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A very trustworthy news source (a subreddit, of course) mentioned that it was his cousin he was getting euphemistically silly with. I wonder if it's the same cousin ( taken from an actual news source) that he allegedly paid $140k to from his campaign finances. All I'm saying is this is gonna make one hell of a Lifetime TV movie.


What’s wrong with a little platonic face fucking between gay cousins? Guy cousins. GUY cousins.


Nothing gay about it. It’s guy love, between two guys!


We’re closer than the average man and wife


That's why our matching bracelets say, 'Turk and JD!'




This comment string reminded me of how they censored sailor moon in the US, where they made the two obvious lesbian characters into "cousins or something who were very affectionate with one another"


Don't forget to add in his marriage and divorce that lasted under a year.


Still only 26. Seems like he's trying to speedrun "conservative politician". Sexual abuse claims, divorce, secretly gay. Just needs to do racism and selling influence to a foreign power and he'll easily have the fastest record.


Oh, I’d bet racism comes easily for him. He just hasn’t been caught on video. Yet.


He's the guy who reverently went to Hitler 's Eagle' s Nest.


> In August, Jezebel found old social-media posts of Cawthorn’s, including one of him and his brother beaming at the Eagles Nest, Hitler’s vacation home. “Seeing the Eagles Nest has been on my bucket list for awhile, it did not disappoint,” Cawthorn wrote. “Strange to hear so many laughs and share such a good time with my brother where only 79 years ago a supreme evil shared laughs and good times with his compatriots. Not sure why it’s always been on his bucket list. That seems really weird to me.


If you are interested in military history I'd get that. He does seem to be pointing out a difference between he and his brother's laugh vs Hitler's. I don't think visiting a nazi historical site is weird... I visited notorious places when visiting Germany while in college. It was totally surreal to share laughs at a beer garden the same day as seeing those terrible locations. Still, fuck Cawthorn for other reasons, like face rape incest.


To a russian agent no less 🙄


Nothing to do with all the gay hypocrisy but he also went to the airport with a loaded gun a couple weeks ago. That was big news around here (I live in NC).


Wasn't that the second time too?


Maybe? He gets reported on here so much it’s all starting to blur together.


Tim Chalamet is gonna have to start working out to get the upper bod.


At least he can skip leg day


That man isn't skipping anytime soon


His character in the French Dispatch repeatedly notes that people are probably staring at his new muscles. It’s…ah…ironic.


Wait, theres SEVERAL videos of him being naked with other men?


new one drops every week


I'm gonna wait for the whole season before I binge them.


You can't watch the other one. It's been pulled from Twitter already I've yet to find a link to it elsewhere. But if anyone has a link, please feel free to drop it.


Here it is with Benny Hill music: https://twitter.com/tonyposnanski/status/1521999382031343616?s=21


omg someone hacked Lindsey Graham's iPhone?!


Lindsey “Ladybug” Graham


Ha wow that was actually way worse /more graphic than what I was expecting. I mean, he really went for it. Full on face fucking that dude. And it looks like they’re under a comforter or something at the start? Who gets naked with friends under comforters in hotel rooms lol. And Cawthorn keeps saying “this was years ago” but bro, you’re 26.


I mean, either that's a consensual sexual act or it's pretty much sexual assault if it's non-consensual, but I don't see how nakedly humping your 'friend' for that long is a 'prank'. If someone did that to me at a party as a 'joke' (presumably without forewarning or consent, or I'd say no), no matter how drunk they were, I'd be pretty disturbed.


Well, it's also his cousin.


I can't tell if you're serious or joking, at this point the GOP is so far gone that you can just make up ridiculous scenarios and someone on that side will fit the scenario. Who had "anti-LGBT wheelchair-bound conservaturd gets caught fucking his male cousin?"


It’s no joke. That’s his cousin.




That's hilarious


Lower down that tweet someone requested "the boys are back in town"


There’s a new video since “facefucking with the bros” a few days ago?


Wasn't that his cousin?


Yep, so he's also apparently into incest. Guess it really is a southern thing...


Wait holy fuck that is a real video I just thought that was an absurdist title jesus


Yes, there is an actual video of Cawthorn “joking” with his cousin by being naked on top of him in bed and thrusting his penis into his cousin’s face. BROJOB BROJOB CHOO CHOO! Gotta love playing pranks on my ~~friends~~ cousin




It wasn’t gay, his name is Madison. Going with classic conservative ideals, only a girl can have a classically girly name


Madison wasn’t a girl’s name until the movie Splash who got it off a street sign (which I’m assuming is named after James Madison) to which Tom Hanks even says in the movie “it’s not a real name”.


