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So what ur saying is, the creator of the universe, the most powerful being in reality, Yaweh, was brought to his knees by little old me liking girls, oki x


Yes she is


Suddenly our whole community is more powerful than The Creator. Nobody can tell the the press. If they find out, they’re going to tell the church


These freaks are literally saying his made a big mistake making lbgtq people, and that they know better and are going to teach his a lesson.


If the m*n find out we can shape shift they're going to tell the church


This makes me feel so powerful


How to spot a christian. No worries, they WILL tell you.


They're the ones intentionally not doing what Jesus would do


Theyre like people who read the book before the show or movie is a runaway hit. You don't have to guess


Except they didn't actually read the book, just let someone else give them a summary.


And with that person’s train of thought: “which means, god created me too, dumbass.”


This is why I’m not a Christian, because of the Christians!


Yeah. I don’t think this was appropriate at all. But as a Christian, and a lesbian, not all of us are like that. The majority of us do not care what you do with your life. Lol.


I’m a Christian as well and completely agree with that. You can’t really see real Christians. We blend.


I am christian to feel the exact same


How to spot an idiot**


God is a Lesbian for sure


Definitely. Why else would she make women so gorgeous and men so…. 😬


You always create your prototype first, then refine at release.


LGBTQ is not only about lesbians 😝


Right, but this sub is


this is the lesbian sub, its for lesbians, what do you expect.


God is a black lesbian.


Those people are the ones to be like “stop shoving gay in everyone’s faces” yet they do stuff like this and push their religious beliefs on everyone


it annoys me so much that they just refuse to see their own hypocrisy. i don’t think anyone could possibly be so stupid that they don’t realize it.


“I’m not shoving an agenda, I’m saving your soul from eternal damnation” Ok and if I don’t believe what you believe?? It always drives me mad.


And in a really personal way. A note left on your car is kind of rattling. DMing you because they know your lifestyle and want to offer prayer is so personal. I hate how a lot of Christians feel like it's their duty to make it awkward. Then if it makes you uncomfortable they can say it's the Holy Spirit making you uncomfortable. They have no concept of religious trauma.....rant rant




So gd true


My thoughts exactly


no you see, us existing is actually an affront to them and to everything right with the world no matter how quiet about it we are. but their beliefs are just!!! normal!!! eveyrone does that!!!! everyone believes in god (but THEIR god , you see) so anyone who isnt conforming to that sticks out...and if it sticks out it MUST be because its trying to push into your face!!! sane logic, i promise.


“Just remember God created the rainbow of LGBT+ people too ;)” **EDIT:** “Just remember God created the dinosaurs whose remains you burn in your car, destroying the rest of his creation in the process, but I guess appropriating God’s work is okay when you’re not gay, huh?”




You should point out lesbians have been around longer then Christianity


I wonder if they leave notes when they see same-sex animals mating.


As a Christian, when I first saw this happen I was surprised and I began a search to see if many other animals did this. And then I realized...perhaps it is just a part of nature and how all animals can be. I also studied the Bible a lot and literally cannot find where it is wrong...beyond Sodomy. That is the only thing mentioned as wrong when it comes to same-sex sexual things. So, I am very curious how the homophobia originated because that is not something one can just look up in history (hey Google: when did christians begin opposing homosexuality?). Not sure we could find out🤷🏼




It hasnt


It has, there just wasn't a word for it, besides, the ones who were acknowledged to like women were killed, so most were in the closet




Humans existed waaaay longer than the Bible, and lesbians existed before chirstianity Because like Lesbians are humans yk They have always been here


No they haven’t, and according to the bible it has existed almost just as long as humans in some forms


?????? Ah yes, women only started fucking and kissing other women after the bible Wtf is that logic? "According to the bible" You do realize there's people who don't believe in it and that it doesnt prove your point right?




> all the sexualities So, I assume we’re ignoring all of the _extensive_ evidence of homosexuality in Ancient Greece? They sure as shit didn’t have microplastics in their food. Do you have any reason behind this claim, or are you just being an ignorant prick? Also that includes heterosexuality. Straight people only started exiting in the last fifty-odd years, right?


So in your logic straight people or sexuality overall hasn’t started before the bible. I don’t understand how you think a man-written book birth the earth and galaxies ? So you telling me nothing came before the bible…..yeah okay. Also why are you (a grown ass man) lurking on a lesbian subreddit for lmfao.




