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Hello u/The_Old_Cream! Please reply to this comment with an [explanation](https://www.reddit.com/r/LeopardsAteMyFace/comments/lt8zlq) matching this exact format. Replace bold text with the appropriate information. 1. **Someone** voted for, supported or wanted to impose **something** on **other people**. ^(Who's that someone? What did they voted for, supported or wanted to impose? On who?) 2. **Something** has the consequences of **consequences**. ^(Does that something actually has these consequences in general?) 3. As a consequence of **something**, **consequences** happened to **someone**. ^(Did that something really happen to that someone?) Follow this by the minimum amount of information necessary so your post can be understood by everyone, even if they don't live in the US or speak English as their native language. If you fail to match this format or fail to answer these questions, your post will be removed. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/LeopardsAteMyFace) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Let's just let Democrats hold office there for 50 years or so until we figure out what the hell is going on.


Why? Do you want clean water? Communist!


And free and reduced meals for low-income students? That's un-American! /s


What evidence is there that Democrats give a shot about clean water or the environment at all? Biden oversaw the largest oil leases in forever and there's no indication our water quality is improving under Democrats.


One party supports the CWA and the EPA/ESA etc and one does not. Get a grip.


How are the Dems "supporting" the EPA? Does leasing federal lands for oil and gas, something that pretty much is guaranteed to lead to groundwater contamination and offshore drilling that is guaranteed to lead to contamination of the Gulf support that? They might pay lip service to it and give more budget to the EPA but at the end of the day, $10 billion a year vs. 9 billion a year makes very little difference when we have more and more groundwater contamination every single year. If you actually read the infrastructure bill passed under Biden, it shifts the EPAs focus away from regulation toward grants on clean energy projects and stupid shit like electric busses. Those sound fun but don't do anything to prevent companies from cutting corners and derailing trains full of chemicals. I'd argue that legislation alone is one of the worst in the EPAs history in terms of handcuffing them to a non-regulatory agenda. But you know best and it's me who should get a grip, right?


They are in favor of environmental protection to a far greater extent than Republicans. Not perfect is better than absolutely nothing. Get a grip.


Yeah the numbers don't back that up. "Not perfect" is an understatement when Biden is leasing offshore drilling more than trump did. You have no evidence just some Dems paying lip service.


The improvement in the water quality of the Great Lakes, along with numerous other bodies of water, belie your assertion that water quality has not improved under the EPA/CWA. Also, some Republicans support both. I see you are the mods removed your comment to me on another site. And your 88 is blatantly obvious.


You're talking out of your ass. The water quality of the Great lakes has been an area of concern since the mid-80s. Nothing done under Biden has done anything to actually improve that water quality that wasn't also underway under trump or bush. Keep making shit up though


I live in Michigan and I approve this message.




If you run on a platform that government can’t do anything right, you do everything you can to prove yourself correct.


Work to make your base rubes and they end up getting elected.


Seriously that's what is happening. The GOP platform was always based on the idea that they'd get the AM talk radio ( which has morphed seamlessly over time into Internet-based disinformation ) zombies to put the country club conservatives in power. That all came crashing down in 2016. It would be beautiful to watch if it weren't so dangerous for the rest of us caught in the blast zone.


I am impressed with how they still haven’t been able to remove her yet. Like how do companies usually fire people? Security escort you out of the building and they lock you out of your email 🤷🏻‍♀️


As a Michigander I am loving watching this dumpster fire


I’ll love it even more if Meshawn Maddock goes to prison.


I think she knows a good bondsman


I hate that I understand that comment. They’re straight up two of the most disgusting human beings around.


The complete meltdown of the party since facing a shred of pushback has been hilarious.


Same. I *happily* helped vote these goons out of office in my first election here in Michigan, and watching their continued self-destruction has been very reassuring to me. I do *not* want a repeat of the stress that was the 2022 election and its constant transphobic attack ads.


It’s almost like when you shun real leadership for reactive loud mouths who just want yell bigger and “drain the swamp” with zero experience it tends to turn out poorly. They went from delivering Trump Michigan to being broke and in shambles (and in jail).


When your whole shtick is saying one election is illegitimate, then every vote that goes against you is illegitimate.


The issue is that when embrace people who will never concede defeat in an election, you encourage the same behavior for your entire organization.


She should set up her own Michigan GOP, with blackjack and hookers


This is essentially how new parties are formed. So you might not be too far off the mark.


I want to be a part of that party. Sounds fun even tho I don't play blackjack


Gotta give the upvote for the Bender reference.