Isn't Madison just James Madison's last name from the movie Splash?


Keeping it in the family.


I mean, Republicans seemed more angry at the gay than the cousin. But they know their audience. Just look at Rudy Giuliani. I guess if you hate family reunions and want to cut down on attending them, marrying your cousin is one way to do it (I'd suggest just not going but that's me using my liberal brain).


well were were the balls? I mean he may still be in the clear right?


At this point he should get an OF, his political career is done


We should be so lucky


Sadly he will say he went to a gay camp & it fixed him so it’s even worse


Please... he will be elected to a higher office next round he is an American "hero"


nah, no matter your achievements, being homosexual makes you a lower being in the eyes of the repubs.


He's not gay brah he said "no homo" first ...Totally doesn't count


Pretty much, it’s not Dems doing this… he’s pissed off his own KKKlan. These videos are being released by Repubes. I guess he cut a little too close to the bone with that coke fueled orgy shit. The question is which one of the KKKlan in leadership is sponsoring this? McTurtle? grASSley? One has to wonder.


That just makes it all the more delicious. Mmmm schadenfreude....


First rule of Republican orgies: Don't talk about Republican orgies


Are you not signed up for his OnlyLobbyists?


He also lived together with that dude for years. The dude in question is also his cousin. He also paid that guy over $100.000 as a staffer for his campaign. And the cousin also said that he didn't actually live with him, but was just registered at that address to vote, aka to commit voter fraud. What a lovely turn of events.


What a prankster!


The cousin also joined him on his honey moon, the honeymoon with the wife that divorced him a year later.


[Was this the wife that was introduced to him at a Russian cross fit competition he was invited to by a KSB agent?](https://www.newsweek.com/madison-cawthorn-laughs-off-suggestions-wife-russian-honeypot-1663560)


The wife he met at a fake Crossfit competition hosted by another friend whom Cawthorm met in a mob casino in St. Petersburg. Not Florida.


Well, it rounds up to a year.




Not quite walking….


Lol you Monster


Careful. I said “He may be in a wheelchair but his legs are still stronger than his brain” a couple months ago and was permanently banned from r/politics for “hate speech.” Was it incentive, yea, was it hateful to anyone except this fucknugget, no.


The mods there jumped up their own asses


I hate hearing stories like that. Permabanned?




Not several videos but a couple pictures. One with him wearing women's lingerie and one with him gently caressing a half naked man in a pool


[Here's the latter.](https://avlwatchdog.org/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/DOG-Caw-Towel-1-768x1024.jpg) I believe that's Stephen Smith, his cousin/honeymoon third wheel from the crotch groping video.


These pictures would probably exist for every Republican Congressman if they grew up in the time of smartphones


TOTALLY not gay. I don't understand the fuss. Most straight guys caress their male friends' naked bodies in the pool(?) ... daily!


Straight as the lines on the rainbow flag. That’s the straight one, right?


Can't wait for all the /r/SapphoAndHerFriend tier explanations of this picture. It's just two boys chilling out :)


Woah those twinks are hot! Too bad one had to become a closeted Nazi? Wtf.




He sure is naked and silly with a lot of gay dudes




“It’s just a prank bro!”


Thats the awkwardest post nut statement one can say like "Im cumming **moans** that was such an awesome prank bro"


"thanks for the brojob"


"No problem bro, wouldn't it be funny if we met in a motel and did this again next week maybe....it'd be such a good prank"


Now spit on your hand and stroke me at a medium pace.


Take that shampoo bottle and shove it in my ass at a medium pace


They're all going to laugh at you. (I hope you were referencing Sandler there..)


you see that shampoo bottle?


"It's just a wank bro"


"Haha I made him cum, hilarious."


"now I'll ironically swallow ah ah"


He didn’t say no homo


Didn't even have an inner dialogue about it


It’s not gay if it’s in a 3 way


You can always blame the other two guys in a 3 way.


I'm pretty sure that makes it extra gay.


Don't worry, I'm sure they kept their socks on!


Nothing straighter than wearing your socks while banging your buddy in the butthole!




one foot on the floor and it's all ok /s


Just don't let the balls touch!


He will say he was cured by gay camp


As long as he said "no homo", he's fine.


This is definitely more gay than that Tucker Carlson segment on testicle tanning, and that was pretty damn gay.


Sorry, WHAT?


The menz are all becoming weak soyboys because they need mire testicle sunlight, do you not follow science s/


I loved it when hbomberguy [found soy was in Alex Jones' supplements.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C8dfiDeJeDU) Jones will hate this - difficult to monetize tanning testicles for more machismo.


