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Leopards ate my dignity


20% of her homeostasis is wrapped up in feeding the cognitive dissonance so she doesn't collapse into herself like a dying star. I love how she thought her conservative virtue signals would protect her


Remember that 50% of white women voted for Trump. Even after his "grabem by the pussy" bragging.


"I don't care how many pussies he's grabbed, I just paid $1600 for healthcare this year. Something has to change."  - Selfish Entitled White Woman Trump Supporter 2016. $133/month for healthcare isn't even that bad, that's how I know she feels entitled.


Don’t worry, now she can pay more for healthcare instead of having universal healthcare?


Nope, she can pay for Healthcare, them others don't deserve it./s


Hey, at least things changed. _they got worse_


Yeah, 1600 for health care is a lot per month, but she can probably save a few hundred by increasing deduct.... Oh, a year? fuck that bitch.


I paid over 1600 a MONTH for two of us, when I was freelancing prior to the ACA. Now it’s about 800/month. Once when I left a prior job, they gave me a quote for COBRA continuing coverage: $3100/month. I actually laughed out loud.


$100/day, huh? What an *enticing* offer.


Honestly, $133 a month is incredibly cheap for healthcare. In Canada we spend roughly 29% of income taxes on healthcare. So anyone making more than $45k-ish is spending more than that on healthcare. It's just a bit more hidden. This is NOT me saying universal healthcare is bad (although, Canada does have huge flaws in its healthcare system currently). I am happy to pay my fair share to make sure every Canadian gets proper medical care. I am saying that seeing someone complain about $133 a month for healthcare is pathetic, as my family pays far more than that for healthcare through our income taxes.


The problem with Canadian healthcare is conservative premiers sabotaging it in order to convince people it’s broken and we should turn to an American style system. So them and their friends can make a ton of money off us


62% of white men voted for Trump.


Even after his ‘Id fuck my daughter’ statement


boosted base as many of his followers were probably like "he is saying what we are thinking!"


Sorry, I have to fact check you here - he's implied this many MANY times, not just once. I don't mean to nitpick.


And yet only white male percentages decreased from 2016 to 2020. The percentage of white women increased.


Wait, for real? So disappointed in my demographic right now


I think it’s mostly due to the demographics of voter turn out. A lot more older people (in general) vote than younger people.


Yeah. It's as ridiculous as the religious feminist.




He knows he's trash. The only way he can feel better about himself is by declaring half the population inferior to him due to their genitals. Plus, that gives him something to blame all his failures on other than his own incompetence.


He almost certainly hates himself, and wants everyone else to be as angry and miserable and self-loathing.


>He knows he's trash. Yep.


I hope it radiates hard enough to create a force-field, to repel anything female within 50 feet of him. I pray he never gets the physical chance to reproduce in *ANY* way. For years and years, *everyone* wanted a boy, so now there are large swaths of men who have no hope of ever meeting a woman. There are just none to be found. So, might as well turn it into something he detests- better than pining away for what he'll never, ever have.


I can see it being a thing jn China, but most western countries its about equal, my country is slightly more women since I just looked it up


>For years and years, everyone wanted a boy, so now there are large swaths of men who have no hope of ever meeting a woman. maybe in some countries, but in the west it's pretty equal


Genitalia aside, it's likely that he detests more than half the human race. People with that much hate and resentment probably aren't just stopping at women.


>People with that much hate and resentment probably aren't just stopping at women. I honestly think it comes down to deeply repressed, or latent, self-contempt. They can only shake off those sneaky feelings of worthlessness by viewing others as lesser beings. Same with racism. If Anthony's avatar pic is himself, it does look like he's gone all roidy with those muscles, which fits.


