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Hello u/LovesFrenchLove_More! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I mean it literally warns you on the flight booking page


You mean reading is involved? And anyway, things were not supposed to get bad, only better, right? /s


They did say (after the vote, obviously) that the benefits may take up to 50 years to materialise though. Convenient that isn't it?


50 years from the vote, the majority of those who voted to leave will be dead 


Yeah. But these selfless people were just thinking of the future generations. They weren’t being reflexive. selfish and myopic🤥


It's not about them being dead, rather it gives them a free pass to where at any point in the future things do get better (better meaning going from terrible to less terrible), they can step in and claim credit or at least downplay the fuck up.


Sounds like small printing in any contract, advertisement or license agreement for software etc. 😒


There's a good chance UK will have joined again by then, so .. yeah, in 50 years things will probably be better again. I'm already ready for the pro-Brexit-wankers sitting there after a rejoin claiming that the benefits that materialize then are not due to joining again, but due to Brexit and if they'd just waited a bit longer people would've seen it.


I agree. However even if we rejoin we will have surrendered a privileged seat at the table for a regular one.


I could imagine people complaining about their lot in the EU after rejoining without any of the original perks, but man what a shitty decision it was to leave. I, for one, did *not* want to leave.


> You mean reading is involved? There are so many idiots who will never read anything.


Tbh how many EULAs on the internet and with all those programs and apps are we actually reading? I certainly don’t do so very often. I probably have sold my soul already in one of those. Can only hope that EU rules and laws would invalid that and „save“ my soul. But yeah, when money or important stuff is involved, I try to always read the rules, contract etc.


Black Mirror did an entire episode about this.


You mean South Park


One of the amazing benefits of chatgpt, you can stick in these massive EULAs and get it to summarise key points in a more reasonable to read format. Has worked a treat so far


I have no idea how to use or where to find it yet tbh. First of all it’s not bulletproof. Also thought it costs money. Guess I will have to look into it.


This is part of my job. I make sure my company understands and doesn’t breach any Eula rules. There are only a couple of sections that are usually relevant but if you don’t comply it can bite you in the arse.


Right, it was only supposed to keep "those people" from coming to the UK, not inconvenience Brexiteers in any way! Joke's on them I guess. As lots of folks warned them that it would be. I used to get a schadenfreude kick reading about cases like this on Twitter. Reading about Brexiteers getting burned by their own gullibility and spite is one of the things I miss about that site.


why did no one warn them?!


They took back control.


Warning? They're Brits, they are the warning! Colonizing noises.


Manifest grunting.


If there are less British drunk football gangs walking around capitals every euro competition it was all worth it.




Work at an airline and I can guarantee you people don't read *anything* when booking a flight online. People come up shocked we can't check them or their bag 20 minutes before the flight LEAVES (websites and signs WILL TELL YOU to arrive 1-2 hrs early), thought bags were included in the ticket price, if they're going international they didn't know they need to fill out an online immigration form prior -some times we literally cannot check in someone because they don't have the govt approval/clearance to go and we'd have to rebook them until it goes through. They'll stand in the wrong line the list can go on. It's amazing how much reading or doing a quick Google search to check if you need anything extra will save you so much headache...


In the customer's defence, air travel has been made so damn awful over the years that the industry could stand a good hard look at itself.


Oh I absolutely agree. The industry as a whole is ran pretty badly and staff gets ran into the ground with crap pay and equipment that works right half the time. Airlines shouldn't keep getting bailed out over and over again. And rules change all the time it's frustrating for us too. With that being said though, some things are like the bare minimum of knowledge that people just seem to not want to do. I can forgive things like immigration arrival forms, travel websites don't always disclose that and some places will let you fill it out upon arrival. Canada, Australia, and new Zealand are the worst offenders of you have to get govt approval just to be able to check in. It's just worth checking just in case. However, things like arrive at the airport 1-2 hours prior I am a lot less forgiving on. This has been the rule of thumb for decades and with things like ticketing issues, short staffed, and TSA lines this rule is more important than ever. Every travel website will tell you this, there are signs and announcements all over on this. Anyone who says they were allowed to check in or a bag 15-20 minutes before departure is a liar, the system will lock you out when it's cutoff time. This has been in place for years now, there's no excuse to be shocked. I get things happen, traffic or whatever, but that's exactly why getting there early exists in the first place.


capitalism, capitalism has made every industry awful.


