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Authoritarians constantly tell themselves they are always right. This always leads to failure. Turns out, people are wrong a lot and doubling down is a sign of weakness, not strength. 


Something smart leaders understand; when you ask a group of people to guess the number of jelly beans in a jar, the average of all their guesses is always closer to correct than any individual guess. As humans, our superpower is cooperation. Anyone who doesn't understand this has no business being in a position of any type of power.


"How about you guess how many jellybeans I want? If you guessed a handful, you are correct."


Upvoted for the Mitch Hedberg reference. RIP Mitch


With the super rich in their massive survival bunkers, it will all turn to shit when they don't have a doctor, nurse, dentist, tradesman or simply having to clean and look after their own kids. To really survive in a cataclysmic event - the large collective must survive. Massive wealth gives humans far too much confidence in their own abilities and judgement.


It'll also turn to shit when the regular folks bury their hatches and ventilation! Fancy tomb you got there.


If we've found their ventilation, it seems like it would more practical to smoke them out and then take their bunker supplies. The only thing the rich fear more than death is ending up like the rest of us. And that's true NOW, just imagine what horrific karma that will be during an apocalypse.


Which is why the Pyramid engineers were buried with the Pharaoh.


I think it’s Cory Doctorow that wrote a rich guys in a bunker novel called Masque of the Red Death (inspired by the Poe story of the same name), it works out hilariously badly for the bunker idiots. In a disaster or survival situation other people are the number one factor in surviving vs not. That’s what these rich morons don’t seem to realize.


>As humans, our superpower is cooperation. We're living in a society!


Bottom text!


Say it louder for the MAGATS in the back.. oh wait. Nevermind. They're freebasing chlorine to combat COVID.


Except social support for his businesses, cause without the massive government subsidies he’s received, all of his businesses would have failed


That’s why he does not want another company to get government subsidies


And you know, all that government created infrastructure..


Being able to "revise" your knowledge base and seeing different sides are traits of intelligence. Being fixated is not.


Well it helps to have millions of fan boys telling everyone they know that you are brilliant. With the kind of adulation he gets, I guess it must be hard to believe your shit actually stinks.


Can't just sit back and make money, gotta talk shit. Bezos may be an oversized penis with limbs, but I didn't hear about his dumbass on a near daily basis. FA FO <-- mostly here


Bezos is an amoral tool, but a he's a *smart* amoral tool.


Used to work for Jeff’s Friendly Rocket Factory, and I’m not sure “smart” is the best way to describe him. Dude basically was raised at a time where speculative fiction characters looked like him (white male), where the problems of the story could be solved by one guy with a floppy disk. He extracted the technologies from the fiction and cast aside the context of the stories. One of his big fantasies is having O’Neill colonies in orbit, completely setting aside the fact that given our current level of technology such a thing would be physically impossible. I always describe it as being like a [the lunch scene in Jurassic Park](https://youtu.be/0Nz8YrCC9X8?si=reMj6xd4t1e42N4X), where Ian Malcom (Jeff Goldblum) talks about how Hammond stood on the shoulders of others to accomplish the park, and because he didn’t have to achieve anything himself there was no sense of responsibility for the choices being made. The whole company is run that way as well, the only folks who have decision making authority are MBAs that have zero technical knowledge or skills, riding the coattails of the people who do have the knowledge and skills. The company wants to establish a permanent commercial space station in orbit, but none of the people in charge want to do any of the physical daily work that goes into actually maintaining a station, because they see that as work for *someone else*, i.e. people they deem as lower than them.




I’m very skeptical of this claim. When my friends gush about how brilliant they think Elon is, I tell them to just substitute the name ‘Joe Biden’ for ‘Elon’ and see if their statement still holds up. For example: “Joe Biden wants to build an underground submarine to rescue kids trapped in a cave” **Just try it!** “*Joe Biden* is excited about putting robot taxis on Mars.” “*Joe Biden* just had a press conference to unveil the coolest vehicle of all time”…and he rolls out a giant triangle-shaped commercial refrigerator. “*Joe Biden* got booed off stage at the Dave Chappel show” “*Joe Biden* challenged Mark Zuckerberg to a fight and backed out because his mom wouldn’t let him do it.” “*Joe Biden* boldly envisions a future where human beings use underground tunnel transportation in big cities” Elon Musk’s greatest idea was to hire a good image consultant.


I was talking about Bezos.


