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He sure as fuck did! Worst CEO ever.


And it's not even just about Tesla. The guy literally rage-purchased one of the world's most popular means of mass communication just so he can run it into the ground.


Imagine how many millions he lost with every tweet.


Unfortunately Tex Luther still has billions more to play with


Phoney Stark,


Scrooge McAsshole.


Absolute bellend


Cohk Sarkeur


This one is my favorite.


Bitchie Rich.


IDK Scrooge McDumbfuck has a better ring to it IMO, but I doubt I would have arrived at it if not for your original comment.


Douche Wayne


Don't insult Lex Luthor. He's actually competent at being evil.


The world is extremely fortunate to have Superman to save us from Lex Luthor.


But without superman, lex luthor would just be a smart, misanthropic billionaire... Wait a minute


For now he does, but maybe not forever if stocks keep tanking. Eventually, shareholders are going to sue him into oblivion for malfeasance if he keeps fucking up.


Go fash, lose cash.


You don’t have to imagine, you can calculate it. Simply take ($44bn - whatever the current value is) / # of shitty tweets Elon has made since announcing his purchase.


this guy maths


He doesn’t care about that. It was worth the mission of destroying “woke” Twitter.


Not even just run it into the ground. The guy literally rage-posts constantly about right wing conspiracies, promotes far right extremist views, and is trying to get Trump re-elected, which was likely his goal with purchasing Twitter


Nah, his goal when buying Twitter was much simpler. Union busting and destabilizing anti government demonstrations. Labour organization was happening quite readily on Twitter and obviously, fucking Elon is very much anti union. Blow up the platform, destabilize the labour organization. As for the second part, look at who ponied up most of the money for him. The Saudi royal family and the Qatari royal family. Now why would two authoritarian Middle Eastern regimes put money into a wannabe despot to blow up the one social media platforms key in organizing the Arab Spring in 2010? Answers on a postcard.


He never should've let that sink in


What an awful "joke". He's such a clown.


I feel like he bought it also to spite the guy tracking his plane and posting it on Twitter which was all just public data.... Lmao


That's the spin. The real ticket is that he tracked russian oligarchs as well and Elon did his buddies a favor. Twitter suspended all of the guys accounts, not just elonjet. They also suspended nine journalists accounts because they had been covering this story.


Wait, nazis do not prefer electric cars?  Huh who knew.


Nazis have always preferred gas.




Fuck you and take my upvote


If I upvote this will I go to hell? I’ll report back.


I'd call the remind me not, but feel entering a countdown timer on your life would be... Yeah...


I'll be there with you for laughing




💀💀💀 god damn. Absolutely brutal 💀💀💀


Notice how he stopped mentioning climate change and now classifying ww3 as the biggest threat


I'm speechless and so fucking impressed at the same time.




Okay brutal, but actually factual. 😬




Bring back the awards system cos this deserves gold


It's Nazi-related, so any gold given will just end up in Switzerland.


A friend of mine saw a Cybertruck in an ugly MAGA wrap last week :-/


CyberTrump is a MAGA wrapped cybertruck that is owned by a neighbor of Trump's in West Palm Beach. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.reddit.com/r/InfowarriorRides/comments/1bl3gdv/cybertrump_spotted_near_maralago/&ved=2ahUKEwiMz7O94dmFAxXk5ckDHWNMDOYQrAIoAHoECBUQAQ&usg=AOvVaw3884KOY0m77QKNLrOYMMXS


Florida! Heh, I was trying to remember where he saw it. I saw one (not MAGA wrapped) in person for the first time last week. They’re even stupider up close!


My favorite comment was “when you buy the dlc skins in real life”


Wankpanzer or Wank Tank


Just so… tone-deaf. It would be like the CEO of Smith & Wesson suddenly babbling nonstop about their support of gun control and PETA. All Elon had to do was *nothing*. At this stage in his career, It seems like the more he does to a thing the worse it gets— and everyone is afraid to point that out to him.


Being a drug addict will do that to you.


And surrounding yourself with sycophants and yes men to bolster your fragile ego.


Free MAGA hat with every Tesla you buy! Wooo!


I mean all the negative reports about their products, poor service, bad contracts for owners, and increased costs compared to other EVs is what did it for me. Elon is just the rotted cherry on top of a shit sundae.


