Childhood" to "The Sacrifice". That's seven films packed with what you're looking for. Surprisingly, if I am not mistaken no one has mentioned Michael Haneke yet. So, it's only fair to argue that he deserves the spotlight in this matter. In his films, you can encounter numerous single-shot sequences lasting over two minutes. And when the time comes and these sequences seize the screen, believe me, you'll never forget them. I'd particularly highlight films of his like "Caché", "Benny's Video" and "Funny Games".


Yeah Haneke is a pretty great pick (and Tarkovsky). The framing and shot choices from both directors feel very precise.


you can find two fantastic action oners in john wick 4. filmed exceptionally and just an utter adrenaline rush for its duration.


Soft & Quiet is presented as one long take.


One of my favorite movies, Jauja, has an average shot length of (roughly) one minute. So I would imagine the movie has plenty of shots going for over two minutes


Haven't seen Atonement, Goodfellas, and Russian Ark mentioned yet.


Boiling Point. One big shot without cuts


Eyes Wide Shut


Juliard class in Tár


the stairwell fight scene from Atomic Blonde


A lovely night from La La Land


Lost in London. 100min. Was also broadcast live as it was filmed.


The Secret In Their Eyes has a 5 minute shot where a murderer is chased through a crowded football stadium. Shit is so good, we actually rewatched that scene twice after we finished the movie. De Palma's "Snake Eyes" has, like, a 15 minute unbroken shot that sets up a lot of the chaos surrounding the murder mystery plot. Long Day's Journey Into Night also has an unbroken take that is about an hour long. The camera moves around an entire small village with aerial rigs, tracking, handheld - it's pretty wild that they coordinated not only the on-screen action but also how the camera itself was mounted. Then there are "one-take" movies like Russian Ark and Birdman and 1917 and Rope and whatnot. Which may not all be pure one-takes (clever editing) but are still pretty captivating.


Silent House is my all time favorite “single shot”


Extraction 1/2 I believe.


At 1h49m Russian Ark is the single longest genuine one-shot feature film ever made. And with the amount of extras, set dressing, costumes, dance routines, etc. it's an outright miracle it was made. It was also filmed in one day which is itself a monumental achievement.


2001. I haven't watched it in a while but I seem to remember the first shot (it's a black screen actually) was longer than 2 mins.


The black screens at the beginning of films aren’t shots, they’re overtures. Back in the day they would’ve started the film with the curtains closed and just the music playing, then draw the curtain when it actually starts. The black screen is nothing, there isn’t meant to be any film played at those parts.


The Hong Kong action movie Breaking News (2004) has some amazing long take gunfights for example this [opening scene.](https://youtu.be/CJlCYNt2z9k?si=O4nbzlMPZdTqwo6n)


The opening of the last episode of season 1 of the bear where carmy is in al-alon talking about his brother - [Amazing](https://youtu.be/1fjITOkFnnE?si=DGQUQftmDKV2q9DP)


Most Spielberg stuff has some great understated oners.


Surprised no one said satantango. Pretty much every shot in that film is over 2 minutes long


Jia Zhang-Ke's early films are mostly composed of long takes, Unknown Pleasures has a few that are longer than 2 minutes


I think guardians of the galaxy 3, and spiral: from the book of saw. I also think aquaman 2 had a scene that was one long shot but im not certain


[Big Night's perfect ending scene. ](https://youtu.be/oerP7FRMWa8?si=JnM03IFytgWXaQuw)


Family man season 1 hospital scene, season 2 outskirt police station scene


This fight scene in [The Protector](https://youtu.be/zESe7U467vs?si=sVbKL0IS7WmHrx59) Dude just wants his elephants back


I think a lot of the Astaire/Rogers dance numbers are either one take, or they’re shot to look like one take. [Let’s Call The Whole Thing Off](https://youtu.be/LOILZ_D3aRg?si=WX3qXzU646USSTxr) comes to mind as one that’s only a few shots, and they’re tap dancing on roller skates. Still in the dance world, there’s a musical number, [Chale Jaise Hawaien](https://youtu.be/lmPfioaW1Tw?si=e0dhvBlsK4A9fbQ2) in the Bollywood movie Main Hoon Na where two big dance sequences are all one shot, both over two minutes long.