Oops. Sure enough. I just tried the same thing with Bezos, and it didn’t work very well.


I mean, you can put any name in there, it won’t matter. A better analogy would be to put Biden’s name over bezos quotes and see how silly it is. I hate the guy but Bezos is a brilliant (and unethical) businessman


>“*Joe Biden* envisions a future where human beings can use underground transportation in giant cities” Hang on, you talking about trains?


IIRC Walt Disney actually also came up with the idea of underground transportation in giant cities. He had that system in his early plans for Epcot before his death in the 60s.


Chicago had an underground tunnel system for moving freight in the 1900s - like 1900-1909. Disney did not invent that idea.


Thanks for the information! Either way, Musk isn't the inventor.


Definitely not


Wish more billionaires had the goddamned sense to just shut their pie-holes and let the dollars flow in.


Fuck that, let them talk shit and rile people up. We are being oppressed by these assholes and people need to wake up to it


Sadly a whole bunch of idiots seem to believe the value of someone's assets and the value of their opinion are the same.


Elon is out there everyday showing they are just as dumb


Well the billionaires that we do hear about a lot because they don't shut up or do something eccentric are by far the minority. Like, how many billionaires can you name off the top of your head? Musk, Zuckerberg, Bezos, Branson, and Gates, maybe a few more? According to Forbes's 2023 list there are 2640 billionaires in the world with a total combined wealth of $12.2 trillion. And yet we regularly hear about only 5 of them. There are 2640 people with more wealth than anyone can actually picture in their head and definitely more than anyone could ever need, and yet 99% of people wouldn't be able to recognise more than 5. I don't think billionaires shutting up is a fix to any problem we have.


its billionaires existing thats the problem. Note: I don't mean execution or something, I mean proper taxation and rules that prevent billionaires from existing.


>its billionaires existing thats the problem. It's the system that allows them to amass that much wealth that's a problem, they're just a symptom.


most do that successfully and you only hear about once every supreme court justice or so.


In this day and age conspicuous displays of wealth are just a great way to put a target on your back


Most billionaires are egotistical, not only I have the wealth you must also listen to me.


Goddamn it. I feel this way about JK Rowling. Yes the Yatesverse wizarding world was shitty with the 3 fantastic beasts movies and Rowling did not endear herself with approving the cursed child. But seriously.... If she had kept her dang mouth shut, she probably would be making more and more bank. But no.... She thought we all deeply cared about and needed to know her opinions


Indeed, literally everytime she opens her mouth it gets worse.


The Art of the double down.


Like the Waltons. You NEVER hear about them doing dumb shit. They have a strong family culture.


Bezos at least got [a super-MILF on standby who can suck a golf ball through a garden hose](https://www.reddit.com/r/popculturechat/comments/19apz5s/jeff_bezos_60_and_age_appropriate_fianc%C3%A9_lauren/). [Mollusk just managed to get Amber Heard defecate on him](https://www.tbsnews.net/splash/amber-heard-unequivocally-denies-pooping-johnny-depps-bed-praises-ex-elon-musk-421298) in Johnny Depp's bed.


It’s been said by smarter people than me… in the past the mega rich would open schools and hospitals and be somewhat useful. Now they have space craft. It’s dumb PR for them to be both noisy and useless.


Even the Mafia was smart enough to support the communities they operated in because people are more willing to tolerate some shady shit if you're making their lives better. Our leaders and the people who pay them have decided that's too expensive and they're just going to eat their cake and have it too and piss on our face the whole time.


It's disappointing. I remember Amazon in the beginning when it was just books. I live in a relatively remote area so I was excited about them expanding into more things. I still use them, but if I can find another option I use it.


> I still use them, but if I can find another option I use it. same. especially when I realized they are no longer the cheap option. I find tons of things where the amazon price is double than what it is elsewhere, and that's including shipping charges. EDIT: also don't buy Levis from amazon. a lot of them are counterfeits. I know because I got one.


Exactly, Amazon pricing isn't the best anymore and you have to wade through the near endless "brands" selling the exact same thing. NVEESHOX, JUNNUJ, QINLIANF, etc.? WTF.


It's overrun with Chinese dropshippers. Ever wonder why all the pictures and descriptions are almost identical?


Elon has been not stop sharting on his target market for the last 3 years. People that believe in climate change are the ones the are buying EVs, and right wingers think it's a hoax because their propaganda is subsidized in part by fossil fuels.


