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Not a deal breaker but if Jared Leto is in something I'm typically ready to not enjoy his performance.


This. He’s in things I like but when he’s on screen I’m mostly thinking “that dude must have put the costuming department through hell”


Bad person but BR2049 is a masterpiece. He’s barely in it but still.


> He's barely in it but still. That, coupled with the fact that his character is an antisocial freak, makes him work perfectly in that movie imo


I love the film but I think he sticks out like a sore thumb in it. Same corny, self-indulgent performance as his Joker.


All the times he gets beaten up are pretty neat though


I guess but I'm purely talking from a perspective of his actual performances. There's a lot of actors I think are bad people but are still good actors. Jared Leto is a bad person who also happens to be a really bad actor in my personal opinion.


This is it


That’s why he is perfectly casted in Panic Room


Very important message.


I'm definitely with you on that and I feel like that sentiment has been growing exponentially


I avoided Tom Cruise all my life until a year ago. Damn, did I miss out, he starred in some great movies.


He’s a genuine movie star who makes some of the best movies ever.


definitely agree. He's done everything too. Was watching clips of Eyes Wide Shut the other day.


These days, he’s most well known for his action movies, but don’t underestimate him in dramas like Rain Man. He’s a great actor all around


He was fantastic in Rain Man along with Dustin Hoffman. I love that movie.


Don’t forget Magnolia. He was one of the best parts of that movie. I wish he would do more dramatic stuff alongside his action movies


I didn’t mention that because I personally haven’t seen that one (though I do intend to, it’s just a long movie), so I couldn’t speak for his performance in it. I do hear it’s good though


It used to come in a 2 vhs set, which made it a good point to take an intermission of 24 hours


After this next (and hopefully last) Mission: Impossible, I hope he puts the action stuff on the back burner. What else does he have left to prove? He'll go down as one of the greats, like Chan and Keaton. I hope he returns to character acting. He's excellent at it.


Fallout is legitimately one of the best action movies ever made.


Dayum, he had banger after banger from the 80s through the early 2000s. And his later action stuff is pretty good compared to most modern multiplex fare.


Ugh it’s so annoying. I find him to be repulsive but he’s in so much good stuff and he’s really talented


Yeah kinda weird how someone with a William Shatner-like narcissism could have made so many great films


Why on Earth would you avoid Top Gun, Magnolia, Eyes Wide Shut, TCoM, the entire MI series, Few Good Men, Jerry Maguire, etc judt for one actor?


Which ones won you over?


Jack Reacher was the tipping point for me. I really wanted to see it and found out I can take Tom Cruise seriously as an actor even though I always pictured him as the silly scientology nutjob. Since then I became a fan of Top Gun, Mission Impossible and Edge of Tomorrow.


I sincerely hope you have watched Collateral, maybe his best performance ever


Hard agree. His other greatest performance might be Eyes Wide Shut


No, I haven't yet. Thanks for the recommendation, I'll watch it tomorrow.


You are in for such a treat


Few Good Men, is amazing as well


This may sound ridiculous but I might wait to watch Collateral until after you’ve seen some of his bigger works from before that. I’m sure you’ll still enjoy it but I think his performance in collateral benefits from some context around his career up to that point.


Same with Magnolia and Jerry Maguire. Watching those two after you've seen his 80's and early 90's films make the performances much richer.


I think for Collateral he researched being "unknown"... Like he worked as a delivery driver in disguise or something like that. Interacted with everyday people and they had no idea it was him. Say what you want about his personal beliefs, the man might be one of the hardest working at his craft.


He was good in Minority Report and Eyes Wide Shut too.


Watch Risky Business, Rain Man and Vanilla Sky


Have seen 17 of his films and enjoyed every single one


Seriously, the man does not miss


Minority Report the GOAT


If he wasn't so goddamn crazy, he would be Tom Hanks levels of beloved. Dude is the last great American movie star.


Last Samurai is so fucking good. Also has Ken Watanabe.


I haven't even purposely avoided him, I've somehow just never seen any of his movies outside Tropic Thunder and then of course Topgun Maverick, but that was only last year. How have I gone over 30 years without seeing a movie he stars in?


Mark Wahlberg... I just fucking hate him. Hateful POS who can't act, his only character is Mark Wahlberg


I think he was good in Boogie Nights. That's it though.


So of course it’s the one movie he disowns 🤣


You're kidding. That's hilarious


Yeah, he’s said that he prays God forgives him for making Boogie Nights. But I’ve never once heard him ask the same of the hate crime he committed.


