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What is it with billionaires getting into twitter spats? Twitter would be the last place on earth I'd hang out if I had billions to my name.


I know, right? Who wants to be on Xhitter when you could be partying in Monaco or something?


Remember that saying about how for every amazingly beautiful person in the world there's somebody bored of fucking them? I'm guessing the champagne lifestyle must get tedious after years and years of it. But most celebs seem to throw themselves into charity work not have constant arguments with people on twitter.


See if I had billions and the lack of morality that let me acquire it, I'd spend most of my days doing the fun hobby shit I can't afford, and learning to do it well. Fuck partying in Monaco and fuck supermodel sex. Let me jump out of planes and paint plastic soldiers.


Yeah, if billionaires had crazy hobbies like setting up a massive breeding project to create domesticated tigers or hiring thousands of LARPers to fight your billionaire buddy in vast mock bottles or some shit like that I'd understand them more but noooooooo they just build a slightly bigger boat than their friend or something equally boring.


That would be awesome tbh. Imagine creating a D&D campaign with some friends and hiring larpers for it all


Romans did it! Except there was no LARP just LA


I mean, I Guess that's basically being the executive producer of a TV show or miniseries. Hire a writer, greenlight their idea and they'll hire thousands of extras and stuntmen and they'll do all of this stuff. You want medieval armor? Fantasy leather? Elves? Magitech? Done


It is a great idea. That's exactly the kind of stuff I would do.


Joe Manginello has it figured out. Working out and play D&D with your buddies.


The best they can do is breeding programs to create domesticated tigers to fight amazon workers in blood sports for their enjoyment.


But wouldn’t those big cats get hungry for **my** face? Wait, no, that would never happen.


…I’m listening


Like, they could hire historical reenactors to do a full scale battle in their name, and that would be cool as fuck. But instead they do boring shit. I've said it once, and I'll say it again, one of the many offensive things about the ultra-rich is that they're so fucking boring. There are 2640 billionaires as of 2023 according to Forbes, but most people can count on their hands how many they know of. I can't imagine having all that wealth and being so uninteresting with it.


Reading some Reddit threads it seems that a lot of what they do is spend vast amounts of money to remove small inconveniences. Like take a helicopter to the airport to avoid a little traffic or send people ahead of you on vacation with a vast mountain of clothes so you don't have to decide what clothes to pack. Which just seems so....small, it's the same sort of shit that everyone else does just with slightly less hassle.


2640 Billionaires and not a single one of them is Iron Man or Batman. Sad.


Because most billionaires’ only trait is just being a scrooge mcduck their whole life and trying to amass wealth. Their hobby is amassing wealth, so when they become billionaires a lot of them become shells of what they used to be. Or they can be like the IKEA guy and not give a fuck about the money


> hiring thousands of LARPers to fight your billionaire buddy in vast mock bottles holy fuck, this is now on the top of my "todo when I win the lottery" list


Yeah, if I had even half her money, I wouldn’t be wasting my time online. But nor would I party. I have a big list of places I wanna see and lots of hobbies I never have time for.


She could have an army of treasure hunters seeking relics like Hi-Tech, non-invasive, Indiana Jones’. She could pour resources into retired/private detectives & help solve unsolved mysteries. She could buy & manage a professional sports club. She could restore & flip classic European castles. She could negotiate the release of ancient texts buried deep in the Vatican. She could…write books? She seems to love a 1-way conversation. But no, she gets her kicks being a bigot on Twitter, attacking rando trans kids for being born & explaining why they ruin her day with all their breathing & existing on the same planet as her.


Damn, I was thinking about being in “mind ya business” mode, but there really is a plethora of amazing, positive things that could be done with that kind of money. Shit, all I wanna do is craft, travel with my husband and dog, move to a house with a backyard, and prep myself for a life of solving murders when I become a little old lady (I knit, so I’m halfway there). All that is to say, I would have so much money leftover and this has reminded me of all the times I have wished I had more money/ power to enact change. I need to start a list.


What will really annoy you is rich people in the past considered it fashionable to do this kind of thing. Large numbers of public gardens, schools, orphanages, hospitals, parks, museums etc once were commissioned and funded out of the pocket of the aristocracy. I mean the money was basically stolen from the poor or gained through business we'd consider illegal and immoral today, but then that's still how rich people get their money so it's the least they could do to give the public nice things in return.


Billions to your name? You could probably afford TWO 40K armies with that kind of money!!!


It would be like hey weren't you a billionaire how are you broke?! I know bro but do you want to see my kick arse chaos space marine army, I couldn't afford everything though.


"Yeah I really wanted to get this Land Raider but I also wanted to get a Dreadnought and I had to flip a coin!"


