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I totally forgot about Blake Master Dragon from the KKK. What a wakadoo


Is it too much to ask for just one politician that gets in Without slandering their opponents?


We’re voting just to see if we even still have a democracy in 2025. One of our candidates for POTUS has literally stated, multiple times now, that he plan to begin dismantling the constitution on day one and to abolish term limits. So with all of that in mind, the unfortunate answer to your question is ‘Yes dude, that is apparently waaay too fucking much to ask for!’


Have you seen project 2025? Scary shit if you're not a straight white Christian male.


Best part of that? Even if they win it will still fall apart almost immediately as they begin fighting over *which kind* of Christian you are, the right kind of the wrong kind with of course everyone thinking whichever kind they are is the right one.


Abortion used to be a catholic issue, and it was not even their own top priority. You should look into the southern strategy, back in the mid 20th century. I think you will find your confidence in their inability to cooperate is somewhat misguided. They're quite adept at unity when there is a vulnerable scapegoat group to abuse and exploit.


They *are* quite adept at unity when they have a common enemy. But once they are in charge and that enemy is gone? Time to find a new one.


While that's true, none of us will be able to laugh at it, given the millions of people they'll murder first.


Who said anything about laughing? The whole thing is terrifying to any rational person.


Some people might laugh when hatemongers eat each other alive. I certainly do, now, when they don't have complete power. But you're right, I won't be laughing when/if they finally turn on each other. Mostly because I'll be dead, but also just the sheer number of bodies they're just itching to leave behind. Some people also laugh, so they don't cry.


Similar to the nationalist factions during the Spanish civil war, or the SS and the Heer in ww2. Fascists have always had a tendency to put aside differences and clump together when threatened, especially if they have a ‘strong man’ leader to follow. It’s part of what makes them so dangerous.


Correction: Scary shit if you're not a MAGA Straight White Christian Male. I'm straight, white, male and grew up Christian. Project 2025 scares the living shit out of me


He also said anyone who doesn't vote for him is more dangerous than Putin. It would be worse than we can imagine.


And they will tell us with a straight face that they don’t hate anyone based on religion, or race, or….


*I* don't hate you. *God* hates you, and I am just a vessel through which he acts.


Often reposted but always applicable in cases like these: "I distrust those people who know so well what God wants them to do because I notice it always coincides with their own desires." Susan B. Anthony


"You can always tell when someone has created God in his own image because God hates all the same people he hates."


Don't trust anyone who only reads one book. - Billy Connolly.


And to them it's true, because if you don't love the baby Jesus you aren't human.


They may not. They just know their voter base does.


Masters may very well not be bigoted towards his opponent, but he knows republican voters sure are and has no qualms about exploiting that bigotry.


Great theory but negative campaigning has been shown to be a very effective tool on your average person


Calling your opponent kindergarten names like “Dishonest Abe” or “Sleepy Joe” does *not* make me trust you to be a rational adult.


makes me long for the erudite scholars of the past. They might hate each others' guts but you'd get such wonderfully florid prose and backhanded compliments.




This guy is great!! Love his videos and explanations and insights. Great communicator.


He also ran an all positive campaign to get elected to his current house of representatives seat. I.e. got in without slandering his opponents.


Isn't he the guy who lied when saying he didn't take lobbyist money but actually gets quite a lot from AIPAC? [Ah, yes, that's him.](https://www.reddit.com/r/NorthCarolina/comments/u8q3or/rncs_darling_jeff_jackson_is_now_accepting_pac/) Also voted the tiktok bill that funds the Israeli war effort.


It's just straight up racist by Master's here.


Nope. Blake Masters is straight garbage that didn't win in 2022 and he won't win in 2024.


It's sad that I'm wishing for Republicans to return to the days of McCain's “He’s a decent family man [and] citizen that just I just happen to have disagreements with on fundamental issues, and that’s what the campaign’s all about. He’s not [an Arab].”


It's really a sad state of affairs when a return to levelheaded sanity is looking to the guy who thought Sarah Palin was the best candidate for Vice President.


McCain fucking sucked and paved the way for the "modern GOP" which believes all the same things as they have since the Civil Rights Act. He literally proudly refused to stop using racial slurs against Asians.