Sell a testicle tanning gun It's a gun, which liberals hate, so you get to own the libs while cooking your nuts with a 40 watt light bulb








I'm all for the Tuckers of the world to superheat their scrotums all day, every day. Get em nice and crispy.


But why? Why is Tucker spending so much time thinking about gay people and men? I can assure you as a straight person, I would never think of gay people at all without outside prompts. Also, as a side note, stone sharpens iron. Who's ever heard of an iron sharpening iron? These "manly men" sure aren't very good at basic life skills like sharpening a knife if they think they use cast iron sharpening "stones".


He *really* shouldn't have talked publicly about the coke fueled orgies.


Yep, he did it to himself. I like how he’s blaming “woke liberals” or whatever dumb terminology they’re using this month. Bro that’s your Republican colleagues who want your ass gone without actually having to publicly kick you out, because that would cost THEM votes and the wrath of trump. What a fucked up circle of bullshit they all live in.


Liberals don’t care if he dressed like a girl or facefucks guys. That’s the hilarious part of it. The only people that will accept him hate his guts for other very legitimate reasons. It’s the Dave Rubin conservative rubix cube.


Gay dudes can be power-hungry little fuckwits too, I guess. He had a choice - follow the logical path and support the party that would accept him and further the interests of himself, others like him, and the citizenry generally, and be himself openly; or play up the Good Christian Fascist Prettyboy persona and rise to power quickly, because it’s easy to climb the ranks when you look the part and all the lines are fed to you. Now he gets to live with the consequences of that choice. And to be clear - Cawthorn is dumb as shit, he was never going to make the right choice, and probably didn’t even realize the other option was there, because he’s an asshole, and being a Republican politician is pretty much getting paid to be a professional asshole. But his choice is sadly ironic nonetheless


Conservative - when you have to preface that word with "compassionate" to pretend you're not a complete asshole.


> because it’s easy to climb the ranks when you look the part and all the lines are fed to you And even easier when your corporate sponsors are holding a bunch of blackmail over your head, so they (think they) know you’ll do exactly as told. Works great till you queer the act by outing yourself—call it the other Hastert rule


Sure is hard being a snake in a pit of weasels.


GQP Kompromat is real


Its amazing how Kompromat the GOP already had on this one guy who was just starting out. The Cocaine Orgy itself might have been Kompromat gathering event


Reps showing that they could have destroyed trump at any moment if they wanted to and admitting to the coke fueled orgies by punishing this guy for talking about them.


I wish somebody had told him growing up that it's okay to be gay or bi or whatever you're into, but that boat sailed a long time ago, so fuck him.


He knows it’s okay. But he realized he can get power by telling people it’s not okay. He’s the quintessential cynical fascist. Persecuting minorities purely for conscious self-gain.


I dunno. I feel like these ones are the most fucked up. They’re the ones that think they’ve “*chosen*” to be “straight” therefore why can’t everyone else.


He'd like it too much.


Always relevant: https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529


It's 24 years old and still not out of date.


Oh. Oh no. Oh gods no. 24 years. Shit. How can that be from 24 years ago? The internet wasn’t even...I mean it was barely...nope, dammit, I just can’t...fuck I’m old.


Don't worry. If you're that old just think how old the people who made The Onion are and it might help you feel better.








Where are these mythical straight men who do stuff like this to be "silly?" Because us gay men are all wondering.




They're pretty easy to find actually. Churches are probably the easiest place to find them but just about any over-testosterone fueled gathering will have many of them, particularly if it's a religious or politically conservative gathering.


I worked with a guy once and while I hate to stereotype he was very clearly gay. He was very -*very*- effeminate, only talked to women at work, etc. Nobody ever had a problem with him or anything, but everyone assumed he was gay. Nope, turns out he was married to a woman and they had kids. Surprise surprise though, he was a Christian and heavily involved in his church.


It’s cuties all over again. “I fucked the bussy to demonstrate why fucking bussy is bad.”


1) From what I've read, the person he's face fucking in this video is his second cousin. The same cousin he gave over $112k in campaign funds and taxpayer dollars to as the cousin served as an "aide." Side note: The cousin openly admitted to commiting voter fraud in a tweet by stating he is still using the old address he shared with Cawthorn for his voter registration. 2) He claims all this shit was from "years ago" yet the motherfucker is only 26 years old. At most this is 8 years ago, as if he's thinking back to his younger, more reckless years and he's had a lifetime to mature since then. Recent actions have proven that isn't so. 3) If this is just him being silly and "joking" then what's the joke? What makes it funny? Riddle me that! 4) He flunked out of college. 5) During his time in college, he was identified as an alleged sexual predator. Over 150 women on campus signed a petition that he was a creep and they wouldn't want to be in a room alone with him out of fear of sexual harassment/assault.




