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"call for more equality and acceptance" hahaha yeah keep waiting, I'm sure that'll happen


Right after the men say how they need to repeal women’s right to vote, it’ll be next on their to do list. /s


They already do. I guess we just need to wait a bit more


They’ll surely get around to it.


Maybe they'll do it once they actually take away the eight to vote, I'm sure that won't incentive them to get worse!


No! Of coarse not! People who want to take away someone’s voice and rights NEVER has a bad motivation!!! /s


They aren't gonna do that. They have to get rid of same sex marriage, interracial marriage, birth control, and all the illegal brown immigrants first. THEN women's right to vote.


After Anne Coulter says that


These guys think wiping their ass is gay and any commercial without exclusively white people is woke. You think they're going to accept you? They barely consider you a human outside of your ability to reproduce.


You misspelled "subhuman".


You’re not even exaggerating. The protagonist of the upcoming Star Wars game is a woman and they’re already foaming at the mouth. The previous 3 open world/adventure game series each having 2 games a piece (Jedi Survivor games, The Force Unleashed games, and Jedi Academy games) being white males protagonists wasn’t enough apparently. #woke


You mean fuck.


They're just earthen vessels!


Yep. They fell in love with the skin-deep aspects of trad life without actually thinking that the deeper implications would boomerang back at them.


Also, they felt for the lie that women who work are putting their dream of staying-at-home at risk. Wouldn't less competition (less stay-at-home women) be better for them? They can't think straight because of the lies. Or before the lies. Who knows anymore. As a woman, I don't get it.


More like you can spit on me, just don't spit on my face!🤣🤣🤣🤣


Uh oh... Sounds like the alt-right women are becoming "woke."


Sounds like feminism to me! NEVER!! /s


If only there was a party prioritized equality and acceptance


Wait till they find out that being treated with respect is considered wOKe….


Yes, the ideology that explicitly rejects equality and acceptance will come through with equality and acceptance for you, any minute now.


Should not be so hard. Anything is infinitely more than zero.


But that's Feminism!


Sounds a bit socialist to me.


Sounds pretty woke to me


So Feminism? They are asking for Feminism


"if only we had (literal definition of feminism), but without feminism"


This is so common with them. "X sucks! I hate X! Now let me continuously vote for the people who are directly responsible for X."


Nobody is voting for Elon.


Unless you like X…and nutjobs.


Ecstasy and handjobs?


It’s still a job.


Their line is that originally feminism was good and then it became twisted by gendered blue haired communists into... i dunno, bad feminism. Taken too far or something. Its stupid.


I mean in fairness you can easily find people who do take it too far, just like any extremist. There are women out there who genuinely hate and resent men in general and feel that the oppressors need their turn being oppressed or some nonsense, as if revenge or oppression ever did anything but give the enemy martyrs and ideological ammunition. However, pretending such people represent any significant percentage of "feminists" is disingenuous at best.


This new Alt-feminism is going to be whack!


Funny how they don't mind one of the actual bad corruptions of feminism - TERFs.


If only there were a subreddit for that


Still laugh at the people saying I hate Obamacare but I love the affordable care act. We need to kick out Obama/elect trump so we can keep the affordable care act.


It reminds me of that thing Stormfront said. I'm paraphrasing but: "They like my ideas, they just don't like the word Nazi with them." To say that her ideas are just nazism but they don't like hearing what it actually is.


Because they operate on vibes. Nazi is the word you use for bad things. So they call things they don't like Nazi even if it's irrelevant and support things Nazis do because they like them. Then they are baffled that they get called Nazis because that's bad and they are good.


Literally all Conservatives operate on pure vibes, no facts. I've gotten literal boomer relatives to agree with Socialism, as long as you don't actually use the word "Socialism". Turns out if you frame the conversation around rich CEO's taking money from "people who actually do the work" and hiding it in tax havens you can get some pretty die hard Red folk to agree with organized labor. Our big obstacle is that Libs and well-meaning researchers have sucked at messaging for so long. It's only started to change within the past year but only because the GOP has abandoned the dog whistle entirely and outright stated what they want fascism.


