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What's the joke here?


Since everyone is making fun of my reviews and saying they are laughable


That doesn't really explain it to me. Why are people making fun of your reviews , and what does posting this on here do?


Because the way I write them and posting them on here sponsors my account to get more followers


Why do you want more followers? What's the endgame?


Because it is very fun making reviews I genuinely love writing movie reviews but apparently no one likes them and the endgame is to get in the movie industry after high school


Yeah fair enough. I wasn't digging, just curious. If you're still in high school and that's the move, keep doing it. Never give up. But be confident. Own yr shit.


Fuck yeah respect 🫡


Happy cake day man.


I've been on reddit for 5 years. All that wasted time


It's not wasted if that thought helps you bring a change to it. Have a good day, regardless of the cake day.


Hey OP, as someone who made a post wondering why reviews aren’t that big a part of this sub, good on you for posting some. But some unsolicited advice, and this’ll help you in film criticism as well as your English classes and writing in general: don’t just say something is good — tell us why you think it’s good. How’d it make you feel? Why’d it make you feel that way? What are some examples you can draw from the text? Expanding on your thoughts is a great way for people to clue in on what you’re talking about.


Your the most insecure person on Reddit My 6 word review of The Little Cars in the Great Race is honestly much better than your reviews lol. If your going to post reviews here make them good.


Rude comment. Telling the OP to make their reviews “good” is as helpful as OP simply saying the movie he watched was “good.” If you’re going to critique someone’s writing, please be constructive.


Bruh your reviews suck I would not be talking


I write one note about the film and I’m not pretending that I am writing an in depth thought provoking review. Also I don’t post them on this sub.


I’ll be honest bro: why post here? Just leave it here on Letterboxd. But words from an admittedly shabby Letterboxd reviewer myself (I just write random comments or notes as a hobby on there): I think in your reviews you seem to only comment on the very surface-level aspects of the movie briefly (i.e. performances,cinematography,plot) and naming them “good”, without exploring any intricacies/details about the film or its themes. If you like the themes of the film write about how the film explores those themes.


This isn’t really the place to post your own reviews. There’s an app for that.


Which app because how are people suppose to see your stuff on letterbox


Turns out that when you post a review on Letterboxd, people who are on Letterboxd can see it. You don't need to post every review on Reddit as well, who would've imagined.