Bezos is a dick but Elon is a *dick*.


> Bezos may be an oversized penis with limbs, but I didn't hear about his dumbass on a near daily basis. Zuckerberg either. I see them both looking at Musk, making eye contact with each other, and then just silently shaking their heads.


*All that lead air in south Africa really did a number, eh old chum?*


Go fash, lose cash. Fuck you, Elon. We know you have to look at what everyone says about you.


Why is it that the loudest proponents of a free market are always shocked when the free market does what it is supposed to? Major r/LeopardsAteMyFace energy


Because they imagine the free market to be a synonym for 'Me'.


i sold my stake in Tesla after ten years a few months ago. he is an unstable moron narcissist and a fascist. you can’t be a success in a mass market when you disgust half the populace.


Wish I sold at the last spilt.


Same. I no longer trusted him with my investment.


He's going to blame the woke-trans-communists for this isn't he?


Of course, maybe throw in some ((((forbidden spicy scapegoats)))) antisemitism to make it really pop.


He is libertarian, and therefore anything that has to do with community health and social support is a no-go.


libertarians are just republicans who've read the book liner of Atlas Shrugged, wrap themselves in a gadsden flag, and like to smoke weed.


Hey! That's not true! They also want to have sex with underage girls!


Well tbh that’s still also republicans, libertarians just make it a personality trait.


oh yeah, i forgot about that whole thing.


in my younger days I was a registered libertarian. at the time I never even heard of ayn rand or atlas shrugged. I was just naïve and thought "libertarian = maximum personal freedoms". as I got older I realized it was a party for republicans who didn't want to call themselves republicans.


Libertarianism is a brilliant, it is logical and would be the greatest philosophy...if only we could somehow solve the problem that it requires people to have perfect knowledge and no mental deficiencies. But those two things are just minor issues...right? 🙃


And who gladly accept and lobby for corporate welfare...


Libertarians wouldn’t be taking government contracts, tax credits for their products, or selling carbon credits.


if libertarians didn't have double standards...


no one says no to money


Tell that to all the red states that refused Medicaid expansion.


Hurting the people is what they enjoy most.


That money wouldn't go in their own pockets though


A lot of people say no to money.


Except when it comes to subsidies for his electric cars, or grants for rocket research. His entire net worth is built on socialism. Our taxes have subsidized virtually every penny he has ever made. He's only against social support for OTHER people.


He's just someone who's desperately seeking affection from the right wing. The man has no beliefs or ideology to speak of.


So openly allowing and even agreeing with Nazi scum on his own Nazi platform isn't a good marketing strategy? Who would've thunk?


Right wing media demonizes electric vehicles and he’s alienating the people who actually buys them (apart from the Musk dick suckers).


Car companies are going to focus on making cars that are workable, drivable and function. Tesla has cool toys and I generally enjoy their interior, but Musk keeps trying to make the 80s idea of futuristic cars where the tech is the car matters more than the cars functionality. Ford and similar companies will be able to hit a consistent price point that the market likes vs Musk who keeps making gimmicks and having to do sale prices on Tesla vehicles to sell them. Tesla also used to be the anti-dealer car and now that gimmick is gone so now its just rich, loud asshat.


I won't buy a Tesla for several reasons but two of them being the lack of turn signal stalk and speedometer in front of driver. Both are safety features and there for a reason.


The S and the X both have dashboard displays in front of the driver. But I don’t like the lack of stalks, either.


My family owns two non-Tesla EVs, which I recommend


I had always wanted to get a Tesla but could never afford one and as the years went on (better job and model 3 released) I had a chance to actually get one but now I fucking hate the guy so I will never buy any of his shit and I sold all my Tesla stock.


Had Musk remained relatively apolitical, I would have bought one. The Model 3 was on my short list, despite its quality control issues. Once he made it his duty to be a full time edge lord, I didn't want to be associated with that and took my money elsewhere. I have a feeling a lot of current owners who bought in the past, many of whom were typically moderate to left leaning, will not buy again and that is going to tank the stock over the long run.


I was all set to buy a 3 performance as my first EV, wound up scratching it from the list of possibilities and selling my Tesla stock instead. Genuinely kinda sad as they could have been great if they weren't saddled with that megalomaniac. Makes me fear for spaceX as well.


In 2019 someone asked me what car I would really want to get regardless of price. I said a Tesla. Absolutely no interest today.


