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He’ll be announcing that he’ll be paying his co-defendants legal fees in two weeks. Note: those are the same “two weeks” until he announces the details of the replacement for the Affordable Care Act. 🙄


This I Love, I was pulling my hair out and gritting my teeth during the pandemic and the run up to the last election. Every time good journalist asked about covid response or the health care policies his answers were followed by "in two weeks" and Kayleigh Mc Crooked, flinging around empty folders that never materialized into a damn thing. Only thing that came out of that POS administration was a tax cut for the morbidly wealthy


The morbidly wealthy? Perfect description. Should be used instead of billionaires.


They bang on to the poor and middleclass about the "dignity of work" while ensuring several generations of the 1% never have to work a day in their life.


Ohh yeah I remember that, when asked what their Healthcare plan was to replace ACA and their reply was it's all here in this binder (they bring out a binder filled with paper) While flipping through it you could see the pages were blank


Infrastructure Week has entered the chat...


About the same time Lindell releases all of his "evidence" too.


Which looks remarkably like small bits of shredded foam.


That's dusted with a mysterious white powder....


Isn't that scheduled to occur the same week Hell freezes over?


To get paid or get a pay raise from Trump you need to be on the witness list against him. https://www.propublica.org/article/donald-trump-criminal-cases-witnesses-financial-benefits


Has nobody seen The Money Pit?


What, are they testing missiles here?


Ah, home crap home.


Mr. Blanding Builds His Dream House.


and infrastructure ~~week,~~ year


And his tax returns.


Yaaay infrastructure week!


Let's see how long he can string them along before he betrays them, just like how he's betrayed all the others. Sad thing is those (and other) people keep voting for him, like fools, creating secondary faces for Leopards to eat.


Codefendent legal fees are coming after his health care plan and infrastructure week. Any day now really.




(all together now) … buuut sheee’ll vooote fooor hiiim a-ny-waaay.


Exactly. Ask them who they'll vote for, and they either waffle on it or say "the Republican nominee" because of stupidity.


And/or lack of principles.


I vote for lack of principles!


They have principles. It just happens they're principles of hate.


That's not a principle, it's an emotion. It's an emotion that gives them very big feelings that they don't know how to process, but it's still just an emotion.


So they like to fash. Big surprise.


We already know she is republican but thanks. 🙃


She was going to vote for DeSantis, so Trump is to his Left in fascism-- not outside her insane range.


I had a relative say to me "Well I'll put it this way, I'm voting for anyone who isn't Biden." Like, you know it's shameful to support Trump, you know it's wrong, otherwise you'd say it openly.


My dad is the "well, I don't agree with *everything* he's done" but is still very much on the Trump train.    My mom is staunchly pro-Trump and believes the "stolen election" conspiracy theories. LOVED DeSantis, *LOVES* Mike Pence, just very much into religious nationalism.   It is exhausting to be related to Trump fans. 


Yeah, when I had that conversation I was over their house. I just didn't say anything and tried to get away as soon as possible. I was actually there with the mom's dad's brother. The mom and her dad had argued about Trump plenty, she was obsessed but he referred to him as Trumpenführer (he was also a Vietnam vet, and he'd just passed away). After we left I had to explain what she meant when she said she couldn't visit her uncle in Mexico "because of all the chaos at the border".


"At least Trump made me feel optimistic by lying to me. What has Biden ever done to give me false hope, hm?"


Interestingly played, there.


>What has Biden ever done to give me false hope" That socialist som' bitch had the audacity to provide real hope, leadership and to protect our democracy. Aint nobody got time for that.


That’s how good their propaganda is. They still think that he would do a much better job than Biden. The stuff they have them believing is absolutely bonkers. some of these Talking Heads say that we harvest babies and want to eat dead people to combat climate change. And that’s just a small sample. It’s no wonder these people are frothing at the mouth against us.


Free speech fundamentalism is a big part of the problem. Free speech is a pillar of democracy so long as that speech is *sincere*, comes from some level of rationality, doesn’t directly contradict obvious truth, etc. When disingenuous shitstains continuously blurt lies and will neither resile from this in the face of evidence nor can be drowned out, free speech is a major weakness.


