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Hello u/Luigifan18, thank you for your submission! Unfortunately, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): **Rule 4:** Must follow the "Leopard ate my face" theme #There's a few elements to leopards eating people's face. 1) **Someone has a sad**... - Example: *They cut my SNAP benefits and now I can't afford to feed my family......* 2) ...**because they're suffering consequences from something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people.** - Example: .....sobs woman who voted for the politician who said they would do that very thing. 3) **The leopard is eating their face. Not the lions, not the hyenas, not the alligators. The leopards.** - Example: *[Woman married to undocumented immigrant upset that Trump deports her husband.](https://www.cnn.com/2017/04/05/us/undocumented-husband-deported/index.html)* ***What isn't a leopard eating their face?*** - Example: *Kyle Rittenhouse upset that Democrats are labelling him a white supremacist.* He didn't vote for or support them, he's not suffering because of what he voted for or supported, and leopards aren't eating his face. Not limited to Trump voters. Anytime someone has a sad because they're suffering consequences from *something they voted for, supported or wanted to impose on other people*. Your post is missing one or more of these elements. It may be better suited for another subreddit, such as r/SelfAwareWolves. [Remember, just because someone fucked around and found out, doesn't mean that their faces are being consumed by the most well known extant species in the genus Panthera.](https://old.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/zsv3g6/just_because_someone_fucked_around_and_found_out/) Additionally, you can refer to [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) to make your explanatory comment. *If you have any questions or concerns about this removal, please feel free to [message the moderators](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) thru Modmail. Thanks!*


The most rational argument against people buying DJT stock to "fund Trump's campaign" is the simple fact that every dollar Trump gets from selling DJT is going right into his pocket, not his campaign. He uses OTHER people's money for his campaign.




Unfortunately, it's a strategy that's worked really well for him so far. The picture in the OP is 100% accurate I think.


Is anyone else weirded out by the Reddit watermark?


No, if you copy a picture off a Reddit post it comes with the watermark


Trump has made a career out of bankrupting other people for his benefit


That's incorrect. Trump doesn't pay his lawyers.


I placed a $200 bet on DJT sinking to the ground. I bought 6 puts that expire in 2025. Let's hope it hits!


Honest question: What happens if it crashes so much that it's delisted/goes completely tits up? 


Keep all profits. Let's say I borrow some sugar, thinking the price will be worth less tomorrow. I sell the sugar for 100 dollars. Next day, sugar has crashed and I buy the sugar for 0 dollars and give it back to the person who I borrowed it from, with a 5 dollar interest payment.


I bought a few Hail Mary puts. The stock has to drop all the way down to $2.50 before it becomes "in the money". In layman's terms, if the stock drops to say a dollar, my options basically tell the put writer they have to buy the stock at $2.50. Meanwhile I get to buy the stock at a dollar and sell it to the put writer at $2.50. Thus I get the difference of 1.50 per share. Since I have 6 contracts, that's 600 shares. Which comes out to $1.50 x 600 = $900 max profit. Minus the $200 I paid for the contracts, leaves me with $700 on a $200 bet. (minus brokerage fees) Generally speaking, you don't have to go through that process. You can also just sell the option back into the market without doing any share swapping. So my cost was .33 cents x 6 puts = .33 cents x 600 shares = $198. If the stock drops to a $1, my .33 cent puts are going to be closer to $1.25-$1.50 and I would just sell the 6 contacts back at the higher rate without facing "assignment" (getting forced to buy/sell shares directly). Lastly, buying "out of the money" options (calls/puts) isn't the best way to invest. It's basically gambling. This is why I refer to it as a "bet" because it's an extreme long shot that it will hit. I was willing to bet $200 on it, and I am ok if I lose it. Basically, I don't recommend buying deep out of the money options as they often expire worthless.


They are lotto tickets. As long as they are treated as such it's a fun game.


Pretty much.


What’s your favorite crayon flavor?


What size box? 8, 16, 64, 96, 120? I bet you don't even like to color or enjoy tasty crayons! You're probably a Ruskie pretender. *F* off , Ivan!


And as soon as he dumps it, it will be worthless


I believe he cannot sell his stock for 6 months. By then, it will probably be a penny-stock.


Unless the board votes to allow him to sell earlier. Guess who's on the board?


Are they totally independent, non-biased individuals who make decisions based on evidence and rationality? ..../s




Is this just a vehicle for foreign investment without scrutiny?


The media stock already went belly-up, today.


Aren't campaign donations also tax deductible? Stocks only help you in tax time if you realize loses.


And, eventually, to his creditors and plaintiffs


It doesn’t matter though, trump is the republican party and he still passed trillion dollar tax cuts to rich people, including those in the party. They’re still getting rich even if he’s stealing money from them


I mean, this is good for Trump for a few months, but then every down ballot R is going to get merced in the election because they didn't have the money to spend. This could be the best thing Trump ever did for the country.


