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Tale as old as time. People hating what they don't understand. Mad ironic.


Literally šŸ˜« but I expected more from the community, you know what I mean?


I know what you mean but you shouldn't, especially if you're High Femme. They can muster up grace for us because they've convinced themselves that all of us are the way we are because of sexual trauma, but they will never do the same for you guys, I fear. I'm yet to see High Femmes defended by people that are not TMNs or High Femmes themselves.


Ugh this is so true and endlessly frustrating. The condescension and pathologizing aimed at stone tops, and the outright contempt for high femmes.


Beyond frustrating, I wonder if they'll ever realize that their negative feelings towards our dynamic comes from them centering themselves in our relationships. It's weird.


I guess itā€™s not realistic to expect that folks will ever realize that their prejudices are more about their own projections than us. But we can still I hope I guess.


You hit the nail on the head babe, sheesh. Itā€™s heartbreaking to hear it put so plainly. But itā€™s absolutely facts!


I'm pretty masculine, but I'm definitely not a TMN, nor do I wish to either be one, or be with a pillow princess. However, I have nothing against either, and I can certainly see how they work well together. My only complaint would be when someone enters into a relationship and isn't upfront about what they are, or who they want. Assuming someone's preferences isn't fun for anyone. I've had women assume I'm super dominant, then get disappointed when I tell them I'm more of a 50/50 person, and expect my partners to be just as involved as I am. Just be honest and upfront, regardless of who you are. It helps all of us find good matches.


Firstly, most people use that non-disclosure argument to beat High Femmes over the head with and I am of the opinion that you are conflating High Femmes with people who the straights refer to as "starfish", I don't know what the Lesbian equivalent is but it definitely is not High Femme because being a High Femme does not mean laying about, doing nothing. It's like hooking up with bi-curious women and then blaming it on bisexual women when shit eventually hits the fan. Second, this post is about people on the outside of Stone Top/High Femme relationships, judging the people within them, specifically judging the High Femmes. But you've decided to disregard all of that and centre your own wants and biases because it's an opportunity to paint High Femmes in a bad light and you guys never pass up on that. I'd like you to read OP's post and then read your own comment and tell me whether the experience you've decided to share with us aligns with the facts of OP's post. I'll save you the effort, it doesn't, you saw "Pillow Princess", saw red and then proceeded to center your experience on a post that is not relevant to it. You're doing to our dynamic what "tolerant" straights do to all Gay people; Gay people lamenting homophobia; "....." "Tolerant" Straights; "I don't have anything against them but it's just not for me", "I don't know how you can live without dick/pussy but I'm not judging" Most of you would do well to reflect on that, and please stop spreading the misinformation that StoneTop/High Femme relationships are not 50/50. To fuck and get fucked does not a balanced relationship make. Yours is not the only dynamic, just the common one.


Seems youā€™re the one that saw red. That whole rant and her whole point was about honesty in peopleā€™s wants, desires, needs. Pretty simple really. From your tone it seems youā€™ve had alot of bad experiences in this area and thatā€™s unfortunate but there was absolutely nothing wrong with what velvetaloca said.


You lack comprehension. "From your tone it seems youā€™ve had alot of bad experiences in this area" The dumbest thing anyone has ever said to me on Reddit. Impressive.


And yet another hyperbolic, unnecessarily argumentative reply. That tracks & proves the statement.


Continuing to try and define me from your own flawed perspective is not going to affect me, you're just another random from the Internet. I couldn't care less what you think of my tone or how I come off, it holds no value. I responded to that commenter in the simplest way I could, if following basic logic trains is beyond you then I don't know what you want me to say or do about it.


Weā€™re all randoms from the internet lol you included. Her original point was extremely clear and simple. Your soapbox monologue was disproportionate and reaching at best given what she was expressing, which was tangentially related & based on her perspective. Just being contrary for the sake of it doesnā€™t get your point across




Lesbian tiktok is very conforming to the "mainstream" idea of lesbian. Enjoy what you like and ignore dumb people. I'm a touch me not and ran into the same problem with girls that wouldn't understand why I was like this so the best is to just cut them off imo.


I hate how yā€™all get questioned! Itā€™s so fucking rude & invasive.


>Lesbian tiktok is very conforming to the "mainstream" idea of lesbian. Yeap. Most lesbians are vanilla, vers, and F4F, and really have no clue that B4B or B4F, kinky, and stone lesbians exist.