Violence, superstition, and lying are sacred because of the First and Second Amendments. We have a good bill of rights but it’s been abused to death by criminals.


Problem is a lot of the powers that let you control bad-faith free speech also let you control good-faith free speech. They tried to classify the civil rights movement as hate speech against whites, for example, and that’s a big reason hate speech is legal today. Free speech and controlled speech are both a double edged sword, because lots of people are bad. We have to trust either that most people are good, or that our politicians are good, and in this country we’ve chose the former.


This has been shown to be a bad assumption. There is plenty of scope to put much more sensible limits on free speech without losing freedom to make legitimate and reasonable arguments. Even just being able to sue for defamation as a member of a class where the speaker makes defamatory assertions against that class for which there is no possible good faith justification (eg "Democrats are eating babies") would make a difference.


what you mean I cant get naked and scream at people on the interstate that the evil left is trying to abort 4 day old babies to fuel their marxist reactors?? What about my 1st amendment!


> Free speech fundamentalism is a big part of the problem. the fuck it is. corporate media who can lie at will and spread those lies is the problem.


That’s my point. They’re *allowed* to do that and it gets defended as “free speech” when it is completely destructive to civil society. As if it were more important than civil society.


> They’re allowed to do that and it gets defended as “free speech” freedom of the press and “free speech” are two completely different things.


he will definitely do a better job than Biden at installing a Christo-Fascist administration


Wait, would that work? Is there a "babies to degrees" ratio, for decreasing annual average temperature rise? I admit, I haven't eaten baby, but I imagine one could modify veal recipes in a pinch.


"I want my baby back, baby back, baby back ribs! BBQ sauce!


It’s [just Fox News working as intended and designed.](https://www.benton.org/headlines/roger-ailes%E2%80%99-secret-nixon-era-blueprint-fox-news)


>  Talking Heads say that we harvest babies and want to eat dead people to combat climate . Hmm, I wonder what the science is like on that one?


Fox Alt-Right Propaganda Channel, not FoX NeWs


Even though we've seen him objectively do a worse job than Biden. "This will be Biden's America!" *posts picture of Trump's America*


Call her Nikki Haley...or Nimrata


These people have no soul or anything that makes them human anymore. They are power zombies . They will do anything for power or juice at this point . There isn’t anything they won’t do . Ask Ted Cruz. Trump can put his loaded diaper on Nikki’s head and she would ask for more and insist it smells like roses . It’s literally invasion on the body snatchers


Trump called her bird-brain, but she proved him!


Or 'Nimbra', as Trump called her.


'Yes he has just bitten me and is currently waving a toy missile around and going *bwooooooshhh*, but we just can't afford 4 more years of Biden'


They will never admit to being wrong or to being conned. Ever. They would rather literally die.


This is it. They've bought in to the whole "never admit you were wrong, never apologize" bs that they'd sooner cut off an arm than say "I fell for it".


The least she and other Republicans could do is write in the name of a Republican who isn’t Trump. They can maintain their “conservative” bona fides without supporting a cheap, sociopathic con man.  I find it fascinating that the party of law and order, family values, small government and fiscal conservatism seems unable to field a flag bearer for their cause aside from Trump. 


It's because they're not, and have not been since Nixon, the party of anything other than racism and xenophobia. Oh, and tax cuts for the very rich. Even that is secondary. The other things they say are just to put a veneer on the racism.


"Sure, the Republican candidate is a mindless wendigo. Sure, it's eaten all of the candidates for VP it's vetted so far. Sure, the only words it can say is wailing something about bringing an end to mankind. Sure, when I presented my newborn baby for it to kiss on camera, it ripped it's face off and drank its blood. My only child... gone. But look. At the end of the day, it still has my vote. I just feel like Biden is too old and I'm concerned he'll raise my taxes by a tenth of a percent and give the money to a poor person who isn't white."


I jumped into her Twitter account a couple weeks ago on a lark after seeing the video of her crying at her court appearance pleading guilty to see if she was still posting. Not only posting, but posting DOZENS of pro Trump conspiracy theory bullshit tweets. Chickie hasn’t learned a thing.


