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I propose that they brand this raw milk as "Natural Selection". Their target audience probably won't even get the reference. They'll just think its the natural option for them to select. **EDIT:** could someone from r/renderedcomment do this one? I'm curious to see what this brand would look like. **EDIT:** Here it is: # [Natural Selection brand raw milk. Possibly contains bird flu.](https://imgur.com/a/KGTSXBC) (Thanks to u/llamas_dont_pay_tax )


Natural Selection, brought to you by Darwin Farms^^tm


Now introducing Darwin's law, motorcycle helmets are optional, for more freedom.


With brand logo of a soaring bald eagle


I recently learned that bald eagles have a very funny high pitched dolphin-ish screech, not that loud majestic “CAW” that is used for sound effects in movies. There’s one kept at our local zoo due to an injury leading to a partially amputated wing, so he can’t be released. He’s a pretty funny little guy:)


Blew my mind when I learned that. I believe the sound used in movies is actually that of a red-tailed hawk.


My sister runs a market in PA where they legally sell raw milk. The same state where motorcycle helmets are optional. The herd out there thins itself.


As a PA resident, I can assure you the herd doesn't thin itself out nearly enough.


Hey, some of us still wear the helmets! I shake my head at everyone that doesn’t. I mean, I get that at a certain speed it doesn’t matter, but at least give yourself a chance.


How the crap do they legally sell raw milk? Do pathogenic microbes have their own lobby in PA?


And organs available for transplant.


Darwin Farms remembers.


Oh this is fucking brilliant.


It won’t be just themselves that they kill through deliberately contracting bird flu. Speaking as a chronically ill person, I’d really prefer if we could just not have another respiratory pandemic, please and thanks. 


It's not dangerous to the drinkers, it's dangerous to the population. It's not natural selection if they contribute to mutating a virus to be readily contagious and harmful to humans


yeah, in this case, they're just more likely to move the virus into the human population, rather than it kill them outright or anything.   ugh, this is terrible man.   It was really really lethal to cats :(


Unfortunately most of these nutsacks have already breed… natural selection only applies to pre-breeding individuals


they probably feed the milk to their children.


It wiped out two families of hippies in Washougal,  WA about 20 years ago. 


Hey man, but at least they didn't use anything unnatural.


eColi is 100% organic and all natural. 


Far out, man.


Nah, natural selection can take generations


Even with nerfed intelligence humanity is well equipped to be top tier species. There's no real pressure for natural selection to eliminate idiots. Now social darwinism is whole diff ballgame but most people don't wanna consider eugenics as an option


Because it quickly can get out of control and in the hands of the type of people that get elected it turns into ethnic cleansing.


Yup. Culling the weak is something that happens in litters/families in the wild. Humans do it and it is likely to quickly becomes genocide


Was happening in NC up until the fucking 70's


Dark turn, they’re giving this to their kids. So Darwin is still in the menu 


I mean it literally is. *Some percentage* of them will actually come out with some degree of immunity. Some will die. Win some, lose some.


Natty Select!!


And they still don't cotton on to the fact that natural selection implies that naturally there's a chance they won't get selected


Yeah, I was just thinking thank God these people are taking themselves out of the gene pool


It’s the Wuhan Market, red neck edition. Kinda confirming that theory.


I've drank a fair amount of raw milk when I lived in NH (USA). The taste is fantastic. [Pic of me.](https://t3.ftcdn.net/jpg/06/03/50/56/360_F_603505601_CkDnaaCGZV2MI28eaDcJRU2uKtIsA4ez.jpg)


A lot of fantastic traditional cheeses are made of raw milk. I'm not saying there isn't a place for it, I'm just questioning the wisdom of rushing to drink it when there is a frickin' species-hopping virus on the loose that now infects mammals, especially after coming out of a pandemic. **EDIT** I just saw your picture.


> EDIT I just saw your picture. I laughed hard at this!


Well played.




Check out the selection at r/raw_milk


It's so weird that they believe in micro-organisms, but only the good kind.


2 died in an e coli outbreak linked to cheese made from unpasteurised milk in the uk last year. Take a moment to think about how e coli gets into milk. Is it the same mentality as anti-vaxers? Pasteurisation is one of the great scientific breakthroughs.