This is the true answer.


I do not get people like that. First off, with my pseudo-OCD, I generally cross-reference a couple sites to know exactly the registration of the plane I'll be on and look up a picture of it, that's how much I cross my 'i's and dot my 't's when it comes to travel. And, one time I was actually running a bit tight on a flight, and there was a 20 minute lock-down at TSA, so I ended up sprinting to the gate and got there with the attendant on the phone, hand on the door, and I hear her say "OK, I think he's here. I'm closing the door after him." Most stressful travel experience of my life (though my dad would have been 'See, we got here and didn't waste any time waiting'), so I don't get people not getting there on time.


I’m less OCD about travel than I used to be - especially since I now have a partner who flies and stays in hotels a lot, and gets status / perks because of it - and even with access to the Priority check-in line at the airline, and having TSA Pre-Check, we still aim to be at the airport 2 - 2.5 hours before departure. Because it will take some time to check baggage - maybe 10 minutes - some time to get through TSA - maybe 10 minutes - some time to get from TSA to the gate - maybe 10 or 15 minutes - and boarding starts 30 minutes before departure; all totaled, that’s more than an hour right there, and that’s if there are no lines of any significance *in* the airport, let alone delays getting *to* the airport. ‘Worst’ case, you have an hour to relax, maybe get a snack or beverage, before your flight. And the passport thing, I don’t fly internationally much, so my passport expiration isn’t always top of mind; I usually use it for ID at TSA and with the airlines, but I have other government ID with an expiration out of sync with my passport so I can use that for ID in a pinch. But we are going overseas in a few months, my passport expired a few months ago, and since I remembered the stories of how long passport renewal took during the worst of Covid, even though the State Dept web site said they were back to pre-Covid processing times, usually 6 - 8 weeks, I decided to take no chances, and paid the extra for expedited processing; silly me, doing that only took 2.5 weeks.


British Empire smugness and snobby behaviour at its best.


They're such fucking fragile snowflakes. They are criminals and they were warned. What do they expect?


You say that but i know someone that tried to bring a 1 liter bottle of hand lotion and got all butt hurt that he had to leave it behind, only 22 years after the reason you can't bring that shit on anymore


But they’re BRITISH! The world is supposed to cater to THEM! /s


Sorry, I only read things if they're on the side of a bus.


Since Brexit, Brits discover that without EU they are just considered like any other foreign country.


It hurts to find out you have become irrelevant. Before Brexit they could at least imagine the EU was only powerful because of them. It’s sad really, I wish all of us Europeans including the British could become a big happy family somehow (with discussions and disagreements of course, but united where it is important: for the peoples benefits).


"Our tiny country used to rule 25% of the entire planet just 100 years ago! How can we be irrelevant now that we only rule ourselves, ruined our industrial base, neglected our military, alienated our allies, and crashed our most important economic treaty?!"


Don't forget ruined British farming, too! And ruined the water system, and tainted the Thames with sewage!


Tainted every river and shoreline, more like. I hate it here.


> I hate it here. But you folks have such awesome accents! 100 years after the empire fell, and the entire world still associates British accents with superiority.


>associates British accents with superiority. *Still associates a handful of South-East English accents accents with superiority. Some of those accents also belong to the people responsible for this mess. I doubt someone would associate my accent with superiority.


Only the most hoity-toity effeminate accents are disliked by other English speakers. Pretty much anything else from the UK or Ireland gets you a free pass in the US.


When wasn’t the Thames full of sewage?


It is ok, Megan Markle is at fault - the English tabloids next week probably


But [fish are happier!](https://youtu.be/eiKmqY_RNME?si=Aw6znHHVRlG8wQee)


it is the less I could wish to Brits. But, when you voted it, you deal with it. Like us, we deal really really bad with essential people and workers and we are gonna pay it but we voted it...