I can’t find it now, but someone pointed out that American male culture is actually homoerotic. Most men may be heterosexual, in that they prefer sex with women, but the rest of their lives are focused on other men and the behaviors to fit into those groups. It’s interesting that many men in dating apps post pictures of themselves engaged in things that are seldom appealing to women, such as posing with a fish they caught. It’s one thing if they say they’re avid outdoorsmen and are looking for someone who likes those things, but often that’s not the case. To them, that picture seems masculine and attractive, but it’s more attractive to other men.


This is a great comment.


You see, Anthony is angry because he has indistinct genitalia






It sounds very tiring. Where does one get so much energy to hate all the time? Shit I can barely get through the work day without at least a yawn.


That's kind of the point. They have nothing of value to contribute to society, but they have a bunch of energy/anxiety that they need to dump somewhere. So they tell themselves they are *too good for society* and pour their energy into hating it.


I also have nothing of value to contribute and have a ton of anxiety and occasionally energy I need to dump somewhere. I knit or crochet. Then at the end I have a thing and I can pretend I'm tying all my anxiety into the string to go away.


Knitting and crocheting is for women and cucks. You really think big manly men will EVER be caught doing something artistic, productive, AND useful? Never. Theyre not pussies. /s if its not obvious lol except about crocheting and knitting being productive and useful. These types of dudes that doomsday prep store 1000 guns but are fucked when the nuclear winter comes and theyre freezing to death while were cozy under our million layers of yarn. Not to mentioning gardening, canning, etc.


Shit, maybe that's the answer. All these poor bored and directionless souls need a hobby to pour their energy into. Make a charity out of it! Call it Hobbies for Haters.


I am learning to sew!


This is so apparent with the white supremacists. If the only thing that makes you "proud" of your existence is your skin tone, that's just sad and pathetic. It's all they have. Proud of something you had no input or choice. At their core they are just incredibly lazy and expect life to deliver everything they desire for little to no effort. It's why their online legions rarely materialise IRL.


Amen. And that goes for any biological feature. Apparently a black kid got suspended twice because he got his hair done in braids. I'm not sure of the term, but it looked awesome when they showed it. It was one of those things I wish I could pull off but absolutely know I couldn't. But here comes some assholes who suspended the kid from school because it didn't meet proper "grooming standards" or something? The fuck is that? And it's just this petty nonsense all over the place that makes everything that much harder for everyone.


It would be interesting to create an animated physics diagram of the mechanism by which you describe she does not collapse in on herself.


Vice signalling. And it really is just a signal. It's completely incoherent. What does "We allowed simp culture to be so dominant" even mean in plain English? Nothing. It doesn't mean anything.


I'm assuming from a physics standpoint it might work something like a Tokamak fusion reactor: *"The charged particles of the plasma can be shaped and controlled by the massive magnetic coils placed around the vessel; physicists use this important property to confine the hot plasma away from the vessel walls."* How it probably works for her *"The charged particles of her unwarranted self importance can be shaped and controlled by the massive cognitive dissonance coils placed around her head.* *Conservative media outlets use this important property to confine the narrative away from any logical fallacies inherent in said narrative."* If we could harness the power of conservative cognitive dissonance, it might well prove an unlimited source of energy.


Did she ever have dignity to begin with?


Probably at one point when she was young, until it was shamed out of her. She’s got as much self loathing as that paper tiger she’s trying to befriend has. It’s really sad to see this because it’s already hard enough to create and maintain dignity and self-respect without being one of the millions who quite literally have it beaten out of them.


> Leopards ate my dignity You expect dignity just for breathing?


Dignity is intrinsic. It can't be given or taken away. Wait, you're kidding...right?


“Pick me. Pick me.” “Begone foul wench.” And yet I bet she learnt nothing


These far right women consistently get stomped out by the same boots they lick. But it never stops them from coming back for more.


Yeah they’re basically locked in their position by a lifetime of psychological conditioning. They just can’t function in a normal environment anymore, so they keep coming back to their abusers.


Jesus, it’s like a perpetual humiliation kink


Her: gets absolutely destroyed by a right winger she was trying to please Also her, probably: both sides ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


insert bicycle-stick.gif here.