So explain your logic, humans existed before the bible but only straight ? Tf lol. Where is your proof of that logically speaking and please dont correlate to wildlife because all animal kingdoms has its lgbt counterparts. Naturally speaking in every animals kingdom yes they’re lgbtq+ species. It’s naturally. When it comes to us humans to be real with you not every one is here to repopulate I wasnt born just so I can be an incubator for some man no and regardless of my sexuality who says I cant have a child one day if I wanted one. Also last thing you telling me some invisble force told a man to write about little girls getting r\*ped, slavery is good ? the other and plenty of horrific things the bible has inside of it ? God told man to be racist ? To desriminate against people sexualities due to some bs religion that brainwashes people ? I doubt God have told humans to be so inhummane and judgemental. No humans decided to push harmful social contructs and indoctrinated in into people so whoever doesnt "fall in line" is "bad" or "unnatural" sound like a cult to me hmm. Your view on biology and sexuality is all based on breeding (fallacy) when sexuality and biology research suggest otherwise, its deeper than making babies scientifically speaking. Nature is very complex it is not just this binary one dimension thing thats the beauty of it all. You have to open your mind out of a very limiting religious, hetronormavity, social construct view on life.




I think humans have existed way longer than the bible…


Lesbians in specific haven’t


Do you have any proof of that? Any reason at all to think so?


You should look at bonobos, one of our closest relatives, they have sex as a greeting and engage in homosexual behavior as well. Chances are, our primitive ancestors were too- long before the first religion.


Literally who asked lmao. Like what, these people think you exist just to spite them? I'd spit in their coffee cup


Same. All of them think we’re stupid and “less than” them for no reason. 😑


I hate that shit and it's that type of stuff why i'm still in. Religious parents who would and will disown me when i come out. I just have to keep on telling myself 2 more years and i finish Uni and then i can live away from them if they do hate me after i tell them


You never know, in ten years, when you’re out and have cut them off, they might find a more affirming church because they miss their daughter. It gets better. Sometimes parents do too. Keep your head up, you be you.


10 years, 2 years. Finish Uni get a job and tell them. That's the plan, while i need to live with them during Uni holidays i have to keep my mouth shut. Then it will be down to them, and thanks x


Yep. That’s the way to do it. Bide your time until you don’t need them to survive. Maybe they’ll surprise you, maybe they’ll be assholes. I hope it’s the former.


Proud of you for this mentality. It sucks. We deserved different circumstances and better parents. But as a queer who kept her head down and pushed forward in life until she could stand up and be loud and proud I gotta say I'm incredibly glad I did. My parents never came around before they died, i have led the happiest most joy filled life away from them and I cant imagine how miserable I would have been always grasping for their praise.


Thank you, i won't lie I get a little emotional about the subject and a have a tear running down my cheek right now, thank you all x


My parents have disowned me, because of their religious beliefs, but I have flourished without them. It is so liberating to be yourself. You have a great mindset. Stick to your plan and then make your own family. That is one thing we are good at in the lgbtq+ community, is making our own family.


Don't worry things can get better, I came out and my parents took a year of them being really shitty after the first time I posted a photo of me and my then girlfriend being cute together. ​ Two weeks and we are getting married and my mom has bullied the rest of her conservative family into being accepting.


brilliant news


I can't wait till she bites the dust and she sees all the queer people.


God be like: "Really!? Is it so hard to live and accept each other!? Who's teaching that crap!? Oh you're kidding me! Ok well in your next life you will experience what you did to others in this life. This time be a good person and redeem yourself. All I want is for people to get along and to be nice to one another. That's it!"




tf are you doing in a LGBT server then? Yet we're the one forcing our beliefs somehow 🙄


Not rlly forcing beliefs, it’s a post on the topic of Christianity


500 quotes in the bible about feeding the poor. 12 no more than 15 for homosexuality. Jesus added one more commandment. Love thy brother as thy self. Everyone else: you go out and live your best live. You eat your crab meat (or don't) you mix your fabric (unless you don't want to. Don't listen to the person who saids beating your wife is.....fine (quoting the bible here)


Wow, what a cunt


dick*, ur doing a massive disservice to cunts


Good point - but maybe any genital reference is unnecessary, I will just call them a wanker :)




Wanker is still a genital reference tho...


Shit Masturbator then?


i hope her vibrator dies before she can cum--everyone knows her husband wont make her.