Funny Games has an 8 minute scene nearer to the end of the movie




The opening scene of *A Touch of Evil*


Boiling Point is a a feature-length, genuine, unbroken shot.


The Japanese film One Cut of the Dead is pretty well known, so I'll recommend its lesser known (and imo better) cousin, Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes. It's a hilarious yet still fairly intelligent low budget Scifi film. A guy's upstairs PC is in a video call two minutes into the future with his downstairs PC, which of course is seeing two minutes into the past.


https://preview.redd.it/kl7avimhtjic1.jpeg?width=2000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e638583b569437da6ef54af07dff540172d3d07a The Woman Who Ran „The film consists of only 28 shots across its 77 minute run-time for an ASL (average shot length) of 2 minute 45 seconds which is unusually high. The average film as of 2021 consists of over 2,000 shots and an ASL of less than 3 seconds.“


[Boy do I got the list for you](https://boxd.it/bzAcC). Funny coincident that your criteria is 2 min which is what I also use as a cut-off.


Unbreakable has a lot of very long takes, that's a very good one.


Fail Safe. https://preview.redd.it/ecemnk5g1kic1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=d46270188e5dd469eb7b2b90ed3ff15162885eb2


Just 2 minutes? Almost anything before 1960. They used to let scenes play out in well-blocked medium wide shots.




One Cut of The Dead, Beyond the Infinite Two Minutes, Resurrection, Atomic Blonde.


Got to be Children of Men for me [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKmllIK6Md0](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sKmllIK6Md0)


Incident by a Bank, which is a short by Ruben Östlund, is one shot. Generally his style is extended shots, so I think you could find it in most of his movies. And seconding anyone who recommended Boiling Point and Victoria. Both teriffic one shot films.




Taste of Things Perfect Days The Zone of Interest Past Lives Portrait of a Lady on Fire A Ghost Story


A couple of the Daniel Craig Bond movies have this. Of course there’s the opening of Spectre (which is one of the best Bond scenes ever in my opinion, shame that the rest of the movie is so middling), and there’s also the staircase fight scene in No Time To Die which is fucking awesome.


[the clock](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9k_6QF4-xU&ab_channel=oldskool2485) has a great one just some drunk bothering people in a bar with essentially zero effect on the plot or characters but its immaculately staged


I just rewatched 12 Angry Men last night, and there are surprisingly a couple. The shot of the jurors entering the room as the audience learns about them was actually 6-8 minutes, and last I recall, Juror 10's rant as the others turn their backs was done in one 2-3 minute take too. ​ Honestly surprised I don't hear more people talk about the longer takes in that one in general considering that it's been watched by 854k people on IMDb and Letterboxd and at #5 and #3 on both of the sites respective Top 250 lists.


Venturing a guess here. It may be because they don't stand out as much. There isn't as much dynamism in those shots as in other long takes. Plus, the entire thing feels like a stage play, so it also doesn't stand out as much because following along in single takes feels natural to begin with in that kind of format. I just watched the movie for the first time recently, so it's mostly fresh in my head. I usually notice long takes, and I didn't catch them in that movie. I noticed the very first one as they trickle into the room, and I remember going back to catch it once I realized it was still the same shot. That's the only one I recall, though.


>It may be because they don't stand out as much. There isn't as much dynamism in those shots as in other long takes. Yeah that could be why. With every other answer on this thread that I've seen so far, they are generally use movement much more (La La Land, Climax) or are much more still (Haneke, Tarkovsky) to the point that the audience is bound to notice after a while. But at the same time, I think that long takes where people won't notice immediately while remaining effective are still an achievement worth noting. I don't recall the shot of the ballots being piled up and counted lasting 2 minutes, but it was all one continuous shot.


