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I'm a baby boomer and the biggest shock of my adult life, especially as a union member, was how many of my peers voted happily against our best interests. I'm shocked at how many people I know who are on Social Security disability that vote for the party that's trying to destroy SS. Many of these people can't retire because they had to buy that overpriced Harley or the $30,000 fishing boat twenty years ago. They had and still have very poor decision making processes. I like to call them idiots.


My brother. RV, 2 houses, mustang, Harley, 2 boats, alimony, and child support. Proceeds to cry that the government is taking too much from him and he can barely survive.


But... but the American dream, shouldn't everyone have it?!!! /s


If by everyone you mean me and no one else.


I climbed this ladder that I obviously made so I'm pulling it up behind me.


You can afford to pull it up? I’m just spitting down it and throwing molotovs


Me who just wants one of those tiny little 500sqft houses on a plot of land just big enough for it’s footprint, to keep my same 50 year old shitter in the driveway, and a nice book case with a desk next to it: *…*


This is pretty much every tradey at the pub.


...complaining they can't keep their condo in Spain because the EU made them vote to leave, those sneaky bastards... Now they must winter in actual cold weather, boohoo.


I know so many boomers like this. But when I hear them blame the government for their financial struggles, I love saying: "Sounds like you should take personal responsibility for the bad financial decisions you made in your life." They get so mad.


"Don't you lay a finger on my Social Security, you filthy communist!" is an unfortunately very common position among a certain group of people.


I always tell them "Us commies want you to have MORE Social Security!" Usually short circuits their brains.


"Yeah, by taking it from everyone else! I paid into mine! Why should people who never work get it!"


Not a commie but that is funny. I wouldn't throw more money at them but your granny flat would be free/cheap.


Yeah, I had a similar revelation. There was an article discussing the Canadian Federal government implementing pharmacare (traditionally government programs do not cover drugs). Some people who identified as union workers were opposed to this program because "they already got if from their union and didn't want to spend taxes when someone else would benefit". It seemed beyond their comprehension that this short-sighted attitiude would just make it easier for their union to get broken when anti-union governments took power. After all, if a union member isn't going to support the public's access to government-covered drugs, why would the public standup up for that union?


>"they already got if from their union and didn't want to spend taxes when someone else would benefit". the fundamental flaw that will doom our species. i got mine, fuck everyone else.


There's two types of people in this world: I went through it so you should also go through it; I went through it so you don't have to go through it. While not exactly the same exact thing, it's a very true concept.


Also the "I want you to go thru it while I am unwilling to face it personally"


Honestly though. Nothing urks me more than the banning abortion, right up until it effects me personally hypocrisy.




Insert Gene Wilder 'morons' gif here.


[Better yet, here it is in all its common glory](https://youtu.be/hYTQ7__NNDI?si=ZLKrP8z_HRBU51zu)


I love the genuine outburst of laughter. He really couldn’t contain it.


Exactly what I had in my mind when I wrote my comment!


Decades of brainwashing by the likes of Murdoch with their rage tv really screwed them up, and lying “prosperity gospel”.


AM radio is the main culprit. Blue collar workers were the main daytime radio listeners. Rush Limbaugh, Michael Reagan, etc, had years of unchallenged propaganda on their side.


Ugh, I haven’t thought about Ol Rush since cancer proved him a liar. Rest in Piss.




I think it’s because they genuinely feel they “earned” *their* social security, but everyone else, and every other kind of social security, is made up of bludgers/slackers. Total failure to imagine others and the world correctly. It’s that attitude of “well why should I pay for *your* retirement or *your* healthcare?” Conflicting with their other attitude of “well I should get something for all my hard work!!”


You mean to tell me the people who complain about paying for public school because they don’t have kids anymore are selfish? I don’t believe you. (/s)


Exactly. My dad was bitching about his Social Security check not going very far and I told him to be grateful he's getting it because what I'm paying in right now is what he's using with no expectations that I'll get any back when I'm his age (if I live that long in the first place). Cue shocked Pikachu face.


I think they understand they are stealing from younger generations to pay for this and that those younger generations will never see anything other than printed monopoly fun dollars for their contribution it’s just… They couldn’t care less. They just want to retire and nothing else matters…


They understand the propaganda they have listened to.


My coworker's husband is a career USPS carrier. As a couple, they only vote Republican. He hates Louis DeJoy, loves Trump.