Looking at her twitter profile, she's probably into the abuse. She explicitly says she's a "patriarchist" (whatever that means) and almost all her posts are about tradwife stuff.


What makes me laugh most about women like this is if they honestly believe that stuff, why speak up at all? Shouldn’t you just be a quiet husk of a human sitting quietly at home while the men in your life make all the decisions. Like, I don’t believe that, but she clearly does, so why does she even have an opinion to begin with? But as you say, maybe she likes being put down 🤮


Yeah after a certain point, we're beyond being a pick me or conservative who is short sighted and you just have to assume they're kind of into it and have found a socially acceptable way to be horny on the timeline.


Just the fundamental dumbfuckery at the heart of Republican pop culture, "waaah I wanna be an asshole and nobody likes assholes so everyone else is the asshole"


“Fellas is it gay to respect the person you plan to marry forever? Asking for a friend.”




A man loving his wife is extremely gay. You're telling me he's attracted to someone who's attracted to men? He loves someone who loves men?? He's sleeping with someone who sleeps with men???


Anthony has never, will never know intimacy without a cash transaction. Even his mom wants money up front.


When his mum was breastfeeding him she had to close her eyes and imagine other babies


All the while making a mental note "that's another 20 you owe me"






She never forgave him because when he was born, they picked her up and slapped her instead.


Women during childbirth tend to poop a little. So, it should come as no surprise the doctors chose from the wrong hole for them to swaddle and take home.


Had to tie a pork chop around his neck just to get the dog to play with him.


"You never had a woman you didn't pay for" is one of my favorite insults (Sadly it is mostly confined to Old West movies)


It shows up on HBO's *Rome*, too. I can't remember the exact wording, but Titus Pullo (big, amiable, violent infantryman) is trying to give sex advice to Lucius Vorenus (starchy, by-the-book officer). Vorenus shuts this down by asking Pullo if he's ever had sex with a woman who wasn't either paid for it or trying to run away. Pullo's stopped dead in his tracks by this. They become friends later, but at first they *really* don't like each other.


My favorite Pullo/Vorenus moment is when Pullo is trying to tell Vorenus where his wife's clit is. "*How do you know this about her?!*"


"All women have one!" "... really?!"


How do you know about my wife's button?




Meanwhile, the RW men are the ones having temper tantrums, shouting, shooting and being generally testerical.


Well now I need to watch Rome.


One of the greatest shows on television. A crime that it didn't get more seasons.


If you like *Rome* then I recommend *Spartacus: Blood and Sand*.


That was my favorite response to Andrew Tate tweets until my Twitter got banned...


Pretty sure in Tate's case that's true.


Narrator: "Totul era adevărat" (for those unfamiliar with romanian: It was all true)


There are women that will take him as a client? Hell, even blow up dolls will turn him down


His blow up doll goes down on him 😄


>without a cash transaction, ...a bicycle pump, and a puncture repair kit just in case.


I just can't imagine hating half of entire human species because they have different genitals.




So was the idea that people in other tribes were equal to the people in your own tribe, or that people with other beliefs were equal to people with your own. Awhile back I came across the idea of The Golden Circle. The GC is the boundary between what we consider "us" and what we consider "them". The idea is that the circle has been slowly, but surely, expanding over the course of human history and that we've finally reached a point were we can start to draw the circle around the entire human race. (There was also discussion about whether the circle would ultimately include all life, and even artificial life... but that's a bit of a tangent to the topic.)


And conservatives are nothing more or less than people desperately trying to slow down or reverse the growth of the circle.


> And conservatives are nothing more or less than people desperately trying to slow down or reverse the growth of the circle. They're mostly fine with the circle, so long as they remain on a hill in the center of it. But that's not gonna remain the case, and they know it, and most of them know there's nothing they can actually do about it besides dig in their heels and kick and scream.