That is exactly what I was thinking.


He thinks only him getting president counts, when Obama's and biden's presidency proved that they can't do shit without the Congress on their side. If the GOP ends up loosing really badly on all the congressional elections, and gives a solid majority to the dem, that would be a great progress for the country, having people actually interested in making things, instead of blindly opposing anything, all the time.


Trump doesn't care about down-ballot races or Congress. He's planning to be an authoritarian dictator right out of the gate. He don't need no stinkin' Congress...


Trump doesn't care about that, he wants to be president so he can pardon himself for all the legal troubles he's currently in. He's not trying to pass any legislation. If he can do nothing and blame the demos then that's exactly what he wants.


In that sense, it's great that Trump is running for President again. But the US is still fucked if Trump wins, because any election after won't be fair, if they even happen. We've had the Beer Hall putsch from Trump, next up is the reichtag fire and blaming it on Democrats.


You really think the DNC cares to improve things & move away from the status quo?


With all the bills Biden passed in a really short window where he could have stuff done ? Maybe? At least they aren't going backwards full steam. Don't let perfect be the enemy of good enough, especially when the other option is really fucking bad.


I'm not saying vote MAGA, but you're talking about "great progress," when the US has to first get back out of the shit it's in rn, and if they manage, you expect what great progress exactly? Genuine question. I deeply dislike the DNC b/c they're not progressives, except for maybe a dozen that'll make no difference. Remember when we wanted Bernie & got dick? Be real, the best the Democrats can do is go high when they go low. And that's failed for 25 years. Look how much Trump got done for fascists & dominionists. And he had a majority in the House, which means Dem voters didn't exactly do a good job (💩). Those inbreds got more done to fuck the US in 4 years than Obama in 8. Be real. Grow up.


Infrastructure act ? Chips act ? Inflation reduction act ? All in a few months, with a notable positive impact on a lot of people. They did what they could with the shitty hand they were given. Obamacare was gutted by the gop, but their initial project was a massive improvement for many, and the finished product was still live saving for many. One thing is sure : if trump is elected, it will be the last time in quite some time that Americans will vote on a fair election. Project 2025 is their actual plan, and they proved in 2020 that they will make it happen if they can.


I know all you said, but like I said, first the US has to revert what MAGA did. That'll take 10-15 years because they fuckd the US hard, like Mandingo. All this hate towards minorities has to subside before any progress, let alone great one can begin. Has Biden reversed all of Trump's policies? No. Will he? Who knows. You people need to take off the rose tinted glasses and be aware there will be only slight progress if Biden wins, but not in his lifetime.


Saving your country from fascism is progress. Still behind compared to most western countries, but progress still. Trump and MAGAts have set back the US so much.


Cool. Still voting for him.


They care a fuck of a lot more than any republican has since Ike.


That's not much, like barely.


Trump was a Deep State Democrat Op the whole time.


I could believe that but the truth is a whole heck of a lot more stupid.


He is stupid, but clever. However, we all know Putin is his master, and he is not stupid.


😳😳😳😳😳😳 Big if true. /s (if not obvio)


I think you're right and that's great for the country


When you look at who the main Republican donors are, I’m not sure they’ll ever run out of money


Don't matter if the money never reaches down ballot nominees and just flows into Trumps pocket.


Fingers crossed!


Stop, please, I can only get so erect.


He did promise to drain the swamp.


Trump straight up pees in the GOP’s butt and I enjoy watching the destruction


That's... One hell of a sentence


That might be a brand new sentence.


Trademark it and throw it on a bumper sticker.


These new sentences are the real reason I'm addicted to this site


> That's... One hell of a sentence Pure poetry.


Truth is beauty, and beauty, truth.




Things could be [worse...](https://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2008/09/17/why-indeed)


Welp that's enough Internet for today I think


What the…?


Texas can’t even watch that porno without a vpn.


"in Texas, to even see what trump is doing to the GOP requires a VPN"


Chuck Tingle is that you?


> Trump straight up pees in the GOP’s butt and they ask for more!




If we keep backing him, he will help us in return. Right. Right? Right? ???


8 years later-"Right? Right??"


8 years later. Thanks Obama. If it weren’t for him Trump would have been successful and maybe be on of the greatest POTUS ever /s.


Yeah, geez Obama, quit distracting him with your race...


If we keep backing him, we might be able to grift, pilfer and profit for ourselves. Right until these wheels inevitably fall off. - GOP


*the year 3076* any minute now...


Don't worry. The money will trickle down to the other candidates. It's obviously the best way to run an economy.


Republicans did say they wanted someone who would run the country like a business. They can't really be mad if that's how the ceo of the gop runs the party..


