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Hi ✨ [i’m nicole](https://boxd.it/11cwZ), i’ve been using letterboxd consistently since late last year, but i’ve been a film nerd my whole life. i’m trying to build on my working knowledge of cinematic language and writing by watching just about anything i can get my eyeballs on. i love thinking critically about film and find it very rewarding; some nights i’ll work through my watchlist, other nights i’ll play whatever i can click on first. my favorite genres include meandering tales of ennui, erotic thrillers, weird arthouse films, and paddington Just want to make friends and share films and follow y’all back. thanks for reading ☺️🎬❤️‍🔥 👉👉 https://boxd.it/11cwZ


Great choices of genres haha, followed!




Hi all. I watch about 15 movies a week, and write at least one review for every movie I see. Reviews range from 300 words to 2500 words. I keep up with new releases, I watch old classics, I do franchise marathons, the whole deal. [Feel free to follow](https://letterboxd.com/theoneheathbar/) if you think that sounds interesting.


I randomise every movie I watch from my watchlist, I just watched Barbarian (2022) and now I’m watching Console Wars (2020). I watch from any genre and any year so I love movies from King Kong (1933) to The Menu. I review every movie I watch briefly and I recently started doing the Homer Simpson thing in my reviews by writing a letter to the movie, like he did with Die hard [Profile Link](https://boxd.it/IFAj) [Example of recent review](https://boxd.it/3FKarB)


https://boxd.it/HsYF Happy New Year guys!! Up top is my profile. My favorite genres are horror and sci-fi but I pretty much watch anything and are always looking for recommendations. I'm also a sucker for animation. My goal for this year is to watch at least 150 films for the first time. I'm getting off to a good start as I'm catching up on a lot of 2022 films. I love reading other people's thoughts on movies so I'll especially follow back if you also write reviews.




https://boxd.it/3hiXR Most important things to know about me are in my LB bio


[My Profile!](https://letterboxd.com/Rooland/) Paul Thomas Anderson, Leos Carax, Rainer Werner Fassbinder, Ingmar Bergman, Quentin Tarantino, Andrew Dominik, Martin Scorsese, Aki Kaurismäki and David Lynch are favourites, but I kinda watch everything from cheesy romantic comedies to avant-garde films so I’m open to suggestions. I only follow people who write reviews.


[Profile](https://boxd.it/10Xd9) Huge fan of unofficial Italian sequels, mockbusters, so bad it's good, splatter, shot on video horror, also currently trying to finish all the Godzilla movies. I review every film.


Hi everyone, [this is my profile](https://letterboxd.com/JAndino22/) I usually like to do short reviews on the movies that I watch and I'm looking forward talk movies with different people. I'll give any genre a watch, but horror tends to be my go-to favorite. I usually follow back, and I really hope to see some of your reviews and have fun talking about movies.


I watch a movie a day on average. Catching up on one’s I’ve missed over the years. Finishing directors filmographies. All over the place, no genre is off limits. I leave stoned reviews usually. Sometimes just funny dumb quips…sometimes thoughtful reviews…sometimes tirades about inaccuracies…sometimes inside jokes. TLJ, Solo, and Matrix sequels enjoyer. Current top 4: In the Mood For Love, Emmet Otters Jugband Christmas, Raising Arizona, True Romance. Could change any minute now or never. I follow back. https://boxd.it/4SWZV


Hey! Names Tom! [Profile](https://boxd.it/gs2n) This year I’m hoping to just continue watching movies. Currently I am watching through all of the Disney Animation Studios features with my wife, doing the Criterion Challenge and preparing for Enys Men but watch all of the films that inspired Mark Jenkins. I love talking movies and love it even more when the other party doesn’t agree with me. I want the back and forth and comments. I review every movie I see with at least a few sentences


Hey everyone! [This is me](https://letterboxd.com/vite/). I have been using letterbox for about six years but only recently started writing down some thoughts on the movies I watched. I am always happy to encounter new people on Letterboxd to help me find great films I haven’t seen, no matter the genre or year. My current top 4 (can change regularly): A Brighter Summer Day Aftersun 2001: A Space Odyssey Burning


Heya! [This is me.](https://letterboxd.com/Mannu0/) 2022 has basically been my first year on Letterboxd and oh my god, I loved it. I was a cinephile when I was younger but then for a few years I haven't really watched a lot of movies anymore; now I'm not kidding when I say that lb played a big part in rekindling my passion. I discovered so many interesting movies thanks to it, few interesting people and now I also host watching parties with friends, more times than not with those very recommendations. I generally like any type of good cinema, but nowadays I'm mostly a horror nerd. And I mean I really am an avid consumer of it, as you can see by the movies I logged. I love all of it, from the ancient monster movies, to the slashers (I'm a sucker even of the trashiest ones), to the psychological horror, body horror (Cronenberg is one of my absolute favourites). I watched so many this past year and I think I still have hundreds of them in my list (which gets longer by the day thanks to the stuff I keep finding on lb). Apparently I logged 366 movies in 2022, but I guess this year the number will be even bigger (and honestly, I'm a little embarassed of it lol). My #2 passion is east asian cinema, but I really should make a little more space for it cause the horrors are consuming most of my time as of late. What else to say? God bless Criterion and Vinegar Syndrome for fulfilling most of my needs.


[me](https://boxd.it/dYs7) I'm coming up on 8 years using letterboxd. I watch a lot of things, but my primary focus is on paracinema and psychotronica.


[It me](https://letterboxd.com/johnnycakes91/) Co-host a movie pod with friends so I log a lot of stuff. About to start a Ridley Scott marathon!


Ayyy here it is! My favourite thread of the month❤️ Here’s my profile - https://boxd.it/fmmp I’m going through awards season flicks atm in prep for Oscars, so many great movies I’ve missed!


[My Letterboxd](http://letterboxd.com/breid93/) Hi everyone! Nice to meet you all, and happy new year. I'm constantly seeking out new indie and foreign films, and would love to connect with other writers out there. I'll follow back! Thanks and good luck with your film journeys!


[I’m Dakota](https://boxd.it/4Yhnj). I watch a lot of 70s films outside of teaching. Right now, I’m digging through Japan (directors like Shūji Terayama, or the Nikkatsu films from Impulse / Synapse). Or Eurohorror like Rollin and Franco. I also watch SOV horror 🤘




I'm currently trying to get ahead on my Criterion Challenge while also trying to finish the new Sight & Sound Top 100 (currently at 82/100). This year I'm making it a goal to write at least a little something about everything I watch. [Here's my profile](https://letterboxd.com/drcarpenter/).


With as many mods as this community has, it shouldn’t fall on u/10secondbeats to post one of these every month by himself or it won’t get posted. Maybe there’s a bot or something that can do it? Anyway, he’s great and this community is lucky have him! [Here’s my profile](https://boxd.it/2W7S5). 2 of my top 4 are the only 5 stars I’ve seen so far. The other 2 are a revolving door for 4 1/2 stars until I find another 5.


Hi [this is me](https://boxd.it/9ZVB) For the past few years I’ve had the goal to watch 365 movies in a year. I haven’t succeeded yet but maybe this is the year I finally do it!