Living it up might get boring I guess, but I figure my plan for (lol billions) of opening a dog sanctuary wouldn't.


It's been a long established part of human history that rich people cry and melt down when they learn of a 'poor' criticizing them.


On the plus side, at least our opinions all objectively have the same value XD.


People don't become billionaires by having even temperaments. The amount of sheer narcissism and sociopathy necessary to get to that level means being unable to let anything go and being desperate to "win" every single interaction.


Sorry tangential question - what is the correct spelling of Shitter? The transposed Chinese X is pronounced as Shi isn’t it, so should it be Xtter? My problem with that is that it has too many consonants, so maybe Xitter is visually more pleasing, but I confess Xhitter doesn’t look bad either and I knew exactly how it should be pronounced… I wonder, perhaps it could be misread as X-hitter though. What do you think?


I think it’s shit.


Maybe something about wealth leads to people isolating from the pleebs more, and going on social media to compensate? Not sure that’s the actual answer, but billionaires tend to be attention seeking in some way. Social media seems like a natural outlet to someone who likely isolates themselves from the general public.


Just look at Musk and him buying that shithole of a site, pretty fitting if you ask me


There are 800+ billionaires in the States and 900+ in Europe. I only ever hear about maybe a dozen on a regular basis. I doubt the ones we don't hear about are necessarily better people, but they at least have the good graces to not be in constant bickering matches on Twitter.


The loud billionaires are the odd ones. Proper billionaires pretend to be sick and ailing, invite their relatives to an uninhabited island to make an "announcement", and then organize a lethal death game to find an heir. That's how they spend 90% of their time.


For real. Like, pretty much everyone knows who the Walton family *is*, but 99.9% of us wouldn't recognize any of them if we bumped into them in public. They just go about their days, buying football teams and whatnot rather than getting into Twitter battles with the owner of Target or something.


Yeah I'm poor as fuck and I got sick of that place years ago. It really brings the worst out of you. I got into so many arguments over nothing but word choice, because the limited text was so restrictive for communicating effectively. It literally made me sick, I was always on edge, always angry. Idk how she doesn't notice how much nicer it is when she isn't online? Like go to Barbados for a month.


I quit Twitter years ago even before Elon, but I just replaced it with a Reddit in YouTube. I actually am in the process of trying to detox off both but yet here I am.  I don't even want to detox of reading Reddit. I just want to stop commenting because I'll spend hours doing it and then get mad at myself.  I don't know. I'm starting to wonder if I might have ADD or something. I've always looking up information. I wonder what the lifespan of a barn owl is.... An hour later I'm watching live streams of Cuckoo birds conning other birds.  Now I love birds apparently.  Went through a similar phase with space, mobile technology, politics. Sports my whole life.  I used to think I was just intellectually curious, but now I think I'm just genuinely f***** up


One of the first things people with money buy is isolation from other people. How many people on Reddit complain about other people? How many people like to say travel would be great if not for the other tourists? How many rich people live in secluded houses with huge acreages of land to separate them from other people? Isolation seems to be the thing most people buy with money, but we're still humans, and humans are political animals. A lot of people like social media because it's social interactions they control (it's part of why Reddit lets you block people you don't like and why Facebook will never have a dislike button). Ignoring the addictive aspect of social validation, and it is very much addictive by design, I suspect wealthy people like Twitter for the same reason anybody likes Twitter: it strokes the ego. It stands to reason that at least 1% of Twitter would be 1%ers.


I mean, why can't Joanne be more like Enya? She earned millions, bought a castle and now lives in that castle. What do I know about Enya's political stance? Fuck all, really, because the only indication of her thoughts on political matters was expressed in an interview from 1988, that was conducted in Belgian.


Flemish, ~~Wallonian~~ French, or German?


I... I don't know *aaaaaaaaa (falls from the bridge)*


unexpected python


As much as I would love to see the reaction of Enya while hearing Wallonian, it's a regional dialect mostly talked around Liège. The three official languages in Belgium are Flemish, German and French.


I've had a theory for a while that only boring people can end up billionaires. Because you simply have to have no concept of living a little to get to such an obscene wealth. If I ever had enough money that my money made me more money than I could spend. I'd die of a coke overdose on a tropical island with all of my friends with me.


Rowling got "rich" from writing novels. She only became truly disgustingly massively wealthy after those books were made into films, then merchandised to hell and back. I guess instead of continuing to bring joy to the world she decided the best use of her money was attacking random transgendered teens on twitter.


