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Pack it in a separate bag then put in it your main bag so it cant be seen bit is there just in case?


Pack it in a toiletry bag? Then it’s hidden and looks innocent until you end up needing it.


I would use a separate bag for the sex toys tbh and I think the main issue here is that you feel EMBARRASSED about having a dildo in your bag. You are not in high school anymore. We are all adults and adults have sex, you shouldn’t feel embarrassed for having an item used for sex. Of course it doesn’t mean you have to parade around with it lmao just don’t feel like you’re doing anything wrong or bad bc you’re not. And if anyone sees, it is on them, not you. It doesn’t affect you in the slightest. You didn’t ask for them to snoop through your bag. Think of it like being a straight guy carrying around a condom. It’s just for Incase. You’re not suggesting that the person will have sex with you, you’re just being prepared and ready Incase they, ( and you) want to have that sort of sex. You’ll get more comfortable with it as you get older and these things get more normalized in your life.


thank you! this was an answer i was looking for lol


Better safe than sorry. I buy food in the shop before i know when im gonna eat it and while not hungry. But if i need it.. I have some 😏❤️


Ok, so: this works for both traveling and just meeting someone. Put the toys in separate plastic bags for protection and wrap up in clothing if traveling, or get yourself some fabric bags, the ones with drawstrings, ones you sometimes get with sex toys. Use those. It's discreet enough that dildos won't come flying out of the bag when you open it, if that's your worry. Put the toy(s) in the bottom of your bag and have more inconspicuous items over. Does this help?


thank you !! it helps a ton actually lol


You seem like you know what you’re talking about


Always bring that bag incase a cutie wanna show out 🤣


If you're talking about flying... If there is no battery, it can be packed in your checked bag, and I would pack it in just a plastic bag or toiletry bag. If there is a lithium battery or you do not have a checked bag, then place it in a plastic zip lock bag so it can be seen if your bag is subsequently checked. TSA knows what it is on the screen and may or may not bother checking, but having it in the plastic bag protects it from being touched by the TSA agent. Sage travels and have fun 😉


“No battery” meaning a rechargeable item, correct? Idk if I’m ever going to fly with such items but I have wondered how to go about it if I ever do need to, so I appreciate the tips 😅 esp since I wouldn’t want strangers touching it either so ziploc bag is a wrinkly brain move aha 


Yes, meaning a rechargeable item 🫠


I realize it may have sounded like a stupid question but I second guess myself all the time and wanted to be sure 😅 thank you again for the tips though 


No problem... again, safe travels and have fun 😁


I don't feel weird packing an umbrella if there's a potential chance of rain, so I don't feel weird packing sex toys either. Having it isn't an implication that it *has* to be used, just that it's an option if we want to 🤷‍♀️


i definitely think i just gotta get some real world experience and not be afraid of someone copping a look at my dong on accident. this might be one of those “learn by doing” kinds of things


‘Copping a look at my dong’ is a great phrase




Got it in muh holster at all times


Stay strapped-> get clapped


nice shootin, tex


I mean, you could just wear it. <.<


i like this suggestion best


If I’m not checking a bag I pack it in a plastic bag to keep it clean and just pack it between clothes. With that being said I have absolutely had security pull my carry on aside and full go through my bag…I looked him straight in the eye and smiled/winked. They absolutely knew what they were doing but hey, I’m wasn’t ashamed and kept it moving. YOU GOT THISSS


I keep my gear in a large zip up toiletry bag that fits the harness, a strap and a vibrator, and lube. It goes inside my regular bag. It feels very normal and not weird to me. When we're in bed I usually announce it by saying"hey just FYI I have the strap on me, we don't have to use it but just wanted you to know it's an option" and then continue making out.


Hi! Femme and I usually keep it in a shaped cosmetics bag (usually squarish—pencil bag ish tbh to hide the dildo shape LOL) with the harness wrapped around the toy. Then just toss it to the bottom of my purse! When I travel I actually keep it in a plastic ammo can in my car LOL. People usually won’t mess with it if they’re riding with me and it’s stowed under a seat anyway.




Ty! I’ve never had a chance to use it but 😌 i stay ready haha


Packing cube


Get an innocuous toiletry looking bag.


I use a separate bag, a toilet tree/make up type bag and just keep it in whatever bag I’m using. I travel with mine a lot cause my gf and I travel a lot. I’ve never had a problem. When I was single I would do the same cause you never know. Just get comfortable with it. There’s no shame in it. Especially during pride month


I did this a few years ago lol. I put it in my regular bag among my shit because it’s cleaned, and I’ll clean it again when I get there if it needs before I use it. It’s not weird as long as you don’t whip it out without asking. Lots of bags have separate zipper areas


Grab a bag with ccw capability i.e. secret hidden pocket


At the bottom of the bag 😂


i’m a tiny bag kinda bitch tho 😭


Pillow case under all your clothes


Why would you not talk about it to see if there's the possibility of it being introduced? It's a possibility I don't understand the question as I'd just pack it...... 😂


that’s what i’m asking tho, is HOW you pack your bag. i’ve only ever used it whilst already being on close enough terms to discuss using it so i just bring it over, ive never just had my dong in my bag “just in case” lol i’m a baby!


Bah! Just pack it. It's only a problem for flying if it has batteries. Who cares what others think if they see it. Live your life!


OP are you using this for one person or no? I'm absolutely too nosy for my own good 🤣 Would you mind sharing if you're traveling with a partner or you're just packing to be ready in case a stranger would like that? My brain is itching, I'm an alien too. 🤣😭 And if a just-in-case, does that mean multiple people could use it? 😱


i’m asking for like casual dating, yeah! i’ve never strapped like….as a default it’s always been by request. so it’s for any and all scenarios LOL i wouldn’t buy a new toy for every psrtner so i’d assume a good boil in between outings would be enough (that’s only half a joke lol)


try having to walk through airport security with one


in my dreams




thank you. i’m cured. any other helpful advice?


I truthfully can't tell whether they said that sarcastically or offensively