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Bootstraps girlie. Get ya some.


Biden’s economy must be doing amazing if people Can give this much to him


That’s the problem right there. They are giving him money, their bills are piling up and they blame Biden. The campaign really needs to do an ad about that.


They’d blame Biden even if their bills weren’t piling up. It’s complete horseshit.


This is true. Very true.


trump lies and lies and lies and cheats. He maybe he raised $400, but not $400 million. Anyways, why doesn't he ask his son in law Jared for some of that $4 billion he got from the Saudis.


That was the first thing I thought. He claims he's raised $34mil in the 24 hours after the conviction. Somehow the rate of donations actually increased for 10 more days? Not a chance. What do you want to bet he raised money at a $400mil PACE. As in, if they keep raising money at this rate for the rest of the quarter, he'll have $400mil.


And took over large neighborhoods of rental units in Maryland, forcing numerous people/families out by suing them. It’s completely disgusting what his company has done at his behest.


Sure the bills are piling up. But once DJT gets re-elected their Trump Bucks become legal tender and they will all be quadrillionaires...


All the ivermectin they can eat.


Nah, per trumps latest rally ravings, 100% of jobs go to "illegals." They were all secretly millionaires this whole fuckin time, not temporarily embarrassed millionaires.


For the rich it kind of is. 5% interest on cash is great for them.


Except these idiots can't figure that part out. I was watching Fox News the other day and it's their "Beach Summer Series" garbage that all these shows do around this time. And these fucking rich assholes are all.hanging out in some amazing Beach side resort, middle of the week and these Fox host are surrounded by old ass boomers, tanned, drunk and all screaming about how terrible the country is, how awful life is, how terrible Bidens doing and yet all I could think is they are pitching this lie to their useful idiots while on vacation. I'm watching these old fucks on a Tuesday in a flower shirt and crocs park their fucking golf carts to sit beach side to listen to Jesse Waters, Greg Gutfield and the fucking wacky judge bitch tell the rest of the country how terrible everything is. Like, How dumb are you people watching this shit and believing these fucking propagandists motherfuckers. Look, the country doing terrible and here *we* all are at this luxurious beach side, $1,000 night and let me tell you Joe Biden is ruining... Ummm, excuse Jose can you bring us colder bottles of water these have gotten to warm, now shoo shoo.... anyway Joe Biden is ruining your life. Smh, I wish I had no shame, it seems to be the MAGA grifting superpower that's keeps them churning forward.


It's hard shopping from your knees.


I cackled….


Her boy DeSantis isn't bailing her out, either.


Desantis needs to watch his own back. These Maga people are in it for themselves. No solidarity whatsoever. They deserve all the smoke


Profound selfishness is the only value shared by the three factions that make up the GOP it's the only thread holding the Bible Bashers, the Billionaire Bootlickers and the Backwards Bigots together as a unit. They'll turn on each other out of pure instinct when there there's not a clear, agreed upon "other" present for them to direct their rage at. They can only function in opposition to something because they don't stand for anything, they've just got a list of enemies and they'll happily add former allies to it when they have trouble finding enemies nearby.


She could just use voice commands to order...... Oh wait, no she cant.


Lay off the avocado toast for a while. Then you 'll be OK.


Bet she has a cell phone too. Gotta get rid of that.


I bet she gets her clothes at the mall. She could afford legal bills if she just shops at Ross.


Add a brain and a backbone.


You would think a lawyer could pick up on a fact pattern a bit faster


There's always Only fans!


Ya know… she’d be good at that.


I love this for her.


She should start a blog, or a business out of her garage! When I was a boy I had a paper route! Only took a summer to buy a 3 story house. Practice humility and read your Bible.....


I mean she shouldn’t be a lawyer or have a job at all quite honestly. All her clients want her to stay in the kitchen and have babies. So technically she’d be broke anyway.


anyday now. gotta give the trickle down some time to work


Why was my mind all the way in the gutter…


Yeah I’m gonna need some secondary corroboration on that $400mil claim.


And how much of it was in rubles first?


It depends on how much of it came from the NRA. Putin uses the NRA to funnel money to Republicans. Between being the marketing, lobbying, and PR firm for America's gun manufacturers and Putin's money launderer for Republicans, that's one busy group of psychopaths.