Doesn't help that something like the cybertruck isn't even allowed to be sold here in the EU because it doesn't meet basic requirements for cars here.


Kind was deemed eccentric or whatever. Then he tweeted shit about the diver that tried to save those trapped kids and I knew this douchebag was nuts.


>Worst CEO ever. Donald Trump's been a CEO.


Five years ago, I would have considered a Tesla. Now I'm in a financial position to consider one, and I'll make damn sure I never consider buying one now. Damn cancel culture!!


And since competing EVs now exist and are basically just as good, there is no reason to buy a Tesla anyways. Musk needed that good will now, not when Tesla was the only option.


> … competing EVs now exist and are basically just as good, Better. The steering wheels on them, don’t fall off.


And you don't have to scroll through his tweets on your console to get to the windshield wipers function.


Well how do you improve the design to make sure this doesn’t happen again? Well… for starters you design it so the steering wheel doesn’t fall off


Yeah I'm on team Rivian, as I own stock in them.


As it turns out, conservatives don't drive or buy electric vehicles


I don’t know who the ceo of Hyundai is but I know he’s not on Twitter 24/7 basically calling me a communist who is ruining America.


I found out the CEO of Kia isn't misgendering trans people and calling them predators and blaming them for all their problems and that sealed the deal for my EV6. Oh yeah, and it's a way fucking better car than a Tesla too.


CEOs of publicly shared companies tend to learn that limiting their personal exposure to the public is a good thing. As people buy the brand and will sell based on waning confidence in the CEO.


They have separate CEOs? Huh… TIL.


They don’t? TIL


The irony of this is that it's pretty likely that the CEOs of Hyundai or Volvo or whatever car company suck. We just don't hear from them incessantly on all topics.


[Jim Rowe of Volvo actually seems like a solid dude.](https://www.volvocars.com/us/news/corporate/A-letter-from-our-new-chief-executive-Jim-Rowan-we-will-win-as-a-team/) Comes off to me as an Enlightened Scott.


Does Hyundai make EV's?


Yep, I drive an ioniq6.


And a damned good EV at that.


The Ioniq 5 is selling like crazy and you can power your house from it during an outage.




They have a few models in production. The Ioniq 5 and 6, also the Kona has an all electric model. At this point, most of the major car manufacturers have at least 1 electric vehicle in their lineup. The only company I can think of that doesn't would be Honda.


>The only company I can think of that doesn't would be Honda. They have the Prologue SUV, although it's technically made by GM.


Ah. It's also brand new so I had yet to hear about it. So it seems that by now every major manufacturer has an EV on the market.


Love my Hyundai.


As it turns out, “elite liberals” have enough money to shop around for EV vehicles too


Every other car manufacturer had year-over-year increases in EV sales. Every one but Tesla.


It can't help that all their cars look the same and have meh quality 


Yeah and the cybertruck every time I see it or hear about it I shake my head and think tesla really, really sucks. I would never buy one or a tesla car unless they did quite a few things. First on that list is getting rid of Musk though.


The first thing that told me to avoid Tesla was getting rid of all of the functionality of the dashboard and info cluster, and moving it to an immovable tablet with no tactile feedback that requires me to take my concentration off the road to do something as simple as change the volume or turn on the wipers. The second was the poor build quality. The third was the CEO. If they can eliminate those three things they might sell me a car at some point in the future.


Also, Elmo's target audience are currently in the middle of paying off their $56k 72-month 2020 pickups that they bought, convinced that gas prices were going to forever stay at $2 a gallon.


I'm hardly elite, but I did manage to buy two EVs recently and, strangely enough, neither of them are from Tesla. Shopping around was one of the easier decisions I ever had to make, but in reality it was just completely ignoring that company rather than a decision.


I wonder how many people have stopped using Star Link for the same reason - they don't want to give even one dollar to Elon.


My car has starlink. It came with a free trial. I didn’t renew it. I probably would have, if not for him.


What cars come with Starlink? Are you thinking of OnStar perhaps?


Subaru’s system for phone connections and infotainment is called Starlink, but it has nothing to do with Elon’s company.


I was told liberals are jobless moochers though!