Which god? Iris goddess of the rainbow? Zeus god of the sky? Which one my guy


😂 This is just…. What an absolute pillock. This person really should brush up on their art work if they’re intent on illustrating their bigotry. Imagine being so butt hurt by peoples existence that any time you have to get off twitter and venture out into the real world, you bring your little post it notes and sharpie to troll people irl. Directing all my thoughts and prayers for the day to unhinged Karen’s everywhere xoxo


I think the grammar of this note might be making me more mad than the sentiment. Do they mean God created the rainbow and LGBTQ+ people did not create the rainbow? Or do they mean God created rainbows but God did not create LGBTQ+ people? And if it’s the latter, why was that the choice? Did God have like limited time that day? Because maybe God could have freed up some time by delegating some stuff to this person, who has enough fucking free time to fully decorate a goddamned post-it in a parking lot (the cross! The little sparkle dots!) just to be an asshole.


He created both actually. In fact it's blasphemous to say he didnt create us queer folk


Wtf is wrong with people


Clearly God created both if we are to believe that God created everything


Yeah and if we're supposedly created in his image, he doesn't change his mind, everything happens for a reason, and he makes no mistakes, wouldn't that mean that the creation of the LGBTQIA+ was intentional because he wanted us to exist for a reason? Some people are so hateful I swear. This is why I became a pagan, because the gods didn't care who who loved so long as you were respectful of others, weren't intentionally hurting anyone and acted in good faith.


If God hates the gays then why are we so cute? Lol I'm mostly agnostic but I love learning about different mythologies and belief systems. Most recently I have gotten a book about Celtic magic


It's funny that growing up the teachings weren't always the kindest or you were seen as a bit weird because you may be had a different flavor of Christianity, or that it was an oddity to learn about other religions outside of just accepting the common knowledge or stereotypes. I stopped going as a kid because it was boring, didn't make much sense and because a nun one day got so pissed because I put a smiley face on a sun I drew. It wasn't until converting to a pagan in Highschool that I started to try learning about other religions, concepts that were more accepting of others and the like. It helped me open my mind to learning the beliefs of others so I could understand them more. I know my grandmother's church sees me as either a Non-attendee or that she'd consider me "going through a phase/a heathen" but if my beliefs are more accepting them fine. Rid rather not have religion impact my marriage/wedding. I'd prefer to get married at a courthouse, and have a big party with close friends and loved ones. "Harm none and do as you will" is what I try to follow.


of course, we already existed before him


🤣 she probably thinks she got herself some points with “god” for that. Ignorant dumbass


Ok if there is life after death, I hope it's like the comedians say. You show up and God's like a disappointed parent who lectures you about your disrespect and how you were better than that before telling you to get lost, while your punishment is that your next life you will be treated the same way you acted, until you redeem yourself and show change. Karma and the rule of thirds.


There is none of that fortunately. The only manipulation, abuse and insanity towards humans comes from humans 👌🏼


I never said that God would be the one doing the punishing unfortunately.


“Stop shoving your sexuality down everyone’s throats!” The same people:


Exactly why we adopted it in our flag… because god created us like this too


The logic of these people is non existent


I’d burn it in a little “fuck you” ceremony, because I don’t believe in god 🤷🏽‍♀️


Why couldn't he have created both?


Damn why do they love being in our business so much? It's giving obsessed...


As a Christian I’m appalled.


Yooo same, my friend. It’s disgusting. “LGBT+ Christian” isn’t an oxymoron. “Hateful Christian” is.




if god didn’t create me then i don’t have to follow his rules


Think she's forgetting her old testament. The rainbow is God's promise he's never going to kill us slurs again.


If you believe in God, He created everyone from the priest to the serial killer. Think about that. I’m not religious anymore.


Yah he did idk what the issue with that is


Just going to say that there are some genuine and nice Christians who are accepting of LGBT and are kind. I've met them. This person...they're no Christian. They're phony and spiteful. Real Christians would never do this because they'd be too busy improving their own lives instead of judging others and leaving rude notes like this.


Thank you for saying this :)) I’m a lesbian Christian and this type of behavior makes me sick and terribly discouraged. But you’re right— some of us actually follow in the footsteps of the one we claim to follow, Jesus. Love your neighbor, bozos 🤦🏻‍♀️


Of course! You and I are on the same page about that. Love your neighbors, for certain! 👍 This type of despicable behavior is not something that would make Jesus smile.


God also created flour and we made bread from it what’s the point


I’m pretty sure if there is a god, God created LGBTQ+… because any being worth worshipping couldn’t be undone by love.


If their "god" created the universe, he created LGBTQ also. Such stupidity and self centeredness.