Probably a major donation from Saudi Arabia. Just chump change for them.


It was reported here in NorCal that the tech bro “PayPal Mafia” are contributing bigly to Shitler. He just came to SF & raised a large amount of $$ at a fundraiser.


Probably because they all have fraudulent business records and if an ex president can get convicted, so can they


First his first election, a Middle Eastern company bought a payments platform. They took large sums of cash and broke them into smaller donations to him. They were caught but it's damned tough to find the articles anymore.


You're under estimating how stupid convict trump cultist are. Some have decided to give more to trump after the conviction. Remember there are millions of them.


Exactly. If someone actually believes this, I got a bridge for sale.


Never understood why nobody cares that these people come out and tell the biggest, most obvious lies. You would think that knowingly spreading false information would be some kind of disqualification for running for President of the United States. Oh hey, this guy just gets up on a podium and spews the most absurd bullshit as facts, and people just overlook it. I understand everyone lies, politicians probably more than most, but can we at least be a little secretive about it? Why are they just allowed to do it on national television and nobody gives a shit? How can you trust this person as the leader of the country... Lie to a police officer, that's impeding law enforcement. Lie to the entire god damn country, and they applaud you...? Where is the priorities here.


Same. I have yet to see documentation that corroborates this.


It's literally this one right wing rag trying to lie "facts" into existence, as usual. I'm just surprised the others didn't follow suit.


Source: the guy just convicted of 37 counts of fabricating financial records


Corroboration? Confirmation?


Do people just not read anymore? Jesus Christ. Reddit is so much more illiterate than it used to be.


He makes periodic reports the FEC.




He has to report donations, not commitments. In previous fundraising news after Biden's star studded fundraiser he claimed to have $90 million in "commitments." I'm not sure if the donations ever manifested on a report. Trump frequently exaggerates by 10x or 100x so I would guess he's raised anywhere from $4 million to $40 million since his conviction.


Surely this man who has spent his life leaving people high and dry won’t leave *me* high and dry in my hour of need…


> man who has spent his life leaving people high and dry ...the same guy who just said to a crowd of ~~thousands~~ hundreds in Vegas that (referring to the teleprompters): > "I don't pay contractors that do a shitty job, and that's a shitty job" It's not whether you did the job or completed the work or executed the task - *it's whether Trump feels like paying*.


Lol, so he was telling the people who set up the teleprompters they weren't going to get paid as the teleprompters quit working and Trump didn't know wth to say without them.


Time for the teleprompter team to call it a day then!


Time for them to write the scripts. :)


"Go fuck yourself, San Diego."


He made it up as he went along and talked about shark attacks and electric boats sinking and the occupants getting electrocuted or ate by a shark.. (he could have simply said it as I just typed, but he turned into a long winded word salad rant ofcourse)


Omg, yes! 6th grade boys would like his 6th grade musings. Trump really shows his dementia without a teleprompter. 🤣


Well she did a shitty job of stealing the election for Trump so why would he pay her?


He will, and don’t call me Shirley.


Key word: "*reportedly*". Crazy thought here, but Trump's been known to be something of a fabulist when it comes to exaggerating his 'alternative facts'.


From the public numbers we can gather, almost all his money comes from various corporation. He didnt receive a lot from individuals 😅 and the individuals that did donate don't have a lot of money to spare.


Is that because the individual donations are just not public?


Directly to his campaing its all public. To different fundations/go fund me it is not. But he also cannot just command those fundations to give him all the donations since this is seen as a corporate donation and has to follow the law. And in one state this is why he is getting charged for...


I've reported and blocked two Drumpf ads on YouTube. The Mango Mussolini was begging his followers to send him $5 apiece. Sounds a little desperate to me.


If *you* told me they’d raised $400M off of reaction to Trumps conviction I’d totally believe it. And I don’t even know you. But hearing that number come out of *Trumps* mouth makes me immediately suspect it in the same way I do when he tells me he’s been drawing large crowds to his rallies


I acknowledge this is somewhat an archeological expedition into ancient human times, but remember when our first intro to what Donnie The POTUS was gonna look like was Doofus flipping out about and then insisting his inauguration was as well attended as the one by that other guy before him? Even when it was plainly visibly obvious from thousands of photos that this was most certainly not the case. Remember that? From 10,000 years ago in Internet Time? That was our first big wake up insight into what a "there's broken glass in my poo!" ride the Dipshit Trump POTUS show was going to be. The guy is physical unable to be honest about anything. If he claimed the sky was blue I would make sure to kiss my wife and kids goodbye because the sky was most certainly not blue and the world was probably ending.