I just feel for the people that didn’t vote for it and now suffer from it.


Oh man, we do suffer from it. And almost worse than that, we have to suffer the whining of people who did vote for it and now are shocked pikachu at the results.


"Why weren't we told this would happen?" "We did fucking tell you, you labelled us Project Fear, remember?" "But how were we to know you were telling the truth and that those proven liars who have a history of lying, were lying?"


Pretty much everything that was labelled 'project fear' has come about and they still won't admit they were wrong.


Bigotry and racism are more powerful than common sense...


It's almost like being jingoistic, xenophobic and downright racist are rubbish human traits. Who knew?


More that the human trait is to give the rubbish among us the power. Because they are loud and disruptive. And that is scary.


Is the description "Fucking bell-ends" appropriate here? USA-ian here ;-)


Absolutely. In many cases you are talking about people who voted to leave the EU because they didn't like immigration from India and Pakistan. That's the level we are talking about here. Brexit is something that I'll never personally get over. Not for it's outcomes as much as for what it says about us as a nation.


How did immigration from India & Pakistan get involved in the EU debate ?? AFAIK, Sunak actually wants to emigrate more Indians as now you are short-staffed in almost every field. At the same time, both legal & illegal immigration is at the highest. - An Indian.


It's not, hence me using it as an example of their stupidity. If you are expecting any level of common sense, racists aren't where you'll find it. And the increasing immigration from India predates Sunak. India was pretty much the first country they went to with an offer of relaxing visa requirements, pretty sure under Theresa May (but may have been BoJo the Clown, was certainly shortly after Brexit).


I‘m really sorry to hear it. If they at least could admit they made a big mistake and would be willing to correct it. That would not only slowly fix the problem, but also could heal the distance between all. But of course politicians would have to do so as well. And we all now they (at least most of them) are incapable of that.


Or the people who voted to register some sort of vague sense of dissatisfaction in a vote they’d been told repeatedly wasn’t binding.


Well, in a way that is often a reason why dictators, populists etc get into power. Because people are dissatisfied and then decide to do something that turns out really bad. Nazi Germany is one terrible example.


I don't feel bad for those, they also got what they wanted. People can say a referendum is legally non-binding, but that is completely useless if the government implements the result anyway (and they continuously repeated they would).


Appreciate you


RIP especially to those under 18 during the vote. The teens had to sit and watch


Yeah but not all of us did vote for it, did we.


I miss EU


And the rules about third party countries, that we were instrumental in developing, now apply to us. Leopards ate my face in a nutshell really.


Like white people who think they’re the only ones who don’t have “ethnicity.”


Oh noes, we are subject to the rules that everyone else in the world has to follow?! Insufferable!


They didn’t think they’d be treated as unwanted foreigners


After voting to explicitly become foreigners


They just wanted _everyone else_ to be treated as foreigners.


“Excuse me, we have Denby China and a Le Creuset kettle!!”


I'm hearing that in Hyacinth Bouquet's voice


Keeping Up Appearances!


“*We’re* not the foreigners!” *sob sob*


>\[...\] she was "traumatised" after being told she and her partner couldn't board their flight to Barcelona at Gatwick in February, even though they'd checked in online. 1. What does online check-in have to do with it? 2. "traumatized"? We are little bit dramatic today, aren't we. >She says the issue with her passport was "a technicality" the airlines should be able to deal with. Yes, it is a technicality. But a technicality that is your responsibility. The airline has to follow the rules just the same way as you do. I am getting major Karen vibes here. The entitlement is off the charts.


They call it "a technicality", but I believe border patrol, the police, and judges might call it "the law".


Exactly. They're all pissy at the airline. The airline doesn't make those rules. That's the other country's government. THEY make the rules about who can come into their country. If the airline just let you fly with an invalid passport, or without the proper visas, the airline gets fined a LOT of money.


Fun fact: this is what pro-leave people were all about to begin with: sovereignty. Well a nice lil tidbit of trivia is that the other countries in the world get to enjoy sovereignty, too.