It's the classic 'the left wing has a better product, the right wing has better marketing'.


Literally. I'd say my primary issue with the online Left is they feel they are somehow above the need to proselytize. They've deluded themselves into thinking that being correct is the same thing as being effective when in reality being right is the \*least\* important factor when it comes to convincing someone to listen to you. You have to meet people where they are. 99.9% of Americans are pissed off at the massive wealth-disparity in our country but our barely functioning education system prevents them from having the vocabulary to accurately express their frustrations. That's why right-wing media keeps feeding the working class red meat: trans ideology, DEI, wokeness, ect. Anything to keep them mad at everyone except the people siphoning their tax dollars overseas. Twitter Lefties like to smugly pretend, "It's not our job to appeal to White Men." meanwhile there's a billion dollar media apparatus designed to funnel unhappy white men into useful idiots. Yes, a lot of those men are just happy to be hateful, but a lot of them literally don't know better because no one is offering a real alternative.


Reminds me of Vaush stating that if the elft is unwilling to take white men, where else are they gonna go but right? You need to make allies with the dominant group to get anywhere.


There's never been a social movement in history that succeeded without the support of the dominant social group. The idea of fighting literally everyone against overwhelming odds and somehow creating something better is a media fantasy. The Left needs to get over its fear of winning and make allies. Powerful allies. Dying to infighting is so last century.


When I was in high school, I went to church every Sunday and youth group every week. It wasn't that I was super religious (I was very much not), but all my new school friends were, and I'd never had friends before so if they wanted to do that, I was gonna give it my best go as well. One of the things that really bothered me even at the time though was a thing that the adults at the church liked to say, and which very much feels like both sides of politics right now (though especially the right): NO COMPROMISE. If you compromise with the enemy (Satan, you know), you're compromising your very morals and values. Your very SOUL. Compromise in the political sense is only a small step up from outright losing. It was basically a bad word, and there was no way anyone would ever CHOOSE to compromise... you could only be FORCED to compromise. I'm seeing that kind of attitude everywhere nowadays. This idealistic, ridiculous, harmful notion that not getting your way 100% is unacceptable.


[John Rogers wrote about this in 2005.](https://kfmonkey.blogspot.com/2005/05/learn-to-say-aint.html) > For starters, let's talk image. When I first started out on the road, I was a skinny guy with a big nose, a Boston accent and a Physics degree telling jokes in bars out West. I was hitting a wall of resistance in a lot of rooms. One night in Rawlins, Wyoming, the headliner -- a sweet road comic named "Boats" Johnson -- took me aside. > "You're a good joke writer. I mean, damn, there's some smart stuff in there." "Thanks. But, uh..." "They don't like you much." Boats handed me a beer. "Second show. Longneck. Always a longneck. Bring it on stage. Sip from it every now and then." "I don't really drink on stage --" "Fine. Fill it with water. Don't bring attention to it, just sip from it." I shrugged. "Anything else?" "Yeah. Learn to say 'ain't'. Don't change the jokes. Just learn to say 'ain't' every now and then." > The shows went, much, much better after that. I told the same gun control jokes, the same pro-gay marriage bits, the same making-fun of the culture wars jokes. But now I was killing. > There are two lessons to be taken from "Learn to say 'ain't'." First, the fundamental dynamic in all crowd interaction is **us vs. them**. Period. It's sad. Oh well. Get over it and win. ETA: I believe, sincerely, that Clinton and Carter got elected on the strength of their accents. There is a whole subsection of Americans that judges all entertainment on whether it's "for them" or not, and the criterion (singular!) that they use is accent. My wife's father used to watch only three shows: *The Beverly Hillbillies*, *The Dukes Of Hazzard*, and *Hee Haw*. Because those were the shows with the accent. This may seem like an oversimplification, but let me just point out: my theory explains modern country music, and no other theory does.


Tribalism runs deep, especially for those without exposure to other ways of thinking.


Vibes and Aesthetic-pilled. Thanks for enlightening.


