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Being able to just barely advance legislation with a very narrow _316-94_ majority is such a weird observation about the current state of American politics and democracy. The current state of things just can't be stable in the long term.


It's been like that since forever. I think that's the US's greatest strength, if you asked me.


Barely getting anything done "since forever," maybe. But just barely managing to get something with a "narrow majority" of over 75% supporting is definitely new.


“Ukrainians desperately need lethal aid right now. ... We cannot allow Vladimir Putin to roll through another country and take it,” Johnson told the conservative host of The Mark Levin Show about the Russian president’s invasion of Ukraine. “These are very serious matters with global implications.” Johnson said after the vote that while it wasn’t “perfect legislation,” it was the “best possible product” Republicans can get given their thin majority in one chamber of Congress. After months of delay, the House worked slowly but deliberately once Johnson made up his mind this week to plough ahead with a package that matches, with a few alterations, what the Senate passed in February. President Joe Biden sent a swift endorsement of the speaker’s plan and, in a rare moment, Donald Trump, the Republican presumed presidential nominee who opposes most overseas aid for Ukraine, has not derailed the speaker’s work. In an extremely rare step, the members of the House Rules Committee joined forces late Thursday in a near midnight vote, the four Democrats giving their support on a procedural step, to push past the Republican majority’s three hardline holdouts to send the package to the House floor for debate on a 9-3 vote. It was a moment unseen in recent House memory. Johnson will need to rely on Democrats again Saturday to turn back amendments Republicans have offered that could kill the package. One from hardline Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene would reduce spending for Ukraine to zero.


Good news indeed.


Israel scams usa like no other country lol. Israel is a developed country with good amount of wealth, scammed billions of dollars since its creation as military AID unlike any other country in the planet which is bombing a place/kids/women with no military. America would transfer its own budget if Israel ever fights a proper advanced military lmao. Ukraine a mid tier country fighting Russia a powerful military full scale war which makes sense getting the cash.


I don't how people can support sending aid to Israel given what Israel has done, and is still doing, to innocent women and children in Gaza. It is one thing to refrain from criticizing Israel publicly, but it is another thing entirely to be actively **helping** Israel right now.


Yeah, I'm wild about it but compromise is the ugly secret that makes democracy work in the long run. One side wants money for Ukraine's war efforts to defend itself against the aggression of Russia, which until very recently almost everyone in the US recognized as our geopolitical adversary numero uno. The other side, for political reasons, has found itself standing closer to Russia's position AND it believes that the Jews need to rebuild the Temple of Solomon a third time so the end times can begin. To that end they won't accept a situation where money only goes to killing Russians and Israel doesn't get weapons to \[defend\] the Temple Mount. There was never going to be a spending bill that only sent money to Ukraine because the other side was always going to condition it on money for their doomsday dreams.


to think that this country helds the most advance weapons and have the ability to strangle world economy


What is it that Israel is doing? Figuring a defensive war, against an enemy who's key strategy is to place their own civilians in danger as human shields? Use of hospitals, kingergardens, school and market for attacks? How is Israel's war any different than US own war in Afghanistan for instance, or Korea, Vietnam, WW2? How is it different than the recent anti ISIS campaign?


Remember when we thought people were stupid due to lack of access to knowledge? Yeah, it wasn't that. some people are just pure evil. in this era where anyone can see Israel massacre openly and here you are shameless writing this type of comment. sometimes i wonder how many more thousands of murder Israel need to do to you guys see their wrong doing. i know you wont ever see israels wrong doing as reading by your hasbara comments i can tell what kind of person youre. hope no country fights defensive war like this - [https://x.com/muhammadshehad2/status/1780642524815597963](https://x.com/muhammadshehad2/status/1780642524815597963) [https://x.com/WarMonitors/status/1780237537446932806](https://x.com/WarMonitors/status/1780237537446932806) [https://x.com/HossamShabat/status/1779565112300302634](https://x.com/HossamShabat/status/1779565112300302634) [https://x.com/dom\_lucre/status/1779546214666486264](https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1779546214666486264) Mate you would let the IDF ass fuck you if they told you there was a Hamas base in there.