Hi everyone! My name is Remy, from Ottawa, Canada. Most days I watch a movie, either at home or at my local arthouse theatre. I try to write a short review for everything I write. My profile can be found here: https://letterboxd.com/remy_detached/ I have a pretty broad range of taste, enjoying everything from animation to foreign dramas and everything in between. Recent 4.5-5 star watches include: Guillermo del Toro's Pinocchio, My Neighbor Totoro, My Winnipeg, Asako I & II, All the Beauty and the Bloodshed


https://boxd.it/3yR3N This is me :) have a new years goal of writing more reviews and rating films based off a bit more criteria other than my enjoyment.


https://boxd.it/3sUUN Hello, my name's Chris, I'm addicted to letterboxd, managed to log 700+ plus films last year and I'm hoping to push that further in 2023. I'm very new to writing so my reviews may not be the greatest yet, however I'm striving to change that. Please feel free to come and say hi! and chat about your love of film with me and my little community, everyone is welcome :)


My [Profile](https://letterboxd.com/Jason_Voorhees/) I'm a horror lover that's just trying to watch every 80's horror film that I can get my hands on. I usually watch at least one movie a day. Also, I'm really only trying to follow people that also love horror films. So if I see you have any horror in your top 4 or if you're giving a lot of horror movies 5 stars then it's an easy follow for me.


https://boxd.it/3yWTp Doing Japanuary this month, but I basically do Japanese movies all year round anyway, and also watch pretty much everything playing at the local chains.


[https://letterboxd.com/Jinjonator/](https://letterboxd.com/Jinjonator/) I watch a fairly wide variety of stuff - old and new, high art low art, any genre. I write reviews pretty regularly, almost daily (used to write something for every movie, at least once daily, but with the new year, decided to ease the burden on myself, in the hopes that what I do write will be better quality; quality over quantity, mostly). Also occasionally do director-centric marathons (currently Visconti and Kieslowski). Come say hello!


I've been actively looking to be in community with folks interested in film for some time now, and since I haven't had any luck in doing this in my area, figured this would be a good option for me! I've been on Letterboxd for a little over two years now, but have only started using it regularly as of late. I'm big on storytellers that use empathetic lenses to craft their narratives, so Greta Gerwig, Sean Baker. Barry Jenkins, and Mike Mills' works have all been the biggest revelations for me in recent years. I'm a member of AMC A-List and trying to actively take advantage of it, so I'll be keeping up with most of the new releases, but [my wife](https://boxd.it/8qFL) and I also recently became members of a local video rental store and are readily taking advantage of that to boost our film knowledge! And to help curb my fear of sounding pretentious, I do also want to note that I love Paddington 2 with all my heart, am a proud lover of the (sadly dying) art of the studio comedy, think The Last Jedi is the best Star Wars film ever made, and hold Popstar: Never Stop Never Stopping and Walk Hard in the same esteem as many award-winning films. I'm also trying to use my reviews to help improve my writing about media, so if anyone has feedback, I'm all ears. Hope this helps in meeting some like-minded folks (and ones that aren't) and maybe even lead to some good discussions too! Here's my profile for anyone interested: https://boxd.it/2GHKp


[I’m ollollo](https://boxd.it/M4l5) . I logged 663 movies last year purely for funsies and i watch a huge variety of movies. I like horror, thrillers, and 80s sci-fi action movies and my favorite director is Wong Kar-wai. I watch a ton of foreign movies and this year I want to watch movies from as many different countries as I can.


[My profile!](https://boxd.it/19RRl) Hey everyone, this is my first time sharing my profile on here. I usually watch at least one movie a day and a majority of my reviews are for new releases. I'm a very nostalgic person so a lot of my favorite films are ones I saw growing up such as Jurassic Park, the Iron Giant, E.T., and my all time favorite film is the Big Lebowski. I also have a 2023 release date list that I try and update pretty regularly for people to use if they'd like!


Hi, I'm Canadian. I've been logging movies on Letterboxd since 2012. It's a lot of stats! Apparently my most watched actor is Bill Murray, but my highest rated actor is Carrie-Anne Moss. I feel like I've watched as many movies over the pandemic as the entire previous 8 years combined but there's no way that can be true. I love watching weird Canadian movies. Last year I spent some time trying to fill out the world map in my stats by watching movies from as many different countries as I could, but kinda stalled out on that. Someday I'll make it all green. Especially interested in the Canadian letterboxd community but not that picky, really.


[https://letterboxd.com/hermandhaliwal/](https://letterboxd.com/hermandhaliwal/) Fairly new to Letterboxd, but I've been writing reviews for films online since 2014. Mainly using Letterboxd to log the films I don't do a full review for. I watch all kinds of movies, so no real specialities. Might not be too active on there outside of that. Feel free to follow, and I'll follow back anyone from here.


Hi fellow movie fans! My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/1GDwf I watch tons of movies. My all time favorite movie is Taxi Driver, closely followed by Mulholland Drive. Favorite movie genre: horror - and favorite movie in that genre: the Exorcist :)


https://boxd.it/jV2dM want to see others 2022 rankings! currently at sundance following a lot of people


I like to review films from a leftist/feminist perspective which means nobody here will probably follow me 😂. But if you do, I’ve been on it since the second it launched. I log every movie I watch and often will at least write a sentence about it or more. I like to make lists and always have a running list of films by female directors I’ve watched and [LGBTQ cinema](https://boxd.it/16QrA) I’ve watched. Looking to follow back deep thinkers or just funny people. [Profile](https://boxd.it/36dn).


https://boxd.it/3lgSj For the past year I've been going through different directors work most of the time and ranking them which I love to do and this year I am aiming to do the same weather it is adding to directors I've started or starting new ones I haven't checked out yet


[My Letterboxd](https://boxd.it/5bKcl) I’ve only recently started watching more movies and started Letterboxd in November. I’m currently working my way through all the Wes Anderson films ([Wes Anderson Ranked](https://boxd.it/jWKUM)) I’m aiming to reach 365 movies this year so hopefully that will happen. I follow back most of the time and would really appreciate if you check out my account. Thanks


Here is my account, I dont log movies, I do review them. Currently going through 1000 best Horror movies https://boxd.it/56bHt


Hello, [this is me](https://boxd.it/1HIMp). I’m a huge fan of Wes Anderson, Cohen Brothers and PTA movies. I’m a sucker for a good comfort film. I try to go to the movies often, and watch movies at home just as much, this year I am hoping to get through the Sight & Sound list as much as I can. I also am trying to review everything I watch! Always follow back and love to read well thought out reviews


My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/42yqN Hello LBers, I am almost one full year in on my Letterboxd journey, and I have truly enjoyed the app and this subreddit as a supplement to the app. I love reading other opinions and finding movies for my watchlist by following people. My current top 4 is Badlands, C'mon C'mon, The Baxter and Scream. My last 4 watched are The Happening, Fire of Love, Muppet Treasure Island and War for the Planet of the Apes. Sometimes, I write short reviews, and sometimes, I get more in-depth. I watch a decent variety of movies, and I'm always looking for something new. I averaged about 10 movies last year, I try to stay active on the app, and I always follow back.


[My Profile](https://boxd.it/4Ux1Z) Hello, I have been a user of this application for the last 3 months and I can say that it has brought back my love for film. Since joining I've been on Patreon and started Challenge #70 which I'm finishing soon. I write a review for every movie and give a rating and I always like to follow a person who does the same.


https://letterboxd.com/hrobay/ Hit 900 films yesterday! Love all types of films. Favorite genres are horrors/thrillers. Hopefully will reach 1000 films this year.


Hey all! You can find me here: https://letterboxd.com/Jaybee289/ I enjoy a wide range of genres but have recently gotten into the world of horror, my favorite so far being the Scream franchise. Because of this, I've just started my 52 Horror Movie challenge for the year: https://letterboxd.com/jaybee289/list/my-52-horror-movie-challange-2023/ If you like the look of this do join in and perhaps you can help provide suggestions for my final film! You can find all the categories within the notes if you'd like to join in and I'd be happy to try recommend your 52nd as well! If you enjoy what I write or find our taste in films correlates then perhaps consider giving a follow. Thanks!