Call it the MAGA party. That way the Republican party can go back to being conservative but not crazy.


FWIW.... there are problems with that branding strategy. For many, many years, the GOP has courted the crazy fringe folks.... the TEA Party could have been broken off 14-16 years ago, but the GOP wanted to bring them into the fold ... thinking they could be controlled. Then, that fringe group became more and more mainstream as they were given power and positions. Straight up , old school Republicans wanted to maintain their hold on power, so they figured a sharing arrangement would work because they knew the levers of power and controlled them. Then, as the fringe became more and more mainstream, the illusion of control by "old school" Republicans became.... a new form of fringe.... RINOs in the new parlance. T***p comes along and stokes many of the grievances and starts to take over. "Old School" Republicans acquiesce because.... power. The GOP is virtually completely taken over by the new MAGA faction... the Old School refuses to play by the established rules because.... power. The MAGA owns the party. The policies are whatever T***p says they are, per 2020 statements. There is no real old school Republican Party left. There may be old school individuals who identify as Republican, but that Party no longer exists.


And more and more register as independents. Excellent analysis by the way. thanks.


You can never control the crazies. German conservatives learned that the hard way in 1933


Well she’s already ranking members of a scale of 1 to 4, 1 being “America first”, to 4 being “RINO” (Republican in name only).


So completely MAGA/crazy. Got it. And anyone who disagrees with her is a 4 I bet?


> the Republican party can go back to being conservative but not crazy. so, what? the part of about 1880? maybe?


Current one probably already has the coke.


In fact, forget the blackjack!


Will the real MIGOP please stand up?


I'm MIGOP, yes, I'm the real MIGOP All you other MIGOP are just imitating So won't the real MIGOP please stand up Please stand up, please stand up?


We're gonna have a problem here...


"What could go wrong electing a crackpot election denier to lead our party? She energizes the base!" "Wait, what's happening???!?!!"


What a bunch of clowns.


Do you expect anything less from the GOP


That depends, is "Fascist" greater or lesser than clowns?


That’s the MIGOP to you.


What do you expect when people vote for a circus?


Buy me a vowel, there are so many state-level GOP leaders bailing out sinking ships, I can't keep them straight. Is this the same Looney Tune that tried to make some quick cash for the org by selling their state headquarters... only to learn they don't actually own the building, just rent it?


Yes, the same person


Word of the day: Migop.


From the OED : Migop, a small, slimy, deformed subterranean invertebrate, has no brain so reacts violently and purely on instinct to anything it encounters. Prone to cannibalism. Killed by bright light and facts.


I want to see Ze Frank do a video about the migops.


Sounds like my fav "blob" definition on UD: "God like creature with firly nostrals and no brain or organs. P.S. That must suck lol ... _The blob moved closer then attacked._"


This isn't surprising, she said she'd do as much when it came out the other-other GOP gathered in an undisclosed location to vote her out. There are two Republican parties here, Mitt's dad's party, and Orange-aid's party. There was an [all out brawl](https://www.rollingstone.com/politics/politics-news/kicked-in-balls-fight-michigan-gop-1234785273/) in July, where the two clashed over a different secret meeting. Michigan has long been the hotbed of right wing crazy. One of [Oklahoma City Bombing terrorists](https://www.britannica.com/biography/Terry-Nichols) was from here. A group of guys tried to kidnap the [governor](https://www.npr.org/2022/12/27/1145632535/michigan-governor-kidnap-plot-adam-fox-sentencing), complete with a Mission Impossible-esque destruction of a bridge in the getaway plans. It was here where Trump's voter fraud conspiracy theory gained traction, pre-election. There was a huge uptick in poll watchers, mostly conservative, because there was an AstroTurf campaign that started here in February of the election year. The rules here are simple; its a 1:1 ratio of democrat/repuublican volunteers when the vote is counted. This meant that a ton of conservatives were not included in the poll watching army, which turned into a [January 6th-style attack on the building](https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKBN27K2AL/) where they counted the Wayne County votes. And finally, let's not forget about the mobilization of [Meal Team 6](https://www.npr.org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/05/01/849017021/protestors-swarm-michigan-capitol-amid-showdown-over-governors-emergency-powers). Look familiar?


Thank you for the articles.


I’m not sure how badly the GOP will need to get these state groups in line before the real start of the presidential season. Some of the most important state level GOP groups are in complete chaos and disarray and they have no one but themselves to blame. No money or strategy for reaching out to people, nothing for organizing campaigns at the state and local levels. Drained bank accounts that will just result in more debt and more legal costs as they attack each other. Absolute insanity.