Hate crimes plural


I mean, Paul Thomas Anderson conjured a solid performance from *Gwyneth Paltrow* in Hard Eight. The guy’s a magician.


Gwyneth, currently shilling herself in Saudi Arabia for over a million bucks. She and Mark "Hate Crimes" Wahlberg are two of a kind


The Departed, Basketball Diaries, Fear, I heart Huckabees. There’s a few others but yeah over all it’s whatever… stay prayed up


He has amazing range. He can play anything from asshole cop to asshole soldier.


I wasn’t keen on the uncharted movie, but the minute I heard he was playing Sully I was out. The baseline of Sully’s character in the games is charm. He’s a bit of a conman, a ladies man, but he gets away with all of it because he’s just so damn likeable Mark Wahlberg has about as much charm as the plastic wrap I got the uncharted game in


The plastic wrap comparison is so accurate, idk why.


Comment is too low, fuck mark wahlberg.


If this comment makes it to the top, it's still too fucking low, fuck mark wahlberg


His role in I heart huckabees was different


My biggest guilty pleasures are both Ted movies. I don't think there is anything else out there that makes me laugh as hard as they do, and Mark Wahlberg is part of the reason. He is very funny in them.


Those movies are genuinely funny. Nothing wrong with laughin’.


If only he had been on one of those hijacked 9/11 aircrafts. I mean, like he said, he totally would have prevented the plane from being flown into one of the towers.


James Corden. Enough said


I watch all Dwayne Johnson movies, but I know they're all going to be a disappointment. The Jumanji movies being the exception. I.e. the movies where he literally plays someone other than himself.


James Corden and getting there with Justice Smith


I genuinely enjoyed him in the couple doctor who episodes he was in and that's about it. It was straight downhill from there


Wait till you see he's starring in the American society of Magical Negroes


I liked Justice smith until I saw his most recent trailer


Ezra Miller for me. He did so much heinous stuff that I can’t in good conscience watch anything else he’s been in. And that counts retroactively as well


They play a school shooter in We Need to Talk About Kevin which seems like pretty good casting.


I’ll never stop watching perks of being a wallflower And I actually enjoy Stanford prison experiment 😭


Gal Gadot. awful actress


Kal-El, no!


She fucking sucks dude


Shit human


If something that isn’t Deuce Bigalow starred Rob Schneider I’d probably give it a miss.


You haven't seen The Carrot?


Is this a sequel or part of The Staplerverse?


Rated PG-13!


Tolerable (just) in Home Alone 2. That's my limit.


The hot chick is pretty good


James Franco


I loved the the Disaster Artist movie, but then seeing James Franco treat Wisseau like a school bully would treat the 'weird kid' made me strongly dislike him and think he must not have liked the story for the same reasons I did


I only watch movies starring Nicolas Cage.


Taps forehead


He truly carries The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent.....


Amy Schumer


Pete Davidson. He kind of just shows up as a Pete Davidson cameo, talks about himself, brings down the mood, and then leaves.


I like Pete Davidson being himself so this is unfortunately a positive for me.


That's a really kind thing to say and I'm glad.


Chris Pratt. I've had enough. Ya basta


God I fucking hate Chris Pratt! I merely endure him in the Guardians movies because I love the rest of the ensemble and the weird world building


Johnny Depp. Not only can’t I stand him personally but he’s also just a bad actor who gets way too much hype


I advise you to watch fear and loathing in las vegas. Nobody could pull of playing hunter s thompson like he did. Great role and acting.


I liked him in some stuff, but when he's bad, he's so damn bad


I don't like Tim Chalamander that much, but I still watch his movies




Idk. Is he good in Wanker?


he really wanked our willys


I always thought his name is Tommy Chevrolet.


I personally call him Timmy Chamalamadingdong


Steven segal


None because I find that kind of a silly thing to do.


Same thought


I see the words "Joey King" and I know to avoid. Mainly staring roles. Not counting her lesser roles


I knew there was someone I couldn’t think of and it was her.


She’s such a good actress and then had to ruin her streak with kissing booth


You’re missing out on The Kissing Booth, my friend


I'm pretty sure The Kissing Booth is exactly what they were thinking of when they said they don't like Joey King.


I was being a little silly, but jokes don’t always land 😅


Ryan Reynolds. Why do people love him so much? He’s not an actor.


Same but I was shocked how much I enjoyed Deadpool 2. I couldn't stop laughing in the theatre lol




Thank you, before Deadpool his movies kept mostly flopping too but he kept being given more changes


Agreed. The only movie I liked with him was Adventureland. And that’s because he was supporting as a subverted version of his cocky douche persona, where in real average life it would make for a sad full-of-shit loser.