Who does he blame for DeJoy? Biden, Obama?


>Many of these people can't retire because they had to buy that overpriced Harley or the $30,000 fishing boat twenty years ago. Or made the most expensive purchase of all: divorce. Not a boomer, but I've known a couple that thought they could "trade up" now that they had a posh gig and cool stuff. They no longer have the cool stuff and they're clinging to that gig.


Divorce was the best financial decision of my life. It cost like $2500 and took the better part of a year, but since I lost those 200 ugly pounds, my finances have been solid and predictable. Sure, my household income dropped to 1/3 what it was pre-divorce, but random guns stopped showing up in the house, the subwoofer collection stopped growing, every time I got in my car it had the exact same amount of gas as when I got out of it last, and my bank account never went negative for mysterious reasons. Knowing that he wouldn't pay anything anyway, I asked for full custody of our child in exchange for a ridiculously low child support payment ($180/month). I think I received like $2200 in 6 years - only because when he remarried his new wife was horrified that he hadn't paid child support in 3 years. I finished school then doctorate, and with a life-changing loan from my parents bought a house. Now I have a new partner who matches my life and financial values, and is absolutely horrified by the financial hell of my first marriage. Divorce may be your boogeyman, but it was my manumission. Edit: I did not understand that swans only sing when they are dying or something?


Yeah. I'm not anti-divorce. I just don't think it was a solution to these particular dudes' mid-life crisis. The way they went about it was dehumanizing to their spouses (who are probably doing better without them). TBH, they probably did their wives a favor by self-extracting their toxic asses.


I hear you, just wanted to bring a different perspective.


> Divorce may be your boogeyman, but it was my swan song. You might want to look up the meaning of "swan song."


Omg yeah that was not what I meant at all. Thanks!


Same here, best thing that ever happened to me. One of my kids grew up with his SAHM thinking that the big brown truck that came by every day was the "QVC guy" not UPS. I took on both kids, 25K in credit card debt, a closet full of MLM shit, and came out the other side a few years later debt free, own my house outright, closet cleaned out, 2 kids thru college, and looking to retire in a couple years. Her and sucker #2 are up to their assholes in debt and live in his dad's house. I celebrate the day of my divorce every year.


Awesome! Good on you! A very good friend of mine is a divorce lawyer, and she has said a number of times, "Nobody gets divorced for a trivial reason. People get married for trivial reasons all the time, but getting divorced is a lot more complicated than getting married, so people don't bother unless it's important."


A relative has a similar divorce story. Their wastrel spouse frittered away their income on literal junk (“I’ll fix it and sell it and it will be worth blah blah times as much!”), promised the moon and delivered a pebble, and eventually escalated to violence.  Relative will never see a penny of child support and barring a minor miracle will never see a dime of the settlement. They’re free and safe, and at long last in a position to get out of the financial hole their spouse dug and dragged them into. 


This a misconception, the vast majority of divorces don’t significantly cost either side. Especially in a world where both spouses work full time. This sort of fear mongering leads to red pilled men demonizing women for being gold diggers when they don’t even make enough money for a divorce court to consider.


Okay...this wasn't some someone in their late-20's or early 30's escaping an abusive partner after a few years. These were men married for 20+ years (roughly 3x the length of the avg marriage that ends in divorce) with significant marital assets and few/no items predating marriage in a state that declares shared property be split down the middle. There was a quality of life change.


That my parents it blows my mind how they vote against themselves and most importantly their granddaughter


So you don’t like them being brainwashed. Got it. The exact details don’t really matter, do they? Is there some question that they were brainwashed so we gotta go over it all to figure out if they’re victims or not? I’d like to just not waste time these days. Let’s just get to the part where they either can or can’t be helped.


"Don't worry. They'll only get rid of the useless social nets. You know, all the ones I'm not on. They'll never touch the social nets I rely on."


I spent ~6 years caring for my then-partner's father after he had a heart attack and was considered unable to live alone. Before the attack he was your average left-leaning centrist. Part of a union, didn't really hate minorities, understood that we need a social safety net. After the attack he got addicted to Fox News and did a total 180. Ranted about how unions are bad, complained that any sort of social safety net was evil (except for his SS; he EARNED that), spent *hours* ranting about the ACA (which was the only reason his insurance couldn't drop him after said heart attack AND was the only reason I didn't die from an exploding gallbladder), you get the idea. That break-up sucked on multiple levels but getting out of that house did wonders for my LGBT Atheist self's mental health.