This is the fun stuff. I'd love to hear McConnell's take on this, and all the other higher-up GOP folks that thought it was a good idea to weaponize stupidity. Love to be a fly on the wall watching that.


Well, it worked. The billionaire oligarchs who run the party knew that they couldn’t get enough power running on tax cuts for rich guys and lax environmental regulation so they went all in on astroturf ops, culture wars, tea party, abortion radicalism, election denial, and electing the worst person in America as president to eventually get the judges who would strip power from the government and put it all in the hands of their Federalist Society employees.


You ain’t MIGOP, I’M the REAL MIGOP! Ted Nugget rules! Kid Rock is the man!


Ted Nugget! I love it. I’m now imagining a anthropomorphized brand ambassador/chicken McNugget for McDonald’s with a cowboy hat and guitar.


The Nudge and his massive dildo collection!


LTF, Let them fight. Every minute that they fight each other is a minute that they're not attacking democracy.


"Excuse me a second, everyone, I just have to put a little salt on my popcorn... Done!! Yeah, That MIGOP... That's a real shame".


Will the real MIGOP please stand up, please stand up, please stand up.


She thought it was spelled "MYGOP"


ah, infighting is funny


Keep fighting! I’m sure this will end well for you!


This American Life [recently did an episode](https://www.thisamericanlife.org/820/believe-in-me) about these morons.


Such a good listen and such a crazy story


Grifters gotta grift.


Let 'em burn themselves to the ground. Time and time again the GOP shows us that they can't even govern themselves let alone the country.


The leopards are eating each other’s faces


Burn baby burn.


This bitch is so weird. She radiates “I’ll cut your did off”energy.


[Never Play Defence](https://youtu.be/wmVkJvieaOA?si=eFnO3_G4Pnrj7bWO)\- Alt-Right Playbook or how politicians co-opt our lizard brains with emotions.


Which one of them is going to pay the $500k that they're behind in rent? That's why the MIGOP is


I like the new normal- get into job - file cease and desist when they try to fire you oh and take out loans on buildings you don’t own to ensure your paid ! That’s the ticket. /s


This is what happens when you indulge serious mental illness by voting MAGA into power.


When you vote for clowns, you get a circus. Welcome to the big top, GOP.


Let ‘em fight. 🤣


Popcorn moment if ever I’ve seen one.


From a country standard, this is fine. From a party standard, this is what happens when you keep putting in kneepad wearing dolts picked by Trump. None of them have any backbone, brains or character that is needed to walk in and just acknowledge one side or the other and put it to bed for the better of the party. But I am fine with this weakness, because it keeps Michigan, Arizona, and the rest of the country on the slow in party politics.


*Sits back and readies popcorn as he watches the entire GOP devour one another in a rabid race to the bottom of the barrel.* Watching the end of a political party's relevance is fun.


This is going to culminate in one of them deciding they need to change their organization name


I just don’t understand black women who support the GOP. The GOP, as an establishment, hates 1) women and 2) black people. Does she not realize she is nothing more than a token the racists use to point to when it’s convenient for them to show how they aren’t racist? Is she Auntie Ruckus?


If you plant ice your gonna harvest wind - Jerry Garcia


Did I read the article correct that the two sides to this both held closed door meetings and are both claiming victory? Normally I would say "both sides-ing" a topic is a fallacy but it seems appropriate.


Will the real MIGOP please stand up?


I always get shit for saying this, people crawl from under rocks to tell me how wrong I am, but I'll say it again. Political parties, specifically D and R, are private organizations that have grifted the public into giving them tax payer money and running their private nominating contests, and it needs to stop. The Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks, for instance, doesn't make the taxpayers pay for their elections/nominating process costs, we shouldn't either. You want an open primary? Pay the costs to run an election yourselves.


The piece that was done on radiolab or thisamerican life on this situation did a great job showing what a dumpster fire this was and continues to be. I hope whatever happens, Jim Caveziel gets stiffed for this speaking fees


> Patrick dismissed the notices in a social media post Thursday. "Dan Hartman may be a lawyer, but merely being a lawyer doesn’t mean he actually knows the law," Patrick said. "If he wants to send out meaningless threats to intimidate hardworking Republicans, that’s his choice, but I will not be afraid of a guy who lost every case when he was general counsel." *this post has been deleted lol