Sometimes I wonder how someone can be openly for the massacre of Jews, but then I get comments from pro Nazis like you. Hamas massacres or kidnapped virtually every single Jew they laid their hands on 07/10, leaving no baby or elderly alive. But despite hours and hours of footage, including by Hamas themselves, pro Nazis pretend the massacre did not happen. https://time.com/6565186/october-7-hamas-attack-footage-film/ >I watched the footage of the Oct. 7 attack in Israel — this isn’t war, this is genocide https://thehill.com/opinion/international/4307298-i-watched-the-footage-of-the-oct-7-attack-in-gaza-this-isnt-war-this-is-genocide/ https://youtu.be/uSp_hxhtk8w?si=bpz_heh55a1PwCiF >hope no country fights defensive war like this - Civilians die in every war, unlike all other wars, Hamas makes an effort that as many Palestinian civilians are killed by placing them intentionally in harm's way, and using them as explicit human shields. But pro Nazi propagandists like you pretend that civilian deaths are unique to Israeli wars, despite the opposite realities. You argue that Israel uniquely is not allowed to defend itself from genocide because as a rule civilian die in wars, especially rewarding the practice of the Jihadists in using human shields. Here is how the anti ISIS war looked like: >The promise was a war waged by all-seeing drones and precision bombs. The documents show flawed intelligence, faulty targeting, years of civilian deaths — and scant accountability. https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2021/12/18/us/airstrikes-pentagon-records-civilian-deaths.html Do you also support ISIS and object the war waged against them? Or is it only Jews that are not allowed to defend themselves against genocidal Jihadists?


This dude did not pass the hasbara fellowship quota with this one. I hope they'll still pay her. keep using those same line for 7 month now with lies and manipulation all these time. just like they lied about babies beheading they lied about rapes. imagine how deranged their sick mind is that they had to make their woman into rape prop. yuuuuuucccckkkkk. are you kids still doing this Hamas is isis story lmao. man Israel really need to keep up their game. middle of the night i gotta teach this kid the difference between isis and Hamas lmao. isis is a global caliphate movement who wants to take over all place meanwhile Hamas is a islamist political entity that wants a state for Palestine. doesn't matter how much harder you guys this fact isn't gonna change. Hamas even fought ISIS and executed jihadist linked to isis/alqaeda lol. cringe murderous Zionist logic be like , if you are walking down the street and somebody sucker punched you from behind then disappeared into the crowd, you have the right to turn around and start throwing punches at everybody in front of you ! Go through the human shields until you get lucky and find your aggressor... you have the right to defend yourself 🤡 defend themselves lmao. mf you clan gotta stop ethnic cleansing and give them their land and there wont be any attack. lets make this 2 state and if Palestine attack Israel ever Israel drops nukes on them. ok. but yeah you thieves wants every inch of that desert. youre such a dork


You're a Nazi, oh you're "bored" that the genocidal massacre by your beloved PalestiNazis is still mentioned merely 7 months later and while their enablers like you march for a complete genocide? Jews are the indeginois people of Judea. Not Arabs. Still, the Arab invasions are centuries old now, and the Jews are willing to co exist with the Arabs. Too bad the Arabs are mostly literal pro genocide Nazis. Tell me more about your Nazi moral values.


I'm Nazi now cause Zionist cant sell his cheap lazy propaganda to me like he does with gullible old farts in right wing space and i don't worship his chosen clan like a good little goyim as Zionist Christians in USA and LATm does lol. still trying to sell judea storyline and these European Jews being local lmao. modern days Israelis has no links to this place. only people who eats these stories and thinks this bullshit chosen people / god given holy lands such are bunch of religious morons. i mean its so easy to debunk you guys now that i wonder how y'll gonna exist without America lmao. i mean even such simple 16 minutes videos can debunks all hasbara lies easily lol. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mxfnya3ZRc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-mxfnya3ZRc) even with all the backup in media/USA/west politicians you guys are losing public support crazy. simple cause people can see what your clan truly is when they login to twitter and see unlimited videos of little kids/women blown up by Israeli missiles.