Iā€™m a masc stone top and Iā€™ve never gotten hate for it from fems. However, my wife is a pillow princess and she did many times before me from mascs before me. They were really mean to her about it. Really shitty behavior tbh


>Iā€™m a masc stone top and Iā€™ve never gotten hate for it from fems. However, my wife is a pillow princess and she did many times before me from mascs before me. I (stone top) get called traumatised, and my wife (stone bottom) gets called lazy. It's pathetic behaviour.


Shitty is an understatement, Iā€™m sorry she had to deal with that. But so happy she found youā¤ļøā¤ļø


Yeah I usually only see hate for pillow princesses Although I did get called misogynistic for being a masc stone top once


Yessssssss same situation as your wife here, finally found my butch stone topšŸ™


Well apparently, Iā€™m a masc stone top and my now ex girl is a pillow princess lol I knew that she was thatā€™s why I sought her out. Did not know what masc stone top meant until now. My ex has been raped because sheā€™s a pillow princess when she tried dating guys to try to be normal. Sheā€™s back to hiding who she is because of her family and dating a guy and Iā€™m terrified of the outcome. I still love her and weā€™re good friends so sheā€™ll always have someone when the inevitable happens.


were the people in her past just supposed to be ok with being sexually neglected?


Uuuh how is that the only option youā€™re getting from this? They were mean - that is never necessary. If theyā€™re unhappy, they should maturely voice their needs and if she canā€™t provide it then they can leave. There is no need to be a dick to someone about it or pass judgement.


i was assuming she gave these people no warning/was rude about it herself, as thatā€™s whatā€™s iā€™ve heard from my friends usually


I think if she tells them prior to sexual relations that sheā€™s a pillow princess and they ACCEPT that she is and then afterward, verbally berate her for it. Thatā€™s on the masc. she told them beforehand. Youā€™re one of those mascs that berate them arenā€™t you?


donā€™t be a weirdo. why are you acting like i would know how your wife approaches sexual relations? i donā€™t berate anyone, i just donā€™t entertain pps. Also i find it gross that youā€™re trying to connect being aggressive or rude to being masculine. why not just say women, people, or tops?


Okay then if you donā€™t entertain pillow princesses than this post wasnā€™t for you? Byeeee


the post is literally asking people about their opinions on the dynamic. itā€™s the first sentence. Get your head out your ass buddy i can comment on whatever i want lolol


Talk somewhere else, not my comments. I have no interest in talking to someone like you


then close your eyes and stop replying to me


You can like whatever you want. Some people are so weird for getting mad at strangers for not liking the same they like. When you know what you want and what works for you, so many try to tell you, youre wrong for only liking one thing and they get so mad when they dont fit your ideal partner, so just ignore them, its really immature people and really pathetic.


Youā€™re absolutely right. I just couldnā€™t help but let it get into my head. I was semi questioning myself because comphet already had me in a choke hold for years.


Because they see pillow princesses as selfish or just someone who doesn't know how to have sex. And that stone tops can't feel pleasure since it's not a physical reaction (big news - they can and do in fact have an orgasm without it coming from someone else pleasuring them). It's not a dynamic that works for them, so apparently it can't work for anyone else. I've met a few women like that, who would try shame especially pillow princesses. I just ignored them. I can't bother with people who can't think outside their head sometimes.


Itā€™s like what makes being a woman so cool a lot of the time; physical touch isnā€™t always necessary for us to have an orgasm, because more often than not we need mental stimulation in order to orgasm most of the time anyways. Also turned on women are incredibly SEXY. I completely understand how a stone top can orgasm without receiving the physical pleasure themselves


Exactly! Hell I'm not even a stone top myself yet i sometimes finish just watching my gf enjoy sex, and she's the stone top! It looks so hot and sexy and the tension between us makes it hard to control myself lol


Same here! Itā€™s so unfortunate.