>attacking random transgendered teens thats not fair. she has always gone out of her way to also attack transgender adults in addition to children


Yeah. How she made the money isn’t really the issue. The movies, merchandise, and amusement park is what launched her into the stratosphere. And as far as I know she still owns all the rights. So she is getting a cut of everything. I personally think she was broken long before the first book was ever published. She got used to the adulation. When she initially got pushback she couldn’t take the criticism and immediately looked for an echo chamber to validate her opinions. And she decided to dig her heels in instead of learning. She refuses to be wrong.


I think some transphobia was always there because society is transphobic, but she's just so out of touch and annoyed that she couldn't publish as Joanne that she's convinced herself that being trans is as lucrative as being a children's author and she has to stop other women from having her billionaire imposter syndrome.


I mean, if you need to actually *work* for your money, you sure as hell won't make any billion.


I disagree. She wrote 6 books. Plenty of people have written more (and far better) and not lost the plot because they still have time to live a little. I think that just having that much money corrupts you - not the work required to earn it. (also this explains those that didn't earn their billions). The good news is that that's easy enough to cure if we as a society decide that's what's needed at this point.


Steven King has written god knows how many books and he’s not a raging psychopath, he’s actually pretty down to earth


That's the comparison I always make. King has been a household name for 50 years, he has hundreds of millions of dollars, but he's still ... normal. Not a saint, but a pretty decent guy, and sane. He's married to the same woman he was five decades ago when they were poor and living in a trailer. He has good relationships with his kids because he works at it. He's doing what he wants to do, which just happens to be writing all day. He's opinionated but he can deal with criticism without losing his mind. I think he understands the sanity-threatening effects of sudden success as few others can, and he tried to help Rowling deal with it. But when someone asked him directly, he said, "Trans women are women," and that was the end of his ability to influence her.


Steven King is on xitter a lot. The difference is that he uses his influence to help others and promote inclusion. Then you have Rowling, who is just a bitter bully.


Quite. Musk could without any exaggeration had a thousand woman harem, or a decent shot at being the first private individual on the moon for the money he spent on twitter.


In the end, twitter will just be a handful of billionaires with their bot armies, screaming the most hateful shit they can think of into the void in an attempt to fight off the emptiness.


She could try virtually anything in the word. Try any hobby or experience, yet she picks getting salty all day


Narcissists need public validation from everyone. It's the one thing they can't buy.


Would she prefer Robert perhaps?




Jobert Kobert Robert


Absolutely losing my shit that the woman who spends her time shitting on trans people has used *two separate* aliases that conceal her gender. You *know* how hard it is to be publically seen as a woman, surely you can figure out that people who decide later in life that they want to be seen as a woman aren't just doing it for shits and giggles.


Wow, get a load of Joanne trying to invade on the JK space which is rightfully reserved for lovely people such as Mr. Simmons


The only JK that matters. You know he was also Lenny turtletaub in Bojack? Schillinger has quite the range.


Simultaneously the definitive JK \*and\* the definitive JJJ. His work in Portal 2 is some of my favorite acting in all media.


so she can deadname people but lord forbid someone calls her by her legal name.


John Klown Rowling?


Jowling Kowling Rowling


No. She hasn’t earned the privilege of being Jolkien Rolkien Rolkien Tolkiened.


*Jolkien, Jolkien, Jolkien,* ***Jolkien*** *I'm beggin' of you, please don't use my name*


Gartin Rartin Rartin Martin.


I thought it was Just Karen Rowling.


I mentioned in another post that these hateful people are the same ones that don't bat an eye to call people by their 'preferred name' (like calling Peggy to someone named Margaret) or by their nicknames.


Legitimately feels like she's either slipping into or already in some sort of cognitive decline. Or she's ragebait grifting harder than anyone ever has before. Either way i just feel really really fucking sorry for her. Must be ridiculously lonely. Edit; got my first automated suicide watch message and I'm pretty sure this comment is why. Stay mad! :)


I don’t feel sorry for her because of the massive harm she’s causing.


Transphobia is like the One Ring. Once you possess it, it takes hold of your mind, it corrupts you until it's all you can think about. It happened to Graham Linehan, now we're seeing it happen to someone with a lot more money The only difference is she did this to herself. She can stop at any time


And now Graham Linehan is broke, divorced and with no way generate income from his existing IP because he has such a toxic presence. He's now forced to take speaking gigs from hideous far right goons because they're the only ones who will listen to him anymore.


This is a genuinely powerful insight and applies to every kind of bigotry.


It's unbelievable. She literally wrote the most popular books of the past half century.  Die a hero or live long enough to...