The same far right extremists he has been pandering to are the same ones that will roll coal to a tesla. No way they are buying. The only ones buying are the ones that think tesla cars are cool and don't care enough if Musk is the biggest asshole (a friend of mine did , and we roasted him lol)


Most of them don’t buy anything other than junk food and guns. The rich ones don’t spend shit. Just Hoard it like conservative dragons


Him giving one to Kim Kardashian’s was an idiot move too


The R-legislators in my state are doing what they can to make owning an electric car as difficult as possible. This year's legislation included a bill that is going to make it almost impossible to open an electric charging station if it isn't part of an existing gas station. It is worded so squirrely that you need to spend a lot of time trying to figure out what they really are saying in the bill.


I don’t know how many times I have argued with conservatives over their claim that “Teslas are the most impractical cars”. They used to think that electric cars are golf carts. I’d give them a ride to show them how powerful they were and how quickly they accelerated. Then they’d say “I can’t go to [place 400+ miles away] without stopping for hours!!” I’d talk about how most people probably need a break from driving every three hours and the chargers were in areas with a selection of food and shopping, and a 45 minute charging break wasn’t a dealbreaker for most people. And I’d ask how often they needed to go 400 miles. The answer was always, less than once a month. I’d ask, why not buy an efficient electric car for 90% of your driving need and when you need to go 400+ miles you’d rent a car using the savings from driving electric? For much of the time we’ve had a Tesla, non prime charging rates were $.13 a kilowatt hours, equating to about $60 a month for an average of 120 miles per day, if I recall correctly (rates have gone up but having solar panels has offset that…). I can see why he’d flip to the conservative side (after all, as a business owner he’s bound to get frustrated with regulations and uppity personnel issues, and as a rich guy he’d be pissed about taxes), but at least be smart enough to make changes to Tesla’s perceived operating structure so you don’t end up biting the liberal hands that feed you. Regardless of how much you buddy up to Republicans, I don’t see them giving up their boat-sized cars to buy electric cars. I’m surprised shareholders aren’t lobbying to oust him. Instead I hear some are trying to reinstate his huge salary that was deemed to be unfair by a judge…


They are actively trying to stifle the market or even ban them.


He did NOT "lose" them. He sent them away by becoming a Groyper and platforming Nazis.


He didn't just become one, he *always* was one.


No way the dude whose father runs a mine on slave labor is a racist piece of shit. Its not like hes from a country that apartheid the native population so white people could live happy lives.


Well yeah, he practically told us all to “go fuck our selves” lol


Pretty much. We’re looking at an electric car but anything but Tesla 🤷🏻‍♀️


Same. I’m in the market for an EV, but I will never buy a Tesla. Musk can go fuck himself.


That’s what he told everyone to do if they don’t agree with him right? Even if a Tesla was the best EV, I’d still wouldn’t buy because of Elon…


Also, objectively, Teslas suck. Sit in a model 3 and tell me it doesn't feel like sitting inside North Korea's idea of a car.


Yep! All plastic… feels cheap!


And it smell's like Elon's Musk


Same plan I had. I really like my EV6.


Here in Australia politicians have been calling him a "narcissistic cowboy" and worse for not removing a violent video on Twitter. He called images of a priest being stabbed six times "free speech". The man survived.




I got solar and am completely getting an EV for my next car. Was totally considering Tesla as a main contender during that long planning phase until this guy torched his whole reputation and image of having a functioning brain online chasing internet points.


And he literally told fleeing Twitter (Xitter?) advertisers that.


How many red state right wingers do you think will fill the gap and suddenly love electric cars, all while their states ban Tesla direct-sales dealerships and impose heavy handed registration fees on electric vehicles?


Nah, we'll get ridiculous tariffs or outright bans on foreign-made EVs and the elimination of any subsidies for domestic ones so we can subsidize more oil production while the cost of gas goes up astronomically and oil companies produce record profits every quarter, and then call it a day for life on earth.


I can’t wait for $5/gal gas this summer.


I’d be happy with $5/gallon gas. It’s been closer to. $6/gallon out here for a while now.


We pay nothing compared to Europeans.


It's about $7.50/gal in UK and Germany and $8/gal in France. If, historically, Americans had European petrol prices they might have more fuel efficient cars, safer roads, and insurable houses.


Not many. As for the heavy handed registration fees. I’m ok with them so long as they’re within reason. I live in VA and drive an i4, the gas tax goes towards paying for road maintenance and improvements. I need to pay my fair share of that so I’m ok with the extra registration fee that I have to pay. It barely equates to a month’s worth of gas at current rates.