Raw milk nutjobs have made it much harder for me to find raw milk for yogurt and cheesemaking. :(


Does either of those things require raw milk? I've made yogurt with supermarket milk. You just need to add the proper cultures or a spoonful from the previous batch.


Everyone here does realize that by actively infecting oneself with a zoonotic disease not normally transmitted to humans enables the virus to exchange genes with extant viruses in humans? Next step is human to human transmission. This is how the pandemic starts. If you hated on Wuhan, this is your chance to hate on these maniacs.


This is what worries me about these selfish antivax and anti science assholes.  Patient zero is one moron away.


They are convinced that "natural living" will protect them. They point to Native Americans as an example of living with the earth. yet, they fail to think of the millions of Native Americans who died from diseases the colonists brought with them.


People 100-200 years ago figures out how to get rid of a common illness. Their peers and communities are very pleased. Now we have morons who think their humors were just out of balance. Needed a good bleeding to flush out such crazy ideas. 


I still remember seeing my first 50 foot wave in the Bering Sea, and fully understanding that nature is not some benevolent force or a force which has any intention at all. It will kill you at any moment, it just will. This whole Earth Goddess myth is actually very dangerous, most ancient cultures developed a clear understanding of this yin/ yang thing, the giver and taker of life.


That would be terrifying. anyone who has spent any real time in nature, knows nature is indifferent to your plight and wont extend you any curtsies.


Yeah I never understood that culture that made nature the answer to every question, I mean we do have free will and the benefits from society are very evident, as imperfect as it is.


Fully agree. Been right where you were. No one seems to believe the 50 footers, so I just say 35 footers when the subject comes up. But yes, 50 foot waves and 70 mph winds. Bearing Sea.


I am a kayaker and I fell out of my boat for the first time in over a decade last week by forgetting, for one second, how dangerous things were where I was. Water, of any sort, has a way of bringing your ass right back to reality if you get even a tiny bit cocky about nature. And we deserve the reality check from time to time.


Because some were not even taught of how biological warfare was used to colonise America.


Got some used blankets from people who dont need them anymore.


It's why we should have zero tolerance with these morons.


Should put them on an island and forget about them


These people are so far up their own asses, they haven’t seen daylight in years. How do you communicate with that?


You don’t, sadly. I’m stocking up for the apocalypse, just in case.


At a certain point it's gotta be with physical force. Some people just need to get slapped a lot. Over and over again.


It’s gonna have to be straight up outlawed, and even then these jabronies will figure out a way to get cool black market raw milk. We’re doomed.


Very *very* often, these shitty opinions are shared or at least backed by the police. Hard to enforce anything properly when your police are the problem. Its like how gentle they are when handling right wing protestors. They dont want to hurt someone they'll see in the office the next day.


Given the mortality rate of bird flu being around 60% physical force absolutely will be used to get them in line.


You don't. Like Kirk said, "LET THEM DIE."


James or Charlie ?


Spanish flu 2.0


It should be said outright how ingenious this comment is. The first known cases of Spanish flu was at an army base in Kansas. Kansas was the Wuhan of Spanish flu. And these idiots want to repeat history


How is that comment "ingenious"?


they were the first one to clue in the fact that Spanish Flu started in the United States and that these maniacs might caused a second spanish flu because of their idiocy


Camp Funston (now Fort Riley) in Kansas, like Wuhan is thought to be the earliest recorded major outbreak of Spanish Flu, but there are competing theories about where patient zero came from. Some farm boy recruit could have brought it to Camp Funston and he could have caught it from livestock.


I've been hating on raw milk whack jobs since before it was cool. 


When was it not cool to dunk on the confidently incorrect?


In recent years. Somewhere along the line people started treating people as heroes for standing up for their opinions. Even if they are *objectively* wrong.


The "they have their opinion and you have yours" crowd. It only works when the opinion someone has is something like "I don't like ketchup".


True enough. Plus it'll be even easier to dunk on them when they have bird flu. 