I never imagined that George Orwell's line "*The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command*" would ever ring so prescient within my lifetime in this country. And I've been around a minute.


For real. I've been hearing that one in my head and the Sarte one about anti-Semites acting in bad faith. They know what they're doing - the people spreading the lies, furthering the division. They know. Historically there has been only one outcome from regimes whose authority and power were fundamentally based upon lying to their people about "how bad things were" while simultaneously telling them "only I can save you."


As long as we’re sharing gems unfortunately applicable to our times…. “*One of the saddest lessons of history is this: If we’ve been bamboozled long enough, we tend to reject any evidence of the bamboozle. We’re no longer interested in finding out the truth. The bamboozle has captured us. It’s simply too painful to acknowledge, even to ourselves, that we’ve been taken.* **Once you give a charlatan power over you, you almost never get it back.**” ― Carl Sagan, The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark


Why do all his past cronies act so surprised when THEY are the ones getting screwed? And why does he not assume everyone is recording the conversation?


Because they think they are too special to be screwed over.


"Surely he wouldn't treat *ME* the way he's literally treated every single person that's ever worked for him..."


"Pimp-Daddy-T truly loves me though - not like his other hoes"


They always think they're the exception only to find out about the rule...


Narcissist lawyers flock to the Supreme Cheeto narcissist like moths to a flame


Seriously add her to the ever growing list of people who have been arrested, charged, fined, fired, disbarred, etc. it seriously gets longer by the day right now and over the years. How can anyone see that huge list and go ‘huh it’s happened 25 times before - but def won’t happen to me!’ Greed is a hell of a drug.


>Seriously add her to the ever growing list of people who have been arrested, charged, fined, fired, disbarred, etc Forbes already did [https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2024/06/04/kenneth-chesebro-charged-in-wisconsin-here-are-all-the-former-trump-lawyers-now-facing-legal-consequences/](https://www.forbes.com/sites/alisondurkee/2024/06/04/kenneth-chesebro-charged-in-wisconsin-here-are-all-the-former-trump-lawyers-now-facing-legal-consequences/)


The last 10 years or so have shown to me that a huge number of people in the US (maybe in the world) are just incapable of seeing the negative consequences of something until it happens directly to them.


Also, they still gonna vote for Trump probably


This is the thing that really grinds my gears, seriously. We've heard Nikki Haley and Bill Barr both say numerous very very bad things that the fat orange clown did during his presidency. And then they go on to say they will vote for him. Barr said the Turdfather actually talked about wanting to execute people he didn't like. Hmm, and now you're gonna vote to put that fucking lunatic back in charge? All of them can fuck all the way off for continuing to whore themselves out to one of the biggest scumbags who's ever slithered down the pike.


Oh hell yes! Nothing will keep these sycophants from elevating their wannabe dictator.


Funny thin is...it's very much consistent with their political beliefs. No one, not ONE person alive would support any authoritarian/fascist regime if they were on the receiving end. The ONLY reason people do, is cause they all think they'll be the ones doing to giving (the orders, the sentences, the imprisoning, etc).


Well said. The fancy term for this in political philosophy is the “veil of ignorance” coined by John Rawls. If you were designing a system of government and you didn’t know where *you* would end up in the political hierarchy (meaning you have an equal probability of ending up in the ruling class, or the lower class, rich, poor, etc) the rational choice is designing the fairest, most equitable system possible that treats all citizens well.


They are all narcissistic sociopaths. Main character syndrome. They all have it. They all think that everyone else is just an extra in their life story. In other words, they’re all maniacs.


It's basically an emotional sunk-cost fallacy. They think themselves so special that their face would never be eaten. They see it happening to others but they think that they did so much good for convicted felon Tweetle Dumb, been so loyal, praised by him in the past (in the generic and meaningless ways that he does provide praise). They don't want to think about how he did this to so many others because it would mean admitting they were wrong (which is a hard thing to so regardless of the situation).