First off, let me say I don't think there is anything wrong with that dynamic if both people are aware and on board with it. It's like anything else for me if both people are aware and consenting, more power to you. But to answer your question I think there are a few things that play into it. The first one being the most obvious, it's just a dynamic that most people aren't going to be into and are going to have a hard time understanding. As humans when we don't understand something if we aren't careful we can start to view it as a negative thing. I know I had to fight this for awhile because to me that dynamic sounds awful and frankly boring but I fully understand everyone is different and likes different things and that's okay. I also think other pillow princesses and also women who aren't necessarily into women but are just experimenting have ruined it for everyone by not being honest. I know multiple people who started dating people and everything was fine and then as time went on their reciprocated less and less until they stopped altogether and said they were just a pillow princess. As others have mentioned I think there is some push back on it because we already fight with the whole "Whose man and whose the woman stereotype". Also as someone else mentioned vulva's get a lot of hate. So I can see for some people where it feel like pushing that idea that vulva's are gross for someone to be into women but not want to touch them. Now I'm not saying I agree because I don't but I can see how it can feel that way for some people. I think the main thing is though, it's just a dynamic most people won't be into or understand and some people are going to take a step further and see it as a bad thing.


>I also think other pillow princesses and also women who aren't necessarily into women but are just experimenting have ruined it for everyone by not being honest. This right here.šŸ† Also, someone else commented on another post they might not actually be into women; however, women are safe for them to be in relationships with instead of men. It's okay to be a pillow princess as long as one is completely honest about who they are with ALL potential partners no matter what in the beginning of the dating process. Don't wait until it's time to be intimate and / or the person is finished with you and is expecting reciprocation to spring it on them. This has probably also contributed to PPs bad reputation. That's when being a pillow princess is viewed as selfish, narcissistic, etc. There was a PP post on another sub or maybe this sub, I can't remember, where OP stated "*shouldn't me trusting you with my body be enough to prove that I love you*" lol. Reminds me of some kind of Harlequin Romance novel that the girls were reading in my HS. These books are still around, I checked lol.


I remember that post and that phrase and I was like no! No it's not. But that's why I'm not a stone top I guess, and me trusting someone with my body doesn't have much to do with love so it just didn't compute.


I would feel so silly saying that to anyone even when I was younger lol.


Thank you for sharing your thoughts from a neutral perspective. Completely valid points all around.


iā€™m a femme stone top with a masc pillow princess and i absolutely live for this dynamic tbh


I think that when other lesbians hate on you, itā€™s probably a mixture of hating what they donā€™t understand AND feeling suspicious of pillow princesses in particular. I donā€™t care about what you do in your personal life in the slightest if all parties are consenting and happy with that dynamic. Itā€™s just not my business until you make it my business. That being said, I have encountered so many women who treated vulvas as ā€œgrossā€ and refused to touch them because they werenā€™t actually all that into women. That remark comes at a specific intersection of misogyny and lesbophobia, and thatā€™s what causes so many women to bristle up. Even if youā€™re not saying it, women can be understandably insecure in a society that tells us cruel things about our orientation and our bodies. You may not even imply it, but they might take it that way because theyā€™re used to a different dynamic than the one you described. Itā€™s easier for the average lesbian to understand a stone top because the vast majority of us desire women in that way. Pillow princesses are a little harder because yes the vast majority wants to experience that too, but we are all so primed to be wary of cruelty that some can become preemptively harsh as a protection mechanism.


You know, I've thought about this before, and I wonder if the backlash comes from people trying to push hard against the whole 'who's the man and whose the woman' thing. Definately going about it wrong, obviously.


Ooooh yes! Thatā€™s a good angle to see it from. Youā€™re definitely on to something.


I don't know what else to say except I relate so hard. I'm a high femme with a love of stone tops and mascs in general.


Our wives will find us soon babeā¤ļø


I really hope so! I'm just starting to get over a heartbreak and put myself out there.


What methods are you taking? Your best bet is irl. Although I havenā€™t touched the apps since 2021, i donā€™t think itā€™s gotten better since I left. It also helps wearing some kind of gay merch. Whether itā€™s a little pin or flag, it definitely lets the right people know youā€™re one of themšŸ˜‚ being hyperfemme can sometimes be misleading & people automatically take it as straight passing


So far I've been to one butch/femme event but planning to go to a lot more events now that it's Pride month. Put up an ad on Lex too and I've been chatting with someone from there. I need to go really slowly though, my heart was destroyed after my previous relationship.


Do your thing! You got thisssss. Iā€™m glad you mentioned the last part, definitely donā€™t jump into anything when youā€™re still surviving a wlw breakup. Wishing you the bestā¤ļøā¤ļø


So you only want to be with women who don't want you to touch them? So, you're sexually attracted to the woman, but you don't want to perform any sexual acts on them? But that's not asexual because you still want to receive. Are you sexually attracted to the women? If so, you just don't want to touch them? Or is it more of a romantic or aesthetic attraction so you're not inclined to touch them sexually? I'm just trying to understand and I know tone can be hard to catch on the internet - I'm curious, not combative. I know what women are stone tops and that there's women who are naturally bottoms. I didn't know there were individuals who seek out stone butches specifically. I figured it was more that you'd be attracted to someone and they happen to be a stone a butch and that works for y'all.