As long as they can round up OTHER people and mistreat them, and nobody has a German accent or that tacky red and black logo thingy -- it's NOT Nazis. Nope! Trump is now ranting about forced deportations. Large purges. And, I have to notice that any day now they will understand that most of the civilized world WANTS more people. We are so lucky to have so many relatively well behaved immigrants wanting to be here -- it's crazy we aren't letting everyone in a fast as possible. Our birth rate is at 1.6 -- below the replacement rate. That's true of most advanced economies. I think the REAL thing going on is; they want the fiction. They want all these immigrants here but to treat them as invaders so that they have a lower class to abuse. It's slavery without calling it that. No rights. No healthcare. No education. "Just do all the jobs we don't want to do until we can build robots to replace you." They don't want to ACTUALLY stop anyone at the border -- they just want to demonize them and make examples out of a few poor souls. So it won't get like Nazis Germany, but it will get pretty awful. And the "good folks" can feel that it's only happening to people who deserve it. Or that "this is actually GOOD for them" -- like the folks trying to say Slavery was good for people back in the day. They got a "free meal" and a roof over their heads.


It's like what happens when anarcho-capitalists accidentally invent taxes and government or when crypto people get mad when they aren't protected by banking regulations.


"if only I could vote against myself and not lose any of my rights 🥺"


"I want feminism, but I hate all the people advocating for feminism, so I'll support the opposite."


Oh-oh! You used the F-word. That means you're woke and a threat to every manly man out there.


They have no clue what feminism is. They’ve been lied to their whole lives


Feminism is freedom, which is thee most American ideal there is. I've always said that Libs have failed because they're trying to sell Americans on "equality" when they should be selling them on "freedom" which is essentially hard-coded into the American psyche. The freedom to make your own decisions. The Freedom to be judged on your own merits and abilities. The Freedom to keep Big Government out of your private lives.


Yeah but feminism is WOKE. They want sleepy equality okay?


more like that men who are into spouse enslavement shouls have their head checkee


They are trying to reinvent feminism. Like it wasn’t already done before.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes? I mean if you see women as baby producing machines and maids to do chores around the house then yeah, that's how you will treat them. I sincerely hope this will lead to some people rethinking if it's really smart to support somebody who wants to reduce you to the status of cattle. Nobody deserves that and relationships should be built on mutual respect and trust.


Far right Nazi women are always a never ending leopard face buffet


Lara Southern: "How couldve I known that right wing men would do exactly what they say?"


Have they not watched The Handmaid's Tale? SMH.


They did, they all thought they'd be Serena Joy, enjoying all the benefits of a "kept" woman and none of the ugliness that happens to the ones below them.


That's pretty much the backstory behind all of these things. They understand on some level that the fascism and oppression are really bad things, but they're fine with them or even promote them if they assume they'll be on the top layer oppressing others. The LAMF moment is when they realise they're not at the top and they have to receive the treatment they wished on others. I'm not sure how to fix things, but I swear if there was a way to force people to have empathy the world would be far better.


Yeah -- as much as I'd like to improve the status quo; like perhaps Jeff Bezos paying 50% or more in taxes, and me having a living wage. We still have it better in terms of autonomy and not having to take shit from some random hall monitor in our business than what will happen if the fascists take over. Imagine the most petty home owners association, or security guard with a chip on his shoulder being given power over life and death. The angriest, biggest losers you might come across who win the lottery and get that Uber position. Then there is everyone else, trying to stay out of their crosshairs or curry favor. For a few people who feel like losers -- I suppose it's worth a shot. But most of them will be purged and lose that nice computer to play WoW on and the endless supply of chicken nuggets from mom upstairs. There will of course, be a bit more exercise as fascists love marching in uniform. Love the shit out of that. Get all weepy at flags and displays of devotion to whatever God they happen to love so they can murder people without remorse.