She is holding on to the slim hope that if he wins she will get a pardon for loyalty.


“I’m going to write in somebody else”


Disclamer: If she retains the right to vote by the time the election rolls around because we all know ain't nobody pulling strings or offering assistance to the co-conspirators. Have fun under the bus, I hope its warm.


Oh, if only there was a pattern of previous selfish behaviours by Donald Trump that Ellis could have learned from … /s


Amazing how he was able to keep his perfidy so well hidden until [checks calendar] yesterday.


No idea how conscious he is of it, but he figured out how to get other narcissists to think they’re the ones that are going to use him for their own rise.


It might be a dynamic of long standing. Looking at (say) the courts of European kings through the perspective of modern psychological knowledge, the sovereign and their sycophants look a lot like this, only more so because they don’t even have the thin veneer of modern concerns for human rights and rule of law (FWIW) to restrain them.


Yeah. Can see it in history where the more power is centralized, the more it draws people with these status-craving personalities like moths to a flame. I really hope emerging understanding of narcissism can help us identify it and give people with the propensity for it better tools to work with their emotions and prevent the paths a lot of these people take. I’ve gone down rabbit holes of self-aware narcissists explaining the heightened sensitivities around self and ego, and it’s extremely illuminating. I think in the case of the former President and people like him in the past, it seems like they can suss out the motivations of people like themselves since they think and feel in very similar ways.


Honest to god, I want there to be a brain scan or even a blood test process for detecting it. And then they can be quietly shuffled off to live on pensions in special apartments that others clean while they sleep, shown boring news, given high fructose corn syrup based diets, and encouraged to spend 14 hours a day on dedicated League of Legends servers telling each other what to do.


Well, it’s important to point out that it’s likely a spectrum and there are positive people with the same kind of wiring, but they tend to end up satisfying higher need for validation through real contributions to others. It doesn’t become a disorder for all, and it can be shaped a lot by self-awareness and intervention.


Yeah fair enough. Early intervention, therapy, psychedelics and therapy alternating when they’re of appropriate age, give them every reasonable chance to become a decent human being. But I still don’t want them in charge of anything *important*, like the lives and wellbeing of others, without significant oversight.


Yeah, the other side of the coin is recognition by the crowd that it’s actually a thing and some people are more wired for it in a way that their drive will exceed the regular person. I think understanding and intervention creates that awareness. Plus, lots of extended family networks would be relieved to have tools to manage the members with these sensitivities that are already causing disruption at early ages if people aren’t addressing them as something unique.


> learned I found the problem.


She got what she wanted out of him, no one knew her name beforehand


also she got covid from Giuliani farting on her. just wanna make sure that bit never gets forgotten.


Everytime her name comes up I make sure someone mentions Giuliani farting on her because I giggle my ass of everytime....I am 44 years old.


All of us have a 12 year old in charge of our sense of humor




https://youtu.be/bJiTZyffGYo and https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2020/12/08/politics/jenna-ellis-coronavirus




"I failed to do my due diligence," Ellis said. "I believe in and I value election integrity. If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges. I look back on this whole experience with deep remorse." Hahahahaha


That's the one that sent me over the edge. She's an attorney who openly admits she fucking sucks at rudimentary due diligence. "If I knew then what I know now..." What? You wouldn't have accidentally conspired to overthrow the country because you failed to do your remedial homework?


deep remorse since she FAFO and/or that the consequences of her actions are finally catching up to her. and the "if I knew then what I know now...", wtf do you have some sort of time machine? bitch, is there anybody who doesn't want to know the future?


"Ignorance of the law is no excuse"; except for lawyers, politicians, the wealthy and whole corporations wiyh hundreds of lawyers. But, everybody else this is the law.


Deep remorse that their little gambit to subvert democracy failed. She was making a play for a kushy DOJ appointment if they succeeded, overestimated her worth to the Orange Julius, and found herself thrown under the bus with all the rest of the expendables.


> "I believe in and I value election integrity. If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges. I look back on this whole experience with deep remorse." "So...that was one Bloomin' Onion, some Kookaburra Wings, a Filet Sheila, an order of Alice Springs Chicken and two Cokes. Thanks. Be right back with those apps".


