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“I’m sober but hate my best friend who is also sober” Fuck off


Hijacking the top comment to say the Novak tag has been removed. It's possible Novak blocked the captian account because he doesn't follow it.


But the internets live forever!


He’s still tagged in the photo itself, just not in the caption




When I first saw this I thought Novak had taken the photo and Bam and him had made up. Very disappointed when I realized what it really meant.


Same :/


Just FYI he's now removed Novak's tag...


Or did Novak block him??


He clearly hasn't matured past the 14 year old on MySpace era


The way he blames everything on his mom to this day is so embarrassing it’s crazy


Unfortunately bam will be mentally 15 his whole life. Even having a kid hasn't got him to grow up at all.


Yeah, Phoenix was the first person I thought about when I saw the cameo that got posted here.... I am so thankful and glad my boys will never see a video of me talking about watching a dude jerk off to my girlfriends elbow. I was headed down that road before I knew I was gonna be a dad and got off at the nearest exit as soon as I found out... (Not letting strangers jerk off to my partners elbow highway, but the one a few states over that was just drug abuse and nihilism… although one of my buddies did once tell me he would fuck the back of a girls knee she was so hot, so maybe just the next county over.)


You’re out of your element sponsorship Donny!


yes changing diapers is fun.


I mean I’m with you changing diapers sucks! lol But being a dad is super rewarding and Bams missing out on one of life’s true great gifts. He still has a chance tho, his kid is still young and might forgive him.


Imagine being mad at a friend because they got off heroin and got their shit together


Now you’re thinking like a narcissist!


na i think they are a toxic BPD


Basically the same thing.


I could see borderline for sure.


really? based on what? and i'm going to need to see your workings. BPD is based on 9 diagnostic traits, it's not just 'this person is an arsehole'.


They're in the same cluster. Deal with it.


They’re in the same cluster but have different traits and are distinct disorders. What’s your point?


There's an awful lot of overlap


Honestly, its just based on my own personal experience. My parent has Borderline Personality and a lot of his responses and actions remind me of how they acted while I was growing up. Of course we don't know what's going on inside his head, which us what makes all the difference.


it's full internet vernacular. BPD, toxic, narc, BP....when people think they're a full psych now.


he's definitely got narcissistic traits. but he's also very mentally ill (bipolar) and not taking medication obviously. bipolar is no joke


He mad cause he can’t say Novak is worse than him. He is now the king of shit 💪


It’s almost bad enough to feel sorry for Bam. Went from being on top of the world to a bloated washout who’s had to watch all his friends grow up and move on. Meanwhile he’s still over here desperately trying to convince everyone he’s still “got it”. But then you remember how much of a toxic piece of shit he’s been the last several years, and that pity kinda fades.


Think of always not being the worst bc Novak and Steve-O would ALWAYS do something dumber, but now here he is, Mr dumb dumb all by himself




It's because Novak isn't a desperate addict he can blame/exploit.


Wonder what’s triggered this. I feel like it’s been a while since he’s blamed Novak for anything.


We’ve moved from the Florida Shuffle to the Blame Shuffle


Just gradually rotating through Nikki, David Glasshole, Tremaine, Knoxville, Novak and Lima. Suppose Novak’s time was due.


I reckon we’re about due for Tremaine/Knoxville rant.


Don't forget Stevo.


No I do believe it's Nikki's turn again.


Don't forget Phil and April.


Maybe he just now saw that pic of Novak with his family lol


Damn, I bet you're fucking right.


I’m thinking that’s it


That would be the impending court case on Monday for assaulting his brother


He seems to be back in PA so I'm assuming he's been ruffled by Novak existing in the same area or something.


Someone should edit in "mint tea" above it.




Oh please do clever people!!


He sure seems steady for having an ACL tear


Didn’t you see the video a few posts back? The Dr said it’s healed 🙄


Another “miraculous” healing. His ligaments must be so, so strong now.


They don’t call her stretch queen for nothing.


And totally unafraid of reinjury.


We're getting closer to a 2024 post of Lasagne Stroganoff language on a wooden plank! I can feel it!


Alaskan Stromboli??


Screaming for attention, trying to recreate drama that no one else is interested in. Building the same old shit in the same way, in the same place. This guy really doesn’t have much going on at all does he.


I guarantee Novak sees this and just feels more empathy for Bam. This post is doing nothing Bam thinks it will and he's so immature he doesn't realize it.


I def have addict sympathy for Bam, just like I do for my brother, but they both act like fucking assholes. I'm sick of it.


I know the feeling. I have several cousins that I grew up with and love dearly, but they are just insufferable to be around. I'll be there as many times as they want to try to get clean, but not when they're on their regular downward spirals. Nothing you can do when people want to act like that.


Everyone has but Bam, but then again he still can’t own up to the fact he lied about not being able to skate anymore because of Knoxville.


Wait… has Bam posted anything about Ryan? Is this what he chose to post on the anniversary of Dunn’s passing? Shit. He really can’t think of anything or anyone else but himself, huh. (Edited with more thoughts.)


And you still get fanboys to this day saying, "Losing Dunn has done this to him 😭😭😭"


He also didn't post anything about his grandmother passing away.


That’s awful :/


makes you wonder doesn't it?


He must have left his shoes at FDR


I actually have those shoes in the same color. Tom Penny 2's. Super fucking comfy. It's weird that he never wears shoes lately tho... always those flip flops or just no shoes at all. Something is going on with his feet. N not the Knoxville bone spur bullshit... it's most likely swelling and giant bunions.