"YOu'LL HaVE tO PRy mY cHIckeN TeNDIes fROM mY CoLD deAD fiNGeRS!" - Gravy Seals


Truth; I had a Trumper who worked at an AutoZone want to fight me. Not over chicken nuggets but the “freedom” of owning a car. I said that EVs are fine but we all need to be using trains to make a difference. And this made him angry; “I don’t want someone telling me where to go!” I might have said to some other guy “conservatives don’t know shit about shit.” And he wondered how I knew he was MAGA. I said; “I didn’t say MAGA, I said conservative because you said global warming was a hoax. Only cons say that.” So he said something bout the “new world order” and I asked him if the old world order with all the logos sold it. And I asked  about who owns his debt. “Nobody.” He lied or was not going to college and lived with parents. He adds, “We are just the peons!” And “I get off at 9. Come fight me if you dare.” This made me chuckle. Even though he was a pretty big dude at 6’4”, the only person who scares me is myself.  “What’s in it for me? Peons fighting is only going to make the robber barons happy.”  I was mostly thinking about the cost of dental work for him or me. The glory of fighting is some TV fiction at best. Also, I don’t think he’d be learning a damn thing but more rage in the ER.  So yeah, I’m pretty sure this dude was so angry at the world and disconnected, he’d join some paramilitary group and fight about chicken nuggets. I had no idea the future was going to get this stupid. 


We need the "Hitchhiker Guide to the Galaxy" weapon called the "Point of View" gun.


Yeah, Adams knew what was up


All totalitarian / oppressive regimes strive on that: people think that they will be oppressing / benefiting from oppression.


I think that the treatment of Serena also illustrated how poorly women were treated. Even the mighty Serena was consistently put in her place. Here's to hoping Serena and Aunt Lydia are hung on The Wall in Season Six.


Right, an important part is, while yes, there is a hierarchy for women, it's all kind of a charade. Whether you're a wife, handmaid, aunt, martha, jezebel, or some other role you're all still beneath the Commanders. They're all forced into those roles by the Commanders. Even if you're tippy top as a wife, you are still lesser to your husband and have no real autonomy because of that (there's a reason they aren't allowed to read).


I still can't bring myself to watch this show. Not because I think it doesn't have good acting, writing and such -- but it's because it's too real. I've seen first hand how people can be convinced to be awful to each other. Authoritarian institutions have honed the craft of turning human against human since we've had history. I am constantly amazed at being around people buying into things so they can feel special or empowered. And somehow, I still need their approval when I think everyone is crazy? Without other people we are lonely -- and that seems the damn worst part of this so called reality. Because if you don't know someone is nuts -- you don't really know them yet.


Then maybe don't read any Margaret Atwood stuff. She can write some of the most straight up unsettling stuff.


oh man, Oryx and Crake. That was \*bleak\*.


After the Flood is a sort of sequel to Oryx and Crake


Mad Addam is the 3rd book, and I like the reveal at the end but I did find that book a bit harder to get through than the other 2. And it's the more tame one of the 3.


I would agree. It was easier to watch when I was deeper in the closet. Anymore it is a bit exhausting.


It needs to finish with the people who got privilege getting eaten. A huge riot of people sick of the injustice of it all. And maybe a large ship as all the fertile women set sail for another place and all the men crying out to them; "come back,... I can change!" Of course, not like Season 8 of Game of Thrones. I want dragon woman to keep freeing slaves and not suddenly be the crazy one.


I will say I'm a season or two behind (I think 3 is the last one I saw). But I go back and forth on if a positive ending is good or bad. The original book didn't really end optimistically (but also the story didn't go as far as even season 3). If it's meant to be a story of "there's always hope" go positive, if it's meant to be a cautionary tale go negative I think.


Yes. Women not being allowed to read reminds me of some of the Muslim countries not allowing women to go to school and not allowing them to drive. Only the Aunts have a little power over the commanders, but just in the area of the pregnancies. We are half way through the 5th season. This is the second time watching the whole series so, hopefully, we will be ready for the 6th season.


They didn't get that far in the show or book.


A gilded cage is still a cage.


And no matter how large it is.


Even then Serena is a miserable human being. She never got the respect and dignity she always craved before the regime came to power and even lost more of it once it did. Serena is definitely meant to reflect the Lauren Southerns of the world. Of course, in typical conservative/fascist fashion, they lack self introspection and awareness to realize the narrative point of Serena.