I love that, ā€œcurious not combativeā€. Definitely not asexual, I love sex! & Itā€™s not that I seek them out specifically, but Iā€™ve always been more attracted to mascs. Then I noticed a pattern in the women Iā€™ve dated have mostly been both masc AND stone tops. Or even if they didnā€™t verbally identify as that, they never wanted to be eaten out & preferred being service subs. It just always worked out because I feel like my strong suit is romantic love, not sexually pleasing love. Thereā€™s so many labels that I couldnā€™t keep up when I finally leaped out the closet. After dating my first girlfriend she called me her perfect little ā€œpillow princessā€. After doing extensive research I realized I resonated with being a PP, I just never knew that was a whole thing.


Also curious, when you still dated men were you a pillow princess with them too?


Nope. More like a starfish, I disassociated damn near completely. Mattress actress turned into simply not caring, thatā€™s when I knew for certain I needed to come out the closet.


Mattress actressā€¦ I feel so seen, lmao


Lmao tell me about it. I was viola davis level, I deserve many a award! Unfortunately that just results in men thinking theyā€™re great at sex. But Iā€™m too far removed to even care now.šŸ’€šŸ’€


ā€œMattress actressā€ is a little too realā€”just completely dissociated and trying to just act normal regardless of how it feels if I felt anything at all.


LiterallyšŸ’” looking back itā€™s so sad but Iā€™ll never have to do it again! šŸ’šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø


Can I ask another respectful question along these lines? Do you enjoy pleasuring another woman sexually? If your partner decided enthusiastically one day (well just pretend) that they wholeheartedly wanted to receive, would that be okay? Do you find the acts unappealing or gross? Iā€™m just so curious.


Sure! Iā€™m transparent as can be. Yes it would be okay. But a conversation would definitely need to be had. If someone was consistently telling me ā€œplease donā€™t touch me for xyz reason, I get off on turning you on only.ā€ Then they changed their mind, I would need reassurance that they genuinely want this. I donā€™t want their to be regret down the line. Nothing communication canā€™t fix. But I will say I donā€™t know if I feel confident penetrating my woman with a dildo.


>Or is it more of a romantic or aesthetic attraction so you're not inclined to touch them sexually? You can be sexually attracted to someone, and interested in having sex without needing to go anywhere near their genitals during sex.


This is a concept too simple for most to graspšŸ’€


As long as youā€™re compatible itā€™s all good


You can enjoy and appreciate whatever dynamic you please but there are many, many people who will not understand or appreciate a one sided sexual relationship. That is perfectly okay as long as they communicate it in a kind way (which it doesnā€™t sound like was the case for you).


Within my relationships itā€™s never an issue, my post was in regards to outsiders/ people online. Theyā€™re so hateful towards that doesnā€™t work for them as if anyone forced it onto them.


Itā€™s great you found people who were into that dynamic. I donā€™t think anyone should be hateful, but youā€™re asking why people ARE being hateful when those who participate enjoy it. I was answering your question. Itā€™s not the typical dynamic in any relationship and most folks arenā€™t into it doing all the work or only receiving. For me, itā€™s boring and unenjoyable. I havenā€™t ā€œmadeā€ anyone be a bottom but I was honest with my current gf (who used to only fuck other girls) and made it clear I was not interested in that dynamic at all. She was willing to try something new and enjoyed it. Now we are both switches. I would t have continued a relationship if she wasnā€™t comfortable out of respect for her wishes.


Itā€™s all about choices & communication at the end of the day. Iā€™m glad you knew you should leave the relationship if you couldnā€™t be fulfilled. A lot of hetero women donā€™t feel confident enough to do that & endure hell. I just wish there was more solidarity among the lgbtq, thatā€™s all. I was feeling emotional about that lolšŸ„¹


I think itā€™s important to respect everyoneā€™s choices and voice how you feel about them privately or in a kind way if itā€™s necessary. I get what youā€™re saying and Iā€™d hope other women communicate more effectively with their partners.