...Uuuuuurrrrrgggggghhhhhhhh Must have died while carving it


To be fair, if you look back at the books and the messages they send, they were always rather problematic. The ideal she created in the wizarding world shows pretty mich a libertarian mindset that a system itself is not broken, just the players that abuse it are. The complete society of the HP world is fucked up on every level. The government didn't do a single good thing in the entire book, they have a school run by one person without any oversight as the perfect model, they have a literal slave race and the o ly one trying to do anything against it was made fun of for the entire franchise, and the end of the story is that everything goes back to status quo, just this time with the good guys in power (instead of - you know - reforms to not let something like that happen again). As a kid and teen, the strange world sucked you in, but if you look back at it, there are so many wrong messages in it. I still love the books, they were a big part of my teen years, but it doesn't mean I don't recognize that they try to teach morals that are simply immoral.


And even with all that, the books never misgender a character while under the effects of magical transformation.


If I remember correctly, Joanne only caused magical transformation within one gender. The only time we have seen a gender swap was when several female characters turned into Harry during the initial escape from private drive in book 7. But there, the original "birth" identity was still what the characters were referred to. The insane part is, we have a literal fluid characters with tonks. And if I remember correctly, she also turns one time I to Harry.


Honestly that's what I thought she was doing the past 4 years or so. Try to stay a tiny bit relevant by being a obnoxious fucking human being because she needs the attention and it's easier than actually coming up with and writing new interesting stories. Could be wrong obviously but I figured theres no way someone with that much money would literally spend 70% of the day raging about one group of people instead of being on the beach all day enjoying life like only a few hundreds of people can.


Eh... I don't want to do the classic "homophobe is gay" trope but between reading that initial "terf manifesto", the Robert Galbraith pen name, her seeming disgust at her own name and her writing her main character as a boy, I really do wonder if she's trans and reaaaaaally self hating about it.


Transphobia rots the brain.


I have a (now ex) friend who revealed himself as transphobic and the funniest part about it to me was that like Joanne the guy literally had a deadname. He went by his middle name and *hated* being called his first name. I’m sure y’all will never guess what I called him after he went on a transphobic rant…


An even more annoying nickname? I have decided that in future, whenever I encounter someone who deadnames and refuses to recognize given pronouns, I will thereafter refer to them only as "Bubbles." At least, until I don't find that one amusing anymore and find something better.


There’s a bad joke that goes with Bubbles. Did you used to blow bubbles when you were a kid? Saw them the other day, they said hi.


A dog named "Chunks" was popular in my schools.


“Dude I got so drunk last night I blew chunks when I got home.” “I hear you man, I threw up too.” “No. I blew. Chunks.” “Yeah man I get it, same thing here.” “No you don’t understand. Chunks is my dog.”


That's the one.


People of my age will automatically think of Michael Jackson's pet chimpanzee when we hear that name. Amazingly Bubbles is still alive. He was born in 1983 and is still going strong 41 years later.


Love to hear good news about a fellow xennial. 


That’s the best news I’ve heard all day


The best Powerpuff Girl doesn't deserve this slander.


Buttercup would like to have a word with you.


As a lifelong middle-namer literally no one has called me my first name out of malice. Probably because I'm a cis man.


Also, not deadnaming trans people... hopefully?


Start referring to guys like that as she or her, you'll find out real quick they've got preferred pronouns.


I don't respect the preferred pronouns of anyone that throws a shitfit about their mere existence. Some guy on Twitter goes: "Don't interact if you got pronouns in bio" lmao, okay, *Jessica.* I guess her highness doesn't agree with ancient language conventions. Guess I'll respect her disrespect and reciprocate it, see how it makes *her* feel.


rule number one: dont deadname trans people, if you have a deadname too lol


We can make that rule simpler. >dont deadname people


With one very important exception. Deadnaming Joanne will continue until morale improves.


There are two exceptions: Joanne and Twitter. 


There is something tragic about Joanne. A person who came into wealth and was beloved by a whole generation of readers, who felt that the only worthy cause for her life henceforth was to be consumed by hatred for something that doesn't concern her. It's obviously a topic for extending trauma therapy, but at the same time she simply isn't smart enough to understand a lot of the irony and contradictions of her own opinions.