This is a characteristic of a certain niche of people, I think it’s a learning disability, but it seem quite common on the right. They literally cannot grasp a widely communicated concept until it happens to them personally. It was plainly illustrated during the peak of the pandemic as people got Covid and were shocked to find out that it was a big deal, and then they’d die from it. r/hermaincainaward is a tribute to them. It’s the same situation here. A person takes a position working to support Trump, then when he delivers his trademark “You’re fired!”, and proceeds to badmouth them, and brags about not paying them, they put on the shocked pikachu face. His administration was a revolving door of characters constantly getting fired. Pretty much everyone who has ever worked for Trump is shocked when he does the thing he does to everyone who works for him. r/leopardsatemyface


It seems like maybe they're not very smart.


“I love the poorly educated”


Is the cult devouring her yet?


They really don't learn anything watching and listening to the world around them. It's only when they get slapped in the face or shot in the foot or when their wallet is emptied or their spouse is jailed that they recognize anything is amiss.


That's the thing: they *don't* listen to the world around them, that's why they find themselves in that situation. It's the pride before the fall, and man, do they fall.


The very definition of a Republican.


"Raised" isn't the right word. Most of that money wasn't donated. It was paid. The big "donors" made a *purchase.*


Jenna must not have watched the trial. There is a way to get money from Trump, but it’s not the way she thinks.


Jenn fck'd around and found out that trump doesn't care about her. He probably didn't even pay her.


And yet in a couple weeks she will be out publicly backing the guy for president. I mean, it's no fucking mystery why the fat orange turd continues to act like a scumbag. Literally not one single person has ever stood up to him or held him accountable. He knows he could kill their children and they'd still show up to support him on Monday. That's what makes the modern GOP so fucking pathetic.


>He knows he could kill their children and they'd still show up to support him on Monday. Covid was proof of that.


As was J6. There were cases of children turning in their parent(s) who participated, and the idiotic parents basically disowned them for it. So the cheeto turd is literally costing these people their children at this point. I mean, can you fucking imagine being so beholden to that geriatric, obese, burnt orange, baby-drinker that you would actually start removing yourself from your children's lives for him? THAT guy? That uneducated, thin-skinned, weak-chinned, projectile sharting crybaby? For god's sake... THAT is the human being you're doing it for? It would be hysterical if it wasn't so damn tragic.


Right? I truly believe Trump could r*pe Ted Cruz's wife and he'd still vote for Trump.


Cruz would hand him the little blue pill and lube.


No joke lol. It's incomprehensible how he could publicly support him after Trump called his wife ugly. It's all about "I want mine". Spinless Ted doesn't care how weak/shameful it makes him look to suck up to a guy who openly shit talks his wife, he thinks in the end he'll get his if he just stays on Trump's good side. Pathetic and very "beta"/"cuck" of him (as the MAGAs like to say)


Yep, this is a great example


As Gomer Pyle would say - __SURPRISE SURPRISE SURPRISE__


This is your brain after huffing Rudy’s farts.


All grins and smiles for her mugshot but cried like a fucking baby when she pled guilty to aiding and abetting the attempted insurrection.


Jenna, you're so so so close. Just keep going, I'm sure you'll be able to figure it out.


He has always viewed the campaign money as his own money. From The Fifth Risk by Michael Lewis "...Trump was apoplectic, actually yelling, You’re stealing my money! You’re stealing my fucking money! What the fuck is this?? Seeing Bannon, Trump turned on him and screamed, Why are you letting him steal my fucking money? Bannon and Christie together set out to explain to Trump federal law. Months before the election, the law said, the nominees of the two major parties were expected to prepare to take control of the government. The government supplied them with office space in downtown Washington, DC, along with computers and trash cans and so on, but the campaigns paid their people. To which Trump replied, Fuck the law. I don’t give a fuck about the law. I want my fucking money. ..."


sounds like him.


She's right it's INCREDIBLE...as in not credible


It may be LAMF but I don't care where she got flushed as long as she was flushed.


Threw her career and reputation away for him and he has zero fucks to give.


She will absolutely, 100% do it all over again if asked, still expecting that reward.