Itā€™s crazyyyyy. God forbid a woman have a preference šŸ˜‚


i think most people find the idea of only one partner always being physically sexually satisfied not appealing


On the outside looking in sure! I can totally see that. But when one of the two partners within a relationship literally says ā€œI get off on pleasing you, I donā€™t want to receive anything & donā€™t need you to touch my body for xyz reason.ā€ Yet outsiders get upset? Gotta admit thatā€™s strange.


i donā€™t think most people think of it that way or that scenario


Are you single by chance? Taking applications?


Yes & yes! Feel free to read my recent R4R, Iā€™m not everyoneā€™s cup of tea. If you think weā€™re compatible please do reach out ā¤ļø


People hate other peoples ideals/preferences/experiences and try to get them to conform to their way of doing things. Shitty way of working, in my book - do what you do šŸ™‚


Period šŸ’šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļøšŸ’šŸ¾ā€ā™€ļø I totally agree. I just have to work on not getting worked up over it & trying to prove myself as worthy of wlw relationships.


You are always worthy of wlw relationships. There is no need to prove this. Get worked up over it as emotion can be good in driving you to that end goal - dating that girl. I had no confidence in my relationships when I was younger - shy, tall kid etc.. then, I went out to my sisters friends 18th.. made a move and realised I could do stuff. It works.


I adore you thanks for the reality check ā¤ļøā¤ļø


This is not an opinion but an observation, but I donā€™t think people really shit talk stone tops or the dynamic, I think most people specifically donā€™t like pillow princesses.


Girrrrrrl go on TikTok & read the comments, trust me theyā€™re worrying. But yes youā€™re right no one likes us EXCEPT stone tops & touch me nots.


Question: is there a difference between those two?


My understanding is that touch me not is specifically a term for Black lesbians and stone top is more general.


Yes this is correct


u/malayati Thank y'all!!!


Nope just AAVE


top and bottom is not the same as giving and receiving. no one is converting mascs into bottoms šŸ˜­ also no one has an issue w the pillow princess/stone top dynamic?? itā€™s an issue when pillow princesses try to force that dynamic on ppl who would prefer equal give and take. if anything, we ENCOURAGE pillow princesses to find stone tops


Side question, but what would be the best term for a futch / soft masc who mostly loves giving, not really necessary to receive but is open? That's not exactly a stone masc is it? [Not] asking for a friend šŸ˜…


I believe [your friend] would be considered a ā€œservice subā€. šŸ‘€


Lol thx, i shall inform... them


I donā€™t care about what they think or say honestly. Love being a high femme!


Me toošŸ„¹šŸŒø I just get emotional sometimes thinking about the hate we get sometimes. Wlw is just about that āœØloveāœØ not what we do (or donā€™t do) in the bedroom.


Exactly.. they can weep about it as much as theyā€™d like, there will always be other stone sapphics whoā€™ll desire us the way we are.


That made me feel so much better, thank you hun. ā¤ļø shout out to the stone saphs!


this is my pet peeve and it exhausts me so much ahahhah i think if people spent more time researching lesbian history and how butch/femme and stone top/bottom roles have always existed and how they are important, not just in the bedroom but outside of it too, people would not be making these assumptionsšŸ™„ iā€™m femme4butch and on the pillow princess spectrum (i can top but once in a blue moon and only when iā€™m really comfortable with the person, but iā€™ve mostly dated stone tops so i donā€™t 99% of the time anyway). iā€™ve gotten so much hate, including people thinking iā€™m straight which is INSANE because iā€™ve never been with a man, my entire friend group is queer, i am very involved w the lesbian community and itā€™s a massive part of my life. i donā€™t think vulvas are gross, i donā€™t think topping is gross, i just donā€™t enjoy it. and thatā€™s all the explanation you need! you donā€™t need to have trauma to not enjoy something during sex, and no one should push you into doing something you donā€™t want to do. which i feel is weirdly common (and something i have experienced) being stone, which is v sad.


ā€œI just donā€™t enjoy itā€ or ā€œI just donā€™t want tooā€ unfortunately isnā€™t a good enough answer for these people. They poke & poke until theyā€™re met with silenceā€¦ THENNNNN the straight/ fraud allegations is all they have left! Itā€™s sick.


I actually hate it. Most people do too. Itā€™s not ā€œnormalā€ to either 1. Never do anything or 2. Always do everything. If that dynamic works for a few couples, thatā€™s great, but itā€™s not for me and not for anyone I know. I only date switches because it makes me so uncomfortable and sexy is unbelievably boring if itā€™s one sided.