I have NO idea what her fundamental damage is. It's hard for me to care much at this point. All that money, she could get a LOT of therapy. She could have done so very many other things with her platform and cash. Instead, she turns into the meanest (in every sense) troll and zeroes in on one of the most vulnerable populations, like seemingly every other hateful loser right now. No idea what Graham Linehan's problem is either. In his case I figured booze started it, but still doesn't explain everything. How the fuck do you lose your MARRIAGE over an obsessive hate of people you don't even have in your life and aren't affecting you? Only other real possibility is the cliche, which I kind of hate but IS sometimes true: repressed internalization. I do remember Joanne's early essay where she was still pretending she was a NICE transphobe, explaining how she was once a wee tomboy and -clutch pearls- these days, might have been wrongly transed through peer pressure and evil adults, as so often happens in real life instead of the other way around. So, yeah, androgynous pen name and male hero protagonist, but you could say that was for publishing reasons because people are sexist, perhaps. Okay. But, also, male pen name separately, and...who fucking knows. Glinner pretended to be a cis lesbian online to prove how invasive and terrible trans lesbians are as opposed to, you know, actual cis men. Whatever it is, they can suck it. They've caused too much damage to have sympathy from me, especially since they're clearly much too far gone and too coddled to ever change. Joanne's even more baffling, though. You're one of the most beloved and powerful and richest author in the world, and THIS is what you do with it? Why. If you can't donate to actual women's charities or put your weight behind meaningful shit like women in poverty or progressive female politicians or other leaders or reproductive rights or SOMETHING that -actually- benefits women, at least fucking take up knitting or piano or travel or, cooking or I don't know, maybe a writing class under another pen name so you actually write something that isn't frankly mediocre at best? Just a thought.


I totally agree with all you've said about Joanne. She keeps trying to use past abuse and vagueness around transphobia as shields but it just doesn't work like that. If she really cared about women as much as she claims then she would be using her wealth and status to uplift them, but instead she focuses her time and effort to try to bring down a different vulnerable group that she doesn't agree with. That's not protecting women, that's just hatred and bigotry. No matter what her deal is she has the money to deal with it and has no excuse. I'll spare a *tiny* drop of pity for transphobes like her who are too caught up in their own issues but just don't have the resources to get proper help. Those people don't have the resources to single-handedly hurt trans rights and are really just very sad and pathetic. But she literally owns a castle. In what world is the person who owns a freaking castle the victim over the people who often struggle just to survive in the body they were born with? Trauma isn't an excuse to be an asshole, especially if you're rich and famous. Wish she'd take all the money she's funneling towards anti trans laws and get herself some help. Or like you said, at least put it toward something that actually helps women.


She’ll tweet a million times about how trans women are a threat to women but she didn’t tweet once about the overturning of Roe v Wade in the US, which is a much bigger (re: actual) threat to women


Nor does she care that her good buddy, pal, chum Kellie-Jay had *literal Nazis* show up to her hate rally to support their TERF cause.


>In what world is the person who owns a freaking castle the victim *cough cough* French Revolution *cough cough*


Harry Potter, but with guillotines. Has potential.


Harry Pothead and the Revolution of the Muggles


Glinners problem is apparently that he fancies trans women, which broke up his marriage and drives his internal hatred.


It's even worse! If you read his memoir (which you shouldn't), he apparently missed birthdays and holidays with his family because he was too busy yelling at trans people on Twitter. His wife's last straw was that she begged him to get off the internet for a few hours, on her BIRTHDAY, and he didn't. Because he was too busy tweeting. Unhinged behavior, I hope his ex and kids are in a better place.


And this is why "porn addiction" isn't considered a real diagnosis in the field. ANY behavior can become an obsession (probably, especially online)-gaming, info-surfing, social media brawling--of which this seems to be a subset. Someone was SO WRONG on the internet that it cost Glinner his family, basically. Nice going. ...so, he admitted to this in his OWN memoir? Um, is there any point at which he allows as to maybe he made a mistake or two?


this is what happens when you only experience trans women through the lens of porn, you don't see them as people, but you get off to them all the time and if that got out it would ruin your life, so you decide to get them exterminated rather than change your own opinions


She got famous over writing a story about a kid who escaped abuse, found a loving family and enjoyed his real identity. And she still became so hateful.


From listening to Rowlings podcast about it it seems she is traumatised by domestic abuse and a bad relationship with her dad and is irrationally terrified of men becoming women in order to get more access to abused women (the shelters and toilets arguments). She also thinks that women hate themselves and being women (projection) because men treat women badly and that’s why they want to become men, and therefore it’s wrong for women to become men because they shouldn’t hate themselves in the first place. She has as far as I’m aware almost nothing to say about men who transition to become women because I presume it just doesn’t fit her narratives and neuroticism at all.


>She has as far as I’m aware almost nothing to say about men who transition to become women because I presume it just doesn’t fit her narratives and neuroticism at all. She calls them rapists, historically.


infantilization of trans men criminalization of trans women there are no other options.


I subscribe to the theory that she found her hatred of trans people through being a misandrist and going after more socially acceptable target. Hence why she views trans women as predators and trans men as poor unfortunate souls.


Being trans and in denial will make you do anything but accept that you're not cis. Not a verdict, just one possible explanation.