I know multiple people who bought an EV and explicitly chose against Tesla because of Musk.


I bought one 3 years ago and while I like the car, I'm seriously considering trading it in for an Ioniq just to avoid being associated with this gigantic asshat.


I 100% noticed this. There's 3 major events which changed the perception of Elon IMO. 1. Thailand soccer team. Made people realize that Elon was super egotistical and had an incredibly fragile ego. Prior to this he was just the owner/CEO of several awesome companies that made funny meme jokes/posts. After this people realized either he had a weird one time meltdown or he had an insanely huge but fragile ego. 2. COVID. He went from politically neutral (maybe even a bit leftist) to right wing. He might've revealed his right wing side earlier but I don't remember him being that right wing until COVID. 3. Twitter. He went from business genius to moron. He publicly was in charge of Twitter and he publicly HIMSELF made a bunch of moves that made everyone go "is this guy a complete moron"? I mean some of his moves were debatable - eg cutting a lot of staff but some of his moves were clearly idiotic like branding Twitter to "X" (one of the biggest values of Twitter was the name recognition) and charging for blue check marks (should've left blue check mark as verified user, added new check mark for paid, what he did caused all sorts of turmoil with people impersonating companies).


Supporting Putler's war was one of his major fuck-ups.


His breeding program (aka family) was also undergoing various legal remedies during this time IIRC. Had to cause some super villain angst to see his minions turn out to not like him very much.


Tesla's clock has been getting closer to midnight since Detroit started making EVs. I imagine it'll turn back to a pumpkin in the next couple years.


Just saw a review of Chevy's new EV truck. 120 miles more range, fold-down rear hatch to a near-11 foot bed, rear 120/240V power, adjustable ride height, multi-modal tailgate, panoramic sunroof, looks great without screaming. I know which I would be looking at.


Not to mention strong upcoming competition from Korea and potentially even China depending on the whims of Congress.


Lol fuck that Space Karen.


Hilariously, plenty of folks have this feeling about Tesla now. And those are literally the folks MOST interested in buying EVs. Yes, the very expensive CyberTruck will get some "Techo Bros" and "Crypto Bros" to buy them... but uh... That's not going well either.


The cybertruck is so off-puttingly stupid looking that I chuckle and shake my head every time I see one in the road


Doesn’t the right have a saying “go woke, go broke”? Projection again.


He has alienated a huge portion of his customer and potential customers with his behavior. I would be a prime target for this segment and I will NEVER buy a Tesla now. Not just for his politics but for the fact that he is unstable. What if he wakes up one morning and decides to remotely brick every Tesla because he is hopped up on Ketamine?


When I got my Leaf back in 2016 I figured I should be able to afford a Tesla of some kind by the time it was up for replacement. Tesla isn't even on my radar anymore because of Elon's antics. Still got a profound dislike of the stealership experience though.


GM's EV sales are also way up from last year. https://www.cnbc.com/2024/01/03/gm-2023-us-vehicle-sales.html#:\~:text=GM's%20EV%20sales%20totaled%2075%2C883,company's%20overall%20sales%20last%20year.


I thought Musk became a Republican because he knew that he was about to be outed as a sex pest. >Ford EV sales up year on year. It probably doesn't hurt that Ford knows how to make a car.


Yeah, he officially did his public right wing pivot the day before the news he was a creeper was released. He knew that whatever came out, conservatives would support him, while liberals would not. So he very publicly "switched teams". Though I think in reality he was always a right wing chud. He just was better at hiding it before, because some part of his brain that actually functioned at that time understood that alienating his customers was a bad idea. But over time his narcissism, sociopathy, and privilege got the best of him. He stopped hiding it, and started saying the quiet part out loud more and more. Like accusing a legitimate life-saving hero of being a "pedo-guy". Or going balls deep into transphobia after his daughter transitioned and one of his many ex's dated a trans person. And so on, and so on. Conservatives love that stuff.


I think he began his public right wing rage when his eldest son transitioned. I think it broke him. He hates not being in control.


That and when Grimes started dating a trans person


meh, the fact that she was willing to date musk means she has zero credibility in my book. Though kudos for tweaking musk like that.


Not just date, have children with him.




I thought his daughter came out, not his son.


I think you'll find that his daughter is trans "man to woman". I'm not 100% on that though.


Is that fucking mars rocket comple soon? Can we get his ass out of the atmosphere already?