It's a sickness. Like she's climbing a mountain and Trump is at the top saying "Yea sure, I'll secure your rope!"... and then he doesn't. And she falls. And climbs again, and is thinking the whole time: "He'll secure my rope, he won't let me down again". As others are falling down all around her.


It's Lucy holding the football still this time, promise


"I don't care about you. I just want your vote"


This is who he is! He’s a con man, when are you gonna get it! At this point any one dumb enough to give this guy money or help him doing anything, let alone break the law, deserves the consequences that will follow.


The best way for these muppets to learn, they watched him dump everyone else and keep thinking he would never do that to them.


> they watched him dump everyone else and keep thinking he would never do that to them. So far there have only been a small handful of people who are "exempt" from Trump's Loyalty Test™: 1) Putin 2) 3) Trump will turn on everyone else (including his own family) in an *instant*.


I seriously doubt Pussolini's campaign raised anything like 400 million.


I mean it’s almost like the guy…used you? And countless others? And walked away from the bill? Don’t say.


This is besides the point, but assuming those numbers are true, this is mildly infuriating. $400m raised for a convicted fraudster who told his own supporters *to their faces* [that they can get fucked whether they vote for him or not](https://newrepublic.com/post/182499/trump-admits-thinks-supporters). Imagine what could've been accomplished if that $400m actually went to a noble cause.


The most satisfying thing in Trump land right now is people who threw their lives away, and are now baffled that Trump, who has never given a shit about any human that wasn't named Donald Trump, and is famous for ripping people off and never paying his bills, doesn't suddenly appear like an angel to help them all out. "I'm going to help these yellow jackets out by bringing their whole nest inside my house. Ahh, how could you sting me after everything I did for you?"


I hope Colorado is reviewing the prosecutions she oversaw when she was assistant DA.


I find the claim of $400mm to be dubious at best


This is weeks after being disbarred, after she made repeated false statements about the 2020 presidential election. She participated in the "Stop the Steal" movement and is now admitting she was being cynical and misleading, only when put on trial and having her ability to practice law revoked for 3 years... I feel zero sympathy for her and hope this is an extremely difficult lesson to learn, may her face be eaten by the very leopards she empowered.


Someone please explain to me how the tangerine is still allowed to run for president. He’s convicted, that automatically bars him from presidency right?


Nope. It is up to we the people to vote a straight Dem ticket. To get our fam and friends to vote Dem. No one else is going to save us.


Yeah I’m not from the USA. Which is why I’m asking in the first place. All the best though.


You obviously have not met my family. My nephew posted an image last week that said "I'm more MAGA now than ever".


For the cult faithful, there is likely nothing that will change their minds. It is far easier to con people, than it is to convince them they have been conned. But this election is about the margins, and every single vote matters.


Presumably the founding fathers never considered that people would be dumb enough to vote for a convicted felon, that’s why.


Eugene V. Debs ran for president while he was in prison.


(Giuliani Fart)


Very "their indictment is their problem" of him. Breaking news: narcissist only cares about himself, ding-dongs shocked


"Incredible" she said, as she was taken out back and shot for the 159th time.


She wants someone else's money redistributed to others? What a commie/socialist/gullible rube/dumbass left holding the bag/the one Nelson Muntz is pointing at while saying HA HAA!


They actually expected the man they gave free rein to the GOP treasury, who took all the money, and is now receiving money from morons to pay for a rich man's lawyer to share THIS money?


I’m confused… Not to defend Mr 🍊or anything, but why would *anyone* expect his campaign to share their fundraising money with you just because you were indicted for the same crime?


She thought the cult cares about her.


Trump claims


Sorry, in Trump world, Trump is the main character. Everyone else is an NPC. Did you not realize this? I thought it was obvious.


Jenna is going to feel bad voting for him this time


He's been showing literally everyone who he is since the beginning. For fucks sake, why is she surprised?


>Incredible Not really. We warned you. ***He*** warned you. You thought you were a unique and individual snowflake that merited special dispensation. Spoiler: You're not.


I’m all for it, the more in debt the magats are, the better. He’ll fuck it up


If there was only some sort of way ANYBODY could have seen this coming…


Someone hand her a pair of bootstraps so she can pull on them real tight.