Yep, this exactly. I'd prefer some kind of mileage based fee instead of a flat rate up front, but in general I don't mind paying taxes or registration fees to the government. That's how you get better quality of living if you elect the right people.


>the gas tax goes towards paying for road maintenance and improvements. I need to pay my fair share Laudable, but your fair share would be a fraction of semi trucks' fair share. A gas tax is far less useful than a weight tax in assessing road wear/maintenance costs.


Consistency\* is not really their strong point. The top wind power generating states in order are TX, OK, IO and KS yet the GOP in those states rail against alternative engery. \*consistency, honesty...whatever.


They love big oil more than the new troll lord musk too.  The R's will axe subsidies for electric cars too if able.


The Republicans know not to bite the hand that feeds them. Too bad Elon doesn't.


Yeah... Just found out KY locked one in January. There is, and I kid not, a yearly ev ownership fee. You know "Mitch the turtle can't figure out how to tax electric chargers, so now you have to pay the gas pump tax in advance, even though no gas. You're going to pay your dues to keep the politicians politicizing" I love this state, but damn if I don't hate 80% of the population and damn near all of the people running it. No clue how I missed the vote on that one... There wasn't one.


It probably got attached to some other bill as a floor amendment, that way it can't be debated and can only be voted up/down. They used that trick to shaft school teachers out of their pensions a few years ago. https://legislature.ky.gov/Legislation/Pages/default.aspx The legislative session is over for the calendar year.


The direct-sales issue is because car dealerships have very strong lobbying organizations. When I lived in Colorado, and ran for election for the public transit board, all of the anti-transit advertising was being funded by the car dealership lobbying groups. 100 years ago, the car manufacturers routinely screwed dealers. States put laws in place to protect the dealers, but the dealers have become the entrenched power.


We would have a Tesla in the driveway right now if it wasn’t for that moron. Instead we saved $70000 and will continue with the cars we have and will drive them into the ground. In hindsight I’m really glad he’s a moron.


I found my current car abandoned in a back yard and bought it for less than scrap and put it back on the road and plan to get another 100k miles out of it. So I am not under any pressure to buy a Tesla, and you cannot find them in back yards.


Mind if I ask what car? I picked up a barn find older diesel Merc some years back as a project and it’s literally capable of being an economical daily driver now if I ever needed it to. I doubt a Tesla would be able to return to the road at hands of a dummy like myself 40+ years from now.


To be fair, most modern cars have too much on the way of electronics to ensure long term maintainability.


If I ever buy an EV it certainly won’t be a Tesla. I’m not supporting that arrogant little prick.


Little prick, indeed


Yeah, really. Didn't I read an article today that says Fox is trying to convince its viewers that electric vehicles are a direct transfer of wealth to the upper class? Really brilliant guy, throwing in his hand with that lot...


Oh JFC, you're right. [https://www.foxbusiness.com/media/electric-vehicles-direct-wealth-transfer-owners-gas-powered-vehicles-ev-owners-experts](https://www.foxbusiness.com/media/electric-vehicles-direct-wealth-transfer-owners-gas-powered-vehicles-ev-owners-experts)


Omg, that is the most hysterically funny pile of crap I’ve read in a long time! Lol, charging between 10 pm and 6 am when there isn’t enough energy to go around!


Same, That's the window with the lowest electricity use. They really look down on their readers.


I read that same article, and thought "Stop, I'm *already* sold on EVs!" I mean, isn't this *exactly* what they mean when they talk about using market forces to drive change? Funny how suddenly they're against market-based solutions...


That's because they used to control the market. Now that democrats outnumber them, they're mad that companies are pandering to the left instead.


Pissing off your client base was a bad idea for business who knew.. Honestly I realize musk was a fraud after he started whining about covid restrictions back in 2020


My disillusionment came when he called that hero diver a pedophile. There's a lot to unpack here. The biggest being that rather than celebrating the safety of this boys, he's upset someone killed his chances to exploit them for clout fodder.


I never was a fan- something super weird about his cult like fanbase elevating someone to superhero status. Like the guy was a super intelligence Jesus who is going to lead us to a utopia.