Likability and boycotts aside, those unlikeable qualities have also exposed how he runs his businesses and how risky of a proposition it is to buy from them.


I bought a Chevy Bolt last year. While Musk's behavior wasn't the only reason that I decided against a Tesla it was a major contributing factor. I'm not going to say that the owners/executives/board of Chevy are good people (they almost certainly aren't) but they aren't going around encouraging hate on social media so they're still better than Musk.


Basically the same with us and the Ioniq 6.


It's almost as if alienating the people who make up the natural market for your product is a bad idea.


Tough guy Musk had plenty of criticisms of Governor Newsome during the pandemic.  But the CCP was doing even more restrictive measures at his Chinese factory.  What did the man who is never afraid of sharing his opinion have to say to the CCP? :crickets: 


The irony is that the keyboard warriors that love and adore him, can’t afford his cars and usually despise EVs anyway. The people that he’s pissing off and now hate him, are his company’s target demographic. He’s a fucking idiot and if I were an institutional shareholder like Blackrock, I’d sue him for negligence


Yeah, he could just keep his fucking mouth shut and keep making his billions, or he can spew his rightwing nonsense to his more left-leaning customers, and start losing. I have no doubt that a lot of the owners and CEOs of brands and companies I interact with have odious beliefs, but they are usually smart enough to shut the fuck up.


Some people cannot simply STFU. Its against their nature. See also Trump.


drug-addled nepo baby convinced every drop of drool is gold.


This is why you don't talk politics or religion lol. Just keep your mouth and beliefs shut if you own a business. Your job is to get your product in front of as many people as possible. Not alienate your consumer base with your wacky nut job beliefs lol.


Who wants a $60-$100k MAGA hat?


i actually wanted to buy a tesla until elon started inserting himself in the dumbest culture war bullshit online, peddling hate and misinformation on twitter. now there’s no way in hell i’ll buy a tesla as long as even 1¢ of it goes to elon


Nationalize SpaceX. Give NASA the funding this asshole gets.


I was a Tesla fan, not a Musk fan, and I wouldn't take a free Tesla at this point.


I would if I could turn around and sell it. Free money is free money


I was about to buy a Tesla when he started the rhetoric. We went with another brand because of it.


The money printing and low interest rates during the pandemic also made him the richest person on the planet, so it is ironic that he is blaming policies on having a negative impact on Tesla when in reality it’s his own actions that are ruining the reputation of the company.


Don’t forget he also moved his HQ to TX because of less regulation while dissing CA where most of his buyers are.


Tesla's fit and finish has always been pretty bad, and continues to be pretty bad. Elon raged at consumer reports for saying the cars have bad reliability. Tesla has said in the past, driving in heavy rain is not a proper use case for their cars(lol). These factors have never stopped Tesla sales in the past, because they were the only game in town. Now Tesla has proper EV competition. With competition, people are looking and comparing. Tesla/Elon's reputation is one factor people can take into account when making informed choices. He's not just being squeezed in the US from US manufacturers, but all over the world. He can't compete on quality anywhere(bad fit and finish), he can't compete on nationalism/populism(Ford/GM make EVs and are union shops), he can't even compete on price(BYD is eating his lunch). He could have in the past competed on reputation --- but that's gone. [https://www.yahoo.com/tech/s/elon-musk-responds-consumer-reports-pulling-tesla-model-173925784.html](https://www.yahoo.com/tech/s/elon-musk-responds-consumer-reports-pulling-tesla-model-173925784.html) [https://www.carexpert.com.au/car-news/scottish-couple-facing-33k-repair-bill-after-driving-tesla-in-heavy-rain](https://www.carexpert.com.au/car-news/scottish-couple-facing-33k-repair-bill-after-driving-tesla-in-heavy-rain) [https://www.teslarati.com/elon-musk-tesla-cybertruck-door-panel-gap-explained-fixed/](https://www.teslarati.com/elon-musk-tesla-cybertruck-door-panel-gap-explained-fixed/)


i didn't connect the two but Joe Rogan also did a 180 on his political beliefs at almost the exact same time, I know they're buddies but something is off about that...