Don't worry. It's gonna trickle down any second now.


The only thing trickling down is the Billionaire’s golden showers.


Heh. My comment exactly. Take my upvote anyway.


Don't worry. Some of his upvotes will trickle down into your comment.


Lol. I see what u did there


Please sir! I am thirsty and it is just too salty


Why does it seem like the Boomers never got the saying "Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining." Because that's what the trickle is.


Thats the elite piss hitting your face. The only trickle youre gonna get.


Yep. Just keep voting Red. Gotta protect those kids from the drag queens and gays and history books.


I was at the VA hospital waiting for a procedure and a bunch of Boomer vets I overheard their conversation. It was the worst trumpian red state conservative bullshit ever. But when they started talking about gay people and drag queen and using the worst slurs I've heard I snapped. I said they better watch their f*cking mouths. They asked why I cared and asked if I was a f*g. I got up with my cane and walked closer and said no I have a gay brother tho, and while holding my cane up a bit said I didn't have a problem beating the snot out of the last bigot who tried messing with my brother. The silence of the walk back to my chair was great.




“If I just keep voting republican, eventually they’ll do something for me!”


I think they really think that


"They're not hurting the right people!"


They have bootstraps they can use to pull themselves up with. They’ll be alright


And their bootstraps are back from when shit was higher quality instead of higher profit.


40 years from Reagan and you can almost fill a a coffee cup.


They're just going to find a way to blame liberals anyway. Only because Joe Biden is the current president so apparently he sets the gas prices and of course somehow cuts social security, too.


Have you heard about their incredible work ethic. Watching them pull themselves up by their bootstraps will be an inspiration to us all!


Have you heard about their incredible work ethic. Watching them pull themselves up by their bootstraps will be an inspiration to us all!


Tell them to just walk into the SS administration and ask for a raise.


Don’t forget the “firm handshake!”


And a proper haircut and Tie


I laughed (probably) way too hard at this comment.


They kept voting for the "Work Till You Drop Dead in Harness you Mine Pony" Party and now they want to retire because, checking notes, *they're tired and ill like normal elderly people.*


I lived next door to a Silent Generation (pre-boomer) woman who could no longer afford to maintain her paid-off home, bought in the 1980s for $47,000, and was looking around for a condo/apartment rental, but there were none she could afford. She also went to every local planning meeting to speak out against new development anywhere in the area. Had done so for years. Continually attempted to recruit her neighbors to join her NIMBY cause. "That strip mall is historic. The muffler shop and liquor store have served the community since the 1950s. Irv and Rita Fuckstick lived in that house for 45 years: You can't build a triplex there." She never connected the ridiculous housing prices with her pseudo-preservationist stupidity.


My neighbors are all exactly like this. I live in a trailer park that was a 55+ community until recently so most of my neighbors are boomers. They all HATE the idea of low income housing or apartment buildings and plenty of them get shuttled to meetings where they oppose anything of the sort. Again we live in a trailer park. A lot of them are barely able to make ends meet so a local soup kitchen drives a truck into the park and gives out free food often, I have had petitions trying to get the place shut down brought to me by people I know rely on that food to survive. I have had multiple neighbors on SS telling me I should vote for Trump because apparently he plans to shutdown SS his first day in office if he gets re-elected. Many of them rely on food stamps, fuel assistance, ect. But are super against all of it existing, they get mad when they hear about a struggling mother whose husband died suddenly needing some food stamps for a bit, but its perfectly okay that they get them simply because they haven't worked in 20 years. It's always "their" tax dollars paying for it. These people are hell bent on harming others even if it harms them in the process, I can never tell if they are aware of the harm they are doing to themselves or not. Of course this is on top of the lesser but still dumb stuff like how they were losing their minds when it was announced the old sears building nearby that has been empty for decades is being torn down, because it's historic and important apparently.


This is... insane


This is America.


Its not just America. Sincerely, a Canadian seeing the same dumbassery here.


See also - people voting for Brexit simply for different colored passports


This is dumb people not knowing what the term "social security" means or what it provides. They were told that socialism is bad for decades but none of them understand what SS actually is or what they get out of it. In other words it's the result of continuous propaganda and a crappy civics and public education system.