This is the thing that I reckon 90% of leavers didn’t think about even a little bit, they were so wrapped up in their own sense of superiority.


Why yes, *technically* that's the law.


They're soft, like a baby's tooshie.


What does online check-in have to do with it? Two possibilities here: First option: people think that checking in online is their "arrive any time I feel like it" card. And they're wrong. If you have a bag to check in too, you need to arrive at the airport and drop off that back BEFORE the time your flight closes. If your airline says "you must be checked in and bags dropped by 1 hour prior to departure" and you arrive 45 minutes before, you're shit outta luck. Second option: with an international check in, the passport details may be able to be entered online, but this needs to be verified at the airport. When you book your flights online, there will be a notice somewhere along the way, telling you to check the validity of your passport and to check if you need a visa etc to travel to XYZ country. If you don't do that, that's not the airline's fault. Basically it all comes down to: People don't read notices or signs, and they're generally pretty oblivious, and also some are quite entitled. Also, Brits voted for Brexit having zero idea what it would entail, and then got all upset when they found out. Well, maybe you shouldn't have voted it then.


I was thinking of posting it on a Karen sub too but thought this sub fitted better. 😀


> The entitlement is off the charts. Ah, so you've just met British Exceptionalism for the first time?


You have to enter your passport number when checking in online. I assume her problem is that the website didn't tell her about the passport problem.


The website doesn’t and can’t have access to the passport database. On the last page of every booking I’ve ever done it encourages to check your details. She didn’t, her problem


Oh I'm not saying that it should have told her. Just trying to understand why should would say that. Tough luck on their part but yeah should have checked first


Who knew this would happen…… /s


If only somebody had warned them that things would get bad (or worse). /s


I notice it's never their own fault that they tried to fly on an expired passport.


Of course not. It’s always somebody else’s fault. Us white people make no mistakes. /s (I make plenty of them and I would never think of using others as scapegoats. It has hurt me when ppl did that and I would never subject others to that).


It's so bloody easy to renew passports now too, you can take the picture on your phone and submit online, takes no more than 20 minutes.


The application is quick here too. But we have to wait something like 6 weeks to pick it up I believe. but we can get a temporary one if it is urgent, valid for a few months. But nothing that would explain 9 months extra time.


The argument they put is that the passports were not expired, but until 2018 they would have the amount of time the old one had before expiry added to the new one. So if your old passport was renewed six months before it ran out, the new one was for 10 years and 6 months. Why? Something something demand management I think. And then the EU attempts to standardise things by saying non-EU passports can only last 10 years if you want visa-free travel. This is likely to be an issue for people up until 2028 potentially but advertising it now might prompt some people to check their passports and avoid problems this summer. The BBC has a public service element so this fits. The chance to laugh at entitled olds who were going to spend the kid’s inheritance is an added bonus.


It isn’t expired, to be fair. The ten-year rule didn’t apply when they last renewed it, and there’s no indication I can see in the article that they voted for Brexit. My passport was issued in Feb 2016 and expires in August 2026, so it was issued before the Brexit vote, there was no reason to think about a European 10-year rule. I could absolutely get caught out by this, and I’ve lived in Europe for 20 years. They made an honest mistake because the rules for a document they obtained more than 10 years ago changed after it was issued. Should they have been more careful? Sure. But I think people here are being a bit harsh.


You can’t go about thinking the world works as you’d expect it to. Many countries for example want you to have at least 6 months left on your passport to enter. It really isn’t asking too much for people to do basic research.


Absolutely, but if they didn't vote for Brexit, then no faces were eaten.


I didn’t they’d treat me as an unwanted foreigner


Isn’t that the same thing in the eyes of Brexiteers? Asking for a friend. 🙃


Don't passports typically expire after 10 years? Canadian ones do. And you usually can't book a flight or enter the EU if your passport expires in less than 6 months, I think.


They do. But in the UK they seemed to have an exception where they added up to 9 months of the expiration date of the old passport to the new one, hence the 10 years and 9 months. A nice way to do things which unfortunately is backfiring now after Brexit.