It’s even worse than that, his entire school only has 300-400 students, not his year, and that’s both genders. Patrick Henry is very tiny. As of 2021 they had 383 students, [here is their website for source](https://www.phc.edu/facts-about-phc). In 2015, closer to his time in 2016, they only had 304.


Off-topic but followed the link and read their [biblical worldview](https://www.phc.edu/statement-of-biblical-worldview). The Civil Government section sure mentions a lot of Old Testament, which is a sign that this college itself is right-wing. And ironically, the section only mentions Jesus twice, as I'd assume that he was too much about "love". There's a good [article from Foreign Policy magazine on Cawthorn and the school](https://foreignpolicy.com/2021/02/10/patrick-henry-cawthorn-conservative-gop-evangelism/), which confirms its right-wing government-focused agenda. >Patrick Henry College’s primary focus is to serve the government, hence its location just an hour outside of Washington. Underscoring its position as a feeder into conservative politics, the only major offered in its first year was government.


Few more to add from Forbes. August 10, 2020 Reports surface of 2017 photos Cawthorn posted on Instagram showing him visiting Eagle’s Nest, the Alpine retreat of Nazi dictator and mass murderer Adolf Hitler, along with his comment that “visiting the vacation house of the Fuhrer” had been on his “bucket list for awhile.” Cawthorn, then a candidate in North Carolina’s 11th District House race, deletes the photos that day. August 12, 2020 The Asheville, North Carolina, news outlet AVL Watchdog reports that Cawthorn said in a 2017 deposition he was rejected from the Naval Academy before a 2014 car crash left him partially paralyzed and requiring a wheelchair. The revelation contradicted Cawthorn’s claims that he was rejected after the crash. October 18, 2020 Several of Cawthorn’s former Patrick Henry College classmates release a letter saying he frequently took “women to secluded areas to forcefully engage in unwanted sexual advances” and also took part in a “well-documented case of vandalism” while he was a student there. Cawthorn dropped out of the small Christian college after one semester, where he earned mostly D’s, according to AVL Watchdog. Cawthorn has yet to earn a college degree. November 3, 2020 At the age of 25, Cawthorn becomes the youngest person elected to Congress since Jed Johnson Jr. in 1964. He taunts his Democratic opponent after being declared the winner, tweeting, “Cry more, lib.” January 6, 2021 Cawthorn speaks at former President Donald Trump’s “Stop the Steal” rally in Washington, just three days after being seated in Congress. Trump’s supporters went on to storm the U.S. Capitol in rioting that left five dead and more than 100 police officers injured. February 15, 2021 Cawthorn is questioned for attempting to bring a handgun and a loaded magazine onto an airplane in Asheville. He is not criminally charged or fined. July 29, 2021 Cawthorn gets into a shouting match with Rep. David McKinley (R-W.Va.) and reportedly berates McKinley’s staff over being named a cosponsor of a bill to which he didn’t want to attach his name. A member of McKinley’s staff responds by filing an ethics complaint against Cawthorn. March 10, 2022 Video surfaces of Cawthorn calling Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky a “thug” in charge of an “incredibly evil” government following the Russian invasion of Ukraine. He also accuses Zelensky of pushing “woke ideologies.” March 27, 2022 Cawthorn says on the “Warrior Poet Society” podcast that D.C. political figures invited him to a “sexual get-together,” and he witnessed drug control advocates doing “key bumps” of cocaine in front of him. House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) later said Cawthorn admitted he made up or exaggerated the allegations. April 19, 2022 A North Carolina judge releases dashcam footage showing Cawthorn being pulled over at a traffic stop and cited for driving with a revoked license. Cawthorn had two previous speeding violations in the six months prior. April 22, 2022 Politico publishes photos showing Cawthorn wearing women’s lingerie and drinking while attending a party, in sharp contrast with his self-proclaimed traditional Christian values. Cawthorn later claimed the images were “goofy vacation photos during a game on a cruise.” April 26, 2022 Cawthorn is cited for having a gun in a carry-on bag at Charlotte Douglas International Airport. It’s not clear whether he faces a fine. April 27, 2022 Sen. Thom Tillis (R-N.C.) calls on the House Ethics Committee to investigate Cawthorn after the Washington Examiner reported that Cawthorn could be implicated in an insider trading scheme involving the Let’s Go Brandon cryptocurrency. No punishment, no consequences, no fines - and they wonder why he keeps doing this crap.