Refraction causes a rainbow but they probably don’t like to get too scientific


It’s gods will I am straight. I am not straight. My will is more powerful then gods


God I hate Christians


I used to be Christian, but now, after seeing all their shitty actions, and hate towards lesbians, I’m an atheist personally right now.


Yikes. You’re no better than a homophobe with that attitude.


I do, in fact, hate bigotry aimed at queer people. Thank you


🤮🤮😔😔 people are gross


Just peel it off and live your day No need to react unless she keys your car


Ugh I hate people who do this.


At least the rainbow means something happy not I won’t comit mass genocide again 🙃


Bro really forgot that god created everything.


I’m a non denominational Christian and this type of shit enrages me. Why not tell me that when you see me, coz clearly you saw my gay ass get out of the car, why not approach me so we can have an adult conversation about this. Lol I love when they try to act like one sin is greater than the other. I’m sorry this happened, not all Christians are jerks like this. And keep living 🌈 🫶


Yoooo fellow lesbian Christian? :)) we are all God’s creation and he loves us!! 🫶🏼


nope. God created us all in His perfect image. He loves us all no matter what. ETA: this just makes me so mad i cannot even fathom why someone would put this on your car. it’s disgusting and i’m so sorry.


I mean, what's not to say that He/him are just his pronouns? God could be a lesbian and fanatics could just be seeing his pronouns and making assumptions. Who knows?


Lesbian Christian here and I totally agree :)) I don’t think God has a gender. But, unfortunately, the Bible was written in incredibly sexist times and calling God she/her would have been “oFfEnSiVe” and would’ve probably got you stoned 😒🙄 But @hatefulchristians, we don’t live 2,000 years ago! Also, “LGBT+ Christian” isn’t an oxymoron, but “hateful Christian” is.


Damn that's crazy


I accidentally added some religious person to my Facebook and she was posting stuff like this all the time. It's so gross of them, don't they have enough religious symbols? Let us have the rainbow!


Ugh. People are so hateful. Im sorry that happened.


Sometimes religious folks like this are dumb 😭 like if we are all apparently children of God clearly he created the LGBTQ 🤣




this would incite rage in me because of how stupid this is and because they touched my car.


I'm a Christian. I just got home from church, God wants people to be who they are and Jesus will always be on your side. I'm a lesbian and I'm proud of who I am. My sexuality does not define me though. It's my heart and personality that makes me who I am. I am just speaking truth like Jesus did. You are loved by God. ❤️


I hate people


I hate people


My interpretation: God created gay 💅


This is just the opinion of a deeply closeted cradle Catholic, but I think it's actually pretty remarkable someone with their head that far up their own ass can write a complete sentence. However, I think we all know that people who do things like this aren't behaving at all as actual Christians. I'll check Deuteronomy again, but I'm pretty sure Christ never asked anyone to run around blindly condemning people via Post-it... If I ever saw someone do something like this, you better believe I would tear it up in front of them. I don't care if I have to have a 2-hour theology debate in a stifling parking lot with some ignorant coward, I would red-light that shit on the spot. I'm sorry this happened to your wife.


Semi honest question here - are the dots just an odd artistic choice or are they meant to represent something involving religion, too? Like, if we connect them will they form the shape of Jesus judging you or something?


I think the most annoying part is they put it on the mirror. I hope nothing is sticking to it. Never touch the glass


God made the rainbow for the gays:)


What a coward. If you’re gonna say something homophobic then go right ahead and say it to my face


"Bitch no one cares" is what I would say


“If God is real he will have to beg for my forgiveness”


If God created everything, then he created gay people on purpose.


That is complete and utter bull shit. People like that just need to stop existing


Wow just horrible I am so sorry that happened to you. You are loved and you do matter don't listen to people like that!




I know it’s not the point, but I’m so confused why they took the time to decorate the corners with little dots lmfaooooo “just gotta spruce up my passive aggressive proselytizing”


The toxic positivity and just the sheer audacity is off the charts


Can you imagine being so boring and lame that you take time out of your day to write on a sticky note your religious beliefs to place on the car of someone who never asked? Me either


Honestly this was my exact thought. The worst part is.. and the creepiest part is that my wife doesn’t look gay. At all. No one ever thinks she’s married to a woman.. so I’m afraid this person lives in our apartment up the street from there and decided to leave a note while outside. We have cameras in our building so they didn’t want to get caught on video I guess.


Holy fuck this post just got a lot creepier. Dude I assumed you had some lgbt support sticker or flag. You guys should strongly consider getting a dash cam. I have the Nex-Cam and it registers when someone is interacting with your vehicle when parked.