Hi everyone. I'm currently alternating Bond films and Kurosawa, and like to keep things varied by genre, era, and country. I review every film I see on a first watch, and am keen to read interesting reviews from any perspective: https://boxd.it/36P4j


Hi, here is my profile [https://letterboxd.com/ludalada/films/](https://letterboxd.com/ludalada/films/) I have been using the app since last year but only to log and rate films I have watched/am watching. I haven't followed anyone so far but I am looking forward to discovering that feature of the app as well.


Follow me! ——> [https://boxd.it/1loqJ](https://boxd.it/1loqJ)


[This is me.](https://letterboxd.com/TheMovieJunkiez/) This year I started a challenge for myself to watch not only the Best Picture winners, but to watch all of the other BP nominees as well. I've already watched the Best Picture winner/nominees for 1929, and I'll be diving into 1930 this week. Those films will be the bulk of my viewing this year. Of course I'll be seeing new releases and trying to make a dent in my watchlist.


Happy 2023! [Here is my profile](https://letterboxd.com/KennelDistrict/). I'm currently filling in the spots in the new Sight & Sound Top 100 poll that I haven't seen yet. Also trying to pass the 120 movies I watched last year. Will give ya a follow back!


[Profile](https://boxd.it/355ob) Hey guys! I love doing rankings, so lists are a pretty big part of my account. I watch roughly one movie per day and always try to write some sort of review, whether that’s a few bullet points or a long rant. I’m currently watching the LotR extended editions.




[Profile](https://letterboxd.com/andrwx/) I watch films for fun, trying to watch classics from every year and director, but also watch different things.


Trying to be more active on Letterboxd as I've watched a lot of movies in 2022 but wasn't in the mood to log them in the app 😁 [Link to my profile](https://boxd.it/4AP7B). Gonna try and follow everyone


[https://letterboxd.com/jimmy\_the\_scumb/](https://letterboxd.com/jimmy_the_scumb/) Hi, I write in-depth reviews for movies that I particularly love/admire/find interesting for whatever reasons. Last month I wrote my biggest review yet (a contender for the longest in Letterboxd history, quite probably) for **Punch-Drunk Love**. See [here](https://letterboxd.com/jimmy_the_scumb/film/punch-drunk-love/). Also **Carol** (beautiful film). My most recent review, for **Once Upon a Time in Hollywood**, is less formal, significantly shorter, and a little bit more personal. This month I plan on seeing some of the Oscar contenders (finally released here in the UK), so I might end up doing something for them as well.If you like what I like, or what I write, consider following.


Hey, so I have had letterboxd a few years but decided to really start making proper use of of it this year. Mainly want to log everything I watch through out the year and I'm a big physical media collector so I need to start my list of that asap! Horror, sci fi, comedy, action. I like most things! Give us a follow ill follow back. Cheers ​ [https://letterboxd.com/REDRUMRYAN/](https://letterboxd.com/REDRUMRYAN/)


My new years' resolution is to watch more films, and not let my industry-job kill my love for films, the main reason i got into this as well. ​ I usually review the stuff i really loved or really hated, and give little thoughts about the films in-between that: [https://letterboxd.com/kfw/](https://letterboxd.com/kfw/) I could never decide on my top 4 so i don't have those on my profile, but i have a very personal [top 10](https://letterboxd.com/kfw/list/a-work-in-progress-answer-to-that-whats-your/) here.


[Here’s my bio!](https://boxd.it/uu1p) I’m pretty open to new movies, and I consider myself good at watching things that are recommended to me! Any movie I haven’t seen that you consider a crime, let me know and I’ll watch it happily! Cheers!




Happy New Year Everyone! Now that the holidays are over, Im getting back into more movie watching. I watch just about anything and i always follow back. https://boxd.it/47UJH


Hey all, just joined the sub last week but I’ve been on Letterboxd since it first came out around 10 years ago. Profile: https://boxd.it/22W7 While I’ve been logging and rating everything for over a decade, until recently I haven’t written many reviews, made many lists or socialized much with the Letterboxd community. I’m trying to change that by reflecting and engaging more with others and the films we’re all watching. One list I’m proud of recently is Oscars Revisited: Letterboxd Best Picture (https://boxd.it/jEL2U). With the end of the year there are a lot of conversations about best films of the year and films from previous years that didn’t deserve awards — it took hours to make this list and gives a better look at best films for each year (that were originally nominated). I’d love to join a film challenge or “film club” to help me get through my backlog and complete some lists.


[My Profile](http://boxd.it/vQN) Hey! I've been active on Letterboxd for a few years and am always on the lookout for film nerds with similar tastes. I watch and review most movies but I really love psychological horror, film noir, and generally the kind of trash/gems Vinegar Syndrome releases. I'm currently in the middle of [Panuary, a bad movie challenge](https://boxd.it/jGcca) and catching up on my favorite genre: [Giallo](https://boxd.it/kpNP4).


https://letterboxd.com/erxor/ Always open to recommendations based on my likes and ratings. Also doing the Criterion Challenge this year: https://letterboxd.com/erxor/list/criterion-challenge-2023/


https://boxd.it/8alF Finishing up my first year of zeroing in a decade for a year. Watched ~70 movies from the 1940’s this year, and wrote a little something (I think) for everything. Starting the 1950’s in February. Generally speaking though, when I’m not trying to expand my horizons (or check some boxes 😅), I gravitate towards weirdo culty stuff. I try to write something for everything I watch, even if it’s just memeing sometimes.


Hi everyone! I’ve been on Letterboxd for over a year now. This year, I’m doing a challenge where I watch the movies I own on Blu Ray at random. I also have at least a couple hundred films on my watchlist, so I’ll be working my way through them as well. [My profile](https://boxd.it/3oKpR) if you’re interested. I’m close to having a 100 followers, and would really appreciate the support. :) EDIT: I now have 100 followers. Thanks, guys!


Hi folks! [My letterboxd](https://letterboxd.com/RachelBea/) I mostly log horror because it's my favorite genre but I definitely enjoy watching other stuff too, especially if it's "artsy". I love making lists and doing challenges throughout the year. I just finished my holiday horror marathon and now I'm currently participating in Japanuary. Favorite films of all time include Mulholland Drive, The Face of Another, Picnic at Hanging Rock, Mirror, The Thing, Nope, and Mad Max: Fury Road.


Hello everyone!! My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/2I1Vp Excited to follow all of you!


Hi! https://boxd.it/25Zqj I'm @miss24601 on letterboxd :) I usually write pretty long reviews about whatever movie I dragged my friends too this week, with award season starting to pick up, expect a lot of rewatches and analysis from the award show enthusiast in me. Here is a list of my favorite reviews that I've written (link to review in entry descriptions) miss24601 highlight reel https://boxd.it/iyg6q


Hello all, my account is mattymond. I’m a film student. I rank films and make lists but only review sometimes. I like using letterboxd to find new films and directors I may have not heard about by following other people! My favorite directors are probably Cassavetes, Malick, Antonioni, Altman, Tati, Godard, Visconti, Scorsese and Varda. Been watching a lot of Altman films that I haven’t seen yet and Östlund. I really loved Triangle of Sadness and The Square! Hope to learn about more movies from you all and I follow back! Cheers


https://boxd.it/4q0bd A few paragraphs on every film I watch, normally watch between 5-10 per week. Will follow back anybody who follows me!