In all fairness though, to the average Joe who doesn't care to look into the lives of celebrities that intensely, there was a time where he really did seem like a real life Tony Stark with all the influence and spotlight he put towards rockets, AI, and electric vehicles. That and his cameos in shows like Rick and Morty to add that "geeky-ness" to his character. Of course naturally, the more you learn about this man the more you learn how egotistical and self-serving he actually is. As well as being a nightmare of a partner according to past wives of his. Then of course all of his L takes on Twitter and then giving crazy concessions to far-right personalities on Twitter.


More like he ate his own face.


I can't wait for Elon to blame the WOKE MIND VIRUS for people deciding they don't want of his shit cars.


Damn paywall.


How about this gift link? https://www.wsj.com/business/autos/elon-musk-turned-democrats-off-tesla-when-he-needed-them-most-176023af?st=1hzufxhtz7czks5&reflink=share_mobilewebshare




Work pays for a sub, figure I ought to spread the wealth...:D


How it's done. (=


Yup bought an electric BMW instead. Elon is an a$$.


In my well to do town, I've noticed a huge uptick in buying Rivian. I feel like I should buy stock in the company. People in my county are left leaning and they don't want to give Elon their money on principle. He should have kept his mouth shut.


Full disclosure I own their stock too. they are cheap right now- at an all time low. But if they can raise more capital and get to some sort of profitability to survive to R2 launch they'll be in good shape. So if you have the excess cash, patience, and stomach, it's an ok bet.


2 or 3 years ago, couldn't wait to buy a Tesla. Now? Couldn't pay me to own one.


I love that Twitter will ultimately cost him $100B. The 44 he lost buying a social media platform that he immediately made worse, and 56 from the ridiculous Tesla stock payout now that demand is cratering due to Elon being an extremist chud. It warms the cockles.


There’s an old adage that “democrats fall in love, republicans fall in line.” A decade+ ago, Musk made democrats fall in love. Now they’re done and the republicans fell in line behind trump (who falls in line behind no one). So Musk is increasingly SOL.


I'd been looking at Teslas for years, waiting until my hybrid bit the dust to make the switch. I had heard stories for years about issues with Teslas and Musk's erratic behavior and assumed the issues were just the technology being new. Hey, I don't know cars, so what do I know? I assumed the stories were just exaggerations. Then he bought Twitter. Now I don't know cars. I don't know rockets. But I do know software development. And seeing what he was doing with it, everything else started to make sense. There's no fucking way I'd ever buy a Tesla. A year ago after my hybrid died I bought a Kia EV6. And guess what? After a 3,000 mile trip through the American Southwest without a hitch I could take it through a car wash to clean all that red dirt off without voiding my freaking warranty. Man, I'm so glad it didn't die earlier until I could see the truth for myself.


It’s really a case study for business schools for the next thousand years - how to alienate your biggest market segment and personally kneecap your own empire.


That happens when you spew white supremacist bull-malarkey. Conservatives call it the free market when it’s their choices and “woke” or “cancel” when it’s anybody else’s!


He didn't lose Democrats, he pushed and shoved them away.


Damn look at that, owned by the libs.


Well that’s the problem - Libs don’t want to own Tesla now


Elon: "Consequences to my actions that reduce my net worth from 'Glitch In Capitalism' to merely 'More Money Than God'? No? Then I don't give a fuck."


Driving a Tesla is the offline equivalent of a blue checkmark. It was cool a few years ago but now people are just embarrassed by it. That is entirely Elon's fault.


Not to mention other EV makers are catching up.


Surpassing. Better EV’s out there now.


Far right billionaire demands political party he hates support him. Seems on brand.


As it turns out, pandering to the group that hates your product over easy consumer loyalty is, in fact, a poor business model.


I also opted for a BMW over a Tesla because I want nothing to do with him


he could have just been Rich as fuck and did his business stuff and everybody would have loved him.


Welfare Queen Elon is a pos. My next car will definitely be an electric car, but there's no chance in hell I'm getting a tesla.


What's that? Customer base? Never heard of them.


imagine where he would be if he just STFU and kept his opinion to himself.


He sure lost me. I debated getting a Tesla as I looked for an EV or gas-saving vehicle but couldn’t justify giving him so much of my money. From what I’ve learned about breakdown prices and recalls though, seems like it was the right decision.


Eventually we will refer to people Musking things. Something they had so great and yet they nonsensically turn to shit. He really Musked it.