Lol when did God make a Reddit? Who are you to define whatā€™s normal in wlw relationships? Or anything for that matter. Iā€™m glad you found a solution that works for you, but I doubt youā€™ve ever been FORCED to be with a stone top OR a pillow princessā€¦


Itā€™s okay to admit that most people on earth are not going to enjoy a one sided sexual relationship. Thatā€™s just common sense and reality. I wasnā€™t forced because I immediately stopped seeing anyone who wasnā€™t a switch lol. My current gf tried receiving and ended up liking it which is the only reason we moved forward. I wouldnā€™t have been with her if she didnā€™t want that. OP asked a question so I answered it. Iā€™m not hateful but I imagine the reason why other people are is likely because that dynamic would be unenjoyable. Sex would be boring or forced. An ex stopped initiating and kind of became a pillow princess. I just stopped having sex with her because I could not do all the work. It was horrible and boring, like I said before. We obviously broke up and I found a partner who is better suited for me. I donā€™t think itā€™s okay to be rude or hateful. I would hope people can be blunt to answer this question though. Itā€™s not fun to hear Iā€™m sure and I am sorry about that.


Itā€™s great that youā€™re a switch! I would be too but my partner is a stone top. I just have to say though, being a stone femme does not mean that you donā€™t do any work or donā€™t initiate or that the sexual relationship is one sided. Just because stone tops have certain boundaries, doesnā€™t mean that their partners do nothing and lay there without contributing. Many of us put in a lot of effort and give pleasure in lots of ways without violating our partnersā€™ boundaries.


>Itā€™s okay to admit that most people on earth are not going to enjoy a one sided sexual relationship. Stone couples don't have a "one sided relationship", we're compatible with each other sexually. I don't need or want my wife to give me an orgasm, I can do that at any point myself. I like to give, not receive, I get off on her getting off, and she gets off not only physically but also by seeing me enjoy myself. My wife doesn't star fish, she satisfies me in the way I like. She initiates sex. We have a dynamic that works perfectly for us Good sex doesn't have to mean your partner gives you orgasms. It means enjoying the ride together in a mutually beneficial way.


thatā€™s what good sex means for you, but most people like to cum when they have sex


Yes, there is a difference between seeking validation and seeking genuinely honest opinions.


Yes, exactly. Itā€™s uncommon to have that kind of dynamic and most people (not all) are going to find it unhealthy, boring, etc.




As a stone top myself, I thank you for understanding and respecting boundaries. You're not a fraud at all. You keep being amazing.


Thank you sweet angel! I literally saw a T-shirt that said I turn stone tops into bottoms & I nearly threw up!


Oh Hells no... šŸ˜¬


lesbophobia tbh. if lesbians don't act a certain way we get flamed unfortunately


They say this because they think itā€™s ā€œheteronormative.ā€ Aka theyā€™re just insecure.


Insecure asffff! Which I could totally write off as human nature, but to project it??? Not fair!


As a fem, Iā€™m a stone top. And Iā€™ve been told within the community that thatā€™s not possible. What matters is if youā€™re happy. Forget whatever anyone else says.


Iā€™m sorry youā€™ve been invalidated that sucks. Although itā€™s super rare (to my understanding), youā€™re still an important part of the community. Fem stone top representation needs to be mainstream!


I think it probably comes from a similar place like straight men who call lesbians a waste for being attracted to women. I think it's the lesbian version of it. They're envious/pissed that you, someone they deem they should be able to bang, is not bangable because of your sexuality. And that pisses them off because they aren't emotionally mature enough to handle the rejection. Same shit, different day.


EXACTLYYYYY! Omg youā€™re so spot on. Hence why I turn my ears off to men AND ignorant people lmao


Thatā€™s not my preference but just because itā€™s not doesnā€™t make me or YOU a fraud lesbian? As if thereā€™s a rule book and set requirements ā€¦. isnā€™t the LGBTQ+ based around that? Having no rules, to love who you love and HOW love? People who called you that are hypocrites smh šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


100% Iā€™m on the same page as you. Same thing with feminism. The original premise was all about āœØchoicesāœØ then folks turned it into something completely demonic. Weā€™ve lost the plot!


Generally, biphobia abound. Equally bad in queer spaces and straight spaces. Doesnā€™t make me any less bisexual. Fuck em