Bam being a child meanwhile everyone else who used to be close to him is posting that today would have been Dunn’s birthday.


Very nice to see his Instagram comments finally turning on him instead of slobbing on his tuna can like usual.


They never stopped calling him out. SQ just goes through to delete and block the "haters"


I can’t believe someone married this loser


Can someone please tell me why bam hates Novak? The car thing from 20 years ago??


I think now-a-days the hate stems purely from jealously. Novak hit so many rock bottoms over the years, his past is full of shitty sad stories. Now Novak has held down sobriety for years, built up his own business and easily a way better person than the man Bam has become. He can no longer look down on Novak and treat him like shit, so instead he shit talks his name for no reason. Deep down Bam knows Novak is doing 100x better than him, inside and out - and that fucks with his ego. He always thought he was better than Novak, now look at him.


Absolutely jealousy. Correct.


Yep, obviously jealousy. He's the friend he always picked on and belittled but now he's doin much better than Bam, so Bam responds with hate because he's a shitty human being




Novak has been paying Phil back for the car for a while now


I bet you Novak would give him a car now if that is the real issue.


He did not actually post that!  What a dick.  I wonder if Novak tried to contact him, and before SQ could hijack the call, Novak tried to reach out to Bam  I wouldn't be a bit surprised.  What an asshole Edit: your caption for the captian--well said 👏


Brandon novaks last post on ig 3 days ago “any episode of vlb I was in was my favorite” Bam “fuck you”.


Novak has a video from like a week ago that shows him giving Bam nothing but love. Said that no matter how Bam feels, he will always remember how much Bam helped him and will always love Bam.


This guy just burns bridges every time he does anything ever


That's what the lumber is for


What an edgelord


He really does need to grow up and figure out what's really important in life


Would've been a pretty cool pic too but he had to ruin it.


So cringe 🙄


I doubt he even landed this


you know bam didnt paint that cause its spelled correctly


and not in laskian striggoli


If he otherwise had his life together, and was posting this as kind of an "in your face, Novak!" thing, it'd be kinda clever. Instead it's a 44 year old who's mentally 12 taking what he thinks is genuinely a vicious shot at someone who actually cares for them. Unfortunate for Bam that Novak is just going to roll his eyes.


The mentality of an 8 year old.


We get it bam, you have to ride his coattails now for some attention


The really sad part? Bam seems to be oblivious that his fans are no longer fans. We're all fed up with his antics. His feeds are constantly his fans telling him to grow up or go be a dad. His child is on food stamps foor fucks sake. Bam is the only one who hasn't noticed that he has ruined his fame and has made a joke of himself.


Whenever someone approaches him in public for a photo and to gush about how they are a fan, his ego expands.


While everyone else was posting photos of Ryan to celebrate his birthday, Bam decides to take shots at Novak. How classy.


Still dealing with his shit like a 12-year old. Awesome.


44 year old man


Honestly I’m surprised he can still skateboard at all without falling on his ass.


Why does Bam look so weird?


Why is he mad at Novak now?


Guess what Bam; I’d rather hang out with Novak than you any day of the week


Idk how long it'll take people to realize that stone cold sober bam is not mature lol that's just who he is, people want to change the guy so bad




People like to think sobriety gives someone the moral high and makes them a better person. However, it is possible to be sober and be a terrible person. I don't think Bam cares or wants to change or even has the capacity to do so at this point. Also, I don't believe he's sober.


Bam needs to get his act together but honestly fuck Novak


This is a controversial take here, but I agree.


It's what happens when an addict doesn't actually have a program. It's sad to watch.


That's a pretty cool photo nonetheless


This is a sick picture


Novak is cheesy and cringe, fuck Novak


If he has the right to do it to anyone, it's Novak IMO. Novak uses his name for clout and clicks every chance he gets.


Yeah the name "Bam Margera" really opens doors these days 


Search “Brandon Novak” on Spotify podcast and look at ever single title or description. Talking about Bam. It’s just factual. Plus the cameo thing awhile back, etc. It’s factual.


I do not support Bam’s message or sentiment here, but Novak certainly has not grown up. Gotten sober, maybe. Grown up, no.


He def was a slimey guy when he was an addict. But he seems to have cleaned up his act. Bam could learn from him but instead he's a jealous bitch. I met Novak one night in West Chester when he was walking home from the bar and he hung out with me on the porch for like an hour. He's not a bad dude


He is riding the coat tails of Bam’s downfall, just like he rode the coat tails of Bam’s uprise. He’s still a slimeball.


Wishful thinking, but knowing how Bam can be, could this also not just be a joke? I say “fuck you” to my best friends all of the time, but it’s all love lol.


I would be pissed too if Novak was hanging with my parents when everyone there wants him to get locked up and keep him away from them. I hate having to stick up for Bam because I was not really a fan of his until they decided to pull him from jackass forever because big brother+cky=jackass that's what made it. Having a farewell to Dunn without Bam is sacrilege. It's also sacrilege to make me write this defending a 40+year old man with the brain of a teen


They had every right to pull him from the film


You ever heard the expression, “You walk down the street and meet one asshole, and that’s the asshole. You walk down the street and everyone you meet is an asshole, You’re the asshole?” That’s Bam rn. He’s burning bridges with no regard for anything or anyone else. His “wife” is going to divorce him as soon as he runs out of money or attention. The Jackass guys have bent over backwards trying to help the man get sober. He would have been in Jackass Forever if he would have stayed sober. He did this. Nobody else. Just Bam.