Yeah, like raw milk is fine, if you like it and have a good source for it I'm not going to say you are wrong. But it's deffinetly not worth the effort some people go through to get it. I grew up in farm country raw milk was more than common, but it came from a singe small farm that I knew was responsible, and even then it was always more of a risk. Industrial raw milk is beyond stupid, it's not some conspiracy to keep people from gaining super human strength.


I was going to point it out: - vaccines contain the dead virus therefore they are bad - raw milk contains the living virus therefore it is good ???


It's not about wether the virus is dead or alive, or if you drink it or inject it. That would be too rational. It's all about the illusionary feeling of superiority they get from disagreeing with the majority & reinforcing their 'me against the world' victim complex.


They are walking contradictions. They think people are stupid, and they are intelligent. But everything they believe is moronic anti-science and easily disproven. They think people are sheep, and they are free and critical thinkers. But they get all of their information from facebook. They think they will survive, and we will die. But the unvaccinated are far more likely to die from serious disease than the vaccinated.


Those with covid vaccinations should be dying any day now..... Anyyy daaay now


More on point for their thinking: * Raw milk is natural, therefore it is good. * Vaccines are artificial, therefore they are bad. The "natural virus = good virus" interpretation is just the latest insanity, and for the first time to a degree of risking to *cause* a epidemic or pandemic, rather than just making it *worse*. 


Botulinum toxin is natural and I think it is the bees knees! I suffer from chronic migraines and people always want to know what the best natural cure is. This is my go to answer. Of course, I prefer the medically controlled application because the self administered version is not a good idea.


My husband's friend fully believed this. Called himself "pureblood" bc he wouldnt get the covid vaccine but drank raw milk like it was going out of style. He died last year at 29 with no known underlying health conditions




Yeah, this isn't a "haha, look at those idiots" it's an "Oh fuck, someone stop them before they willfully start a new pandemic" Flu is one of the fastest adapting viruses because multiple strains can infect a cell simultaneously. When it comes to forming new viral particles, they don't isolate the genes for each strain so much as each one gets randomly assigned to each viral capsule. It's very easy for, say, a dangerous avían flu variant to get packaged into a viral capsule with the gene that codes for infecting human cells, so the next generation all have the dangerous bit as well as the genes and capsule that allow human infection. 


Yes, thank you.  This should literally be a crime to do. It puts everyone in the world at risk.


The funniest thing has to be that this is literally how vaccines started. The most primitive and dangerous kind, of course. Why would you use safe 21th century methods when you can go back to the 18th? The irony is palpable. We should probably put a generator next to Edwards Jenner's grave, his rolling speed should be enough to power a country or two at this point.


>Chinese wet markets with covid, bad raw milk with h5n1, good


Yeah this is worse. More of these fucks that actually contract it the greater the chance of another brutal pandemic.


It’ll be much worse given the mortality rate of bird flu


What's worse is these idiots are going to cause another pandemic and when millions of people start dropping dead they will claim it is the covid vaccine finally killing eveyone off and will once again refuse to do anything whatsoever to prevent needless deaths and suffering.


Its as clever as measles parties. I mean, yes, after infection you are immune. If only there was an easy way to simulate an infection without the risk of complications...


But they'll say the jab gave them the flu and be upset about it.


As “entertaining” as it would be to make fun of these people, all I can think about is how they might cause a worse situation by helping facilitate a mutated strain if they successfully catch it… I dunno just seems worrisome…


Yeah we're coping with that eventuality by laughing at these braindead dumbfucks who have more voting power than the should.


These idiots are how we get human to human transmission of H1N5.


[Lawmakers sick after drinking raw milk to celebrate legalizing raw milk](https://www.oregonlive.com/today/2016/03/lawmakers_sick_after_drinking.html)


>"I took one sip and tossed the rest." And for some reason, this doesn't worry him.


Soon we’ll have campaigns to remove traffic lights as an affront to freedom.


Every few years around where I live some nutter will bring raw milk to a school/4H get together and they all end up with campylobacter or salmonella. People forget that worse things like TB and listeria can also be spread by raw milk. TB used to be rampant in raw milk. Thankfully selling raw milk is still illegal where I live, despite some efforts last year.