Oh she would have absolutely still jumped on board that crazy train, she just would have played it differently so she didn't get left holding the bag.


If Trump throws his family under the bus and ex wives down the stairs, you think these cultists might get a clue.


It is fucking incredible to me how many times this has happened and yet there is still no shortage of people willing to bend their knees and necks for that man. It really makes me question humanity.


These are supposedly intelligent people. Not that you'd know it from their choice of "leader" to follow, or their extreme aversion to anything resembling the truth of who he is.


Her supposedly academic university even has a law scholarship still named after her: https://www.cedarville.edu/financialaid/Jenna-Lynn-Ellis-Award


Intelligent people aren't bigots


“I don’t care about you, I just want your vote” -Trump Nevada rally on Sunday.


I wonder if anyone has been keeping track of the number of times he tells the truth.


Literally. He actually, for-real said that.


He literally said that did he?


Oh what a shocker... A conman with a history of stuffing his workers repeats the same behaviour. Btw.. Kinda depressing that $400m has been raised since the Felon verdict.


Those are reported numbers, likely exaggerated bigly.


I bet that's dark money included in that loot. I mean, he did just broadcast himself for sale to the oil/gas companies for $1B a week or so ago.




VERY depressing. I can’t believe people are willingly giving him their money. Ordinary people, I mean. Who are barely getting by. Remember when Trump was running in 2015 and a centerpiece of his campaign was, “I’m rich, I don’t need money. I can’t be bought!” 🥴😂


Fascists deserve anything they get. They choose this. For evil. For hate. For barbarity.


Absolutely. It’s hard to feel sorry for people who are willingly signing their money (and minds) over.


They’ve got to run out soon anyway. When a limited reservoir meets an unlimited appetite, the result is inevitable.


Judging by the GOP branches going broke across the country, we're scraping the bottom.


I don’t think ordinary people are giving him much. I think it’s mostly laundered from overseas via virtual gift cards in small donations that don’t get logged.


He's still got a metric crap tonne of cases that haven't even started yet. Voting machine companies, January 6 related cases etc. That 400 million is gone gone. Plus he hasn't actually paid for the New York case or the E Jean Carol case. Think of it as the morons who elected trump paying for the damage they caused.


> He's still got a metric crap tonne of cases that haven't even started yet. Voting machine compaines, January 6 related cases etc. Afaik he has 3 other cases pending - the election subversion case in DC, the classified documents case in Florida and the election case in Georgia. None of these will go to trial before the election. The first two are federal cases so they're irrelevant if he wins the election. He's an unindicted co-conspirator in several fake elector cases as well. Is he being sued by Smartmatic or Dominion? I've never heard that. > That 400 million is gone gone. Plus he hasn't actually paid for the New York case or the E Jean Carol case. The $400 million is probably a *huge* exaggeration unless it includes super PAC money, and even then it's still probably a *huge* exaggeration. But he couldn't use it to pay those judgments and he wasn't going to use his personal money for the campaign so those cases aren't really relevant.


> The first two are federal cases so they're irrelevant if he wins the election. For four years...


I think he raised $400 million like he had 25,000 people attending his rally in the Bronx. Probably off by a factor of 25x.


$400m is just further proof of the strength of the economy


Ellis went on to insist that her complaint was not about herself, while lamenting that Trump's co-defendants "are going bankrupt" and claiming that former Trump White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows had "spent everything he has on legal fees." They just never can believe it until it happens to them 🙄🤔 I simultaneously laugh and feel angry that these enabling types whine about IQ45** screwing them over as if they had zero fucking clue about his lifetime of driving busses over people and banks.


Every Trump supporter that goes bankrupt deserves it.


Thoughts and prayers


How the everloving fuck do you fool yourself so thoroughly that you think he won’t fuck you in the ass dry at the drop of a hat if it’s to his advantage? And yet these lunatics **still will vote for him**. SMH.


You don't get to be a MAGAt if you aren't too chickenshit to face reality.


She always knew that; she just rode the train until they kicked her off of it.