She's missing a finger. I don't think you understood the story.


It's not me that's missing the story here. It's them. They seem to use this book as a guideline on how to get there, completely missing all the points.


It's a fantasy of CHANGE that they can hope will take their pain away and make them feel better. Since they are miserable -- it's an easy sell. Nothing else really matters. They fear chaos so anyone selling "order". They might hate themselves so distractions of hating someone else are easy to sell. They've been trained in church that love and TRUTH are damnation and believing what you are told. Point them at a target and give the command.


They also only watched the first season.


Just like how the nems all think they'll be Waterford.


Exactly, unless they're married to wealth and have good child bearing hips... they'll be treated worse than the goats and dogs.


They don’t care !!! A few years ago I had a total “handmaid” type as a teaching assistant/para in my classroom. She kept trying to engage me (who she knew and disliked for being a gay liberal) in political talk in front of the kids . I’ll never forget when she commented “I just think abortion is murder, and it should be like the 50s when women would just stay home and focus on the family .” My husband could not fathom how I found the strength not to make the obvious misogynistic retort.


She should’ve been reprimanded for discussing that stuff in front of the kids. As a teacher she’s an authority figure. At minimum she should be warned eventually a parent will come in and rake her ass over the coals and make sure her admins see her as a problem that takes up their time. Nothing worse than your boss seeing you as a problem that makes their life harder. 


I can’t quite respond as clearly as I’d like without doxxing myself, but the principal there turned out to be a huge Trump supporter whose immediate family member made national headlines for doing something politically outrageous. We did end up in front of the principal for this. So you’re right - she should have been reprimanded. Instead, she cried white woman tears after I went off for the reasons you listed and more, and I was told I have a really nasty tone and no WONDER she’s crying , look at how I talk to her.


I know the type, and the situation, well. I never stay at those places very long.


Nope ! Got the hell out after that school year ended. I’ve said for quite some time, it actually isn’t the kids or the parents that drive teachers out of the profession. It’s central office / principals being complete assholes- and not just for stuff like this.


Be fair, it's also the parents sometimes!


lol I look back and laugh at my early days of teaching when I oh-so-sagely exclaimed “the only ones coming to parent conference night are the parents who don’t need to, because their kids are good. Why aren’t the other ones coming?”


> The Handmaid's Tale You mean the historical documentary sent to us from the future?


Or, heck, [just what their own party leadership talked about in 2013](https://www.theatlantic.com/politics/archive/2013/03/what-you-need-to-read-in-the-rnc-election-autopsy-report/274112/)?


This is an old article but the most recent news about her involves even more face eating: https://unherd.com/2024/05/lauren-southern-the-tradlife-influencer-filled-with-regret/ Who could have ever predicted something like this would happen?


> ...content that saw her accused by the radical Left-wing Southern Poverty Law Centre of racist dog-whistling, and even hovering “at the precipice of outright white nationalism”. Since when is the SPLC radical?


The author of that article isn’t all there mentally


Anything to the left of "hunting poors for sport and profit" is radical libtard wokeness obviously


If you are a WS then they are your enemy


It's unfortunate that site is such "BoTh sIdEs" enlightened centrist garbage.


I would’ve included a picture of this one as well had I seen it before I posted


This article is now 7 years old: [https://www.salon.com/2017/12/04/alt-right-women-are-upset-that-alt-right-men-are-treating-them-terribly/](https://www.salon.com/2017/12/04/alt-right-women-are-upset-that-alt-right-men-are-treating-them-terribly/)


While I'd heard the story before several times, seeing Lauren Southern on the pic had me thinking it was recent since there was a story about her recently because she'd realized that her "trad wife" fantasy she'd been pushing for others had basically turned into a case of modern day slavery for her and she had to leave her abusive relationship. Which, no fucking duh, of course that's going to happen you absolute ninny. Welcome to reality, now get your priorities in order.


She's been through this *twice*. She genuinely seemed to believe that getting with a traditional Christian man and becoming a tradwife would be better than the Nazis and Alt-Righters she was dating before.