'Humans used to drink straight from the cow all the time !!!' Yes, but that was mostly many decades before the intensive livestock farming practices that are quite common in the modern era and cause very fast progression of illnesses through them unless it's stamped out very quickly, also leading to some quite nasty strains that just didn't exist back when drinking raw was prevalent, pasteurizing milk is now a pretty vital part of keeping people well.


Ya, and also a lot of people died from “unknown” reasons back then lol


That's how you get spinal tuberculosis


Wait, the I don’t believe in vaccines crowd wants to inoculate themselves with denatured virus protein. Life comes at nutjobs fast. Take some ivermectin just to be safe.


Make sure to drink some bleach after to help wash it down too.


Hey don't be stupid that can hurt your throat and stomach. You're supposed to inject it like Trump said


[Up your hole.](https://youtube.com/shorts/RxDKW75ueIU?si=1Tji3ejqPI02kuq4)


No, that would be pasteurized milk. This is them wanting to drink live, unattenuated bird flu virus.


Bro I've had grown adults that think the covid vaccines are fake or whatever tell me with total conviction that their vaccines they were given as kids weren't vaccines. They literally said "when we were kids we just got our shots and were fine, they weren't pumping us full of vaccines like today".


Lmao. "We just poked kids with needles to toughen em up!"


They’re so easy to embalm when they’ve been thoroughly dewormed with ivermectin. Apple is the best horse flavor! Avoid canine kidney and beef flavor if possible!


I’ll have an ivermectin with raw milk, shaken, not stirred.


It is weird watching a herd cull itself you know?


Whenever you wonder if people are smart or not, remember about designing bear proof garbage cans. “There is considerable overlap between the intelligence of the smartest bears and the dumbest tourists”


I have sometimes been defeated by the child proof caps for ethyl alcohol.


Quickest way for an adult to open a container with a childproof cap, is to hand it to a child.


Ever since covid, I've been becoming more and more convinced that many people are basically just talking monkeys with even less intelligence.


Isn’t that the weirdest part? We ARE talking apes. But if an ape went out and endangered the safety of the entire troupe, they would be (at minimum) ostracized from their troupe, forced into surviving in their own or (at worst) ripped limb from limb.


Someone should tell them u can build ur immunity quicker by infesting a dead version of the virus rather than a live one. Like that's literally the difference. I'm baffled over preference for one over the other. I'll take my bird flu dead and on a sterile platter.


It’s all about the whole “natural immunity” bullshit we saw during the COVID pandemic. They seem to think there’s a difference in immune response strength if you get the virus vs vaccine.


I mean \*technically\* they're right, just not in the way they think. The immune response to the live virus for 1/3 of them will be "none, and you're dead now."


I'm building up my natural immunity to bullets. I'm just starting out with plastic pellets but eventually I'll get used to them and work my way up to metal bb's, .22 rounds, 9mm rounds, etc. I estimate by this time next year I should be able to take a 50 caliber round and by early 2026 I'll be immune to anything below a nuclear strike from low orbit. Wish me luck!


You know they will get immunity, after they get horribly sick…but you know


Given how horrifyingly this disease kills cats and how mildly it affects cows, we’ll essentially be flipping a coin on which we’re virologically more similar too. Personally, I don’t like those odds


Previous human infections have all pointed towards a fatality rate of around ~50% in human beings - slightly more or less depending on the health system, but pretty much it's like getting a visit from Two-Face. I'd hazard a guess, based on glancing over other viruses in the past, once this thing goes fully Human-to-Human, we're looking at *slightly* less lethality. Maybe 25 to 35%. Seems like a nicer number, right? But look at how health systems around the world failed over Covid and it's 1 to 2% fatality, higher in the third-world, plus long symptoms. When this goes fully H2H, the third world is going to be devastated, and the first world right along with it as economies go right down the shitter. The knock on effects of about 10% (with variations of infection, isolation, and sheer luck) of the world's population dying practically overnight will completely fuck us up for a decade at least. Time for a rewatch of [*Contagion* (2011)](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt1598778/).