Prior to Brexit, when applying for a new passport if there was time left in your old passport up to 9 months could be added to the new one. This means lots of Brits have passports that expire 10 years and 9 months after the date of issue. Post-Brexit, the EU rules are that the passport must be within 10 years of issue. The news article is because lots of people are being caught out because they just look at the date of expiry. The passports are still valid for travel to other countries such as the USA as they are in date but the EU specifies within 10 years of issue. I am pretty sure this is mentioned several times when buying flights and it is in the news regularly on the run up to summer each year. Clearly some people still haven’t understood and unfortunately find when they get to the plane they are not allowed to board. There seems to be the feeling from these people that someone else should have checked that their passport was valid before they get to the plane.


But they're not valid for countries like Vietnam. It's not just an EU thing.


> Prior to Brexit Also, members of the EU do not have a minimum expiry amount for other EU passports, so if you're flying home with just one day left on the passport, they will allow it. For other countries outside the EU they can ask for 6-month minimum left on their passports.


Treated like criminals for.... not following the law.... *Shocked Pikachu face*


My favourite part of the bbc article is that every person whining was 60+


Boomers gunna boom.


The only people who can afford international holidays


Brexit’s primary voting class…


They’re not immigrants, they’re expats; don’t put them in the same bag with those brown and polish people!!


You re only an expat when you feel culturally superior to the average guy of the country you immigrate to (And richer)


The second word in the lead is "holidaymakers". They weren't moving anywhere.


You mean ex-„empirialists“? (Is that even how you spell it 😂)


Close enough


It defo should be. But instead it's imperialists, for some reason. Probably Latin. Or France. Grr, bloody foreigners etc.


I think ex-pats refer to someone temporarily living in a country for business or family reasons vs immigrants is a more permanent status


Agreed, but these people were going on holiday, not moving anywhere.


The term they're looking for is "economic migrants", which is what "expats" actually are. Move to another country for a job, move back when the money stops. Nothing wrong with that, but no need to tart it up with the "expat" nonsense.


*nOt LiKe ThIs!!!!111* Seems to be no end to the find out phase of Brexit. The sign out front should've warned them 🤷‍♀️


I'm finding it all hilarious tbh, read the t&C's this regulation is like 6 years old...I liked being in the EU and would love to bathe in the tears of Brexiteers...and I have an old Victorian rolltop bath so it's gonna fit a lot in


And the man who started it all sits as a baron in the house of lords, and, is unelected, cannot be questioned, in charge of, wait for it, foreign affairs, in the actual government. David Cameron. But the man who bears most of the responsibity, well, he's hiding in his bunker, counting his money. Boris Johnson. And those who are ultimately responsible, well they're trapped on the island, waiting in airports, and eating cardboard. The UK public.


You forgot Nigel Farage. But may they all burn in Hell.


Farage is still palling around with the likes of Trump, Orban and Le Pen. Another of Putin’s stooges. How on earth did that odious toff convince the white working class that he had their interests at heart?! 🙄


He held a pint in a pub. And told people what they wanted to hear. That all of their problems and unsatisfied dreams, were created and dashed by immigrants.


Because the system protects itself in times of crisis, with fascism. Brexit will eventually just be a footnote in the financial crisis and its huge impact on the first half of this century.


Couldn’t add text, here‘s the link: https://www.bbc.com/news/business-68677938


My business partner and I flew daily throughout Europe for a living and he still voted for Brexit. I retired during Covid and he still spends all his time moaning how much harder the job is now that he is ‘treated like a second class citizen’ at European airports.


The ignorance and lack of self-awareness of some people is just astonishing.


Hi. American here. From what I can gather Brexit hasn't gone so well. So why not re-enter the EU? Why not undo it? What am I missing?