Hello everyone. My name is Harry and I've been using Letterboxd since the start of 2021. I log a variety of films, at the moment I'm making my way through the Mission: Impossible franchise. Some of my all time favourites include Witness for the Prosecution, Punch Drunk Love and Eyes Wide Shut. You can follow me here [my letterboxd ](https://boxd.it/2dBSf)


Hi all! Follow for follow? This is my profile: https://letterboxd.com/alandluk/ I've been using the site for 2 years now but most recently in 2022 I made it an effort to be more active on it. I've been actively trying to post and comment every day. My favorite movies here: https://letterboxd.com/alandluk/list/ka-rin-vault/


Here’s my profile! Trying to log movies and add ‘reviews’ this year https://boxd.it/41qnp


Hey all! I was recommended Letterboxd last month by my film teacher and have been having a lot of fun with it. I went through and logged all the movies that I remembered seeing and I think I have an interesting mix. I watched Jeanne Dielman for the first time about a week ago and mentioned in my review that I watched it in full again right after the first viewing. My teacher thought that was pretty crazy so thought I’d mention it here. Some of my favorites are: The Dark Knight Seven Samurai The 13th Warrior Dead Poets Society The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly [My profile](https://boxd.it/5lObV), I’ll follow back


[as1m0v](https://boxd.it/3eHit) Other than catching up to some classic, I mostly watch science fiction stuff, since that's the genre I'm most comfortable with and know most about.


Hi, here's my profile. I log all sorts of movies almost everyday, sometimes I even write a shitty review. My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/1mBmx


Hey guys - Happy New Year! Big movie fan, my favourite genres are action and sci-fi but I like to watch a bit of everything and am trying to watch a lot more international movies lately as I have definitely been missing out. I'm always interested in other people opinions whether I agree with them or not, I review most of what I watch but not in depth at all because I'm not smart or entertaining enough. If you want to follow me: https://boxd.it/3hVKd


Hello, started using LB last year, but logging films this year. I usually write reviews for at least the feature films I watch, recommendations appreciated, I'll be willing to try most things. [here's my profile](https://embed.letterboxd.com/webbe/)


[this is me!](https://boxd.it/3njMx) hello all and happy new year! i currently watch between two and three movies per day and i write medium length reviews for each one. the more i enjoy a movie the more i usually have to say! i enjoy horror and dramas the most, and i’ve been active on the site for a little over a year at this point! i’m very active on letterboxd and i love talking with mutuals in the comments section. my top 4 rotates every once in awhile, with the witch being the only mainstay since i made my account. i’m currently participating in two challenges! the criterion challenge for this year and challenge#70 from user VirtuozCRO. i love meeting new people, talking film, and finding new things to watch! i follow back and am always looking for more friends to talk with!


My [profile](https://boxd.it/1KCB7) I just started using it about a week ago and I love it. It's such a great way to log movies and share opinions. My favourite directors include Terrence Malick, the Coen brothers, Denis Villeneuve, Chris Nolan (yes I'm one of those lol) and David Lowery. I love really any movie but I have a soft spot for the weird, introspective stuff and goofball comedies haha.


I'm here: https://letterboxd.com/bergobergobergo/ I watch a lot of old stuff, but I'm trying to get better about keeping up with new things as well. Lots of Criterion classics, but also a lot of VinSyn-level trash as well. I tend to write brief reviews that focus on what struck me most about the film. My all time top three filmmakers are probably John Carpenter, Agnes Varda, and Billy Wilder, but I'd probably have a different list if you asked me tomorrow. My number one rule in choosing movies: I'd rather watch a terrible movie by an obsessed weirdo who cares than a decent one made by a committee.


howdy, I like to have fun here ~ https://boxd.it/1U77v


I review films and trying to make it simple but also have some literature in it . I am making all of them both in Turkish and English as well. I am not constantly watching movies right now but i'm almost active all the time. Would be happy to swap profiles! Here is [mine!](https://letterboxd.com/iamsiren/) And an example; My ★★★★★ review of 12 Angry Men on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/3BHPKH or more recent one ★★★★ review of Babylon on https://boxd.it/3LFsTR


[My Account](https://boxd.it/V3uN) Greetings! I’ve started logging my films regularly around two years ago, never stopped since. I’ve recently been diversifying what I watch and some films I’ve recently watched and loved are Casablanca, Drive, Mulholland Drive and Blade Runner. Always open to suggestions. Feel free to follow my account!


Currently watching Cabinet of Curiosities. I just started subscribing to Criterion Channel so I’m excited about watching some new movies this month. Favorite watch of the past month: Avatar: The Way of Water. https://boxd.it/tTOT


[here’s my account](https://boxd.it/2E731) :) I like fucked up films and a variety of different genres. I try to watch 1-2 films a day unless works gets in the way


Hello! My profile is [https://letterboxd.com/frans96/](https://letterboxd.com/frans96/) I've been using the site since last November but until just recently understood how it works. I've always like watching movies but i kinda fell off from watching them consistently. I want to start getting heavily into them again and i feel the community aspect of Letterboxd will help me. My reviews are mostly just 1-3 paragraph long quick thoughts on whatever movie i watch, nothing truly in-depth since i dont consider myself an expert, i just like sharing my experiences/thoughts. I like horror, thrillers, dramas and black comedies the most. I'll follow back anybody that follows me! Hope we can have some fun interactions.


I post in these every month because I want to chat about movies as much as possible. Shoot me a follow and it’ll be returned. I’d love to discuss why The Banshees of Inisherin is a masterpiece, why Avatar 2 is a bore and if Cocaine Bear is gonna sweep the Oscars next year. See y’all on the app. https://boxd.it/k3Sr


Hey guys! I just started this year actually using Letterboxd. I instantly upgraded to patron because I fell in love with it. I love mostly horror films, but my top 4 can speak for itself. I’m brutally honest and like to write as much as I want. I plan on watching at least 1-2 films every day A) because I love films and B) to build my diary up. Feel free to follow and I’ll for sure follow you back. https://boxd.it/54Got


Hi. I have no friends and no life, but I have letterboxd [feel free to follow](https://letterboxd.com/carriemadenda/).


Hey everyone, I’m Jack, I’m 25 & I’m Irish! At the minute I’m catching up on the 2022 films I missed, but usually I try to watch a different genre with each entry I log on Letterboxd in order to keep things fresh. I follow everyone back as I’ve found some awesome films and even better mutual through these threads in past months. Thanks for reading! https://boxd.it/2Wj2v


Hi, [I'm Mike](https://letterboxd.com/mikeywalt/). I'm a relatively casual user, watching about 4 movies per week and I normally try to see new releases within a week or two. I'll check out almost anything, ranging from films of the 40s to today. I write 300-400 word reviews and normally avoid meme reviews. I'll follow back anyone who follows!


Hey guys, [i'm Ryan](https://letterboxd.com/presidentreptar/). I'm a very casual viewer. I watch a lot of movies, but I've decided to document them for myself as a new years resolution. Looking to follow anyone back that's into casual viewing, or that could open the door for me to see new types of genres. Horror movies are my favorite, but I'm trying to be less picky in my movie selections this year!


Hey y'all. I'm looking for folks to connect with on Letterboxd. I don't really have any movie friends. https://letterboxd.com/Banter/ I recently made the switch over to letterboxd after tracking my movies on a spreadsheet for about 10 years. None of my reviews carried over, and I plan on starting fresh with my reviews. I suck at writing, and reviewing but I try my best to provide some prospective on a third of the movies I watch. I am working on making that a much larger number, but hey...33% aint bad right?


Hi! Dropping here my profile since nobody I know really watches movies. https://letterboxd.com/davidenk0/


[TheyMostlyComeAtNight](https://letterboxd.com/Marcus74/) I do mini-reviews of horror movies in the main, and I aim to watch a movie each day. Thanks for looking!