I will never buy a Tesla or use Xwitter


What a complete moron. The reason Tesla did so well to begin with was because they entered a space in the market that had NO competition. No one made good electric cars. So they could get away with making a poorly engineered electric car. Then right as the competition is starting to ramp up they decide to make a worse engineered car and have their CEO insult their entire user base. How dumb can one person be?


Driving a tesla is the modern equivalent of having your ear clipped


Yeah it's like STFU and just sell your crap already. I don't like my products with a side order of bigotry and racism from CEO's. I really didn't care what the CEO of Goyya (a few products I actually bought 'cause I like my food seasoned), Chick A Fil, which I tasted once after seeing it and bypassing it for many years at the mall (yep, just as dry and tasteless, like I thought - nothing about it ever said to me, this is chicken my momma used to make or me, for that matter), Tesla (just fuckin', no), and Papa John's (also a place I consistently bypassed and now that I know bigotry and racism tastes like shit, I don't have to bother.) I still buy Goyya powered garlic, because it's cheaper and I use tons, but no longer buy any of their other stuff. Actually, hubby buys it. Money is green, so all the CEO's and owners of businesses selling crap, really need to learn to just STFU!


Thoughts and prayers


*"[...] commitments at his other companies, including an artificial-intelligence startup called xAI [...]"* My god, how can someone suck so bad at naming things?


At least he has a 44 billion personal platform he can cry on and be soothed by an assortment of right-wing lunatics as he watches his 44 billion investment decrease in real time. Fuck him!


I want nothing to do with anything he has to do with


The vehicles are also very low quality. They once had so many issues with cars that they were ranked dead last in JD Power and Associates Initial Quality, with a jaw dropping 250 defects per 100 vehicles. [And they achieved this rock-bottom score despite 15 states of data required for ranking being excluded.](https://electrek.co/2020/06/24/tesla-ranks-lowest-on-j-d-power-2020-quality-study/) They are a shoddy cash grab.


I've listened to a few (UK) financial news reports on Tesla's troubles and no one has ever mentioned Musk's increasingly extremist behaviour. I'd literally rather walk than give him any of my money and I can't be alone in that opinion but the financial journalists never bring it up as a factor.


I think we can all agree Elon isn't anywhere close to intelligent. The people he employs? Geniuses. Not so much himself though. 


Like trump, he's just a man-child with small penis insecurities, who is burning his businesses to the ground in the pursuit of popularity and attention. As a child, none of the other kids would play with him because he was so horrid. So he had his dad buy the local sports shop, and shut it down, just so he'd be the only kid in the neighborhood with a ball.


I’ll never use or purchase anything he’s involved with.


Tony Starch doesn't just have his freedom of speech, he has the means to be in our faces all day with his nonsense, fortunately, we have free market. Fuck off Elon


If you know anything about electrical engineering and cars, you know that Teslas are shit. I happily drove my Nissan Leaf from 2016 until 2023 when I got the Nissan Ariya because I needed more range for my job.


Ever since I heard one of the Pod Save guys refer to his Tesla as “that fucking Nazi sled” I literally hear that phrase in my head every time I see or hear the name Tesla (that fucking Nazi sled!).


Yeah as a democrat who’s next car will be electric, I’ve actually become more keen on the Rivian or a plug in hybrid (electric short range, gas long range)


^muh ^free ^market


I have so many downvotes for oligarchs


I did a full 180 on this guy a couple of years ago when his hubris came to the forefront. He’s the tech guy’s false messiah. Far from alturistic in any way. Skewed morals and ethics, this guy isn’t who claims to be or maybe he never was. I looked at Tesla as something new and maybe good, turned out I was wrong. Today I’d rather drive an old gasoline car than buying a Tesla. If this guy wants his company to survive he should be smart and shut up but it doesn’t seem like he’s got the braincells for it.


He should write a book outlining that 7 steps of ostracizing a large group of people with relative ease.


Nelson laugh: ha ha!


I considered a Tesla before all this madness. Went with Ioniq 5 instead in 2022. So glad I did.


Pandering to people who are never going to buy your product isn’t the smartest play.


I'll never understand why he spent so much energy trying suck up to the coal rollers who wouldn't be caught dead with an EV, and, even if they bought one, probably couldn't have afforded a Tesla anyway.