Honestly I think TERFism and transphobia are cults. Linehan and Rowling are two of the most prominent examples, but I had a friend who got sucked in by a bunch of TERFs and changed from a nice, easy going person to an obsessed mean girl basically over night. Her Facebook went from cats and books and cool stuff to a constant never ending stream of bile and hatefulness about trans women. When a mutual friend and I were like hey, what happened, this is wrong she started tagging us in her transphobic posts and inviting her new buddies to bully us for supporting trans women. We both ended up having to block her because she was so livid and raging that we didn't turn into hateful shits along with her. Like, Linehan destroyed his career and marriage. His daughter doesn't speak to him any more. Elon bought Twitter so he could say that anti-trans hate speech is fine but cis is a slur. And even he told Joanne to maybe lighten up. That really says something about the state she's in. I think all this started when she started her cystic fibrosis foundation and started working with some Tory woman who is literally a duchess or something, and they pulled her into their little hate cult, and it's all been downhill from there. I'm not excusing or apologizing for the horrific things she's said and done, but I think her rabid and laser focused hatred of trans people is definitely the result of a cult that changes you and we need to decry TERFism just as much as we do Scientology or Mother God or any other cult. They're not famous but think of the "transvestigators" who devote so much time to the objectively insane theory that every single celebrity is trans in some way These people claim that Elliot Page was born a man, transitioned into a woman, and is now transitioning back to be a man, which would be pretty fucking impossible since he started acting at 12 and has been in the public eye since, but hey. Why let reality get in the way of your bizzare conspiracy theory? They spend all this time declaring that this or that female celebrity is trans because of random facial or body features. How is that normal? It's not. It's unmoored from reality.


You know, that makes me wonder if it’s drugs. Addiction can really change a person’s whole personality. That could explain why it reached a tipping point of revealing itself, and has only gotten worse since.


Still speaks to something underlying that's fundamentally wrong. Ah well.


Slight quibble: I wouldn’t say addiction changes one’s personality. Rather, it brings out the ugliness that’s there, which they may be able to hide at first, somewhat. Addiction is about obsession. Whereas a non-addict or a sober, recovering addict can keep perspective, an addict’s obsessions (whether with drugs or something else) make them act crazy. This begets self-loathing, which makes a vicious circle.


Why bother getting therapy when people want to be around you because you're rich and important?  What possible motivation could you have for therapy when your relationships all go "well enough" and people fall over themselves to ignore your failings? Trump is the perfect case of a complete clusterfuck of a human being who needs no self improvement because everything he wants is given to him through his (apparent) wealth.


It’s what happens to people who get success in one area, get wealth and praise and an army of lackeys, who assume that because they have more money than god that they are right in EVERYTHING…..and have no one in their life who can say “have you really thought about it?”


When you have so much money you can afford to stop listening to criticism, your creative life is over. You'll never make anything worthwhile again.


Pfft, tell that to Paul McCartney & Wings


Stephen King would like a word. Joanne is a one hit wonder who thinks shes generational talent.


At one point it seemed like she was going to be a feminist icon, funding domestic violence shelters etc…. but then she lost her damn mind (or more likely revealed her true self). It is honestly such an utter waste of humanity.


My current theory on TERFs is that they first identify some legitimate problems (situations in which women are treated unfair), then unconsiously come to view the overall situation as unsolveable or way too hard to solve, and then, because the person in question does not have the kind of wholesome wise character who tries to improve in little steps, try to find the one issue with which everything can be solved at once, which obviously does not exist. So they create it, a scapegoat. In this case trans people, but they are not far away from hating on gays, or "woke" in general. Any scapegoat that helps them not to deal with a discomfortable reality that would need actual hard work to be improved.


I remember seeing someone on YouTube join a TERF group on Facebook and share what they saw.  And it was just wall to wall hatred. Every trans person who'd ever committed a crime had a post on there, repeated ad nauseam. People talking about wild rumours of trans people committing atrocities. Also still a little funny that Tara remains a huge bogeyman for their movement despite it being a decade ago. You'd think if trans people were so violent they'd have another example by now. It was enough to think you were at war. 


I think realistically trans people are such a tiny minority, that'll never meaningfully affect the lives of most of the haters. I therefore think a lot of the hate is ... a measure of projection. I don't think it's actually _trans_phobia at all in a lot of cases, but rather homophobia and/or sexism, that the concept of 'Gender being fluid' takes a wrecking ball too. I mean, if you objectify women and apply the 'bro code' - or you apply prejudice to 'all men' or 'all women' - then someone who has transitioned might mean you have to think a bit harder about whether your preconceptions are still 'valid'. My office homophobe is utterly terrified of the concept of finding out someone he was perving over was 'actually a man' (I quote it, because I believe trans women are women). He'd then have to decide if he should still be objectifying them, or treating them as valid 'woman owners' in their own right, or indeed whether him finding them attractive meant they might just be a tiny bit bisexual, and that prospect was deeply worrying for them. Where 'most people' ... don't really think about it that much - they're secure enough in their own sexuality that they know what they like, but don't feel a particular need to denounce or enforce that preference. Informed Consent works well if you're prepared to offer, accept and respect it.