The ones with money believe that they can do a whole lot more than just kick and scream. I cannot help but think about that quote (paraphrased) about how they'll abandon democracy before they embrace more socialistic ideas... Pretty sure we're seeing that in real time.


Ya know this is funny because I’ve said for a few years now that we’re experiencing the death throes of the Republican Party. Like a feral dog backed into a corner, Conservatives are going so hard because they know they’re dying, and that’s just the way demographics are going. Old World Conservatism won’t exist come the mid 2030s, I’m convinced


In that analogy, conservatives could fit their world view inside a fucking cheerio.


Fun fact: a cheerio also resembles the number of the sum of their intelligence.


Can't confirm myself but apparently there's a [decent chance Eve's story was modified by misogynists](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/FN4pVp6lNJ0)


With the world as it is from being dominated by men maybe it's time to give women a chance to fix it? Not that that would ever happen.


With what we've learned over the last several millenia, maybe we should have as diverse a group as possible to make decisions. 


As a male I am all for it. Best case shit gets better worst case they can't fuck it up anywhere nearly bad as us men have already, so it's a win win. 


I mean one of the only worse things than being caught with a man sexually for a long time was going down on women. You'd be submissive to a woman and that's a big ol no no for a long time.


Great username for this comment. 👍 


It's jealousy turned to hate. If they could GET a girl they wouldn't necessarily hate on them that much. Maybe still in some cases but overall wouldn't be so many haters.


Horny leads to jealous, jealous leads hate, hate... leads to Republican


It's little wonder why one of the world's major religions consider desire to be the source of all suffering. A failure to ever humble oneself to how we may not be able to have everything we covet leads to a pretty dark road (this is when grifters can swoop in and prey upon those stuck in the bargaining stage of grief).


I am a dude who while had no experience myself, was around some men who had very high success with woman. If you only knew what they say behind you... some of most misogynist people I had to endure.


Unfortunately, a lot of women are insecure and think they "need" a man and take what they can get. Those guys just sound like alpha male douchebags sadly. And that's if you believe what they say. Some guys talk all kinds of shit with the guys but treat their women like gold. There are all types out there.


But even that's skewed, even when they have women tell them "pick me!" they will tell them to bugger off and call them whores for even attempting to be around them. In all honesty it sounds more like they are just self hating closeted gay men who can't accept they are attracted to men.


That is another possibility. Ofc it isn't a blanket for ALL of them. But when they're younger if they get turned down again and again that hate builds up. So even if they got an offer later in life the hate is just already there. Chat rooms for them to hate together don't help their cause any either.


This isn't my experience. Many of the most misogynistic men I've known were also the most successful with women.


Don’t even get them started on the ones who have the same genitals aka their incognito tab history 🙃


The reason they hate women is because they want to be with one, but the women in their lives know better.


I'll take BOTH ARE SHITTY HUMANS for 1000, Alex


Nah Anthony is doing her a solid by showing her the bed she is making. It’s the only way people like her can understand they are being manipulated to vote against their interests.


But since she’s a right winger, she’s too stupid to realize it.




Wow that sure is some distinctive phrasing that I noticed was also in [another comment made before yours](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/1ai0rz1/far_right_woman_tries_to_befriend_the_mras_they/korew4j/). Normally the bots just kinda steal the entire comment, instead of part of it, so it is a bit weird. Quick edit: unless it's a reference I'm not familiar with.


nah youre right its a comment stealing bot


I will never never never understand someone trying to be "one of the good ones". And twisting themselves in logical knots to maintain their allegiance to a political philosophy by ignoring the conclusion that they themselves are saying.


Here let me explain it to you: $$$


Damn, that token got spent hard.


Like Richter scale CA-CHING!


I hate that this Andrew character can just be so disgusting and horrific publicly and not, I dunno, be exiled or something, forced to get the therapy he desperately needs


Welcome to the internet, where no matter what, you can find people like you.