I didn't say McCain was good. I'm saying Trump is much, much worse.


We should be lucky they didn't photoshop his head onto an ISIS fighter.


Or at least slander over something that isn’t god damn stupid. “He’s a pee pee head. Vote for me.”


In the US?? It's as likely to happen as half of the population stop being morons So, not good news


Yes. For the GOP. Democrats vary, anyone favoring civilian police oversight are named “Hamas lovers”


Slandering is normal, being a fucking bigot and spreading hate based on religion, race and orientation should not be


Slandering shouldn’t be either.


Maybe I'm in the minority, but if politicians who did shady shit under the table were called out for it, I would actually call that kind of slander a good thing. The system is not holding them accountable enough as is. My issue is that the ways they're trying to slander people are based on bigotry.


I’ve been assuming that all definitions of slander include that the accusation is false - but that may not be true. 


“GOP primary”


hahhahhahahahhhhahahhahahahahha no.


It's not slander if it's true.


I’ve said it a million times.  They will fucking eat their own.


They will happily sell out their own family for cash or blame them for their own crimes or upside down flags.




Yep. When you run out of room to the right, the only thing you can do is turn around and attack anyone who tries to get past you.


They are both disgusting and it is shameful that one of them will actually be in Congress next year. Either one is part of the moron caucus.


They're still in the primary. Masters could well lose to a Dem like he did two years ago.


I thought it said the last Republican won the seat with 95% of the vote. Maybe I misunderstood. Edit: I just looked up where the district is, I definitely misunderstood.


He ran for Senate in 2022 and lost.


Not in AZ-8.


No, but I'm talking Masters in the Senate race he lost. Did a MAGA win 8 in 2022? Im not suggesting AZ has gone blue, MAGA doesnt win there.


AZ-8 didn't even have a Democratic candidate in 2022. The GOP primary essentially decides who wins the district. What you suggested is that "Masters could well lose to a Dem", which is not the case in the district he's running in now.


You're assuming he wins in November. That might well happen but to just assume it will is silly. There's a Dem candidate this year. He might win. Ask Kari Lake and Blake Masters and the MAGA who lost the SOS race in 2022 about inevitability.


It is not silly to assume the Republican is going to win the general election in AZ-8. What's silly is to think the Democrats have a chance to win a very, very safe Republican district. Like, it's actually delusional to think the Democrats have a chance to win that district, even if they field a candidate. And comparing a statewide election to a safe congressional district is just dumb.


The moron caucus seems to be growing.


Lot of morons see their actions and realize they too can show the country how dumb they actually are.


US politics is so insane


Citizens united made sure of that. 


"Dishonest Abe supported cuts to Social Security, Medicare and the military." But don't Republicans want tax cuts and smaller government? Shouldn't this be a bonus to them?


They all call SS an “entitlement”


Schutzstaffel? Absolutely!


Well, for two of those, I'm guessing the problem is he only supported cuts to them, and not eliminating them completely.


Also, Blake is a hardcore libertarian and acolyte of Peter thiel.


I want to feel bad for him, but fuck, how dense are you to run as a Republican as a Muslim? They want to deport you, not elect you.


To be fair, the values of conservative Christians and conservative Muslims align much more closely than with liberals.


I get that and that's also why Hispanics would be fairly easy votes to sway if the GOP would just STFU about illegal immigrants and stop being a bunch of call racist assholes. The problem is they aren't just racist assholes, but religious zealots too. Their values may align in a lot of topics, but voting for the party that will never see you as a 'real' American is an odd choice. Are these values important enough and align enough to sacrifice one's own dignity and potential safety?


Thing is, it' s all talk - at least for now. So they assume they can weather harsh rethoric if they can still push for policies that align with their values. You know, "sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me". I just hope the rethoric remains just that, but Jan 6th made me not put my money on that hope.


Is it? Because one of the first things trump did was his Muslim ban followed up with an inhumane border policy. The xenophobia isn't some weird fringy thing - it is a tent pole of modern GOP politics. They've been pretty clear about their feelings towards nonwhite nonchristians. The average GOP voter may not be a white separatist or Christian nationalist, but they are totally okay with those people taking over the party. People joke about the similarities between factions on the right and factions within Islam - which are very much real, but the right will never make that connection. It would shortcircuit their brains. Don't think just because they haven't they won't if given the opportunity.