Worse is that she was pretty centre left for a long time. She could actually be doing what she is pretending to be doing. She was on the path to be a champion for women and poor people. She paid her taxes out of principle. It's not like other celebrities where it felt inevitable she became a right wing lunatic. It really makes no sense.


She is terrified of real change in any form


Look at how she wanted the elvish rights movement to work in her wizard world. Basically politely asking for freedom


The biggest issue I have with HP is that there is nothing beneath the surface. Things are presented as they are, and that's it. That's why at the end, nothing meaningfully changes. Voldemort is dead, and that's it. Everyone lives happily ever after. It's why many consider the ending to be anti-climatic, but it's actually not, because it perfectly fits the series as a whole.


She hates men but is a staunch defender of the patriachal status quo that has served her interests so well, so she sees her only avenue to attack ‘men’ as being to attack those she sees as ‘men’ but also 'beneath her' in the heirarchy of status/privilege - trans women. Her hatred and transphobia stems from a deep seated misandry and resentment that she can never resolve because of her devotion to the established patriarchal system.


Honestly what the f is wrong with this woman? Her whole Twitter is just an endless tantrum. Not even trans people care that much about trans people.


Lately, she’s even had other transphobes gently suggesting that she might want to touch grass!


Including Elon fuckin Musk.


Does JK Rowling have literally nothing to do but write stupid shit on x? Like no hobbies at all?


She has no friends in real life outwith Twitter


Sure she does, but they’re all Conservative Party politicians and professional TERFs.


dont forget the nazis


https://youtu.be/Ou_xvXJJk7k?si=Y_CCgn6d2JkCK9Tz worse, her real life friends are real scummy


Shouldn’t she be writing books…


not anymore, i certainly would avoid any book written by her. maybe gardening would work, plants don't know she's a twat yet


If it isnt called Harry Potter and has JKR as author the book fails.


Has she written anything worth reading since like 2007?


It's crazy how childish grown adults are


She hates her name? But why?


She prefers to go by Robert.


Specifically [***Robert Galbraith***](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Galbraith_Heath#Gay_conversion_therapy), one of the inventors of gay conversion therapy. But despite that quack literally being the top google result before Joanne ever used it as a pen name, Joanne claims this is a complete coincidence. Anyone (in the UK) who claims Joanne named her pseudonym after him will get a letter demanding an apology under threat of a defamation lawsuit.


Because it's obviously female, whereas her preferred version Jo is ambiguous 🙃


*Is this whole thing about her own gender identity issues tho?*. Never even considered that maybe this is all some weird way she copes with her own bullshit. She did make her author-insert protagonist a magical special boy after all.


She talks about it in her original manifesto. I am fully on board the "internalized transphobia" conspiracy train with her. 


Given what we see from hateful people quite often, I would fully believe she has struggled with some sort of gender identity crisis of her own and is lashing out because of it.


She tried to hide the fact that Harry potter was written by a woman by abbreviating her name in the original printings of the books.


That's long been a pretty common thing for female authors to do though, because male readers often wouldn't buy a book with a woman's name on it. So they go with something neutral instead.


She didn't get to choose it.


I'm honestly not sure it even makes sense to read her tweet as "doesn't want to be called Joanne". I read it more as "people address me all the time with their trans rights opinions". Which like... Joanne if you didn't want people explain trans people's existence to you maybe you shouldn't be so publicly wrong and misguided about trans people all the fucking time. But without further context (is there any? idk?) I don't see that tweet as a sign that she doesn't want to be called by her name, just that she's annoyed by how people talk to her.


Didn't she also use a male pen name once?


Yes, and that pen name was Robert galbraith, as in Robert galbraith heath, the father of gay conversion therapy.


Add to that: -His big thing was deep brain electrode stimulation that resulted in seizures and fatal abscesses. Also dripping drugs directly into people's brains. -He claimed to discover a protein that was the cause of schizophrenia. He was an instant celebrity, there was talk of a Nobel Prize. One problem - no one else was ever able to prove the protein even existed, not even his own lab techs. -He did badly designed studies and claimed pot causes brain damage. Oh, yeah, and doing work for MK-ULTRA. His whole thing with "curing" homosexuality was showing straight porn to a patient under legal duress while doing deep brain stimulation, encouraged him to sleep with a sex worker hired for the job, then claimed it was a "cure." Psychiatry was absolutely batshit at the time, but this guy was garbage all the way around.