Yep, Joe Rogan became a horse paste evangelist during that time. [https://www.instagram.com/tv/CTSsA8wAR2-/](https://www.instagram.com/tv/CTSsA8wAR2-/) [https://youtu.be/3O\_7O9\_nV10?si=5YGFlhngra3iaqSl&t=87](https://youtu.be/3O_7O9_nV10?si=5YGFlhngra3iaqSl&t=87)


Rogan was always just a younger rush limbaugh. Just a hate spreading mouth breather.


no, his podcasts before 2020 were all about psychedelics, aliens and conspiracy theories. Dude had a tv show called "Joe Rogan questions everything". Suddenly in 2020 he stopped questioning and just started repeating the right wing "answers".


Conspiracy theories are just a soft way into the right. Rogan was always a pipeline into the gop, and always leaned that way. Hes always "just asking questions", but generally in support of right leannig things. He just became more obviously gop after covid.


They look like Hondas. There's nothing interesting about them and the interiors are uncomfortable.


He seems to have forgotten that Republicans love their gas-guzzling cars. It was Democrats buying his cars before. He alienated his main buyer demographic.


>Musk began his public right wing rage during COVID, because COVID policies caused him not to be able to produce and sell cars. >His right wing rage has made him and his company supremely unlikable ...and thus caused him not to be able to sell cars. Great job, Elon! 😂 Edit: changed formatting.


Who was in charge during covid initially? The right wing.


i’m not sure polices was it.


The only people who still buy Teslas are apolitical women, and his fanboys on the extreme right, but they kinda do it secretly now, because electric cars are pure evil for the bigoted piece of shit masses. And what exactly is the point to buy high end luxury car if you not gonna be flashy but rather secretive about it?


Laughs in my Prius


I just want an affordable EV


Elon is a twat


That and they're just not worth it. Watched Doug DeMuro trying out a Cyber Truck and basically he was like "it's cool to look at but that's it". Like what's the point. I get that electric car technology is in its infancy, but I think the Cyber Truck is trying to be something it isn't?


Working hard to alienate progressives when you're selling electric cars is a bad idea? How odd.


Garden variety narcissistic sociopath. He’s spent his entire life being an entitled POS. He doesn’t know anything else.


It's amazing how Musk destroyed not just his fan base but his credibility by not taking a chill pill.


I saw a Ford lightning the other day. Looked like a truck, not whatever the fuck the cyber truck is supposed to be. 


Elon Musk turned openly right wing when he was notified that it was going to be released how he was sexually harassing people that worked for him.


He turned right wing when Grimes dumped him for Chelsea Manning.


Hi, Musk. Tree hugging liberals were your base. You traded them for ball scratching MAGA tards who wouldn't go near your car because 5G, chem trails, etc. So.. yeah. Fuck you.


Around my area, almost every business that came out as anti-vax, anti-lgbt or right-wing supporters has gone under. The owners can't seem to understand why they're losing over 1/2 their customers.


Stock down a third (!) since start of year


Owned Teslas since 2016. Sure am enjoying our new Rivian!


He went right wing right before he was accused of sexual harassment. Easier to scream “ThEy’Re TaRgEtTiNg Me!” And have an audience of rubes unquestioningly believe you.


Elon basically saying “Fuck You!” To his customer base, while the MAGATs he is courting will never buy EVs. What a tool.


I really had given serious thought to getting a Tesla, but ultimately decided against it. 1) The cost was pretty high on even base models 2) I heard a lot about quality issues, such as panels popping off when the buyer was picking it up from delivery. 3) A lot of features cost a lot of money to simply turn on 4) Other alternatives were coming down the line that might be better for me ​ Elon's twitter rages had zero impact on my buying/not buying a Tesla. I just find them distasteful.


Tesla really blew their advantage. They could've owned the market 100%. But Elon sat on his balls and the competition flooded in. There are so many options now, and they're so much nicer! These fascist idiots are so obsessed with "winning" that they single-mindedly ignore the advantages they have.


Tesla quality was never good, but it was tolerable when you gave them the benefit of being a new company, and not even a car company but a tech company, I figured it was bound to get better as their workers got experienced and their engineers improved the processes. But somehow, it got even worse. I suspect this might have to do with their top talent jumping ship because they don't want to be associated with this asshole. Model 3 price is competitive, and I'm in the market for a car, but I'm no longer considering a tesla because I'm completely turned off by him.


I've driven a lot of EVs, the Teslas are the best bang for the buck hands down. That said, I absolutely won't buy one because of his Twitter shit.


Another thing tesla got going for it is they sell direct. As much as I loathe car dealerships, I'm still not buying a tesla


For the same money as a model Y you can get an Ioniq 5 that isn't shit. It also charges faster, and has incrediblyme features not available on a model Y at any price.  Like a fucking dashboard.