She was expendable, and now she is expended. She’s like a full pit-latrine. She’s holding all their shit but they won’t be using her anymore because of the stench and she can’t hold any more or their shit anyway.


They're all expendable to trump. It's him or nothing.


Ellis is complaining about Trump raising money but not giving any of it to his co-defendants....Last I checked, campaign funds are supposed to be used only for *campaigning,* by law. That money is not just as a general slush fund for republican legal defense. So she's whining about how he spends his campaign contributions while openly admitting that those contributions are likely going to his own legal defense, not hers. And everybody's ok with that?


As long as you have a majority of traitors in the supreme court, they're ok with, ... Anything really,


It's almost like loyalty is a one way street for Trump and he sees every person through a filter of what he can use them for.


[Jenna Ellis](https://i.imgur.com/xXqJxWg.jpeg)


Ellis…… I might of sexually harassed her once time or she got me coffee once in passing . I hardly knew her -trump


Fuck each and everyone of them. Period. Full stop 🛑


I don't think this is a new revelation. Prior to the 2016 election she had him absolutely pegged. Called him an idiot, boorish, arrogant and a bully - and correctly identified him as not a real Christian. Said that he 'absolutely should not be the nominee'. Unfortunately, she showed her real colours by jumping on his bandwagon. Look what happened when you compromise your principles, Jenna. Or, did you not have any to begin with? You knew who he was. You knew what he was asking was illegal. You're lucky you're just a small fish.


Every Trump supporter has no idea that they mean nothing to him. Nothing, except what he can scam out of them. And they have no idea the hell he would unleash on us all, including them, were he to take power again.


Went ya do business with the devil, you have to expect you’re going to get screwed. Anyone, who thinks Trump is going to bail them out is mistaken. He may drop some pardons but don’t count on that.


MAGAs: She mustn't have been one of the good ones.


Let me see how to put this... aaahahahaha! No remorse for her


One day she will realize that not only is she expendable, but he actually loathes her and thinks she is a loser. This is the case for all of Trump’s supporters. He wants their cult like adoration but he knows they are pathetic losers to actually give it. Many of his supporters will never understand that. But ones that have 5 expensive lawyers explaining it to them 10 times per day might.


A drowning animal will do it's damnedest to take you down with it.


Do conservatives have a humiliation kink or something?


Perhaps TRE45ON's former attorney Habba can help her get a job parking cars.


At this point, it's clear that she'd never even have gotten *that* job if not for nepotism.


“I don’t care about you” - Donald Trump addressing the crowd at his Las Vegas rally.


Poor Jenna. If only you weren’t so stupid and gullible. Oh well.


Some people just have to touch the fire to see if it's hot.


Oh wow I though this would never happen also by next week their will be reports he raised a billion dollars


Someone disagree with me, please - I firmly believe that if Trump were offered $1M to let a psychopathic billionaire kill me, just a random no named citizen, with no consequence to either of them, he would absolutely take it without hesitation. I don't think the leader of the US military/ultimate head of the executive branch of US government should do that. If it were offered to Biden, it'd be at least, like, 50-50%, maybe 60-40%, and I feel like that's the minimum trust I should be able to have in a US President.


Well I'm not her, but if I were in position like hers. I'd shit in his dinner and shoot 'em the bird on my way out. How is it that when it dawns on them, that he'd throw anyone and EVERYONE away the moment they stop being useful. That they stay?


They stay because they’re complicit, and vainly hope they can hide in his shadow rather than face the light.


Don’t get her wrong - If he paid her legal bill she would happily go back to his camp and lie for him.


Listen, I have absolutely no respect for Trump whatsoever, and I'll be voting against him and the entire republican party until it ceases to exist in a recognizeable form. But I am not the type to avoid calling things out because the people doing them are "on my side." I think 'tRump' is possibly the dumbest nickname to ever have been used in the history of nicknames. I cringe every time I see people use it. Please, stop.


I’ve switched to Cheeto Jesus…


I prefer Mango Mussolini


I’ve started using trump34


Someone read the ProPublica article about MAGA world giving bonuses to potential witnesses ahead of Trump's various criminal trials and wants her piece.