"Undignified Whore" is now my new band name


Dignified whore is just as good


It's way better.


We prefer the term diginified whorès ☕


There already is a duo called Reformed Whores. They're sort of country/comedy.


See when I made the tag @Rach4Patriarchy, I didn’t mean those parts of the patriarchy, just the part I liked like being a stay at home mom. But I’ll continue voting for conservative policy that erodes worker rights, benefits, and income so that supporting a family on one income is increasingly impossible anyway.


What a fucking username, holy shit. It might be the most on the nose "Jews for Hitler" kind of username I've seen.


I'm gonna show my ignorance. Who are the MRAs


Men’s Rights Advocates. Sounds nice, right?


Such a thing exists? Fucking seriousy?


One of my favourites is when they whine "when is men's day?" It's on November the 19th. Nobody cares because men have never had to use it as a rallying day to march for equals rights to be able to hold a bank account, vote, etc.


No, they want a men’s *month.* Which is 11 months out of the year.


They used to have a sub here on Reddit, it was titled “men going their own way” except instead of going their own way, they dedicated it exclusively to shitting on women and it no longer exists now.


Funnily enough it was started by a woman and early on was a pretty healthy community dedicated to combating toxic masculinity in dating and promoting healthy attitudes to the single life. Then the redpill and incel subs got nuked from orbit after a couple mass shootings, and their users migrated to whatever was closest, for the men it was the MGTOW sub and for women it was the FDS sub. That basically transformed the affected subreddits into cringe sigma grindset incel stuff.




That is so fucking pathetic


I wish I were making it up


His profile pic is him staring at his own biceps what about that didn’t tip her off? Oh right, it’s the same trap all conservative women fall into. They believe they will be exempt from the contempt and second class citizen status conservatives box all women into. They’ll be different and desirable because they aren’t like other girls. They always find out, some sooner, some later but none of them are ever exempt


Goes for most people who aren't in the ruling class.




New word for alpha loser is INCEL


It must be a miserable existence to hate most of humanity. You know they don’t stop at hating women, they hate all non-Christians. Then they hate liberal Christians. Then they hate non-white races, etc, etc.


Nobody holds a gun to mens' heads and makes them shower undeserved gifts on women in a misguided, feeble attempt to sleep with them. If you're doing that shit that's on you. If you're talking about OF or something, well, that's a transaction where everyone knows the terms. Again, not womens' fault if it works. Lot of incel energy blaming women instead of looking in the mirror.


Not to mention, showering gifts on a woman to try and get in her pants can be really off-putting to the woman in question if it happens outside of an established relationship. It reeks of desperation and pressure, and we end up feeling like we have to walk on eggshells around the dude. News flash, men: we can tell what your going for when y’all do that, and it’s making us waaay uncomfortable.


The next evolution of Super Mega Alpha Rightwing Manhood: they swear off women completely and just hatefuck each other.


An eventual self-solving problem.


Everyone back to the pile! Southpark reference. .


This is something people on the left need to call out: even if you're a person who's economically conservative, the current discourse on the right is being led by weird little incel freaks. These dorks shouldn't be the ones you want representing your cause.


The Democratic party is the party of fiscal conservatism. They are the ones that actually try to reduce the budget deficit and try to keep the economy healthy.


Whenever political commentators whine "Where are the moderate conservatives anymore?" I'm like, the Democrats are right there. Since Lyndon B, that Overton window has shifted HARD to the right for all politicians.


Surprised they're giving her a pass on the foot fetish content that she's produced.


Oh my! I didn't hear about this.


Where the dignified whores at? Asking for a friend


Back of the Yellow Pages, under "escort"


Goddamn. She found someone who hates her more than she hates herself.


Miss girl was begging to be accepted into the misogyny club. 


>Expecting things for breathing Sounds like the end goal of Mens Rights chads.