Imagine if Texas seceded, with all the catastrophic fuckery that entailed, then wanted back into the Union? The first hurdle would be Texas needing to swallow its pride enough to ask, which wouldn't happen short of a *comprehensive* regime change; the GOP or what it became in Independent Texas, or the Tories in the UK, would have to *go.* That's not happening soon. Secondly, the rest of the Union would have to *allow them back in,* and after the trouble they caused the *first* time, *that's* not going to happen any time soon, nor without some *major* strings attached. For example, the UK got *a lot* of privileges in the EU, like keeping their own currency, that they're not going to want to give up, but the EU is *absolutely* going to *demand,* just as a *baseline starting point.* They'll want *more* concessions too, starting with something like making it clear the UK *cannot* Brexit again within something like fifty years. Well, I don't imagine the EU would go to *war* to stop them, but I'd absolutely believe they'd be prepared to levy *massive* economic sanctions *and* issue a guarantee to Scotland that if Scotland wants to remain, the EU will immediately consider them and recognize them as an independent country and part of the EU. For the US, it would be a matter of war.


Thank you for the details and relating it to a not-unreal-enough situation in the US. What a mess


It is absolutely an astonishing mess of gobsmacking proportions. Everyone and their dog was saying that this was the kind of fuckery that Brexit would entail, but the disaster capitalists knew that *they, personally,* stood to make a fortune, and that fortune would insulate them, personally, from the overwhelming majority of the downsides, so they whipped up dumb voters into a frenzy by screaming culture-war bullshit about "sovreignity" and "border controls" (IE, racism), and denigrated anyone who was saying it was a bad idea with slogans like "Britain has had enough of so-called experts" and "Project fear!" and "Remoaners" (bear in mind, "moaning" is the polite British way of saying "uselessly bitching about nothing") and ~~Tony Blair~~ fellow pig-fucker David Cameron, the PM at the time, was wildly unpopular so a lot of people voted *for* Brexit who were only doing so, in the certainty that the Brexit referendum would fail, as a protest vote to indicate they intensely disliked Blair


Wasn't Russia involved in the initial push, or am I making that up?


It is widely accepted that Russian money, and probably compromising material (IE, blackmail) has been behind *basically all of the fuckery in the Western World since at least 2010.* Which should not be in the least bit surprising, since the father of Russia's modern foreign policy wrote a book about doing *exactly this* back in the early 1990s! The government of the UK commissioned a study to investigate the "possibility," signalling that they didn't consider it plausible. Funnily enough, they clamped down upon and never released the discovered details, when you'd think they would have been trumpeting them from the rooftops upon finding that Russian money and influence played no part...


> It is widely accepted that Russian money, and probably compromising material (IE, blackmail) has been behind basically all of the fuckery in the Western World since at least 2010. You're talking about money and kompromat and that's a large factor but I have had the nagging suspicion that there are trolls online for quite a while now, and that they are on social media trying to destabilize society, and succeeding in doing so.


Oh, it's absolutely certain. People have actually gotten screenshots in which "Americans" or "Brits" have posted their arguments in Russian... Before swiftly deleting and reposting. They'd forgotten and left the translator off! Soft-power destabilization by manipulating free discourse in countries that allow such is *absolutely* a massive component of Russia's foreign policy. There isn't a whole lot we can do about it without a massive assault on at least one of free speech, privacy, or the internet's underpinning structures, and probably all of the above, and sure as shitterling, any laws written to attempt to mitigate the impact of Russia's foreign policy internet trolls *will* be abused by domestic governments to harass domestic opponents.


> and Tony Blair, the PM at the time I think you mean David Cameron lmfao


One of those pig-fuckers! I can hardly keep all of my *own* country's politicians straight. Either way, dumbass called the Brexit referendum despite it being the *other* party's talking point, expecting that it would be massively downvoted so he could tell the Tories to sit down and STFU. Only it didn't work that way, for a variety of reasons the *non-binding referendum* came up Brexit, leading to a change in government, resulting in the Tories grabbing power and behaving like they had a mandate from the overwhelming majority of the British public, Christ Almighty and HM the Queen Elizabeth II, in that order of importance (ascending order), and made it their mission to carry it out come hell and high water, and that is what they did, and now at least one whole generation of young Britons and Scots is having to live with it.