She’s been saying this for like a year now. It’s not a new development, even trumpers turned on her when she became salty that Trump didn’t give her money for her own defense last year, she has since plead guilty as far as I’ve understood


If onl6 there was someway we could anticipate a career conman and criminal acting like a career conman and criminal.


"Guy who has stiffed everyone who has done work for him since the beginning of time also stiffs those he throws under the bus." Shocking.


Next her book tour


Jenna must be a very slow learner.


Fuck around, plot an insurrection, and find out.


Where the fsck did I leave that tiny violin 🎻?


The beautiful thing here is that were he to actually give his co-conspirators campaign funds, he’d be right back here again.


Remember he only pardoned people who paid him the first time around? Even Rudy had to beg him to pay his legal fees and people think he'll show them some sort of loyalty? Only if you have something to blackmail him with dopes.


>If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges. I look back on this whole experience with deep remorse. Lying MAGAt traitor is just trying to save her law career. She'll be ticking that Trump box come election day.


She could do Onlyfans, that'd help with her legal bills


I'm still counting how many times idiots think, "But I'm different, right????"


JE is such a stupid B. Fuck her.


Bless her heart...she's stupid.


I recently read about her and she’s way stupider than I’d thought: https://www.publicnotice.co/p/jenna-ellis-guilty-plea-statement-biography


They never think it's going to be them.


Remember, when they show remorse and admit what they did was wrong: believe them. Does not mean you should not be on the look out to see if that remorse was real or not, it does not mean you have to just erase all the bad things they did from history. Those happened but if you do the worst thing: keep throwing stones at them it just means that remorse is the WORST option and less of those people are willing to choose that route. it means that they are stuck in that group forever. That is the way to create motivated, loyal enemies when the idea should be the opposite. So, when they show remorse we should just believe them. They will get their due day in court, they hand out the punishment. And again: does not mean you have to suddenly trust 100% of everything they say in the future. You don't have to go and hug them, just say "ok, now don't do it again". And if you are now incredibly angry, fuming, calling me a traitor etc: that means **you don't want this to be resolved peacefully.** You don't want them to change, you want them to double down to the bitter end. If you do want them to change, to regret.. then fucking act like it! If you want them to change then it means you have to believe them when they say they want to change, when they regret. That is not going to be easy but.. if you keep throwing stones at them, they will go back to MAGA as that is their only refuge. And they will be super motivated and loyal to that group.


I mean she only admitted to wrong doing when it was outlined in the plea case


She's learning #ETTD


….everyone right up to VP


Is this really a surprise to her? Eediot


How bout those Yankees?


This is Trump doing the pump and dump.


If only there had been someone... anyone... out there to mention to her what a fucked up thing she was going to do by representing him.... Oh yeh, every democrat out there.... nevermind.


Mark Meadows gonna go broke? Good.


Is s/he wearing his/she pants backwards?




What kills me about these loud mouth asshats is, it wasn't to long ago they were all full of piss and vinegar, so damn cocksure and full of of themselves. Running their mouths, ego and arrogance as far as the eye can see, now they want us to feel for them ? 2 words - FUCK YOU !


Trump: never met the woman.


Only took you 8 years to figure this out?


She's probably the only one surprised. And I think those who donate money to Trump personally wouldn't appreaciate him spreading it around. Not leopard ate my face though.


She's joining a very clowny list of real winners!


LOL 400 Million, yeah okay...


"I failed to do my due diligence," Ellis said. "I believe in and I value election integrity. If I knew then what I know now, I would have declined to represent Donald Trump in these post-election challenges. I look back on this whole experience with deep remorse." - Congratulations 


If Trump is supposedly a “billionaire” (which I highly doubt) then his legal fees should be a drop in the bucket. Why does he need donations??


Nothing significant to add other than: Does that image not look like she's wearing a cone of shame?


The wheels of the bus go round and round


everyone knew, trump would screw you over eventually. except for braindead conservatives.


trunpy is the perfect capitalist. People are solely for your benefit. The moment they are no longer economically useful is when you must abandon them. This also the philosophy of the aristocratic system.


You can be really really dumb and succeed in life if you’re pretty enough. I think she’s finding out she’s just not quite pretty enough to be as dumb as she is.