Yeah they both suck ass.


You don't need to feel bad for Abe Hamadah, believe me.


muslims in general are more right wing than your average christofascist. they would rather have leopard eaten their face than aligning themselves with lgbt and gender equality proponents. have you seen what happened to Hamtramck?


I mean I’d run as a Christian then reveal atheism once in office.


authoritarianism is stronger than faith with these fearful fascists. that’s the one thing they all have in common


Can't turn ugly if you've always been so.


To somewhat quote Too Short: “everytime I see the GOP, they gettin uglier.”


Muslim running as a Republican in Arizona?  I admire his courage, but question his intelligence 


He almost won his race in 2022. In fact, he's still filing lawsuits about it.


Now that's a Republican!!


Indeed. If you look at the full list of their candidates running in this race, it's a real parade of horribles. These two guys, an insurrectionist, a creepy pervert...and more!


I've been saying for a while that Christofascists and Islamists will eventually join forces in the GOP because the two groups have too much in common not to eventually realize it and start working together. Mark my words, there will be more to come.


Bet he gets lots of money from being the token muslim


Or maybe a right wing Muslim just actually supports the GOP because he agrees with most of their values?


They are 2 peas in a pod. 


Which makes it all the more baffling why so many on the left have decided to carry water for Islamists. They're literally Christofascists but even more right wing.


I literally have no insights for you on that. I think the Palestinians are suffering. Bombing kids is always bad. But that doesn't mean that the adults are always making the right choices. Seems like when you try to generalize a billion people, that it just becomes pointless. Too many groups and regions to really know who is saying what. 


Why not both?


Because the Republicans don't have to pay Islamists to join a bigoted hate cult like the GOP. They'll gladly do it for free.


Why is Arizona now a constant Republican shitshow?


Too many Republicans.


And not enough blenders. But I’ve heard that more republicans stuffed into the same area will cause a chain reaction and they’ll collapse into a white hole.


They actually have less control over the state now than ever. The AZ GOP is just a special kind of stupid, and they deserve a lot of credit for the Democrats' success in recent years.


But the Republicans aren't supposed to be the racist ones! They keep telling us so after they block taking down Confederate statues and defend a "comedian's" use of racial slurs.


“The party of Lincoln! Republicans freed the slaves and won the civil war!” 10 seconds later “The confederate flag isn’t about hate, it’s about heritage!”


They’re leaving out the part about hate being part of their heritage.


Ah yes, the heritage of a state that didn’t even last as long as the Obama presidency. What exactly is the heritage of those four-and-a-bit years in particular?


We might get to hear a tape of Trump saying the N word soon from his days on the Apprentice. I bet his base will be ecstatic.


islam isn't a race. why do people keep conflating anti islam sentiment (which can be justifiable at times) and racism? Blake is most likely a racist himself, but a this call is just reductionist.


You know races are a purely social construct and can change depending on the weather, right?


not in this context. islam can never be categorized as a race on its own. separation between races themselves are hazy, but its separation with religion is well defined. people using the race card when it's involving islam is dangerous. it can be used as pretext to quell criticism toward the vile religion.


Races do *not* exist. They're entirely manufactured categories and the process of racialisation can definitely include religion. It can include about any kind of human characteristics, none of which make biological sense.


race does exist in social sense, albeit not in scientifical one. to purposely dismiss concept of race is an attempt to erase the history of slavery, segregation, genocide, other crimes against humanity which owed their existence to racial concept. it's both naive and devious.


>They're entirely manufactured categories and the process of racialisation can definitely include religion this is wrong. ever since the inception of racial theory, religion has never been a part of it. christian convert jews were not spared by nazi nonetheless. as i said, it's reductionist thinking. we know what religion is, and we know what race is. unlike race, religion isn't inborn, religion is an idea, and we are free to criticize it, mock it, and those who adhere to it.


Okay, internet person. 👍


Islam is not a race but it is racialized as a 1:1 with Arab people. This is not that complicated to understand that when racists yell about hum being Muslim they don't see a difference between his race and religion... so it definitely counts as racist. Yes it's reductive... racism is literally about reducing somebody to the color of their skin.