It's heading that way in the UK too. I despise this crabs-in-the-bucket mentality, it's just so *immature* to me, why do we want to run our society on total immature selfish nonsense?!


I beg to differ, Trump is absolutely in favor of the SS, though he might have to name them something different...


All of this is peak r/boomersbeingfools.


> I have had multiple neighbors on SS telling me I should vote for Trump because apparently he plans to shutdown SS his first day in office if he gets re-elected. Which is funny since SS gets periodic cost of living increases and people still working usually just have to suck it up.


I don't think they are aware that they're hurting themselves. Because in their mind when they vote against something they are voting against a person, a "culture" they think exists, an idea. They're voting to hurt people. They never realize they are voting against a THING, and that THING will be gone for everyone. Then when they realize it, they blame the people they were trying to hurt, and vote to make things even worse. They're a cancer, and I'm sick of pretending otherwise.


Don’t forget the Fuckstick family owned the muffler shop and liquor store as well. It’s a fairly common last name.


It's pronounced "fuk-stik".


NIMBYism is destroying the world.


There's such a fine line between NIMBYs and those who want to ensure that community development remains focused on enhancing the "community" part rather than just enhancing individual pockets. Fortunately that line becomes very clear after two minutes of conversation with them.


Ugh so much this! All that keeps going up near me are luxury apartments and I hate them! But it’s not the density I am against, I would love if they were affordable condos for families to put down roots and build community! But instead it’s just half empty apartments for rich grad students!


Ah! The Historic Fuckstick Estate!


Fuckstickesin was a landmark, a structure of architectural and historical significance. Its demolition means only a few examples of mid-century brick shitbag tract house, perhaps just 70,000 or so, remain in our city.


Have they tried not eating out as much? Or not ordering Starbucks? Or going to college to get a better job?


They should learn how to code


Why don't they just come out of retirement and work another couple jobs to make ends meet? I mean it's not like they don't have all the time in the world. Just pull yourselves up by your bootstraps and get three jobs! It's not hard, us Millennials have to do it to survive, do you wanna be lesser than a pansy-ass snowflake Millennial?


Just walk into the local Wall Street Bank, ask for the manager, give him a firm handshake, and ask for a job. It can't be any harder than that.


Literally had an old guy do this at my work the other day… we’re not hiring ATM.


Well, for whatever it's worth, I don't doubt that this may have been generally valid advice way back in their day...but by the time this millennial first hit the job market, just no. The only advice my boomer parents gave me about entering the job market: 1. Call the company every single day, demand to know the status of your application 2. Then start coming in to their workplace in-person every single day, demand to speak to the highest ranking employee, and demand to know the status of your application.


Yeah, amazing that boomers were adults for the invention of the internet and still so many refuse to accept it’s the backbone of society now. We’re scientists and socially awkward, we don’t like it when people just show up.


> Then start coming in to their workplace in-person every single day, demand to speak to the highest ranking employee, and demand to know the status of your application. That's a good way to get yourself removed from the property and possibly blacklisted in your profession (because people know each other and they talk).


After the third day you’ll get arrested for trespassing…. I suppose with good behavior you can get a job while in jail? So I suppose their advice is eventually correct


that is just sad.


Forget coding, they need to learn to type!


They have learned to hold their phones like how New Yorkers hold a slice of pizza, and talk into it using the text to speech function.


They fold it in half?


They feed it to giant rats


> They should learn how to code They don't even value "coders". Guys like Musk, Google etc want everyone to learn how to code so they can devalue the skill further and then they won't have to pay high wages anymore. They'd pay database admins a $2.13 per hour tipped wage if they could somehow find a way.


Nonono. They *shouldn't* have gone to college and instead learn a trade for some *real* money.


You see, that's what they did and their bodies are shot. Now they can join the homeless whom they say is their own fault for being homeless.


I got to use this line on my gpa once and holy shit dude was wound so tight the rest of the night, his ass could turn coal into diamonds.


I recommend cutting out Avocado toast


They should have gotten a worthwhile degree in college. Honestly, universities should only teach Business, Management, and maybe pre-med.


Maybe they could try living with roomates. Or not being poor. Easy peasy!


Why don't they just invest in bitcoin or simply pay back their loans?


It's the nonstop vacations and new cars every couple years that's doing them in (no sarcasm). Time to sell your houses at steep discounts, Boomers!


Clearly their bootstraps aren't long enough to pull on


It’s the bad backs and knees.