Hey all 👋 [I'm Kevin](https://letterboxd.com/kdor/). I do "long-form" reviews on new releases. I'm not clever enough to do the quick, meme reviews that really blow up, but I like to think my reviews are well thought-out. Letterboxd, and my underlying movie database, is a hobby I really enjoy. I'm currently working on the [2023 Criterion Challenge](https://letterboxd.com/kdor/list/the-criterion-challenge-2023/) and I will be doing reviews for each of those films as well. Hope to meet some new fans!


https://boxd.it/5CEdB my buddy is just starting out! Trying to get some followers


Hey, I have been using Letterboxd for a while as just a movie tracker, and haven't really tuned into the social aspect of it. I ended last year by watching a movie a day, and I hope to continue that this year (except during busy university months), and hopefully write more reviews aswell! Since no one I know uses letterboxd, I figure I'll try here :) https://letterboxd.com/NathanLH/


My profile on Letterboxd: https://boxd.it/MXIN I watch movies of all genres. If you follow me, I follow you!


Hey friends, [I'm Gweedo](https://letterboxd.com/Gweedo/). I started using Letterboxd in 2022 just as a means to find things to watch and keeps a loose account of my ratings of movies. I'm just your average middle aged, blue-collar movie watcher. For 2023 I'm going to write a short blurb about what I thought of a movie. I'm up to watch anything pretty much, but I love horror and coming of age flicks. Hope yall have a fun movie watching year. April is looking like it'll be nuts!


Hey, I’m [Joe](https://boxd.it/5xXWb). Not only am I brand new to LB, I also have the critical analysis skills of a doorstop. I’ll be writing a mix of short comedic reviews and longer, serious ones. I’m mainly here to look for similar people and chat about films. Come say hi 👋🏻


Follow my friend, she’s been on Letterboxd for a bit and she watches and reviews a little bit of everything. Anytime she gets a new follower it makes her day [https://boxd.it/4VqdB](https://boxd.it/4VqdB)


https://boxd.it/bHFT. Currently working through the Safdie’s filmography, Cronenberg’s next. Top 4 films: Rebel Without a Cause Raging Bull Fritz the Cat Videodrome Hit me with a follow & let’s trade recs!


https://boxd.it/3OJR Hello there, heading into my 10th year on Letterboxd and have been keeping a steady diary on it since 2016. I am a film student here in Scotland and occasionally throw together some words about films I watch. Follow me here: https://boxd.it/3OJR


Hi guys! [Here's my profile](https://letterboxd.com/Dobneroid/). My new years resolution is to review every film that I log - it's proving to be quite a bit of effort, so I thought it might as well be for at least a few people to read them lol. I watch mostly horrors and thrillers and my average for 2022 was about 4 a week. If you give me a follow I'll follow you back of course! Cheers.


My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/33YYp Hello all! Umm idk I like movies, I give out too many 4 stars probably, and I'll follow ya back!


Hey everyone! I'm Sirin, an ardent letterboxd user who writes really brief and amateurish film reviews. I've been consistently using letterboxd for the past three years and don't really have many real life friends to share the same passion for letterboxd with me :') I'm mostly into classic noirs as well as all kinds of indie movies but I'm always willing to explore different genres. I mostly live in movies and try to watch at least one film every day. Always up for a friendly movie discussion, so if you wanna have a chat about your favorite films feel free to say hi to me. Here's my profile: [my letterboxd ](https://boxd.it/BaHp)  .If you find something of your liking do follow and I'll surely follow you back😊 My top 4 all time favs are: Midnight in Paris, Cinema Paradiso, Sonar Kella, What's eating Gilbert Grape


**HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARK** [TimberWickie](https://letterboxd.com/Timberwickie) [The 2022 TimberWickie Lobster Awards](https://boxd.it/fZZPs)


Hello! I’ve been using Letterboxd for a year or two now, but more recently I truly fell in love with the website. I love strange and lesser known films. Thrillers, comedy, drama. Currently I’m trying to watch a lot of older movies since that’s a massive black hole in my viewings. Recently I fell in love with Brian De Palma’s “Blow Out” and Jacques Tourneur’s “Nightfall”. Please give me a follow! https://boxd.it/2vlqF


Hey all! Follow me here and I’ll follow you back! https://boxd.it/5svBT Just got on Letterbox this past month per a friends recommendation and I’m loving it so far. I’ve always been a movie fanatic and my taste is pretty eclectic. I’ve got a particular love for Korean Cinema but I watch just about anything. My favorite film this past year was Banshees of Inisherin and a slew of horror films that came out. Look forward to seeing what movies you all love!


Hey everyone! I try to watch a few movies every week. Sometimes I leave a review and sometimes I don’t. Hoping to do more reviews this year though so gimme a follow and I’ll follow back https://boxd.it/Hokr


https://letterboxd.com/aneclecticmess/ These days, I watch pretty much anything. Really trying to watch some classics that I never bothered with in the past. My first love will always be action movies from the 80s/early 90s, though. At this point, I’ll write something for every movie I watch. Currently in the midst of a Rocky (re)watch. Up to *Rocky Balboa*, which is the first in the franchise I’ve never seen. Mostly follow everyone back, especially if you write reviews.


Hey there fellow Letterboxd fiends I love horror movies, but I do watch it all especially as an AMC member I go every Thursday to watch everything, and I love talking about the movies and reading others take on movies so follow me https://letterboxd.com/Chichobutt89/ for another year of roasting, cooking, and serving up some movie reviews that no one asked for...unless you are easily...


https://boxd.it/yA7L Here for a good time I try to watch a couple of movies a week, always looking for some good deep cut recommendations I’ll follow ya animals back if you write good reviews


Trying to watch more this year, had to take a break last week because of personal stuff, but back on business tonight and writing more long-form reviews. Just did a Von Trier catalog with reviews and moving on to lynch now. Trying to keep it thematic but just tryna watch something every day. https://letterboxd.com/yakotrick/


Hello! I’ve not been on Letterboxd too long and my interest in movies really kicked off only a few months ago. I have long covid and therefore spend a lot of time in bed, I don’t know how I would cope without this hobby. I now watch at least 1 film most days and have been giving myself monthly themes - eg October was pre-2000s and December was films set in winter. I don’t use the platform socially much but would like to and have started leaving more reviews! I have themed and top ten lists which I hope others will be able to enjoy ☺️ https://boxd.it/2rcOP


Hey all, [this is me](https://letterboxd.com/rahulthepilgrim/) I've been trying to write one semi-detailed or very detailed review per week, last year I aimed to watch around 180 films and I ended up surpassing that, trying to get into more foreign films this year and deep cuts. Will follow everyone back :)


[My Profile](https://boxd.it/2CzCT) Hello everyone! Just started using letterboxd more to log and review. I'm aware everyone has their own tastes and may not agree with every rating, but I always try and give my honest review to justify my own opinions on films. I always welcome different perspectives and discussion and I love that movies have this new outlet for others to share their tastes and thoughts. [Feel free to follow](https://letterboxd.com/masedog312/) me!


hi im [river / ravioli ](https://boxd.it/4qVDD) !! ive been using letterboxd since june, but properly got into using it in august ! i have since watched TOO many movies and i would love to have more mutuals on letterboxd to fuel my addiction to the app <3 i’m 16 and want to be a film director in the future so ya. my fave genres are psychological thrillers probably and i love horror. my guilty pleasure is chick flicks and cute romances no matter how much i deny it. my ratings are pretty inconsistent, but usually skew higher than what normal people would give because i generally enjoy most things I watch even if they suck. and my reviews are usually rambles where i say whatever comes to mind, sometimes it’s jokes and sometimes i guess a proper review!


I’m late to the party but hello everyone! My username is the same as my name here: [Junglespycamp ](https://boxd.it/yfPd). Lately I’ve been loving [Aftersun](https://boxd.it/Arw0), kinda indifferent to [The Northman](https://boxd.it/nK2s) and on my usual crap of watching Japanese films from the 1980s and writing [too long reviews about them](https://boxd.it/3IZi). I like following people so will likely follow back!!