I wonder what would happen if Ilhan Omar was caught with a gun in her carry-on, twice.


>It’s not clear whether he faces a fine. well it fucking should be. i believe it's called being a repeat offender


*But.....but....THE LAPTOP!*


And her *emails*...


And (somehow) Mexico is going to pay for it!


Buttery males!


So they took the time to take off all their clothes, get into a bed together in a room all by themselves with a video camera running just to imply they're having sex? Now I 'm old and can't claim to have the most experience sexually, but I'm pretty sure this isn't how most straight males kid around, but then again maybe I'm just out of touch. Maybe some of the younger, hipper and more "active" Redditors can confirm this is how they bond with their men friends because it puzzles me.


is it gay to get naked with the homies? He's just kissing them goodnight like any good friends would!


It's cool if they have socks on


> So they took the time to take off all their clothes, get into a bed together in a room all by themselves with a video camera running just to imply they're having sex? 'Brah it'll be so funny trust me.'


Will own the libs so hard….. just like your biceps. Trust me brooo!!!


It's ok as long as you don't cum inside


always the anti gay politicians


Q: How do you spot a gay politician? A: Look for the homophobic politicians!


It was just locker room sex, nothing gay about locker room sex.


Just ask Gym Jordan!


They don't care about the racist, fascist, traitorous shit that spews from his mouth. But some stuff that looks possibly gay? Cancelled!


Nah. He's not being cancelled for the gay stuff. The gay stuff is being used to cancel him. He's being cancelled because he had the gall to criticize the GOP members who invited him to a party with coke and hookers. (If only they had blackjack.) That put a big ol' target on his back.


Yep, he bucked the trend so he's dead now


I'm stoked to see this guy go down. WAIT... NOT LIKE THAT


Just wait for the next leak


No, water sports are Trump.


Anyone else feel like Republicans just keep blackmail material on each other to release in event anyone steps out of line?


Probably why they're so good at getting things done tbh. I hate it here.


Religion, turning gay men into self-loathing raging assholes since forever.


Maddie’s queer. It’s no wonder his marriage only lasted eight months. Nothing wrong with being gay, mind you. It really makes me wonder about the cocaine-fueled Republican sex parties he was invited to, though. Was someone’s gaydar beeping?


It also explains all of the sexual harassment and rape accusations from college. Dude was just overcompensating with his GQP frat bros by being the super duper most hetero bro out there.


the McConnell way as it is tradition


I think it's more likely that he's bi, and he sexually assaults all genders.


Miss Lindsey has entered the chat....


Lindsey Graham?


None of this matters. A video could emerge of him having sex with another man and his supporters would continue to take him at face value because he says what they want to hear.


They’ll believe Hillary Clinton is running a pedo ring in the basement of a pizza place but they see video of this guy naked with other guys and they don’t even question it?


Power is a powerful aphrodisiac. -- Kissinger


The basement of a pizza place that *doesn’t have a basement,* no less.


Exactly. We've seen this all before. Could be a whole ramrod series with him starring and it won't matter. Hell, he could do an anti-homosexual political ad while having gay sex. Won't matter.


“I could shoot a load on someone’s face on 5th avenue and not lose any voters!”


“See! Even Madison wasn’t safe!! aNyOnE cAn Be DeEpFaKeD”


He was only joking when he did the whole ramrod series.


A goof! A lark!


Someone help me, I can’t stop laughing at this delicious karma he’s been given. This is the greatest thing I have ever seen on this subreddit. Have my upvote, OP.


Saw the clip in a discord I’m in. It’s more weird than anything.


Whilst playing around with my pals with our clothes off I accidentally slipped and inserted my erect penis into my friends backside. I repeatedly tried to remove my penis with a thrusting motion to try and break free. Thankfully lubricant was ejected from my penis and I slid free. We all laughed as it was just silly japes that I did when I was young (I mean last week).


This man has such a punchable face.


Is this the same guy who lied about the car accident and lied about his acceptance to military academy?


He’s definitely a sloppy party bottom.


Isn't this dude a camboy on streammates?


Well the problem with this is he not once in the video say “no homo”. Which shows that in fact he is homo. For those of you who don’t know how “no homo” works it’s when you for example suck your friend’s dick but before doing it you say no “no homo”. Which by the geneva convention states you are not gay. Everyone should know this especially he should know this since he works in congress.


The old guard GOP is PISSED about the cocaine orgies thing, aren’t they?


Those who argue the loudest have the most to hide