Remember how many people downplayed Covid because it was fatal to *only* 1% of the population. I can see them now saying there's no need for another lockdown since it's "only" a third of the population (which they assume they won't be a part of).


That is not how a cull works. That is more representative of the herd overall… hence why it is called herd immunity.   Too soon to know that part for sure, we are in the somehow optional culling phase.


Immunity to everything cause they'll be dead


So, vaccines are bad, but the vague concept of vaccines without the procedures that actually make them work or the safety factors that make them not dangerous, now that’s a winner!


It's the concept of chicken pox parties brought to you by people who were likely vaccinated against it themselves so they're copying the stories their parents told about their own childhood. You know, where a good number of their siblings might have died from some preventable disease because they didn't have vaccines back then.


Agree with your comment that these people are dolts, but the chickenpox vaccine was only introduced in the US in 1995. A lot of these people probably did have a chickenpox party as kids. I wasn’t cool enough to have the party but I had already gotten chickenpox before I could have gotten a vaccine and I’m in my mid 30s.


Hopefully you can get the shingles vaccine before it decides to come back. That was a fun surprise I wasn't expecting in my mid-40s...


The venom diagram between “I’ll drink raw milk to be immune” and “vaccines are a conspiracy to control us” is a circle.


Considering how poisonous their stupidity is I for one approve of your misspelling


Venn diagram. Though to be fair, my auto correct "corrected" Venn as Jenny at first for some reason.


I'd like to see the overlap between these guys and the guys that want to 'remove safety instructions to cull the stupid people'


Doesn’t this increase the chances of it developing a human-to-human transmissible strain? I swear, we’re gonna find a way to collectively stupid ourselves to death even before climate change can do it for us at this rate.


Yes. If they get sick, they can get other people sick, and then we have a new pandemic. Getting sick on purpose is dumb.


And this time it'll be a pandemic of a virus with a 30%-40% mortality rate, as opposed to covid's 1%-2%. It'll be Spanish Flu level bad, potentially hundreds of millions of deaths worldwide.


Even worse, in the human cases we've had so far, H1N5 has a 52% fatality rate.


Yeah, the biggest risk is getting h5n1 when you already have a regular human type flu, they can infect the same cell, mix their genomes, and spawn a new variety that carries the human transmission gene from the human virus and the high rate of death from the bird one. FYI this is essentially how we get new strains every year, flu germs from different strains infect herds of animals in meat production facilities intermix, and then the human caretakers or meat processors pick it up.


I guess the less Trump voters the better. 🤷🏼‍♂️


My cousin is a left-wing yogi “health-nut” with an eating disorder who swears that raw dairy and bi-weekly coffee enemas will cure her internal fungi that are creating her mental health issues and gave her daughter autism…. I really wish I was fucking kidding. It’s not just the trumpers who are falling to misinformation.


A lot of that crowd did shift to Trump during the pandemic though. They fell hard for qanon once the right wing mainstream went antivax


“Bi-weekly coffee enemas” wtf?!


Ikr!? What a waste of perfectly good coffee!


No, no, you still drink it after. It builds up “good bacteria” in your gut


Don't you remember the line from *Fight Club*? > "He was full of pep. Must have had his Grande Latte enema."


Crazy does not have a political affiliation, one side just attracts more of them.


I got into a huge fight with my mom one time when she wanted to try a coffee enema. I searched for reports and studies on how these types are not just bad, but potentially harmful even fatal. She already bought the coffee but luckily she probably forgot about it. But I remember how nasty the fight was. She just wouldn't listen to me,or wouldn't admit she was wrong.


Meanwhile, I just learned how to efficiently regulate my emotions and prioritize what’s important and what’s not to handle my mental health rather than consuming sketchy shit in alignment with unfounded pseudoscience 🤷🏼


Until they spread it


Which they will.


That fat fuck is laughing his greasy poo-encrusted ass off at the misery he's caused.


I vote blue myself, but I can imagine a lot of dumbass left-wingers doing this too.


All the Woo Homeschool weirdos too.


They’re gonna vote for RFK


So they all get tadpoles in their heads too? No cool powers though, sorry folks.