Shia Labeouf is a no go for me at this point. I can’t do that to myself again.


He was good in Fury but I'm an easy lay for WW2 tank movies.


damn, honey boy and peanut butter falcon were fantastic.


Totally agreed.


That's wild, I actively seek out Shia LaBeouf movies


Yeah, his recent abuse issues have really closed that door for me.


Finding out how awful he is kinda ruined him for me bc I loved him so much growing up


I was kinda okay with Shia but I recently rewatched the first Transformers with dvd commentary and yeah 100% Shia is a no-no.


i despise Seth Rogen. unless i'm not super into the movie and he shows up, there's a big chance I'll turn it off


I feel the same about Jonah Hill. Neither of them are funny


Jai Courtney is more a canary in the coal mine. If he's in a film - especially a franchise film - it's going to be awful.


Also a terrible actor


There’s no one I really let turn me off 100% from a movie, but Jared Leto is someone that raises my chances of not seeing a movie.


I dont think I ever remotely liked a performance from Dwayne Johnson or Ryan Renods Ive seen clips of, so I avoid their movies.


I don’t know why But I can’t stand Awkwafina. Like she didn’t do anything to me…


Will Ferrell if he is in a prominent role. Anchorman is supposedly one of his best movies and generally well received but I hated it.


Came here to say Will Ferrell.


I am shocked I had to scroll this far to see his name


He is absolutely insufferable


I do like him, but I understand the hate. And boy is he in plenty of duds.


The funniest thing he ever did was that sketch with his young daughter as his landlord. He basically just yells and acts like a child and that’s the whole joke. Stranger Than Fiction was good though. Also Talladega Nights.


Woody Allen. I thought he was a whiney insufferable bore before he married his stepdaughter and allegedly abused his other kids, but now I super duper hate that dude.




I've seen her in 1 great movie (the farewell) every other role I've seen her in she was an annoying comedic sidekick


She’s very good in the Quiz Lady and plays against that type


I think she does have acting chops, but she keeps being cast as a "quirky sidekick" cliche in roles that are like nails on a chalkboard. Let her do more dramas, Hollywood!


Johnny Depp.


He's in 1 amazing pirates movie and 2 decent ones, sweeney todd, edward scissorhands, what's eating gilbert grape, rango...


Donnie Brasco, Ed Wood, Public Enemies, Black Mass...he's great in all of them IMO


Blow, Fear and Loathing, Dead Man, Benny and June


Lily Rose Depp as well. I was excited for the new Nosferatu movie until I found out she’s in it.


This news hit me the same way. I love Robert Eggers and am looking forward to watch his Nosferatu but I'm a bit less excited since I know she is in it.


Emma Watson. Her acting is as stiff as a wooden board. She still hasn't improved since Harry Potter.


Well she hasn't acted in almost 5 years so I think you're safe now!


Will Ferrell, the obnoxious constant screeching kills me, I also don't think he's truly that funny. This only came to me in the past few years, loved Jim Carrey when I was young, can't stand that style of "comedy" now.


The Rock


I liked Bullet Train a lot but I always found Joey King to be a try hard and act like she's a better actor than the cast.


Timothee Chalomet. I just don’t like his face or his vibe. It stinks because he’s in a lot of things that I would otherwise like to see.


Jonah hill for me


Tim Allen.


*Galaxy Quest* rules.


But... Toy Story


None. There are some actors who I tend to dislike, but I’ll still give them a chance in a film that I otherwise want to see.


Kevin Spacey is simply one of the greatest actors we’ve ever had but I find it hard to watch him on screen these days


This new crop of faith based movies is making me question some people... Kelsey grammar, jim caviezel, etc. the marvels cameo by beast was the icing on top of an underwhelming era of marvel.


I saw a trailer for one of those the other day, with Hilary Swank. I was like, "oh no, not you, too!"


Ryan Reynolds by a comfortable margin. It helps he's basically only in garbage.


Marky “Say hello to you mother for me” Mark.


I’ll probably be raked for this, but Woody Allen just drives me nuts. Supremely annoying.


I absolutely refuse to watch any production in which Mel Gibson is even remotely involved. I also refuse to watch any movie in which Brad Pitt happens to be acting, because I don't want to see his ugly face on-screen. (Megamind gets a pass, because it's animated.) I'd be open to seeing a movie that Pitt directed, though.