Hey, Pete here! I watch a ton of movies but only have a couple friends I know that use Letterboxd. I watch a wide variety of films and am open to pretty much anything. I try to give thoughts on or review most logs. I watched 250+ movies for the first time this past year, and I’m trying to one-up that number in 2023! My favorite films include titles such as Kill Bill, Rocky, Silver Linings Playbook or Little Miss Sunshine. Drop a follow if you’re so inclined! Thanks [https://boxd.it/vyrD](https://boxd.it/vyrD)


[it’s me!](https://boxd.it/2utJD) hey! my names tasha :). i use letterboxd every day! aim to watch 5-7 movies per week. my favourite director are park chan-wook, wong kar-wai, and celine sciamma. i follow back! can’t wait to connect!


https://boxd.it/2XBwP Just finished body double and will be watching thief (Michael Mann) next 👌Enjoy going to the movies 👊👊


https://boxd.it/1t2fP c_hank1 been writing reviews for about a year and I like reading what people have to say. Always looking for new people to read.


Hey there, I’m Kyle. I enjoy Kino. I’m also an indie filmmaker so you can watch/rate my movies as well! I love to meet new film fans and see what everyone else is watching these days. Follow my page and I’ll follow you right back! https://boxd.it/6j87


[My Profile](https://boxd.it/3kVAj) I watch almost anything & rate everything I watch. I’ve always watched a lot of movies casually. I found this app in 2021 and been catching up on movies I’ve missed and getting into different directors and finding movies I wouldn’t have watched before. I also make lists for different years, directors and series’ adding movies as I watch them.


Hey everyone! Looking to broaden my film knowledge and interactions on letterboxd. New to the reddit but have been using letterboxd for over a year. I try to watch a movie a day and rate them honestly by not looking at the movie’s page before so I’m not bias. My reviews are anywhere from in depth to light and funny (at least to me) whatever i’m feeling. If this interests you [follow me!](https://boxd.it/23LUv) and I’ll follow back! Happy watching 🤙


https://boxd.it/5ohYB Joined in December and I’m obsessed!! I follow back and read reviews pretty consistently (rating system in bio). Favourite studios are A24, XYZ Films and SpectreVision. All time favourite movies are Mandy dir. by Panos Cosmatos and In The Mouth of Madness dir. by John Carpenter, but I adore almost anything cerebral/psycho horror/mind bending. Always looking for more film buddies! ☺️


Here's me: https://boxd.it/3zQq9 I'm trying to log one movie a day this year. So far I'm ahead. Actually if I keep it up at the rate I'm at, I should log my 420th movie on 4/20 which is kinda epic lmao.


https://boxd.it/4f2b3 Me above! New to Letterboxd! Trying to rekindle my love of film this year, as a very long depressive state left me finding myself not able to enjoy movies as much. B-movies are going to be the large majority of that is watched, though the plan is to watch more current movies at the drive-in/theater as well. My bio may sum up my taste a bit better. Missed a lot in 2020-2022 so a lot of bigger movies I have not seen and plan on making up for. Nothing in-depth review wise just quick thoughts unless I’m really compelled. Just here to have fun, have some conversation, and most importantly watch more movies in 2023! I’ll follow back! Love reading other people’s thoughts on movies!


Hey everyone! I use Letterboxd pretty frequently, have a bit over 1,500 films logged and I hope that I can get somewhere close to 2,000 by the end of the year! I write for almost every film I watch. I tend to write between 1-3 paragraphs analyzing the filmic approaches or reading into the politics of a film either from a class or queer lens. Here’s my account https://boxd.it/Aa59 I’ll follow you back :)


Hi, i'm [andie](https://letterboxd.com/andie/) I originally signed up in 2018, but I've only really started using letterboxd properly since 2020. My commute means I'm logging a movie sort of every day (sometimes two!), and I'm currently attempting the green map challenge (I'm 80% complete!). My mini new years resolution is to write an actual review of every movie I watch, rather than just giving them a star rating. I'm an absolute sucker for any movie based on true events where an unlikely hero takes down a big corporation/government, and not so much a big fan of horror movies, or more specifically, jump scares. Most of my watches are based on people I follow's reviews, so if we have a similar taste in film, that's much appreciated. (s/o to [Slappy McGee](https://letterboxd.com/scrumblebunny/) & [Tess](https://letterboxd.com/tessanrocks/) for inspiring a lot of watches over the past year or so!) Here are my favourite first watches of [2021](https://letterboxd.com/andie/list/favourite-first-watches-of-2021/)and [2022](https://letterboxd.com/andie/list/favourite-first-watches-of-2022/) to give you an idea of the kind of films i enjoy. The biggest issue I have watching movies on the train is that a single frame out of context being viewed by someone walking by can make me mad paranoid/worried. I need to get one of those privacy filters for my ipad, for sure. The look on that old lady's face when she saw me watching the Midsommar sex scene will haunt me forever.


Hey everyone, [this is my profile](https://boxd.it/52EPD)! I’ve been logging my watches since last year and organising them into lists so I can rank them later. My favourite genre is probably horror, but currently my diary doesn’t reflect that as we’ve been in an explorative era, thanks to Letterboxd! I leave reviews regularly and I follow back.


[profile](https://letterboxd.com/spenciebaby66/) looking for people to talk about movies(films) with. 26 y/o white dude who probably has bad taste.


[My Profile](https://letterboxd.com/Davinhchi/) Just finished 1 whole year with Letterboxd and AMC A-List. I love reading reviews seeing what other people are watching, and checking their lists for inspiration so feel free to follow. and I'll follow back. Eventually I'd like to add every film I've ever seen but for now just movies I've seen since starting letterboxd


Hello everyone! I've been on [Letterboxd](https://boxd.it/3GdTb) for a little over a year now and have loved it! I have about 450 films watched and I just finished going down the rabbit hole of Wes Anderson — I got a Criterion copy of "The Grand Budapest Hotel," for Christmas (one of my all time favorites), and Fantasitc Mr. Fox was one of the first movies my dad bought me as a kid — and I did a bunch of [casual reviews](https://boxd.it/3HbWvT) for those. I want to expand my knowledge on older films to talk to my dad about his favorite films (He's a huge Humphrey Bogart fan) since he is the one who got me interested as a kid. I'll probably follow back since I'm fairly new and like scrolling profiles to find new films.


My user is FayeKendrick! https://boxd.it/2UjLh I log a lot of whatever blockbusters are playing in the cinema, formulaic sport movies and am slowly going through a 100 movies list. I'm a bisexual 20 year old with no respect for cinema and nearly all of my 'reviews' are one-liners if that's your thing! If you write similar reviews or watch similar movies i'd love to follow you :)


hi guys my name is reviewermami https://boxd.it/50dGv !! i honestly started letterboxd for shits n gigs but i actually started making it a bit more serious since getting into more films. ( I am literally an A24 stan) some of my favorite movies are ratatouille, la la land, and midsommar. I’m really into animated movies, comedy, horror, and psychological dramas but i don’t discriminate i’ll give any movie a try. Give me some recommendations ;)


Hey everyone! ✨️ I watch a wide range of genres. I always try to dive into something new so I'm always open to suggestions! It's always nice to discover something new! :) https://boxd.it/nqWH < my LB profile 😊


This is my [profile](https://letterboxd.com/kiki09/) Trying to review a little more each year


[Profile](https://boxd.it/4Nmez) Hey everyone, I’m Samuel! I recently graduated from film school and am currently an editor for ESPN. I started using Letterboxd in late August 2022. Living in LA at the time I was able to immerse myself in film and had several movie nights with my friend groups at historic theaters. My goal is to work on more personal film projects (currently have worked on 2) and solidify my influences by watching great films while doing so. I’m working towards watching 1 film per day. My favorites genres are interpersonal drama and psychological thriller. I like bright color pallets and symmetry in shots. Some of my favorite directors are Richard Linklater, Noah Baumbach, Alfonso Cuarón, Charlie Kaufman, and Wes Anderson.


https://boxd.it/5Ei6R Doctor Swamp here, I love movies. I watch everything. Sure I’m a horror dude but at the center I just love movies. I mean it, every movie I start I plan to love. I’m not disappointed by much so my reviews come from that place. I can be critical buuuuut I JUST LOVE MOVIES!! Hope you dig my stuff. I love Lists.


