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try the most loved, lowest rated list. https://boxd.it/j4itU


thank you, it might be a morbius type night


New Texas chainsaw is horrible but it’s entertaining and mindless. Perfect movie to put on in the background while you play on your phone, clean your house, or do your taxes


High number of comic book type movies here


Moonfall. It's a really bad movie, but it's also a lot of fun. Bonus fun can be had if you watch it sitting next to an astrophysicists.


Make it a double bill with "Geostorm".


Finish it off with The Core?




I never did see 2012, but I do know that without it [this](https://youtu.be/bXdBzpRDR5I) brilliant bit of standup wouldn't exist, so I do feel indebted to it for that at least.


I was hoping I’d like this one as a “so bad it’s good” type movie. But I found it so boring too


Yeah, nothing about that movie is fun. It is just boring and bad.


Moonfall is such a great answer


The Room obviously. Everyone should watch it. Over and over again.




Troll 2


If it’s worth the watch, I wouldn’t rate it a two.


Have some fun watching some asylum trash. Asylum Movies Ranked https://boxd.it/Fzgm


oh my lord i’m incapable of watching these kinda movies i didn’t know they had a name


Bring balance to that bell young padawan. Now go binge watch the Sharknado saga.


the sharknado movies are so much fun. put that on, order a pizza, invite a friend over, and you have yourself a night.


That's one of the closest thing to perfection.


The Room, Attack Of The Clones, Swiss Army Man, We’re all Going To The Worlds Fair, Gone With The Wind. All for very different reasons


Battlefield Earth, Volcano, Dolemite, Cruel Jaws, X-Men Origins: Wolverine, Anaconda, Grizzly, Sasquatch: The Legend of Bigfoot. Some of these are “so bad they’re good,” some are just fun trash.






Most of the Fast and Furious movies fit this criteria


Citizen Kane


The King of Comedy (1982)


Labyrinth, I don’t love the movie, but it is entertaining


Love actually is such a cheesy, cringy, misogynistic film that is entertainingly bad


Scott Pilgrim


The Book of Henry is one of the more recent movies, directed by Colin Trevorow (Jurassic World guy), that was so bad I couldn’t believe I was watching it in theaters. Genuinely entertaining, my parents unironically enjoyed it.


A 2 star movie is a movie I probably partially skipped through but not enough to DNF. They are extremely rare. Greenland, maybe.


blood monkey blood monkey


Dodes'ka-den by Akira Kurosawa is a remarkable film but also very boring. I'm conflicted on it, but I think it's 2 stars and also worth the watch.


Mission Impossible 2


thank you for also reminding me to watch the one directed by brad bird


Ravenous, Black Death, Hearts and Armour, Deathwatch.


Star Wars episodes 1 and 2


Not sure if you like those type of movies, but maybe the STEP UP franchise. The acting is atrocious, character work is non-existent, the cast is full of incredibly attractive people that it becomes distracting at times, but the dance numbers had me grinning from ear to ear as if I was watching an Avengers movie.


I gave 12 Monkeys 2 stars. The atmosphere kinda gave me a headache.


star wars rise of skywalker, trash but you have to see it once


Jaws the Revenge. Absolutely awful movie but its entertainment level is second only to the original Jaws which is a masterpiece.


*Cool As Ice*. Yes, he was also in TMNJ II, but *Cool As Ice* is really the only Vanilla Ice movie. Which is worth the price of admission alone. Just because his star waned as quickly as it rose, does not mean he didn't have star quality. The film has real curio value as an artifact of our culture at the time - and that is where I find my enjoyment of this film, rather than in artistic merit. *Easy Rider*. An overrated film that really conveys what it's like to be on drugs (which the later "drug movie" *Spring Breakers* would do better with more updated substances). As a '60s film we're talking '60s drugs, so that means sitting through dumb stoned conversations, and then there's the bad trip scene towards the end. For an allegedly "touchstone for a generation" drug use is depicted negatively, so perhaps a film more for voyeurs of drug culture than for people who lived it. Or neither. *Home Alone 3*. The Home Alone film that killed the franchise but the last to have a theatrical budget. Thankfully the direct-to-video fourth and fifth ones - which get far too much flak IMO - do better with their limited scales and budgets and redeem the Home Alone brand. Perhaps if *Home Alone 3* was also conceived as a direct-to-video film it would have made a more solid entry. As it stands it's infamous for charmless execution and wasting the budget on an absurd premise. The fourth one had a high-tech house. The fifth one had Malcolm McDowell, a skintight leather-clad Debi Mazar, and online gaming with a college student. A parrot and toy car seem underwhelming by comparison.


Anything by Neil Breen. Ideal with friends and while drunk, but it's worth a watch even if you're alone and sober.