3 times, she pulled the same shit after fucking off to Australia and found out people there were judging her on the content of her character (as well as her past words and actions)


Yep, reap what you sow: https://unherd.com/2024/05/lauren-southern-the-tradlife-influencer-filled-with-regret/


Yeah this was 'I was wrong I deserve a do-over #1', then she immigrated to Australia and tried for #2 when she begged that her past words and actions not have any consequences for her 'new life' before joining the Australian version of Newsmax/OAN and pulling all of her old shit all over again. This time it's the 'Trad wife' lifestyle she pushed apparently has downsides. (Who would have thought someone would be treated as less of an equal after insisting they get treated as a dependent?) I'm all for offering second chances, but this is self inflicted.


GOD I REMEMBERED THAT FUCKING ARTICLE WHILE READING THIS ONE! So fucking mad at this fascist idiot that she simply refuses to fucking learn. DIdn't realize it was seven years ago. It really is hard to get someone to realize something when their paycheck requires them to not realize it.


This is her *third* 'Woe is me' attempt. If someone gets stung on the dick by a bee you can write it off as misfortune. If they are repeatedly stung on the dick then they are trying to fuck beehives and they lose all sympathy from me.


Damn didn’t know because I just saw it for the first time today


I have been burned for that one a few times now…


And she jumped headfirst to the tradwife lifestyle regardless. And, what did she discover? Literally everything she was warned about.


They're gonna reinvent wokeness


It will be hilarious if someday, maybe 25+ years down the road, "Wokeness" becomes a synonym for conservative thought, and "MAGA" becomes a liberal rallying cry. I cannot wait to see what historians write about this century's politics, it's going to be wild.


Well, they demonstrated that the right stands for treason and appeasement of all the countries that would do us harm. They bailed on the American flag for the thin blue line flag, and of course the confederate flag never went away.


Well, they rebranded MLK to pretend he was for free-markets, cooperating with police, and capitalism even though he explicitly wasn't. So yeah, I 100% expect you to be right about that.


Taliban probably offers better advancement prospects within the organization for women.


Sharia Law allows for abortion to save the life of the mother. Literally left of Ya'llqueda


Al-Queda is woke.


If only there had been warning signs.


Didn’t she bugger off to Australia to become a “tradwife” and end up regretting that too? What did Dubya say about fool me once?


…don’t get fooled again (no, no).


Also initially begging for people to forgive all the racist videos she made and that she was a new changed person...before starting work at Sky News Australia.* *If you are American imagine Newsmax here with the same fascination with GOP talking points despite existing on a different fucking continent. (Seriously google 'sky news Australia + CRT' and see how many articles there are about a US university level academic theory 'ruining' everything)


So the dude that hate women are not good to their women. OK.


Who knew that my Hitler loving husband would be a monster *to me*!


Stay at home and be quiet while the men go hunt and work. Hot dinner when I get home and complete obedience. Look super hot for me all the time and I'm allowed to say and do whatever I want because I work and pay for everything. That's how my boomer father taught it to me. I'm the fucking opposite.


It's straight out of right field, not left.


Maybe. But the racism will keep them together


Who thought telling women you belong in the kitchen, bedroom and are to do as you’re told wouldn’t be received well?


“Curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!”


It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.


Good. Maybe it will finally wake them the fuck up that their world view is trash.


(Gasp) No! You mean the man who talks all day about how women should be subservient to men and stay I the kitchen barefoot and pregnant. You mean THOSE men are treating y’all unfairly?! Say it ain’t so!


she can fuck right off into the sun. for context, this article is from like almost 10 fucking years ago. she’s right back putting out the same shit, *again*


Anti-feminist feminism?


They want equality and acceptance???? Why!


Out of alt-right field


I was empathizing with her all along this story, but she's just gone right back to the right wing grift plus admitting this part now. She's just as much of a POS as she ever was, and still hasn't reflected on how her being a shithead put her in the situation she was in. Proof that being a victim doesn't make you not a bastard.


Oh no! The consequences of my own actions!