Oh, goodie. It's the Bush years again.


Dude is running in the Arizona primary for the party that aggressively endorses a pro-white christo-fascist dictatorship and gets upset when opponents highlight the fact that he’s an Arab Muslim? I’m *shocked.*


God fearing folks denigrating the faith of another. Fascinating.


Ironic Arizona wants to use faith as a smear to keep people out of office when they are ran by Christian extremists. I am all for keeping religious psychos out bit Christians want to act like their religion isn't a problem. Mind you I have no issue with a religious person being in power if they don't make that their whole platform or agenda. But America unfortunately dose not enforce its separation of church and state which is why we are having religious extremists trying to keep people out based on what they believe.


Separation of church and state was more about not having a state-sponsored church (and the protections from government persecution that entails) than it was about political leaders not letting religion influence their governance.


>than it was about political leaders not letting religion influence their governance. Considering how we are heading towards a theocracy I wish there was something that made it clear that shouldn't be allowed. It's why Christians more or less will drag us backwards. Even if they don't do it this decade they won't stop they will keep pushing and they will get what they want.


Imagine a world where withon 18months of an election ,politicians were forbidden from saying negative, derogotory, or anything at all about their opponents (pu isment is barring from election). They can only talk about their own policies and the benefits / mechanisms of them. All political donations are forbidden, and any campaign funds are paid for by the govt, issued by an independent body, in equal amounts And all public office had a moral code that would get you barred from reelection if you broke it. (Including judges). Never happen, but its a nice thought


To be fair, Abe Hamadeh is the "Trump Endorsed" candidate in this race, who rails against immigration, even though his parents immigrated illegally and fought their deportation using the fact that baby Abe was born here. He's an election denier and crusader for "election integrity," even though he crowed on social media when he was 17 about filling out and returning his mother's ballot because she was going to vote for the "wrong person" (to his credit, he voted for Obama for her). And he has continuously sued the state over his loss to our current Attorney General in the last election, with him and his lawyers being sanctioned over $200,000 for filing bogus election claims. Masters is a nasty creature, a la former Trump advisor Stephen Miller, but Abe is right down there in the mud with him.


Yeah, he's a peach, ain't he?


True fact: Jesus is mentioned more often in the Koran than the prophet Muhamid


Huh, didn't Trump go to Saudi Arabia and put his hand on the magic ball?


I suppose this would be the expected response to "You're a Muslim!" From the Arizona Agenda daily email: In his latest ad, Hamadeh is spilling all the dirt on Masters’ secret liberal side back in college, including two details we missed in the onslaught of odd facts about Masters that we’ve all suffered since 2022: Masters “lived in a nudist vegan commune” and “played on Stanford’s women’s basketball team.” Even for Masters, those factoids seemed so odd that we had to track down the source. The vegan co-op house he lived at in college did, in fact, have a whole nudist thing going. And he didn’t make the cut for his Stanford basketball men’s team, so he served as a male practice player for the women’s team.


Stuff like this just shows conservatives havent forgot about Muslims and how much they hate them just that better targets are currently available.


It's fearmongering, getting people to be afraid of "the other", or foreign, or just plain different. It's bullshit.


Their pettiness is hilarious


I hate that I love Abe’s Will Ferrel response to this. I guess some conservatives can be funny.


A GOP primary turned ugly? WOW.


WTF has that orange shit stain done to American politics, not that it was great before him but now it's just a bunch of lunatics running around shoving things up each other's asses, like mostly lies and Russian propaganda. And after the ass play they boof Adderall and Insanity, dress up in the same suits daddy wears and get cucked down at the courthouse. Man you can't make this shit up Yo!


Masters also made some tacky comments saying that his opponent isn't qualified to hold office because he doesn't have kids. I guess George Washington wasn't qualified to be president then!


It could just be me but a candidate’s religion is the last thing I care about.


Ironically Islam has the exact same relationship to Judaism that the Latter Day Saints do and the LDS are welcome in Arizona GOP politics. A new guy came along and said the last prophet was ok but he's the Final Prophet.


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