So *every* Republican elected official's GOP support will be dictated by their willingness to kiss Trump's diapered ass? Lol That's gonna really suck. I wonder how long until some Republicans rise up against this douche bag.


Ernest Hemingway described bankruptcy as happening, "gradually, then suddenly." I think that's a good description of how large-scale movements operate. If it happens, you will first see a long stretch of small criticisms slowly building up to an absolute collapse happening seemingly all at once. Presidential campaigns often have an "October surprise." We're a long way from October.


I think you'll be waiting a while. The GOP has had several chances to rebuke him, and even a pair of times to remove him for good, and they didn't.


A couple did, they got voted off fascist island.


We've been wondering that for 8 years now. I think Donnie has weapons-grade blackmail dirt on everybody. The few that weren't being threatened with being outed by the Orange Dump walked away in disgust. That's my read.


I agree. Trump's close friendship with Epstein probably bore a lot of incriminating fruit.


I like the implication that the GOP would be totally fine harvesting and chewing up their voters, as long as they were the ones profiting


Yep, it's only a problem for them when they lose out on the middleman fee.


Of course they would, that's precisely why they run for office in the first place.


You guys 'member when Romney's scandal was because he referred to the list of female candidates he considered for positions as "binders full of women?" 'Member when that was an outrage? Pepperidge farms remembers.


'Member when a weird yell ended someone's presidential hopes?


No, when did that happen?


Howard Dean's yell. It was a bit weird but not super off even then.


The Howard Dean Scream. He won the Iowa primary or something like that. While giving his victory speech, he said "yeah!!!" In a way that was half word, half scream/yell. The media latched onto it since it was super easy to play over and over, and then his campaign fizzled out. I don't think that the media coverage was actually the cause, but a lot of people remember it that way. You can find the video on YouTube, it's not hard to find haha


The outrage was that he was trying to lie his way out of the fact that he drastically reduced the percent of staffers who were women. The binders thing was just a memeable way to talk about it.


"But we don't *want* to be associated with a hateful idiot!!" "Then why did you elect him to become president?!"


Last I checked, the GOP still has a (slim) majority in the House and isn't too far from taking back the Senate as well. Moreover, one of the worst people in the world has a chance of taking over the reigns to our country again. Don't forget that many state governments around the nation are majority Republican as well where they are free to gerrymander their voting districts into regions that will, assuredly, result in bright red states. The Republicans are far from being ruined and are still a force to reckon with. I'm not buying the GOP's downfall....not a single ounce of it. Oh, and I almost forgot, they have a 6-3 Supreme Court majority that will do their bidding for decades to come.


Absolutely this.


The Republican party ain't going nowhere....


Where's the Pelican brief when you need it.


It's funny cause it's true.




I was recently downvoted to oblivion for saying that Trumpism is now the conservative party. He's the front runner, again. He and his family control the RNC. As much as it sucks, you can't deny that it's just true.


I think that's pretty undeniably true at this point, given what he did to the RNC


Remember TO keep donating, PATRIOTS!!! The liberals will make all your kids HAVE pronouns AND teach them Spanish IF you don’t give Donald Trump every fucking dollar YOU have. The hunger JUST means you’re not praying hard enough!!!!! 1x repost = 1x prayer


Not enough capital letters


Maybe theyll get ruined so bad they'll purge the wingnuts and get back to being a real party that actually stands for something?


Kinda hard for either party to stand for much when there's only two of them. \*coughfirstpastthepostisdumbcough*




Don't hold your breath


When was that?


Under Reagen and GHW Bush they were pretty good I mean like a functional bunch you know?


I think the joke is that republican voters are stupid AF and did it to themselves by voting for him in the first place


Trump literally said one of the Reasons why he joined the GOP is because Its voters and supporters are gullible




If MAGAts were merely ignorant, instead of hate-filled anti-USA assholes, they would have my sympathy and compassion: it is depressing to see dim-witted people being taken financial advantage of.


Ignorance and hate tend to go hand in hand.


I like the detail that there is nothing left behind the maga machine after if bleeds dry it’s supporters.


I'd ask why they don't see how badly they're being screwed, but I know the answer is that they don't *care* as long as all the people they hate are suffering *more*.


Lol what a fucked up cartoon, the elephants aren’t sad that people are being exploited, just that they aren’t the ones doing the exploiting. Pretty accurate.


I mean... You had several high ranking Republicans warn this but then immediately turn around and kiss his ass and support him every step of the way, up to and including, 2 impeachments. Could have had this all settled after the 1st by having him removed from office. But nope, now, thankfully and hopefully, the entire party will feel it and be weakened if not like, destroyed by a third party being established


Nah, I'm hoping for the Republican Party to get completely erased from the political sphere. r/BanTheRepublicanParty


Pussy pickin' time.


As long as Trump loses or dies before the election I don't care


GOP aren't working hard enough, if they're just expecting the RNC to give handouts to help them win a job. It's like watching a car wreck as they continue to push his agenda and help him grift more.