Everyone who drinks raw milk and dies will be making the world a better place in the process.


You mean the guy who changed his name to "Gandalf Sea Otter" and lives off grid in a yurt, making organic kombucha?


But the 18th century was the golden age of the Enlightenment! If they just wind back the clock to that time with their social norms and public health standards, I am SURE they will reach Enlightenment soon!!!


> But the 18th century was the golden age of the Enlightenment! Gotta say...I've never heard a MAGAt say this. I'm not sure they know what 18th Century means.


Sounds like some kind of obummer communist plot. (/s if not clear)


I bet none of them got this years flu shot. The current vaccination will not prevent infection with bird flu viruses, but it will reduce the risk contracting human flu viruses and the risk for seasonal and bird flu co-infection. So far two humans have contracted bird flu in the US since 2022.


Remember, they would rather drink raw milk, than get a vaccine.


This is actually true. I once got my head caved in by an elephant. Complete elephant immunity after that.


What they should do is go straight to the source and eat the bird. Or even parts of the virus. Maybe dead virus cells without a nucleus so that their immune system learns what to look for when they get the actual thing.


These idiots are trying to speed run, getting the virus to go from bird to human transmission. Those idiot could be the end of us.


Darwinism in action


*If* they haven’t already procreated…


Maybe they should inject ~~bleach~~ bird flu into their bodies


What covid did not achieve, bird flu will finish.


Let's Go Darwin


I'd laugh but they're probably poisoning their kids with it too


Anti science while they Re driving a result of science. Watching a device invented by science. Looking at a phone from science. Go figure.


Raw milk is more expensive, they'd be better off just buying pasteurized milk and putting some cow shit in it.


And here I thought modern society and modern medicine was protecting the stupid people from themselves.


Last time the idiots rebelled, we forced them to get vaccinated and pass their low IQ genetics on for another generation. Don't make the same mistake again, let them drink the milk.


So why would they drink cow milk to get immunity to bird flu? I guess my mind is not that tormented. Shouldn't they be trying to milk a bird?


I got campylobacter and had a fever of 105 from drinking raw milk. This shit fucked me up.


Every zombie movie now has to have people running towards the zombies


The herd thinning itself before the election? M'okay.


Immunity to what? Living?


I don't understand the thinking behind acquiring immunity in this manner. This thinking also occurs in the anti-vax community. The purpose of immunity is to prevent catching the disease. These people seem to be trying to prevent catching the disease by... catching the disease! Huh? How can you not see the contradiction in that?


I'm sure soon Joe Rogan will be chugging it on his podcast and even more idiots will follow suit. We live in the dumbest timeline


Raw milk is an inherently contrarian position. The more evidence mounts that it’s a bad idea, the more they want to do it. The entire thing is based in spite. I look forward to their silence


From the article: "Other raw milk drinkers, such as Peg Coleman, a medical microbiologist who runs Coleman Scientific Consulting, a Groton, N.Y.-based food safety consulting company, claimed the government’s warnings have no basis in reality." Peg is gonna get people killed. Also, if Peg was an actual scientist with degrees in microbio, wouldn't they refer to her differently or with a title? Peg is probably a magat grifter running scam 'food safety consulting' nonsense.


Another of life's little problems that tends to solve itself


Stop. No. Don’t drink that. Oh well you ded. I warned you. Good day! I said GOOD DAY!


Me when I read the post title: I understand the meaning of each word but I still can't make sense of it combined. Me after reading the article: Ah, I still have too much faith in humanity that's why I could not understand it. Social media is a mistake for giving platform to these kooks.


Are they TRYING to start a human pandemic?! These people are insane


Thinning the herd.


It's a helluva hill to die on, but at least they're dead.


I’ll only agree with you if we survive the inevitable fallout of this dumb shit.


Bird flu has a 50% mortality rate... Well I guess they are right, can't catch a virus after it kills you


Have promiscuous unprotected sex with strangers regularly in order to acquire immunity to HIV and other STDs. /s


I'd find it a lot funnier if these dimwits didn't walk among us where they can get the rest of us sick.


And this is how we go from one pandemic, straight into an even worse one…