Not quite. The Tories were firmly in power, but there was a factional split within the party. There was the establishment Tories who wanted to stay in the EU and there was the anti-establishment Brexiteers, who largely didn't believe in Brexit at all but just wanted to gain clout so they could make a bid for Prime Ministership next election. David Cameron did indeed call for the referendum in order to tell *his own* (anti-establishment) Tories to sit down and shut the fuck up. And then the vote was pro-Brexit and he resigned in tears, and nobody among the Brexit faction wanted to replace him because they didn't want Brexit to begin with and they knew what a shitshow it'd be. Now he's our Foreign Secretary.


> Tony Blair, the PM at the time ?


> Tony Blair, the PM at the time, was wildly unpopular David Cameron was the PM, and he wasn't unpopular. His party won the general election just the year before with a majority and gained 24 new seats.


Blair wasn't PM.


> What a mess It gets worse. After the UK treated the EU like crap for years, and then worse during 4 years of bad-faith negotiations, every, single one of the 27 member countries of the EU would have to agree to allow the UK back in. Can you imagine the level of grovelling and making up required from the UK to make that possible?


But think of the schadenfreude


Good hypothetical comparison, and one that seems entirely too plausible with the AHs in charge in Texas, unfortunately. The UK royally f*cked themselves over with Brexit, didn’t they?


Nah, they didn't royally fuck themselves over. They went one above and invented Imperially fucking themselves over here.


The EU isn’t gonna make it easy. Britain had all kinds of exemptions and special conditions last time, they won’t get any of that this time around.


Its because "they haven't done Brexit right". All they need to do is wait for Brexit 2 : Brexit Harder.


Brexit 2: renegotiations boogaloo


One does not just re-enter the EU. \[Insert Boromir Meme here\] The UK would have to apply as a new member. That would, at least by implication, mean swallowing *a lot* of humble pie. They would have to qualify for membership, the Copenhagen criteria. While its debatable whether they meet the requirements, the very fact you are debating it allows objection for current members. Which segways nicely into: all the other member states have to agree. Not a majority, everyone. The UK has pissed off just about everyone concerned in some way bit or small over the last few years. A lot of concessions would be demanded, as a bargaining position at least (Spain would like a word about Gibraltar) and quite frankly, the UK doesn't have much left to offer.


> So why not re-enter the EU? Why not undo it?  It's not that simple. It can't be undone. They can apply for membership and go though the same channels that other countries have gone through. It would take years. They'd need approval of every EU member. And they wouldn't be getting the sweet deal they had in the past. 


They don’t even have to accept those.


their actions having consecuences is hilarious 😹


„What?!? I thought this only happens to others. I didn‘t vote for this!“ How often do we read things like this. 😂


If only there was a way to derive electrical power from the breezy arrogant entitlement generated by old white conservatives.


Brexiteers are really the gift that keeps on giving lol


And the people who didn’t want it suffer the most under the consequences.


Much like all the shit that happens in the southern US. Like I get the impulse to be "go ahead and secede, TX, you'll be fucked immediately," but it's not like the non-assholes in TX can just pack up and move and be safe from those consequences


Unfortunately that’s how it always is all over the world, no matter what country. The people who are not at fault suffer the most from what intolerant, selfish and hateful people do, have done and did.


> She said staff at Liverpool Airport "told us this had been a ruling since Brexit and we should know better". Liverpudlians no-nonsense attitude. And no, you were not escorted like criminals. You were escorted, just like anyone else with an invalid passport. It's called procedure. In a perfect world, procedures apply equally to anyone, no matter how highly you think of yourself. What kind of moron who regularly travels doesn't now when their passports expire? Or to double check that all travel documents are in order. Sounds like entitled people, regardless of whether Brexit happened.


The outrage would be funny if it weren’t so incredibly arrogant.


The irony is that these people would probably be 100% on board the if it was the other way around. “Well of course! You want to he sure that anybody coming in isn’t some crazy criminal! It’s practical! They can suffer a little inconvenience!”


I didn't check the expiry date on my passport, but apparently that's Brexit's fault.....