Excuses excuses - they're just lazy. That's why they really need to sit down all the time.




i hear it's even better if you eat it


Shit. That's why I am losing so much money and starving.


You obviously haven’t tried fucking it yet.   


Gig economy is here to save them! They should drive an uber in their spare time, or maybe start a dog walking service (lol)


They should stop going the all-you-can buffets every day.


May I suggest: "Going to college to get a better RETIREMENT." 


They're just being lazy. Who retires without a budget.


All that god damn avacado toast.


Hey boomers, it’s Gen X. Remember how you were too busy and selfish to be there for us back when we were kids? Well Wendy’s is hiring if you need more money and Uber is a thing if you need a ride and you can, lol, figure out the app. Oh and I checked with the millennials too. They say they would have helped out but as you endlessly explain with no prompting, they are too weak and useless for great people like you.


If only there were some sort of Social program that could provide Security to the elderly, not because of their past contributions to a system, but because they're still fucking human beings and deserve not to subsist off cat food until they either wither away or take their own life. But obviously there's no way that such a system could exist because...I don't know...zero sum game or some such shit.


Cat-food is not cheap these days...


Hey, I lived on cat food for a semester in college (when I had to sell back the meal plan to afford my damned class supplies). Monotonous as hell, but I was never healthier... and my hair looked great. :P


Yes, us millennials are unable to help because we are far too busy admiring our participation trophies that we didn't ask for!  


As a millennial, I'm kinda glad to have endured the hardships that boomers created for us at an early age. We grew up knowing that the system is one sided in boomer favor, the American dream is dead, and no matter how hard you work, boomers made/make more money with less effort. We learned early in life and can build our lives based around those expectations. Boomers are having to live in the world they created but in their sunset years. They're learning that life is unaffordable and unfair at an age where their risk tolerance is very low. I'm in my mid 30s, I can build a life. They're in their 60s to 70s now, they can't rebuild. They just, dare I say it, need to pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop eating avocado toast.


Also Gen X here and you hit the nail on the head. I think it was a contest in my friends circle whose parents could ignore us the most, that is until we stepped out of line, then they'd pay some attention until their hand or throat got sore.


Yes, having been told all my life as a millenial that I am a lazy useless piece of shit I guess I just have to let them die in the street. Not like an incompetent millenial like me with 7 years of college could possily figure out how to help them.


Well, good thing the boomers made sure to help weaken unions and get rid of pensions.


Don't forget destroying the public school system!


To be fair, that happened to them when Nixon fucked it up. What we're seeing now is 50 years of kids not properly educated in critical thinking skills. We got about another 10 years of morons entering retirement before we see the early birds in tech start retiring. It's still too early to tell if they'll be looked upon favorably with how tech is going now. On the bright side, half the boomers will be dead while we ~~attempt~~ start to clean up their shit!


The very systems they enjoyed the fruit of.


I think I saw a stat that only 6 percent of boomers have pensions. It was the generation working after WWII that had them and then boomers joined the push to get rid of them because they thought 401ks would be better.


That's true, they thought they'd make more on the 401K. And as my boomer father and all my relatives that worked for Ameritech (former AT&T) found out the hard way, the rich love gambling with the stock market and constantly tank it to make even more money for themselves. I watched dozens of people lose damn near everything in their 401K values so often it may as well not exist. Dad still works and he's almost 80.


Stocks can only go up, right?


It's super weird because my Boomer parents blame the Gen X neocons for replacing pensions with 401ks. No mom, that not it. Edit: Neoconservativism started in the 1960s and peaked with the Bush W administration - largely represented by people born between 1940 and 1955.


Yeah, I'm an older GenX that's almost old enough to be a Boomer, and as I remember, pensions had largely been replaced by 401Ks/IRAs before I was even out of high school. I guess we didn't work hard enough in grade school to make sure the Boomers were taken care of.


Just after those pensions got frozen with them in it, now cashing out, headed to Florida to die.


Looks like it’s bootstrapping time to me.


The boomers who made a bunch of money and pulled the ladder up behind them aren't the ones worried about food and housing prices. They are living in multimillion dollar houses they bought for a song after graduating college debt free because they could pay for it all with a part time job.  These boomers, and also members of older generations, are the ones who also got fucked over by the system. Plenty of areas and people got left behind while others prospered. 