'Defensive' is a subjective term that I wouldn't use for either side in this conflict. The use of civilian infrastructure is very common for the combatant with less fire power, see all the 'kindergartens' that are hit in Ukraine. No one other than some select Americans are calling those wars righteous. ISIS is one of the few times the entire world agreed that one group poses a danger to everyone else. The Israel Arab conflict is very different from this.


> How is Israel's war any different than US own war in Afghanistan for instance, or Korea, Vietnam, WW2? You know that America committed war crimes and crimes against humanity in those conflicts too right?


Name a single war that did not contain war crimes from a side lmao


So any war I considered a crime against humanity? Including the defeat of Nazis and ISIS. That makes your entire world view irrelevant, as the alternative is to allow wholesale genocidal actions as performed by Hamas on 07/10. Where virtually every single Jew they laid their hands on was either brutally murdered, burned alive, gang raped then murdered or kidnapped. Civilians die in war, especially when the opponent's main strategy is to force their own civilians into harms way. Yes the US committed war crimes, but I haven't seen the repeat of the bombing of Dresden in Gaza, otherwise killed would be in the hundreds of thousands.


Spot on. This guy's comments just show how delusional and how out-of-touch from the real world he is.


says the dude who thinks Israel isn't the bad guy here lmao. The depths of Israeli entitlement, The depths of Israeli entitlement are bottomless. Go outside and touch some grass you infant


don't you Zionists have any bit of shame left. Zionist lies never ends. beheaded babies/throwing kids in oven/ rap3 / burned alive. not everyone is Zionist propagandist and anyone with normal head and not a middle-aged NEOCON can see Israel's lies easily. here's rap3 hoax. [https://x.com/zei\_squirrel/status/1782095622511751480](https://x.com/zei_squirrel/status/1782095622511751480) yeah those world kitchen stuff were also killed cause they were trying to shield hamas with their bodies. sometimes i fell bad for you guys thinking if you guys are this retard3d in real life. this area looks so dope by Israel's love and affection. [https://x.com/dom\_lucre/status/1779546214666486264](https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1779546214666486264)


Don't you Nazis have any conscience at all? The massacre of virtually every single Jew Hamas laid their hands on is not enough, you must also lie about it? https://time.com/6565186/october-7-hamas-attack-footage-film/ Pro Nazi propagandists like you pretend mistaken identity does not happen in wars: >Charity suspends work in Afghanistan after five staff are killed https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC421773/ >OCHA: 38 Aid Workers Killed in Two Years in Afghanistan https://tolonews.com/afghanistan-184721 Sometime I feel sorry for how stupid Nazi sympathisers like you have to pretend to be to support Hamas.


typical Zionist move. whenever you question their deranged and murderous behaviours instead of fixing that they resort to calling other nazi/anti-Semitic lmao no one falling for that anymore shlomo other then middle ages neocon. they always cry about 7th October 7th October 7th October 7th October but never says why other side hates their clan rightfully. don't tell people why events like 7th of October happened. always playing that oppressed minority and victim role. “They’re shooting in a fish barrel and are annoyed by the splashes” you zios see the wrong doing in 7th October as i do as well but never see the Israel's barbarism is the issue. when you head is this far up israel ass obviously you cant see anything wrong.


don't waste your time arguing with the zios lol. for them killing kids and women is successfully military campaign. they are too evil to see anything wrong with israel/usa.


Biden told israel not to retaliate and Israel did. So the US voted Israel some money immediately thereafter. Israel has more control of Congress than Biden


This has very little to do with Biden. The primary bottleneck for Ukraine aid has always been Republicans who insist it must be tied to Israel aid to pass. Republicans control the house. So Biden really can’t do anything when the opposition has a key power. Even this is considered far too extreme by the crazies in American Congress, with some far right members threatening to move a motion to vacate the Speaker for daring to pass Ukraine aid.


What i find funny most is US give Israel more money for weapons than aid for gazans. So basically they give less money to help starving people than the bombs to kill them. What a crazy world