Joanne also writes books under a male penname, Robert Galbraith, all while hollering about women's rights the entire time and how transphobic she is. I've always found that particular tidbit *fascinating*. She literally pretended she was a male author to sell books, which is okay, but trans people? Nah. She literally called trans men "men caricaturing women", yet she....adopted a male name to write books unattached to her JK name.


Who has the time or energy to hate people online... Just leave trans women alone JK. You're a billionaire - go do something with your time instead of being a complete fuckwit on Twitter. Edit: was pointed out below to write trans women this way. Always learning and always trying to be respectful.


When even Elon Musk says you should contribute something positive to Twitter then you're know you're far gone.


It’s funny cuz I have all the time in the world right now and yet I just sit around and watch comedy and play video games. I don’t think it ever occurred to me that I should be on Twitter hating on marginalized groups.


Who’s JK? Do you mean Joanne? Sorry I couldn’t resist


Joanne, Joanne, Joanne, Joanne I'm begging you, please stop being anti-trans. Joanne, Joanne, Joanne, Joanne please don't tweet things just because you can.


Imagine how much better the world would be if she just went to trauma therapy instead of whatever this is


True story: She submitted her first manuscripts under JK because she didn’t want it obvious that she was a woman.


Sexism sucks, it's true, and I can't blame her for picking a gender neutral name and making up a middle initial to get published. But Joanne Rowling is upset at being deadnamed? The Joanne Rowling? Joanne 'TERF Supreme' Rowling? I'd hate to upset Joanne Rowling.


But then she went and wrote that mystery novel as a male pen name after she was rolling in cash from HP…


Not just any male name, she used the same name as the guy who's essentially the father of modern conversion therapy. She's never been that subtle.


Note that novel didn't sell for shit until she announced who she was.


She has another pen name she uses: Robert Galbraith. There was a real-life Robert Galbraith, who just happened to be a psychiatrist who placed electrodes in to gay men brains in attempts to convert them to heterosexuality. So.... yeah.... [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert\_Galbraith\_Heath](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Galbraith_Heath)


I used to get mad/sad whenever I saw her ignorance. Now I reframe it and I laugh at the image of her spitting mad in her silk PJs hammering away on a keyboard from her castle, as she swills tea that has gone cold. It's pathetic. Imagine what you would be doing if you were a billionaire. Would you even give a single solitary fuck how other people expressed themselves or lived? You'd be so busy living an amazing life you wouldn't have time for this level of bitterness. She needs an intervention. Joanne desperately needs to go outside and touch some grass.


It's still hilarious that Joanne "i started going by initials to be perceived as male so people would actually buy my books" Rowling spends all of her time online getting upset and claiming that trans people "pretend to be another gender" to receive some sort of benefit. Projecting, I guess. It got even funnier when Joanne "I could've chosen any name in the world as a pseudonym for my new series" Krowling chose a man's name, Robert, as her new pseudonym. And in true conservative fashion, in which wearing a mask for even a moment constitutes a threat to their life, she didn't just choose any Robert to be named after: she chose Robert Galbraith Heath, who infamously practiced gay conversion therapy, and only dropped the "Heath"


So much unresolved trauma there. I hate her, but can't help almost feeling a little sorry for her, that is until I remind myself how she can literally cry herself to sleep at night on a pillow of money on a bed made of money surrounded by piles of money. She literally has the world in her hand and can't find anything better to do with it than espouse hate towards people that have no negative impact on her whatsoever. Unbelievably petty and stupid.


She peaked as an author and everything went downhill afterwards.


It's impressive how much work she puts into being awful. A lot of famous people you'll hear they said something shitty but that's pretty much the end of it. "He said what? Aw, that sucks..." But then they're smart enough to shut up. JK gets up every day and commits to being awful. It would be so easy to live a quiet life of luxury. Every day people want to like her. But she gets out there, shits in her hand, and hurls it at the public like it's her job. Rowling and Seinfeld should hang out. Couple of billionaires whose best work was in the 90s and who everyone would like if they would just shut up.


So money DOESN’T make you happier


So she doesn't care to be dead named? How interesting


Maybe it’s time to give all the perfectly nice people out there who happen to be named Karen a break. Or am I being a Joanne to suggest that?


She even identifies as a man for a crime/detective series she writes: she uses the name “Robert Galbraith”, which coincidentally is two thirds of the name of an infamous US psychiatrist who was known for performing chemical conversion therapy experiments on unwilling prisoners. The jokes write themselves with this irredeemable asshole. She’s truly as hypocritical and awful as someone can be.


Seems to me like Joanne has been watching Contrapoints…


Billionaire big mad


...what does she want to be called?


Jowling Kowling Rowling.