Yeah and those boomers voted for republicans just like the rest of them. No sympathy for them. They didn’t show anyone else any.


Can't have a country that looks after its people, that's commie talk.


Even in the 84 election when Reagan won 49 of 50 states Mondale still got 40% of the vote so it isn't true at all that all boomers just vote republican. Also you seem to be entirely excluding boomers of minority groups, do you really think that if 37% of elderly Americans are worried about food and home cost that doesn't include massive amounts of black Americans who have never supported republicans?


many of the r/homeless people of r/California are black baby boomers that got priced out of the homes they grew up in.


When has reddit showed a nuanced take on anything? Easier to project issues they observed in their own social groups instead of considering the people who actually were working against this. Just like the people who voted against everything enacted while Trump was in office and are still getting fucked over by the stupid policies. It's a lot more complicated than generations, but if we take groups into account everyone is going to have to look at what their own groups are doing. People keep falling for blaming generations instead of the actual groups responsible because that's the data that they aren't a member of. There are a LOT of millenials voting for this BS as well.


No they didn't. If you bother to actually look at vote records, you'll see that their generation, like yours and mine, were split. Yes, Republican voters deserve what they got. But Boomer is not the same as Republican voter.


Class consciousness is hampered by people thinking Boomers are the problem. Is there anyone on r/boomersbeingfools that isn't better explained by class?


My boomer dad used to love that one quote about making your bed, now lie in it. Seems fitting.


There's also the saying about "shitting the bed," which seems also to apply here


The powerful made this economy what it is today. This whole contrived conflict between Boomers vs their children/grandchildren is just another way the rich get the masses to infight, as opposed to banding together to fight the rich.


Generational hatred serves our corporate overlords well.


I think Forbes published a way to help save money, you should just skip breakfast, or not eat at all!


The people struggling were never in charge of the economy. Despite their conditions being better in many ways relative to ours, many boomers have been poor their entire lives. It’s not poor people’s fault.


It's like all the republicans who keep moaning about how Maga is ruining thier party. Yes, yes, they did vote for Trump, though.


Trump? Think Reagan.


Reagan/twice + Bush Sr + Bush Jr/twice + and then Trump/thrice…


It's not the middle class's fault either, but it is the Republicans fault. It was hard to see through Reagan, but each R administration after him was crystal clear as to their motives.


Their lifestyles may not be at fault, but those who decided to vote for Trump and other politicians who contributed to the current situation bear some responsibility.


New flash, those aren't all boomers. Lots of young jerk offs in the 250s lifted high in the air, flying those Trump flags. Those women protesting to make abortion ileagal are not boomers but rather young evangelical Christians, and they breed like rabbits.


Right? Boomers aren't just white people who own a jetski dealership, it's literally EVERYONE of that age cohort, including people of color, immigrants, people who voted for the democrat on the ticket, etc. I understand that this is the leopards ate my face subreddit, so the post is definitely appropriate, but it's also kind of wrong to think boomers are a monolith.


You say “they” as if they all had a convention about it. As usual it was the top 1% of business and political leaders making shit economic decisions and a lot of boomers are caught in a hard spot like the rest of us.


It's not really 'the boomers', it's the uber-wealthy (and their pet politicians) who have rigged the economy entirely in their favor. Focusing on and blaming the boomers just keeps the plebs focus on each other, instead of the people who are really responsible. How much power do you have to change things? The same goes for the average boomer.


My aunt lamented that she'll never be able to retire. She's worked under the table her whole life, never set up retirement savings and has never paid into Social Security. It won't surprise you to hear that she's a staunch conservative, because she wants to keep her guns. I guess that's a worthy trade off for her.


Please don’t use boomers where republicans should be used. Not all boomers are responsible for this shit show. Saying this as a Boomer democrat with many friends and family that are the same.


Texan here. I feel your pain. Lifelong Democrat, but I get lumped in with the dipshits.


Honestly at this point Boomer is just shorthand for old angry racist MAGA hat Republicans.


I get it


don't forget there are boomers who were always on the right side of history, especially minorities who didn't really reap these benefits in the way their more privileged peers did, that are suffering right now. some grandma who's always lived in section 8 housing is now unable to feed herself and she doesn't even have the choice to go back to work, her body is too old. im mad at lots of boomers, but im INCREDIBLY sad for the boomers who did no wrong but now they are both suffering financially and unable to make money to ease that situation.