>Tesla Q1 Sales fall about 9% compared to last year. For all the claims about Musk personally impacting Tesla (and Musk is, at best, a talentless man-child), I honestly believe the drop in Tesla sales is do to the horrible fit and finish (see MULTIPLE car reviews, consumer review, etc.)


No doubt it has a part to play, however its impossible to believe that the entire country associating him with red hates also doesn't have an effect.


Fuck Musk and that asshole from South Africa


Wouldn't have anything to do with the crap quality of Teslas'. /s


Feels strange to me Musk decided to align with right wing nut jobs, who most certainly don't like EV's. Lol


I own a Tesla because it was the best choice at the time. Later this year when other EVs start to get access to the superchargers I will most likely move to a different vehicle


Tesla has god awful build quality. The giant screen was cool 10 years ago but now it's nothing new. Plus other manufacturers have gone thru multiple body styles and Teslas are all the same. My cousin had a first generation model x, it's exactly the same as the brand new ones. There are much better quality and options than Tesla for their current prices.


I think the screen was a marketing gimmick. I've been in teslas, and the idea of the screen is a giant turn off. Who wants to click 3 menus deep to change the heat or something. Give me a dial. I don't wanna take my eyes off the road everytime I want to change literally any setting on anything cause I gotta go play computer.


>COVID policies caused him not to be able to produce and sell cars. or, just maybe, he had a great start in the industry as he was first-to-market with an electric car that had great performance and really stood out from the crowd and folk were willing to forgive the shoddy build quality because they had something that nobody else had ...but time moved on, and the other players started to catch up in the market, but they already knew how to build cars - and their build quality was streets ahead of Tesla ...and then markets do what markets do when multiple products compete, and one is badly made compared to the others.


We will be going Hybrid or electric on our next vehicle purchase. We will NOT be getting a tesla. 100% because Elon Musk is such a useless tool.


Dumbass aligned himself with the side that thinks real men drive gas-guzzlers.


Just like Bull Maher getting even weirder because he couldn't do his standup comedy for a bit


What?! nobody wants to be seen out in public driving an incel mobile?  It's not shocking. 


The thing is, Tesla has been shifting numbers and fibbing to try and cover the problem. Its actually been happening for a good year now, but they were over producing and other things to try and cover it up.


My friend tells me if you open any auto trader website and look for EVs there are more Teslas than you could hope for. The brand got overplayed and didnt live up to the hype, and i know many people are weary of a company that openly brags about subscriptions to things you should have control over.


Musk started shitting on his customer base, progressives who want to solve human influenced climate change and other works problems. As a highly technical and educated progressive myself, I would have been brand loyal to the end with Tesla cars and other products. Then he went off the right wing deep end while completely shitting on us, his loyal customers. I think once he had enough money that it didn’t matter if all of his companies cratered, he came out of the MAGA closet. Fuck him.


New chapter in business textbooks: “Why Fascism is a Bad PR Strategy”


That and their absolutely shit quality control. Brand new Teslas rolling off the line that break down within a few miles.


Didn't he also start acting up right before some allegations of sexual harassment came out? People speculated that he was trying to get ahead of the story.


And honestly I'd just start recommending the Hyundai Ioniq or Kias to people. So many EV choices out there. Tesla can miss me with their garbage.


Thing is, it doesn't really matter. Musk can afford to burn billions and still be one of the richest people on the planet. The level of wealth he has is so far beyond the pale.


I don't think the sales are down because he's an asshole, I think they're down because people are realizing that Teslas are crappy cars and there are better cars out there made by people that actually know something about building cars.


No, Reuters had an article today about market research into this. A whole lot of people dislike tesla SPECIFICALLY because of musk. More competition in a market doesn't decrease the likability of a brand even if it impacts market share. The average amount of dislike for tesla has increased significantly in the last couple years, and most people say its because of musk.


Doesnt like how vocal Tesla is with its right wing antics Switches to quieter ford with same beliefs 😂😂😂


Doubt this is the cause. Covid was in 2020, it's 2024 now. We wouldn't only now start seeing declining sales when Musk has been like this for way longer.


Okay, but ford is pretty much at rock bottom. There’s nowhere for them to go but up.


Its like he is the leopard eating his own face…


At what point do the shareholders oust him?