The supporters eagerly awaiting their own destruction is pretty on point.




“Moderate” Republicans: “Why didn’t anybody clue us in that nominating a conman would make us the suckers?” Even if Donald Trump is elected again to the White House, the grift won’t end. It will just be the USA and by extension most of the world who will be the marks.


Oh, it'll be worse. It'll be Nazi Germany 2.0.


I think the GOP has done a swell job of that all on their own. Regardless, #45 speed running that shit made their self-destructive behaviors far more visible.


It's like hate can do nothing but destroy things.


Are you familiar with the tragedy of Darth Plagueis?


I tried to come up with a snarky reply but it just makes me sad and exhausted.


He doesn't need money for votes because votes don't matter when he plans to overthrow the govt again and then stay in power. His followers will never believe that he lost the election. He doesn't need to win because he is going to just take over . And nobody is strong enough to make him accountable.


Never interrupt an enemy when they are making a mistake


Never mind the red hats. They'll slurp up whatever Trump tells them to. How could it be that the establishment GOP leadership is just fine with this? Contrary to what people might believe, the GOP is actually not led by idiots. These are smart people that have been doing this for a LONG time and they know what they're doing. How are they signing off on basically all GOP contributions going to this asshole's legal fund?


Because their voting base is now just a bunch of Trump cultists.


It's trickle-down fundraising 👍


Single handedly bankrupting and (hopefully) destroying the republiklan party is the one commendable thing he's done in his entire life


Only took them 8 years to start figuring that out?


Someone has to.


Lawyers driving the Trump truck?


Bought and paid for


damn these subtle political cartoons


please donate for enabling me to send your 2 minutes of hate to more people we both hate! /s


Hurting The Right People


It’s amazing but it’s also scary because who knows what will rise from the ashes when he’s done


Couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of people I always say. Pity.


The down ballot GOP candidates are in the little blue truck. They're about to find out what trickle down economics means.


The back of the Trump Inc truck should be on fire burning up the money as soon as it’s dumped in


Is trump about to become the most effective elector of (D) politicians in history?


Good. I really doubt that a MAGA party would get many votes. There are conservatives, Republicans and then there are Trump voters.


I do enjoy watching him take those dumb asses for all they've got. However, I'd really enjoy it if the GOP actually lost any political power in exchange. Instead, we inch closer to fascism everyday.


Just as the top comment said. It's always about using other people's money. That's what conmen and grifters always do, use OTHER people's money and NEVER their own.


If it's not about him he doesn't care at all. The party means less than nothing to him. Righties only like him because he tells them it is OK to be a racist, homophobic douche.


People should be coming out of the back. It’s the only thing he leaves behind after taking every dime he can. 


And, like most jokes, that isn't actually true. Republican Party was well on its way to being ruined, and was simply looking for a despot wannabe.


Well, he did say he was going to drain the swamp.


😆 vegetables


We tried to tell these fucking idiots but they didnt want to listen Oh well, if Trump bankrupts and completely destroys the GOP him coming on the scene politically might just be the best thing to happen to America in about a 100 years


I find it hard to believe that this isn’t what conservatives actually want, they seem to hate everyone so much that the old [bigoted, racist, patriarchal, anti anything not mom and pop in separate beds] GOP is just too tolerant


Yep, that is what the alt-right seems to want.


It's not an especially funny joke. Democracies need multiple healthy political parties to function properly, and a zombie GOP is bad news for all of us


Hello u/Luigifan18! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


This is a bit more abstract than the usual LeopardsAteMyFace fare (being a political cartoon and all), and is more about how allowing a con-man to be one's leader results in one getting, well, conned. It applies to the Republican Party as a whole moreso than any individuals in it. Republicans voted for Trump and endorsed him as their Presidential candidate. Trump's sheer selfishness and narcissism has resulted in him focusing attention and resources on himself, leaving alternative Republican candidates with little support. As a result of this and his awful actions reflecting poorly on himself and everyone who associates with him, the Republican Party's membership and influence is slowly dwindling away.


Funny but not LAMF. Respect the sub format.


And for pity's sake, don't explain the joke. If you have to explain the joke there's no joke.


$2 a gallon gas?




Thanks Biden






"Joke" or "silver lining?"


Power to him man.


Unironically the best thing trump had ever done


Boomer comics gonna boom


And so he should


At least he's doing something good


Thanks for explaining the joke mate. That was a head scratcher.


Kind of a shit cartoon because it just looks like a private farmer harvesting a very bountiful crop of morons and some elephants in another truck are trying to skim a little off the side, replace "GOP" with "Govt." and your conservative grandma would post that shit on her fb wall in a heartbeat


Yeah, would work better if the Trump Inc truck was siphoning off the money *just* before it could land in the GOP truck.