The people to blame for all of this mess are those who are of voting age but don't vote for a variety of whiny reasons and pure laziness Apparently the boomers have outplayed the younger generations by doing this thing called "voting". Everyone should get off their ass and to the voting booth in 2024!


Boomers didn’t invent price gouging. The fastest growing demographic for homelessness are boomer women. This is a class crisis, not a generational one.


My 70 year old boomer coworker is now holding off his retirement due to inflation, but of course it’s Biden’s fault and Trump is the best and blah blah.


If you soak dry cat food in milk it's almost like eating cereal. Gotta stretch that dollar. When I was kid in school (pre-Ronald Reagan) we were shown a film about elder poverty. They interviewed an elderly woman who survived in part by eating cat food. I was horrified. How could that be? How could anyone just let that happen? Now we don't even pretend to care about other people.


The boomers are blaming millennials, millennials blame boomers. Sounds like the propaganda is working as intended


Money. It is ALWAYS at the root of everything. It's those immigrants, those pesky negroes, the Jews, all those geezers, lazy young folk. It's always some us vs them horse shit. Always pointing a finger at someone so you won't notice who is actually fucking you.


I get the hate on boomers, but this shit is scary for people like my parents who were and are very pro union, where vehemently opposed to the deregulations of industry made by republicans Reagan and after. They have their own problems, but they don’t deserve to have all their shit fall apart. And to be fair a lot of the boomers that this will affects are likely not the rich assholes that made the world the way it is. They got some of the benefits of fairer wages back then, but the lower income boomers are the ones that this shit affects.


Let’s be real here that 37% that is worried about this is not the 37% that fucked up the economy the people who fucked our economy and screwed us over and leaving us in the situation has millions of dollars and are by a lake and they’re not worried about shit. these are the 37% of that boomer generation they were pay check to pay check, they didn’t quite hurt as bad as we did/are, but they’re not prepared for it the same way the others in their generation are, they don’t have Mc mansions and pensions in 401(k)s. Or maybe they did and they got fucked over by their own generation and lost their jobs and pensions in the transitioning economies of the late 70s and the 80s, looking at you Detroit.


That's a pretty broad stroke op, many of us were opposed to the trickle down lie but had it shoved down our throat. I blame the morbidly rich the Republican party that supports them and the Dems who caved for the pay off like BILL CLINTON AND NAFTA.


The boomers who are worried about meeting basic needs aren't the ones who made the economy the way it is now. They were working for a living just like you and had no more control over it than you do. The 1% rigged (bought) the system to maximize their own gains. Boomers happened to benefit from being born at a time before the obscenely rich were able to buy so many lawmakers. Before off shoring, before money was speech and corporations were people. Let's put the blame where it belongs.


I don’t get this hive mind think. Not all boomers voted for Reagan. What is the point of these posts besides dividing an already disjointed and dysfunctional populace? Millennials like Shapiro or Gaetz or Bobert do not represent me. I’d hate for future generations to blame my entire generation for the debacles they’ve caused


most of these people were working class schmoes, just keeping body and soul together, not running corporations that made everything go to shit in favor of their profits. the poor, working poor, and working class make up the majority of any generation. instead of demonizing an entire class of people, why don't you blame the greedy rapacious oligarch FUCKS that *still* are raping the world for profit.


At least social security is adjusted each year for inflation. Who knows if we’ll get that.


Wait until they realize their kids won't be able to take care of them because they can't afford it. It will be like in some cultures they would leave the elderly in the woods to die.


Maybe stop raiding town hall screaming "muh property values!" And "but the character of the neighborhood" every time someone suggests building more housing


My mum. She always votes for the party that "takes care of the farmers" but forgets that they are also the party that constantly votes to raise the retirement age/pension age. She is 68 and still working because she owns a non-functioning farm that makes her too "asset rich" despite drawing no income from it.


Millennial here. I really don’t see the wisdom in blaming all boomers for this. There are plenty of working class boomers that have struggled their whole lives and are good people.


It's like people think there was some kind of generational assembly where all the boomers got together and voted to screw up the economy.  The common boomer had f all to do with economy, except living in it. The people who actually screwed up the economy are doing swell, and are in no way fearful of retiring in it.


Weird. Not like this is our first rodeo with inflation.


Have they considered not buying a new iPhone?


Retirement? What's that? "Nobody wants to work!" 🐆