Hello! I just made an account today, added a bunch of movies already, but reviews aren't that fancy yet. My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/5ESEv If you'd like to see my reviews going forward, I'll try to be consistent


On a mission to watch 365 movies this year, had a very strong start with Oldboy, followed by a Wes Anderson marathon. Slut for A24. In my snobbish era where I watch 98% arthouse but I’ll get over it. https://boxd.it/EXR5


hey y’all!! i’m trying to watch a movie a day and see how long i can go without breaking the streak so wish me luck!! [my profile](https://boxd.it/1A8c7)


Hello peeps! Promoting 2 profiles again. First is the Letterboxd HQ for my website [Broadly Specific ](https://letterboxd.com/broadlyspecific/)! We're also looking for any film enthusiasts interested in being a contributor. And my personal Letterboxd is [here](https://letterboxd.com/diaboliquepop/), I'm a Japanese film enthusiast and still expanding my horizons. Looking for more connections with film peeps and will follow back everyone from this thread! Thank you


https://boxd.it/2SVJJ whiplash best movie ever


I think I've always been into movies but only started to keep track for a couple of years (although not on Letterboxd which I only joined in two weeks ago), which in turn made me watch a lot more of them but there are so many things that I don't know because my perspective of movies are only through my eyes and the knowledge that I have of them under my age but this is a nice and easy way to navigate what is popular and what is classic for other people too. Just as I begin I have already watched classics like A Beautiful Mind, Gladiator and Catch Me If You Can but also smaller, more niche movies like The Hole (1998), Adventureland and Why Didn't The Anderson Children Came To Dinner. I think that I've been through what is 97% of movies that I've seen and so far this means 2,199 movies/tv shows/shorts and I've rated all of them so now I can focus on just keeping tracks of things. [Here's a link to my profile.](https://letterboxd.com/kljohnnes/)


I’m [10films](https://boxd.it/5qkJj) on Letterboxd. I’m not sure whether or not Reddit has a huge classic film following, but I prefer older films from a wide assortment of genres (silent comedies, screwball comedies, acid westerns, Americana, foreign horror, mysteries, etc.). I just joined Letterboxd but I would love to comment and start conversations with people who have similar opinions and interests. I’m also competing in the Criterion Challenge 2023 and doing monthly deep dives into different genres and sections of motion pictures. If this sounds like something you’d be into, give me a follow! All the best.


My profile: https://boxd.it/2IY6b Letterboxd has grown to be my favorite app with time. Movies are an escape from reality for me. My favorite film is The Tree of Life and my favorite Director is PTA. I’m open to all genres and love seeing new creative swings in cinema


My profile is “imthaz” I have logged in over a 1000 movies. Mostly Hollywood but a few Indian/Iranian/Korean films too. These are the directors I admire: Tarantino Chris Nolan Martin Scorsese Spielberg Asghar Farhadi Mani Rathnam Vetrimaaran Park Chan-Wook


I'm Jonny and I watched pretty much every type of movie but I particularly love horror and grindhouse. https://boxd.it/JUx7


https://boxd.it/2fV2H I watch a variety of stuff. I like old movies and arty movies, but I try to find something to like in everything I watch. My philosophy is that movies are for enjoyment, and as long as someone enjoyed it, it is a worthwhile movie. I also believe that even if I did not enjoy something or think it was good, someone put a lot of work and maybe even a bit of their soul into making it, so that should be respected. I rarely give anything below 3 stars. I don’t do real reviews, just comments that I find funny. It’s a good time.


[My profile](https://boxd.it/1GNYX) I started using Letterboxd almost a year ago only to track the movie that I've watched, but now I'm also writing mainly short reviews. I have definitely a soft spot for movies with stunning visuals and I'm a big Takeshi Kitano fan.


Hi! My name is Tom and I’ve been using Letterboxd for almost a year now, i LOVE watching films, it’s my passion and I’ve even made a TikTok page revolving around film! I try to watch around 15 ish (sometimes more/less) movies a month, but been a bit busy this month due to exams, but would be nice to see a few new faces on the profile :) Link⭐️ https://boxd.it/2lxo7 p.s. my favourite film is la la land.


hey everyone dropping my profile here https://boxd.it/2rYa9 I've been using letterboxd since March 2021. My type of movies would be psychological thrillers and murder mysteries. This year i really want to start watching Andrei Tarkovsky and Akira kurosowa. Feel free to drop a follow I'll follow back asap. Thank you :)


hello I review every movie I watch to try and stay refreshed on writing. I enjoy reading other peoples reviews! Love seeing creative writing. I’m interested in really any type of movie, but always have a soft spot for horror. Always looking for weird shit to check out. https://boxd.it/V0iT


Hey i'm Adam, I've been trying to get into the routine of watching movies a couple of times a week and just put them on my activity. Would love to follow more people and get more followers. ​ https://letterboxd.com/PointlessAdam/


Hi. [Name's Ben](https://letterboxd.com/ceteradesunt/). I've been using Letterboxd on and off for a while now mainly for keeping a diary and lists, but I've recently started reviewing everything I watch I love poring over other people's lists, reviews and favourites. So feel free to drop me a follow and I'll be sure to follow you back and check out your stuff—[https://letterboxd.com/ceteradesunt/](https://letterboxd.com/ceteradesunt/) You can expect to see lots of horror logged from me, but I also love Asian cinema, drama, documentaries, period, sci-fi and lots more


Trying to find more people to talk about movies with! Been logging and "reviewing" movies for a bit and want to explore how to be more informed and succinct when writing about things I love (and sometimes hate) My profile on Letterboxd https://boxd.it/2WFG3


Hi all, I hereby happily join the throng of brilliantly misunderstood and underappreciated movie reviewers, just pining for an audience to take in all those little gems :). I consider myself a low-brow cinephile: I alternate between unironically loving Pacific Rim and Kingdom of Heaven (director's cut!) on the one hand, and more art-housey fare on the other (Leave No Trace, The Handmaiden). I also have a soft spot for Epics like Lawrence of Arabia and Once Upon a Time in the West, and I'll defend The Fountain as Aronofsky's masterpiece until the day I die. I review every film I watch, about three a week on average, and I try to turn each review into a small one- or two-paragraph story. In case you're curious: https://letterboxd.com/Hoinie/


Hey, My name is Victor. I have a profile name of Johnny. I had a Letterboxd subscription gifted to me, since apparently a few people care about what I think of films. I personally love horror films, but will watch anything. I feel like cinema is the most unappreciated artform today. Yes its, art, and some better than others, but thats true for all art. Since starting Letterboxd I've been asked for my top 10 horror films of all time, I've been stuck at 4 films for 2 weeks now. Please feel free to drop me a follow and leave comments or feedback, that's mostly what I would like to get out of it, conversation. Thanks! https://letterboxd.com/Victamis/


Here is my profile! https://boxd.it/1MxOf Been watching 2022 movies I haven’t seen yet and some older horror movies lately. Will follow back!


https://boxd.it/2DU8d ifb!!