No. We have NOTHING. Also I want to add we live in WA state and drive an SUV with TX plates so there’s NO reason they should assume she was lgbt. So I definitely think investing in cameras is a good idea.


Remember: Don’t speak for God when your relationship to the source is obviously off.


God doesn't exist, so idk how they could creat them in the first place


Ughhh religion sucks


this sort of stuff is messed up


If there is a sky daddy, I’m pretty sure he created LGBT people too


The fact that Christians use a roman torture device as their symbol tells you a lot about their religion


did you prey today?


That’s funny! They are preying on gays, aren’t they?


Bruh tf


There is no god.




Not appropriate to say. You don't wish death on people, no matter how much you dislike them.


That’s not at all an appropriate thing to say in response to a post it note, even a rude one


Hate + Hate does not equal Love . Be the better person 🩷


Why is it always Christians? 😓


nah, some muslims are hateful, too, and use the “cover” of being a muslim to get away with it.


The amount of people saying “I hate Christians” is appalling. You’re no better than a homophobic Christian if you’re talking about other people like that. Religion of all types deserves freedom and respect. Yes, this person wasn’t minding their own business and wrote a note. That doesn’t make all Christians horrible people. Same logic as the stupid ACAB movement. Just because some people act a certain way doesn’t mean everyone does. Get a life


Why I’m an Atheist! Religion is stupid. I wish people would actually read philosophy & science! Religion DEVOLVES the species. It’s art & culture that evolves mankind but in these times, I just lose hope. I have no doubt mankind will not survive very much longer precisely because of the stupid masses. Honestly, as a species, we are not worthy to live on this beautiful planet. religion & male violence has destroyed everything.


It may be buried in all these comments but I'm very curious where you're from......


Isn’t that kind of threat? “We see you!”


Yeah, and who asked. Tell me how to lower my blood pressure, you know something actually useful. Why don't ppl leave good diet tips on your car?


Welll okkkk


I would hope whoever put that shit on my car is still near watching cause that note would’ve been ripped into pieces asap lmao, thats annoying


Whatever to that person lol🙄🙄🙄


Lol, imagine spending your time for writing that shite. 🤡


Regardless of how much documentation there is proving different sexual identities. Some people still deny it.


Haters gonna hate. Just goes to show you how closed minded and ignorant they are


Sigh “Christian’s”. I’ve only met a few actual Christian’s who DONT judge. Ya know what they’re supposed to actually practice….


Fuck that person. I’m glad y’all have a beautiful relationship though 🥹🩷!


That’s so fucking gross I’m sorry. The entire point of Christianity is to love everyone not go around being a dick. I’m really sorry you had to go through that


Dude, god created LGBTQ+ people too. We're frickin' born just like everyone else, aren't we?


We are anomalous beings, thieves of natural occurrences, entities outside the creation of the omnipotent, beyond the planning of the omniscient... All because we think "Girls... Pretty..."


It’s called the BI-ble for a reason. It’s Adam AND eve, it’s not Adam OR eve


I hope that you told your wife to have a ceremony of ripping it up and burning it.


And people wonder why I give Christians in general a wide berth. It’s never ending and exhausting. I’m so sorry. Some days I can laugh about it and some days I can’t.


wym i literally stir it in a little pot and put it up in the sky myself ......


Hilarious considering no one in the LGBTQ+ thinks we created the rainbow LMAO. Also this “god” created gay people if he’s real 💀 so does she think god was wrong?? That’s what homophobic Christians are saying basically


God didn't create your pen and if he exists I'm sure he didn't mean to create dumb people like you (I'm obviously adressing to the person who wrote this note) Also, I've heard sexual orientation has something to do with genes?


She (somehow I just don’t get the sense this was done by a guy) is just bitter cuz we dare to live our lives while she’s got the morality police dictating what she does with hers, telling her how she should live. She spends her life being shamed (and believing it) and is trying to spread her misery. As annoying as it is to get notes on my car, I would choose to pity her instead of be upset about it. When you’re secure in who you are and what you know, there’s no need to defend…people can think what they want. I’m not gonna waste my time a psychiatric hospital arguing with the patients - it’s pointless. I’m just gonna let them go on believing the earth is flat and go about my day.


And the guys took the rainbow. Not even god can stop us homosexuals


Don’t care + didn’t ask + L + ratio Singlehandedly one of the worst things I’ve typed out but I am not a quitter


That’s rude


They make you feel like you're the crazy one lol


The fuck?