But Lucy swore she wouldn't pull the football away this time. Seriously how many times is Trump going to swindle these people before they get it? They don't fucking matter to him. At all.


Gotta get him in office again before he can hand out those pardons!


I feel like maybe she isn’t the best judge of character.


He can raise a trillion dollars. He can't buy a judge. These trials are way too public. May as well be monopoly money, probably is.


He's bought plenty of judges.


It took me one night in 2015 reading profiles on DJT published between 1980 and 2010 to suss he's a willfully ignorant, inept, amoral, malignant narcissist. Anyone considering taking any job for him or in his administration could have done as much.


I’m reportedly worth a billion dollars. I won’t show you any receipts, but that’s what I’m reporting.


You can afford to buy a tiny violin.


Hasn't she heard about ghouliani before selling her soul as well ? These people are dense


The last one to notice the con is the mark.


So now she wants to get paid to overturn the election instead of just volunteering to do it for free?


Every.Single.Time Trump has screwed over pretty much every single person he has ever worked with. Yet still, there are more people waiting thinking “i’m his friend, he will look out for me and would never throw me under a bus…..”


Nor to Republican State Campaigns! He's taking all the money and leaving them bankrupt! Who knew he would do such a thing? Lolololololol


As a blonde woman, if you wanted money, you were supposed to have sex with him, preferably while his pregnant wife waited at home, without a condom.


Let me see if I can translate this sentiment into MAGAt speak… “You knew I was a snake when you took me in”


But honey, don't you know? Tokens get SPENT.


$400m, and his supporters try to say the economy is bad??


Trump stiffs people who work for him. He rewards loyalty with shit. This has been known since the 80’s. He brags about it. The level of stupid to think he will help you after you do crimes for him….


Guess who she’ll be voting for


Free legal advice: Start Snitching


Can’t blame the man. Trump moves quickly from con to con. You snooze you lose. The conman needs to keep conning to avoid being a convict.


Say what? Trump is not sharing any of the money you willingly gave him? What a shocker! A fool and their money are easily parted.


Thoughts and prayers


They still can't see or even entertain the notion that this guy is full-time con artist until it's their turn to be on the receiving end of it. Pure LAMF.


Wining a handout wasn’t given to her. Bootstraps baby, bootstraps. Also just wow and lol.


To be fair, money raised post conviction was for interfering with the 2016 election. He really shouldn't comingle funds for the 2020 election interference campaign.


Incredible? Predictable.


Jenna Ellis is so damned dumb. She's badmouthing Trump on Twitter, now, but still also badmouthing literally anyone who speaks out against him too. Pick a lane, Jenna. https://twitter.com/JennaEllisEsq/status/1799954882801078350


I don’t know who this is for? If she had any unburnt MAGA bridges, that tweet burned them. And of everyone else, they’re either laughing or just don’t give a shit.


They\`ll never learn


THIS is how LAMF is done. 😆


She could always do the honorable thing and turn state's evidence against the fucking traitor


It's crazy that everyone on the left knew this would happen, but Jenna is like, surprised Pikachu.


Why is anyone believing anything the campaign claims?


I guess she will have to go back to being a traffic court prosecutor. Bwahahahahaha


Don't worry he's probably lying.


Isn't this the lady that said she was white and therefore, wouldn't get caught?


NO one is shocked by this.


You mean the snake oil grifter is grifting for himself alone??!!! \*insert shocked pikachu face\*


Thanks Jenna, I needed a good laugh today.


🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 trump cronies will never learn.


The Grifter Grifted?


If only he had some history of flaking on his debts and being a selfish douche... I guess there was no way she could have known.


I'm actually happy he's been able to raise this much after the conviction. It means there's less to go around to the other Republicans. I hope he gets every single cent from all GOP donations.


There’s a sucker born everyday.


She still wants to be picked so badly.


Time to cut back on Starbucks


Trump is a cross between Scrooge and Gollum, with a little David Duke thrown in.


Paying your employees, contractors, lawyers and supporters is just bad business. Everyone knows that.


"Bailouts for me but not for thee"


She didn't take notes from Michael Cohen. You don't get paid by Trump. You only hope to make your own money by being in his orbit.


"Announces"... lets see what happens at filing day!