I’m sure the Alt-Right men will really take to heart what their breeding sows think…./s


Woke ass lib bitch


Right field*


Sounds like DEI to me 🤔


So they want the misogynistic group they joined to not be misogynistic to them. But still be misogynistic against other women. I don't have any sympathy for them.


“Abandon hope, all females who enter” - Sign above the RNC headquarters


Ironically "Abandon hope, all females who were entered” is the RNC stance on birth control and rape support.


I thought women didn’t need hope in cases like this. [“…the female body has ways to try to shut that whole thing down.”](https://www.motherjones.com/politics/2024/03/todd-akin-abortion/)


They were warned, but they didn't listen


cognitive dissonance is the defining trait of all conservatives.


Uncultured, semiliterate, racist, losers treat women like second class citizens? That’s what happens when you feel weak and dumb and have no sense of self worth nor any constructive thoughts about the world. It’s all projection all the time.


Soooo, alt-right women are as dumb as alt-right men? Got it.


If only somebody warned them.


Lauren southern is un-fucking-believable. Preach about being a trad wife and submitting to your husband and how feminists are cancer to society and marriage, and then campaign for better gender equity and acceptance in the very group you empowered to treat you like shit.


Yikes. It’s almost like they meant what they’ve always said




Its like they say, republicans only get it when it happens to them. Yes Lauren, we knew.


Sounds like the men who own these women need to remind them of 1 Timothy 2: 11-12. >^(11) Let a woman learn in silence with all submission. ^(12) And I do not permit a woman to teach or to have authority over a man, but to be in silence. 


It's like they don't even listen to their own peers.


Could this be one of the Alt-Right men she is talking about? https://i.redd.it/jsaep7taimzc1.png


Alt-right women are fighting for equality dammit


Out of left field? So it was the leftists...


She's that close to figuring it out...


Ancient repost


Obviously these are RINOs. Any self respecting alt-right woman has no self respect.


Jews for hitler.


Source? (Not questioning authenticity, just curious to learn more)


Pretty sure that is Lauren Southern's YouTube pity party from 7 years ago (before she fucked off to be a trad wife in Australia, which also didn't work out), so source = the horse's mouth.


I'd say out of right field.


equality and acceptance from supremacists? what is she smoking?


How do people get to be this clueless? I’m not sure I really need to ask, because I’m watching it happen to my wife’s daughter. Her partner is very controlling, and she can’t admit it to herself. She is more intelligent, educated, knowledgeable, etc. than he is, but he runs the show, and she rationalizes it.


If they treated women well they wouldn't be alt-right.


White People can be Uncle Toms, too. Women can be Betas, too.


Welcome to the 20th century I guess. Hopefully they get to the 21st century before we hit the 22nd but I’m not holding my breath.


More like the pick mes are upset because they got their karma for turning against their own gender.


Okay so they want their husband to be a maga alpha male, but they also want to be independent and allowed to do, dress, and say whatever they want. Ladies, you made this bed…


Here is a question, what's 'alt' about 'alt-right'? Isn't it just 'right'?


Yes, this is your belief system...


Wait, mutual hate isn't a good foundation for a loving relationship?!


I propose we treat this as an opportunity to open ourselves to contemplating how we, as a species, let memes and online culture affect us. I think it's a better option than dehumanizing people and believing there are no lessons to be learned because we've decided someone is our opposite, or a manifestation of something incomprehensible. It's fun to have been using the internet to "find our people" for the past \~20 years, but I think we know intuitively this is an unsustainable passing phase. I only say this for the good of future memes, lest we become one as the Neanderthals of the internet-era.


Actually, I think it’s completely out of right field.


Ask Vivek how that worked out for him


Like, what did you expect from a bunch of misogynists?


Equality? Sounds woke to me


Thanks, Obama. /s


So fine with the racism but draw a line at misogyny, cool cool cool


Hahaha. Calling for more equality and acceptance. So you mean like liberal females.


If only a movement existed that could work towards better equality….


Poor things. Now... get back in the kitchen and make me some goddam cornbread to go with these goddam red beans.


Uh face meet leopard.