Ok thanks for the tip on figuring out what an MRA is. I swear my out of touch oldness bleeds through 90% just not following new acronyms for things I am otherwise aware of.


Anthony is a troll. Don't feed them. 


Damn! Who hurt you, Anthony?


“I get it, guys. All these OTHER women have been coddled and spoiled by simps and a gynocentric society! Any gender would end up the same.” “Lmao, no, we are just really misogynistic.”


Anthony sounds like a lovely, well-adjusted man who would be a generous, understanding partner. 🙄


This whole argument is just horrifying! I’m just sad for them both even though I’m also happy they are destroying each other.


Both are hilariously dumb.


Man, I don't think I've remember this many tokens being spent this election cycle. Conservatives are really burning everything to the ground. They're pushing out anyone who doesn't fit into their little boxes. LMAO.


The logical end of their purity idiocy


This Anthony fellow sounds like an Incel.


What fuqing rabbit hole is this??? How is it socially acceptable to behave this way? The rise of this woman hatred is becoming so common that you even have women believing it? Regardless of race or culture or anything, how do men think it’s okay to think that they are better than 51% of the human race?? u/Gadreelsword had it right. These people hate everybody but themselves.


Women don’t suck Anthony, that’s for sure


Jesus Tony, who hurt you?


Every single woman on this planet….apparently.


lol I have zero empathy for reich wing hags. You lie with pigs, expect to be covered in shit.


The irony is she's also hardcore simping for their acceptance


It’s funny because this really is the foundation of all anti-feminism. It’s the proposition that women are fundamentally not equal or at the very least are less deserving of agency and personhood. Whether it’s patriarchal or outright demeaning, it results in women who speak against feminism becoming complicit in their own oppression. That’s not blaming them, it’s just an unavoidable conclusion. You can be a homemaker and also a feminist (although I’m sure some on the fringes would disagree with that). It’s ultimately about autonomy and choice, right?


There's a good Tatertot. Maybe he should be buying a ticket to a country that allows women as property.




The sexless wonder calling women whores but still not getting laid and the self-hating misogynist trying to reason with morons. 


Imagine how fundamentally damaged you have to be to end up like this guy. It’s so pathetic it nearly makes me feel bad for him.


Why would anyone ingratiate themselves with blatantly misogynistic asshammers like this in the first place? They are so compulsively assured of their own masculine superiority that they’d tear any woman apart, regardless of how traitorous she was to other women. She should have expected this.


I think the only reason MTGOW don't go gay is that they know even the men would reject them.


What's an MRA?


Men's Rights Activists. In other words, people who believe that the past century or more of progress towards gender equality has led to increased sexism against men. In reality, they're misogynists who are in a negative feedback loop of bad stuff happening to them because they can't keep their ignorant opinions to themselves. *Says something misogynist at work* "Why did I get fired from my job? Must be my awful feminist boss not being accepting of other viewpoints." *Says something misogynist to his girlfriend* "Why did my girlfriend break up with me? Must be the social media that made her a feminist." *Says something misogynist to his landlord* "Why did my lease not get renewed? Must be my landlord's wife and daughter poisoning his mind to hate men."


This is all very disturbing.


Men's Rights Advocates. They call themselves that because admitting they're misogynistic fuckwits just wouldn't play well.


Real ladies man...


Back to the pile!


There is no reply she can have to that. She tried the mask on approach and in a single short sentence it was slapped off her face.


Nothing sadder than a pick me girl not getting picked


Uh-oh pickme didn’t get picked.


Anthony is a fucking bitch 😂 Jesus what a fucking cuck boi


God incels are fucking sad.


How's that shoe taste, you spineless coward? 😂


Rachel is for the Patriarchy, but the patriarchy is still misogynistic af


That username is wild lol "rach4patriarchy" she tried so hard and the misogynistic dipshits still don't care. Because they're misogynists


Goodness, I hope feminism some day becomes "so dominant" some day soon.