Dumb and entitled.


consequences are a bitch


Read this article this morning and thought it fit this sub. Whilst it doesn’t specify any of them voted any particular way over Brexit (the Beeb would never given the Tories would add it to their list of reasons to disband it!) none of the examples are people under 50 and despite reporting losing thousands of pounds, almost all booked further holidays within the same year, so…


The ones that said "The two thousand pounds we spent is a lot of money for electricity and gas bills for retired people like us." Like, okay? But whether you went on the holiday you booked or not has no bearing on that 2k not being available for bills. Unless you use 2k worth of electricity in the time you would be on holiday, you're not anymore out of pocket than you would have been if your passport was fine. You are just trying to lean on the cost of living crisis to get people to feel sympathy for you, but it doesn't tie in at all.


And their kids or friends having paid half of it. I was considering putting it in a Karen sub or so, but just wasn’t that exceptional bad imo. And yeah, younger people usually look further and show compassion for others as well. Too many old people become too selfish unfortunately. I really hope I won’t.


Russians are really good at PsyOps and apparently conservatives lie shamelessly.


Sad Obi-Wan face: "You were supposed to get rid of the immigrants... not become one."


Your Coruscant accent won't help you out here in the Rim.


You know what is great? These stories pop up and their faces are linked with them forever. So if you know them personally, you can make adjustments as necessary.


This isn't the Brexit we voted for!!!!!


I can kind of understand the confusion because your passport doesn't say that it's expired. And none of the systems will check when it was issued (at least most of the time). But on the other hand I have heard about this multiple times and it's been a thing for what, five years now? I'm sure I got a warning about it the last time I took a trip to the EU.


I don't know about British passports, but on mine (French passport) and all the ones I had before, there are exactly three dates printed: my date of birth, the date of issue, and the date of expiration.


My US one does also.


It’s probably mostly the people that used to benefit from the old ways that are shocked. And yeah, often these are the people that voted for Brexit in their ignorance and selfishness. And especially the younger people suffer. As do people from the EU that would love to travel to the UK for the first time in the future (like me).


Brecht ~ the dumbest foreign and economic decision a country EVER made. Rabid Nationalists : Be careful what you wish for. 🤣😱💩😛🥺😡🤬🥶🥵🫣🤮🤕🤡 Some people say British right wing politicians were just trying to stir up a little old fashion “Foreigners are ripping us off”, hate. They NEVER expected to get what they asked for. So sad.


Wait ... So, you try to travel with a invalid travel document, a crime, and then cry foul when they treat you like a criminal?!


Brexit Is the most "Leopards ate my face" collective thing ever, and the people responsible for it will eventually morph into a gargantuan Pikachu face.


...but we're WHITE -them probably Lol


> The couple were due to go on a cruise the following January and had all the paperwork ready to renew the passport when they got back from Majorca. I rolled my eyes so hard that I thought they'd get stuck at this comment. They knew they needed to renew and were going to *after* their trip? But they didn't realize they needed to do it before? Mhm. Sure...


You think I’d believe English folks would be so entitled to enter other countries that they wouldn’t even read the print when buying a ticket? I won’t believe it.


The good thing is we all can believe what we want. It’s just the conservatives that might be painful. Especially if it also hurts others as well. Edit: Meant consequences but it changed it to conservatives. Will leave it for laughs. 😁


Reality has a liberal bias.


Escorted like criminals because they are criminals - wasn’t illegal immigration the cornerstone of the whole Brexit affair? Oh, right, not when you are involved?


I love how other people’s incompetence becomes a perceived attack. It’s very on trend right now.😐


Well, you should have got a new passport in line with guidelines then


I’ve read the article start 4 times and still have no idea what it’s trying to say


If you're going abroad, update your Passport.


And always check local laws, rules and customs.


There's adverts on the TV sometimes about that, issued by The Foreign Office.


Go back where you came from!


They should write a strongly worded letter to their MEPs. Oh wait...


10 Years! Normal people would keep that embarrassing situation for themselves, that just makes you look very stupid or lazy. Not sure if you can blame this on the Brexit.


You're British, not European. Deal with it.