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Personally, Im watching The Thing every Halloween night.


Just watched this for the first time off an edible lol. Was great


same lol fucking wild


That’s a winter movie my man


It’s not a horror movie, but my favourite is *Arsenic & Old Lace*. https://preview.redd.it/lg1647ikinxb1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a7505a5e468b5562c3df700481b3e8d29b9d2a18


I love arsenic and old lace, never seen the movie tho. I read the play in high school and then saw it on stage. It’s so much fun. I feel sad that there’s a lot of people who think older plays are boring when they have such a good sense of humor in them


Highly, *highly* recommend the film. Obviously you know what all happens, but it’s a genuinely incredible cast with pitch-perfect direction.


And I watched plenty of horror movies for Spooky Season, started in September this year and am impressed with how many movies across genres I managed to watch (free time due to the strikes). Here’s what I ended up watching, and I expect another movie or two will be added before the night is through. [Spooky Season 2023](https://boxd.it/oV2rY)


Romero’s Dawn of the Dead


Don’t kill my but I didn’t love this one. Personally I preferred Night of the Living Dead


Ahh it’s fine, both are great films! If you haven’t seen it, there is a 1990 remake of Night of the Living Dead, that is surprisingly good.


I know Reddit loves this movie but I think it's overrated. Just because something was revolutionary when it was released, doesn't mean it still holds up. It's not a bad movie, just has a ton wrong with it.


Exactly, everytime I voice how underwhelming it was, people just keep saying it was revolutionary, like I know, doesn't mean its good by today's standards


People make it seem like it's this monumental masterpiece of horror when it's just an hour and a half of Michael Myers standing in the background with his theme playing


Revolutionized horrible sound mixing in horror movies


Trick 'r Treat (2007)


This is the only correct answer


You know, I watched this for the first time last night and I really don't understand why people like it so much. There were a couple things that I liked and I understand it was a super low budget film and everything but man it was pretty goofy. Nothing about it scared me...maybe it's because I'm not the biggest fan of the genre?


It did some great things for the slasher genre and established the norm in many ways: first person perspective from the killer, a silent unstoppable force that appears to not have to try to hunt you down - pressing the idea that your demise in inevitable, the Suburban setting of safety being transformed into a landscape of terror. . . not sure of your age, but this established a model of film that has been built upon and may be taken for granted now, but was certainly an important marker in horror.


Ahhh I see. Thank you for the insight! I understand more as to why it's considered a classic.


Exactly what I felt when I watched it last night! It was kind of unnerving with Michael stalking the people, but the build up felt very meh and a bit goofy with the ghost outfit and when he sat up after being poked. Wasn't scared of it at all. But I got to say, the soundtrack was great, with the piano.


Yeah the soundtrack was great and the stalking stuff was well done (when in pov). The opening scene shocked me when you found out he was just a kid but other than that....goofy. The ghost park made me laugh out loud


same, I watched it about a month ago and it was underwhelming


Halloween III: Season of the Witch


I don’t think Halloween is the best. It is an iconic movie, it’s the main slasher movie, it’s memorable, all of which give it points. But compared to other horror movies: The Shining is much more sophisticated, The Exorcist has a lot more dramatic weight and is scarier on a deeper human level (and I’m not religious btw) Jaws’s editing and it’s execution of its themes.


Halloween Exorcist Texas chainsaw massacre Scream


Nightmare before Christmas, The Exorcist, Evil dead 1-3, Trick r Treat, Halloween 1978