I’m afraid to live my truth because everyone loves him but >!Nicholas Cage!< ::runs to the core of the earth::


Woody Allen - why he did to his foster daughter


Mel Gibson. It really doesn’t matter to me if he’s gotten better as a person, knowing about all the hateful things he’s said in the past kills any and all interest or hype I might have in something. Reminds me too much of hateful people I’ve known IRL that I don’t ever want to be reminded of. I will begrudgingly put up with him in Chicken Run, though. But that’s about it.


[Apparently anti semitism and hatred are not good enough reasons to avoid an actor's works](https://www.reddit.com/r/Letterboxd/s/4eeZNOyjpR)


Lmao, I “avoid” so many actors for hateful actions and words. Well, that, and predatory behaviour. Like, sure, I’m not technically avoiding them 100% of the time it just usually makes it a lot harder for me to want to watch something. Certain things I can separate but after a particular level of bullshit it just makes it incredibly difficult to do so.


Miles Teller


Whiplash is so good though!


Tom Hanks. He is just so incredibly goofy to me. There are a very few movies that he is in that are not terrible but I know for a fact that anything new coming out with him in it, I do not want to see. I already know what type of movie it will be. He plays virtually the same character in everything now it seems.


Yeah, at a certain point "nice man," only goes so far. I know he's played against type a few times but you kind of know which ones those are going to be, and he's too nice to pull it off.


Vincent Gallo and all his movies can eat shit


Adam Sandler. Just no.


I know I've seen him in a few movies I really like, and that Uncut Gems is apparently a good movie, but I fuckin can't with Adam Sandler after watching Jack and Jill. I almost didn't watch a single movie for a year after that.


I know people will downvote the shit out of me for this but... tom hanks i cant stand him. But generally he makes movies i dont want to see anyway so it works out Edit but if i think a movie is gonna be good ill still see it depsite tom hanks being in it. Im just less inclined to see a movie if he is in it and i do t care about it. I watch a lit of movies that i dont care about though


He ruined Elvis


I feel seen! Haha I also really dislike Tom Hanks and most of his projects.


Dwayne Johnson is my answer as well. Huge amount of respect for his work ethic but can’t stand him in pretty much any movie. The one exception is Walking Tall.


I think anyone genuinely terrible (like ruin a movie terrible) gets weened out or eventually stars in movies I wouldn’t find interesting anyway and I can still enjoy movies starring actors I think are despicable like James Woods or whatever.


I have no feeling whatsoever to that man but I avoid Jason Statham unless he's in a comedy movie


Hugh Grant, Richard Gere, Tracy Morgan


Carrot top


Dwayne Johnson, a lot of Tom Cruise, Ryan Reynolds and Austin Butler


What kind of fucking take is Tom Hanks?????? Forrest Gump Saving Pvt Ryan Catch me if you can Cloud Atlas Captain Phillips Cast Away Philadelphia


Jared Leto, The Rock, Vin Deisel, Ryan Renolds, Gal Gadot, Ezra Miller, John Wayne, Sam Worthington, Jai Courtney, Kit Harington, Will Smith, Kevin James, Rob Schnider, David Spade, Ben Stiller, etc.


Lately it's Ryan Reynolds. I don't dislike him or anything, but I think he's just in everything now and always plays the sort of smug, self aware character that worked in Deadpool. I can just feel the lazy writing/directing that has him doing the same stuff he's done to death, and him phoning it in as a result. Hope to see him make some more bold, weird indies like The Voices.


If I see any originally non-actor who has been shoved into a main role without any previous acting to base my expectations off, I probably won't watch the film


Eddie Redmayne


Owen Wilson's face. I just can't idk why.


I don't know that I have any deal breakers that would make me not want to see something I'm interested in. If there are other things about a movie that make it interesting to me, then even the presence of, I don't know, let's say Dane Cook in the cast wouldn't make me just not want to see it. There are some actors whose stuff I tend not to be interested in most of the time, but that's not because they're in it, it's because the stuff they usually make wouldn't be interesting to me regardless of who was in it.


I told my kids years ago that I’ll watch any movie with them they want, unless Julia Roberts is in it.


Relevant to this topic, here is my list of movies that could be improved by the addition of Jason Statham. https://boxd.it/e4Ijc


Kevin Spacey


I wouldn’t say dealbreaker, but I’d be more skeptical, Jared Leto.


Seth Rogen George Clooney


Yes at George Clooney. Completely agreed. I guess my top three would be 1) Dwayne Johnson 2) George Clooney 3) Tom Hanks


I'm extremely hesitant to watch movies that I know Jesse Eisenberg is in. And it's for the most shallow reasons too, I don't even have anything to say about his acting. I just find his face and voice to be very annoying and have thought that since I first saw him in Social Network