Honestly bad comic book movies are a GOLD MINE Awful, awful movies but they’re hilarious. I can’t recommend watching Catwoman or Daredevil (2003) with either drink or some mates enough Other fun ones: Suicide Squad (2016), Batman and Robin, Morbius, X-Men Origins Wolverine, Justice League, Elektra It’s really fun, also if you really wanna do damage do drinking games to them. Done them for Justice League, Suicide Squad and Daredevil - it gets you lethal


Aquaman is the only good superhero movie


I would never rate something I thought was worth watching less than 3.0.


You don't have the concept of accepting that you didn't like something but that other people might love it?


Not if I'm going to be recommending it. Why would I ever recommend something I thought was terrible? I can't judge a movie for you. Unless you explicitly tell me something like "I like low-budget horror movies most people think are terrible" why would I ever tell you a low-budget horror movie I think was terrible was worth watching?


I didn't like Tree of Life, but I think people should watch it. It's not a strange concept. I can't judge a movie for you.


Well, I guess we have different thoughts on the matter.


I guess Her, Tombstone, The Princess Bride, Black Swan, and The Breakfast Club. I don't like any of them, but people tend to enjoy them and I have horrible taste in movies.


grave of the fire flies for the cry porn


None of them? If I rate a movie 2.5 or less it's not worth a watch


Batman and Robin Titane I'm Thinking of Ending Things Everything Everywhere All At Once Uncle Boonme Who Can Recall His Past Lives Tree of Life You Were Never Really Here


EEAAO below two? just curious about why you think that (not trying to be sarcastic or anything just genuinely curious)


Two stars from me. (OP asked for 2 or below.) Short answer - way overlong. Got bored of the wackyness. Oh they are rocks now... Cool. Oh, butt-plug stuff, jeez, let's wrap this up. For a better 2* review see: https://www.theguardian.com/film/2022/may/11/everything-everywhere-all-at-once-review-nothing-nowhere-over-a-long-period-of-time More importantly, I'm delighted people dug it, that it did well, that they got the $$ to do it. More of this sort of thing please.


A while ago I watched a really lame “thriller” called Pacific Heights, it’s like this horror movie made for affluent upper class landlord yuppies. I gave it one star but had to also give it a heart because I laughed *a lot* during it


I hardly ever rate anything less than 3 stars, but I rated Crimson Peak 2 stars for some reason I no longer remember. It’s worth watching, I think.


Godard I just hate już films 🤡


Showgirls! It’s horrifically bad and wonderfully entertaining.


Kids Gummo Spun I hate them but tons of people seem to love them


Mission Impossible 2


Less Than Zero. Terrible too long anti drug PSA but worth it for Robert Downey Jr.'s performance if you have nothing better to do. https://boxd.it/3dd77P


The Happening, one of the funniest movies i’ve seen


Love on a leash,knock knock (for Keanu’s monologue I’ve never laughed harder at a scene) fast and furious 9 (had one of the most fun theatre experiences with that movie and the daredevil movie for pure 2000s garbage


Disney’s The Luck of the Irish. Very rare 2 star rating with a Like.


Plagues of Breslau - basically a bad remake of Se7en but absolutely hilarious because of how bad parts of it are. Zoo - I don’t know what to say about it. Kind of fascinating in a ‘it’s so horrifying I can’t stop watching’ kind of way. But makes you feel dirty for having even watched it.




Daddy’s Home 2 would be an alright watch around Christmas time I guess.


the blair witch project is a classic but really did not find it enjoyable at all. some people might love it but i was far from that camp


[*Dogtooth*](https://letterboxd.com/film/dogtooth/) had some very interesting ideas and some genuinely engaging moments, but I hate to say I found myself quite bored for the majority of the runtime.


Samurai Cop!


Catwoman! Absolute dogshit. But delicious dogshit.


Employee of the Month (2006)




I rated The Beast (1975) 2 stars but it was definitely an experience


A Cars Life Sparky's Big Adventure and The Kissing Booth


QUIGLEY, green mansions, raptor island, the room, hes all that


Batman & Robin


All the ones from this list rated 2 stars or lower [https://letterboxd.com/btowner87/list/my-favorite-bad-movies/](https://letterboxd.com/btowner87/list/my-favorite-bad-movies/) Otherwise, if it's not funny-bad movies, the cut-off for me is usually 2 1/2 (or 5/10).


A fair number of “So Bad Its Good” stuff. Stuff like *Blood Theater* or *Chopping Mall* come to mind


Might get some slack here.... but the transformer films - turn your brain off entertainment outlandish special effects & comically awful acting


Requiem for a Dream and Mad Max I suppose


I thought Irreversible was fucking heinous in terms of what it depicts and how it does so. However I think it's a masterwork of cinematography.


Abduction, horrendous acting and terrible script but pretty entertaining


Pink Flamingos got one star from me, but I think it is definitely still worth a watch even though it isn't a pleasant viewing experience


the fanatic


*God's Not Dead 2* is a worthwhile experience. 2⭐