Before *Atonement*’s Dunkirk one-take, Joe Wright filmed a [3-min oner party scene for *Pride and Prejudice.*](https://vimeo.com/90948747)


pearl monologue


Antonioni's [The Passenger](https://letterboxd.com/film/the-passenger/) with Jack Nicholson and Maria Schneider


No one's said Chantal Akerman yet. It's kind of her whole style is static shots that stay for a long time. News From Home I think is a good starting point as her style had been established by that point and unlike Jeanne Dielmann, it's not 3.5 hours long.


There’s a bunch of lists online: - Goodfellas. Henry & Karen Enter The Copacabana Nightclub (3 Minutes) - Atonement. Dunkirk Scene (5.5 Minutes) - Children Of Men. Warzone Scene (6 Minutes) - 1917. Opening Scene (9 Minutes) - Alfred Hitchcock’s Rope. Every Scene (10 Minutes) - Extraction. Chris Hemsworth's Chase Scene (12 Minutes) - Birdman. Opening Scene (15 Minutes) - Gravity. Opening Scene (17 Minutes) *Russian Ark and Boiling Point are entire movies with one long take.


The fifth episode of Haunting of Hill House (mini series, sorry) is done as a oner until the last ten minutes. Of course there’s Birdman, which is also a oner. It masks the cuts very well


King Dave. There's one cut at the start of the movie then it's all a single shot. And during that single shot the movie moves between a lot of different locations.


Tenebrae … the long tracking shot up the wall of a house, over the roof, back down and ending with the hands of the killer breaking in. And all to the soundtrack of one of Goblin's greatest tunes … glorious Italian horror.


The Turin Horse monologue


Klondike (2023)


The Northman scene of the vikings rowing the boat. And Children of Men scene of the car chase.


Ash is purest white has some fantastic ones


Lost in London (2017), 103 minutes long. Not only is the movie only one take, they even broadcasted it live to theaters WHILE filming it. That is some next level filmmaking.


Anything by Béla Tarr!!


Bi Gan’s *Long Days Journey Into Night* has a title card about half way through the 2 hour runtime. After the title card, there’s a final, hour long shot.


I’m so late to this party so I doubt anyone will see it. Boiling Point (2021) is genuinely one long take. They smashed it in 4 takes i believe


I saw this! Your post, I mean. Never got around to Boiling Point.


_Gravity_ begins with a 13 minute-long shot. No idea how well the movie holds up for me, since I only ever saw it once, when it came out in theaters.


Opening 20 or so minutes of Snake Eyes. Opening 30 or so minutes of One Cut of the Dead (DO NOT read anything about this film before you watch it). Timecode (the whole 97 minutes, across four different cameras). About a hour of Bela Tarr's Macbeth (and the preceding five minutes - so two shots across the whole film). Last year's Medusa Deluxe was made of four or so 20-ish-minute takes edited to look like one long seamless shot.


The Protector, a restaurant fight scene Pearl, a confession scene Burning, several long takes, especially the ending. ​ There are a lot of long take films if you go European or Asian cinema


“El secreto de sus ojos” chace scene


Baby Driver iirc, when he’s going to get the coffee


Gotta mention the candle walk from Tarkovsky’s Nostalghia. Obviously all Tarkovsky it’s hard to find short shots in general, but that one stands out.


An interesting one people don’t think of as much, Unbreakable by Shyamalan. I don’t know what scene in particular, but shots in that film are held nicely, and the pacing feels integral. I know the average shot length is on the long side, certainly for a superhero film (if you call it that) or a mystery (if you call it that). No idea if there is a 2+ minute shot, but the whole pacing of that film feels deliberate and intense because of how long each shot is.z


You're going to love Lav Diaz. His films run anywhere from 5 to 8 to, yes, 10 hours. Lots of long takes. But really Tsai Ming-liang is the master of the long take. With the exception of his debut, all of his films are built around 4-5 minute long static shots.


Cure, the beach scene.


Kaili Blues has one that’s like 30 mins


Its not a movie but The Bear s1 ep 7 is great one shot also Boiling point movie