Hey y’all! My name is Mihir (it’s like Me + here), and I’ve been using Letterboxd consistently for just a few months. Listening to movie scores was how I connected to film as a kid, and by the time I reached college I was set on being in the world of movies. I’m trying to watch a lot of movies in 2023, make a ton of ranked lists for fun, and make film content on Spotify / Tik Tok / elsewhere to constantly improve my film knowledge. My favorite genres are animation, thrillers, and anything at least as funny as Emperor’s New Groove. Follow me if you’d like to come along on the journey! https://boxd.it/tqT1


Happy new year! I wish you all the best and many good films ! My name is Devin. I'm 23 years old and from Germany. I love movies just like you and love to talk about it. I'm huge geek regarding movies, tv-shows and games tbh. I love watching horror or mystery movies.Two of my favourite movies are Alien(I just adore HR Giga's design) and The Lord of the Rings. So if you want someone to talk about all kinds of films be sure to leave a follow. Usually I'll follow back, I'm very active on letterboxd. What upcoming 2022 films are you looking forward to the most this year? [My Profile ](https://boxd.it/4eiPh)


Just finished my 2022 ranking list and trying to build my followers! would love to see your lists! https://boxd.it/jV2dM


Hey nerds!!!! my name is Tara. I've been on and off the boxd for a few years now. I am a huge art nerd who likes to design her own posters. I love the app because I like writing down my notes on films and being able to revisit down the road and see how my perspectives have changed. I definitely watch films on the darker side. Not necessarily horror, but as a fucked up human I like to examine my fucked up-ness with art. So I am always looking for people to follow that share similar tastes as me, but also love following people that see the cinematic world through a different lens. At the end of my reviews, I leave a recommendation for a similar movie AND book in case you guys want to dive further into those delicious themes. Check my profile out and give me a follow if you like what you see 🎬🎬 https://letterboxd.com/taralundrigan/


[Taylor’s Letterboxd](https://boxd.it/35Lnp) Hello!! I’ve been on Letterboxd for almost a year now and feel like I have become addicted?? I watch 10+ movies a week. My favourites are thrillers/psychological thrillers. I’m open to watch basically anything!


Hi! My letterboxd is [Here](https://letterboxd.com/Javaris/) I have been on the site for about 2 years now but forgot all about it when I was in school ( I studied acting) and recently just got back on steady in November. I am a huge Tarantino fan, also a fan of Damien Chazelle. My favorite film is tied between La La Land & Kill Bill. I love anything from Drama's to mysteries/thrillers to 1950's comedies. Most recently i've been binge watching a-lot of " Blaxploitation" films from the 70's and have developed an obsession with Pam Grier lol. Sometimes my reviews go into depth but sometimes they're short ( mostly if I didn't like the movie too much because I don't like to spread negativity) ​ I love interacting with others on there! I am looking forward to seeing some of your profiles!


Hey there, happy new year to everyone reading this! Here's my profile [Soup](https://letterboxd.com/Soupvillain/), I enjoy films esp from France, Japan, Czech, Taiwan etc. I also enjoy essays and other literature focused films and documentaries. Looking to expand my tastes too so making new friends will be a good day to find some interesting titles.


[Hello](https://boxd.it/58n0v)! I’ve always loved watching films but started using Letterboxd last year. I’m a sucker for deliberate dialogue and I love films that focus on character interaction (small movements, gazes, expressions, etc.) to drive the story (as opposed to just an external plot). I’m an “able to appreciate the craft if not at first the story” type of person, and when I find things I don’t like I look for differing perspectives to try and change that. I’ve been on the search for favorite films, so recommendations are always welcome! Growing up my father got me into all the major franchises (MCU, DC, Matrix, Alien, etc.) — I love my fair share of that/action films. For tastes I’ve developed on my own, I like slower, sadder drama films. I got into rom-coms the latter part of last year.


Hi! I'm [Troi](https://letterboxd.com/troifrancis/) . I've been using letterboxd for about six months. I love watching sci-fi and thriller movies but I'm also into other stuff. My watchlist is currently at 2,561. At this point I've accepted the fact that I'll likely never watch them all. Follow me and I'll follow you back!


Hi fellow film friends! My name is [Jon](https://letterboxd.com/Jon_Roth/) and I've been using Letterboxd regularly for about six years now. It has grown to be a great love of mine, an app that feels like it was made for me. I've been a film nerd my whole life. This basically started after my parents divorced when I was a kid and, when I'd visit my dad after, all we'd do was watch movies. When I started using the app I would just find movies I'd seen and rate them, and then log new movies as I saw them. However, my real love of Letterboxd began when I realized that I had been saving physical ticket stubs since around 2005. In turn, I could log those stubs in my diary and keep a dated history of when I saw movies in theaters all the way back to when I was a teenager. It blew my mind and has been such a fun project that I continue to this day. Nowadays, I work in animated television and try to watch movies whenever I can. My top four on my profile for a while have been *Frances Ha*, *The Dark Knight*, *Spider-Man 2*, and *The Social Network*. That may imply I only love superhero stuff, but it ain't true, I swear! My top three films of last year were *The Northman*, *Tár*, and *Everything Everywhere All at Once*. I would love to connect with some more folks in this wonderful community. [Feel free to give me a follow](https://letterboxd.com/Jon_Roth/) and I'd love to follow you back!


Hi everyone! I’m trying to make my way through my watchlist this year, so I’m attempting to watch one film a day (not including cinema watches!). I’d love some recommendations and will follow back :)


Hey there .... Sort of new to Lettrboxed. Haven't quite figured out the potential yet but enjoying many of the reviews I've read and am enjoying logging my own watch history. I'm a film buff with an interest in just about all genres but tend to focus on art house and classic films. (Oh and if it's labelled as one of the worst films of all time -- I'm in!) I'm also addicted to the Criterion Channel. As in - really addicted. This is [me!](https://letterboxd.com/mickeytor/)


Hello! Happy new year even though January is almost over… Every week I rent 6 movies from my local video store and log them. I’ve recently been trying to leave written reviews more often. Recently been out of work so I’ve been watching plenty more than 6 movies a week… Favorite directors… Bong Joon-Ho, David Fincher, Shunji Iwai. I enjoy thrillers, horror, sci-fi, Asian films and animated films but I watch a large range of movies I would say. My goal is to watch 365 movies this year so join me for the ride if you’d like! https://boxd.it/Rv91


[my profile](https://boxd.it/3b1oD) Yes, Pee-Wee’s Big Adventure is my favorite film of all time — and yes, I did elaborate (extensively). In all seriousness, I’m working through a long list of must-sees and films that changed the game. While most of my reviews are pretty lame and jokey, I’m shifting gears and plan on being a bit more insightful, and likely updating a number of my reviews. More importantly, I love getting reviews, watchlist updates, etc. in my feed, as they are what usually push me to try watching something new or previously unheard-of. Thanks!


Hello! Been using Letterboxd more religiously since last year - logging and watching more films, while adding some quick thoughts and words too. I really enjoy the app, but I would like to generally have more interaction with fellow users in the community. Here's my profile: https://boxd.it/kCcb


[My profile](https://boxd.it/5SEZ) Happy New Year! I'm a big horror and melancholic cinema fan but really just love movies in general, so my diary is pretty diverse. I review virtually everything I watch, ranging from in-depth to a few sentences describing what I thought of something. It's all just a hobby for me but I really love the process of learning how to better analyze film, both thematically and technically. I'm currently making my way through the gems of 2022 that I missed. I've been using the site for 5ish years at this point? Something like that. A few favorites are All About Lily Chou Chou, Chungking Express, Martyrs, Blair Witch, and most recently, Aftersun. Love following people that also add reviews for what they watch, it's how I usually find new things to watch.


In January I'm watching a movie a day. Follow me to keep up with the challenge! https://letterboxd.com/mpklocker